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2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import ast
import base64
import datetime
import dateutil
import email
import email.policy
import hashlib
import hmac
import json
import lxml
import logging
import pytz
import re
import time
import threading
from collections import namedtuple
from email import message_from_string
from email.message import EmailMessage
from xmlrpc import client as xmlrpclib
from lxml import etree
from markupsafe import Markup, escape
from requests import Session
from werkzeug import urls
from odoo import _, api, exceptions, fields, models, Command
from odoo.addons.mail.tools.discuss import Store
from odoo.addons.mail.tools.web_push import push_to_end_point, DeviceUnreachableError
from odoo.exceptions import MissingError, AccessError
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.tools import (
is_html_empty, html_escape, html2plaintext, parse_contact_from_email,
clean_context, split_every, Query, SQL, email_normalize_all,
ormcache, is_list_of,
from odoo.tools.mail import (
append_content_to_html, decode_message_header, email_normalize, email_split,
email_split_and_format, formataddr, html_sanitize,
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MailThread(models.AbstractModel):
''' mail_thread model is meant to be inherited by any model that needs to
act as a discussion topic on which messages can be attached. Public
methods are prefixed with ``message_`` in order to avoid name
collisions with methods of the models that will inherit from this class.
``mail.thread`` defines fields used to handle and display the
communication history. ``mail.thread`` also manages followers of
inheriting classes. All features and expected behavior are managed
by mail.thread. Widgets has been designed for the 7.0 and following
versions of Odoo.
Inheriting classes are not required to implement any method, as the
default implementation will work for any model. However it is common
to override at least the ``message_new`` and ``message_update``
methods (calling ``super``) to add model-specific behavior at
creation and update of a thread when processing incoming emails.
- _mail_flat_thread: if set to True, all messages without parent_id
are automatically attached to the first message posted on the
resource. If set to False, the display of Chatter is done using
threads, and no parent_id is automatically set.
MailThread features can be somewhat controlled through context keys :
- ``mail_create_nosubscribe``: at create or message_post, do not subscribe
uid to the record thread
- ``mail_create_nolog``: at create, do not log the automatic '<Document>
created' message
- ``mail_notrack``: at create and write, do not perform the value tracking
creating messages
- ``tracking_disable``: at create and write, perform no MailThread features
(auto subscription, tracking, post, ...)
- ``mail_notify_force_send``: if less than 50 email notifications to send,
send them directly instead of using the queue; True by default
_name = 'mail.thread'
_description = 'Email Thread'
_mail_flat_thread = True # flatten the discussion history
_mail_post_access = 'write' # access required on the document to post on it
_primary_email = 'email' # Must be set for the models that can be created by alias
_Attachment = namedtuple('Attachment', ('fname', 'content', 'info'))
message_is_follower = fields.Boolean(
'Is Follower', compute='_compute_message_is_follower', search='_search_message_is_follower')
message_follower_ids = fields.One2many(
'mail.followers', 'res_id', string='Followers', groups='base.group_user')
message_partner_ids = fields.Many2many(
comodel_name='res.partner', string='Followers (Partners)',
message_ids = fields.One2many(
'mail.message', 'res_id', string='Messages',
domain=lambda self: [('message_type', '!=', 'user_notification')], auto_join=True)
has_message = fields.Boolean(compute="_compute_has_message", search="_search_has_message", store=False)
message_needaction = fields.Boolean(
'Action Needed',
compute='_compute_message_needaction', search='_search_message_needaction',
help="If checked, new messages require your attention.")
message_needaction_counter = fields.Integer(
'Number of Actions', compute='_compute_message_needaction',
help="Number of messages requiring action")
message_has_error = fields.Boolean(
'Message Delivery error',
compute='_compute_message_has_error', search='_search_message_has_error',
help="If checked, some messages have a delivery error.")
message_has_error_counter = fields.Integer(
'Number of errors', compute='_compute_message_has_error',
help="Number of messages with delivery error")
message_attachment_count = fields.Integer('Attachment Count', compute='_compute_message_attachment_count', groups="base.group_user")
def _compute_message_partner_ids(self):
for thread in self:
thread.message_partner_ids = thread.message_follower_ids.mapped('partner_id')
def _inverse_message_partner_ids(self):
for thread in self:
new_partners_ids = thread.message_partner_ids
previous_partners_ids = thread.message_follower_ids.partner_id
removed_partners_ids = previous_partners_ids - new_partners_ids
added_patners_ids = new_partners_ids - previous_partners_ids
if added_patners_ids:
if removed_partners_ids:
def _search_message_partner_ids(self, operator, operand):
"""Search function for message_follower_ids"""
neg = ''
if operator in expression.NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS:
neg = 'not '
operator = expression.TERM_OPERATORS_NEGATION[operator]
followers = self.env['mail.followers'].sudo()._search([
('res_model', '=', self._name),
('partner_id', operator, operand),
# use `in` query to avoid reading thousands of potentially followed objects
return [('id', neg + 'in', followers.subselect('res_id'))]
def _compute_message_is_follower(self):
followers = self.env['mail.followers'].sudo().search_fetch(
[('res_model', '=', self._name), ('res_id', 'in', self.ids), ('partner_id', '=', self.env.user.partner_id.id)],
following_ids = set(followers.mapped('res_id'))
for record in self:
record.message_is_follower = record.id in following_ids
def _search_message_is_follower(self, operator, operand):
followers = self.env['mail.followers'].sudo().search_fetch(
[('res_model', '=', self._name), ('partner_id', '=', self.env.user.partner_id.id)],
# Cases ('message_is_follower', '=', True) or ('message_is_follower', '!=', False)
if (operator == '=' and operand) or (operator == '!=' and not operand):
return [('id', 'in', followers.mapped('res_id'))]
return [('id', 'not in', followers.mapped('res_id'))]
def _compute_has_message(self):
SELECT distinct res_id
FROM mail_message mm
WHERE res_id = any(%s)
AND mm.model=%s
""", [self.ids, self._name])
channel_ids = {r[0] for r in self.env.cr.fetchall()}
for record in self:
record.has_message = record.id in channel_ids
def _search_has_message(self, operator, value):
if (operator == '=' and value is True) or (operator == '!=' and value is False):
operator_new = 'in'
operator_new = 'not in'
return [('id', operator_new, SQL("(SELECT res_id FROM mail_message WHERE model = %s)", self._name))]
def _compute_message_needaction(self):
res = dict.fromkeys(self.ids, 0)
if self.ids:
# search for unread messages, directly in SQL to improve performances
self._cr.execute(""" SELECT msg.res_id FROM mail_message msg
RIGHT JOIN mail_notification rel
ON rel.mail_message_id = msg.id AND rel.res_partner_id = %s AND (rel.is_read = false OR rel.is_read IS NULL)
WHERE msg.model = %s AND msg.res_id in %s AND msg.message_type != 'user_notification'""",
(self.env.user.partner_id.id, self._name, tuple(self.ids),))
for result in self._cr.fetchall():
res[result[0]] += 1
for record in self:
record.message_needaction_counter = res.get(record._origin.id, 0)
record.message_needaction = bool(record.message_needaction_counter)
def _search_message_needaction(self, operator, operand):
return [('message_ids.needaction', operator, operand)]
def _compute_message_has_error(self):
res = {}
if self.ids:
SELECT msg.res_id, COUNT(msg.res_id)
FROM mail_message msg
INNER JOIN mail_notification notif
ON notif.mail_message_id = msg.id
WHERE notif.notification_status in ('exception', 'bounce')
AND notif.author_id = %(author_id)s
AND msg.model = %(model_name)s
AND msg.res_id in %(res_ids)s
AND msg.message_type != 'user_notification'
GROUP BY msg.res_id
""", {'author_id': self.env.user.partner_id.id, 'model_name': self._name, 'res_ids': tuple(self.ids)})
for record in self:
record.message_has_error_counter = res.get(record._origin.id, 0)
record.message_has_error = bool(record.message_has_error_counter)
def _search_message_has_error(self, operator, operand):
message_ids = self.env['mail.message']._search([('has_error', operator, operand), ('author_id', '=', self.env.user.partner_id.id)])
return [('message_ids', 'in', message_ids)]
def _compute_message_attachment_count(self):
read_group_var = self.env['ir.attachment']._read_group([('res_id', 'in', self.ids), ('res_model', '=', self._name)],
attachment_count_dict = dict(read_group_var)
for record in self:
record.message_attachment_count = attachment_count_dict.get(record.id, 0)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def create(self, vals_list):
""" Chatter override :
- subscribe uid
- subscribe followers of parent
- log a creation message
if self._context.get('tracking_disable'):
threads = super(MailThread, self).create(vals_list)
return threads
threads = super(MailThread, self).create(vals_list)
# subscribe uid unless asked not to
if not self._context.get('mail_create_nosubscribe') and threads and self.env.user.active:
threads._name, threads.ids,
self.env.user.partner_id.ids, subtypes=None,
# auto_subscribe: take values and defaults into account
create_values_list = {}
for thread, values in zip(threads, vals_list):
create_values = dict(values)
for key, val in self._context.items():
if key.startswith('default_') and key[8:] not in create_values:
create_values[key[8:]] = val
thread._message_auto_subscribe(create_values, followers_existing_policy='update')
create_values_list[thread.id] = create_values
# automatic logging unless asked not to (mainly for various testing purpose)
if not self._context.get('mail_create_nolog'):
threads_no_subtype = self.env[self._name]
for thread in threads:
subtype = thread._creation_subtype()
if not subtype:
threads_no_subtype += thread
# if we have a subtype, post message to notify users from _message_auto_subscribe
subtype_id=subtype.id, author_id=self.env.user.partner_id.id,
# summary="o_mail_notification" is used to hide the message body in the front-end
body=Markup('<div summary="o_mail_notification"><p>%s</p></div>') % thread._creation_message()
if threads_no_subtype:
bodies = dict(
(thread.id, thread._creation_message())
for thread in threads_no_subtype)
# post track template if a tracked field changed
if not self._context.get('mail_notrack'):
fnames = self._track_get_fields()
for thread in threads:
create_values = create_values_list[thread.id]
changes = [fname for fname in fnames if create_values.get(fname)]
# based on tracked field to stay consistent with write
# we don't consider that a falsy field is a change, to stay consistent with previous implementation,
# but we may want to change that behaviour later.
if changes:
self.env.cr.precommit.add(thread._track_post_template_finalize) # call to _track_post_template_finalize bound to this record
self.env.cr.precommit.data.setdefault(f'mail.tracking.create.{self._name}.{thread.id}', changes)
return threads
def write(self, values):
if self._context.get('tracking_disable'):
return super(MailThread, self).write(values)
if not self._context.get('mail_notrack'):
# Perform write
result = super(MailThread, self).write(values)
# update followers
return result
def unlink(self):
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
""" Override unlink to delete (scheduled) messages and followers. This cannot be
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
cascaded, because link is done through (res_model, res_id). """
if not self:
return True
# discard pending tracking
self.env['mail.message'].sudo().search([('model', '=', self._name), ('res_id', 'in', self.ids)]).unlink()
res = super(MailThread, self).unlink()
[('res_model', '=', self._name), ('res_id', 'in', self.ids)]
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
self.env['mail.scheduled.message'].sudo().search([('model', '=', self._name), ('res_id', 'in', self.ids)]).unlink()
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
return res
def copy_data(self, default=None):
# avoid tracking multiple temporary changes during copy
return super(MailThread, self.with_context(mail_notrack=True)).copy_data(default=default)
def get_empty_list_help(self, help_message):
""" Override of BaseModel.get_empty_list_help() to generate an help message
that adds alias information. """
model = self._context.get('empty_list_help_model')
res_id = self._context.get('empty_list_help_id')
document_name = self._context.get('empty_list_help_document_name', _('document'))
nothing_here = is_html_empty(help_message)
alias = None
# specific res_id -> find its alias (i.e. section_id specified)
if model and res_id:
record = self.env[model].sudo().browse(res_id)
# check that the alias effectively creates new records
if ('alias_id' in record and record.alias_id and
record.alias_id.alias_name and record.alias_id.alias_domain and
record.alias_id.alias_model_id.model == self._name and
record.alias_id.alias_force_thread_id == 0):
alias = record.alias_id
# no res_id or res_id not linked to an alias -> generic help message, take a generic alias of the model
if not alias and model and self.env.company.alias_domain_id:
aliases = self.env['mail.alias'].search([
("alias_domain_id", "=", self.env.company.alias_domain_id.id),
("alias_parent_model_id.model", "=", model),
("alias_name", "!=", False),
('alias_force_thread_id', '=', False),
('alias_parent_thread_id', '=', False)], order='id ASC')
if aliases and len(aliases) == 1:
alias = aliases[0]
if alias:
email_link = Markup("<a href='mailto:%s'>%s</a>") % (alias.display_name, alias.display_name)
if nothing_here:
dyn_help = _("Add a new %(document)s or send an email to %(email_link)s",
return super().get_empty_list_help(f"<p class='o_view_nocontent_smiling_face'>{dyn_help}</p>")
# do not add alias two times if it was added previously
if "oe_view_nocontent_alias" not in help_message:
dyn_help = _("Create new %(document)s by sending an email to %(email_link)s",
return super().get_empty_list_help(f"{help_message}<p class='oe_view_nocontent_alias'>{dyn_help}</p>")
if nothing_here:
dyn_help = _("Create new %(document)s", document=html_escape(document_name))
return super().get_empty_list_help(f"<p class='o_view_nocontent_smiling_face'>{dyn_help}</p>")
return super().get_empty_list_help(help_message)
def _condition_to_sql(self, alias: str, fname: str, operator: str, value, query: Query) -> SQL:
if self.env.su or self.env.user._is_internal():
return super()._condition_to_sql(alias, fname, operator, value, query)
if fname != 'message_partner_ids':
return super()._condition_to_sql(alias, fname, operator, value, query)
user_partner = self.env.user.partner_id
allow_partner_ids = set((user_partner | user_partner.commercial_partner_id).ids)
operand = value if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) else [value]
if not allow_partner_ids.issuperset(operand):
raise AccessError("Portal users can only filter threads by themselves as followers.")
return super(MailThread, self.sudo())._condition_to_sql(alias, fname, operator, value, query)
# ------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------
def _compute_field_value(self, field):
if not self._context.get('tracking_disable') and not self._context.get('mail_notrack'):
self._track_prepare(f.name for f in self.pool.field_computed[field] if f.store)
return super()._compute_field_value(field)
def _creation_subtype(self):
""" Give the subtypes triggered by the creation of a record
:returns: a subtype browse record (empty if no subtype is triggered)
return self.env['mail.message.subtype']
def _creation_message(self):
""" Get the creation message to log into the chatter at the record's creation.
:returns: The message's body to log (either plain text or markup safe html).
doc_name = self.env['ir.model']._get(self._name).name
return _('%s created', doc_name)
def _get_mail_message_access(self, res_ids, operation, model_name=None):
""" mail.message check permission rules for related document. This method is
meant to be inherited in order to implement addons-specific behavior.
A common behavior would be to allow creating messages when having read
access rule on the document, for portal document such as issues. """
DocModel = self.env[model_name] if model_name else self
create_allow = getattr(DocModel, '_mail_post_access', 'write')
if operation in ['write', 'unlink']:
check_operation = 'write'
elif operation == 'create' and create_allow in ['create', 'read', 'write', 'unlink']:
check_operation = create_allow
elif operation == 'create':
check_operation = 'write'
check_operation = operation
return check_operation
def _valid_field_parameter(self, field, name):
# allow tracking on models inheriting from 'mail.thread'
return name == 'tracking' or super()._valid_field_parameter(field, name)
def _fallback_lang(self):
if not self._context.get("lang"):
return self.with_context(lang=self.env.user.lang)
return self
def _check_can_update_message_content(self, messages):
"""" Checks that the current user can update the content of the message.
Current heuristic is
* if no tracking;
* only for user generated content;
if messages.tracking_value_ids:
raise exceptions.UserError(_("Messages with tracking values cannot be modified"))
if any(message.message_type != 'comment' for message in messages):
raise exceptions.UserError(_("Only messages type comment can have their content updated"))
# ------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------
def _track_prepare(self, fields_iter):
""" Prepare the tracking of ``fields_iter`` for ``self``.
:param iter fields_iter: iterable of fields names to potentially track
fnames = self._track_get_fields().intersection(fields_iter)
if not fnames:
initial_values = self.env.cr.precommit.data.setdefault(f'mail.tracking.{self._name}', {})
for record in self:
if not record.id:
values = initial_values.setdefault(record.id, {})
if values is not None:
for fname in fnames:
values.setdefault(fname, record[fname])
def _track_discard(self):
""" Prevent any tracking of fields on ``self``. """
if not self._track_get_fields():
initial_values = self.env.cr.precommit.data.setdefault(f'mail.tracking.{self._name}', {})
# disable tracking by setting initial values to None
for id_ in self.ids:
initial_values[id_] = None
def _track_filter_for_display(self, tracking_values):
"""Filter out tracking values from being displayed."""
return tracking_values
def _track_finalize(self):
""" Generate the tracking messages for the records that have been
prepared with ``_tracking_prepare``.
initial_values = self.env.cr.precommit.data.pop(f'mail.tracking.{self._name}', {})
ids = [id_ for id_, vals in initial_values.items() if vals]
if not ids:
records = self.browse(ids).sudo()
fnames = self._track_get_fields()
context = clean_context(self._context)
tracking = records.with_context(context)._message_track(fnames, initial_values)
for record in records:
changes, _tracking_value_ids = tracking.get(record.id, (None, None))
# this method is called after the main flush() and just before commit();
# we have to flush() again in case we triggered some recomputations
def _track_set_author(self, author):
""" Set the author of the tracking message. """
if not self._track_get_fields():
authors = self.env.cr.precommit.data.setdefault(f'mail.tracking.author.{self._name}', {})
for id_ in self.ids:
authors[id_] = author
def _track_post_template_finalize(self):
"""Call the tracking template method with right values from precommit."""
self._message_track_post_template(self.env.cr.precommit.data.pop(f'mail.tracking.create.{self._name}.{self.id}', []))
def _track_set_log_message(self, message):
""" Link tracking to a message logged as body, in addition to subtype
description (if set) and tracking values that make the core content of
tracking message. """
if not self._track_get_fields():
body_values = self.env.cr.precommit.data.setdefault(f'mail.tracking.message.{self._name}', {})
for id_ in self.ids:
body_values[id_] = message
def _track_get_default_log_message(self, tracked_fields):
"""Get a default log message based on the changed fields.
:param List[str] tracked_fields: Name of the tracked fields being evaluated;
:return str: A message to log when these changes happen for this record;
return ''
@ormcache('self.env.uid', 'self.env.su')
def _track_get_fields(self):
""" Return the set of tracked fields names for the current model. """
model_fields = {
for name, field in self._fields.items()
if getattr(field, 'tracking', None) or getattr(field, 'track_visibility', None)
return model_fields and set(self.fields_get(model_fields, attributes=()))
def _track_subtype(self, initial_values):
""" Give the subtypes triggered by the changes on the record according
to values that have been updated.
:param dict initial_values: original values of the record; only modified
fields are present in the dict
:returns: a subtype browse record or False if no subtype is triggered
return False
def _message_track(self, fields_iter, initial_values_dict):
""" Track updated values. Comparing the initial and current values of
the fields given in tracked_fields, it generates a message containing
the updated values. This message can be linked to a mail.message.subtype
given by the ``_track_subtype`` method.
