2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import email
import email . policy
import json
import logging
import time
from ast import literal_eval
from contextlib import contextmanager
from freezegun import freeze_time
from functools import partial
from lxml import html
from random import randint
from unittest . mock import patch
from odoo . addons . base . models . ir_mail_server import IrMailServer
from odoo . addons . base . tests . common import MockSmtplibCase
from odoo . addons . bus . models . bus import ImBus , json_dump
from odoo . addons . mail . models . mail_mail import MailMail
from odoo . addons . mail . models . mail_message import Message
from odoo . addons . mail . models . mail_notification import MailNotification
from odoo . addons . mail . models . res_users import Users
from odoo . addons . mail . tools . discuss import Store
from odoo . tests import common , RecordCapturer , new_test_user
from odoo . tools import mute_logger
from odoo . tools . mail import (
email_normalize , email_split_and_format_normalize , formataddr
from odoo . tools . translate import code_translations
_logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
mail_new_test_user = partial ( new_test_user , context = { ' mail_create_nolog ' : True ,
' mail_create_nosubscribe ' : True ,
' mail_notrack ' : True ,
' no_reset_password ' : True } )
class MockEmail ( common . BaseCase , MockSmtplibCase ) :
""" Tools, helpers and asserts for mailgateway-related tests
Useful reminders
Mail state : ( ' outgoing ' , ' Outgoing ' ) , ( ' sent ' , ' Sent ' ) ,
( ' received ' , ' Received ' ) , ( ' exception ' , ' Delivery Failed ' ) ,
( ' cancel ' , ' Cancelled ' )
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( MockEmail , cls ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . _mc_enabled = False
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def mock_datetime_and_now ( self , mock_dt ) :
""" Used when synchronization date (using env.cr.now()) is important
in addition to standard datetime mocks . Used mainly to detect sync
issues . """
with freeze_time ( mock_dt ) , \
patch . object ( self . env . cr , ' now ' , lambda : mock_dt ) :
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def mock_mail_gateway ( self , mail_unlink_sent = False ) :
build_email_origin = IrMailServer . build_email
send_email_origin = IrMailServer . send_email
mail_create_origin = MailMail . create
mail_private_send_origin = MailMail . _send
mail_unlink_origin = MailMail . unlink
self . mail_unlink_sent = mail_unlink_sent
self . _init_mail_mock ( )
def _ir_mail_server_build_email ( model , email_from , email_to , subject , body , * * kwargs ) :
self . _mails . append ( {
' email_from ' : email_from ,
' email_to ' : email_to ,
' subject ' : subject ,
' body ' : body ,
* * kwargs ,
} )
return build_email_origin ( model , email_from , email_to , subject , body , * * kwargs )
def _mail_mail_create ( model , * args , * * kwargs ) :
res = mail_create_origin ( model , * args , * * kwargs )
self . _new_mails + = res . sudo ( )
return res
def _mail_mail_unlink ( model , * args , * * kwargs ) :
if self . mail_unlink_sent :
return mail_unlink_origin ( model , * args , * * kwargs )
return True
with self . mock_smtplib_connection ( ) , \
patch . object ( IrMailServer , ' build_email ' , autospec = True , wraps = IrMailServer , side_effect = _ir_mail_server_build_email ) as build_email_mocked , \
patch . object ( IrMailServer , ' send_email ' , autospec = True , wraps = IrMailServer , side_effect = send_email_origin ) as send_email_mocked , \
patch . object ( MailMail , ' create ' , autospec = True , wraps = MailMail , side_effect = _mail_mail_create ) as mail_mail_create_mocked , \
patch . object ( MailMail , ' _send ' , autospec = True , wraps = MailMail , side_effect = mail_private_send_origin ) as mail_mail_private_send_mocked , \
patch . object ( MailMail , ' unlink ' , autospec = True , wraps = MailMail , side_effect = _mail_mail_unlink ) :
self . build_email_mocked = build_email_mocked
self . send_email_mocked = send_email_mocked
self . mail_mail_create_mocked = mail_mail_create_mocked
self . mail_mail_private_send_mocked = mail_mail_private_send_mocked
def _init_mail_mock ( self ) :
self . _mails = [ ]
self . _new_mails = self . env [ ' mail.mail ' ] . sudo ( )
def _init_mail_gateway ( cls ) :
super ( ) . _init_mail_gateway ( )
# main company alias parameters
cls . alias_domain = ' test.mycompany.com '
cls . alias_catchall = ' catchall.test '
cls . alias_bounce = ' bounce.test '
cls . default_from = ' notifications.test '
cls . default_from_filter = False
cls . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ] . set_param ( ' mail.default.from_filter ' , cls . default_from_filter )
# ensure global alias domain for tests: to ease tests, search or create
# the default test domains
cls . env [ ' mail.alias.domain ' ] . search ( [ ] ) . write ( { ' sequence ' : 9999 } )
cls . mail_alias_domain = cls . _init_alias_domain ( cls . alias_domain , {
' bounce_alias ' : cls . alias_bounce ,
' catchall_alias ' : cls . alias_catchall ,
' company_ids ' : [ ( 4 , cls . env . ref ( ' base.user_admin ' ) . company_id . id ) ] ,
' default_from ' : cls . default_from ,
' name ' : cls . alias_domain ,
' sequence ' : 1 ,
} )
if cls . _mc_enabled :
# alias domain specific to new company
cls . alias_bounce_c2 = ' bounce.c2 '
cls . alias_catchall_c2 = ' catchall.c2 '
cls . alias_default_from_c2 = ' notifications.c2 '
cls . alias_domain_c2_name = ' test.mycompany2.com '
cls . mail_alias_domain_c2 = cls . _init_alias_domain ( cls . alias_domain_c2_name , {
' bounce_alias ' : cls . alias_bounce_c2 ,
' catchall_alias ' : cls . alias_catchall_c2 ,
' company_ids ' : [ ( 4 , cls . company_2 . id ) ] ,
' default_from ' : cls . alias_default_from_c2 ,
' name ' : cls . alias_domain_c2_name ,
' sequence ' : 2 ,
} )
# alias domain specific to third company
cls . alias_bounce_c3 = ' bounce.c3 '
cls . alias_catchall_c3 = ' catchall.c3 '
cls . alias_default_from_c3 = ' notifications.c3 '
cls . alias_domain_c3_name = ' test.mycompany3.com '
cls . mail_alias_domain_c3 = cls . _init_alias_domain ( cls . alias_domain_c3_name , {
' bounce_alias ' : cls . alias_bounce_c3 ,
' catchall_alias ' : cls . alias_catchall_c3 ,
' company_ids ' : [ ( 4 , cls . company_3 . id ) ] ,
' default_from ' : cls . alias_default_from_c3 ,
' name ' : cls . alias_domain_c3_name ,
' sequence ' : 3 ,
} )
# mailer daemon email preformatting
cls . mailer_daemon_email = formataddr ( ( ' MAILER-DAEMON ' , f ' { cls . alias_bounce } @ { cls . alias_domain } ' ) )
def _init_alias_domain ( cls , name , values ) :
alias_domain = cls . env [ ' mail.alias.domain ' ] . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , name ) ] )
if alias_domain :
alias_domain . write ( values )
else :
alias_domain = cls . env [ ' mail.alias.domain ' ] . create ( values )
return alias_domain
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def format ( self , template , to = ' groups@example.com, other@gmail.com ' , subject = ' Frogs ' ,
email_from = ' Sylvie Lelitre <test.sylvie.lelitre@agrolait.com> ' , return_path = ' ' , cc = ' ' ,
extra = ' ' , msg_id = ' <1198923581.41972151344608186760.JavaMail@agrolait.com> ' ,
references = ' ' , * * kwargs ) :
if not return_path :
return_path = ' <whatever-2a840@postmaster.twitter.com> '
return template . format (
subject = subject , to = to , cc = cc ,
email_from = email_from , return_path = return_path ,
extra = extra , msg_id = msg_id , references = references ,
* * kwargs )
def format_and_process ( self , template , email_from , to , subject = ' Frogs ' , cc = ' ' ,
return_path = ' ' , extra = ' ' , msg_id = False ,
model = None , target_model = ' mail.test.gateway ' , target_field = ' name ' ,
with_user = None , * * kwargs ) :
self . assertFalse ( self . env [ target_model ] . search ( [ ( target_field , ' = ' , subject ) ] ) )
if not msg_id :
msg_id = " < %.7f - %5d -test@iron.sky> " % ( time . time ( ) , randint ( 0 , 99998 ) )
if kwargs . pop ( ' debug_log ' , False ) :
_logger . info (
' -- Simulate routing -- \n -From: %s (Return-Path %s ) \n -To: %s / CC: %s \n -Message-Id: %s / Extra: %s ' ,
email_from , return_path , to , cc , msg_id , extra ,
mail = self . format ( template , to = to , subject = subject , cc = cc ,
return_path = return_path , extra = extra ,
email_from = email_from , msg_id = msg_id ,
* * kwargs )
# In real use case, fetched mail processing is executed with administrative right.
self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . with_user ( with_user or self . env . user ) . sudo ( ) . message_process ( model , mail )
return self . env [ target_model ] . search ( [ ( target_field , ' = ' , subject ) ] )
def _gateway_mail_reply ( self , template , mail = None , email = None ,
force_email_from = False , force_email_to = False ,
force_return_path = False , cc = False ,
extra = False , use_references = True , extra_references = False , use_in_reply_to = False ,
target_model = ' mail.test.gateway ' , target_field = ' name ' ,
debug_log = False ) :
""" Low-level helper tool to simulate a reply through mailgateway.
