2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
import base64
import uuid
from markupsafe import Markup
from odoo import _ , fields , models , api
from odoo . tools import float_repr
from datetime import datetime
from base64 import b64decode , b64encode
from lxml import etree
class AccountMove ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = ' account.move '
l10n_sa_uuid = fields . Char ( string = ' Document UUID (SA) ' , copy = False , help = " Universally unique identifier of the Invoice " )
l10n_sa_invoice_signature = fields . Char ( " Unsigned XML Signature " , copy = False )
l10n_sa_chain_index = fields . Integer (
string = " ZATCA chain index " , copy = False , readonly = True ,
help = " Invoice index in chain, set if and only if an in-chain XML was submitted and did not error " ,
def _l10n_sa_is_simplified ( self ) :
Returns True if the customer is an individual , i . e : The invoice is B2C
: return :
self . ensure_one ( )
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return self . partner_id . company_type == ' person ' and self . partner_id . country_code == ' SA '
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
@api.depends ( ' amount_total_signed ' , ' amount_tax_signed ' , ' l10n_sa_confirmation_datetime ' , ' company_id ' ,
' company_id.vat ' , ' journal_id ' , ' journal_id.l10n_sa_production_csid_json ' , ' edi_document_ids ' ,
' l10n_sa_invoice_signature ' , ' l10n_sa_chain_index ' , ' state ' )
def _compute_qr_code_str ( self ) :
""" Override to update QR code generation in accordance with ZATCA Phase 2 """
phase_one_moves = self . env [ ' account.move ' ]
for move in self :
zatca_document = move . edi_document_ids . filtered ( lambda d : d . edi_format_id . code == ' sa_zatca ' )
if move . country_code == ' SA ' and move . move_type in ( ' out_invoice ' , ' out_refund ' ) and zatca_document and move . state != ' draft ' :
qr_code_str = ' '
if move . _l10n_sa_is_simplified ( ) :
x509_cert_sudo = move . journal_id . sudo ( ) . l10n_sa_production_csid_certificate_id
xml_content = self . env . ref ( ' l10n_sa_edi.edi_sa_zatca ' ) . _l10n_sa_generate_zatca_template ( move )
qr_code_str = move . _l10n_sa_get_qr_code ( move . journal_id , xml_content , x509_cert_sudo ,
move . l10n_sa_invoice_signature , True )
qr_code_str = b64encode ( qr_code_str ) . decode ( )
elif zatca_document . state == ' sent ' and zatca_document . sudo ( ) . attachment_id . datas :
document_xml = zatca_document . attachment_id . with_context ( bin_size = False ) . datas . decode ( )
root = etree . fromstring ( b64decode ( document_xml ) )
qr_node = root . xpath ( ' //*[local-name()= " ID " ][text()= " QR " ]/following-sibling::*/* ' ) [ 0 ]
qr_code_str = qr_node . text
move . l10n_sa_qr_code_str = qr_code_str
else :
# In the case where the Invoice is not a ZATCA invoice, or is Phase 1, or is not confirmed,
# we call super to trigger the initial QR code generation for Phase 1
phase_one_moves | = move
super ( AccountMove , phase_one_moves ) . _compute_qr_code_str ( )
def _l10n_sa_get_qr_code_encoding ( self , tag , field , int_length = 1 ) :
Helper function to encode strings for the QR code generation according to ZATCA specs
company_name_tag_encoding = tag . to_bytes ( length = 1 , byteorder = ' big ' )
company_name_length_encoding = len ( field ) . to_bytes ( length = int_length , byteorder = ' big ' )
return company_name_tag_encoding + company_name_length_encoding + field
def _l10n_sa_check_refund_reason ( self ) :
Make sure credit / debit notes have a valid reason and reversal reference
self . ensure_one ( )
return self . reversed_entry_id or self . ref
def _l10n_sa_get_qr_code ( self , journal_id , unsigned_xml , certificate , signature , is_b2c = False ) :
Generate QR code string based on XML content of the Invoice UBL file , X509 Production Certificate
and company info .
