2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import json
import datetime
import math
import re
from ast import literal_eval
from collections import defaultdict
from dateutil . relativedelta import relativedelta
from odoo import api , fields , models , _ , Command , SUPERUSER_ID
from odoo . addons . web . controllers . utils import clean_action
from odoo . exceptions import UserError , ValidationError
from odoo . osv import expression
from odoo . tools import float_compare , float_round , float_is_zero , format_datetime
from odoo . tools . misc import OrderedSet , format_date , groupby as tools_groupby , topological_sort
from odoo . addons . stock . models . stock_move import PROCUREMENT_PRIORITIES
class MrpProduction ( models . Model ) :
""" Manufacturing Orders """
_name = ' mrp.production '
_description = ' Manufacturing Order '
_date_name = ' date_start '
_inherit = [ ' mail.thread ' , ' mail.activity.mixin ' , ' product.catalog.mixin ' ]
_order = ' priority desc, date_start asc,id '
def _get_default_date_start ( self ) :
if self . env . context . get ( ' default_date_deadline ' ) :
date_finished = fields . Datetime . to_datetime ( self . env . context . get ( ' default_date_deadline ' ) )
date_start = date_finished - relativedelta ( hours = 1 )
return date_start
return fields . Datetime . now ( )
def _get_default_date_finished ( self ) :
if self . env . context . get ( ' default_date_deadline ' ) :
return fields . Datetime . to_datetime ( self . env . context . get ( ' default_date_deadline ' ) )
date_start = fields . Datetime . now ( )
date_finished = date_start + relativedelta ( hours = 1 )
return date_finished
def _get_default_is_locked ( self ) :
return not self . env . user . has_group ( ' mrp.group_unlocked_by_default ' )
name = fields . Char ( ' Reference ' , default = ' New ' , copy = False , readonly = True )
priority = fields . Selection (
PROCUREMENT_PRIORITIES , string = ' Priority ' , default = ' 0 ' ,
help = " Components will be reserved first for the MO with the highest priorities. " )
backorder_sequence = fields . Integer ( " Backorder Sequence " , default = 0 , copy = False , help = " Backorder sequence, if equals to 0 means there is not related backorder " )
origin = fields . Char (
' Source ' , copy = False ,
help = " Reference of the document that generated this production order request. " )
product_id = fields . Many2one (
' product.product ' , ' Product ' ,
domain = " [( ' type ' , ' = ' , ' consu ' )] " ,
compute = ' _compute_product_id ' , store = True , copy = True , precompute = True ,
readonly = False , required = True , check_company = True )
product_variant_attributes = fields . Many2many ( ' product.template.attribute.value ' , related = ' product_id.product_template_attribute_value_ids ' )
valid_product_template_attribute_line_ids = fields . Many2many ( related = ' product_tmpl_id.valid_product_template_attribute_line_ids ' )
never_product_template_attribute_value_ids = fields . Many2many (
' product.template.attribute.value ' ,
' template_attribute_value_mrp_production_rel ' ,
' production_id ' , ' template_attribute_value_id ' ,
domain = """ [
' & ' ,
( ' attribute_line_id ' , ' in ' , valid_product_template_attribute_line_ids ) ,
( ' attribute_id.create_variant ' , ' = ' , ' no_variant ' ) ] """ ,
string = " Never attribute values " ,
workcenter_id = fields . Many2one ( ' mrp.workcenter ' , store = False ) # Only used for search in view_mrp_production_filter
product_tracking = fields . Selection ( related = ' product_id.tracking ' )
product_tmpl_id = fields . Many2one ( ' product.template ' , ' Product Template ' , related = ' product_id.product_tmpl_id ' )
product_qty = fields . Float (
' Quantity To Produce ' , digits = ' Product Unit of Measure ' ,
readonly = False , required = True , tracking = True , precompute = True ,
compute = ' _compute_product_qty ' , store = True , copy = True )
product_uom_id = fields . Many2one (
' uom.uom ' , ' Product Unit of Measure ' ,
readonly = False , required = True , compute = ' _compute_uom_id ' , store = True , copy = True , precompute = True ,
domain = " [( ' category_id ' , ' = ' , product_uom_category_id)] " )
lot_producing_id = fields . Many2one (
' stock.lot ' , string = ' Lot/Serial Number ' , copy = False ,
domain = " [( ' product_id ' , ' = ' , product_id)] " , check_company = True )
qty_producing = fields . Float ( string = " Quantity Producing " , digits = ' Product Unit of Measure ' , copy = False )
product_uom_category_id = fields . Many2one ( related = ' product_id.uom_id.category_id ' )
product_uom_qty = fields . Float ( string = ' Total Quantity ' , compute = ' _compute_product_uom_qty ' , store = True )
picking_type_id = fields . Many2one (
' stock.picking.type ' , ' Operation Type ' , copy = True , readonly = False ,
compute = ' _compute_picking_type_id ' , store = True , precompute = True ,
domain = " [( ' code ' , ' = ' , ' mrp_operation ' )] " ,
required = True , check_company = True , index = True )
use_create_components_lots = fields . Boolean ( related = ' picking_type_id.use_create_components_lots ' )
location_src_id = fields . Many2one (
' stock.location ' , ' Components Location ' ,
compute = ' _compute_locations ' , store = True , check_company = True ,
readonly = False , required = True , precompute = True ,
domain = " [( ' usage ' , ' = ' , ' internal ' )] " ,
help = " Location where the system will look for components. " )
# this field was added to be passed a default in view for manual raw moves
warehouse_id = fields . Many2one ( related = ' location_src_id.warehouse_id ' )
location_dest_id = fields . Many2one (
' stock.location ' , ' Finished Products Location ' ,
compute = ' _compute_locations ' , store = True , check_company = True ,
readonly = False , required = True , precompute = True ,
domain = " [( ' usage ' , ' = ' , ' internal ' )] " ,
help = " Location where the system will stock the finished products. " )
location_final_id = fields . Many2one ( ' stock.location ' , ' Final Location from procurement ' )
date_deadline = fields . Datetime (
' Deadline ' , copy = False , store = True , readonly = True , compute = ' _compute_date_deadline ' ,
help = " Informative date allowing to define when the manufacturing order should be processed at the latest to fulfill delivery on time. " )
date_start = fields . Datetime (
' Start ' , copy = False , default = _get_default_date_start ,
help = " Date you plan to start production or date you actually started production. " ,
index = True , required = True )
date_finished = fields . Datetime (
' End ' , copy = False , default = _get_default_date_finished ,
compute = ' _compute_date_finished ' , store = True ,
help = " Date you expect to finish production or actual date you finished production. " )
duration_expected = fields . Float ( " Expected Duration " , help = " Total expected duration (in minutes) " , compute = ' _compute_duration_expected ' )
duration = fields . Float ( " Real Duration " , help = " Total real duration (in minutes) " , compute = ' _compute_duration ' )
bom_id = fields . Many2one (
' mrp.bom ' , ' Bill of Material ' , readonly = False ,
domain = """ [
' & ' ,
' | ' ,
( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , False ) ,
( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , company_id ) ,
' & ' ,
' | ' ,
( ' product_id ' , ' = ' , product_id ) ,
' & ' ,
( ' product_tmpl_id.product_variant_ids ' , ' = ' , product_id ) ,
( ' product_id ' , ' = ' , False ) ,
( ' type ' , ' = ' , ' normal ' ) ] """ ,
check_company = True , compute = ' _compute_bom_id ' , store = True , precompute = True ,
help = " Bills of Materials, also called recipes, are used to autocomplete components and work order instructions. " )
state = fields . Selection ( [
( ' draft ' , ' Draft ' ) ,
( ' confirmed ' , ' Confirmed ' ) ,
( ' progress ' , ' In Progress ' ) ,
( ' to_close ' , ' To Close ' ) ,
( ' done ' , ' Done ' ) ,
( ' cancel ' , ' Cancelled ' ) ] , string = ' State ' ,
compute = ' _compute_state ' , copy = False , index = True , readonly = True ,
store = True , tracking = True ,
help = " * Draft: The MO is not confirmed yet. \n "
" * Confirmed: The MO is confirmed, the stock rules and the reordering of the components are trigerred. \n "
" * In Progress: The production has started (on the MO or on the WO). \n "
" * To Close: The production is done, the MO has to be closed. \n "
" * Done: The MO is closed, the stock moves are posted. \n "
" * Cancelled: The MO has been cancelled, can ' t be confirmed anymore. " )
reservation_state = fields . Selection ( [
( ' confirmed ' , ' Waiting ' ) ,
( ' assigned ' , ' Ready ' ) ,
( ' waiting ' , ' Waiting Another Operation ' ) ] ,
string = ' MO Readiness ' ,
compute = ' _compute_reservation_state ' , copy = False , index = True , readonly = True ,
store = True , tracking = True ,
help = " Manufacturing readiness for this MO, as per bill of material configuration: \n \
* Ready : The material is available to start the production . \n \
* Waiting : The material is not available to start the production . \n " )
move_raw_ids = fields . One2many (
' stock.move ' , ' raw_material_production_id ' , ' Components ' ,
compute = ' _compute_move_raw_ids ' , store = True , readonly = False ,
copy = False ,
domain = [ ( ' scrapped ' , ' = ' , False ) ] )
move_finished_ids = fields . One2many (
' stock.move ' , ' production_id ' , ' Finished Products ' , readonly = False ,
compute = ' _compute_move_finished_ids ' , store = True , copy = False ,
domain = [ ( ' scrapped ' , ' = ' , False ) ] )
# technical field: inverse field for `stock.move.raw_material_production_id`
all_move_raw_ids = fields . One2many ( ' stock.move ' , ' raw_material_production_id ' )
# technical field: inverse field for `stock.move.production_id`
all_move_ids = fields . One2many ( ' stock.move ' , ' production_id ' )
move_byproduct_ids = fields . One2many ( ' stock.move ' , compute = ' _compute_move_byproduct_ids ' , inverse = ' _set_move_byproduct_ids ' )