: param mail . mail mail : mail . mail to which we are replying
: param email . Message email : email to which we are replying
if not mail and not email :
raise ValueError ( ' Wrong usage of _gateway_mail_reply ' )
message_id = ( mail and mail . message_id ) or email [ ' message_id ' ]
original_reply_to = ( mail and mail . reply_to ) or ( email and email [ ' reply_to ' ] )
original_to = ( mail and mail . email_to ) or ( email and email [ ' email_to ' ] [ 0 ] )
original_subject = ( mail and mail . subject ) or ( email and email [ ' subject ' ] )
extra = f ' { extra } \n ' if extra else ' '
# compute reply headers
if use_in_reply_to :
extra = f ' { extra } In-Reply-To: \r \n \t { message_id } \n '
if use_references :
extra = f ' { extra } References: \r \n \t { message_id } \n '
if extra_references :
extra = f ' { extra } \r { extra_references } \n '
return self . format_and_process (
template ,
force_email_from or original_to ,
force_email_to or original_reply_to ,
cc = cc ,
extra = extra ,
return_path = force_return_path or original_to ,
subject = f ' Re: { original_subject } ' ,
target_field = target_field ,
target_model = target_model ,
debug_log = debug_log ,
def gateway_mail_reply_from_smtp_email ( self , template , source_smtp_to_list ,
reply_all = False , cc = False ,
force_email_from = False , force_return_path = False ,
extra = False , use_references = True , extra_references = False , use_in_reply_to = False ,
debug_log = False ) :
""" Tool to simulate a reply, based on outgoing SMTP emails.
: param list source_smtp_to_list : find outgoing SMTP email based on their
SMTP To header ( should be a singleton list actually ) ;
# find SMTP email based on recipients
smtp_email = next (
( m for m in self . emails if m [ ' smtp_to_list ' ] == source_smtp_to_list ) ,
if not smtp_email :
raise AssertionError ( f ' Not found SMTP email for { source_smtp_to_list } ' )
# find matching mail.mail
email = next (
( m for m in self . _mails if sorted ( email_normalize ( addr ) for addr in m [ ' email_to ' ] ) == sorted ( source_smtp_to_list ) ) ,
if not email :
raise AssertionError ( f ' Not found matching mail.mail for { source_smtp_to_list } ' )
# compute reply "To": either "reply-to" of email, either all recipients + reply_to - replier itself
if not reply_all :
replying_to = email [ ' reply_to ' ]
else :
replying_to = ' , ' . join ( [ email [ ' reply_to ' ] ] + [
email for email in email_split_and_format_normalize ( smtp_email [ ' msg_to ' ] )
if email_normalize ( email ) not in source_smtp_to_list ]
with RecordCapturer ( self . env [ ' mail.message ' ] , [ ] ) as capture_messages , \
self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
self . _gateway_mail_reply (
template , email = email ,
force_email_from = force_email_from , force_email_to = replying_to ,
force_return_path = force_return_path , cc = cc ,
extra = extra , use_references = use_references , extra_references = extra_references , use_in_reply_to = use_in_reply_to ,
debug_log = debug_log
return capture_messages
def gateway_mail_reply_last_email ( self , template , force_email_to = False , debug_log = False ) :
""" Tool to automatically reply to last outgoing mail. """
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . _mails ) , 1 )
email = self . _mails [ 0 ] # keep out of mock, otherwise _mails is rewritten
with RecordCapturer ( self . env [ ' mail.message ' ] , [ ] ) as capture_messages , \
self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
self . _gateway_mail_reply (
template , email = email ,
force_email_to = force_email_to ,
debug_log = debug_log ,
return capture_messages
def gateway_mail_reply_wrecord ( self , template , record , use_in_reply_to = True , debug_log = False ) :
""" Simulate a reply through the mail gateway. Usage: giving a record,
find an email sent to them and use its message - ID to simulate a reply .
Some noise is added in References just to test some robustness . """
mail_mail = self . _find_mail_mail_wrecord ( record )
if use_in_reply_to :
disturbing_other_msg_id = False
use_references = False
else :
disturbing_other_msg_id = ' <123456.654321@another.host.com> '
use_references = True
return self . _gateway_mail_reply (
template , mail = mail_mail ,
use_references = use_references , extra_references = disturbing_other_msg_id ,
use_in_reply_to = use_in_reply_to ,
target_field = record . _rec_name ,
target_model = record . _name ,
debug_log = debug_log ,
def gateway_mail_reply_wemail ( self , template , email_to ,
target_model = None , target_field = ' name ' ,
debug_log = False ) :
""" Simulate a reply through the mail gateway. Usage: giving a record,
find an email sent to them and use its message - ID to simulate a reply .
Some noise is added in References just to test some robustness . """
email = self . _find_sent_mail_wemail ( email_to )
return self . _gateway_mail_reply (
template , email = email ,
use_in_reply_to = True ,
target_field = target_field ,
target_model = target_model ,
debug_log = debug_log ,
def from_string ( self , text ) :
return email . message_from_string ( text , policy = email . policy . SMTP )
def assertHtmlEqual ( self , value , expected , message = None ) :
tree = html . fragment_fromstring ( value , parser = html . HTMLParser ( encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) , create_parent = ' body ' )
# mass mailing: add base tag we have to remove
for base_node in tree . xpath ( ' //base ' ) :
base_node . getparent ( ) . remove ( base_node )
# chatter: read more / read less TODO
# mass mailing: add base tag we have to remove
expected_node = html . fragment_fromstring ( expected , create_parent = ' body ' )
if message :
self . assertEqual ( tree , expected_node , message )
else :
self . assertEqual ( tree , expected_node )
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _find_sent_mail_wemail ( self , email_to ) :
""" Find a sent email with a given list of recipients. Email should match
exactly the recipients .
: param email - to : a list of emails that will be compared to email_to
of sent emails ( also a list of emails ) ;
: return email : an email which is a dictionary mapping values given to
` ` build_email ` ` ;
for sent_email in self . _mails :
if set ( sent_email [ ' email_to ' ] ) == set ( [ email_to ] ) :
else :
debug_info = ' \n ' . join (
f " From: { mail [ ' email_from ' ] } - To { mail [ ' email_to ' ] } "
for mail in self . _mails
raise AssertionError ( f ' sent mail not found for email_to { email_to } \n { debug_info } ' )
return sent_email
def _filter_mail ( self , status = None , mail_message = None , author = None , content = None , email_from = None ) :
""" Filter mail generated during mock, based on common parameters
: param status : state of mail . mail . If not void use it to filter mail . mail
record ;
: param mail_message : optional check / filter on mail_message_id field aka
a ` ` mail . message ` ` record ;
: param author : optional check / filter on author_id field aka a ` ` res . partner ` `
record ;
: param content : optional check / filter on content , aka body_html ( using an
assertIn , not a pure equality check ) ;
: param email_from : optional check / filter on email_from field ( may differ from
author , used notably in case of concurrent mailings to distinguish emails ) ;
filtered = self . _new_mails . env [ ' mail.mail ' ]
for mail in self . _new_mails :
if status is not None and mail . state != status :
if mail_message is not None and mail . mail_message_id != mail_message :
if author is not None and mail . author_id != author :
if content is not None and content not in mail . body_html :
if email_from is not None and mail . email_from != email_from :
filtered + = mail
return filtered
def _find_mail_mail_wid ( self , mail_id , status = None , mail_message = None , author = None , content = None , email_from = None ) :
""" Find a ``mail.mail`` record based on a given ID (used notably when having
mail ID in mailing traces ) .
: return mail : a ` ` mail . mail ` ` record generated during the mock and matching
given ID ;
filtered = self . _filter_mail ( status = status , mail_message = mail_message , author = author , content = content , email_from = email_from )
for mail in filtered :
if mail . id == mail_id :
else :
debug_info = ' \n ' . join (
f ' From: { mail . author_id } ( { mail . email_from } ) - ID { mail . id } (State: { mail . state } ) '
for mail in self . _new_mails
raise AssertionError (
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
f ' mail.mail not found for ID { mail_id } / message { mail_message } / status { status } / '
f ' author { author } ( { email_from } ) \n { debug_info } '
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
return mail
def _find_mail_mail_wpartners ( self , recipients , status , mail_message = None , author = None , content = None , email_from = None ) :
""" Find a mail.mail record based on various parameters, notably a list
of recipients ( partners ) .
