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2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import io
import logging
import zipfile
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
from odoo import _, http
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError
from odoo.http import request, content_disposition
from odoo.tools import consteq
from ..models.discuss.mail_guest import add_guest_to_context
from odoo.addons.mail.tools.discuss import Store
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AttachmentController(http.Controller):
def _make_zip(self, name, attachments):
streams = (request.env['ir.binary']._get_stream_from(record, 'raw') for record in attachments)
# TODO: zip on-the-fly while streaming instead of loading the
# entire zip in memory and sending it all at once.
stream = io.BytesIO()
with zipfile.ZipFile(stream, 'w') as attachment_zip:
for binary_stream in streams:
if not binary_stream:
except zipfile.BadZipFile:
logger.exception("BadZipfile exception")
content = stream.getvalue()
headers = [
('Content-Type', 'zip'),
('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff'),
('Content-Length', len(content)),
('Content-Disposition', content_disposition(name))
return request.make_response(content, headers)
@http.route("/mail/attachment/upload", methods=["POST"], type="http", auth="public")
def mail_attachment_upload(self, ufile, thread_id, thread_model, is_pending=False, **kwargs):
thread = request.env[thread_model]._get_thread_with_access(
int(thread_id), mode=request.env[thread_model]._mail_post_access, **kwargs
if not thread:
raise NotFound()
if thread_model == "discuss.channel" and not thread.allow_public_upload and not request.env.user._is_internal():
raise AccessError(_("You are not allowed to upload attachments on this channel."))
vals = {
"name": ufile.filename,
"raw": ufile.read(),
"res_id": int(thread_id),
"res_model": thread_model,
if is_pending and is_pending != "false":
# Add this point, the message related to the uploaded file does
# not exist yet, so we use those placeholder values instead.
"res_id": 0,
"res_model": "mail.compose.message",
if request.env.user.share:
# Only generate the access token if absolutely necessary (= not for internal user).
vals["access_token"] = request.env["ir.attachment"]._generate_access_token()
# sudo: ir.attachment - posting a new attachment on an accessible thread
attachment = request.env["ir.attachment"].sudo().create(vals)
res = {"data": Store(attachment, extra_fields=["access_token"]).get_result()}
except AccessError:
res = {"error": _("You are not allowed to upload an attachment here.")}
return request.make_json_response(res)
@http.route("/mail/attachment/delete", methods=["POST"], type="json", auth="public")
def mail_attachment_delete(self, attachment_id, access_token=None, **kwargs):
attachment = request.env["ir.attachment"].browse(int(attachment_id)).exists()
if not attachment:
request.env.user._bus_send("ir.attachment/delete", {"id": attachment_id})
attachment_message = request.env["mail.message"].sudo().search(
[("attachment_ids", "in", attachment.ids)], limit=1)
message = request.env["mail.message"].sudo(False)._get_with_access(attachment_message.id,
"create", **kwargs)
if not request.env.user.share:
# Check through standard access rights/rules for internal users.
# For non-internal users 2 cases are supported:
# - Either the attachment is linked to a message: verify the request is made by the author of the message (portal user or guest).
# - Either a valid access token is given: also verify the message is pending (because unfortunately in portal a token is also provided to guest for viewing others' attachments).
# sudo: ir.attachment: access is validated below with membership of message or access token
attachment_sudo = attachment.sudo()
if message:
if not self._is_allowed_to_delete(message, **kwargs):
raise NotFound()
if (
not access_token
or not attachment_sudo.access_token
or not consteq(access_token, attachment_sudo.access_token)
raise NotFound()
if attachment_sudo.res_model != "mail.compose.message" or attachment_sudo.res_id != 0:
raise NotFound()
def _is_allowed_to_delete(self, message, **kwargs):
return message.is_current_user_or_guest_author
@http.route(['/mail/attachment/zip'], methods=["POST"], type="http", auth="public")
def mail_attachment_get_zip(self, file_ids, zip_name, **kw):
"""route to get the zip file of the attachments.
:param file_ids: ids of the files to zip.
:param zip_name: name of the zip file.
ids_list = list(map(int, file_ids.split(',')))
attachments = request.env['ir.attachment'].browse(ids_list)
return self._make_zip(zip_name, attachments)