finished_move_line_ids = fields . One2many (
' stock.move.line ' , compute = ' _compute_lines ' , inverse = ' _inverse_lines ' , string = " Finished Product "
workorder_ids = fields . One2many (
' mrp.workorder ' , ' production_id ' , ' Work Orders ' , copy = True ,
compute = ' _compute_workorder_ids ' , store = True , readonly = False )
move_dest_ids = fields . One2many ( ' stock.move ' , ' created_production_id ' ,
string = " Stock Movements of Produced Goods " )
unreserve_visible = fields . Boolean (
' Allowed to Unreserve Production ' , compute = ' _compute_unreserve_visible ' ,
help = ' Technical field to check when we can unreserve ' )
reserve_visible = fields . Boolean (
' Allowed to Reserve Production ' , compute = ' _compute_unreserve_visible ' ,
help = ' Technical field to check when we can reserve quantities ' )
user_id = fields . Many2one (
' res.users ' , ' Responsible ' , default = lambda self : self . env . user ,
domain = lambda self : [ ( ' groups_id ' , ' in ' , self . env . ref ( ' mrp.group_mrp_user ' ) . id ) ] )
company_id = fields . Many2one (
' res.company ' , ' Company ' , default = lambda self : self . env . company ,
index = True , required = True )
qty_produced = fields . Float ( compute = " _get_produced_qty " , string = " Quantity Produced " )
procurement_group_id = fields . Many2one (
' procurement.group ' , ' Procurement Group ' ,
copy = False )
product_description_variants = fields . Char ( ' Custom Description ' )
orderpoint_id = fields . Many2one ( ' stock.warehouse.orderpoint ' , ' Orderpoint ' , copy = False , index = ' btree_not_null ' )
propagate_cancel = fields . Boolean (
' Propagate cancel and split ' ,
help = ' If checked, when the previous move of the move (which was generated by a next procurement) is cancelled or split, the move generated by this move will too ' )
delay_alert_date = fields . Datetime ( ' Delay Alert Date ' , compute = ' _compute_delay_alert_date ' , search = ' _search_delay_alert_date ' )
json_popover = fields . Char ( ' JSON data for the popover widget ' , compute = ' _compute_json_popover ' )
scrap_ids = fields . One2many ( ' stock.scrap ' , ' production_id ' , ' Scraps ' )
scrap_count = fields . Integer ( compute = ' _compute_scrap_move_count ' , string = ' Scrap Move ' )
unbuild_ids = fields . One2many ( ' mrp.unbuild ' , ' mo_id ' , ' Unbuilds ' )
unbuild_count = fields . Integer ( compute = ' _compute_unbuild_count ' , string = ' Number of Unbuilds ' )
is_locked = fields . Boolean ( ' Is Locked ' , default = _get_default_is_locked , copy = False )
is_planned = fields . Boolean ( ' Its Operations are Planned ' , compute = " _compute_is_planned " , store = True )
show_final_lots = fields . Boolean ( ' Show Final Lots ' , compute = ' _compute_show_lots ' )
production_location_id = fields . Many2one ( ' stock.location ' , " Production Location " , compute = " _compute_production_location " , store = True )
picking_ids = fields . Many2many ( ' stock.picking ' , compute = ' _compute_picking_ids ' , string = ' Picking associated to this manufacturing order ' )
delivery_count = fields . Integer ( string = ' Delivery Orders ' , compute = ' _compute_picking_ids ' )
consumption = fields . Selection ( [
( ' flexible ' , ' Allowed ' ) ,
( ' warning ' , ' Allowed with warning ' ) ,
( ' strict ' , ' Blocked ' ) ] ,
required = True ,
readonly = True ,
default = ' flexible ' ,
mrp_production_child_count = fields . Integer ( " Number of generated MO " , compute = ' _compute_mrp_production_child_count ' )
mrp_production_source_count = fields . Integer ( " Number of source MO " , compute = ' _compute_mrp_production_source_count ' )
mrp_production_backorder_count = fields . Integer ( " Count of linked backorder " , compute = ' _compute_mrp_production_backorder ' )
show_lock = fields . Boolean ( ' Show Lock/unlock buttons ' , compute = ' _compute_show_lock ' )
components_availability = fields . Char (
string = " Component Status " , compute = ' _compute_components_availability ' ,
help = " Latest component availability status for this MO. If green, then the MO ' s readiness status is ready, as per BOM configuration. " )
components_availability_state = fields . Selection ( [
( ' available ' , ' Available ' ) ,
( ' expected ' , ' Expected ' ) ,
( ' late ' , ' Late ' ) ,
( ' unavailable ' , ' Not Available ' ) ] , compute = ' _compute_components_availability ' , search = ' _search_components_availability_state ' )
production_capacity = fields . Float ( compute = ' _compute_production_capacity ' , help = " Quantity that can be produced with the current stock of components " )
show_lot_ids = fields . Boolean ( ' Display the serial number shortcut on the moves ' , compute = ' _compute_show_lot_ids ' )
forecasted_issue = fields . Boolean ( compute = ' _compute_forecasted_issue ' )
show_allocation = fields . Boolean (
compute = ' _compute_show_allocation ' ,
help = ' Technical Field used to decide whether the button " Allocation " should be displayed. ' )
allow_workorder_dependencies = fields . Boolean ( ' Allow Work Order Dependencies ' )
show_produce = fields . Boolean ( compute = ' _compute_show_produce ' , help = ' Technical field to check if produce button can be shown ' )
show_produce_all = fields . Boolean ( compute = ' _compute_show_produce ' , help = ' Technical field to check if produce all button can be shown ' )
is_outdated_bom = fields . Boolean ( " Outdated BoM " , help = " The BoM has been updated since creation of the MO " )
is_delayed = fields . Boolean ( compute = ' _compute_is_delayed ' , search = ' _search_is_delayed ' )
search_date_category = fields . Selection ( [
( ' before ' , ' Before ' ) ,
( ' yesterday ' , ' Yesterday ' ) ,
( ' today ' , ' Today ' ) ,
( ' day_1 ' , ' Tomorrow ' ) ,
( ' day_2 ' , ' The day after tomorrow ' ) ,
( ' after ' , ' After ' ) ] ,
string = ' Date Category ' , store = False ,
search = ' _search_date_category ' , readonly = True
_sql_constraints = [
( ' name_uniq ' , ' unique(name, company_id) ' , ' Reference must be unique per Company! ' ) ,
( ' qty_positive ' , ' check (product_qty > 0) ' , ' The quantity to produce must be positive! ' ) ,
@api.depends ( ' procurement_group_id.stock_move_ids.created_production_id.procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids ' ,
' procurement_group_id.stock_move_ids.move_orig_ids.created_production_id.procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids ' )
def _compute_mrp_production_child_count ( self ) :
for production in self :
production . mrp_production_child_count = len ( production . _get_children ( ) )
@api.depends ( ' procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids.move_dest_ids.group_id.mrp_production_ids ' ,
' procurement_group_id.stock_move_ids.move_dest_ids.group_id.mrp_production_ids ' )
def _compute_mrp_production_source_count ( self ) :
for production in self :
production . mrp_production_source_count = len ( production . _get_sources ( ) )
@api.depends ( ' procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids ' )
def _compute_mrp_production_backorder ( self ) :
for production in self :
production . mrp_production_backorder_count = len ( production . procurement_group_id . mrp_production_ids )
@api.depends ( ' company_id ' , ' bom_id ' )
def _compute_picking_type_id ( self ) :
domain = [
( ' code ' , ' = ' , ' mrp_operation ' ) ,
( ' warehouse_id.company_id ' , ' in ' , self . company_id . ids ) ,
picking_types = self . env [ ' stock.picking.type ' ] . search_read ( domain , [ ' company_id ' ] , load = False , limit = 1 )
picking_type_by_company = { pt [ ' company_id ' ] : pt [ ' id ' ] for pt in picking_types }
default_picking_type_id = self . _context . get ( ' default_picking_type_id ' )
default_picking_type = default_picking_type_id and self . env [ ' stock.picking.type ' ] . browse ( default_picking_type_id )
for mo in self :
if default_picking_type and default_picking_type . company_id == mo . company_id :
mo . picking_type_id = default_picking_type_id
if mo . bom_id and mo . bom_id . picking_type_id :
mo . picking_type_id = mo . bom_id . picking_type_id
if mo . picking_type_id and mo . picking_type_id . company_id == mo . company_id :
mo . picking_type_id = picking_type_by_company . get ( mo . company_id . id , False )
company_warehouse = self . env [ ' stock.warehouse ' ] . search ( [ ( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , mo . company_id . id ) ] , limit = 1 )
if not company_warehouse :
self . env [ ' stock.warehouse ' ] . _warehouse_redirect_warning ( )
@api.depends ( ' bom_id ' , ' product_id ' )
def _compute_uom_id ( self ) :
for production in self :
if production . state != ' draft ' :
if production . bom_id and production . _origin . bom_id != production . bom_id :
production . product_uom_id = production . bom_id . product_uom_id
elif production . product_id :
production . product_uom_id = production . product_id . uom_id
else :
production . product_uom_id = False
@api.depends ( ' picking_type_id ' )
def _compute_locations ( self ) :
for production in self :
if not production . picking_type_id . default_location_src_id or not production . picking_type_id . default_location_dest_id :
company_id = production . company_id . id if ( production . company_id and production . company_id in self . env . companies ) else self . env . company . id
fallback_loc = self . env [ ' stock.warehouse ' ] . search ( [ ( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , company_id ) ] , limit = 1 ) . lot_stock_id
production . location_src_id = production . picking_type_id . default_location_src_id . id or fallback_loc . id
production . location_dest_id = production . picking_type_id . default_location_dest_id . id or fallback_loc . id
def _search_components_availability_state ( self , operator , value ) :
if operator not in ( ' = ' , ' != ' , ' in ' , ' not in ' ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' Operation not supported ' ) )
states = [ ' available ' , ' expected ' , ' late ' , ' unavailable ' ]
if operator in ( ' = ' , ' != ' ) :