: param recipients : a ` ` res . partner ` ` recordset Check all of them are in mail
recipients to find the right mail . mail record ;
: return mail : a ` ` mail . mail ` ` record generated during the mock and matching
given parameters and filters ;
filtered = self . _filter_mail ( status = status , mail_message = mail_message , author = author , content = content , email_from = email_from )
for mail in filtered :
if all ( p in mail . recipient_ids for p in recipients ) :
else :
debug_info = ' \n ' . join (
f ' From: { mail . author_id } ( { mail . email_from } ) - To: { sorted ( mail . recipient_ids . ids ) } (State: { mail . state } ) '
for mail in self . _new_mails
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
recipients_info = f ' Missing: { [ f " { r . name } ( { r . id } ) " for r in recipients if r . id not in filtered . recipient_ids . ids ] } '
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
raise AssertionError (
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
f ' mail.mail not found for message { mail_message } / status { status } / recipients { sorted ( recipients . ids ) } '
f ' / author { author } ( { email_from } ) \n { recipients_info } \n { debug_info } '
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
return mail
def _find_mail_mail_wemail ( self , email_to , status , mail_message = None , author = None , content = None , email_from = None ) :
""" Find a mail.mail record based on various parameters, notably a list
of email to ( string emails ) .
: param email_to : either matching mail . email_to value , either a mail sent
to a single recipient whose email is email_to ;
: return mail : a ` ` mail . mail ` ` record generated during the mock and matching
given parameters and filters ;
filtered = self . _filter_mail ( status = status , mail_message = mail_message , author = author , content = content , email_from = email_from )
for mail in filtered :
if ( mail . email_to == email_to and not mail . recipient_ids ) or ( not mail . email_to and mail . recipient_ids . email == email_to ) :
else :
debug_info = ' \n ' . join (
f ' From: { mail . author_id } ( { mail . email_from } ) - To: { mail . email_to } / { sorted ( mail . recipient_ids . mapped ( " email " ) ) } (State: { mail . state } ) '
for mail in self . _new_mails
raise AssertionError (
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
f ' mail.mail not found for message { mail_message } / status { status } / email_to { email_to } / '
f ' author { author } ( { email_from } ) \n { debug_info } '
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
return mail
def _find_mail_mail_wrecord ( self , record , status = None , mail_message = None , author = None , content = None , email_from = None ) :
""" Find a mail.mail record based on model / res_id of a record.
: return mail : a ` ` mail . mail ` ` record generated during the mock ;
filtered = self . _filter_mail ( status = status , mail_message = mail_message , author = author , content = content , email_from = email_from )
for mail in filtered :
if mail . model == record . _name and mail . res_id == record . id :
else :
debug_info = ' \n ' . join (
f ' From: { mail . author_id } ( { mail . email_from } ) - Model { mail . model } / ResId { mail . res_id } (State: { mail . state } ) '
for mail in self . _new_mails
raise AssertionError (
f ' mail.mail not found for message { mail_message } / status { status } / record { record . _name } , { record . id } / author { author } ( { email_from } ) \n { debug_info } '
return mail
def _find_sent_email ( self , email_from , emails_to , subject = None , body = None , attachment_names = None ) :
""" Find an outgoing email based on from / to and optional subject, body
and attachment names when having conflicts .
: return sent_email : an outgoing email generated during the mock ;
sent_emails = [
mail for mail in self . _mails
if set ( mail [ ' email_to ' ] ) == set ( emails_to ) and mail [ ' email_from ' ] == email_from
if len ( sent_emails ) > 1 :
# try to better filter
sent_email = next ( ( mail for mail in sent_emails
if ( subject is None or mail [ ' subject ' ] == subject )
and ( body is None or mail [ ' body ' ] == body )
and ( attachment_names is None
or set ( attachment_names ) == set ( attachment [ 0 ] for attachment in mail [ ' attachments ' ] ) )
) , False )
else :
sent_email = sent_emails [ 0 ] if sent_emails else False
return sent_email
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _assertMailMail ( self , mail , recipients_list , status ,
email_to_recipients = None , author = None ,
content = None , fields_values = None , email_values = None ) :
""" Assert mail.mail record values and maybe related emails. Allow
asserting their content . Records to check are the one generated when
using mock ( mail . mail and outgoing emails ) .
: param mail : a ` ` mail . mail ` ` record ;
: param recipients_list : an ` ` res . partner ` ` recordset or a list of
emails ( both are supported , see ` ` _find_mail_mail_wpartners ` ` and
` ` _find_mail_mail_wemail ` ` ) ;
: param status : mail . mail state used to filter mails . If ` ` sent ` ` this method
also check that emails have been sent trough gateway ;
: param email_to_recipients : used for assertSentEmail to find email based
on ' email_to ' when doing the match directly based on recipients_list
being partners it nos easy ( e . g . multi emails , . . . ) ;
: param author : see ` ` _find_mail_mail_wpartners ` ` ;
: param content : if given , check it is contained within mail html body ;
: param fields_values : if given , should be a dictionary of field names /
values allowing to check ` ` mail . mail ` ` additional values ( subject ,
reply_to , . . . ) ;
: param email_values : if given , should be a dictionary of keys / values
allowing to check sent email additional values ( if any ) .
See ` ` assertSentEmail ` ` ;
self . assertTrue ( bool ( mail ) )
if content :
self . assertIn ( content , mail . body_html )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
# specific check for message_id being in references: we don't care about
# actual value, just that they are set and message_id present in references
references_message_id_check = ( email_values or { } ) . pop ( ' references_message_id_check ' , False )
if references_message_id_check :
message_id = mail [ ' message_id ' ]
self . assertTrue ( message_id , ' Mail: expected value set for message_id ' )
self . assertIn ( message_id , mail . references , ' Mail: expected message_id to be part of references ' )
email_values = dict ( { ' message_id ' : message_id , ' references ' : mail . references } , * * ( email_values or { } ) )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
for fname , expected_fvalue in ( fields_values or { } ) . items ( ) :
with self . subTest ( fname = fname , expected_fvalue = expected_fvalue ) :
if fname == ' headers ' :
fvalue = literal_eval ( mail [ fname ] )
self . assertDictEqual ( fvalue , expected_fvalue )
elif fname == ' attachments_info ' :
for attachment_info in expected_fvalue :
attachment = next ( ( attach for attach in mail . attachment_ids if attach . name == attachment_info [ ' name ' ] ) , False )
self . assertTrue (
bool ( attachment ) ,
f ' Attachment { attachment_info [ " name " ] } not found in attachments ' ,
if attachment_info . get ( ' raw ' ) :
self . assertEqual ( attachment [ 1 ] , attachment_info [ ' raw ' ] )
if attachment_info . get ( ' type ' ) :
self . assertEqual ( attachment [ 2 ] , attachment_info [ ' type ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( len ( expected_fvalue ) , len ( mail . attachment_ids ) )
else :
self . assertEqual (
mail [ fname ] , expected_fvalue ,
' Mail: expected %s for %s , got %s ' % ( expected_fvalue , fname , mail [ fname ] )
if status == ' sent ' :
if email_to_recipients :
recipients = email_to_recipients # already formatted
else :
recipients = [ [ r ] for r in recipients_list ] # one partner -> list of a single email
for recipient in recipients :
with self . subTest ( recipient = recipient ) :
self . assertSentEmail (
email_values [ ' email_from ' ] if email_values and email_values . get ( ' email_from ' ) else author ,
recipient ,
* * ( email_values or { } )
def assertMailMail ( self , recipients , status ,
email_to_recipients = None ,
mail_message = None , author = None ,
content = None , fields_values = None , email_values = None ) :
""" Assert mail.mail records are created and maybe sent as emails. This
method takes partners as source to find mails and check their content .
See ' _assertMailMail ' for more details .
: param recipients : a ` ` res . partner ` ` recordset . See
` ` _find_mail_mail_wpartners ` ` ;
: param mail_message : used to find the related email ;
See ' _assertMailMail ' for more details about other parameters .
found_mail = self . _find_mail_mail_wpartners (
recipients , status , mail_message = mail_message ,
author = author ,
content = content ,
email_from = ( fields_values or { } ) . get ( ' email_from ' )
self . assertTrue ( bool ( found_mail ) )
self . _assertMailMail (
found_mail , recipients , status ,
email_to_recipients = email_to_recipients ,
author = author , content = content ,
fields_values = fields_values , email_values = email_values ,
return found_mail
def assertMailMailWEmails ( self , emails , status ,
email_to_recipients = None ,
mail_message = None , author = None ,
content = None , fields_values = None , email_values = None ) :
""" Assert mail.mail records are created and maybe sent as emails. This
method takes emails as source to find mails and check their content .
See ' _assertMailMail ' for more details .
: param emails : a list of emails . See ` ` _find_mail_mail_wemail ` ` ;
: param mail_message : used to find the related email ;
See ' _assertMailMail ' for more details about other parameters .
found_mail = False
for email_to in emails :
found_mail = self . _find_mail_mail_wemail (
email_to , status , mail_message = mail_message ,
author = author ,
content = content ,
email_from = ( fields_values or { } ) . get ( ' email_from ' ) ,
self . assertTrue ( bool ( found_mail ) )
self . _assertMailMail (
found_mail , [ email_to ] , status ,
email_to_recipients = email_to_recipients ,
author = author , content = content ,
fields_values = fields_values , email_values = email_values ,
return found_mail
def assertMailMailWRecord ( self , record , recipients , status ,
email_to_recipients = None ,
mail_message = None , author = None ,
content = None , fields_values = None , email_values = None ) :
""" Assert mail.mail records are created and maybe sent as emails. This
method takes a record as source to find mails and check their content
using model / res_id . See ' _assertMailMail ' for more details .