:param iter fields_iter: iterable of field names to track
:param dict initial_values_dict: mapping {record_id: initial_values}
where initial_values is a dict {field_name: value, ... }
:return: mapping {record_id: (changed_field_names, tracking_value_ids)}
containing existing records only
if not fields_iter:
return {}
tracked_fields = self.fields_get(fields_iter, attributes=('string', 'type', 'selection', 'currency_field'))
tracking = dict()
for record in self:
tracking[record.id] = record._mail_track(tracked_fields, initial_values_dict[record.id])
except MissingError:
# find content to log as body
bodies = self.env.cr.precommit.data.pop(f'mail.tracking.message.{self._name}', {})
authors = self.env.cr.precommit.data.pop(f'mail.tracking.author.{self._name}', {})
for record in self:
changes, tracking_value_ids = tracking.get(record.id, (None, None))
if not changes:
# find subtypes and post messages or log if no subtype found
subtype = record._track_subtype(
dict((col_name, initial_values_dict[record.id][col_name])
for col_name in changes)
author_id = authors[record.id].id if record.id in authors else None
# _set_log_message takes priority over _track_get_default_log_message even if it's an empty string
body = bodies[record.id] if record.id in bodies else record._track_get_default_log_message(changes)
if subtype:
if not subtype.exists():
_logger.debug('subtype "%s" not found' % subtype.name)
elif tracking_value_ids:
return tracking
def _message_track_post_template(self, changes):
""" Based on a tracking, post a message defined by ``_track_template``
parameters. It allows to implement automatic post of messages based
on templates (e.g. stage change triggering automatic email).
:param dict changes: mapping {record_id: (changed_field_names, tracking_value_ids)}
containing existing records only
if not self or not changes:
return True
# Clean the context to get rid of residual default_* keys
# that could cause issues afterward during the mail.message
# generation. Example: 'default_parent_id' would refer to
# the parent_id of the current record that was used during
# its creation, but could refer to wrong parent message id,
# leading to a traceback in case the related message_id
# doesn't exist
cleaned_self = self.with_context(clean_context(self._context))._fallback_lang()
templates = self._track_template(changes)
except MissingError:
if not self.exists():
default_composition_mode = 'mass_mail' if len(self) != 1 else 'comment'
for _field_name, (template, post_kwargs) in templates.items():
if not template:
composition_mode = post_kwargs.pop('composition_mode', default_composition_mode)
post_kwargs.setdefault('message_type', 'auto_comment')
if composition_mode == 'mass_mail':
cleaned_self.message_mail_with_source(template, **post_kwargs)
cleaned_self.message_post_with_source(template, **post_kwargs)
return True
def _track_template(self, changes):
return dict()
# ------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------
def _routing_warn(self, error_message, message_id, route, raise_exception=True):
""" Tools method used in _routing_check_route: whether to log a warning or raise an error """
short_message = _("Mailbox unavailable - %s", error_message)
full_message = ('Routing mail with Message-Id %s: route %s: %s' %
(message_id, route, error_message))
if raise_exception:
# sender should not see private diagnostics info, just the error
raise ValueError(short_message)
def _routing_create_bounce_email(self, email_from, body_html, message, **mail_values):
bounce_to = decode_message_header(message, 'Return-Path') or email_from
bounce_mail_values = {
'author_id': False,
'body_html': body_html,
'subject': 'Re: %s' % message.get('subject'),
'email_to': bounce_to,
'auto_delete': True,
# find an email_from for the bounce email
email_from = False
if bounce_from := self.env.company.bounce_email:
email_from = formataddr(('MAILER-DAEMON', bounce_from))
if not email_from:
catchall_aliases = self.env['mail.alias.domain'].search([]).mapped('catchall_email')
if not any(catchall_email in message['To'] for catchall_email in catchall_aliases):
email_from = decode_message_header(message, 'To')
if not email_from:
email_from = formataddr(('MAILER-DAEMON', self.env.user.email_normalized))
bounce_mail_values['email_from'] = email_from
def _routing_handle_bounce(self, email_message, message_dict):
""" Handle bounce of incoming email. Based on values of the bounce (email
and related partner, send message and its messageID)
* find blacklist-enabled records with email_normalized = bounced email
and call ``_message_receive_bounce`` on each of them to propagate
bounce information through various records linked to same email;
* if not already done (i.e. if original record is not blacklist enabled
like a bounce on an applicant), find record linked to bounced message
and call ``_message_receive_bounce``;
:param email_message: incoming email;
:type email_message: email.message;
:param message_dict: dictionary holding already-parsed values and in
which bounce-related values will be added;
:type message_dict: dictionary;
bounced_record, bounced_record_done = False, False
bounced_email, bounced_partner = message_dict['bounced_email'], message_dict['bounced_partner']
bounced_msg_ids, bounced_message = message_dict['bounced_msg_ids'], message_dict['bounced_message']
if bounced_email:
bounced_model, bounced_res_id = bounced_message.model, bounced_message.res_id
if bounced_model and bounced_model in self.env and bounced_res_id:
bounced_record = self.env[bounced_model].sudo().browse(bounced_res_id).exists()
bl_models = self.env['ir.model'].sudo().search(['&', ('is_mail_blacklist', '=', True), ('model', '!=', 'mail.thread.blacklist')])
for model in [bl_model for bl_model in bl_models if bl_model.model in self.env]: # transient test mode
rec_bounce_w_email = self.env[model.model].sudo().search([('email_normalized', '=', bounced_email)])
rec_bounce_w_email._message_receive_bounce(bounced_email, bounced_partner)
bounced_record_done = bounced_record_done or (bounced_record and model.model == bounced_model and bounced_record in rec_bounce_w_email)
# set record as bounced unless already done due to blacklist mixin
if bounced_record and not bounced_record_done and isinstance(bounced_record, self.pool['mail.thread']):
bounced_record._message_receive_bounce(bounced_email, bounced_partner)
if bounced_partner and bounced_message:
('mail_message_id', '=', bounced_message.id),
('res_partner_id', 'in', bounced_partner.ids)]
'failure_reason': html2plaintext(message_dict.get('body') or ''),
'failure_type': 'mail_bounce',
'notification_status': 'bounce',
if bounced_record:
_logger.info('Routing mail from %s to %s with Message-Id %s: not routing bounce email from %s replying to %s (model %s ID %s)',
message_dict['email_from'], message_dict['to'], message_dict['message_id'], bounced_email, bounced_msg_ids, bounced_model, bounced_res_id)
elif bounced_email:
_logger.info('Routing mail from %s to %s with Message-Id %s: not routing bounce email from %s replying to %s (no document found)',
message_dict['email_from'], message_dict['to'], message_dict['message_id'], bounced_email, bounced_msg_ids)
_logger.info('Routing mail from %s to %s with Message-Id %s: not routing bounce email.',
message_dict['email_from'], message_dict['to'], message_dict['message_id'])
def _routing_check_route(self, message, message_dict, route, raise_exception=True):
""" Verify route validity. Check and rules:
1 - if thread_id -> check that document effectively exists; otherwise
fallback on a message_new by resetting thread_id
2 - check that message_update exists if thread_id is set; or at least
that message_new exist
3 - if there is an alias, check alias_contact:
'followers' and thread_id:
check on target document that the author is in the followers
'followers' and alias_parent_thread_id:
check on alias parent document that the author is in the
'partners': check that author_id id set
Note that this method also updates 'author_id' of message_dict as route
links an incoming message to a record and linking email to partner is
better done in a record's context.
:param message: an email.message instance
:param message_dict: dictionary of values that will be given to
:param route: route to check which is a tuple (model, thread_id,
custom_values, uid, alias)
:param raise_exception: if an error occurs, tell whether to raise an error
or just log a warning and try other processing or
invalidate route
assert isinstance(route, (list, tuple)), 'A route should be a list or a tuple'
assert len(route) == 5, 'A route should contain 5 elements: model, thread_id, custom_values, uid, alias record'
message_id = message_dict['message_id']
email_from = message_dict['email_from']
author_id = message_dict.get('author_id')
model, thread_id, alias = route[0], route[1], route[4]
record_set = None
# Wrong model
if not model:
self._routing_warn(_('target model unspecified'), message_id, route, raise_exception)
return ()
if model not in self.env:
self._routing_warn(_('unknown target model %s', model), message_id, route, raise_exception)
return ()
record_set = self.env[model].browse(thread_id) if thread_id else self.env[model]
# Existing Document: check if exists and model accepts the mailgateway; if not, fallback on create if allowed
if thread_id:
if not record_set.exists():
_('reply to missing document (%(model)s,%(thread)s), fall back on document creation', model=model, thread=thread_id),
thread_id = None
elif not hasattr(record_set, 'message_update'):
self._routing_warn(_('reply to model %s that does not accept document update, fall back on document creation', model), message_id, route, False)
thread_id = None
# New Document: check model accepts the mailgateway
if not thread_id and model and not hasattr(record_set, 'message_new'):
self._routing_warn(_('model %s does not accept document creation', model), message_id, route, raise_exception)
return ()
# Update message author. We do it now because we need it for aliases (contact settings)
if not author_id:
if record_set:
authors = self._mail_find_partner_from_emails([email_from], records=record_set)
elif alias and alias.alias_parent_model_id and alias.alias_parent_thread_id:
records = self.env[alias.alias_parent_model_id.model].browse(alias.alias_parent_thread_id)
authors = self._mail_find_partner_from_emails([email_from], records=records)
authors = self._mail_find_partner_from_emails([email_from], records=None)
if authors:
message_dict['author_id'] = authors[0].id
# Alias: check alias_contact settings
if alias:
if thread_id:
obj = record_set[0]
elif alias.alias_parent_model_id and alias.alias_parent_thread_id:
obj = self.env[alias.alias_parent_model_id.model].browse(alias.alias_parent_thread_id)
obj = self.env[model]
error = obj._alias_get_error(message, message_dict, alias)
if error:
_('alias %(name)s: %(error)s', name=alias.alias_name, error=error.message or _('unknown error')),
alias._alias_bounce_incoming_email(message, message_dict, set_invalid=error.is_config_error)
return False
return (model, thread_id, route[2], route[3], route[4])
def _routing_reset_bounce(self, email_message, message_dict):
"""Called by ``message_process`` when a new mail is received from an email address.
If the email is related to a partner, we consider that the number of message_bounce
is not relevant anymore as the email is valid - as we received an email from this
address. The model is here hardcoded because we cannot know with which model the
incomming mail match. We consider that if a mail arrives, we have to clear bounce for
each model having bounce count.
:param email_from: email address that sent the incoming email."""
valid_email = message_dict['email_from']
if valid_email:
bl_models = self.env['ir.model'].sudo().search(['&', ('is_mail_blacklist', '=', True), ('model', '!=', 'mail.thread.blacklist')])
for model in [bl_model for bl_model in bl_models if bl_model.model in self.env]: # transient test mode
self.env[model.model].sudo().search([('message_bounce', '>', 0), ('email_normalized', '=', valid_email)])._message_reset_bounce(valid_email)
def _detect_is_bounce(self, message, message_dict):
"""Return True if the given email is a bounce email.
Bounce alias: if any To contains bounce_alias@domain
Bounce message (not alias)
See http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc3462/?include_text=1
As all MTA does not respect this RFC (googlemail is one of them),
we also need to verify if the message come from "mailer-daemon"
# detection based on email_to
bounce_aliases = self.env['mail.alias.domain'].search([]).mapped('bounce_email')
email_to_list = [
email_normalize(e) or e
for e in email_split(message_dict['to'])
if bounce_aliases and any(email in bounce_aliases for email in email_to_list):
return True
email_from = message_dict['email_from']
email_from_localpart = (email_split(email_from) or [''])[0].split('@', 1)[0].lower()
# detection based on email_from
if email_from_localpart == 'mailer-daemon':
return True
# detection based on content type
content_type = message.get_content_type()
if content_type == 'multipart/report' or 'report-type=delivery-status' in content_type:
return True
return False
def _detect_loop_sender_domain(self, email_from_normalized):
"""Return the domain to be used to detect duplicated records created by alias.
:param email_from_normalized: FROM of the incoming email, normalized
primary_email = self._mail_get_primary_email_field()
if primary_email:
return [(primary_email, 'ilike', email_from_normalized)]
_logger.info('Primary email missing on %s', self._name)
def _detect_loop_sender(self, message, message_dict, routes):
"""This method returns True if the incoming email should be ignored.
The goal of this method is to prevent loops which can occur if an auto-replier
send emails to Odoo.
email_from = message_dict.get('email_from')
if not email_from:
return False
email_from_normalized = email_normalize(email_from)
if self.env['mail.gateway.allowed'].sudo().search_count(
[('email_normalized', '=', email_from_normalized)]
return False
# Detect the email address sent to many emails
get_param = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param
# Period in minutes in which we will look for <mail.mail>
LOOP_MINUTES = int(get_param('mail.gateway.loop.minutes', 120))
LOOP_THRESHOLD = int(get_param('mail.gateway.loop.threshold', 20))
create_date_limit = self.env.cr.now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=LOOP_MINUTES)
author_id = message_dict.get('author_id')
# Search only once per model
model_res_ids = dict()
for model, thread_id, *__ in routes or []:
model_res_ids.setdefault(model, list()).append(thread_id)
for model_name, thread_ids in model_res_ids.items():
model = self.env[model_name]
if not hasattr(model, '_detect_loop_sender_domain'):
loop_new, loop_update = False, False
search_new = 0 in thread_ids # route creating new records = thread_id = 0
doc_ids = list(filter(None, thread_ids)) # route updating records = thread_id set
# search records created by email -> alias creating new records
if search_new:
base_domain = model._detect_loop_sender_domain(email_from_normalized)
if base_domain:
mail_new_count = model.sudo().search_count(
[('create_date', '>=', create_date_limit)],
loop_new = mail_new_count >= LOOP_THRESHOLD
# search messages linked to email -> alias updating records
if doc_ids and not loop_new:
base_msg_domain = [('model', '=', model._name), ('res_id', 'in', doc_ids), ('create_date', '>=', create_date_limit)]
if author_id:
msg_domain = expression.AND([[('author_id', '=', author_id)], base_msg_domain])
msg_domain = expression.AND([[('email_from', 'in', [email_from, email_from_normalized])], base_msg_domain])
mail_update_groups = self.env['mail.message'].sudo()._read_group(msg_domain, ['res_id'], ['__count'])
if mail_update_groups:
loop_update = any(
group[1] >= LOOP_THRESHOLD
for group in mail_update_groups
if loop_new or loop_update:
if loop_new:
_logger.info('--> ignored mail from %s to %s with Message-Id %s: created too many <%s>',
message_dict.get('email_from'), message_dict.get('to'), message_dict.get('message_id'), model)
if loop_update:
_logger.info('--> ignored mail from %s to %s with Message-Id %s: too much replies on same <%s>',
message_dict.get('email_from'), message_dict.get('to'), message_dict.get('message_id'), model)
body = self.env['ir.qweb']._render(
{'email': message_dict.get('to')},
email_from, body, message,
# add a reference with a tag, to be able to ignore response to this email
references=f'{message_dict["message_id"]} {generate_tracking_message_id("loop-detection-bounce-email")}')
return True
return False
def _detect_loop_headers(self, msg_dict):
"""Return True if the email must be ignored based on its headers."""
references = unfold_references(msg_dict['references']) + [msg_dict['in_reply_to']]
if references and any('-loop-detection-bounce-email@' in ref for ref in references):
_logger.info('Email is a reply to the bounce notification, ignoring it.')
return True
return False
def _detect_write_to_catchall(self, msg_dict):
"""Return True if directly contacts catchall."""
# Note: tweaked in stable to avoid doing two times same search due to bugfix
# (see odoo/odoo#161782), to clean when reaching master
if self.env.context.get("mail_catchall_aliases"):
catchall_aliases = self.env.context["mail_catchall_aliases"]
catchall_aliases = self.env['mail.alias.domain'].search([]).mapped('catchall_email')
email_to_list = [email_normalize(e) or e for e in email_split(msg_dict['to'])]
# check it does not directly contact catchall; either (legacy) strict aka
# all TOs belong are catchall, either (optional) any catchall in all TOs
if self.env.context.get("mail_catchall_write_any_to"):
return catchall_aliases and any(email_to in catchall_aliases for email_to in email_to_list)
return (
catchall_aliases and email_to_list and
all(email_to in catchall_aliases for email_to in email_to_list)
def message_route(self, message, message_dict, model=None, thread_id=None, custom_values=None):
""" Attempt to figure out the correct target model, thread_id,
custom_values and user_id to use for an incoming message.
Multiple values may be returned, if a message had multiple
recipients matching existing mail.aliases, for example.
The following heuristics are used, in this order:
* if the message replies to an existing thread by having a Message-Id
that matches an existing mail_message.message_id, we take the original
message model/thread_id pair and ignore custom_value as no creation will
take place;
* look for a mail.alias entry matching the message recipients and use the
corresponding model, thread_id, custom_values and user_id. This could
lead to a thread update or creation depending on the alias;
* fallback on provided ``model``, ``thread_id`` and ``custom_values``;
* raise an exception as no route has been found
:param string message: an email.message instance
:param dict message_dict: dictionary holding parsed message variables
:param string model: the fallback model to use if the message does not match
any of the currently configured mail aliases (may be None if a matching
alias is supposed to be present)
:type dict custom_values: optional dictionary of default field values
to pass to ``message_new`` if a new record needs to be created.
Ignored if the thread record already exists, and also if a matching
mail.alias was found (aliases define their own defaults)
:param int thread_id: optional ID of the record/thread from ``model`` to
which this mail should be attached. Only used if the message does not
reply to an existing thread and does not match any mail alias.