value = [ value ]
if operator in ( ' not in ' , ' != ' ) :
value = filter ( lambda state : state not in value , states )
if not all ( state in states for state in value ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' Selection not supported. ' ) )
current_productions = self . search ( [ ( ' state ' , ' in ' , ( ' confirmed ' , ' progress ' , ' to_close ' ) ) ] )
productions_by_availability = dict . fromkeys ( states , self . env [ ' mrp.production ' ] )
for production in current_productions :
productions_by_availability [ production . components_availability_state ] | = production
matching_production_ids = [ ]
for state in value :
matching_production_ids . extend ( productions_by_availability [ state ] . ids )
return [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , matching_production_ids ) ]
@api.depends ( ' state ' , ' reservation_state ' , ' date_start ' , ' move_raw_ids ' , ' move_raw_ids.forecast_availability ' , ' move_raw_ids.forecast_expected_date ' )
def _compute_components_availability ( self ) :
productions = self . filtered ( lambda mo : mo . state not in ( ' cancel ' , ' done ' , ' draft ' ) )
productions . components_availability_state = ' available '
productions . components_availability = _ ( ' Available ' )
other_productions = self - productions
other_productions . components_availability = False
other_productions . components_availability_state = False
all_raw_moves = productions . move_raw_ids
# Force to prefetch more than 1000 by 1000
all_raw_moves . _fields [ ' forecast_availability ' ] . compute_value ( all_raw_moves )
for production in productions :
if any ( float_compare ( move . forecast_availability , 0 if move . state == ' draft ' else move . product_qty , precision_rounding = move . product_id . uom_id . rounding ) == - 1 for move in production . move_raw_ids ) :
production . components_availability = _ ( ' Not Available ' )
production . components_availability_state = ' unavailable '
else :
forecast_date = max ( production . move_raw_ids . filtered ( ' forecast_expected_date ' ) . mapped ( ' forecast_expected_date ' ) , default = False )
if forecast_date :
production . components_availability = _ ( ' Exp %s ' , format_date ( self . env , forecast_date ) )
if production . date_start :
production . components_availability_state = ' late ' if forecast_date > production . date_start else ' expected '
@api.depends ( ' bom_id ' )
def _compute_product_id ( self ) :
for production in self :
bom = production . bom_id
if bom and (
not production . product_id or bom . product_tmpl_id != production . product_tmpl_id
or bom . product_id and bom . product_id != production . product_id
) :
production . product_id = bom . product_id or bom . product_tmpl_id . product_variant_id
@api.depends ( ' product_id ' , ' never_product_template_attribute_value_ids ' )
def _compute_bom_id ( self ) :
mo_by_company_id = defaultdict ( lambda : self . env [ ' mrp.production ' ] )
for mo in self :
if not mo . product_id and not mo . bom_id :
mo . bom_id = False
mo_by_company_id [ mo . company_id . id ] | = mo
for company_id , productions in mo_by_company_id . items ( ) :
picking_type_id = self . _context . get ( ' default_picking_type_id ' )
picking_type = picking_type_id and self . env [ ' stock.picking.type ' ] . browse ( picking_type_id )
boms_by_product = self . env [ ' mrp.bom ' ] . with_context ( active_test = True ) . _bom_find ( productions . product_id , picking_type = picking_type , company_id = company_id , bom_type = ' normal ' )
for production in productions :
if not production . bom_id or production . bom_id . product_tmpl_id != production . product_tmpl_id or ( production . bom_id . product_id and production . bom_id . product_id != production . product_id ) :
bom = boms_by_product [ production . product_id ]
production . bom_id = bom . id or False
self . env . add_to_compute ( production . _fields [ ' picking_type_id ' ] , production )
@api.depends ( ' bom_id ' )
def _compute_product_qty ( self ) :
for production in self :
if production . state != ' draft ' :
if production . bom_id and production . _origin . bom_id != production . bom_id :
production . product_qty = production . bom_id . product_qty
elif not production . bom_id :
production . product_qty = 1.0
@api.depends ( ' move_raw_ids ' )
def _compute_production_capacity ( self ) :
for production in self :
production . production_capacity = production . product_qty
moves = production . move_raw_ids . filtered ( lambda move : move . unit_factor and move . product_id . type != ' consu ' )
if moves :
production_capacity = min ( moves . mapped ( lambda move : move . product_id . uom_id . _compute_quantity ( move . product_id . qty_available , move . product_uom ) / move . unit_factor ) )
production . production_capacity = min ( production . product_qty , float_round ( production_capacity , precision_rounding = production . product_id . uom_id . rounding ) )
@api.depends ( ' move_finished_ids.date_deadline ' )
def _compute_date_deadline ( self ) :
for production in self :
production . date_deadline = min ( production . move_finished_ids . filtered ( ' date_deadline ' ) . mapped ( ' date_deadline ' ) , default = production . date_deadline or False )
@api.depends ( ' workorder_ids.duration_expected ' )
def _compute_duration_expected ( self ) :
for production in self :
production . duration_expected = sum ( production . workorder_ids . mapped ( ' duration_expected ' ) )
@api.depends ( ' workorder_ids.duration ' )
def _compute_duration ( self ) :
for production in self :
production . duration = sum ( production . workorder_ids . mapped ( ' duration ' ) )
@api.depends ( " workorder_ids.date_start " , " workorder_ids.date_finished " , " date_start " )
def _compute_is_planned ( self ) :
for production in self :
if production . workorder_ids :
production . is_planned = any ( wo . date_start and wo . date_finished for wo in production . workorder_ids )
else :
production . is_planned = False
@api.depends ( ' move_raw_ids.delay_alert_date ' )
def _compute_delay_alert_date ( self ) :
delay_alert_date_data = self . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . _read_group ( [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , self . move_raw_ids . ids ) , ( ' delay_alert_date ' , ' != ' , False ) ] , [ ' raw_material_production_id ' ] , [ ' delay_alert_date:max ' ] )
delay_alert_date_data = { raw_material_production . id : delay_alert_date_max for raw_material_production , delay_alert_date_max in delay_alert_date_data }
for production in self :
production . delay_alert_date = delay_alert_date_data . get ( production . id , False )
def _compute_json_popover ( self ) :
production_no_alert = self . filtered ( lambda m : m . state in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) or not m . delay_alert_date )
production_no_alert . json_popover = False
for production in ( self - production_no_alert ) :
production . json_popover = json . dumps ( {
' popoverTemplate ' : ' stock.PopoverStockRescheduling ' ,
' delay_alert_date ' : format_datetime ( self . env , production . delay_alert_date , dt_format = False ) ,
' late_elements ' : [ {
' id ' : late_document . id ,
' name ' : late_document . display_name ,
' model ' : late_document . _name ,
} for late_document in production . move_raw_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . delay_alert_date ) . move_orig_ids . _delay_alert_get_documents ( )
} )
@api.depends ( ' procurement_group_id ' , ' procurement_group_id.stock_move_ids.group_id ' )
def _compute_picking_ids ( self ) :
for order in self :
order . picking_ids = self . env [ ' stock.picking ' ] . search ( [
( ' group_id ' , ' = ' , order . procurement_group_id . id ) , ( ' group_id ' , ' != ' , False ) ,
] )
order . picking_ids | = order . move_raw_ids . move_orig_ids . picking_id
order . delivery_count = len ( order . picking_ids )
@api.depends ( ' product_uom_id ' , ' product_qty ' , ' product_id.uom_id ' )
def _compute_product_uom_qty ( self ) :
for production in self :
if production . product_id . uom_id != production . product_uom_id :
production . product_uom_qty = production . product_uom_id . _compute_quantity ( production . product_qty , production . product_id . uom_id )
else :
production . product_uom_qty = production . product_qty
@api.depends ( ' product_id ' , ' company_id ' )
def _compute_production_location ( self ) :
if not self . company_id :
location_by_company = self . env [ ' stock.location ' ] . _read_group ( [
( ' company_id ' , ' in ' , self . company_id . ids ) ,
( ' usage ' , ' = ' , ' production ' )
] , [ ' company_id ' ] , [ ' id:array_agg ' ] )
location_by_company = { company . id : ids for company , ids in location_by_company }
for production in self :
prod_loc = production . product_id . with_company ( production . company_id ) . property_stock_production
comp_locs = location_by_company . get ( production . company_id . id )
production . production_location_id = prod_loc or ( comp_locs and comp_locs [ 0 ] )
@api.depends ( ' product_id.tracking ' )
def _compute_show_lots ( self ) :
for production in self :
production . show_final_lots = production . product_id . tracking != ' none '
def _inverse_lines ( self ) :
""" Little hack to make sure that when you change something on these objects, it gets saved """
@api.depends ( ' move_finished_ids.move_line_ids ' )
def _compute_lines ( self ) :
for production in self :
production . finished_move_line_ids = production . move_finished_ids . mapped ( ' move_line_ids ' )
@api.depends (
' move_raw_ids.state ' , ' move_raw_ids.quantity ' , ' move_finished_ids.state ' ,
' workorder_ids.state ' , ' product_qty ' , ' qty_producing ' , ' move_raw_ids.picked ' )
def _compute_state ( self ) :
""" Compute the production state. This uses a similar process to stock
picking , but has been adapted to support having no moves . This adaption
includes some state changes outside of this compute .
There exist 3 extra steps for production :
- progress : At least one item is produced or consumed .