: param record : a record used to find emails sent related on it .
See ` ` _find_mail_mail_wrecord ` ` ;
: param mail_message : used to find the related email ;
See ' _assertMailMail ' for more details about other parameters .
found_mail = self . _find_mail_mail_wrecord (
record , status , mail_message = mail_message ,
author = author ,
content = content ,
email_from = ( fields_values or { } ) . get ( ' email_from ' )
self . assertTrue ( bool ( found_mail ) )
self . _assertMailMail (
found_mail , recipients , status ,
email_to_recipients = email_to_recipients ,
author = author , content = content ,
fields_values = fields_values , email_values = email_values ,
return found_mail
def assertMailMailWId ( self , mail_id , status ,
email_to_recipients = None ,
author = None ,
content = None , fields_values = None , email_values = None ) :
""" Assert mail.mail records are created and maybe sent as emails. Allow
asserting their content . Records to check are the one generated when
using mock ( mail . mail and outgoing emails ) . This method takes partners
as source of record fetch and assert .
: param mail_id : a ` ` mail . mail ` ` DB ID . See ` ` _find_mail_mail_wid ` ` ;
For other parameters , see ` ` _assertMailMail ` ` .
found_mail = self . _find_mail_mail_wid ( mail_id )
self . assertTrue ( bool ( found_mail ) )
self . _assertMailMail (
found_mail , [ ] , # generally used when recipients are Falsy
status ,
email_to_recipients = email_to_recipients ,
author = author , content = content ,
fields_values = fields_values , email_values = email_values ,
return found_mail
def assertMessageFields ( self , message , fields_values ) :
""" Just a quick helper to check a mail.message content by giving directly
a dict for fields . Allows to hide a lot of assertEqual under a simple
call with a dictionary of expected values . """
for fname , fvalue in fields_values . items ( ) :
with self . subTest ( fname = fname , fvalue = fvalue ) :
self . assertEqual (
message [ fname ] , fvalue ,
f ' Message: expected { fvalue } for { fname } , got { message [ fname ] } ' ,
def assertNoMail ( self , recipients , mail_message = None , author = None ) :
""" Check no mail.mail and email was generated during gateway mock. """
try :
self . _find_mail_mail_wpartners ( recipients , False , mail_message = mail_message , author = author )
except AssertionError :
else :
raise AssertionError ( ' mail.mail exists for message %s / recipients %s but should not exist ' % ( mail_message , recipients . ids ) )
finally :
self . assertNotSentEmail ( recipients )
def assertNotSentEmail ( self , recipients = None ) :
""" Check no email was generated during gateway mock.
: param recipients :
List of partner for which we will check that no email have been sent
Or list of email address
If None , we will check that no email at all have been sent
if recipients is None :
mails = self . _mails
else :
all_emails = [
email_to . email if isinstance ( email_to , self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . __class__ )
else email_to
for email_to in recipients
mails = [
for mail in self . _mails
if any ( email in all_emails for email in mail [ ' email_to ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( len ( mails ) , 0 )
def assertSentEmail ( self , author , recipients , * * values ) :
""" Tool method to ease the check of sent emails (going through the
outgoing mail gateway , not actual < mail . mail > records ) .
: param author : email author , either a string ( email ) , either a partner
record ;
: param recipients : list of recipients , each being either a string ( email ) ,
either a partner record ;
: param values : dictionary of additional values to check email content ;
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
direct_check = [ ' body_alternative ' , ' email_from ' , ' message_id ' , ' references ' , ' reply_to ' , ' subject ' ]
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
content_check = [ ' body_alternative_content ' , ' body_content ' , ' references_content ' ]
email_list_check = [ ' email_bcc ' , ' email_cc ' , ' email_to ' ]
other_check = [ ' attachments ' , ' attachments_info ' , ' body ' , ' headers ' ]
expected = { }
for fname in direct_check + content_check + email_list_check + other_check :
if fname in values :
expected [ fname ] = values [ fname ]
unknown = set ( values . keys ( ) ) - set ( direct_check + content_check + email_list_check + other_check )
if unknown :
raise NotImplementedError ( ' Unsupported %s ' % ' , ' . join ( unknown ) )
if isinstance ( author , self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . __class__ ) :
expected [ ' email_from ' ] = formataddr ( ( author . name , email_normalize ( author . email , strict = False ) or author . email ) )
else :
expected [ ' email_from ' ] = author
if ' email_to ' in values :
email_to_list = values [ ' email_to ' ]
else :
email_to_list = [ ]
for email_to in recipients :
if isinstance ( email_to , self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . __class__ ) :
email_to_list . append ( formataddr ( ( email_to . name , email_normalize ( email_to . email , strict = False ) or email_to . email ) ) )
else :
email_to_list . append ( email_to )
expected [ ' email_to ' ] = email_to_list
# fetch mail
attachments = [ attachment [ ' name ' ]
for attachment in values . get ( ' attachments_info ' , [ ] )
if ' name ' in attachment ]
sent_mail = self . _find_sent_email (
expected [ ' email_from ' ] ,
expected [ ' email_to ' ] ,
subject = values . get ( ' subject ' ) ,
body = values . get ( ' body ' ) ,
attachment_names = attachments or None
debug_info = ' '
if not sent_mail :
debug_info = ' \n - ' . join ( ' From: %s -To: %s ' % ( mail [ ' email_from ' ] , mail [ ' email_to ' ] ) for mail in self . _mails )
self . assertTrue (
bool ( sent_mail ) ,
' Expected mail from %s to %s not found in %s \n ' % ( expected [ ' email_from ' ] , expected [ ' email_to ' ] , debug_info )
# assert values
for val in direct_check :
if val in expected :
self . assertEqual ( expected [ val ] , sent_mail [ val ] , ' Value for %s : expected %s , received %s ' % ( val , expected [ val ] , sent_mail [ val ] ) )
if ' attachments ' in expected :
self . assertEqual (
sorted ( expected [ ' attachments ' ] ) , sorted ( sent_mail [ ' attachments ' ] ) ,
' Value for %s : expected %s , received %s ' % ( ' attachments ' , expected [ ' attachments ' ] , sent_mail [ ' attachments ' ] )
if ' attachments_info ' in expected :
attachments = sent_mail [ ' attachments ' ]
for attachment_info in expected [ ' attachments_info ' ] :
attachment = next ( ( attach for attach in attachments if attach [ 0 ] == attachment_info [ ' name ' ] ) , False )
self . assertTrue (
bool ( attachment ) ,
f ' Attachment { attachment_info [ " name " ] } not found in attachments ' ,
if attachment_info . get ( ' raw ' ) :
self . assertEqual ( attachment [ 1 ] , attachment_info [ ' raw ' ] )
if attachment_info . get ( ' type ' ) :
self . assertEqual ( attachment [ 2 ] , attachment_info [ ' type ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( len ( expected [ ' attachments_info ' ] ) , len ( attachments ) )
if ' body ' in expected :
self . assertHtmlEqual ( expected [ ' body ' ] , sent_mail [ ' body ' ] , ' Value for %s : expected %s , received %s ' % ( ' body ' , expected [ ' body ' ] , sent_mail [ ' body ' ] ) )
# beware to avoid list ordering differences (but Falsy values -> compare directly)
for val in email_list_check :
if expected . get ( val ) :
self . assertEqual ( sorted ( expected [ val ] ) , sorted ( sent_mail [ val ] ) ,
' Value for %s : expected %s , received %s ' % ( val , expected [ val ] , sent_mail [ val ] ) )
elif val in expected :
self . assertEqual ( expected [ val ] , sent_mail [ val ] ,
' Value for %s : expected %s , received %s ' % ( val , expected [ val ] , sent_mail [ val ] ) )
# (partial) content check
for val in content_check :
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
if val == ' references_content ' and val in expected :
if not expected [ ' references_content ' ] :
self . assertFalse ( sent_mail [ ' references ' ] )
else :
for reference in expected [ ' references_content ' ] :
self . assertIn ( reference , sent_mail [ ' references ' ] )
else :
if val in expected :
self . assertIn (
expected [ val ] , sent_mail [ val [ : - 8 ] ] ,
' Value for %s : %s does not contain %s ' % ( val , sent_mail [ val [ : - 8 ] ] , expected [ val ] )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
if ' headers ' in expected :
for key , value in expected [ ' headers ' ] . items ( ) :
self . assertTrue ( key in sent_mail [ ' headers ' ] , f ' Missing key { key } ' )
found = sent_mail [ ' headers ' ] [ key ]
self . assertEqual ( found , value ,
f ' Header value for { key } invalid, found { found } instead of { value } ' )
return sent_mail
class MailCase ( MockEmail ) :
""" Tools, helpers and asserts for mail-related tests, including mail
gateway mock and helpers ( see ´ ´ MockEmail ´ ´ ) .