: return b64 encoded QR code string
def xpath_ns ( expr ) :
return root . xpath ( expr , namespaces = edi_format . _l10n_sa_get_namespaces ( ) ) [ 0 ] . text . strip ( )
qr_code_str = b ' '
root = etree . fromstring ( unsigned_xml )
edi_format = self . env [ ' account.edi.xml.ubl_21.zatca ' ]
# Indent XML content to avoid indentation mismatches
etree . indent ( root , space = ' ' )
invoice_date = xpath_ns ( ' //cbc:IssueDate ' )
invoice_time = xpath_ns ( ' //cbc:IssueTime ' )
invoice_datetime = datetime . strptime ( invoice_date + ' ' + invoice_time , ' % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S ' )
if invoice_datetime and journal_id . company_id . vat and certificate and signature :
prehash_content = etree . tostring ( root )
invoice_hash = edi_format . _l10n_sa_generate_invoice_xml_hash ( prehash_content , ' digest ' )
amount_total = float ( xpath_ns ( ' //cbc:TaxInclusiveAmount ' ) )
amount_tax = float ( xpath_ns ( ' //cac:TaxTotal/cbc:TaxAmount ' ) )
seller_name_enc = self . _l10n_sa_get_qr_code_encoding ( 1 , journal_id . company_id . display_name . encode ( ) )
seller_vat_enc = self . _l10n_sa_get_qr_code_encoding ( 2 , journal_id . company_id . vat . encode ( ) )
timestamp_enc = self . _l10n_sa_get_qr_code_encoding ( 3 ,
invoice_datetime . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % S " ) . encode ( ) )
amount_total_enc = self . _l10n_sa_get_qr_code_encoding ( 4 , float_repr ( abs ( amount_total ) , 2 ) . encode ( ) )
amount_tax_enc = self . _l10n_sa_get_qr_code_encoding ( 5 , float_repr ( abs ( amount_tax ) , 2 ) . encode ( ) )
invoice_hash_enc = self . _l10n_sa_get_qr_code_encoding ( 6 , invoice_hash )
signature_enc = self . _l10n_sa_get_qr_code_encoding ( 7 , signature . encode ( ) )
public_key_enc = self . _l10n_sa_get_qr_code_encoding ( 8 , base64 . b64decode ( certificate . _get_public_key_bytes ( formatting = ' base64 ' ) ) )
qr_code_str = ( seller_name_enc + seller_vat_enc + timestamp_enc + amount_total_enc +
amount_tax_enc + invoice_hash_enc + signature_enc + public_key_enc )
if is_b2c :
qr_code_str + = self . _l10n_sa_get_qr_code_encoding ( 9 , base64 . b64decode ( certificate . _get_signature_bytes ( formatting = ' base64 ' ) ) )
return qr_code_str
@api.depends ( ' state ' , ' edi_document_ids.state ' )
def _compute_edi_show_cancel_button ( self ) :
Override to hide the EDI Cancellation button at all times for ZATCA Invoices
super ( ) . _compute_edi_show_cancel_button ( )
for move in self . filtered ( lambda m : m . is_invoice ( ) and m . country_code == ' SA ' ) :
move . edi_show_cancel_button = False
@api.depends ( ' state ' , ' edi_document_ids.state ' )
def _compute_show_reset_to_draft_button ( self ) :
Override to hide the Reset to Draft button for ZATCA Invoices that have been successfully submitted
super ( ) . _compute_show_reset_to_draft_button ( )
for move in self :
# An invoice should only have an index chain if it was successfully submitted without rejection,
# or if the submission timed out. In both cases, a user should not be able to reset it to draft.
if move . l10n_sa_chain_index :
move . show_reset_to_draft_button = False
def _l10n_sa_generate_unsigned_data ( self ) :
Generate UUID and digital signature to be used during both Signing and QR code generation .
It is necessary to save the signature as it changes everytime it is generated and both the signing and the
QR code expect to have the same , identical signature .
self . ensure_one ( )
edi_format = self . env . ref ( ' l10n_sa_edi.edi_sa_zatca ' )
# Build the dict of values to be used for generating the Invoice XML content
# Set Invoice field values required for generating the XML content, hash and signature
self . l10n_sa_uuid = uuid . uuid4 ( )
# We generate the XML content
xml_content = edi_format . _l10n_sa_generate_zatca_template ( self )
# Once the required values are generated, we hash the invoice, then use it to generate a Signature
invoice_hash_hex = self . env [ ' account.edi.xml.ubl_21.zatca ' ] . _l10n_sa_generate_invoice_xml_hash ( xml_content ) . decode ( )
self . l10n_sa_invoice_signature = edi_format . _l10n_sa_get_digital_signature ( self . journal_id . company_id ,
invoice_hash_hex ) . decode ( )
return xml_content
def _l10n_sa_log_results ( self , xml_content , response_data = None , error = False ) :
Save submitted invoice XML hash in case of either Rejection or Acceptance .