- to_close : The quantity produced is greater than the quantity to
produce and all work orders has been finished .
for production in self :
if not production . state or not production . product_uom_id or not ( production . id or production . _origin . id ) :
production . state = ' draft '
elif production . state == ' cancel ' or ( production . move_finished_ids and all ( move . state == ' cancel ' for move in production . move_finished_ids ) ) :
production . state = ' cancel '
elif (
production . state == ' done '
or ( production . move_raw_ids and all ( move . state in ( ' cancel ' , ' done ' ) for move in production . move_raw_ids ) )
and all ( move . state in ( ' cancel ' , ' done ' ) for move in production . move_finished_ids )
) :
production . state = ' done '
elif production . workorder_ids and all ( wo_state in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) for wo_state in production . workorder_ids . mapped ( ' state ' ) ) :
production . state = ' to_close '
elif not production . workorder_ids and float_compare ( production . qty_producing , production . product_qty , precision_rounding = production . product_uom_id . rounding ) > = 0 :
production . state = ' to_close '
elif any ( wo_state in ( ' progress ' , ' done ' ) for wo_state in production . workorder_ids . mapped ( ' state ' ) ) :
production . state = ' progress '
elif production . product_uom_id and not float_is_zero ( production . qty_producing , precision_rounding = production . product_uom_id . rounding ) :
production . state = ' progress '
elif any ( production . move_raw_ids . mapped ( ' picked ' ) ) :
production . state = ' progress '
@api.depends ( ' bom_id ' , ' product_id ' , ' product_qty ' , ' product_uom_id ' )
def _compute_workorder_ids ( self ) :
for production in self :
if production . state != ' draft ' :
# we need to link the already existing wo's in case the relations are cleared but the wo are not deleted
workorders_list = [ Command . link ( wo . id ) for wo in production . workorder_ids . filtered ( lambda wo : wo . ids ) ]
relevant_boms = [ exploded_boms [ 0 ] for exploded_boms in production . bom_id . explode ( production . product_id , 1.0 , picking_type = production . bom_id . picking_type_id ) [ 0 ] ]
# we don't delete wo's that are not bom related nor related to a subom
deleted_workorders_ids = production . workorder_ids . filtered ( lambda wo : wo . operation_id and wo . operation_id . bom_id not in relevant_boms ) . ids
workorders_list + = [ Command . delete ( wo_id ) for wo_id in deleted_workorders_ids ]
if not production . bom_id and not production . _origin . product_id :
production . workorder_ids = workorders_list
# if the product has changed or if in a second onchange with bom resets the relations
if production . product_id != production . _origin . product_id or ( production . _origin . bom_id != production . bom_id and production . _origin . bom_id . operation_ids and not production . workorder_ids . filtered ( lambda wo : wo . ids and wo . operation_id ) ) :
production . workorder_ids = [ Command . clear ( ) ]
if production . bom_id and production . product_id and production . product_qty > 0 :
# keep manual entries
workorders_values = [ ]
product_qty = production . product_uom_id . _compute_quantity ( production . product_qty , production . bom_id . product_uom_id )
exploded_boms , _dummy = production . bom_id . explode ( production . product_id , product_qty / production . bom_id . product_qty , picking_type = production . bom_id . picking_type_id ,
never_attribute_values = production . never_product_template_attribute_value_ids )
for bom , bom_data in exploded_boms :
# If the operations of the parent BoM and phantom BoM are the same, don't recreate work orders.
if not ( bom . operation_ids and ( not bom_data [ ' parent_line ' ] or bom_data [ ' parent_line ' ] . bom_id . operation_ids != bom . operation_ids ) ) :
for operation in bom . operation_ids :
if operation . _skip_operation_line ( bom_data [ ' product ' ] ) :
workorders_values + = [ {
' name ' : operation . name ,
' production_id ' : production . id ,
' workcenter_id ' : operation . workcenter_id . id ,
' product_uom_id ' : production . product_uom_id . id ,
' operation_id ' : operation . id ,
' state ' : ' pending ' ,
} ]
workorders_dict = { wo . operation_id . id : wo for wo in production . workorder_ids . filtered (
lambda wo : wo . operation_id and wo . ids and wo . id not in deleted_workorders_ids ) }
for workorder_values in workorders_values :
if workorder_values [ ' operation_id ' ] in workorders_dict :
# update existing entries
workorders_list + = [ Command . update ( workorders_dict [ workorder_values [ ' operation_id ' ] ] . id , workorder_values ) ]
else :
# add new entries
workorders_list + = [ Command . create ( workorder_values ) ]
production . workorder_ids = workorders_list
else :
production . workorder_ids = [ Command . delete ( wo . id ) for wo in production . workorder_ids . filtered ( lambda wo : wo . ids and wo . operation_id ) ]
@api.depends ( ' state ' , ' move_raw_ids.state ' )
def _compute_reservation_state ( self ) :
for production in self :
if production . state in ( ' draft ' , ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) :
production . reservation_state = False
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
relevant_move_state = production . move_raw_ids . filtered ( lambda m : not ( m . picked or float_is_zero ( m . product_uom_qty , precision_rounding = m . product_uom . rounding ) ) ) . _get_relevant_state_among_moves ( )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# Compute reservation state according to its component's moves.
if relevant_move_state == ' partially_available ' :
if production . workorder_ids . operation_id and production . bom_id . ready_to_produce == ' asap ' :
production . reservation_state = production . _get_ready_to_produce_state ( )
else :
production . reservation_state = ' confirmed '
elif relevant_move_state != ' draft ' :
production . reservation_state = relevant_move_state
else :
production . reservation_state = False
@api.depends ( ' move_raw_ids ' , ' state ' , ' move_raw_ids.product_uom_qty ' )
def _compute_unreserve_visible ( self ) :
for order in self :
already_reserved = order . state not in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) and order . mapped ( ' move_raw_ids.move_line_ids ' )
any_quantity_done = any ( order . move_raw_ids . mapped ( ' picked ' ) )
order . unreserve_visible = not any_quantity_done and already_reserved
order . reserve_visible = order . state in ( ' confirmed ' , ' progress ' , ' to_close ' ) and any ( move . product_uom_qty and move . state in [ ' confirmed ' , ' partially_available ' ] for move in order . move_raw_ids )
@api.depends ( ' workorder_ids.state ' , ' move_finished_ids ' , ' move_finished_ids.quantity ' )
def _get_produced_qty ( self ) :
for production in self :
done_moves = production . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda x : x . state != ' cancel ' and x . product_id . id == production . product_id . id )
qty_produced = sum ( done_moves . filtered ( lambda m : m . picked ) . mapped ( ' quantity ' ) )
production . qty_produced = qty_produced
return True
def _compute_scrap_move_count ( self ) :
data = self . env [ ' stock.scrap ' ] . _read_group ( [ ( ' production_id ' , ' in ' , self . ids ) ] , [ ' production_id ' ] , [ ' __count ' ] )
count_data = { production . id : count for production , count in data }
for production in self :
production . scrap_count = count_data . get ( production . id , 0 )
@api.depends ( ' unbuild_ids ' )
def _compute_unbuild_count ( self ) :
for production in self :
production . unbuild_count = len ( production . unbuild_ids )
@api.depends ( ' move_finished_ids ' )
def _compute_move_byproduct_ids ( self ) :
for order in self :
order . move_byproduct_ids = order . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . product_id != order . product_id )
def _set_move_byproduct_ids ( self ) :
move_finished_ids = self . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . product_id == self . product_id )
# TODO: Try to create by-product moves here instead of moving them in the `create`.
self . move_finished_ids = move_finished_ids | self . move_byproduct_ids
@api.depends ( ' state ' )
def _compute_show_lock ( self ) :
for order in self :
order . show_lock = order . state == ' done ' or (
not self . env . user . has_group ( ' mrp.group_unlocked_by_default ' )
and order . id is not False
and order . state not in { ' cancel ' , ' draft ' }
@api.depends ( ' state ' , ' move_raw_ids ' )
def _compute_show_lot_ids ( self ) :
for order in self :
order . show_lot_ids = order . state != ' draft ' and any ( m . product_id . tracking != ' none ' for m in order . move_raw_ids )
@api.depends ( ' state ' , ' move_finished_ids ' )
def _compute_show_allocation ( self ) :
self . show_allocation = False
if not self . env . user . has_group ( ' mrp.group_mrp_reception_report ' ) :
for mo in self :
if not mo . picking_type_id :
lines = mo . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . product_id . is_storable and m . state != ' cancel ' )
if lines :
allowed_states = [ ' confirmed ' , ' partially_available ' , ' waiting ' ]
if mo . state == ' done ' :
allowed_states + = [ ' assigned ' ]
wh_location_ids = self . env [ ' stock.location ' ] . _search ( [ ( ' id ' , ' child_of ' , mo . picking_type_id . warehouse_id . view_location_id . id ) , ( ' usage ' , ' != ' , ' supplier ' ) ] )
if self . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . search_count ( [
( ' state ' , ' in ' , allowed_states ) ,
( ' product_qty ' , ' > ' , 0 ) ,
( ' location_id ' , ' in ' , wh_location_ids ) ,
( ' raw_material_production_id ' , ' != ' , mo . id ) ,
( ' product_id ' , ' in ' , lines . product_id . ids ) ,
' | ' , ( ' move_orig_ids ' , ' = ' , False ) ,
( ' move_orig_ids ' , ' in ' , lines . ids ) ] , limit = 1 ) :
mo . show_allocation = True
@api.depends ( ' product_uom_qty ' , ' date_start ' )
def _compute_forecasted_issue ( self ) :
for order in self :
warehouse = order . location_dest_id . warehouse_id
order . forecasted_issue = False
if order . product_id :
virtual_available = order . product_id . with_context ( warehouse_id = warehouse . id , to_date = order . date_start ) . virtual_available
if order . state == ' draft ' :
virtual_available + = order . product_uom_qty
if virtual_available < 0 :
order . forecasted_issue = True
def _search_delay_alert_date ( self , operator , value ) :
late_stock_moves = self . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . search ( [ ( ' delay_alert_date ' , operator , value ) ] )
return [ ' | ' , ( ' move_raw_ids ' , ' in ' , late_stock_moves . ids ) , ( ' move_finished_ids ' , ' in ' , late_stock_moves . ids ) ]
@api.depends ( ' company_id ' , ' date_start ' , ' is_planned ' , ' product_id ' , ' workorder_ids.duration_expected ' )
def _compute_date_finished ( self ) :
for production in self :
if not production . date_start or production . is_planned or production . state == ' done ' :
days_delay = production . bom_id . produce_delay
date_finished = production . date_start + relativedelta ( days = days_delay )
if production . _should_postpone_date_finished ( date_finished ) :
workorder_expected_duration = sum ( self . workorder_ids . mapped ( ' duration_expected ' ) )