Useful reminders
Notif type : ( ' inbox ' , ' Inbox ' ) , ( ' email ' , ' Email ' )
Notif status : ( ' ready ' , ' Ready to Send ' ) , ( ' sent ' , ' Sent ' ) ,
( ' bounce ' , ' Bounced ' ) , ( ' exception ' , ' Exception ' ) ,
( ' canceled ' , ' Canceled ' )
Notif failure type : ( " SMTP " , " Connection failed (outgoing mail server problem) " ) ,
( " RECIPIENT " , " Invalid email address " ) ,
( " BOUNCE " , " Email address rejected by destination " ) ,
( " UNKNOWN " , " Unknown error " )
_test_context = {
' mail_create_nolog ' : True ,
' mail_create_nosubscribe ' : True ,
' mail_notrack ' : True ,
' no_reset_password ' : True ,
def setUp ( self ) :
super ( ) . setUp ( )
# purpose is to avoid nondeterministic tests, notably because tracking is
# accumulated and sent at flush -> we want to test only the result of a
# given test, not setup + test
self . flush_tracking ( )
def _reset_mail_context ( cls , record ) :
return record . with_context (
mail_create_nolog = False ,
mail_create_nosubscribe = False ,
mail_notrack = False ,
def flush_tracking ( self ) :
""" Force the creation of tracking values. """
self . env . flush_all ( )
self . cr . flush ( )
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def mock_bus ( self ) :
bus_bus_create_origin = ImBus . create
self . _init_mock_bus ( )
def _bus_bus_create ( model , * args , * * kwargs ) :
res = bus_bus_create_origin ( model , * args , * * kwargs )
self . _new_bus_notifs + = res . sudo ( )
return res
with patch . object ( ImBus , ' create ' , autospec = True , wraps = ImBus , side_effect = _bus_bus_create ) as _bus_bus_create_mock :
self . env . cr . precommit . run ( ) # trigger the creation of bus.bus records
def _init_mock_bus ( self ) :
self . _new_bus_notifs = self . env [ ' bus.bus ' ] . sudo ( )
def _reset_bus ( self ) :
self . env . cr . precommit . run ( ) # trigger the creation of bus.bus records
self . env [ " bus.bus " ] . sudo ( ) . search ( [ ] ) . unlink ( )
def mock_mail_app ( self ) :
message_create_origin = Message . create
notification_create_origin = MailNotification . create
self . _init_mock_mail ( )
def _mail_message_create ( model , * args , * * kwargs ) :
res = message_create_origin ( model , * args , * * kwargs )
self . _new_msgs + = res . sudo ( )
return res
def _mail_notification_create ( model , * args , * * kwargs ) :
res = notification_create_origin ( model , * args , * * kwargs )
self . _new_notifs + = res . sudo ( )
return res
with patch . object ( Message , ' create ' , autospec = True , wraps = Message , side_effect = _mail_message_create ) as _mail_message_create_mock , \
patch . object ( MailNotification , ' create ' , autospec = True , wraps = MailNotification , side_effect = _mail_notification_create ) as _mail_notification_create_mock :
def _init_mock_mail ( self ) :
self . _new_msgs = self . env [ ' mail.message ' ] . sudo ( )
self . _new_notifs = self . env [ ' mail.notification ' ] . sudo ( )
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _add_messages ( cls , record , body_content , count = 1 , author = None , * * kwargs ) :
""" Helper: add #count messages in record history """
author = author if author else cls . env . user . partner_id
if ' email_from ' not in kwargs :
kwargs [ ' email_from ' ] = author . email_formatted
subtype_id = kwargs . get ( ' subtype_id ' , cls . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) . id )
values = {
' model ' : record . _name ,
' res_id ' : record . id ,
' author_id ' : author . id ,
' subtype_id ' : subtype_id ,
values . update ( kwargs )
create_vals = [ dict (
values , body = ' %s / %02d ' % ( body_content , counter ) )
for counter in range ( count ) ]
return cls . env [ ' mail.message ' ] . sudo ( ) . create ( create_vals )
def _create_template ( cls , model , template_values = None ) :
create_values = {
' name ' : ' TestTemplate ' ,
' subject ' : ' About {{ object.name }} ' ,
' body_html ' : ' <p>Hello <t t-out= " object.name " /></p> ' ,
' model_id ' : cls . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( model ) . id ,
if template_values :
create_values . update ( template_values )
cls . email_template = cls . env [ ' mail.template ' ] . create ( create_values )
return cls . email_template
def _generate_notify_recipients ( self , partners , record = None ) :
""" Tool method to generate recipients data according to structure used
in notification methods . Purpose is to allow testing of internals of
some notification methods , notably testing links or group - based notification
details .
See notably ` ` MailThread . _notify_get_recipients ( ) ` ` .
return [
{ ' id ' : partner . id ,
' active ' : partner . active ,
' is_follower ' : partner in record . message_partner_ids if record else False ,
' groups ' : partner . user_ids . groups_id . ids ,
' notif ' : partner . user_ids . notification_type or ' email ' ,
' share ' : partner . partner_share ,
' type ' : ' user ' if partner . user_ids and not partner . partner_share else partner . user_ids and ' portal ' or ' customer ' ,
' ushare ' : all ( user . share for user in partner . user_ids ) if partner . user_ids else False ,
} for partner in partners
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def assertSinglePostNotifications ( self , recipients_info , message_info = None , mail_unlink_sent = False ) :
""" Shortcut to assertMsgNotifications when having a single message to check. """
r_info = dict ( message_info if message_info else { } )
r_info . setdefault ( ' content ' , ' ' )
r_info [ ' notif ' ] = recipients_info
with self . assertPostNotifications ( [ r_info ] , mail_unlink_sent = mail_unlink_sent ) :
def assertPostNotifications ( self , recipients_info , mail_unlink_sent = False ) :
""" Check content of notifications. """
try :
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( mail_unlink_sent = mail_unlink_sent ) , self . mock_bus ( ) , self . mock_mail_app ( ) :
finally :
done_msgs , done_notifs = self . assertMailNotifications ( self . _new_msgs , recipients_info )
self . assertEqual ( self . _new_msgs , done_msgs , ' Mail: invalid message creation ( %s ) / expected ( %s ) ' % ( len ( self . _new_msgs ) , len ( done_msgs ) ) )
self . assertEqual ( self . _new_notifs , done_notifs , ' Mail: invalid notification creation ( %s ) / expected ( %s ) ' % ( len ( self . _new_notifs ) , len ( done_notifs ) ) )
def assertBus ( self , channels = None , message_items = None , get_params = None ) :
""" Check content of bus notifications.
Params might not be determined in advance ( newly created id , create_date , . . . ) , in this case
the ` get_params ` function can be given to return the expected values , called after the
execution of the tested code .
def format_notif ( notif ) :
if not notif . message :
return " "
return f " { tuple ( json . loads ( notif . channel ) ) } , # { json . loads ( notif . message ) . get ( ' type ' ) } "
try :
with self . mock_bus ( ) :
finally :
if get_params :
channels , message_items = get_params ( )
found_bus_notifs = self . assertBusNotifications ( channels , message_items = message_items )
new_line = " \n "
self . assertEqual (
self . _new_bus_notifs ,
found_bus_notifs ,
f " \n Expected: \n { new_line . join ( found_bus_notifs . mapped ( format_notif ) ) } "
f " \n Result: \n { new_line . join ( self . _new_bus_notifs . mapped ( format_notif ) ) } "
def assertMsgWithoutNotifications ( self , mail_unlink_sent = False ) :
try :
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( mail_unlink_sent = mail_unlink_sent ) , self . mock_bus ( ) , self . mock_mail_app ( ) :
finally :
self . assertTrue ( self . _new_msgs )
self . assertFalse ( bool ( self . _new_notifs ) )
self . assertFalse ( bool ( self . _new_mails ) )
self . assertFalse ( bool ( self . _mails ) )
def assertNoNotifications ( self ) :
try :
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( mail_unlink_sent = False ) , self . mock_bus ( ) , self . mock_mail_app ( ) :
finally :
self . assertFalse ( bool ( self . _new_msgs ) )
self . assertFalse ( bool ( self . _new_notifs ) )
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def assertMailNotifications ( self , messages , recipients_info , bus_notif_count = 1 ) :
""" Check bus notifications content. Mandatory and basic check is about
channels being notified . Content check is optional .