self . ensure_one ( )
self . journal_id . l10n_sa_latest_submission_hash = self . env [ ' account.edi.xml.ubl_21.zatca ' ] . _l10n_sa_generate_invoice_xml_hash (
xml_content )
bootstrap_cls , title , content = ( " success " , _ ( " Invoice Successfully Submitted to ZATCA " ) ,
" " if ( not error or not response_data ) else response_data )
if error :
bootstrap_cls , title = ( " danger " , _ ( " Invoice was rejected by ZATCA " ) )
content = Markup ( """
< p class = ' mb-0 ' >
% s
< / p >
< hr >
< p class = ' mb-0 ' >
% s
< / p >
""" ) % (_( ' The invoice was rejected by ZATCA. Please, check the response below: ' ), response_data)
if response_data and response_data . get ( ' validationResults ' , { } ) . get ( ' warningMessages ' ) :
bootstrap_cls , title = ( " warning " , _ ( " Invoice was Accepted by ZATCA (with Warnings) " ) )
content = Markup ( """
< p class = ' mb-0 ' >
% s
< / p >
< hr >
< p class = ' mb-0 ' >
% s
< / p >
""" ) % (_( ' The invoice was accepted by ZATCA, but returned warnings. Please, check the response below: ' ), " <br/> " .join([Markup( " <b> %s </b> : %s " ) % (m[ ' code ' ], m[ ' message ' ]) for m in response_data[ ' validationResults ' ][ ' warningMessages ' ]]))
self . message_post ( body = Markup ( """
< div role = ' alert ' class = ' alert alert- %s ' >
< h4 class = ' alert-heading ' > % s < / h4 > % s
< / div >
""" ) % (bootstrap_cls, title, content))
def _l10n_sa_is_in_chain ( self ) :
If the invoice was successfully posted and confirmed by the government , then this would return True .
If the invoice timed out , then its edi_document should still be in the ' to_send ' state .
zatca_doc_ids = self . edi_document_ids . filtered ( lambda d : d . edi_format_id . code == ' sa_zatca ' )
return len ( zatca_doc_ids ) > 0 and not any ( zatca_doc_ids . filtered ( lambda d : d . state == ' to_send ' ) )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
def _prepare_tax_lines_for_taxes_computation ( self , tax_amls , round_from_tax_lines ) :
If the final invoice has downpayment lines , we skip the tax correction , as we need to recalculate tax amounts
without taking into account those lines
if self . country_code == ' SA ' and not self . _is_downpayment ( ) and self . line_ids . _get_downpayment_lines ( ) :
return [ ]
return super ( ) . _prepare_tax_lines_for_taxes_computation ( tax_amls , round_from_tax_lines )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
class AccountMoveLine ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = ' account.move.line '
def _apply_retention_tax_filter ( self , tax_values ) :
return not tax_values [ ' tax_id ' ] . l10n_sa_is_retention
def _is_global_discount_line ( self ) :
Any line that has a negative amount and is not linked to a down - payment is considered as a
global discount line . These can be created either manually , or through a promotions program .
self . ensure_one ( )
return not self . _get_downpayment_lines ( ) and self . price_subtotal < 0
@api.depends ( ' price_subtotal ' , ' price_total ' )
def _compute_tax_amount ( self ) :
super ( ) . _compute_tax_amount ( )
AccountTax = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ]
for line in self :
if (
line . move_id . country_code == ' SA '
and line . move_id . is_invoice ( include_receipts = True )
and line . display_type == ' product '
) :
base_line = line . move_id . _prepare_product_base_line_for_taxes_computation ( line )
AccountTax . _add_tax_details_in_base_line ( base_line , line . company_id )
AccountTax . _round_base_lines_tax_details ( [ base_line ] , line . company_id )
line . l10n_gcc_invoice_tax_amount = sum (
tax_data [ ' tax_amount_currency ' ]
for tax_data in base_line [ ' tax_details ' ] [ ' taxes_data ' ]
if not tax_data [ ' tax ' ] . l10n_sa_is_retention