date_finished = date_finished + relativedelta ( minutes = workorder_expected_duration or 60 )
production . date_finished = date_finished
@api.depends ( ' company_id ' , ' bom_id ' , ' product_id ' , ' product_qty ' , ' product_uom_id ' , ' location_src_id ' , ' never_product_template_attribute_value_ids ' )
def _compute_move_raw_ids ( self ) :
for production in self :
if production . state != ' draft ' or self . env . context . get ( ' skip_compute_move_raw_ids ' ) :
list_move_raw = [ Command . link ( move . id ) for move in production . move_raw_ids . filtered ( lambda m : not m . bom_line_id ) ]
if not production . bom_id and not production . _origin . product_id :
production . move_raw_ids = list_move_raw
if any ( move . bom_line_id . bom_id != production . bom_id or move . bom_line_id . _skip_bom_line ( production . product_id , production . never_product_template_attribute_value_ids )
for move in production . move_raw_ids if move . bom_line_id ) :
production . move_raw_ids = [ Command . clear ( ) ]
if production . bom_id and production . product_id and production . product_qty > 0 :
# keep manual entries
moves_raw_values = production . _get_moves_raw_values ( )
move_raw_dict = { move . bom_line_id . id : move for move in production . move_raw_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . bom_line_id ) }
for move_raw_values in moves_raw_values :
if move_raw_values [ ' bom_line_id ' ] in move_raw_dict :
# update existing entries
list_move_raw + = [ Command . update ( move_raw_dict [ move_raw_values [ ' bom_line_id ' ] ] . id , move_raw_values ) ]
else :
# add new entries
list_move_raw + = [ Command . create ( move_raw_values ) ]
production . move_raw_ids = list_move_raw
else :
production . move_raw_ids = [ Command . delete ( move . id ) for move in production . move_raw_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . bom_line_id ) ]
@api.depends ( ' product_id ' , ' bom_id ' , ' product_qty ' , ' product_uom_id ' , ' location_dest_id ' , ' date_finished ' , ' move_dest_ids ' )
def _compute_move_finished_ids ( self ) :
for production in self :
if production . state != ' draft ' :
updated_values = { }
if production . date_finished :
updated_values [ ' date ' ] = production . date_finished
if production . date_deadline :
updated_values [ ' date_deadline ' ] = production . date_deadline
if ' date ' in updated_values or ' date_deadline ' in updated_values :
production . move_finished_ids = [
Command . update ( m . id , updated_values ) for m in production . move_finished_ids
# delete to remove existing moves from database and clear to remove new records
production . move_finished_ids = [ Command . delete ( m ) for m in production . move_finished_ids . ids ]
production . move_finished_ids = [ Command . clear ( ) ]
if production . product_id :
production . _create_update_move_finished ( )
else :
production . move_finished_ids = [
Command . delete ( move . id ) for move in production . move_finished_ids if move . bom_line_id
@api.depends ( ' state ' , ' product_qty ' , ' qty_producing ' )
def _compute_show_produce ( self ) :
for production in self :
state_ok = production . state in ( ' confirmed ' , ' progress ' , ' to_close ' )
qty_none_or_all = production . qty_producing in ( 0 , production . product_qty )
production . show_produce_all = state_ok and qty_none_or_all
production . show_produce = state_ok and not qty_none_or_all
def _search_is_delayed ( self , operator , value ) :
if operator not in [ ' = ' , ' != ' ] or not isinstance ( value , bool ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' Operation not supported ' ) )
if operator != ' = ' :
value = not value
sub_query = self . _search ( [
( ' state ' , ' in ' , [ ' confirmed ' , ' progress ' , ' to_close ' ] ) ,
( ' date_deadline ' , ' != ' , False ) ,
' | ' ,
( ' date_deadline ' , ' < ' , self . _field_to_sql ( ' mrp_production ' , ' date_finished ' ) ) ,
( ' date_deadline ' , ' < ' , fields . Datetime . now ( ) )
] )
return [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' if value else ' not in ' , sub_query ) ]
@api.depends ( ' delay_alert_date ' , ' state ' , ' date_deadline ' , ' date_finished ' )
def _compute_is_delayed ( self ) :
for record in self :
record . is_delayed = bool (
record . state in [ ' confirmed ' , ' progress ' , ' to_close ' ] and (
record . date_deadline and ( record . date_deadline < datetime . datetime . now ( ) or record . date_deadline < record . date_finished ) )
def _search_date_category ( self , operator , value ) :
if operator != ' = ' :
raise NotImplementedError ( _ ( ' Operation not supported ' ) )
search_domain = self . env [ ' stock.picking ' ] . date_category_to_domain ( value )
return expression . AND ( [
[ ( ' date_start ' , operator , value ) ] for operator , value in search_domain
] )
@api.onchange ( ' qty_producing ' , ' lot_producing_id ' )
def _onchange_producing ( self ) :
if self . state in [ ' draft ' , ' cancel ' ] or ( self . state == ' done ' and self . is_locked ) :
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
productions_bypass_qty_producting = self . filtered ( lambda p : p . lot_producing_id and p . product_tracking == ' lot ' and p . _origin and p . _origin . qty_producing == p . qty_producing )
( self - productions_bypass_qty_producting ) . _set_qty_producing ( False )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
@api.onchange ( ' lot_producing_id ' )
def _onchange_lot_producing ( self ) :
res = self . _can_produce_serial_number ( )
if res is not True :
return res
def _can_produce_serial_number ( self , sn = None ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
sn = sn or self . lot_producing_id
if self . product_id . tracking == ' serial ' and sn :
message , dummy = self . env [ ' stock.quant ' ] . sudo ( ) . _check_serial_number ( self . product_id , sn , self . company_id )
if message :
return { ' warning ' : { ' title ' : _ ( ' Warning ' ) , ' message ' : message } }
return True
@api.onchange ( ' product_id ' , ' move_raw_ids ' , ' never_product_template_attribute_value_ids ' )
def _onchange_product_id ( self ) :
for move in self . move_raw_ids :
if self . product_id == move . product_id :
message = _ ( " The component %s should not be the same as the product to produce. " , self . product_id . display_name )
self . move_raw_ids = self . move_raw_ids - move
return { ' warning ' : { ' title ' : _ ( ' Warning ' ) , ' message ' : message } }
@api.constrains ( ' move_finished_ids ' )
def _check_byproducts ( self ) :
for order in self :
if any ( move . cost_share < 0 for move in order . move_byproduct_ids ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " By-products cost shares must be positive. " ) )
if sum ( order . move_byproduct_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . state != ' cancel ' ) . mapped ( ' cost_share ' ) ) > 100 :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " The total cost share for a manufacturing order ' s by-products cannot exceed 100. " ) )
def write ( self , vals ) :
if ' move_byproduct_ids ' in vals and ' move_finished_ids ' not in vals :
vals [ ' move_finished_ids ' ] = vals . get ( ' move_finished_ids ' , [ ] ) + vals [ ' move_byproduct_ids ' ]
del vals [ ' move_byproduct_ids ' ]
if ' bom_id ' in vals and ' move_byproduct_ids ' in vals and ' move_finished_ids ' in vals :
# If byproducts are given, they take precedence over move_finished for byproduts definition
bom = self . env [ ' mrp.bom ' ] . browse ( vals . get ( ' bom_id ' ) )
bom_product = bom . product_id or bom . product_tmpl_id . product_variant_id
joined_move_ids = vals . get ( ' move_byproduct_ids ' , [ ] )
for move_finished in vals . get ( ' move_finished_ids ' , [ ] ) :
# Remove CREATE lines from finished_ids as they do not reflect the form current state (nor the byproduct vals)
if move_finished [ 0 ] == Command . CREATE and move_finished [ 2 ] . get ( ' product_id ' ) != bom_product . id :
joined_move_ids . append ( move_finished )
vals [ ' move_finished_ids ' ] = joined_move_ids
del vals [ ' move_byproduct_ids ' ]
if ' workorder_ids ' in self :
production_to_replan = self . filtered ( lambda p : p . is_planned )
for move_str in ( ' move_raw_ids ' , ' move_finished_ids ' ) :
if move_str not in vals or self . state in [ ' draft ' , ' cancel ' , ' done ' ] :
# When adding a move raw/finished, it should have the source location's `warehouse_id`.
# Before, it was handle by an onchange, now it's forced if not already in vals.
warehouse_id = self . location_src_id . warehouse_id . id
if vals . get ( ' location_src_id ' ) :
location_source = self . env [ ' stock.location ' ] . browse ( vals . get ( ' location_src_id ' ) )
warehouse_id = location_source . warehouse_id . id
for move_vals in vals [ move_str ] :
if move_vals [ 0 ] != Command . CREATE :
_command , _id , field_values = move_vals
if not field_values . get ( ' warehouse_id ' ) :
field_values [ ' warehouse_id ' ] = warehouse_id
if vals . get ( ' picking_type_id ' ) :
picking_type = self . env [ ' stock.picking.type ' ] . browse ( vals . get ( ' picking_type_id ' ) )
for production in self :
if production . state == ' draft ' and picking_type != production . picking_type_id :
production . name = picking_type . sequence_id . next_by_id ( )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
res = super ( ) . write ( vals )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
for production in self :
if ' date_start ' in vals and not self . env . context . get ( ' force_date ' , False ) :
if production . state in [ ' done ' , ' cancel ' ] :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' You cannot move a manufacturing order once it is cancelled or done. ' ) )
if production . is_planned :
production . button_unplan ( )
if vals . get ( ' date_start ' ) :
production . move_raw_ids . write ( { ' date ' : production . date_start , ' date_deadline ' : production . date_start } )
if vals . get ( ' date_finished ' ) :
production . move_finished_ids . write ( { ' date ' : production . date_finished } )
if any ( field in [ ' move_raw_ids ' , ' move_finished_ids ' , ' workorder_ids ' ] for field in vals ) and production . state != ' draft ' :
production . with_context ( no_procurement = True ) . _autoconfirm_production ( )
if production in production_to_replan :
production . _plan_workorders ( )
if production . state == ' done ' and ( ' lot_producing_id ' in vals or ' qty_producing ' in vals ) :
finished_move = production . move_finished_ids . filtered (
lambda move : move . product_id == production . product_id and move . state == ' done ' )
finished_move_lines = finished_move . move_line_ids
if ' lot_producing_id ' in vals :
finished_move_lines . write ( { ' lot_id ' : vals . get ( ' lot_producing_id ' ) } )
if ' qty_producing ' in vals :
finished_move . quantity = vals . get ( ' qty_producing ' )
if self . _has_workorders ( ) and not production . workorder_ids . operation_id and vals . get ( ' date_start ' ) and not vals . get ( ' date_finished ' ) :
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
new_date_start = production . date_start
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
if not production . date_finished or new_date_start > = production . date_finished :
production . date_finished = new_date_start + datetime . timedelta ( hours = 1 )
return res
def create ( self , vals_list ) :
for vals in vals_list :