:return: list of routes [(model, thread_id, custom_values, user_id, alias)]
:raises: ValueError, TypeError
if not isinstance(message, EmailMessage):
raise TypeError('message must be an email.message.EmailMessage at this point')
catchall_domains_allowed = list(filter(None, (self.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo().get_param(
"mail.catchall.domain.allowed") or '').split(',')))
if catchall_domains_allowed:
catchall_domains_allowed += self.env['mail.alias.domain'].search([]).mapped('name')
def _filter_excluded_local_part(email):
left, _at, domain = email.partition('@')
if not domain:
return False
if catchall_domains_allowed and domain not in catchall_domains_allowed:
return False
return left
fallback_model = model
# handle bounce: verify whether this is a bounced email and use it to
# collect bounce data and update notifications for customers
if message_dict.get('is_bounce'):
self._routing_handle_bounce(message, message_dict)
return []
self._routing_reset_bounce(message, message_dict)
# get email.message.Message variables for future processing
message_id = message_dict['message_id']
# compute references to find if message is a reply to an existing thread
thread_references = message_dict['references'] or message_dict['in_reply_to']
msg_references = [r.strip() for r in unfold_references(thread_references) if 'reply_to' not in r]
# avoid creating a gigantic query by limiting the number of references taken into account.
# newer msg_ids are *appended* to References as per RFC5322 §3.6.4, so we should generally
# find a match just with the last entry (equal to `In-Reply-To`). 32 refs seems large enough,
# we've seen performance degrade with 100+ refs.
msg_references = msg_references[-32:]
replying_to_msg = self.env['mail.message'].sudo().search(
[('message_id', 'in', msg_references)], limit=1, order='id desc'
) if msg_references else self.env['mail.message']
is_a_reply, reply_model, reply_thread_id = bool(replying_to_msg), replying_to_msg.model, replying_to_msg.res_id
# author and recipients
email_from = message_dict['email_from']
email_to_list = [e.lower() for e in email_split(message_dict['to'])]
email_to_localparts = list(filter(None, (_filter_excluded_local_part(email_to) for email_to in email_to_list)))
# Delivered-To is a safe bet in most modern MTAs, but we have to fallback on To + Cc values
# for all the odd MTAs out there, as there is no standard header for the envelope's `rcpt_to` value.
rcpt_tos_list = [e.lower() for e in email_split(message_dict['recipients'])]
rcpt_tos_localparts = list(filter(None, (_filter_excluded_local_part(email_to) for email_to in rcpt_tos_list)))
rcpt_tos_valid_list = list(rcpt_tos_list)
# 1. Handle reply
# if destination = alias with different model -> consider it is a forward and not a reply
# if destination = alias with same model -> check contact settings as they still apply
if reply_model and reply_thread_id:
reply_model_id = self.env['ir.model']._get_id(reply_model)
other_model_aliases = self.env['mail.alias'].search([
('alias_model_id', '!=', reply_model_id),
('alias_full_name', 'in', email_to_list),
'&', ('alias_name', 'in', email_to_localparts), ('alias_incoming_local', '=', True),
if other_model_aliases:
is_a_reply, reply_model, reply_thread_id = False, False, False
rcpt_tos_valid_list = [
for to in rcpt_tos_valid_list
if (
to in other_model_aliases.mapped('alias_full_name')
or to.split('@', 1)[0] in other_model_aliases.filtered('alias_incoming_local').mapped('alias_name')
rcpt_tos_valid_localparts = list(filter(None, (_filter_excluded_local_part(email_to) for email_to in rcpt_tos_valid_list)))
if is_a_reply and reply_model:
reply_model_id = self.env['ir.model']._get_id(reply_model)
dest_aliases = self.env['mail.alias'].search([
('alias_model_id', '=', reply_model_id),
('alias_full_name', 'in', rcpt_tos_list),
'&', ('alias_name', 'in', rcpt_tos_localparts), ('alias_incoming_local', '=', True),
], limit=1)
user_id = self._mail_find_user_for_gateway(email_from, alias=dest_aliases).id or self._uid
route = self._routing_check_route(
message, message_dict,
(reply_model, reply_thread_id, custom_values, user_id, dest_aliases),
if route:
'Routing mail from %s to %s with Message-Id %s: direct reply to msg: model: %s, thread_id: %s, custom_values: %s, uid: %s',
email_from, message_dict['to'], message_id, reply_model, reply_thread_id, custom_values, self._uid)
return [route]
if route is False:
return []
# 2. Handle new incoming email by checking aliases and applying their settings
# prefetch catchall aliases as they are used several times
catchall_aliases = self.env['mail.alias.domain'].search([]).mapped('catchall_email')
self = self.with_context(mail_catchall_aliases=catchall_aliases)
if rcpt_tos_list:
# no route found for a matching reference (or reply), so parent is invalid
message_dict.pop('parent_id', None)
# check it does not directly contact catchall
if self._detect_write_to_catchall(message_dict):
_logger.info('Routing mail from %s to %s with Message-Id %s: direct write to catchall, bounce',
email_from, message_dict['to'], message_id)
body = self.env['ir.qweb']._render('mail.mail_bounce_catchall', {
'message': message,
email_from, body, message,
# add a reference with a tag, to be able to ignore response to this email
references=f'{message_id} {generate_tracking_message_id("loop-detection-bounce-email")}',
return []
dest_aliases = self.env['mail.alias'].search([
('alias_full_name', 'in', rcpt_tos_valid_list),
'&', ('alias_name', 'in', rcpt_tos_valid_localparts), ('alias_incoming_local', '=', True),
if dest_aliases:
routes = []
for alias in dest_aliases:
user_id = self._mail_find_user_for_gateway(email_from, alias=alias).id or self._uid
route = (alias.sudo().alias_model_id.model, alias.alias_force_thread_id, ast.literal_eval(alias.alias_defaults), user_id, alias)
AliasModel = self.env[route[0]] if route[0] in self.env and hasattr(self.env[route[0]], '_routing_check_route') else self
route = AliasModel._routing_check_route(message, message_dict, route, raise_exception=True)
if route:
'Routing mail from %s to %s with Message-Id %s: direct alias match: %r',
email_from, message_dict['to'], message_id, route)
return routes
# 3. Fallback to the provided parameters, if they work
if fallback_model:
# no route found for a matching reference (or reply), so parent is invalid
message_dict.pop('parent_id', None)
user_id = self._mail_find_user_for_gateway(email_from).id or self._uid
route = self._routing_check_route(
message, message_dict,
(fallback_model, thread_id, custom_values, user_id, None),
if route:
'Routing mail from %s to %s with Message-Id %s: fallback to model:%s, thread_id:%s, custom_values:%s, uid:%s',
email_from, message_dict['to'], message_id, fallback_model, thread_id, custom_values, user_id)
return [route]
# 4. Recipients contain catchall and unroutable emails -> bounce
if rcpt_tos_list and self.with_context(mail_catchall_write_any_to=True)._detect_write_to_catchall(message_dict):
'Routing mail from %s to %s with Message-Id %s: write to catchall + other unroutable emails, bounce',
email_from, message_dict['to'], message_id
body = self.env['ir.qweb']._render('mail.mail_bounce_catchall', {
'message': message,
email_from, body, message,
# add a reference with a tag, to be able to ignore response to this email
references=f'{message_id} {generate_tracking_message_id("loop-detection-bounce-email")}',
return []
# ValueError if no routes found and if no bounce occurred
raise ValueError(
'No possible route found for incoming message from %s to %s (Message-Id %s:). '
'Create an appropriate mail.alias or force the destination model.' %
(email_from, message_dict['to'], message_id)
def _message_route_process(self, message, message_dict, routes):
self = self.with_context(attachments_mime_plainxml=True) # import XML attachments as text
# postpone setting message_dict.partner_ids after message_post, to avoid double notifications
original_partner_ids = message_dict.pop('partner_ids', [])
thread_id = False
for model, thread_id, custom_values, user_id, alias in routes or ():
subtype_id = False
related_user = self.env['res.users'].browse(user_id)
Model = self.env[model].with_context(mail_create_nosubscribe=True, mail_create_nolog=True)
if not (thread_id and hasattr(Model, 'message_update') or hasattr(Model, 'message_new')):
raise ValueError(
"Undeliverable mail with Message-Id %s, model %s does not accept incoming emails" %
(message_dict['message_id'], model)
# disabled subscriptions during message_new/update to avoid having the system user running the
# email gateway become a follower of all inbound messages
ModelCtx = Model.with_user(related_user).sudo()
if thread_id and hasattr(ModelCtx, 'message_update'):
thread = ModelCtx.browse(thread_id)
# if a new thread is created, parent is irrelevant
message_dict.pop('parent_id', None)
# Report failure/record success of message creation except if alias is not defined (fallback model case)
thread = ModelCtx.message_new(message_dict, custom_values)
except Exception:
if alias:
with self.pool.cursor() as new_cr:
)._alias_bounce_incoming_email(message, message_dict, set_invalid=True)
if alias and alias.alias_status != 'valid':
alias.alias_status = 'valid'
thread_id = thread.id
subtype_id = thread._creation_subtype().id
# switch to odoobot for all incoming message creation
# to have a priviledged archived user so real_author_id is correctly computed
thread_root = thread.with_user(self.env.ref('base.user_root'))
# replies to internal message are considered as notes, but parent message
# author is added in recipients to ensure they are notified of a private answer
parent_message = False
if message_dict.get('parent_id'):
parent_message = self.env['mail.message'].sudo().browse(message_dict['parent_id'])
partner_ids = []
if not subtype_id:
if message_dict.get('is_internal'):
subtype_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_note')
if parent_message and parent_message.author_id:
partner_ids = [parent_message.author_id.id]
subtype_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_comment')
post_params = dict(subtype_id=subtype_id, partner_ids=partner_ids, **message_dict)
# remove computational values not stored on mail.message and avoid warnings when creating it
for x in ('from', 'to', 'cc', 'recipients', 'references', 'in_reply_to', 'x_odoo_message_id',
'is_bounce', 'bounced_email', 'bounced_message', 'bounced_msg_ids', 'bounced_partner'):
post_params.pop(x, None)
new_msg = False
if thread_root._name == 'mail.thread': # message with parent_id not linked to record
new_msg = thread_root.message_notify(**post_params)
# parsing should find an author independently of user running mail gateway, and ensure it is not odoobot
partner_from_found = message_dict.get('author_id') and message_dict['author_id'] != self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('base.partner_root')
thread_root = thread_root.with_context(from_alias=True, mail_create_nosubscribe=not partner_from_found)
new_msg = thread_root.message_post(**post_params)
if new_msg and original_partner_ids:
# postponed after message_post, because this is an external message and we don't want to create
# duplicate emails due to notifications
new_msg.write({'partner_ids': original_partner_ids})
return thread_id
def message_process(self, model, message, custom_values=None,
save_original=False, strip_attachments=False,
""" Process an incoming RFC2822 email message, relying on
``mail.message.parse()`` for the parsing operation,
and ``message_route()`` to figure out the target model.
Once the target model is known, its ``message_new`` method
is called with the new message (if the thread record did not exist)
or its ``message_update`` method (if it did).
:param string model: the fallback model to use if the message
does not match any of the currently configured mail aliases
(may be None if a matching alias is supposed to be present)
:param message: source of the RFC2822 message
:type message: string or xmlrpclib.Binary
:type dict custom_values: optional dictionary of field values
to pass to ``message_new`` if a new record needs to be created.
Ignored if the thread record already exists, and also if a
matching mail.alias was found (aliases define their own defaults)
:param bool save_original: whether to keep a copy of the original
email source attached to the message after it is imported.
:param bool strip_attachments: whether to strip all attachments
before processing the message, in order to save some space.
:param int thread_id: optional ID of the record/thread from ``model``
to which this mail should be attached. When provided, this
overrides the automatic detection based on the message
# extract message bytes - we are forced to pass the message as binary because
# we don't know its encoding until we parse its headers and hence can't
# convert it to utf-8 for transport between the mailgate script and here.
if isinstance(message, xmlrpclib.Binary):
message = bytes(message.data)
if isinstance(message, str):
message = message.encode('utf-8')
message = email.message_from_bytes(message, policy=email.policy.SMTP)
# parse the message, verify we are not in a loop by checking message_id is not duplicated
msg_dict = self.message_parse(message, save_original=save_original)
if strip_attachments:
msg_dict.pop('attachments', None)
message_ids = [msg_dict['message_id']]
if msg_dict.get('x_odoo_message_id'):
existing_msg_ids = self.env['mail.message'].search([('message_id', 'in', message_ids)], limit=1)
if existing_msg_ids:
if msg_dict.get('x_odoo_message_id'):
_logger.info('Ignored mail from %s to %s with Message-Id %s / Context Message-Id %s: found duplicated Message-Id during processing',
msg_dict.get('email_from'), msg_dict.get('to'), msg_dict.get('message_id'), msg_dict.get('x_odoo_message_id'))
_logger.info('Ignored mail from %s to %s with Message-Id %s: found duplicated Message-Id during processing',
msg_dict.get('email_from'), msg_dict.get('to'), msg_dict.get('message_id'))
return False
if self._detect_loop_headers(msg_dict):
_logger.info('Ignored mail from %s to %s with Message-Id %s: reply to a bounce notification detected by headers',
msg_dict.get('email_from'), msg_dict.get('to'), msg_dict.get('message_id'))
# find possible routes for the message; note this also updates notably
# 'author_id' of msg_dict
routes = self.message_route(message, msg_dict, model, thread_id, custom_values)
if self._detect_loop_sender(message, msg_dict, routes):
thread_id = self._message_route_process(message, msg_dict, routes)
return thread_id
def message_new(self, msg_dict, custom_values=None):
"""Called by ``message_process`` when a new message is received
for a given thread model, if the message did not belong to
an existing thread.
The default behavior is to create a new record of the corresponding
model (based on some very basic info extracted from the message).
Additional behavior may be implemented by overriding this method.
:param dict msg_dict: a map containing the email details and
attachments. See ``message_process`` and
``mail.message.parse`` for details.
:param dict custom_values: optional dictionary of additional
field values to pass to create()
when creating the new thread record.
Be careful, these values may override
any other values coming from the message.
:rtype: int
:return: the id of the newly created thread object
data = {}
if isinstance(custom_values, dict):
data = custom_values.copy()
model_fields = self.fields_get()
name_field = self._rec_name or 'name'
if name_field in model_fields and not data.get(name_field):
data[name_field] = msg_dict.get('subject', '')
primary_email = self._mail_get_primary_email_field()
if primary_email and msg_dict.get('email_from'):
data[primary_email] = msg_dict['email_from']
return self.create(data)
def message_update(self, msg_dict, update_vals=None):
"""Called by ``message_process`` when a new message is received
for an existing thread. The default behavior is to update the record
with update_vals taken from the incoming email.
Additional behavior may be implemented by overriding this
:param dict msg_dict: a map containing the email details and
attachments. See ``message_process`` and
``mail.message.parse()`` for details.
:param dict update_vals: a dict containing values to update records
given their ids; if the dict is None or is
void, no write operation is performed.
if update_vals:
return True
def _message_receive_bounce(self, email, partner):
"""Called by ``message_process`` when a bounce email (such as Undelivered
Mail Returned to Sender) is received for an existing thread. The default
behavior is to do nothing. This method is meant to be overridden in various
modules to add some specific behavior like blacklist management or mass
mailing statistics update. check is an integer ``message_bounce`` column exists.
If it is the case, its content is incremented.
:param string email: email that caused the bounce;
:param record partner: partner matching the bounced email address, if any;
def _message_reset_bounce(self, email):
"""Called by ``message_process`` when an email is considered as not being
a bounce. The default behavior is to do nothing. This method is meant to
be overridden in various modules to add some specific behavior like
blacklist management.
:param string email: email for which to reset bounce information
def _message_parse_extract_payload_postprocess(self, message, payload_dict):
""" Perform some cleaning / postprocess in the body and attachments
extracted from the email. Note that this processing is specific to the
mail module, and should not contain security or generic html cleaning.
Indeed those aspects should be covered by the html_sanitize method
located in mail.
:param string message: an email.message instance
body, attachments = payload_dict['body'], payload_dict['attachments']
if not body.strip():
return {'body': body, 'attachments': attachments}
root = lxml.html.fromstring(body)
except ValueError:
# In case the email client sent XHTML, fromstring will fail because 'Unicode strings
# with encoding declaration are not supported'.
root = lxml.html.fromstring(body.encode('utf-8'))
postprocessed = False
to_remove = []
for node in root.iter():
if 'o_mail_notification' in (node.get('class') or '') or 'o_mail_notification' in (node.get('summary') or ''):
postprocessed = True
if node.getparent() is not None:
if node.tag == 'img' and node.get('src', '').startswith('cid:'):
cid = node.get('src').split(':', 1)[1]
related_attachment = [attach for attach in attachments if attach[2] and attach[2].get('cid') == cid]
if related_attachment:
node.set('data-filename', related_attachment[0][0])
postprocessed = True
for node in to_remove:
if postprocessed:
body = Markup(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=False, encoding='unicode'))
return {'body': body, 'attachments': attachments}
def _message_parse_extract_payload(self, message: EmailMessage, message_dict: dict, save_original: bool = False):
"""Extract body as HTML and attachments from the mail message
attachments = []
body = ''
if save_original:
attachments.append(self._Attachment('original_email.eml', message.as_string(), {}))
# Be careful, content-type may contain tricky content like in the
# following example so test the MIME type with startswith()
# Content-Type: multipart/related;
# boundary="_004_3f1e4da175f349248b8d43cdeb9866f1AMSPR06MB343eurprd06pro_";
# type="text/html"
if message.get_content_maintype() == 'text':
body = message.get_content()
if message.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
# text/plain -> <pre/>
body = append_content_to_html('', body, preserve=True)
elif message.get_content_type() == 'text/html':
# we only strip_classes here everything else will be done in by html field of mail.message
body = html_sanitize(body, sanitize_tags=False, strip_classes=True)
alternative = False
mixed = False
html = False
for part in message.walk():
if message_dict.get('is_bounce') and body:
# bounce email, keep only the first body and ignore
# the parent email that might be added at the end
# (e.g. for outlook / yahoo bounce email)
if part.get_content_type() == 'binary/octet-stream':
_logger.warning("Message containing an unexpected Content-Type 'binary/octet-stream', assuming 'application/octet-stream'")
part.replace_header('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
if part.get_content_type() == 'multipart/alternative':
alternative = True
if part.get_content_type() == 'multipart/mixed':
mixed = True
if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':
continue # skip container
filename = part.get_filename() # I may not properly handle all charsets
if part.get_content_type().startswith('text/') and not part.get_param('charset'):
# for text/* with omitted charset, the charset is assumed to be ASCII by the `email` module
# although the payload might be in UTF8
encoding = part.get_content_charset() # None if attachment
# Correcting MIME type for PDF files
if part.get('Content-Type', '').startswith('pdf;'):
part.replace_header('Content-Type', 'application/pdf' + part.get('Content-Type', '')[3:])
content = part.get_content()
info = {'encoding': encoding}
# 0) Inline Attachments -> attachments, with a third part in the tuple to match cid / attachment
if filename and part.get('content-id'):
info['cid'] = part.get('content-id').strip('><')
attachments.append(self._Attachment(filename, content, info))
# 1) Explicit Attachments -> attachments
if filename or part.get('content-disposition', '').strip().startswith('attachment'):
attachments.append(self._Attachment(filename or 'attachment', content, info))
# 2) text/plain -> <pre/>
if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain' and not (alternative and body):
body = append_content_to_html(body, content, preserve=True)
# 3) text/html -> raw
elif part.get_content_type() == 'text/html':
# multipart/alternative have one text and a html part, keep only the second
if alternative and not (html and mixed):
body = content
# mixed allows several html parts, append html content
body = append_content_to_html(body, content, plaintext=False)
# TODO: maybe just setting to `True` is enough?
html = html or bool(content)
# we only strip_classes here everything else will be done in by html field of mail.message
body = html_sanitize(body, sanitize_tags=False, strip_classes=True)
# 4) Anything else -> attachment
attachments.append(self._Attachment(filename or 'attachment', content, info))
return self._message_parse_extract_payload_postprocess(message, {'body': body, 'attachments': attachments})
def _message_parse_extract_bounce(self, email_message, message_dict):
""" Parse email and extract bounce information to be used in future
:param email_message: an email.message instance;
:param message_dict: dictionary holding already-parsed values;
:return dict: bounce-related values will be added, containing
* is_bounce: whether the email is recognized as a bounce email;
* bounced_email: email that bounced (normalized);
* bounce_partner: res.partner recordset whose email_normalized =
* bounced_msg_ids: list of message_ID references (<...@myserver>) linked
to the email that bounced;
* bounced_message: if found, mail.message recordset matching bounced_msg_ids;
if not isinstance(email_message, EmailMessage):
raise TypeError('message must be an email.message.EmailMessage at this point')
is_bounce = self._detect_is_bounce(email_message, message_dict)
if not is_bounce:
return {'is_bounce': False}
email_part = next((part for part in email_message.walk() if part.get_content_type() in {'message/rfc822', 'text/rfc822-headers'}), None)
if not email_part:
# In the case of a bounce message (e.g. bounce message of GMX), the "rfc822"
# email part might not be always present. In that case we fallback to "multipart/report".
email_part = next(
(part for part in email_message.walk() if part.get_content_type() == 'multipart/report'),
dsn_part = next((part for part in email_message.walk() if part.get_content_type() == 'message/delivery-status'), None)
bounced_email = False
bounced_partner = self.env['res.partner'].sudo()
if dsn_part and len(dsn_part.get_payload()) > 1:
dsn = dsn_part.get_payload()[1]
final_recipient_data = decode_message_header(dsn, 'Final-Recipient')
# old servers may hold void or invalid Final-Recipient header
if final_recipient_data and ";" in final_recipient_data:
bounced_email = email_normalize(final_recipient_data.split(';', 1)[1].strip())
if bounced_email:
bounced_partner = self.env['res.partner'].sudo().search([('email_normalized', '=', bounced_email)])
bounced_msg_ids = False
bounced_message = self.env['mail.message'].sudo()
if email_part:
if email_part.get_content_type() == 'text/rfc822-headers':
# Convert the message body into a message itself
email_payload = message_from_string(email_part.get_content(), policy=email.policy.SMTP)
email_payload = email_part.get_payload()[0]
bounced_message, bounced_msg_ids = self._get_bounced_message_data(email_payload, message_dict)
if bounced_message and not bounced_partner and len(bounced_message.notification_ids.res_partner_id) == 1:
# if the original recipient was not found,
# try to find the recipient based on parent <mail.message> notification
bounced_partner = bounced_message.notification_ids.res_partner_id[0]
bounced_email = bounced_partner.email
return {
'bounced_email': bounced_email,
'bounced_partner': bounced_partner,
'bounced_msg_ids': bounced_msg_ids,
'bounced_message': bounced_message,
'is_bounce': True,
def message_parse(self, message, save_original=False):
""" Parses an email.message.Message representing an RFC-2822 email
and returns a generic dict holding the message details.