: param < mail . message > messages : generated messages to check , coming
notably from the ' self._new_msgs ' filled during the mock ;
: param list recipients_info : list of data dict : [
# message values
' content ' : message content that should be present in message ' body '
field ;
' message_type ' : ' message_type ' value ( default : ' comment ' ) ,
' subtype ' : xml id of message subtype ( default : ' mail.mt_comment ' ) ,
# notifications values
' email_values ' : values to check in outgoing emails , check ' assertMailMail '
and ' assertSentEmail ' ;
' mail_mail_values ' : values to check in generated < mail . mail > , check
' assertMailMail ' ;
' message_values ' : values to check in found < mail . message > , check
' assertMessageFields ' ;
' notif ' : list of notified recipients : [
' check_send ' : whether outgoing stuff has to be checked ;
' email ' : NOT SUPPORTED YET ,
' failure_reason ' : failure_reason on mail . notification ;
' failure_type ' : ' failure_type ' on mail . notification ;
' is_read ' : ' is_read ' on mail . notification ;
' partner ' : res . partner record ( may be empty ) ,
' status ' : ' notification_status ' on mail . notification ;
' type ' : ' notification_type ' on mail . notification ;
} ,
{ . . . }
] ,
} ,
{ . . . }
: param mail_unlink_sent : mock parameter , tells if mails are unlinked
and therefore we are able to check outgoing emails ;
partners = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . sudo ( ) . concat ( * list ( p [ ' partner ' ] for i in recipients_info for p in i [ ' notif ' ] if p . get ( ' partner ' ) ) )
base_domain = [ ( ' res_partner_id ' , ' in ' , partners . ids ) ]
if messages is not None :
base_domain + = [ ( ' mail_message_id ' , ' in ' , messages . ids ) ]
notifications = self . env [ ' mail.notification ' ] . sudo ( ) . search ( base_domain )
debug_info = ' \n - ' . join (
f ' Notif: partner { notif . res_partner_id . id } , type { notif . notification_type } '
for notif in notifications
done_msgs = self . env [ ' mail.message ' ] . sudo ( )
done_notifs = self . env [ ' mail.notification ' ] . sudo ( )
for message_info in recipients_info :
# sanity check
extra_keys = set ( message_info . keys ( ) ) - {
' content ' ,
' email_values ' ,
' mail_mail_values ' ,
' message_type ' ,
' message_values ' ,
' notif ' ,
' subtype ' ,
if extra_keys :
raise ValueError ( f ' Unsupported values: { extra_keys } ' )
mbody , mtype = message_info . get ( ' content ' , ' ' ) , message_info . get ( ' message_type ' , ' comment ' )
msubtype = self . env . ref ( message_info . get ( ' subtype ' , ' mail.mt_comment ' ) )
# find message
if messages :
message = messages . filtered ( lambda message : (
mbody in message . body and message . message_type == mtype and
message . subtype_id == msubtype
) )
else :
message = self . env [ ' mail.message ' ] . sudo ( ) . search ( [
( ' body ' , ' ilike ' , mbody ) ,
( ' message_type ' , ' = ' , mtype ) ,
( ' subtype_id ' , ' = ' , msubtype . id )
] , limit = 1 , order = ' id DESC ' )
self . assertTrue ( message , ' Mail: not found message (content: %s , message_type: %s , subtype: %s ) ' % ( mbody , mtype , msubtype . name ) )
# check message values
message_values = message_info . get ( ' message_values ' , { } )
if message_values :
self . assertMessageFields ( message , message_values )
# check notifications and prepare assert data
email_groups = { }
status_groups = {
' exception ' : { ' email_lst ' : [ ] , ' partners ' : [ ] } ,
' outgoing ' : { ' email_lst ' : [ ] , ' partners ' : [ ] } ,
self . assertEqual ( len ( message . notification_ids ) , len ( message_info [ ' notif ' ] ) )
for recipient in message_info [ ' notif ' ] :
# sanity check
extra_keys = set ( recipient . keys ( ) ) - {
' check_send ' ,
' email_to_recipients ' ,
' is_read ' ,
' failure_reason ' ,
' failure_type ' ,
' group ' ,
' partner ' ,
' status ' ,
' type ' ,
if extra_keys :
raise ValueError ( f ' Unsupported recipient values: { extra_keys } ' )
partner = recipient . get ( ' partner ' , self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] )
email_to_lst , email_cc_lst = recipient . get ( ' email_to ' , [ ] ) , recipient . get ( ' email_cc ' , [ ] )
ntype , ngroup , nstatus = recipient [ ' type ' ] , recipient . get ( ' group ' ) , recipient . get ( ' status ' , ' sent ' )
nis_read = recipient . get ( ' is_read ' , recipient [ ' type ' ] != ' inbox ' )
ncheck_send = recipient . get ( ' check_send ' , True )
if not ngroup :
ngroup = ' user '
if partner and not partner . user_ids :
ngroup = ' customer '
elif partner and partner . partner_share :
ngroup = ' portal '
if ngroup not in email_groups :
email_groups [ ngroup ] = {
' email_cc_lst ' : [ ] ,
' email_to_lst ' : [ ] ,
' email_to_recipients ' : [ ] ,
' partners ' : self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . sudo ( ) ,
# find notification
partner_notif = notifications . filtered ( lambda n : (
n . mail_message_id == message and
n . res_partner_id == partner and
n . notification_type == ntype
) )
self . assertEqual ( len ( partner_notif ) , 1 ,
f ' Mail: not found notification for { partner } (type: { ntype } , message: { message . id } ) \n { debug_info } ' )
self . assertEqual ( partner_notif . author_id , partner_notif . mail_message_id . author_id )
self . assertEqual ( partner_notif . is_read , nis_read )
if ' failure_reason ' in recipient :
self . assertEqual ( partner_notif . failure_reason , recipient [ ' failure_reason ' ] )
if ' failure_type ' in recipient :
self . assertEqual ( partner_notif . failure_type , recipient [ ' failure_type ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( partner_notif . notification_status , nstatus )
# prepare further asserts
if ntype == ' email ' :
if nstatus in ( ' sent ' , ' ready ' , ' exception ' ) and ncheck_send :
email_groups [ ngroup ] [ ' partners ' ] + = partner
if ' email_to_recipients ' in recipient :
email_groups [ ngroup ] [ ' email_to_recipients ' ] + = recipient [ ' email_to_recipients ' ]
if email_cc_lst :
email_groups [ ngroup ] [ ' email_cc_lst ' ] + = email_cc_lst
if email_to_lst :
email_groups [ ngroup ] [ ' email_to_lst ' ] + = email_to_lst
# when force_send is False notably, notifications are ready and emails outgoing
if nstatus in ( ' ready ' , ' exception ' ) :
state = ' outgoing ' if nstatus == ' ready ' else ' exception '
if partner :
status_groups [ state ] [ ' partners ' ] . append ( partner )
if email_cc_lst :
status_groups [ state ] [ ' email_lst ' ] + = email_cc_lst
if email_to_lst :
status_groups [ state ] [ ' email_lst ' ] + = email_to_lst
# canceled: currently nothing checked - sent: already managed
elif nstatus in ( ' sent ' , ' canceled ' ) :
else :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
done_notifs | = partner_notif
done_msgs | = message
# check bus notifications that should be sent (hint: message author, multiple notifications)
bus_notifications = message . notification_ids . _filtered_for_web_client ( ) . filtered ( lambda n : n . notification_status == ' exception ' )
if bus_notifications :
self . assertMessageBusNotifications ( message , bus_notif_count )
# check emails that should be sent (hint: mail.mail per group, email par recipient)
email_values = {
' body_content ' : mbody ,
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
' references_content ' : [ message . message_id ] ,
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
if message_info . get ( ' email_values ' ) :
email_values . update ( message_info [ ' email_values ' ] )
for group in email_groups . values ( ) :
partners = group [ ' partners ' ]
email_cc_lst = group [ ' email_cc_lst ' ]
email_to_lst = group [ ' email_to_lst ' ]
# compute expected mail status
mail_status = ' sent '
if partners and all ( p in status_groups [ ' exception ' ] [ ' partners ' ] for p in partners ) :
mail_status = ' exception '
if email_to_lst and all ( p in status_groups [ ' exception ' ] [ ' email_lst ' ] for p in email_to_lst ) :
mail_status = ' exception '
if partners and all ( p in status_groups [ ' outgoing ' ] [ ' partners ' ] for p in partners ) :
mail_status = ' outgoing '
if email_to_lst and all ( p in status_groups [ ' outgoing ' ] [ ' email_lst ' ] for p in email_to_lst ) :
mail_status = ' outgoing '
if not self . mail_unlink_sent and partners :
self . assertMailMail (
partners ,
mail_status ,
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
author = message_info . get ( ' mail_mail_values ' , { } ) . get ( ' author_id ' , message . author_id or message . email_from ) ,
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
content = mbody ,
email_to_recipients = group [ ' email_to_recipients ' ] or None ,
email_values = email_values ,
fields_values = message_info . get ( ' mail_mail_values ' ) ,
mail_message = message ,
else :
for recipient in partners :
self . assertSentEmail (
message . author_id if message . author_id else message . email_from ,
[ recipient ] ,
* * email_values
if not any ( p for recipients in email_groups . values ( ) for p in recipients ) :
self . assertNoMail ( partners , mail_message = message , author = message . author_id )
return done_msgs , done_notifs
def assertMessageBusNotifications ( self , message , count = 1 ) :
""" Asserts that the expected notification updates have been sent on the
bus for the given message . """
store = Store ( )
message . _message_notifications_to_store ( store )
self . assertBusNotifications ( [ ( self . cr . dbname , ' res.partner ' , message . author_id . id ) ] * count , [ {
" type " : " mail.record/insert " ,
" payload " : store . get_result ( )
} ] , check_unique = False )
def assertBusNotifications ( self , channels , message_items = None , check_unique = True ) :
""" Check bus notifications content. Mandatory and basic check is about
channels being notified . Content check is optional .