# Remove from `move_finished_ids` the by-product moves and then move `move_byproduct_ids`
# into `move_finished_ids` to avoid duplicate and inconsistency.
if vals . get ( ' move_finished_ids ' , False ) and vals . get ( ' move_byproduct_ids ' , False ) :
vals [ ' move_finished_ids ' ] = list ( filter ( lambda move : move [ 2 ] [ ' product_id ' ] == vals [ ' product_id ' ] , vals [ ' move_finished_ids ' ] ) )
vals [ ' move_finished_ids ' ] = vals . get ( ' move_finished_ids ' , [ ] ) + vals [ ' move_byproduct_ids ' ]
del vals [ ' move_byproduct_ids ' ]
if not vals . get ( ' name ' , False ) or vals [ ' name ' ] == _ ( ' New ' ) :
picking_type_id = vals . get ( ' picking_type_id ' )
if not picking_type_id :
picking_type_id = self . _get_default_picking_type_id ( vals . get ( ' company_id ' , self . env . company . id ) )
vals [ ' picking_type_id ' ] = picking_type_id
vals [ ' name ' ] = self . env [ ' stock.picking.type ' ] . browse ( picking_type_id ) . sequence_id . next_by_id ( )
if not vals . get ( ' procurement_group_id ' ) :
procurement_group_vals = self . _prepare_procurement_group_vals ( vals )
vals [ ' procurement_group_id ' ] = self . env [ " procurement.group " ] . create ( procurement_group_vals ) . id
res = super ( ) . create ( vals_list )
# Make sure that the date passed in vals_list are taken into account and not modified by a compute
for rec , vals in zip ( res , vals_list ) :
if ( rec . move_raw_ids
and rec . move_raw_ids [ 0 ] . date
and vals . get ( ' date_start ' )
and rec . move_raw_ids [ 0 ] . date != vals [ ' date_start ' ] ) :
rec . move_raw_ids . write ( {
' date ' : vals [ ' date_start ' ] ,
' date_deadline ' : vals [ ' date_start ' ]
} )
if ( rec . move_finished_ids
and rec . move_finished_ids [ 0 ] . date
and vals . get ( ' date_finished ' )
and rec . move_finished_ids [ 0 ] . date != vals [ ' date_finished ' ] ) :
rec . move_finished_ids . write ( { ' date ' : vals [ ' date_finished ' ] } )
elif ( rec . move_finished_ids
and rec . date_finished
and rec . move_finished_ids [ 0 ] . date != rec . date_finished
and not vals . get ( ' date_finished ' ) ) :
# if no value is specified, do take the workorder duration (etc) into account
rec . move_finished_ids . write ( { ' date ' : rec . date_finished } )
return res
def unlink ( self ) :
self . action_cancel ( )
workorders_to_delete = self . workorder_ids . filtered ( lambda wo : wo . state != ' done ' )
if workorders_to_delete :
workorders_to_delete . unlink ( )
return super ( MrpProduction , self ) . unlink ( )
def copy_data ( self , default = None ) :
default = dict ( default or { } )
vals_list = super ( ) . copy_data ( default = default )
for production , vals in zip ( self , vals_list ) :
# covers at least 2 cases: backorders generation (follow default logic for moves copying)
# and copying a done MO via the form (i.e. copy only the non-cancelled moves since no backorder = cancelled finished moves)
if not default or ' move_finished_ids ' not in default :
move_finished_ids = production . move_finished_ids
if production . state != ' cancel ' :
move_finished_ids = production . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . state != ' cancel ' and m . product_qty != 0.0 )
vals [ ' move_finished_ids ' ] = [ ( 0 , 0 , move_vals ) for move_vals in move_finished_ids . copy_data ( ) ]
if not default or ' move_raw_ids ' not in default :
vals [ ' move_raw_ids ' ] = [ ( 0 , 0 , move_vals ) for move_vals in production . move_raw_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . product_qty != 0.0 ) . copy_data ( ) ]
return vals_list
def action_generate_bom ( self ) :
""" Generates a new Bill of Material based on the Manufacturing Order ' s product, components,
workorders and by - products , and assigns it to the MO . Returns a new BoM ' s form view action.
self . ensure_one ( )
action = self . env [ ' ir.actions.act_window ' ] . _for_xml_id ( ' mrp.mrp_bom_form_action ' )
action [ ' view_mode ' ] = ' form '
action [ ' views ' ] = [ ( False , ' form ' ) ]
bom_lines_vals , byproduct_vals , operations_vals = self . _get_bom_values ( )
action [ ' context ' ] = {
' default_bom_line_ids ' : bom_lines_vals ,
' default_byproduct_ids ' : byproduct_vals ,
' default_code ' : _ ( " New BoM from %(mo_name)s " , mo_name = self . display_name ) ,
' default_company_id ' : self . company_id . id ,
' default_operation_ids ' : operations_vals ,
' default_product_id ' : self . product_id . id ,
' default_product_qty ' : self . product_qty ,
' default_product_tmpl_id ' : self . product_id . product_tmpl_id . id ,
' default_product_uom_id ' : self . product_uom_id . id ,
' parent_production_id ' : self . id , # Used to assign the new BoM to the current MO.
return action
def action_view_mo_delivery ( self ) :
""" Returns an action that display picking related to manufacturing order.
It can either be a list view or in a form view ( if there is only one picking to show ) .
self . ensure_one ( )
action = self . env [ " ir.actions.actions " ] . _for_xml_id ( " stock.action_picking_tree_all " )
if len ( self . picking_ids ) > 1 :
action [ ' domain ' ] = [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , self . picking_ids . ids ) ]
elif self . picking_ids :
action [ ' res_id ' ] = self . picking_ids . id
action [ ' views ' ] = [ ( self . env . ref ( ' stock.view_picking_form ' ) . id , ' form ' ) ]
if ' views ' in action :
action [ ' views ' ] + = [ ( state , view ) for state , view in action [ ' views ' ] if view != ' form ' ]
action [ ' context ' ] = dict ( self . _context , default_origin = self . name )
return action
def action_toggle_is_locked ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
self . is_locked = not self . is_locked
return True
def action_product_forecast_report ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
action = self . product_id . action_product_forecast_report ( )
action [ ' context ' ] = {
' active_id ' : self . product_id . id ,
' active_model ' : ' product.product ' ,
' move_to_match_ids ' : self . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . product_id == self . product_id ) . ids
warehouse = self . picking_type_id . warehouse_id
if warehouse :
action [ ' context ' ] [ ' warehouse_id ' ] = warehouse . id
return action
def action_update_bom ( self ) :
for production in self :
if production . bom_id :
production . _link_bom ( production . bom_id )
self . is_outdated_bom = False
def _get_bom_values ( self , ratio = 1 ) :
""" Returns the BoM lines, by-products and operations values needed to
create a new BoM from this Manufacturing Order .
: return : A tuple containing the BoM lines , by - products and operations values , in this order
: rtype : tuple ( dict , dict , dict )
self . ensure_one ( )
def get_uom_and_quantity ( move ) :
# Use the BoM line/by-product's UoM if the move is linked to one of them.
target_uom = ( move . bom_line_id or move . byproduct_id ) . product_uom_id or move . product_uom
# In order to be able to multiply the move quantity by the ratio, we
# have to be sure they both express in the same UoM.
qty = move . quantity or move . product_uom_qty
qty = move . product_uom . _compute_quantity ( qty * ratio , target_uom )
return ( target_uom , qty )
# BoM lines values.
bom_lines_values = [ ]
for move_raw in self . move_raw_ids :
uom , qty = get_uom_and_quantity ( move_raw )
bom_line_vals = {
' product_id ' : move_raw . product_id . id ,
' product_qty ' : qty ,
' product_uom_id ' : uom . id ,
bom_lines_values . append ( Command . create ( bom_line_vals ) )
# By-Product lines values.
byproduct_values = [ ]
for move_byproduct in self . move_byproduct_ids :
uom , qty = get_uom_and_quantity ( move_byproduct )
bom_byproduct_vals = {
' cost_share ' : move_byproduct . cost_share ,
' product_id ' : move_byproduct . product_id . id ,
' product_qty ' : qty ,
' product_uom_id ' : uom . id ,
byproduct_values . append ( Command . create ( bom_byproduct_vals ) )
# Operations values.
operations_values = [ Command . create ( wo . _get_operation_values ( ) ) for wo in self . workorder_ids ]
return ( bom_lines_values , byproduct_values , operations_values )
def _get_default_picking_type_id ( self , company_id ) :
return self . env [ ' stock.picking.type ' ] . search ( [
( ' code ' , ' = ' , ' mrp_operation ' ) ,
( ' warehouse_id.company_id ' , ' = ' , company_id ) ,
] , limit = 1 ) . id
def _get_move_finished_values ( self , product_id , product_uom_qty , product_uom , operation_id = False , byproduct_id = False , cost_share = 0 ) :
group_orders = self . procurement_group_id . mrp_production_ids
move_dest_ids = self . move_dest_ids
if len ( group_orders ) > 1 :
move_dest_ids | = group_orders [ 0 ] . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . product_id == self . product_id ) . move_dest_ids
return {
' product_id ' : product_id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : product_uom_qty ,
' product_uom ' : product_uom ,
' operation_id ' : operation_id ,
' byproduct_id ' : byproduct_id ,
' name ' : _ ( ' New ' ) ,
' date ' : self . date_finished ,
' date_deadline ' : self . date_deadline ,
' picking_type_id ' : self . picking_type_id . id ,
' location_id ' : self . product_id . with_company ( self . company_id ) . property_stock_production . id ,
' location_dest_id ' : self . location_dest_id . id ,
' company_id ' : self . company_id . id ,
' production_id ' : self . id ,
' warehouse_id ' : self . location_dest_id . warehouse_id . id ,
' origin ' : self . product_id . partner_ref ,
' group_id ' : self . procurement_group_id . id ,
' propagate_cancel ' : self . propagate_cancel ,
' move_dest_ids ' : [ ( 4 , x . id ) for x in self . move_dest_ids if not byproduct_id ] ,
' cost_share ' : cost_share ,
def _get_moves_finished_values ( self ) :
moves = [ ]
for production in self :
if production . product_id in production . bom_id . byproduct_ids . mapped ( ' product_id ' ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " You cannot have %s as the finished product and in the Byproducts " , self . product_id . name ) )
finished_move_values = production . _get_move_finished_values ( production . product_id . id , production . product_qty , production . product_uom_id . id )
finished_move_values [ ' location_final_id ' ] = self . location_final_id . id
moves . append ( finished_move_values )
for byproduct in production . bom_id . byproduct_ids :
if byproduct . _skip_byproduct_line ( production . product_id ) :
product_uom_factor = production . product_uom_id . _compute_quantity ( production . product_qty , production . bom_id . product_uom_id )
qty = byproduct . product_qty * ( product_uom_factor / production . bom_id . product_qty )
moves . append ( production . _get_move_finished_values (
byproduct . product_id . id , qty , byproduct . product_uom_id . id ,
byproduct . operation_id . id , byproduct . id , byproduct . cost_share ) )
return moves
def _create_update_move_finished ( self ) :
""" This is a helper function to support complexity of onchange logic for MOs.