:param message: email to parse
:type message: email.message.Message
:param bool save_original: whether the returned dict should include
an ``original`` attachment containing the source of the message
:rtype: dict
:return: A dict with the following structure, where each field may not
be present if missing in original message::
{ 'message_id': msg_id,
'subject': subject,
'email_from': from,
'to': to + delivered-to,
'cc': cc,
'recipients': delivered-to + to + cc + resent-to + resent-cc,
'partner_ids': partners found based on recipients emails,
'body': unified_body,
'references': references,
'in_reply_to': in-reply-to,
'is_bounce': True if it has been detected as a bounce email
'parent_id': parent mail.message based on in_reply_to or references,
'is_internal': answer to an internal message (note),
'date': date,
'attachments': [('file1', 'bytes'),
('file2', 'bytes')}
if not isinstance(message, EmailMessage):
raise ValueError(_('Message should be a valid EmailMessage instance'))
msg_dict = {'message_type': 'email'}
message_id = message.get('Message-Id')
if not message_id:
# Very unusual situation, be we should be fault-tolerant here
message_id = "<%s@localhost>" % time.time()
_logger.debug('Parsing Message without message-id, generating a random one: %s', message_id)
msg_dict['x_odoo_message_id'] = (message.get('X-Odoo-Message-Id') or '').strip()
msg_dict['message_id'] = message_id.strip()
if message.get('Subject'):
msg_dict['subject'] = decode_message_header(message, 'Subject')
email_from = decode_message_header(message, 'From', separator=',')
email_cc = decode_message_header(message, 'cc', separator=',')
email_from_list = email_split_and_format(email_from)
email_cc_list = email_split_and_format(email_cc)
msg_dict['email_from'] = email_from_list[0] if email_from_list else email_from
msg_dict['from'] = msg_dict['email_from'] # compatibility for message_new
msg_dict['cc'] = ','.join(email_cc_list) if email_cc_list else email_cc
# Delivered-To is a safe bet in most modern MTAs, but we have to fallback on To + Cc values
# for all the odd MTAs out there, as there is no standard header for the envelope's `rcpt_to` value.
msg_dict['recipients'] = ','.join(set(formatted_email
for address in [
decode_message_header(message, 'Delivered-To', separator=','),
decode_message_header(message, 'To', separator=','),
decode_message_header(message, 'Cc', separator=','),
decode_message_header(message, 'Resent-To', separator=','),
decode_message_header(message, 'Resent-Cc', separator=',')
] if address
for formatted_email in email_split_and_format(address))
msg_dict['to'] = ','.join(set(formatted_email
for address in [
decode_message_header(message, 'Delivered-To', separator=','),
decode_message_header(message, 'To', separator=',')
] if address
for formatted_email in email_split_and_format(address))
partner_ids = [x.id for x in self._mail_find_partner_from_emails(email_split(msg_dict['recipients']), records=self) if x]
msg_dict['partner_ids'] = partner_ids
# compute references to find if email_message is a reply to an existing thread
msg_dict['references'] = decode_message_header(message, 'References')
msg_dict['in_reply_to'] = decode_message_header(message, 'In-Reply-To').strip()
if message.get('Date'):
date_hdr = decode_message_header(message, 'Date')
parsed_date = dateutil.parser.parse(date_hdr, fuzzy=True)
if parsed_date.utcoffset() is None:
# naive datetime, so we arbitrarily decide to make it
# UTC, there's no better choice. Should not happen,
# as RFC2822 requires timezone offset in Date headers.
stored_date = parsed_date.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
stored_date = parsed_date.astimezone(tz=pytz.utc)
except Exception:
_logger.info('Failed to parse Date header %r in incoming mail '
'with message-id %r, assuming current date/time.',
message.get('Date'), message_id)
stored_date = datetime.datetime.now()
msg_dict['date'] = fields.Datetime.to_string(stored_date)
msg_dict.update(self._message_parse_extract_bounce(message, msg_dict))
msg_dict.update(self._message_parse_extract_payload(message, msg_dict, save_original=save_original))
return msg_dict
def _message_parse_extract_from_parent(self, parent_message):
"""Derive message values from the parent."""
if parent_message:
parent_is_internal = bool(parent_message.subtype_id and parent_message.subtype_id.internal)
parent_is_auto_comment = parent_message.message_type == 'auto_comment'
return {
'parent_id': parent_message.id,
'is_internal': parent_is_internal and not parent_is_auto_comment
return {}
def _get_bounced_message_data(self, message, message_dict):
"""Find the original <mail.message> and the bounced email references based on an incoming email.
:param message: The EmailMessage object, part of the incoming email
First Content type: 'message/rfc822' or 'text/rfc822-headers'
:param message_dict: The dict values already parsed
A tuple with
- The <mail.message> (or empty recordset if nothing has been found)
- The list of references ids used to find the bounced mail message
reference_ids = []
headers = ('Message-Id', 'X-Odoo-Message-Id', 'X-Microsoft-Original-Message-ID')
for header in headers:
value = decode_message_header(message, header)
references = unfold_references(value)
reference_ids.extend([reference.strip() for reference in references])
if reference_ids:
bounced_message = self.env['mail.message'].search(
[('message_id', 'in', reference_ids)],
order='create_date DESC, id DESC', limit=1)
if bounced_message:
return bounced_message, reference_ids
reference_ids.extend([r.strip() for r in unfold_references(message_dict['references'])])
if message_dict.get('parent_id'):
# Parent based on References, In-Reply-To, etc
# has already been searched (see @_get_parent_message)
bounced_message = self.env['mail.message'].browse(message_dict['parent_id'])
return bounced_message, reference_ids
return self.env['mail.message'], reference_ids
def _get_parent_message(self, msg_dict):
"""Find the <mail.message> which is the parent of the given email.
:param msg_dict: The dict values already parsed
:return: The <mail.message> or None if nothing has been found
in_reply_to = msg_dict['in_reply_to']
if in_reply_to:
parent = self.env['mail.message'].search(
[('message_id', '=', in_reply_to)],
order='id DESC', limit=1)
if parent:
return parent
msg_references = [r.strip() for r in unfold_references(msg_dict['references'])]
if msg_references:
# avoid creating a gigantic query by limiting the number of references taken into account.
# newer msg_ids are *appended* to References as per RFC5322 §3.6.4, so we should generally
# find a match just with the last entry (equal to `In-Reply-To`). 32 refs seems large enough,
# we've seen performance degrade with 100+ refs.
msg_references = msg_references[-32:]
parent = self.env['mail.message'].search(
[('message_id', 'in', msg_references)],
order='id DESC', limit=1)
if parent:
return parent
return None
# ------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------
def _message_add_suggested_recipient(self, result, partner=None, email=None, lang=None, reason=''):
""" Called by _message_get_suggested_recipients, to add a suggested
recipient as a dictionary in the result list """
partner_info = {}
recipient_data = {'lang': lang, 'reason': reason}
if email and not partner:
# get partner info from email
partner_info = self._message_partner_info_from_emails([email])[0]
if partner_info.get('partner_id'):
partner = self.env['res.partner'].sudo().browse([partner_info['partner_id']])[0]
if email and email in [val['email'] for val in result if val.get('email')]: # already existing email -> skip
return result
if partner and partner in self.message_partner_ids: # recipient already in the followers -> skip
return result
if partner and partner.id in [val.get('partner_id', False) for val in result]: # already existing partner ID -> skip
return result
if partner and partner.email: # complete profile: id, name <email>
email_normalized = ','.join(email_normalize_all(partner.email))
recipient_data.update({'partner_id': partner.id, 'name': partner.name or '', 'email': email_normalized})
elif partner: # incomplete profile: id, name
recipient_data.update({'partner_id': partner.id, 'name': partner.name})
else: # unknown partner, we are probably managing an email address
_, parsed_email_normalized = parse_contact_from_email(email)
partner_create_values = self._get_customer_information().get(parsed_email_normalized, {})
name = partner_create_values.get('name') or partner_info.get('full_name') or email
'name': name,
'email': partner_info.get('full_name') or email,
'create_values': partner_create_values,
return result
def _message_get_suggested_recipients(self):
""" Get suggested recipients to be managed by Chatter
:returns: list of dictionaries (per suggested recipient) containing:
* partner_id: int: recipient partner id
* name: str: name of the recipient
* email: str: email of recipient
* lang: str: language code
* reason: str
* create_values: dict: data for unknown partner
result = []
user_field = self._fields.get('user_id')
if user_field and user_field.type == 'many2one' and user_field.comodel_name == 'res.users':
thread = self.sudo() # SUPERUSER because of a read on res.users that would crash otherwise
if thread.user_id and thread.user_id.partner_id:
return result
def _mail_search_on_user(self, normalized_emails, extra_domain=False):
""" Find partners linked to users, given an email address that will
be normalized. Search is done as sudo on res.users model to avoid domain
on partner like ('user_ids', '!=', False) that would not be efficient. """
domain = [('email_normalized', 'in', normalized_emails)]
if extra_domain:
domain = expression.AND([domain, extra_domain])
partners = self.env['res.users'].sudo().search(domain).mapped('partner_id')
# return a search on partner to filter results current user should not see (multi company for example)
return self.env['res.partner'].search([('id', 'in', partners.ids)])
def _mail_search_on_partner(self, normalized_emails, extra_domain=False):
domain = [('email_normalized', 'in', normalized_emails)]
if extra_domain:
domain = expression.AND([domain, extra_domain])
return self.env['res.partner'].search(domain)
def _mail_find_user_for_gateway(self, email_value, alias=None):
""" Utility method to find user from email address that can create documents
in the target model. Purpose is to link document creation to users whenever
possible, for example when creating document through mailgateway.
* alias owner record: fetch in its followers for user with matching email;
* find any user with matching emails;
* try alias owner as fallback;
Note that standard search order is applied.
:param str email_value: will be sanitized and parsed to find email;
:param mail.alias alias: optional alias. Used to fetch owner followers
or fallback user (alias owner);
:return res.user user: user matching email or void recordset if none found
# find normalized emails and exclude aliases (to avoid subscribing alias emails to records)
normalized_email = email_normalize(email_value)
if not normalized_email:
return self.env['res.users']
if self.env['mail.alias'].sudo().search_count([('alias_full_name', '=', email_value)]):
return self.env['res.users']
if alias and alias.alias_parent_model_id and alias.alias_parent_thread_id:
followers = self.env['mail.followers'].search([
('res_model', '=', alias.alias_parent_model_id.sudo().model),
('res_id', '=', alias.alias_parent_thread_id)]
followers = self.env['res.partner']
follower_users = self.env['res.users'].search([
('partner_id', 'in', followers.ids), ('email_normalized', '=', normalized_email)
], limit=1) if followers else self.env['res.users']
matching_user = follower_users[0] if follower_users else self.env['res.users']
if matching_user:
return matching_user
if not matching_user:
std_users = self.env['res.users'].sudo().search([('email_normalized', '=', normalized_email)], limit=1)
matching_user = std_users[0] if std_users else self.env['res.users']
return matching_user
def _mail_find_partner_from_emails(self, emails, records=None, force_create=False, extra_domain=False):
""" Utility method to find partners from email addresses. If no partner is
found, create new partners if force_create is enabled. Search heuristics
* 0: clean incoming email list to use only normalized emails. Exclude
those used in aliases to avoid setting partner emails to emails
used as aliases;
* 1: check in records (record set) followers if records is mail.thread
enabled and if check_followers parameter is enabled;
* 2: search for partners with user;
* 3: search for partners;
:param records: record set on which to check followers;
:param list emails: list of email addresses for finding partner;
:param boolean force_create: create a new partner if not found
:return list partners: a list of partner records ordered as given emails.
If no partner has been found and/or created for a given emails its
matching partner is an empty record.
if records and isinstance(records, self.pool['mail.thread']):
followers = records.mapped('message_partner_ids')
followers = self.env['res.partner']
# first, build a normalized email list and remove those linked to aliases
# to avoid adding aliases as partners. In case of multi-email input, use
# the first found valid one to be tolerant against multi emails encoding
normalized_emails = [email_normalized
for email_normalized in (email_normalize(contact, strict=False) for contact in emails)
if email_normalized
matching_aliases = self.env['mail.alias'].sudo().search([('alias_full_name', 'in', normalized_emails)])
if matching_aliases:
normalized_emails = [email for email in normalized_emails if email not in matching_aliases.mapped('alias_full_name')]
done_partners = [follower for follower in followers if follower.email_normalized in normalized_emails]
remaining = [email for email in normalized_emails if email not in [partner.email_normalized for partner in done_partners]]
user_partners = self._mail_search_on_user(remaining, extra_domain=extra_domain)
done_partners += [user_partner for user_partner in user_partners]
remaining = [email for email in normalized_emails if email not in [partner.email_normalized for partner in done_partners]]
partners = self._mail_search_on_partner(remaining, extra_domain=extra_domain)
done_partners += [partner for partner in partners]
# prioritize current user if exists in list, and partners with matching company ids
if company_fname := records and records._mail_get_company_field():
def sort_key(p):
return (
self.env.user.partner_id == p, # prioritize user
p.company_id in records[company_fname], # then partner associated w/ records
not p.company_id, # else pick partner w/out company_id
def sort_key(p):
return (self.env.user.partner_id == p, not p.company_id)
done_partners.sort(key=sort_key, reverse=True) # reverse because False < True
# iterate and keep ordering
partners = []
for contact in emails:
normalized_email = email_normalize(contact, strict=False)
partner = next((partner for partner in done_partners if partner.email_normalized == normalized_email), self.env['res.partner'])
if not partner and force_create and normalized_email in normalized_emails:
partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(self.env['res.partner'].name_create(contact)[0])
return partners
def _message_partner_info_from_emails(self, emails, link_mail=False):
""" Convert a list of emails into a list partner_ids and a list
new_partner_ids. The return value is non conventional because
it is meant to be used by the mail widget.
:return dict: partner_ids and new_partner_ids """
MailMessage = self.env['mail.message'].sudo()
partners = self._mail_find_partner_from_emails(emails, records=self)
result = list()
for idx, contact in enumerate(emails):
partner = partners[idx]
partner_info = {'full_name': partner.email_formatted if partner else contact, 'partner_id': partner.id}
# link mail with this from mail to the new partner id
if link_mail and partner:
('email_from', '=ilike', partner.email_normalized),
('author_id', '=', False)
]).write({'author_id': partner.id})
return result
def _get_customer_information(self):
""" Get customer information that can be extracted from the records by
normalized email.
The goal of this method is to offer an extension point to subclasses
for retrieving initial values from a record to populate related
customers record (res_partner).
:return dict: normalized email -> dict of initial res_partner values
return {}
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_allowed_message_post_params(self):
return {"attachment_ids", "body", "email_add_signature", "message_type", "partner_ids", "subtype_xmlid"}
@api.returns('mail.message', lambda value: value.id)
def message_post(self, *,
body='', subject=None, message_type='notification',
email_from=None, author_id=None, parent_id=False,
subtype_xmlid=None, subtype_id=False, partner_ids=None,
attachments=None, attachment_ids=None, body_is_html=False,
""" Post a new message in an existing thread, returning the new mail.message.
:param str|Markup body: body of the message, str content will be escaped, Markup
for html body
:param str subject: subject of the message
:param str message_type: see mail_message.message_type field. Can be anything but
user_notification, reserved for message_notify
:param str email_from: from address of the author. See ``_message_compute_author``
that uses it to make email_from / author_id coherent;
:param int author_id: optional ID of partner record being the author. See
``_message_compute_author`` that uses it to make email_from / author_id coherent;
:param int parent_id: handle thread formation
:param str subtype_xmlid: optional xml id of a mail.message.subtype to
fetch, will force value of subtype_id;
:param int subtype_id: subtype_id of the message, used mainly for followers
notification mechanism;
:param list(int) partner_ids: partner_ids to notify in addition to partners
computed based on subtype / followers matching;
:param list(tuple(str,str), tuple(str,str, dict)) attachments : list of attachment
tuples in the form ``(name,content)`` or ``(name,content, info)`` where content
is NOT base64 encoded;
:param list attachment_ids: list of existing attachments to link to this message
Should not be a list of commands. Attachment records attached to mail
composer will be attached to the related document.