: param channels : list of expected bus channels , like [
( self . cr . dbname , ' res.partner ' , self . partner_employee_2 . id )
: param message_items : if given , list of expected message making a valid
pair ( channel , message ) to be found in bus . bus , like [
{ ' type ' : ' mail.message/notification_update ' ,
' elements ' : { self . msg . id : {
' message_id ' : self . msg . id ,
' message_type ' : ' sms ' ,
' notifications ' : { . . . } ,
. . .
} }
} , { . . . } ]
self . env . cr . precommit . run ( ) # trigger the creation of bus.bus records
bus_notifs = self . env [ ' bus.bus ' ] . sudo ( ) . search ( [ ( ' channel ' , ' in ' , [ json_dump ( channel ) for channel in channels ] ) ] )
new_line = " \n "
def notif_to_string ( notif ) :
message = json . loads ( notif . message )
payload = json_dump ( message . get ( " payload " ) )
return f " { notif . channel } # { message . get ( ' type ' ) } - { payload [ 0 : 120 ] } { ' … ' if len ( payload ) > 120 else ' ' } "
self . assertEqual (
bus_notifs . mapped ( " channel " ) ,
[ json_dump ( channel ) for channel in channels ] ,
f " \n Expected: \n { new_line . join ( [ json_dump ( channel ) for channel in channels ] ) } "
f " \n Returned: \n { new_line . join ( [ notif_to_string ( notif ) for notif in bus_notifs ] ) } " ,
notif_messages = [ n . message for n in bus_notifs ]
for expected in message_items or [ ] :
for notification in notif_messages :
if json_dump ( expected ) == notification :
else :
matching_notifs = [ m for m in notif_messages if json . loads ( m ) . get ( " type " ) == expected . get ( " type " ) ]
if len ( matching_notifs ) == 1 :
self . assertEqual ( expected , json . loads ( matching_notifs [ 0 ] ) )
if not matching_notifs :
matching_notifs = notif_messages
raise AssertionError (
" No notification was found with the expected value. \n Expected: \n %s \n Returned: \n %s "
% ( json_dump ( expected ) , " , \n " . join ( matching_notifs ) )
if check_unique :
self . assertEqual ( len ( bus_notifs ) , len ( channels ) )
return bus_notifs
def assertBusNotificationType ( self , expected_pairs ) :
""" Check bus notifications type.
: param expected_pairs : list of tuples containing the expected bus channel and bus
notification type """
try :
with self . mock_bus ( ) :
finally :
bus_notifs = (
self . env [ " bus.bus " ]
. sudo ( )
. search ( [ ( " channel " , " in " , [ json_dump ( channel ) for channel , _ in expected_pairs ] ) ] )
notif_types = [
( json . loads ( notif . message ) . get ( " type " ) , notif . channel ) for notif in bus_notifs
expected_notif_types = [
( notif_type , json_dump ( channel ) ) for channel , notif_type in expected_pairs
self . assertEqual ( notif_types , expected_notif_types )
def assertNotified ( self , message , recipients_info , is_complete = False ) :
""" Lightweight check for notifications (mail.notification).
: param recipients_info : list notified recipients : [
{ ' partner ' : res . partner record ( may be empty ) ,
' type ' : notification_type to check ,
' is_read ' : is_read to check ,
} , { . . . } ]
notifications = self . _new_notifs . filtered ( lambda notif : notif in message . notification_ids )
if is_complete :
self . assertEqual ( len ( notifications ) , len ( recipients_info ) )
for rinfo in recipients_info :
recipient_notif = next (
( notif
for notif in notifications
if notif . res_partner_id == rinfo [ ' partner ' ]
) , False
self . assertTrue ( recipient_notif )
self . assertEqual ( recipient_notif . is_read , rinfo [ ' is_read ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( recipient_notif . notification_type , rinfo [ ' type ' ] )
def assertTracking ( self , message , data , strict = False ) :
tracking_values = message . sudo ( ) . tracking_value_ids
if strict :
self . assertEqual ( len ( tracking_values ) , len ( data ) ,
' Tracking: tracking does not match ' )
suffix_mapping = {
' boolean ' : ' integer ' ,
' char ' : ' char ' ,
' date ' : ' datetime ' ,
' datetime ' : ' datetime ' ,
' integer ' : ' integer ' ,
' float ' : ' float ' ,
' many2many ' : ' char ' ,
' one2many ' : ' char ' ,
' selection ' : ' char ' ,
' text ' : ' text ' ,
for field_name , value_type , old_value , new_value in data :
tracking = tracking_values . filtered ( lambda track : track . field_id . name == field_name )
self . assertEqual ( len ( tracking ) , 1 , f ' Tracking: not found for { field_name } ' )
msg_base = f ' Tracking: { field_name } ( { value_type } : '
if value_type in suffix_mapping :
old_value_fname = f ' old_value_ { suffix_mapping [ value_type ] } '
new_value_fname = f ' new_value_ { suffix_mapping [ value_type ] } '
self . assertEqual ( tracking [ old_value_fname ] , old_value ,
msg_base + f ' expected { old_value } , received { tracking [ old_value_fname ] } ) ' )
self . assertEqual ( tracking [ new_value_fname ] , new_value ,
msg_base + f ' expected { new_value } , received { tracking [ new_value_fname ] } ) ' )
if value_type == ' many2one ' :
self . assertEqual ( tracking . old_value_integer , old_value and old_value . id or False )
self . assertEqual ( tracking . new_value_integer , new_value and new_value . id or False )
self . assertEqual ( tracking . old_value_char , old_value and old_value . display_name or ' ' )
self . assertEqual ( tracking . new_value_char , new_value and new_value . display_name or ' ' )
elif value_type == ' monetary ' :
new_value , currency = new_value
self . assertEqual ( tracking . currency_id , currency )
self . assertEqual ( tracking . old_value_float , old_value )
self . assertEqual ( tracking . new_value_float , new_value )
if value_type not in suffix_mapping and value_type not in { ' many2one ' , ' monetary ' } :
self . assertEqual ( 1 , 0 , f ' Tracking: unsupported tracking test on { value_type } ' )
class MailCommon ( common . TransactionCase , MailCase ) :
""" Almost-void class definition setting the savepoint case + mock of mail.