It is important that the special * 2 Many commands used here remain as long as function
is used within onchanges .
list_move_finished = [ ]
moves_finished_values = self . _get_moves_finished_values ( )
moves_byproduct_dict = { move . byproduct_id . id : move for move in self . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . byproduct_id ) }
move_finished = self . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . product_id == self . product_id )
for move_finished_values in moves_finished_values :
if move_finished_values . get ( ' byproduct_id ' ) in moves_byproduct_dict :
# update existing entries
list_move_finished + = [ Command . update ( moves_byproduct_dict [ move_finished_values [ ' byproduct_id ' ] ] . id , move_finished_values ) ]
elif move_finished_values . get ( ' product_id ' ) == self . product_id . id and move_finished :
list_move_finished + = [ Command . update ( move_finished . id , move_finished_values ) ]
else :
# add new entries
list_move_finished + = [ Command . create ( move_finished_values ) ]
self . move_finished_ids = list_move_finished
def _get_moves_raw_values ( self ) :
moves = [ ]
for production in self :
if not production . bom_id :
factor = production . product_uom_id . _compute_quantity ( production . product_qty , production . bom_id . product_uom_id ) / production . bom_id . product_qty
_boms , lines = production . bom_id . explode ( production . product_id , factor , picking_type = production . bom_id . picking_type_id , never_attribute_values = production . never_product_template_attribute_value_ids )
for bom_line , line_data in lines :
if bom_line . child_bom_id and bom_line . child_bom_id . type == ' phantom ' or \
bom_line . product_id . type != ' consu ' :
operation = bom_line . operation_id . id or line_data [ ' parent_line ' ] and line_data [ ' parent_line ' ] . operation_id . id
moves . append ( production . _get_move_raw_values (
bom_line . product_id ,
line_data [ ' qty ' ] ,
bom_line . product_uom_id ,
operation ,
) )
return moves
def _get_move_raw_values ( self , product , product_uom_qty , product_uom , operation_id = False , bom_line = False ) :
""" Warning, any changes done to this method will need to be repeated for consistency in:
- Manually added components , i . e . " default_ " values in view
- Moves from a copied MO , i . e . move . create
- Existing moves during backorder creation """
source_location = self . location_src_id
data = {
' sequence ' : bom_line . sequence if bom_line else 10 ,
' name ' : _ ( ' New ' ) ,
' date ' : self . date_start ,
' date_deadline ' : self . date_start ,
' bom_line_id ' : bom_line . id if bom_line else False ,
' picking_type_id ' : self . picking_type_id . id ,
' product_id ' : product . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : product_uom_qty ,
' product_uom ' : product_uom . id ,
' location_id ' : source_location . id ,
' location_dest_id ' : self . product_id . with_company ( self . company_id ) . property_stock_production . id ,
' raw_material_production_id ' : self . id ,
' company_id ' : self . company_id . id ,
' operation_id ' : operation_id ,
' procure_method ' : ' make_to_stock ' ,
' origin ' : self . _get_origin ( ) ,
' state ' : ' draft ' ,
' warehouse_id ' : source_location . warehouse_id . id ,
' group_id ' : self . procurement_group_id . id ,
' propagate_cancel ' : self . propagate_cancel ,
' manual_consumption ' : self . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . _determine_is_manual_consumption ( bom_line ) ,
return data
def _get_origin ( self ) :
origin = self . name
if self . orderpoint_id and self . origin :
origin = self . origin . replace (
' %s - ' % ( self . orderpoint_id . display_name ) , ' ' )
origin = ' %s , %s ' % ( origin , self . name )
return origin
def _set_qty_producing ( self , pick_manual_consumption_moves = True ) :
if self . product_id . tracking == ' serial ' :
qty_producing_uom = self . product_uom_id . _compute_quantity ( self . qty_producing , self . product_id . uom_id , rounding_method = ' HALF-UP ' )
# allow changing a non-zero value to a 0 to not block mass produce feature
if qty_producing_uom != 1 and not ( qty_producing_uom == 0 and self . _origin . qty_producing != self . qty_producing ) :
self . qty_producing = self . product_id . uom_id . _compute_quantity ( 1 , self . product_uom_id , rounding_method = ' HALF-UP ' )
# waiting for a preproduction move before assignement
is_waiting = self . warehouse_id . manufacture_steps != ' mrp_one_step ' and self . picking_ids . filtered ( lambda p : p . picking_type_id == self . warehouse_id . pbm_type_id and p . state not in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) )
for move in ( self . move_raw_ids . filtered ( lambda m : not is_waiting or m . product_id . tracking == ' none ' ) | self . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . product_id != self . product_id ) ) :
# picked + manual means the user set the quantity manually
if move . manual_consumption and move . picked :
# sudo needed for portal users
if move . sudo ( ) . _should_bypass_set_qty_producing ( ) :
new_qty = float_round ( ( self . qty_producing - self . qty_produced ) * move . unit_factor , precision_rounding = move . product_uom . rounding )
move . _set_quantity_done ( new_qty )
if not move . manual_consumption or pick_manual_consumption_moves :
move . picked = True
def _should_postpone_date_finished ( self , date_finished ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return date_finished == self . date_start
def _update_raw_moves ( self , factor ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
update_info = [ ]
for move in self . move_raw_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . state not in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) ) :
old_qty = move . product_uom_qty
new_qty = float_round ( old_qty * factor , precision_rounding = move . product_uom . rounding , rounding_method = ' UP ' )
if new_qty > 0 :
# procurement and assigning is now run in write
move . write ( { ' product_uom_qty ' : new_qty } )
update_info . append ( ( move , old_qty , new_qty ) )
return update_info
@api.ondelete ( at_uninstall = False )
def _unlink_except_done ( self ) :
if any ( production . state == ' done ' for production in self ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' Cannot delete a manufacturing order in done state. ' ) )
not_cancel = self . filtered ( lambda m : m . state != ' cancel ' )
if not_cancel :
productions_name = ' , ' . join ( [ prod . display_name for prod in not_cancel ] )
raise UserError ( _ ( ' %s cannot be deleted. Try to cancel them before. ' , productions_name ) )
def _get_ready_to_produce_state ( self ) :
""" returns ' assigned ' if enough components are reserved in order to complete
the first operation of the bom . If not returns ' waiting '
self . ensure_one ( )
operations = self . workorder_ids . operation_id
if len ( operations ) == 1 :
moves_in_first_operation = self . move_raw_ids
else :
first_operation = operations [ 0 ]
moves_in_first_operation = self . move_raw_ids . filtered ( lambda move : move . operation_id == first_operation )
moves_in_first_operation = moves_in_first_operation . filtered (
lambda move : move . bom_line_id and
not move . bom_line_id . _skip_bom_line ( self . product_id , self . never_product_template_attribute_value_ids )
if all ( move . state == ' assigned ' for move in moves_in_first_operation ) :
return ' assigned '
return ' confirmed '
def _autoconfirm_production ( self ) :
""" Automatically run `action_confirm` on `self`.
If the production has one of its move was added after the initial call
to ` action_confirm ` .
moves_to_confirm = self . env [ ' stock.move ' ]
for production in self :
if production . state in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) :
additional_moves = production . move_raw_ids . filtered (
lambda move : move . state == ' draft '
additional_moves . _adjust_procure_method ( )
moves_to_confirm | = additional_moves
additional_byproducts = production . move_finished_ids . filtered (
lambda move : move . state == ' draft '
moves_to_confirm | = additional_byproducts
if moves_to_confirm :
moves_to_confirm = moves_to_confirm . _action_confirm ( )
# run scheduler for moves forecasted to not have enough in stock
moves_to_confirm . _trigger_scheduler ( )
self . workorder_ids . filtered ( lambda w : w . state not in [ ' done ' , ' cancel ' ] ) . _action_confirm ( )
def _get_children ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
procurement_moves = self . procurement_group_id . stock_move_ids
child_moves = procurement_moves . move_orig_ids
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
return ( ( procurement_moves | child_moves ) . created_production_id . procurement_group_id . mrp_production_ids \
| child_moves . production_id ) \
. filtered ( lambda p : p . origin != self . origin ) - self
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def _get_sources ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
dest_moves = self . procurement_group_id . mrp_production_ids . move_dest_ids
parent_moves = self . procurement_group_id . stock_move_ids . move_dest_ids
return ( dest_moves | parent_moves ) . group_id . mrp_production_ids . filtered ( lambda p : p . origin != self . origin ) - self
def set_qty_producing ( self ) :