:param bool body_is_html: indicates body should be threated as HTML even if str
to be used only for RPC calls
Extra keyword arguments will be used either
* as default column values for the new mail.message record if they match
mail.message fields;
* propagated to notification methods if not;
:return record: newly create mail.message
self.ensure_one() # should always be posted on a record, use message_notify if no record
# preliminary value safety check
forbidden_names={'model', 'res_id', 'subtype'}
if self._name == 'mail.thread' or not self.id:
raise ValueError(_("Posting a message should be done on a business document. Use message_notify to send a notification to an user."))
if message_type == 'user_notification':
raise ValueError(_("Use message_notify to send a notification to an user."))
if attachments:
# attachments should be a list (or tuples) of 3-elements list (or tuple)
format_error = not is_list_of(attachments, list) and not is_list_of(attachments, tuple)
if not format_error:
format_error = not all(len(attachment) in {2, 3} for attachment in attachments)
if format_error:
raise ValueError(
_('Posting a message should receive attachments as a list of list or tuples (received %(aids)s)',
if attachment_ids and not is_list_of(attachment_ids, int):
raise ValueError(
_('Posting a message should receive attachments records as a list of IDs (received %(aids)s)',
attachment_ids = list(attachment_ids or [])
if partner_ids and not is_list_of(partner_ids, int):
raise ValueError(
_('Posting a message should receive partners as a list of IDs (received %(pids)s)',
partner_ids = list(partner_ids or [])
# split message additional values from notify additional values
msg_kwargs = {key: val for key, val in kwargs.items()
if key in self.env['mail.message']._fields}
notif_kwargs = {key: val for key, val in kwargs.items()
if key not in msg_kwargs}
# Add lang to context immediately since it will be useful in various flows later
self = self._fallback_lang()
# Find the message's author
guest = self.env['mail.guest']._get_guest_from_context()
if not author_id and self.env.user._is_public() and guest:
author_guest_id = guest.id
author_id, email_from = False, False
author_guest_id = False
author_id, email_from = self._message_compute_author(author_id, email_from, raise_on_email=True)
if subtype_xmlid:
subtype_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id(subtype_xmlid)
if not subtype_id:
subtype_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_note')
# automatically subscribe recipients if asked to
if self._context.get('mail_post_autofollow') and partner_ids:
msg_values = dict(msg_kwargs)
if 'email_add_signature' not in msg_values:
msg_values['email_add_signature'] = True
if not msg_values.get('record_name'):
# use sudo as record access is not always granted (notably when replying
# a notification) -> final check is done at message creation level
msg_values['record_name'] = self.sudo().display_name
if body_is_html and self.env.user._is_internal():
_logger.warning("Posting HTML message using body_is_html=True, use a Markup object instead (user: %s)",
body = Markup(body)
# author
'author_id': author_id,
'author_guest_id': author_guest_id,
'email_from': email_from,
# document
'model': self._name,
'res_id': self.id,
# content
'body': escape(body), # escape if text, keep if markup
'message_type': message_type,
'parent_id': self._message_compute_parent_id(parent_id),
'subject': subject or False,
'subtype_id': subtype_id,
# recipients
'partner_ids': partner_ids,
# add default-like values afterwards, to avoid useless queries
if 'record_alias_domain_id' not in msg_values:
msg_values['record_alias_domain_id'] = self.sudo()._mail_get_alias_domains(default_company=self.env.company)[self.id].id
if 'record_company_id' not in msg_values:
msg_values['record_company_id'] = self._mail_get_companies(default=self.env.company)[self.id].id
if 'reply_to' not in msg_values:
msg_values['reply_to'] = self._notify_get_reply_to(default=email_from)[self.id]
self._process_attachments_for_post(attachments, attachment_ids, msg_values)
) # attachement_ids, body
new_message = self._message_create([msg_values])
# subscribe author(s) so that they receive answers; do it only when it is
# a manual post by the author (aka not a system notification, not a message
# posted 'in behalf of', and if still active).
author_subscribe = (not self._context.get('mail_create_nosubscribe') and
msg_values['message_type'] != 'notification')
if author_subscribe:
real_author_id = False
# if current user is active, they are the one doing the action and should
# be notified of answers. If they are inactive they are posting on behalf
# of someone else (a custom, mailgateway, ...) and the real author is the
# message author
if self.env.user.active:
real_author_id = self.env.user.partner_id.id
elif msg_values['author_id']:
author = self.env['res.partner'].browse(msg_values['author_id'])
if author.active:
real_author_id = author.id
if real_author_id:
self._message_post_after_hook(new_message, msg_values)
self._notify_thread(new_message, msg_values, **notif_kwargs)
return new_message
def _message_post_after_hook(self, message, msg_values):
""" Hook to add custom behavior after having posted the message. Both
message and computed value are given, to try to lessen query count by
using already-computed values instead of having to rebrowse things. """
def _message_mail_after_hook(self, mails):
""" Hook to add custom behavior after having sent an mass mailing.
:param mail.mail mails: mail.mail records about to be sent"""
def _process_attachments_for_post(self, attachments, attachment_ids, message_values):
""" Preprocess attachments for MailTread.message_post() or MailMail.create().
Purpose is to
* transfer attachments given by ``attachment_ids`` from the composer
to the record (if any);
* limit attachments manipulation when being a shared user: only those
created by the user and linked to the composer are considered;
* create attachments from ``attachments``. If those are linked to the
content (body) through CIDs body is updated. CIDs are found and
replaced by links to web/image as CIDs are not supported as it.
Note that attachments are created/written in sudo as we consider at this
point access is granted on related record and/or to post the linked
message. The caller must verify the access rights accordingly. Indeed
attachments rights are stricter than message rights which may lead to
ACLs issues e.g. when posting on a readonly document or replying to
a notification on a private document.
:param list(tuple(str,str)) or list(tuple(str,str, dict)) attachments:
list of attachment tuples in the form ``(name,content)`` or
`(name,content, info)`` where content is NOT base64 encoded;
:param list attachment_ids: list of existing attachments to link to this
:param message_values: dictionary of values that will be used to create the
message. It is used to find back record- or content- context;
:return dict: new values for message: 'attachment_ids' and optionally
'body' if CIDs have been transformed;
# allow calling as a model method using model/res_id
if 'res_id' in message_values:
model, res_id = message_values['model'], message_values['res_id']
model, res_id = self._name, self.id
body = ''
if message_values.get('body'):
# at this point, body should be valid Markup; other content will be
# escaped to avoid any issue
body = escape(message_values['body']) if not is_html_empty(message_values['body']) else ''
m2m_attachment_ids = []
if attachment_ids:
# taking advantage of cache looks better in this case, to check
filtered_attachment_ids = self.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().browse(attachment_ids).filtered(
lambda a: a.res_model in ('mail.compose.message', 'mail.scheduled.message') and a.create_uid.id == self._uid)
# update filtered (pending) attachments to link them to the proper record
if filtered_attachment_ids:
filtered_attachment_ids.write({'res_model': model, 'res_id': res_id})
# prevent public and portal users from using attachments that are not theirs
if not self.env.user._is_internal():
attachment_ids = filtered_attachment_ids.ids
m2m_attachment_ids += [Command.link(id) for id in attachment_ids]
# Handle attachments parameter, that is a dictionary of attachments
return_values = {}
if attachments: # generate
body_cids, body_filenames = set(), set()
if body:
root = lxml.html.fromstring(body)
# first list all attachments that will be needed in body
for node in root.iter('img'):
if node.get('src', '').startswith('cid:'):
elif node.get('data-filename'):
attachement_values_list = []
attachement_extra_list = []
# generate values
for attachment in attachments:
if len(attachment) == 2:
name, content = attachment
cid = False
info = {}
elif len(attachment) == 3:
name, content, info = attachment
cid = info and info.get('cid')
if isinstance(content, str):
encoding = info and info.get('encoding')
content = content.encode(encoding or "utf-8")
except UnicodeEncodeError:
content = content.encode("utf-8")
elif isinstance(content, EmailMessage):
content = content.as_bytes()
elif content is None:
attachement_values = {
'name': name,
'datas': base64.b64encode(content),
'type': 'binary',
'description': name,
'res_model': model,
'res_id': res_id,
token = False
if (cid and cid in body_cids) or (name and name in body_filenames):
token = self.env['ir.attachment']._generate_access_token()
attachement_values['access_token'] = token
# keep cid, name list and token synced with attachement_values_list length to match ids latter
attachement_extra_list.append((cid, name, token, info))
new_attachments = self._create_attachments_for_post(attachement_values_list, attachement_extra_list)
attach_cid_mapping, attach_name_mapping = {}, {}
for attachment, (cid, name, token, _info) in zip(new_attachments, attachement_extra_list):
if cid:
attach_cid_mapping[cid] = (attachment.id, token)
if name:
attach_name_mapping[name] = (attachment.id, token)
m2m_attachment_ids.append((4, attachment.id))
# note: right know we are only taking attachments and ignoring attachment_ids.
if (body_cids or body_filenames) and body:
postprocessed = False
for node in root.iter('img'):
att_id, token = False, False
if node.get('src', '').startswith('cid:'):
cid = node.get('src').split('cid:')[1]
att_id, token = attach_cid_mapping.get(cid, (False, False))
if (not att_id or not token) and node.get('data-filename'):
att_id, token = attach_name_mapping.get(node.get('data-filename'), (False, False))
if att_id and token:
node.set('src', f'/web/image/{att_id}?access_token={token}')
postprocessed = True
if postprocessed:
# tostring being a raw string, we have to respect I/O and return
# a valid Markup
return_values['body'] = Markup(lxml.html.tostring(root, pretty_print=False, encoding='unicode'))
return_values['attachment_ids'] = m2m_attachment_ids
return return_values
def _create_attachments_for_post(self, values_list, extra_list):
""" Ease tweaking attachment creation when processing them in posting
process. Mainly meant for stable version, to be cleaned when reaching
master. """
return self.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().create(values_list)
def _process_attachments_for_template_post(self, mail_template):
""" Model specific management of attachments used with template attachments
generation in addition to reports. Only usage currently is for EDI in
:param mail.template mail_template: a mail.template record used to generate
message or emails on self;
:return dict: a dictionary based on self.ids (optional). For each given
key, value should be a dict holding 'attachments' and 'attachment_ids'
return {}
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def message_mail_with_source(self, source_ref, render_values=None,
""" Send a mass mail on self, using an external source to render part
of the content. It can be either a 'mail.template', either a view used
to render the body using QWeb.
SPOILER: this method currently calls a composer in a loop when using
a view even if it is suboptimal. This is due to current composer
implementation.. This will be cleaned soon to optimize mass mailing
through mail.thread and lessen usage of composer itself.
Default values
* subtype_id: will be False, forced by composer in mass mode;
:param record/str source_ref: reference to a source for rendering.
It can be one of
* a MailTemplate record. It will be used to render the various
message values (body, subject, recipients, ...). It should behave
like using the mail composer with a template;
* an IrUIView record. It will be used to render the content
(body). Other fields are left to the caller and/or default values
* an XmlID of a MailTemplate or of an IrUiView: see above;
:param dict render_values: additional rendering values for qweb context;
:param str message_type: one of 'notification' or 'comment';
:param bool auto_commit: auto commit after each batch of emails sent
(see ``MailComposer._action_send_mail()``);
:param dict kwargs: additional values given to the 'mail.compose.message'
:return: created mail.mail records, as sudo
template, view = self._get_source_from_ref(source_ref)
# preliminary value safety check
forbidden_names={'body', 'composition_mode', 'model', 'res_id', 'values'}
# with a view, render bodies in batch (template is managed by composer)
bodies = self.env['mail.render.mixin']._render_template_qweb_view(
) if view else {}
# Prepare composer values for creation
composer_values = {
'composition_mode': 'mass_mail',
'message_type': message_type,
# subtype is not really used in mass mail mode as it is used mainly
# when posting, but keep it in case it is used in post send
'subtype_id': kwargs.pop('subtype_id', False) or self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_note'),
composer_ctx = {
'default_composition_mode': 'mass_mail',
'default_model': self._name,
'default_template_id': template.id if template else False,
mails_su = self.env['mail.mail'].sudo()
for subset in [self] if template else self:
composer_ctx['default_res_ids'] = subset.ids
if not template:
composer_values['body'] = bodies[subset.id]
composer = self.env['mail.compose.message'].with_context(
mails_as_sudo, _messages = composer._action_send_mail(auto_commit=auto_commit)
mails_su += mails_as_sudo
return mails_su
def message_post_with_source(self, source_ref, render_values=None,
subtype_xmlid=False, subtype_id=False,
""" Post a message on each record of self, using a view to render the
body using QWeb.
Default values
* subtype_id: if not given, fallback on ``note`` to be consistent
with what message_post does;
:param record/str source_ref: reference to a source for rendering.
It can be one of
* a MailTemplate record. It will be used to render the various
message values (body, subject, recipients, ...). It should behave
like using the mail composer with a template;
* an IrUIView record. It will be used to render the content
(body). Other fields are left to the caller and/or default values
* an XmlID of a MailTemplate or of an IrUiView: see above
:param dict render_values: additional rendering values for qweb context;
:param str message_type: one of 'notification' or 'comment';
:param str subtype_xmlid: optional xml id of a mail.message.subtype to
fetch, will force value of subtype_id;
:param int subtype_id: subtype_id of the message, used mainly for followers
notification mechanism;
:param dict kwargs: additional values given to the 'mail.compose.message'
:return: posted mail.message records
template, view = self._get_source_from_ref(source_ref)
# preliminary value safety check
forbidden_names={'body', 'composition_mode', 'model', 'res_id', 'values'}
# with a view, render bodies in batch (template is managed by composer)
bodies = self.env['mail.render.mixin']._render_template_qweb_view(
) if view else {}
# Prepare composer values for creation
if subtype_xmlid:
subtype_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id(subtype_xmlid)
if not subtype_id:
subtype_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_note')
messages_all = self.env['mail.message']
for record in self:
if template:
composer = self.env['mail.compose.message'].with_context(
'message_type': message_type,
'subtype_id': subtype_id,
_mails_as_sudo, messages = composer._action_send_mail()
messages_all += messages
messages_all += record.message_post(
return messages_all
@api.returns('mail.message', lambda value: value.id)
def message_notify(self, *,
body='', subject=False,
author_id=None, email_from=None,
model=False, res_id=False,
subtype_xmlid=None, subtype_id=False, partner_ids=False,
attachments=None, attachment_ids=None,
""" Shortcut allowing to notify partners of messages that should not be
displayed on a document. It pushes notifications on inbox or by email
depending on the user configuration, like other notifications.
Default values
* subtype_id: if not given, fallback on ``note`` to be consistent
with what message_post does;
:param str body: body of the message, usually raw HTML that will
be sanitized
:param str subject: subject of the message
:param int author_id: optional ID of partner record being the author. See
``_message_compute_author`` that uses it to make email_from / author_id coherent;
:param str email_from: from address of the author. See ``_message_compute_author``
that uses it to make email_from / author_id coherent;
:param str model: when invoked on MailThread directly, this method
allows to push a notification on a given record (allows to notify
on not thread-enabled records);
:param int res_id: defines the record in combination with model;
:param str subtype_xmlid: optional xml id of a mail.message.subtype to
fetch, will force value of subtype_id;
:param int subtype_id: subtype_id of the message, used mainly for followers
notification mechanism;
:param list(int) partner_ids: partner_ids to notify in addition to partners
computed based on subtype / followers matching;
:param list(tuple(str,str), tuple(str,str, dict)) attachments : list of attachment
tuples in the form ``(name,content)`` or ``(name,content, info)`` where content
is NOT base64 encoded;
:param list attachment_ids: list of existing attachments to link to this message
Should not be a list of commands. Attachment records attached to mail
composer will be attached to the related document.
Extra keyword arguments will be used either
* as default column values for the new mail.message record if they match
mail.message fields;
* propagated to notification methods if not;
:return: posted mail.message records
if self:
if not partner_ids:
_logger.warning('Message notify called without recipient_ids, skipping')
return self.env['mail.message']
# preliminary value safety check
forbidden_names={'message_id', 'message_type', 'parent_id'}
if attachments:
# attachments should be a list (or tuples) of 3-elements list (or tuple)
valid = all(isinstance(attachment, (list, tuple)) and len(attachment) in (3, 2) for attachment in attachments)
if not valid:
raise ValueError(
_('Notification should receive attachments as a list of list or tuples (received %(aids)s)',
if attachment_ids and not is_list_of(attachment_ids, int):
raise ValueError(
_('Notification should receive attachments records as a list of IDs (received %(aids)s)',
if not is_list_of(partner_ids, int):
raise ValueError(
_('Notification should receive partners given as a list of IDs (received %(pids)s)',
# split message additional values from notify additional values
msg_kwargs = {key: val for key, val in kwargs.items() if key in self.env['mail.message']._fields}
notif_kwargs = {key: val for key, val in kwargs.items() if key not in msg_kwargs}
author_id, email_from = self._message_compute_author(author_id, email_from, raise_on_email=True)
# allow to link a notification to a document that does not inherit from
# MailThread by supporting model / res_id, but then both value should be set
if not model or not res_id:
model, res_id = False, False
if subtype_xmlid:
subtype_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id(subtype_xmlid)
if not subtype_id:
subtype_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_note')
msg_values = {
# author
'author_id': author_id,
'email_from': email_from,
# document
'model': self._name if self else model,
'record_name': False,
'res_id': self.id if self else res_id,
# content
'body': escape(body), # escape if text, keep if markup
'is_internal': True,
'message_type': 'user_notification',
'subject': subject,
'subtype_id': subtype_id,
# recipients
'message_id': generate_tracking_message_id('message-notify'),
'partner_ids': partner_ids,
# notification
'email_add_signature': True,
# add default-like values afterwards, to avoid useless queries
if self:
if 'record_alias_domain_id' not in msg_values:
msg_values['record_alias_domain_id'] = self._mail_get_alias_domains(default_company=self.env.company)[self.id].id
if 'record_company_id' not in msg_values:
msg_values['record_company_id'] = self._mail_get_companies(default=self.env.company)[self.id].id
if 'reply_to' not in msg_values:
msg_values['reply_to'] = self._notify_get_reply_to(default=email_from)[self.id if self else False]
self._process_attachments_for_post(attachments, attachment_ids, msg_values)
) # attachement_ids, body
new_message = self._message_create([msg_values])
self._fallback_lang()._notify_thread(new_message, msg_values, **notif_kwargs)
return new_message
def _message_log_with_view(self, view_ref, render_values=None,
message_type='notification', **kwargs):
""" Log a message on each record of self, using a view to render the
body using QWeb.
:param str/int/record view_ref: source QWeb template. It should be an
XmlID allowing to fetch an ``ir.ui.view``, or an ID of a view or
an ``ir.ui.view`` record;
:param dict render_values: additional rendering values for qweb context;
:param str message_type: one of 'notification' or 'comment';
:param kwargs: additional values propagated to ``_message_log``;
:return: posted mail.message records (as sudo)
forbidden_names={'body', 'bodies'}
# with a view, render bodies in batch (template is managed by composer)
bodies = self.env['mail.render.mixin']._render_template_qweb_view(
return self._message_log_batch(
def _message_log(self, *,
body='', subject=False,
author_id=None, email_from=None,
attachment_ids=False, tracking_value_ids=False):
""" Shortcut allowing to post note on a document. See ``_message_log_batch``
for more details. """
return self._message_log_batch(
{self.id: body}, subject=subject,
author_id=author_id, email_from=email_from,
attachment_ids=attachment_ids, tracking_value_ids=tracking_value_ids
def _message_log_batch(self, bodies, subject=False,
author_id=None, email_from=None,
attachment_ids=False, tracking_value_ids=False):
""" Shortcut allowing to post notes on a batch of documents. It does not
perform any notification and pre-computes some values to have a short code
as optimized as possible. This method is private as it does not check
access rights and perform the message creation as sudo to speedup
the log process. This method should be called within methods where
access rights are already granted to avoid privilege escalation.