Used mainly for class inheritance in other applications and test modules . """
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( MailCommon , cls ) . setUpClass ( )
# ensure admin configuration
cls . user_admin = cls . env . ref ( ' base.user_admin ' )
cls . partner_admin = cls . env . ref ( ' base.partner_admin ' )
cls . company_admin = cls . user_admin . company_id
cls . company_admin . write ( {
' country_id ' : cls . env . ref ( " base.be " ) . id ,
' email ' : ' your.company@example.com ' , # ensure email for various fallbacks
' name ' : ' YourTestCompany ' , # force for reply_to computation
} )
with patch . object ( Users , ' _notify_security_setting_update ' , side_effect = lambda * args , * * kwargs : None ) :
cls . user_admin . write ( {
' country_id ' : cls . env . ref ( ' base.be ' ) . id ,
' email ' : ' test.admin@test.example.com ' ,
" name " : " Mitchell Admin " ,
' notification_type ' : ' inbox ' ,
} )
# have root available at hand, just in case
cls . user_root = cls . env . ref ( ' base.user_root ' )
cls . partner_root = cls . user_root . partner_id
# setup MC environment
cls . _activate_multi_company ( )
# give default values for all email aliases and domain
cls . _init_mail_gateway ( )
cls . _init_mail_servers ( )
# by default avoid rendering restriction complexity
cls . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ] . set_param ( ' mail.restrict.template.rendering ' , False )
# test standard employee
cls . user_employee = mail_new_test_user (
cls . env ,
company_id = cls . company_admin . id ,
country_id = cls . env . ref ( ' base.be ' ) . id ,
groups = ' base.group_user,mail.group_mail_template_editor ' ,
login = ' employee ' ,
name = ' Ernest Employee ' ,
notification_type = ' inbox ' ,
signature = ' -- \n Ernest '
cls . partner_employee = cls . user_employee . partner_id
cls . guest = cls . env [ ' mail.guest ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' Guest Mario ' } )
def _create_portal_user ( cls ) :
cls . user_portal = mail_new_test_user (
cls . env , login = ' portal_test ' , groups = ' base.group_portal ' , company_id = cls . company_admin . id ,
name = ' Chell Gladys ' , notification_type = ' email ' )
cls . partner_portal = cls . user_portal . partner_id
return cls . user_portal
def _create_records_for_batch ( cls , model , count , additional_values = None , prefix = ' ' ) :
additional_values = additional_values or { }
records = cls . env [ model ]
partners = cls . env [ ' res.partner ' ]
country_id = cls . env . ref ( ' base.be ' ) . id
base_values = [
{ ' name ' : f ' { prefix } Test_ { idx } ' ,
* * additional_values ,
} for idx in range ( count )
partner_fnames = cls . env [ model ] . _mail_get_partner_fields ( introspect_fields = True )
if partner_fname := partner_fnames [ 0 ] if partner_fnames else False :
partners = cls . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . with_context ( * * cls . _test_context ) . create ( [ {
' name ' : f ' Partner_ { idx } ' ,
' email ' : f ' { prefix } test_partner_ { idx } @example.com ' ,
' country_id ' : country_id ,
' mobile ' : ' 047500 %02d %02d ' % ( idx , idx )
} for idx in range ( count ) ] )
for values , partner in zip ( base_values , partners ) :
values [ partner_fname ] = partner . id
records = cls . env [ model ] . with_context ( * * cls . _test_context ) . create ( base_values )
cls . records = cls . _reset_mail_context ( records )
cls . partners = partners
return cls . records , cls . partners
def _activate_multi_company ( cls ) :
""" Create another company, add it to admin and create an user that
belongs to that new company . It allows to test flows with users from
different companies . """
cls . _mc_enabled = True
# new companies
cls . company_2 = cls . env [ ' res.company ' ] . create ( {
' currency_id ' : cls . env . ref ( ' base.CAD ' ) . id ,
' email ' : ' company_2@test.example.com ' ,
' name ' : ' Company 2 ' ,
} )
cls . company_3 = cls . env [ ' res.company ' ] . create ( {
' country_id ' : cls . env . ref ( ' base.be ' ) . id ,
' currency_id ' : cls . env . ref ( ' base.EUR ' ) . id ,
' email ' : ' company_3@test.example.com ' ,
' name ' : ' Company 3 ' ,
} )
cls . user_admin . write ( {
' company_ids ' : [
( 4 , cls . company_2 . id ) ,
( 4 , cls . company_3 . id ) ,
] ,
} )
# employee specific to second company
cls . user_employee_c2 = mail_new_test_user (
cls . env , login = ' employee_c2 ' ,
groups = ' base.group_user ' ,
company_id = cls . company_2 . id ,
company_ids = [ ( 4 , cls . company_2 . id ) ] ,
email = ' enguerrand@example.com ' ,
name = ' Enguerrand Employee C2 ' ,
notification_type = ' inbox ' ,
signature = ' -- \n Enguerrand '
cls . user_employee_c3 = mail_new_test_user (
cls . env , login = ' employee_c3 ' ,
company_id = cls . company_3 . id ,
company_ids = [ ( 4 , cls . company_3 . id ) ] ,
email = ' freudenbergerg@example.com ' ,
name = ' Freudenbergerg Employee C3 ' ,
notification_type = ' inbox '
cls . partner_employee_c2 = cls . user_employee_c2 . partner_id
cls . partner_employee_c3 = cls . user_employee_c3 . partner_id
# test erp manager employee
cls . user_erp_manager = mail_new_test_user (
cls . env ,
company_id = cls . company_2 . id ,
company_ids = [ ( 6 , 0 , ( cls . company_admin + cls . company_2 ) . ids ) ] ,
email = ' etchenne@example.com ' ,
groups = ' base.group_user,base.group_erp_manager,mail.group_mail_template_editor,base.group_partner_manager ' ,
login = ' erp_manager ' ,
name = ' Etchenne Tchagada ' ,
notification_type = ' inbox ' ,
signature = ' -- \n Etchenne ' ,
def _activate_multi_lang ( cls , lang_code = ' es_ES ' , layout_arch_db = None , test_record = False , test_template = False ) :
""" Summary of es_ES matching done here (a bit hardcoded to ease tests)
* layout
* ' English Layout for ' - > Spanish Layout para
* model
* description : English : Lang Chatter Model ( depends on test_record . _name )
translated : Spanish Model Description
* module
* _ ( ' NotificationButtonTitle ' ) - > SpanishNotificationButtonTitle ( used as link button name in layout )
* _ ( ' View %s ' ) - > SpanishView % s
* template
* body : English : < p > EnglishBody for < t t - out = " object.name " / > < / p > ( depends on test_template . body )
translated : < p > SpanishBody for < t t - out = " object.name " / > < / p >
* subject : English : EnglishSubject for { { object . name } } ( depends on test_template . subject )
translated : SpanishSubject for { { object . name } }
# activate translations
cls . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( lang_code )
with mute_logger ( " odoo.addons.base.models.ir_module " , " odoo.tools.translate " ) :
cls . env . ref ( ' base.module_base ' ) . _update_translations ( [ lang_code ] )
cls . env . ref ( ' base.module_mail ' ) . _update_translations ( [ lang_code ] )
cls . env . ref ( ' base.module_test_mail ' ) . _update_translations ( [ lang_code ] )
code_translations . get_python_translations ( ' mail ' , lang_code )
code_translations . get_python_translations ( ' test_mail ' , lang_code )
# Make sure Spanish translations have not been altered
if test_record :
cls . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( test_record . _name ) . with_context ( lang = lang_code ) . name = ' Spanish Model Description '
# Translate some code strings used in mailing
code_translations . python_translations [ ( ' test_mail ' , ' es_ES ' ) ] = {
* * code_translations . python_translations [ ( ' test_mail ' , ' es_ES ' ) ] ,
' NotificationButtonTitle ' : ' SpanishButtonTitle '
code_translations . python_translations [ ( ' mail ' , ' es_ES ' ) ] = {
* * code_translations . python_translations [ ( ' mail ' , ' es_ES ' ) ] ,
' View %s ' : ' SpanishView %s '
cls . addClassCleanup ( code_translations . python_translations . clear )
# Prepare some translated value for template if given
if test_template :
test_template . with_context ( lang = lang_code ) . subject = ' SpanishSubject for {{ object.name }} '
test_template . with_context ( lang = lang_code ) . body_html = ' <p>SpanishBody for <t t-out= " object.name " /></p> '
# create a custom layout for email notification
if not layout_arch_db :
layout_arch_db = """
< body >
< p > English Layout for < t t - esc = " model_description " / > < / p >
< img t - att - src = " ' /logo.png?company= %s ' % (company.id or 0) " t - att - alt = " ' %s ' % c ompany.name " / >
< a t - if = " has_button_access " t - att - href = " button_access[ ' url ' ] " >
< t t - esc = " button_access[ ' title ' ] " / >
< / a >
< t t - if = " actions " >
< t t - foreach = " actions " t - as = " action " >
< a t - att - href = " action[ ' url ' ] " >
< t t - esc = " action[ ' title ' ] " / >
< / a >
< / t >
< / t >
< t t - out = " message.body " / >
< ul t - if = " tracking_values " >
< li t - foreach = " tracking_values " t - as = " tracking " >
< t t - esc = " tracking[0] " / > : < t t - esc = " tracking[1] " / > - & gt ; < t t - esc = " tracking[2] " / >
< / li >
< / ul >
< div t - if = " signature " t - out = " signature " / >
< p > Sent by < t t - esc = " company.name " / > < / p >
< / body > """
view = cls . env [ ' ir.ui.view ' ] . create ( {
' arch_db ' : layout_arch_db ,
' key ' : ' test_layout ' ,
' name ' : ' test_layout ' ,
' type ' : ' qweb ' ,
} )
cls . env [ ' ir.model.data ' ] . create ( {
' model ' : ' ir.ui.view ' ,
' module ' : ' mail ' ,
' name ' : ' test_layout ' ,
' res_id ' : view . id
} )
view . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , {
lang_code : {
' English Layout for ' : ' Spanish Layout para '
} )
def _generate_attachments_data ( count , res_model , res_id , attach_values = None , prefix = None ) :
# attachment visibility depends on what they are attached to
attach_values = attach_values or { }
prefix = prefix or ' '
return [ {
' datas ' : base64 . b64encode ( b ' AttContent_ %02d ' % x ) ,
' name ' : f ' { prefix } AttFileName_ { x : 02d } .txt ' ,
' mimetype ' : ' text/plain ' ,
' res_model ' : res_model ,
' res_id ' : res_id ,
* * attach_values ,
} for x in range ( count ) ]
def _filter_messages_fields ( self , / , * messages_data ) :
""" Remove store message data dependant on other modules if they are not not installed.
Not written in a modular way to avoid complex override for a simple test tool .
if " rating.rating " not in self . env :
for data in messages_data :
data . pop ( " rating_id " , None )
return list ( messages_data )
def _filter_partners_fields ( self , / , * partners_data ) :
""" Remove store partner data dependant on other modules if they are not not installed.
Not written in a modular way to avoid complex override for a simple test tool .
if " hr.leave " not in self . env :
for data in partners_data :
data . pop ( " out_of_office_date_end " , None )
return list ( partners_data )
def _filter_threads_fields ( self , / , * threads_data ) :
""" Remove store thread data dependant on other modules if they are not not installed.
Not written in a modular way to avoid complex override for a simple test tool .
for data in threads_data :
if " rating.mixin " not in self . env . registry or not issubclass ( self . env . registry [ data [ " model " ] ] , self . env . registry [ " rating.mixin " ] ) :
data . pop ( " rating_avg " , None )
data . pop ( " rating_count " , None )
return list ( threads_data )