:param bodies: dict {record_id: body}
:param list partner_ids: optional partners, not used in any notification
mechanism. This is mainly used to link a log to a specific customer
like SMS or WhatsApp log;
:return: created messages (as sudo)
# protect against side-effect prone usage
if len(self) > 1 and (attachment_ids or tracking_value_ids):
raise ValueError(_('Batch log cannot support attachments or tracking values on more than 1 document'))
author_id, email_from = self._message_compute_author(author_id, email_from, raise_on_email=False)
base_message_values = {
# author
'author_id': author_id,
'email_from': email_from,
# document
'model': self._name,
'record_alias_domain_id': False,
'record_company_id': False,
'record_name': False,
# content
'attachment_ids': attachment_ids,
'message_type': message_type,
'is_internal': True,
'subject': subject,
'subtype_id': self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_note'),
'tracking_value_ids': tracking_value_ids,
# recipients
'email_add_signature': False, # False as no notification -> no need to compute signature
'message_id': generate_tracking_message_id('message-notify'), # why? this is all but a notify
'partner_ids': partner_ids,
'reply_to': self.env['mail.thread']._notify_get_reply_to(default=email_from)[False],
values_list = [dict(base_message_values,
body=escape(bodies.get(record.id, '')))
for record in self]
return self.sudo()._message_create(values_list)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _message_compute_author(self, author_id=None, email_from=None, raise_on_email=True):
""" Tool method computing author information for messages. Purpose is
to ensure maximum coherence between author / current user / email_from
when sending emails.
:param raise_on_email: if email_from is not found, raise an UserError
:return tuple: res.partner ID (may be False or None), email_from
if author_id is None:
if email_from:
author = self._mail_find_partner_from_emails([email_from])[0]
author = self.env.user.partner_id
email_from = author.email_formatted
author_id = author.id
if email_from is None:
if author_id:
author = self.env['res.partner'].browse(author_id)
email_from = author.email_formatted
# superuser mode without author email -> probably public user; anyway we don't want to crash
if not email_from and raise_on_email and not self.env.su:
raise exceptions.UserError(_("Unable to send message, please configure the sender's email address."))
return author_id, email_from
def _message_compute_parent_id(self, parent_id):
# parent management, depending on ``_mail_flat_thread``
# ``_mail_flat_thread`` True: no free message. If no parent, find the first
# posted message and attach new message to it. If parent, get back to the first
# ancestor and attach it. We don't keep hierarchy (one level of threading).
# ``_mail_flat_thread`` False: free message = new thread (think of mailing lists).
# If parent get up one level to try to flatten threads without completely
# removing hierarchy.
MailMessage_sudo = self.env['mail.message'].sudo()
if self._mail_flat_thread and not parent_id:
parent_message = MailMessage_sudo.search([('res_id', '=', self.id), ('model', '=', self._name), ('message_type', '!=', 'user_notification')], order="id ASC", limit=1)
# parent_message searched in sudo for performance, only used for id.
# Note that with sudo we will match message with internal subtypes.
parent_id = parent_message.id if parent_message else False
elif parent_id:
current_ancestor = MailMessage_sudo.search([('id', '=', parent_id), ('parent_id', '!=', False)])
if self._mail_flat_thread:
if current_ancestor:
# avoid loops when finding ancestors
processed_list = []
while (current_ancestor.parent_id and current_ancestor.parent_id not in processed_list):
current_ancestor = current_ancestor.parent_id
parent_id = current_ancestor.id
parent_id = current_ancestor.parent_id.id if current_ancestor.parent_id else parent_id
return parent_id
def _message_compute_subject(self):
""" Get the default subject for a message posted in this record's
discussion thread.
:return str: default subject """
return self.display_name
def _message_create(self, values_list):
""" Low-level helper to create mail.message records. It is mainly used
to hide the cleanup of given values, for mail gateway or helpers."""
values_list = [
key: val
for key, val in values.items()
if key not in self._get_message_create_ignore_field_names()
for values in values_list
create_values_list = []
# preliminary value safety check
{key for values in values_list for key in values.keys()},
for values in values_list:
create_values = dict(values)
# Avoid warnings about non-existing fields
for x in ('from', 'to', 'cc'):
create_values.pop(x, None)
create_values['partner_ids'] = [Command.link(pid) for pid in (create_values.get('partner_ids') or [])]
# remove context, notably for default keys, as this thread method is not
# meant to propagate default values for messages, only for master records
return self.env['mail.message'].with_context(
def _get_message_create_valid_field_names(self):
""" Some fields should not be given when creating a mail.message from
mail.thread main API methods (in addition to some API specific check).
Those fields are generally used through UI or dedicated methods. We
therefore give an allowed field names list. """
return {
'create_date', # anyway limited to admins
def _get_message_create_ignore_field_names(self):
"""Some fields should be silently ignored when creating a mail.message,
without raising an exception. Those fields are generally handled in
_message_post_after_hook, which also receives message values."""
return set()
def _get_source_from_ref(self, source_ref):
""" From a source_reference, return either a mail template, either
an ir ui view.
:return tuple(template, view): one is a recordset (may be void if
source_ref is a void recordset, or a singleton), the other one is
False. Always only one is set, as source is either a template,
either a view.
template, view = False, False
if isinstance(source_ref, models.BaseModel):
if source_ref._name == 'mail.template':
template = source_ref
elif source_ref._name == 'ir.ui.view':
view = source_ref
raise ValueError(
_('Invalid template or view source record %(svalue)s, is %(model)s instead',
if not template and not view:
raise ValueError(
_('Mailing or posting with a source should not be called with an empty %(source_type)s',
source_type=_('template') if template is not False else _('view'))
elif isinstance(source_ref, str):
res_model, res_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_model_res_id(
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(
_('Invalid template or view source Xml ID %(source_ref)s does not exist anymore',
) from e
if res_model == 'mail.template':
template = self.env['mail.template'].browse(res_id)
elif res_model == 'ir.ui.view':
view = self.env['ir.ui.view'].browse(res_id)
raise ValueError(
_('Invalid template or view source reference %(svalue)s, is %(model)s instead',
raise ValueError(
_('Invalid template or view source %(svalue)s (type %(stype)s), should be a record or an XMLID',
return template, view
def _get_notify_valid_parameters(self):
""" Several parameters exist for notification methods as business
flows often want to customize the standard notification experience.
In order to ease coding kwargs are frequently used. This method
acts like a filter, allowing to spot parameters that are not
supported. """
return {
def _is_notification_scheduled(self, notify_scheduled_date):
""" Helper to check if notification are about to be scheduled. Eases
:param notify_scheduled_date: value of 'scheduled_date' given in
notification parameters: arbitrary datetime (as a date, datetime or
a string), may be void. See 'MailMail._parse_scheduled_datetime()';
:return bool: True if a valid datetime has been found and is in the
future; False otherwise.
if notify_scheduled_date:
parsed_datetime = self.env['mail.mail']._parse_scheduled_datetime(notify_scheduled_date)
notify_scheduled_date = parsed_datetime.replace(tzinfo=None) if parsed_datetime else False
return notify_scheduled_date if notify_scheduled_date and notify_scheduled_date > self.env.cr.now() else False
def _raise_for_invalid_parameters(self, parameter_names, forbidden_names=None, restricting_names=None):
""" Helper to warn about invalid parameters (or fields).
:param set parameter_names: a set of parameter names;
:param set forbidden_names: set of parameter name that should not be
present in parameter_names;
:param set restricting_names: set of parameters restricting given
parameter_names, parameters not belonging to this list are rejected;
if forbidden_names:
conflicting_names = parameter_names & forbidden_names
elif restricting_names:
conflicting_names = parameter_names - restricting_names
if conflicting_names:
raise ValueError(
_('Those values are not supported when posting or notifying: %(param_names)s',
param_names=', '.join(conflicting_names))
# ------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------
def _notify_cancel_by_type_generic(self, notification_type):
""" Standard implementation for canceling notifications by type that cancels notifications
* in 'bounce' and 'exception' status
* of the current user
* of the given type
* for mail_message related to the model implemented by this class
It also sends bus notifications to update status of notifications in the web client.
author_id = self.env.user.partner_id.id
SELECT notif.id, msg.id
FROM mail_notification notif
JOIN mail_message msg ON notif.mail_message_id = msg.id
WHERE notif.notification_type = %(notification_type)s
AND notif.author_id = %(author_id)s
AND notif.notification_status IN ('bounce', 'exception')
AND msg.model = %(model_name)s
""", {'model_name': self._name, 'author_id': author_id, 'notification_type': notification_type})
records = self._cr.fetchall()
if records:
notif_ids, msg_ids = zip(*records)
msg_ids = list(set(msg_ids))
if notif_ids:
self.env['mail.notification'].browse(notif_ids).sudo().write({'notification_status': 'canceled'})
if msg_ids:
return True
def notify_cancel_by_type(self, notification_type):
""" Subclasses must call this method and then
* either call the standard implementation _notify_cancel_by_type_generic
* or implements their own logic
if not self.env.user._is_internal():
raise exceptions.AccessError(_("Access Denied"))
if notification_type == 'email':
return True
def _notify_thread(self, message, msg_vals=False, **kwargs):
""" Main notification method. This method basically does two things
* call ``_notify_get_recipients`` that computes recipients to
notify based on message record or message creation values if given
(to optimize performance if we already have data computed);
* performs the notification process by calling the various notification
methods implemented;
:param record message: <mail.message> record being notified. May be
void as 'msg_vals' superseeds it;
:param dict msg_vals: values dict used to create the message, allows to
skip message usage and spare some queries;
Kwargs allow to pass various parameters that are given to sub notification
methods. See those methods for more details about supported parameters.
Specific kwargs used in this method:
* ``scheduled_date``: delay notification sending if set in the future.
This is done using the ``mail.message.schedule`` intermediate model;
:return: recipients data (see ``MailThread._notify_get_recipients()``)
# add lang to context immediately since it will be useful in various rendering later
self = self._fallback_lang()
msg_vals = msg_vals if msg_vals else {}
recipients_data = self._notify_get_recipients(message, msg_vals, **kwargs)
if not recipients_data:
return recipients_data
# cache data fetched by manual query to avoid extra queries when reading user.partner_id
for r in filter(lambda r: r["uid"], recipients_data):
user = self.env["res.users"].browse(r["uid"])
self.env.cache.insert_missing(user, user._fields["partner_id"], [r["id"]])
# if scheduled for later: add in queue instead of generating notifications
scheduled_date = self._is_notification_scheduled(kwargs.pop('scheduled_date', None))
if scheduled_date:
# send the message notifications at the scheduled date
'scheduled_datetime': scheduled_date,
'mail_message_id': message.id,
'notification_parameters': json.dumps(kwargs),
# generate immediately the <mail.notification>
# and send the <mail.mail>, <mail.push> and the <bus.bus> notifications
self._notify_thread_by_inbox(message, recipients_data, msg_vals=msg_vals, **kwargs)
self._notify_thread_by_email(message, recipients_data, msg_vals=msg_vals, **kwargs)
self._notify_thread_by_web_push(message, recipients_data, msg_vals, **kwargs)
return recipients_data
def _notify_thread_by_inbox(self, message, recipients_data, msg_vals=False, **kwargs):
""" Notificaty recipients inbox of a message. It does two main things :
* create inbox notifications for users;
* send bus notifications;
:param record message: <mail.message> record being notified. May be
void as 'msg_vals' superseeds it;
:param list recipients_data: list of recipients data based on <res.partner>
records formatted like [
'active': partner.active;
'id': id of the res.partner being recipient to notify;
'is_follower': follows the message related document;
'lang': its lang;
'groups': res.group IDs if linked to a user;
'notif': 'inbox', 'email', 'sms' (SMS App);
'share': is partner a customer (partner.partner_share);
'type': partner usage ('customer', 'portal', 'user');
'ushare': are users shared (if users, all users are shared);
}, {...}]. See ``MailThread._notify_get_recipients()``;
:param dict msg_vals: values dict used to create the message, allows to
skip message usage and spare some queries;
inbox_pids_uids = sorted(
[(r["id"], r["uid"]) for r in recipients_data if r["notif"] == "inbox"]
if inbox_pids_uids:
notif_create_values = [
"author_id": message.author_id.id,
"mail_message_id": message.id,
"notification_status": "sent",
"notification_type": "inbox",
"res_partner_id": pid_uid[0],
for pid_uid in inbox_pids_uids
# sudo: mail.notification - creating notifications is the purpose of notify methods
users = self.env["res.users"].browse(i[1] for i in inbox_pids_uids if i[1])
# sudo: mail.followers - reading followers of target users in batch to send it to them
followers = self.env["mail.followers"].sudo().search(
("res_model", "=", message.model),
("res_id", "=", message.res_id),
("partner_id", "in", users.partner_id.ids),
for user in users:
def _notify_thread_by_email(self, message, recipients_data, msg_vals=False,
mail_auto_delete=True, # mail.mail
model_description=False, force_email_company=False, force_email_lang=False, # rendering
subtitles=None, # rendering
resend_existing=False, force_send=True, send_after_commit=True, # email send
""" Method to send emails notifications linked to a message.
:param record message: <mail.message> record being notified. May be
void as 'msg_vals' superseeds it;
:param list recipients_data: list of recipients data based on <res.partner>
records formatted like [
'active': partner.active;
'id': id of the res.partner being recipient to notify;
'is_follower': follows the message related document;
'lang': its lang;
'groups': res.group IDs if linked to a user;
'notif': 'inbox', 'email', 'sms' (SMS App);
'share': is partner a customer (partner.partner_share);
'type': partner usage ('customer', 'portal', 'user');
'ushare': are users shared (if users, all users are shared);
}, {...}]. See ``MailThread._notify_get_recipients()``;
:param dict msg_vals: values dict used to create the message, allows to
skip message usage and spare some queries;
:param bool mail_auto_delete: delete notification emails once sent;
:param str model_description: description of current model, given to
avoid fetching it and easing translation support;
:param record force_email_company: <res.company> record used when rendering
notification layout. Otherwise computed based on current record;
:param str force_email_lang: lang used when rendering content, used
notably to compute model name or translate access buttons;
:param list subtitles: optional list set as template value "subtitles";
:param bool resend_existing: check for existing notifications to update
based on mailed recipient, otherwise create new notifications;
:param bool force_send: send emails directly instead of using queue;
:param bool send_after_commit: if force_send, tells to send emails after
the transaction has been committed using a post-commit hook;
partners_data = [r for r in recipients_data if r['notif'] == 'email']
if not partners_data:
return True
base_mail_values = self._notify_by_email_get_base_mail_values(
additional_values={'auto_delete': mail_auto_delete}
# Clean the context to get rid of residual default_* keys that could cause issues during
# the mail.mail creation.
# Example: 'default_state' would refer to the default state of a previously created record
# from another model that in turns triggers an assignation notification that ends up here.
# This will lead to a traceback when trying to create a mail.mail with this state value that
# doesn't exist.
SafeMail = self.env['mail.mail'].sudo().with_context(clean_context(self._context))
SafeNotification = self.env['mail.notification'].sudo().with_context(clean_context(self._context))
emails = self.env['mail.mail'].sudo()
# loop on groups (customer, portal, user, ... + model specific like group_sale_salesman)
gen_batch_size = int(
) or 50 # be sure to not have 0, as otherwise no iteration is done
notif_create_values = []
for _lang, render_values, recipients_group in self._notify_get_classified_recipients_iterator(
# generate notification email content
mail_body = self._notify_by_email_render_layout(
recipients_ids = recipients_group.pop('recipients')
# create email
for recipients_ids_chunk in split_every(gen_batch_size, recipients_ids):
mail_values = self._notify_by_email_get_final_mail_values(
additional_values={'body_html': mail_body}
new_email = SafeMail.create(mail_values)
if new_email and recipients_ids_chunk:
tocreate_recipient_ids = list(recipients_ids_chunk)
if resend_existing:
existing_notifications = self.env['mail.notification'].sudo().search([
('mail_message_id', '=', message.id),
('notification_type', '=', 'email'),
('res_partner_id', 'in', tocreate_recipient_ids)
if existing_notifications:
tocreate_recipient_ids = [rid for rid in recipients_ids_chunk if rid not in existing_notifications.mapped('res_partner_id.id')]
'notification_status': 'ready',
'mail_mail_id': new_email.id,
notif_create_values += [{
'author_id': message.author_id.id,
'is_read': True, # discard Inbox notification
'mail_mail_id': new_email.id,
'mail_message_id': message.id,
'notification_status': 'ready',
'notification_type': 'email',
'res_partner_id': recipient_id,
} for recipient_id in tocreate_recipient_ids]
emails += new_email
if notif_create_values:
# 1. for more than 50 followers, use the queue system
# 2. do not send emails immediately if the registry is not loaded,
# to prevent sending email during a simple update of the database
# using the command-line.
test_mode = getattr(threading.current_thread(), 'testing', False)
if force_send := self.env.context.get('mail_notify_force_send', force_send):
force_send_limit = int(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('mail.mail.force.send.limit', 100))
force_send = len(emails) < force_send_limit
if force_send and (not self.pool._init or test_mode):
# unless asked specifically, send emails after the transaction to
# avoid side effects due to emails being sent while the transaction fails
if not test_mode and send_after_commit:
return True
def _notify_get_classified_recipients_iterator(
self, message, recipients_data, msg_vals=False,
model_description=False, force_email_company=False, force_email_lang=False, # rendering
""" Make groups of recipients, based on 'recipients_data' which is a list
of recipients informations. Purpose of this method is to group them by
main usage ('user', 'portal_user', 'follower', 'customer', ... see
@_notify_get_recipients_classify) and lang. Each group is linked to
an evaluation context to render the notification layout.
:param message: ``mail.message`` record to notify;
:param list recipients_data: see ``MailThread._notify_get_recipients``;
:param msg_vals: dictionary of values used to create the message. If
given it may be used to access values related to ``message``;
:param str model_description: description of current model, given to
avoid fetching it and easing translation support;
:param record force_email_company: <res.company> record used when rendering
notification layout. Otherwise computed based on current record;
:param str force_email_lang: when no specific lang is found this is the
default lang to use notably to compute model name or translate access
:param list subtitles: optional list set as template value "subtitles";
:return: iterator based on recipients classified by lang, with their
rendering evaluation context. Each item is a tuple containing (
lang: used for rendering (customer language, forced email, default
environment language,
render_values: used to render the notification layout and translated
using lang,
recipients_group: a recipients group is a dict containing data
defined in "_notify_get_recipients_groups" like {
'active': if not, it is skipped in notification process (ease
inheritance to be already present);
'actions': list of actions to display as links or buttons in form
{'url': link of the action, 'title': link or button
'button_access': main access document button information, {'url'
link of the access, 'title': link or button
'has_button_access': display access document main button in email;
'notification_group_name': name of the group, to ease usage;
'recipients': list of partner IDs, will be fillup when evaluating
lang_to_recipients = {}
for data in recipients_data:
# filter active lang
if lang_code := data.get('lang'):
lang_code = bool(self.env['res.lang']._lang_get(lang_code)) and lang_code
lang_code or force_email_lang or self.env.lang,
for lang, lang_recipients_data in lang_to_recipients.items():
record_wlang = self.with_context(lang=lang)
lang_model_description = model_description
if not lang_model_description:
lang_model_description = record_wlang._get_model_description(
msg_vals['model'] if msg_vals and msg_vals.get('model') else message.model
recipients_groups_list = record_wlang._notify_get_recipients_classify(
render_values = record_wlang._notify_by_email_prepare_rendering_context(
) # 10 queries
if subtitles:
render_values['subtitles'] = subtitles
for recipients_group in recipients_groups_list:
yield (lang, render_values, recipients_group)
def _notify_by_email_prepare_rendering_context(self, message, msg_vals=False,
""" Prepare rendering context for notification email.
Signature: if asked a default signature is computed based on author. Either
it has an user and we use the user's signature. Either we do not find any
user and we compute a default one based on the author's name.
Company: either there is one defined on the record (company_id field set
with a value), either we use env.company. A new parameter allows to force
its value.
Lang: when calling this method, ``_fallback_lang`` should already been
called, or a lang set in context with another way. A wild guess is done
based on templates to try to retrieve the recipient's language when a flow
like "send by email" is performed. Lang is used to try to have the
notification layout in the same language as the email content. A new
parameter allows to force its value.
:param record message: <mail.message> record being notified. May be
void as 'msg_vals' superseeds it;
:param dict msg_vals: values dict used to create the message, allows to
skip message usage and spare some queries;
:param str model_description: description of current model, given to
avoid fetching it and easing translation support;
:param record force_email_company: <res.company> record used when rendering
notification layout. Otherwise computed based on current record;
:param str force_email_lang: lang used when rendering content, used
notably to compute model name or translate access buttons;
:return: dictionary of values used when rendering notification layout;
if msg_vals is False:
msg_vals = {}
lang = force_email_lang if force_email_lang else self.env.lang
record_wlang = self.with_context(lang=lang)
# compute send user and its related signature; try to use self.env.user instead of browsing
# user_ids if they are the author will give a sudo user, improving access performances and cache usage.
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
author = message.env['res.partner'].browse(msg_vals.get('author_id')) if 'author_id' in msg_vals else message.author_id
author_user = self.env.user if self.env.user.partner_id == author else author.user_ids[0] if author and author.user_ids else False
signature, email_add_signature = '', False
if author_user:
email_add_signature = msg_vals.get('email_add_signature', message.email_add_signature)
if email_add_signature:
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
signature = author_user.signature
if force_email_company:
company = force_email_company
company = record_wlang.company_id.sudo() if (
record_wlang and 'company_id' in record_wlang and record_wlang.company_id
) else record_wlang.env.company
if company.website:
website_url = 'http://%s' % company.website if not company.website.lower().startswith(('http:', 'https:')) else company.website
website_url = False
# record, model
if not model_description:
model_description = record_wlang._get_model_description(
msg_vals.get('model') if 'model' in msg_vals else message.model
record_name = msg_vals.get('record_name') if 'record_name' in msg_vals else message.record_name
# tracking: in case of missing value, perform search (skip only if sure we don't have any)
check_tracking = msg_vals.get('tracking_value_ids', True) if msg_vals else bool(self)
tracking = []
if check_tracking:
tracking_values = self.env['mail.tracking.value'].sudo().search(
[('mail_message_id', 'in', message.ids)]
if tracking_values and hasattr(record_wlang, '_track_filter_for_display'):
tracking_values = record_wlang._track_filter_for_display(tracking_values)
tracking = [
) for fmt_vals in tracking_values._tracking_value_format()
subtype_id = msg_vals.get('subtype_id') if msg_vals and 'subtype_id' in msg_vals else message.subtype_id.id
is_discussion = subtype_id == self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_comment')
return {
# message
'is_discussion': is_discussion,
'message': message,
'subtype': message.subtype_id,
'tracking_values': tracking,
# record
'model_description': model_description,
'record': record_wlang,
'record_name': record_name,
'subtitles': [record_name],
# user / environment
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
'author_user': author_user, # User who sends the message
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
'company': company,
'email_add_signature': email_add_signature,
'lang': lang,
'signature': signature,
'website_url': website_url,
# tools
'is_html_empty': is_html_empty,
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
# display
'email_notification_force_header': self.env.context.get('email_notification_force_header', False), # force displaying the email header
'email_notification_force_footer': self.env.context.get('email_notification_force_footer', False), # force displaying the email footer
'email_notification_allow_header': self.env.context.get('email_notification_allow_header', True),
'email_notification_allow_footer': self.env.context.get('email_notification_allow_footer', False),
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def _notify_by_email_render_layout(self, message, recipients_group,
""" Renders the email layout for a given recipients group which
encapsulate the message body.
:param record message: <mail.message> record being notified. May be
void as 'msg_vals' superseeds it;
:param dict recipients_group: a dict containing data for the recipients,
see @ _notify_get_recipients_groups;
:param dict msg_vals: values dict used to create the message, allows to
skip message usage and spare some queries;
:param dict render_values: values to render the notification layout;
At this point expected values are
render_values: company, is_discussion, lang, message, model_description,
record, record_name, signature, subtype, tracking_values,
recipients_group: actions, button_access, has_button_access, recipients
:return str: rendered complete layout;
if render_values is None:
render_values = {}
email_layout_xmlid = msg_vals.get('email_layout_xmlid') if msg_vals else message.email_layout_xmlid
template_xmlid = email_layout_xmlid if email_layout_xmlid else 'mail.mail_notification_layout'
render_values = {**render_values, **recipients_group}
mail_body = self.env['ir.qweb']._render(
lang=render_values.get('lang', self.env.lang),
if not mail_body:
_logger.warning('QWeb template %s not found or is empty when sending notification emails. Sending without layouting.', template_xmlid)
mail_body = message.body
return mail_body
def _notify_by_email_get_base_mail_values(self, message, additional_values=None):
""" Return model-specific and message-related values to be used when
creating notification emails. It serves as a common basis for all
notification emails based on a given message.
:param record message: <mail.message> record being notified;
:param dict additional_values: optional additional values to add (ease
custom calls and inheritance);
:return: dictionary of values suitable for a <mail.mail> create;
mail_subject = message.subject
if not mail_subject and self and hasattr(self, '_message_compute_subject'):
mail_subject = self._message_compute_subject()
if not mail_subject:
mail_subject = message.record_name
if mail_subject:
# replace new lines by spaces to conform to email headers requirements
mail_subject = ' '.join(mail_subject.splitlines())
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
# compute references: set references to parents likely to be sent and add current message just to
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# have a fallback in case replies mess with Messsage-Id in the In-Reply-To (e.g. amazon
# SES SMTP may replace Message-Id and In-Reply-To refers an internal ID not stored in Odoo)
message_sudo = message.sudo()
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
outgoing_types = ('comment', 'auto_comment', 'email', 'email_outgoing')
note_type = self.env.ref('mail.mt_note')
ancestors = self.env['mail.message'].sudo().search(
('model', '=', message_sudo.model), ('res_id', '=', message_sudo.res_id),
('message_type', 'in', outgoing_types),
('id', '!=', message_sudo.id),
('subtype_id', '!=', note_type.id), # filters out notes, using subtype which is indexed
], limit=16, order='id DESC',
# filter out internal messages that are not notes, manually because of indexes
ancestors = ancestors.filtered(lambda m: not m.is_internal and m.subtype_id and not m.subtype_id.internal)[:3]
# order frrom oldest to newest
references = ' '.join(m.message_id for m in (ancestors[::-1] + message_sudo))
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# prepare notification mail values
base_mail_values = {
'mail_message_id': message.id,
'references': references,
if mail_subject != message.subject:
base_mail_values['subject'] = mail_subject
if additional_values:
# prepare headers (as sudo as accessing mail.alias.domain, restricted)
headers = {}
if message_sudo.record_alias_domain_id.bounce_email:
headers['Return-Path'] = message_sudo.record_alias_domain_id.bounce_email
headers = self._notify_by_email_get_headers(headers=headers)
if headers:
base_mail_values['headers'] = repr(headers)
return base_mail_values
def _notify_by_email_get_final_mail_values(self, recipient_ids, mail_values,
""" Perform final formatting of values to create notification emails.
Basic method just set the recipient partners as mail_mail recipients.
Override to generate other mail values like email_to or email_cc.
:param list recipient_ids: res.partner IDs to notify;
:param dict mail_values: notification mail values;
:param dict additional_values: optional additional values to add (ease
custom calls and inheritance);
:return: a new dictionary of values suitable for a <mail.mail> create;
final_mail_values = dict(mail_values)
final_mail_values['recipient_ids'] = [Command.link(pid) for pid in recipient_ids]
if additional_values:
return final_mail_values
def _notify_thread_by_web_push(self, message, recipients_data, msg_vals=False, **kwargs):
""" Method to send cloud notifications for every mention of a partner
and every direct message. We have to take into account the risk of
duplicated notifications in case of a mention in a channel of `chat` type.
:param message: ``mail.message`` record to notify;
:param recipients_data: list of recipients information (based on res.partner
records), formatted like
[{'active': partner.active;
'id': id of the res.partner being recipient to notify;
'groups': res.group IDs if linked to a user;
'notif': 'inbox', 'email', 'sms' (SMS App);
'share': partner.partner_share;
'type': 'customer', 'portal', 'user;'
}, {...}].
See ``MailThread._notify_get_recipients``;
:param msg_vals: dictionary of values used to create the message. If given it
may be used to access values related to ``message`` without accessing it
directly. It lessens query count in some optimized use cases by avoiding
access message content in db;
msg_vals = dict(msg_vals or {})
partner_ids = self._extract_partner_ids_for_notifications(message, msg_vals, recipients_data)
if not partner_ids:
partner_devices_sudo = self.env['mail.push.device'].sudo()
devices = partner_devices_sudo.search([
('partner_id', 'in', partner_ids)
if not devices:
ir_parameter_sudo = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo()
vapid_private_key = ir_parameter_sudo.get_param('mail.web_push_vapid_private_key')
vapid_public_key = ir_parameter_sudo.get_param('mail.web_push_vapid_public_key')
if not vapid_private_key or not vapid_public_key:
_logger.warning("Missing web push vapid keys !")
payload = self._notify_by_web_push_prepare_payload(message, msg_vals=msg_vals)
payload = self._truncate_payload(payload)
if len(devices) < MAX_DIRECT_PUSH:
session = Session()
devices_to_unlink = set()
for device in devices:
'id': device.id,
'endpoint': device.endpoint,
'keys': device.keys
except DeviceUnreachableError:
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
# Avoid blocking the whole request just for a notification
_logger.error('An error occurred while contacting the endpoint: %s', e)
# clean up obsolete devices
if devices_to_unlink:
devices_list = list(devices_to_unlink)
'mail_push_device_id': device.id,
'payload': json.dumps(payload),
} for device in devices])
def _notify_by_web_push_prepare_payload(self, message, msg_vals=False):
""" Returns dictionary containing message information for a browser device.
This info will be delivered to a browser device via its recorded endpoint.
REM: It is having a limit of 4000 bytes (4kb)
if msg_vals:
author_id = [msg_vals.get('author_id')]
author_name = self.env['res.partner'].browse(author_id).name
model = msg_vals.get('model')
title = msg_vals.get('record_name') or msg_vals.get('subject')
res_id = msg_vals.get('res_id')
body = msg_vals.get('body')
if not model and body:
model, res_id = self._extract_model_and_id(msg_vals)
author_id = message.author_id.ids
author_name = self.env['res.partner'].browse(author_id).name
model = message.model
title = message.record_name or message.subject
res_id = message.res_id
body = message.body
icon = '/web/static/img/odoo-icon-192x192.png'
if author_name:
title = "%s: %s" % (author_name, title)
icon = "/web/image/res.partner/%d/avatar_128" % author_id[0]
payload = {
'title': title,
'options': {
'icon': icon,
'data': {
'model': model if model else '',
'res_id': res_id if res_id else '',
payload['options']['body'] = html2plaintext(body, include_references=False)
payload['options']['body'] += self._generate_tracking_message(message)
return payload
def _notify_get_recipients(self, message, msg_vals, **kwargs):
""" Compute recipients to notify based on subtype and followers. This
method returns data structured as expected for ``_notify_recipients``.
:param record message: <mail.message> record being notified. May be
void as 'msg_vals' superseeds it;
:param dict msg_vals: values dict used to create the message, allows to
skip message usage and spare some queries;
Kwargs allow to pass various parameters that are used by sub notification
methods. See those methods for more details about supported parameters.
Specific kwargs used in this method:
* ``notify_author``: allows to notify the author, which is False by
default as we don't want people to receive their own content. It is
used notably when impersonating partners or having automated
notifications send by current user, targeting current user;
* ``skip_existing``: check existing notifications and skip them in order
to avoid having several notifications / partner as it would make
constraints crash. This is disabled by default to optimize speed;
TDE/XDO TODO: flag rdata directly, for example r['notif'] = 'ocn_client'
and r['needaction']=False and correctly override _notify_get_recipients
:return list recipients_data: list of recipients information (see
``MailFollowers._get_recipient_data()`` for more details) formatted
like [
'active': partner.active;
'id': id of the res.partner being recipient to notify;
'is_follower': follows the message related document;
'lang': its lang;
'groups': res.group IDs if linked to a user;
'notif': 'inbox', 'email', 'sms' (SMS App);
'share': is partner a customer (partner.partner_share);
'type': partner usage ('customer', 'portal', 'user');
'ushare': are users shared (if users, all users are shared);
}, {...}]
msg_sudo = message.sudo()
# get values from msg_vals or from message if msg_vals doen't exists
pids = msg_vals.get('partner_ids', []) if msg_vals else msg_sudo.partner_ids.ids
message_type = msg_vals.get('message_type') if msg_vals else msg_sudo.message_type
subtype_id = msg_vals.get('subtype_id') if msg_vals else msg_sudo.subtype_id.id
# is it possible to have record but no subtype_id ?
recipients_data = []
res = self.env['mail.followers']._get_recipient_data(self, message_type, subtype_id, pids)[self.id if self else 0]
if not res:
return recipients_data
# notify author of its own messages, False by default
notify_author = kwargs.get('notify_author') or self.env.context.get('mail_notify_author')
real_author_id = False
if not notify_author:
if self.env.user.active:
real_author_id = self.env.user.partner_id.id
elif msg_vals.get('author_id'):
real_author_id = msg_vals['author_id']
real_author_id = message.author_id.id
for pid, pdata in res.items():
if pid and pid == real_author_id:
if pdata['active'] is False:
# avoid double notification (on demand due to additional queries)
if kwargs.pop('skip_existing', False):
pids = [r['id'] for r in recipients_data]
if pids:
existing_notifications = self.env['mail.notification'].sudo().search([
('res_partner_id', 'in', pids),
('mail_message_id', 'in', message.ids)
recipients_data = [
r for r in recipients_data
if r['id'] not in existing_notifications.res_partner_id.ids
return recipients_data
def _notify_get_recipients_groups(self, message, model_description, msg_vals=None):
""" Return groups used to classify recipients of a notification email.
Groups is a list of tuple (group_name, group_func, group_data) where
* 'group_name' is an identifier used only to be able to override and
manipulate groups;
* 'group_func' is a function pointer taking a partner data dict as
parameter. It is called on recipients to know if they belong to
the group. Only first matching group is kept, iterating on the
group list in order.
* 'group_data' is a dict containing parameters used in notification
process like {
'active': if not, it is skipped in notification process (ease
inheritance to be already present);
'actions': list of actions to display as links or buttons in form
{'url': link of the action, 'title': link or button
'button_access': main access document button information, {'url'
link of the access, 'title': link or button
'has_button_access': display access document main button in email;
'notification_group_name': name of the group, to ease usage;
'recipients': list of partner IDs, will be fillup when evaluating
Default groups:
* 'user': recipients linked to an internal user;
* 'portal': recipients linked to a portal user;
* 'follower': recipients (not internal/portal users) follower of the
related record;
* 'customer': other recipients;
When having to find a group for recipients, the first matching one
when iterating on groups is used. Reordering those groups is doable
through override. Adding groups is a common override, to add specific
buttons or actions for users belonging to some user groups.
:param record message: <mail.message> record being notified. May be
void as 'msg_vals' superseeds it;
:param str model_description: description of current model, given to
avoid fetching it and easing translation support;
:param dict msg_vals: values dict used to create the message, allows to
skip message usage and spare some queries;
:return: list of groups definition
return [
lambda pdata: pdata['type'] == 'user',
'active': True,
'has_button_access': self._is_thread_message(msg_vals=msg_vals),
], [
lambda pdata: pdata['type'] == 'portal',
'active': False, # activate only on demand if rights are enabled
'has_button_access': False,
], [
lambda pdata: pdata['is_follower'],
'active': False, # activate only on demand if rights are enabled
'has_button_access': False,
], [
lambda pdata: True,
'active': True,
'has_button_access': False,
def _notify_get_recipients_groups_fillup(self, groups, model_description, msg_vals=None):
""" Iterate on recipients groups (see '_notify_get_recipients_groups')
and fill up the result with default values, allowing to compute links or
titles once.
:param list groups: recipients groups;
:param dict msg_vals: values dict used to create the message, allows to
skip message usage and spare some queries;
:param str model_description: description of current model, given to
avoid fetching it and easing translation support;
:return: updated groups;
access_link = self._notify_get_action_link('view', **msg_vals)
if model_description:
view_title = _('View %s', model_description)
view_title = _('View')
is_thread_message = self._is_thread_message(msg_vals=msg_vals)
# fill group_data with default_values if they are not complete
for group_name, _group_func, group_data in groups:
group_data.setdefault('active', True)
group_data.setdefault('actions', [])
group_data.setdefault('has_button_access', is_thread_message)
group_data.setdefault('notification_group_name', group_name)
group_data.setdefault('recipients', [])
group_button_access = group_data.setdefault('button_access', {})
group_button_access.setdefault('url', access_link)
group_button_access.setdefault('title', view_title)
return groups
def _notify_get_recipients_classify(self, message, recipients_data,
model_description, msg_vals=None):
""" Classify recipients to be notified of a message in groups to have
specific rendering depending on their group. For example users could
have access to buttons customers should not have in their emails.
Module-specific grouping should be done by overriding ``_notify_get_recipients_groups``
method defined here-under.
:param record message: <mail.message> record being notified. May be
void as 'msg_vals' superseeds it;
:param list recipients_data: list of recipients data based on <res.partner>
records formatted like [
'active': partner.active;
'id': id of the res.partner being recipient to notify;
'is_follower': follows the message related document;
'lang': its lang;
'groups': res.group IDs if linked to a user;
'notif': 'inbox', 'email', 'sms' (SMS App);
'share': is partner a customer (partner.partner_share);
'type': partner usage ('customer', 'portal', 'user');
'ushare': are users shared (if users, all users are shared);
}, {...}]. See ``MailThread._notify_get_recipients()``;
:param str model_description: description of current model, given to
avoid fetching it and easing translation support;
:param dict msg_vals: values dict used to create the message, allows to
skip message usage and spare some queries;
:return list: list of groups (see '_notify_get_recipients_groups')
with 'recipients' key filled with matching partners, like
'active': True,
'actions': [],
'button_access': {},
'has_button_access': False,
'notification_group_name': 'user',
'recipients': [11],
}, {...}]
# keep a local copy of msg_vals as it may be modified to include more
# information about groups or links
local_msg_vals = dict(msg_vals) if msg_vals else {}
groups = self._notify_get_recipients_groups_fillup(
message, model_description, msg_vals=local_msg_vals
# classify recipients in each group
for recipient_data in recipients_data:
for _group_name, group_func, group_data in groups:
if group_data['active'] and group_func(recipient_data):
# filter out groups without recipients
return [
for _group_name, _group_func, group_data in groups
if group_data['recipients']
def _notify_get_action_link(self, link_type, **kwargs):
""" Prepare link to an action: view document, follow document, ... """
params = {
'model': kwargs.get('model', self._name),
'res_id': kwargs.get('res_id', self.ids and self.ids[0] or False),
# keep only accepted parameters:
# - action (deprecated), token (assign), access_token (view)
# - auth_signup: auth_signup_token and auth_login
# - portal: pid, hash
(key, value)
for key, value in kwargs.items()
if key in ('action', 'token', 'access_token', 'auth_signup_token',
'auth_login', 'pid', 'hash')
if link_type in ['view', 'assign', 'follow', 'unfollow']:
base_link = '/mail/%s' % link_type
elif link_type == 'controller':
controller = kwargs.get('controller')
base_link = '%s' % controller
return ''
if link_type not in ['view']:
token = self._encode_link(base_link, params)
params['token'] = token
link = '%s?%s' % (base_link, urls.url_encode(params, sort=True))
if self:
link = self[0].get_base_url() + link
return link
# Notify tools and helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _encode_link(self, base_link, params):
secret = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('database.secret')
token = '%s?%s' % (base_link, ' '.join('%s=%s' % (key, params[key]) for key in sorted(params)))
hm = hmac.new(secret.encode('utf-8'), token.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()
return hm
def _extract_model_and_id(self, msg_vals):
Return the model and the id when is present in a link (HTML)
:param msg_vals: see :meth:`._notify_thread_by_web_push`
:return: a dict empty if no matches and a dict with these keys if match : model and res_id
regex = r"<a.+model=(?P<model>[\w.]+).+res_id=(?P<id>\d+).+>[\s\w\/\\.]+<\/a>"
matches = re.finditer(regex, msg_vals['body'])
for match in matches:
return match['model'], match['id']
return None, None
def _extract_partner_ids_for_notifications(self, message, msg_vals, recipients_data):
notif_pids = []
no_inbox_pids = []
for recipient in recipients_data:
if recipient['active']:
if recipient['notif'] != 'inbox':
if not notif_pids:
return []
msg_sudo = message.sudo()
msg_type = msg_vals.get('message_type') or msg_sudo.message_type
author_id = [msg_vals.get('author_id')] if 'author_id' in msg_vals else msg_sudo.author_id.ids
# never send to author and to people outside Odoo (email), except comments
pids = set()
if msg_type in {'comment', 'whatsapp_message'}:
pids = set(notif_pids) - set(author_id)
elif msg_type in ('notification', 'user_notification', 'email'):
pids = (set(notif_pids) - set(author_id) - set(no_inbox_pids))
return list(pids)
def _generate_tracking_message(self, message, return_line='\n'):
Format the tracking values like in the chatter
:param message: current mail.message record
:param return_line: type of return line
:return: a string with the new text if there is one or more tracking value
tracking_message = ''
if message.subtype_id and message.subtype_id.description:
tracking_message = return_line + message.subtype_id.description + return_line
for tracking in message.sudo().tracking_value_ids._filter_free_field_access():
if tracking.field_id.ttype == 'boolean':
old_value = str(bool(tracking.old_value_integer))
new_value = str(bool(tracking.new_value_integer))
old_value = tracking.old_value_char or str(tracking.old_value_integer)
new_value = tracking.new_value_char or str(tracking.new_value_integer)
tracking_message += tracking.field_id.field_description + ': ' + old_value
if old_value != new_value:
tracking_message += '' + new_value
tracking_message += return_line
return tracking_message
def _get_model_description(self, model_name):
if not model_name:
return False
if not 'lang' in self.env.context:
raise ValueError(_('At this point lang should be correctly set'))
return self.env['ir.model']._get(model_name).display_name # one query for display name
def _is_thread_message(self, msg_vals=None):
""" Tool method to compute thread validity in notification methods.
msg_vals is used as a replacement for self, allowing to force model
and res_id independently of current recordset. Void values in dict
are kept e.g. model=False is valid. """
if msg_vals is None:
msg_vals = {}
res_model = msg_vals['model'] if 'model' in msg_vals else self._name
res_id = msg_vals['res_id'] if 'res_id' in msg_vals else (self.ids[0] if self.ids else False)
return bool(res_id) if (res_model and res_model != 'mail.thread') else False
def _truncate_payload(self, payload):
Check the payload limit of 4096 bytes to avoid 413 error return code.
If the payload is too big, we trunc the body value.
:param dict payload: Current payload to trunc
:return: The truncate payload;
payload_length = len(str(payload).encode())
body = payload['options']['body']
body_length = len(body)
if payload_length > 4096:
body_max_length = 4096 - payload_length - body_length
payload['options']['body'] = body.encode()[:body_max_length].decode(errors="ignore")
return payload
# ------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------
def message_subscribe(self, partner_ids=None, subtype_ids=None):
""" Main public API to add followers to a record set. Its main purpose is
to perform access rights checks before calling ``_message_subscribe``. """
if not self or not partner_ids:
return True
partner_ids = partner_ids or []
adding_current = set(partner_ids) == set([self.env.user.partner_id.id])
customer_ids = [] if adding_current else None
if partner_ids and adding_current:
except exceptions.AccessError:
return False
# filter inactive and private addresses
if partner_ids and not adding_current:
partner_ids = self.env['res.partner'].sudo().search([('id', 'in', partner_ids), ('active', '=', True)]).ids
return self._message_subscribe(partner_ids, subtype_ids, customer_ids=customer_ids)
def _message_subscribe(self, partner_ids=None, subtype_ids=None, customer_ids=None):
""" Main private API to add followers to a record set. This method adds
partners and channels, given their IDs, as followers of all records
contained in the record set.
If subtypes are given existing followers are erased with new subtypes.
If default one have to be computed only missing followers will be added
with default subtypes matching the record set model.
This private method does not specifically check for access right. Use
``message_subscribe`` public API when not sure about access rights.
:param customer_ids: see ``_insert_followers`` """
if not self:
return True
if not subtype_ids:
self._name, self.ids,
partner_ids, subtypes=None,
customer_ids=customer_ids, check_existing=True, existing_policy='skip')
self._name, self.ids,
partner_ids, subtypes=dict((pid, subtype_ids) for pid in partner_ids),
customer_ids=customer_ids, check_existing=True, existing_policy='replace')
return True
def message_unsubscribe(self, partner_ids=None):
""" Remove partners from the records followers. """
# not necessary for computation, but saves an access right check
if not partner_ids:
return True
# To support unfollowing a document in the inbox no matter the current
# company, we allow internal users to unsubscribe themselves without
# checking any rights.
if set(partner_ids) != {self.env.user.partner_id.id}:
elif not self.env.user._is_internal():
('res_model', '=', self._name),
('res_id', 'in', self.ids),
('partner_id', 'in', partner_ids),
def _message_auto_subscribe_followers(self, updated_values, default_subtype_ids):
""" Optional method to override in addons inheriting from mail.thread.
Return a list tuples containing (
partner ID,
subtype IDs (or False if model-based default subtypes),
QWeb template XML ID for notification (or False is no specific
notification is required),
), aka partners and their subtype and possible notification to send
using the auto subscription mechanism linked to updated values.
Default value of this method is to return the new responsible of
documents. This is done using relational fields linking to res.users
with track_visibility set. Since OpenERP v7 it is considered as being
responsible for the document and therefore standard behavior is to
subscribe the user and send them a notification.
Override this method to change that behavior and/or to add people to
notify, using possible custom notification.
:param updated_values: see ``_message_auto_subscribe``
:param default_subtype_ids: coming from ``_get_auto_subscription_subtypes``
fnames = []
field = self._fields.get('user_id')
user_id = updated_values.get('user_id')
if field and user_id and field.comodel_name == 'res.users' and (getattr(field, 'track_visibility', False) or getattr(field, 'tracking', False)):
user = self.env['res.users'].sudo().browse(user_id)
try: # avoid to make an exists, lets be optimistic and try to read it.
if user.active:
return [(user.partner_id.id, default_subtype_ids, 'mail.message_user_assigned' if user != self.env.user else False)]
return []
def _message_auto_subscribe_notify(self, partner_ids, template):
""" Notify new followers, using a template to render the content of the
notification message. Notifications pushed are done using the standard
notification mechanism in mail.thread. It is either inbox either email
depending on the partner state: no user (email, customer), share user
(email, customer) or classic user (notification_type)
:param partner_ids: IDs of partner to notify;
:param template: XML ID of template used for the notification;
if not self or self.env.context.get('mail_auto_subscribe_no_notify'):
if not self.env.registry.ready: # Don't send notification during install
for record in self:
model_description = self.env['ir.model']._get(record._name).display_name
company = record.company_id.sudo() if 'company_id' in record else self.env.company
values = {
'access_link': record._notify_get_action_link('view'),
'company': company,
'model_description': model_description,
'object': record,
assignation_msg = self.env['ir.qweb']._render(template, values, minimal_qcontext=True)
assignation_msg = self.env['mail.render.mixin']._replace_local_links(assignation_msg)
subject=_('You have been assigned to %s', record.display_name),
def _message_auto_subscribe(self, updated_values, followers_existing_policy='skip'):
""" Handle auto subscription. Auto subscription is done based on two
main mechanisms
* using subtypes parent relationship. For example following a parent record
(i.e. project) with subtypes linked to child records (i.e. task). See
mail.message.subtype ``_get_auto_subscription_subtypes``;
* calling _message_auto_subscribe_notify that returns a list of partner
to subscribe, as well as data about the subtypes and notification
to send. Base behavior is to subscribe responsible and notify them;
Adding application-specific auto subscription should be done by overriding
``_message_auto_subscribe_followers``. It should return structured data
for new partner to subscribe, with subtypes and eventual notification
to perform. See that method for more details.
:param updated_values: values modifying the record trigerring auto subscription
if not self:
return True
new_partner_subtypes = dict()
# return data related to auto subscription based on subtype matching (aka:
# default task subtypes or subtypes from project triggering task subtypes)
updated_relation = dict()
child_ids, def_ids, all_int_ids, parent, relation = self.env['mail.message.subtype']._get_auto_subscription_subtypes(self._name)
# check effectively modified relation field
for res_model, fnames in relation.items():
for field in (fname for fname in fnames if updated_values.get(fname)):
updated_relation.setdefault(res_model, set()).add(field)
udpated_fields = [fname for fnames in updated_relation.values() for fname in fnames if updated_values.get(fname)]
if udpated_fields:
# fetch "parent" subscription data (aka: subtypes on project to propagate on task)
doc_data = [(model, [updated_values[fname] for fname in fnames]) for model, fnames in updated_relation.items()]
res = self.env['mail.followers']._get_subscription_data(doc_data, None, include_pshare=True, include_active=True)
for _fol_id, _res_id, partner_id, subtype_ids, pshare, active in res:
# use project.task_new -> task.new link
sids = [parent[sid] for sid in subtype_ids if parent.get(sid)]
# add checked subtypes matching model_name
sids += [sid for sid in subtype_ids if sid not in parent and sid in child_ids]
if partner_id and active: # auto subscribe only active partners
if pshare: # remove internal subtypes for customers
new_partner_subtypes[partner_id] = set(sids) - set(all_int_ids)
new_partner_subtypes[partner_id] = set(sids)
notify_data = dict()
res = self._message_auto_subscribe_followers(updated_values, def_ids)
for partner_id, sids, template in res:
new_partner_subtypes.setdefault(partner_id, sids)
if template:
partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id)
lang = partner.lang if partner else None
notify_data.setdefault((template, lang), list()).append(partner_id)
self._name, self.ids,
list(new_partner_subtypes), subtypes=new_partner_subtypes,
check_existing=True, existing_policy=followers_existing_policy)
# notify people from auto subscription, for example like assignation
for (template, lang), pids in notify_data.items():
self.with_context(lang=lang)._message_auto_subscribe_notify(pids, template)
return True
def message_get_followers(self, after=None, limit=100, filter_recipients=False):
store = Store()
self._message_followers_to_store(store, after, limit, filter_recipients)
return store.get_result()
def _message_followers_to_store(
self, store: Store, after=None, limit=100, filter_recipients=False, reset=False
domain = [
("res_id", "=", self.id),
("res_model", "=", self._name),
("partner_id", "!=", self.env.user.partner_id.id),
if filter_recipients:
subtype_id = self.env["ir.model.data"]._xmlid_to_res_id("mail.mt_comment")
subtype_domain = [
("subtype_ids", "=", subtype_id),
("partner_id.active", "=", True),
domain = expression.AND([domain, subtype_domain])
if after:
domain = expression.AND([domain, [("id", ">", after)]])
"recipients" if filter_recipients else "followers": Store.many(
self.env["mail.followers"].search(domain, limit=limit, order="id ASC"),
"ADD" if not reset else "REPLACE",
# ------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------
def message_change_thread(self, new_thread, new_parent_message=False):
Transfer the list of the mail thread messages from an model to another
:param id : the old res_id of the mail.message
:param new_res_id : the new res_id of the mail.message
:param new_model : the name of the new model of the mail.message
Example : my_lead.message_change_thread(my_project_task)
will transfer the context of the thread of my_lead to my_project_task
# get the subtype of the comment Message
subtype_comment = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_comment')
# get the ids of the comment and not-comment of the thread
# TDE check: sudo on mail.message, to be sure all messages are moved ?
MailMessage = self.env['mail.message']
msg_comment = MailMessage.search([
('model', '=', self._name),
('res_id', '=', self.id),
('message_type', '!=', 'user_notification'),
('subtype_id', '=', subtype_comment)])
msg_not_comment = MailMessage.search([
('model', '=', self._name),
('res_id', '=', self.id),
('message_type', '!=', 'user_notification'),
('subtype_id', '!=', subtype_comment)])
# update the messages
msg_vals = {"res_id": new_thread.id, "model": new_thread._name}
if new_parent_message:
msg_vals["parent_id"] = new_parent_message.id
# other than comment: reset subtype
msg_vals["subtype_id"] = None
return True
def _message_update_content(self, message, body, attachment_ids=None, partner_ids=None,
strict=True, **kwargs):
""" Update message content. Currently does not support attachments
specific code (see ``_process_attachments_for_post``), to be added
when necessary.
Private method to use for tooling, do not expose to interface as editing
messages should be avoided at all costs (think of: notifications already
sent, ...).
:param <mail.message> message: message to update, should be linked to self through
model and res_id;
:param str body: new body (None to skip its update);
:param list attachment_ids: list of new attachments IDs, replacing old one (None
to skip its update);
:param list attachment_ids: list of new partner IDs that are mentioned;
:param bool strict: whether to check for allowance before updating
content. This should be skipped only when really necessary as it
creates issues with already-sent notifications, lack of content
tracking, ...
Kwargs are supported, notably to match mail.message fields to update.
See content of this method for more details about supported keys.
if strict:
msg_values = {}
if body is not None:
msg_values["body"] = (
# keep html if already Markup, otherwise escape
escape(body) + Markup("<span class='o-mail-Message-edited'/>")
if body or not message._filter_empty()
else ""
if attachment_ids:
self._process_attachments_for_post([], attachment_ids, {
'body': body,
'model': self._name,
'res_id': self.id,
elif attachment_ids is not None: # None means "no update"
if partner_ids:
'partner_ids': list(partner_ids or [])
if msg_values:
if 'scheduled_date' in kwargs:
# update scheduled datetime
if kwargs['scheduled_date']:
# (re)send notifications
# cleanup related message data if the message is empty
empty_messages = message.sudo()._filter_empty()
empty_messages.write({'pinned_at': None})
res = {
"attachment_ids": Store.many(message.attachment_ids.sorted("id")),
"body": message.body,
"pinned_at": message.pinned_at,
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
"recipients": Store.many(message.partner_ids, fields=["avatar_128", "name"]),
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
"write_date": message.write_date,
if body is not None:
# sudo: mail.message.translation - discarding translations of message after editing it
self.env["mail.message.translation"].sudo().search([("message_id", "=", message.id)]).unlink()
res["translationValue"] = False
message._bus_send_store(message, res)
# ------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------
def _get_mail_thread_data_attachments(self):
res = self.env['ir.attachment'].search([('res_id', '=', self.id), ('res_model', '=', self._name)], order='id desc')
if 'original_id' in self.env['ir.attachment']._fields:
# If the image is SVG: We take the png version if exist otherwise we take the svg
# If the image is not SVG: We take the original one if exist otherwise we take it
svg_ids = res.filtered(lambda attachment: attachment.mimetype == 'image/svg+xml')
non_svg_ids = res - svg_ids
original_ids = res.mapped('original_id')
res = res.filtered(lambda attachment: (attachment in svg_ids and attachment not in original_ids) or (attachment in non_svg_ids and attachment.original_id not in non_svg_ids))
return res
def _thread_to_store(self, store: Store, /, *, fields=None, request_list=None):
if fields is None:
fields = []
for thread in self:
res = thread._read_format(
[field for field in fields if field not in ["display_name", "modelName"]],
if request_list:
res["hasReadAccess"] = True
res["hasWriteAccess"] = False
res["canPostOnReadonly"] = self._mail_post_access == "read"
if request_list:
res["hasWriteAccess"] = True
except AccessError:
if (
and "activities" in request_list
and isinstance(self.env[self._name], self.env.registry["mail.activity.mixin"])
res["activities"] = Store.many(thread.with_context(active_test=True).activity_ids)
if request_list and "attachments" in request_list:
res["attachments"] = Store.many(thread._get_mail_thread_data_attachments())
res["areAttachmentsLoaded"] = True
res["isLoadingAttachments"] = False
if "display_name" in fields:
res["name"] = thread.display_name
if request_list and "followers" in request_list:
res["followersCount"] = self.env["mail.followers"].search_count(
[("res_id", "=", thread.id), ("res_model", "=", self._name)]
self_follower = self.env["mail.followers"].search(
("res_id", "=", thread.id),
("res_model", "=", self._name),
["partner_id", "=", self.env.user.partner_id.id],
res["selfFollower"] = Store.one(self_follower)
thread._message_followers_to_store(store, reset=True)
subtype_id = self.env["ir.model.data"]._xmlid_to_res_id("mail.mt_comment")
res["recipientsCount"] = self.env["mail.followers"].search_count(
("res_id", "=", thread.id),
("res_model", "=", self._name),
("partner_id", "!=", self.env.user.partner_id.id),
("subtype_ids", "=", subtype_id),
("partner_id.active", "=", True),
thread._message_followers_to_store(store, filter_recipients=True, reset=True)
if "modelName" in fields:
res["modelName"] = self.env["ir.model"]._get(self._name).display_name
if request_list and "scheduledMessages" in request_list:
res["scheduledMessages"] = Store.many(self.env['mail.scheduled.message'].search([
['model', '=', self._name], ['res_id', '=', thread.id]
if request_list and "suggestedRecipients" in request_list:
res["suggestedRecipients"] = thread._message_get_suggested_recipients()
store.add(thread, res, as_thread=True)
def get_views(self, views, options=None):
res = super().get_views(views, options)
if "form" in res["views"] and isinstance(self.env[self._name], self.env.registry['mail.activity.mixin']):
res["models"][self._name]["has_activities"] = True
return res
def _get_thread_with_access(self, thread_id, mode="read", **kwargs):
thread = self.browse(thread_id)
if thread.exists() and thread.sudo(False).has_access(mode):
return thread
return self.browse()