# This method is used to call `_set_lot_producing` when the onchange doesn't apply.
self . ensure_one ( )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
self . _set_qty_producing ( False )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def _set_lot_producing ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
self . lot_producing_id = self . env [ ' stock.lot ' ] . create ( self . _prepare_stock_lot_values ( ) )
def action_view_mrp_production_childs ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
mrp_production_ids = self . _get_children ( ) . ids
action = {
' res_model ' : ' mrp.production ' ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
if len ( mrp_production_ids ) == 1 :
action . update ( {
' view_mode ' : ' form ' ,
' res_id ' : mrp_production_ids [ 0 ] ,
} )
else :
action . update ( {
' name ' : _ ( " %s Child MO ' s " , self . name ) ,
' domain ' : [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , mrp_production_ids ) ] ,
' view_mode ' : ' list,form ' ,
} )
return action
def action_view_mrp_production_sources ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
mrp_production_ids = self . _get_sources ( ) . ids
action = {
' res_model ' : ' mrp.production ' ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
if len ( mrp_production_ids ) == 1 :
action . update ( {
' view_mode ' : ' form ' ,
' res_id ' : mrp_production_ids [ 0 ] ,
} )
else :
action . update ( {
' name ' : _ ( " MO Generated by %s " , self . name ) ,
' domain ' : [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , mrp_production_ids ) ] ,
' view_mode ' : ' list,form ' ,
} )
return action
def action_view_mrp_production_backorders ( self ) :
backorder_ids = self . procurement_group_id . mrp_production_ids . ids
return {
' res_model ' : ' mrp.production ' ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' name ' : _ ( " Backorder MO ' s " ) ,
' domain ' : [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , backorder_ids ) ] ,
' view_mode ' : ' list,form ' ,
def _prepare_stock_lot_values ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
name = self . env [ ' ir.sequence ' ] . next_by_code ( ' stock.lot.serial ' )
exist_lot = not name or self . env [ ' stock.lot ' ] . search ( [
( ' product_id ' , ' = ' , self . product_id . id ) ,
' | ' , ( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , False ) , ( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , self . company_id . id ) ,
( ' name ' , ' = ' , name ) ,
] , limit = 1 )
if exist_lot :
name = self . env [ ' stock.lot ' ] . _get_next_serial ( self . company_id , self . product_id )
if not name :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Please set the first Serial Number or a default sequence " ) )
return {
' product_id ' : self . product_id . id ,
' name ' : name ,
def action_generate_serial ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
self . _set_lot_producing ( )
if self . product_id . tracking == ' serial ' :
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
self . _set_qty_producing ( False )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
if self . picking_type_id . auto_print_generated_mrp_lot :
return self . _autoprint_generated_lot ( self . lot_producing_id )
def action_confirm ( self ) :
self . _check_company ( )
moves_ids_to_confirm = set ( )
move_raws_ids_to_adjust = set ( )
workorder_ids_to_confirm = set ( )
for production in self :
production_vals = { }
if production . bom_id :
production_vals . update ( { ' consumption ' : production . bom_id . consumption } )
# In case of Serial number tracking, force the UoM to the UoM of product
if production . product_tracking == ' serial ' and production . product_uom_id != production . product_id . uom_id :
production_vals . update ( {
' product_qty ' : production . product_uom_id . _compute_quantity ( production . product_qty , production . product_id . uom_id ) ,
' product_uom_id ' : production . product_id . uom_id
} )
for move_finish in production . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . product_id == production . product_id ) :
move_finish . write ( {
' product_uom_qty ' : move_finish . product_uom . _compute_quantity ( move_finish . product_uom_qty , move_finish . product_id . uom_id ) ,
' product_uom ' : move_finish . product_id . uom_id
} )
if production_vals :
production . write ( production_vals )
move_raws_ids_to_adjust . update ( production . move_raw_ids . ids )
moves_ids_to_confirm . update ( ( production . move_raw_ids | production . move_finished_ids ) . ids )
workorder_ids_to_confirm . update ( production . workorder_ids . ids )
move_raws_to_adjust = self . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . browse ( sorted ( move_raws_ids_to_adjust ) )
moves_to_confirm = self . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . browse ( sorted ( moves_ids_to_confirm ) )
workorder_to_confirm = self . env [ ' mrp.workorder ' ] . browse ( sorted ( workorder_ids_to_confirm ) )
move_raws_to_adjust . _adjust_procure_method ( )
moves_to_confirm . _action_confirm ( merge = False )
workorder_to_confirm . _action_confirm ( )
# run scheduler for moves forecasted to not have enough in stock
ignored_mo_ids = self . env . context . get ( ' ignore_mo_ids ' , [ ] )
self . move_raw_ids . with_context ( ignore_mo_ids = ignored_mo_ids + self . ids ) . _trigger_scheduler ( )
self . picking_ids . filtered (
lambda p : p . state not in [ ' cancel ' , ' done ' ] ) . action_confirm ( )
# Force confirm state only for draft production not for more advanced state like
# 'progress' (in case of backorders with some qty_producing)
self . filtered ( lambda mo : mo . state == ' draft ' ) . state = ' confirmed '
return True
def _link_workorders_and_moves ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
if not self . workorder_ids :
workorder_per_operation = { workorder . operation_id : workorder for workorder in self . workorder_ids }
workorder_boms = self . workorder_ids . operation_id . bom_id
last_workorder_per_bom = defaultdict ( lambda : self . env [ ' mrp.workorder ' ] )
self . allow_workorder_dependencies = self . bom_id . allow_operation_dependencies
def workorder_order ( wo ) :
return ( wo . sequence , wo . id )
if self . allow_workorder_dependencies :
for workorder in self . workorder_ids . sorted ( workorder_order ) :
workorder . blocked_by_workorder_ids = [ Command . link ( workorder_per_operation [ operation_id ] . id )
for operation_id in
workorder . operation_id . blocked_by_operation_ids
if operation_id in workorder_per_operation ]
if not workorder . needed_by_workorder_ids :
last_workorder_per_bom [ workorder . operation_id . bom_id ] = workorder
else :
previous_workorder = False
for workorder in self . workorder_ids . sorted ( workorder_order ) :
if previous_workorder :
workorder . blocked_by_workorder_ids = [ Command . link ( previous_workorder . id ) ]
previous_workorder = workorder
last_workorder_per_bom [ workorder . operation_id . bom_id ] = workorder
for move in ( self . move_raw_ids | self . move_finished_ids ) :
if move . operation_id :
move . write ( {
' workorder_id ' : workorder_per_operation [ move . operation_id ] . id if move . operation_id in workorder_per_operation else False
} )
else :
bom = move . bom_line_id . bom_id if ( move . bom_line_id and move . bom_line_id . bom_id in workorder_boms ) else self . bom_id
move . write ( {
' workorder_id ' : last_workorder_per_bom [ bom ] . id
} )
def action_assign ( self ) :
for production in self :
production . move_raw_ids . _action_assign ( )
return True
def button_plan ( self ) :
""" Create work orders. And probably do stuff, like things. """
orders_to_plan = self . filtered ( lambda order : not order . is_planned )
orders_to_confirm = orders_to_plan . filtered ( lambda mo : mo . state == ' draft ' )
orders_to_confirm . action_confirm ( )
for order in orders_to_plan :
order . _plan_workorders ( )
return True
def _plan_workorders ( self , replan = False ) :
""" Plan all the production ' s workorders depending on the workcenters
work schedule .
: param replan : If it is a replan , only ready and pending workorder will be taken into account
: type replan : bool .
self . ensure_one ( )
if not self . workorder_ids :
self . is_planned = True
self . _link_workorders_and_moves ( )
# Plan workorders starting from final ones (those with no dependent workorders)
final_workorders = self . workorder_ids . filtered ( lambda wo : not wo . needed_by_workorder_ids )
for workorder in final_workorders :
workorder . _plan_workorder ( replan )
workorders = self . workorder_ids . filtered ( lambda w : w . state not in [ ' done ' , ' cancel ' ] )
if not workorders :
self . with_context ( force_date = True ) . write ( {
' date_start ' : min ( [ workorder . leave_id . date_from for workorder in workorders ] ) ,
' date_finished ' : max ( [ workorder . leave_id . date_to for workorder in workorders ] )
} )
def button_unplan ( self ) :
if any ( wo . state == ' done ' for wo in self . workorder_ids ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Some work orders are already done, so you cannot unplan this manufacturing order. \n \n "
" It’ d be a shame to waste all that progress, right? " ) )
elif any ( wo . state == ' progress ' for wo in self . workorder_ids ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Some work orders have already started, so you cannot unplan this manufacturing order. \n \n "
" It’ d be a shame to waste all that progress, right? " ) )
self . workorder_ids . leave_id . unlink ( )
self . workorder_ids . write ( {
' date_start ' : False ,
' date_finished ' : False ,
} )
self . is_planned = False
def _get_consumption_issues ( self ) :
""" Compare the quantity consumed of the components, the expected quantity
on the BoM and the consumption parameter on the order .
: return : list of tuples ( order_id , product_id , consumed_qty , expected_qty ) where the
consumption isn ' t honored. order_id and product_id are recordset of mrp.production
and product . product respectively
: rtype : list
issues = [ ]
if self . env . context . get ( ' skip_consumption ' , False ) :
return issues
for order in self :
if order . consumption == ' flexible ' or not order . bom_id or not order . bom_id . bom_line_ids :
expected_move_values = order . _get_moves_raw_values ( )
expected_qty_by_product = defaultdict ( float )
for move_values in expected_move_values :
move_product = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . browse ( move_values [ ' product_id ' ] )
move_uom = self . env [ ' uom.uom ' ] . browse ( move_values [ ' product_uom ' ] )
move_product_qty = move_uom . _compute_quantity ( move_values [ ' product_uom_qty ' ] , move_product . uom_id )
expected_qty_by_product [ move_product ] + = move_product_qty * order . qty_producing / order . product_qty
done_qty_by_product = defaultdict ( float )
for move in order . move_raw_ids :
quantity = move . product_uom . _compute_quantity ( move . _get_picked_quantity ( ) , move . product_id . uom_id )
rounding = move . product_id . uom_id . rounding
# extra lines with non-zero qty picked
if move . product_id not in expected_qty_by_product and move . picked and not float_is_zero ( quantity , precision_rounding = rounding ) :
issues . append ( ( order , move . product_id , quantity , 0.0 ) )
done_qty_by_product [ move . product_id ] + = quantity if move . picked else 0.0
# origin lines from bom with different qty
for product , qty_to_consume in expected_qty_by_product . items ( ) :
quantity = done_qty_by_product . get ( product , 0.0 )
if float_compare ( qty_to_consume , quantity , precision_rounding = product . uom_id . rounding ) != 0 :
issues . append ( ( order , product , quantity , qty_to_consume ) )
return issues
def _action_generate_consumption_wizard ( self , consumption_issues ) :
ctx = self . env . context . copy ( )
lines = [ ]
for order , product_id , consumed_qty , expected_qty in consumption_issues :
lines . append ( ( 0 , 0 , {
' mrp_production_id ' : order . id ,
' product_id ' : product_id . id ,
' consumption ' : order . consumption ,
' product_uom_id ' : product_id . uom_id . id ,
' product_consumed_qty_uom ' : consumed_qty ,
' product_expected_qty_uom ' : expected_qty
} ) )
ctx . update ( { ' default_mrp_production_ids ' : self . ids ,
' default_mrp_consumption_warning_line_ids ' : lines ,
' form_view_ref ' : False } )
action = self . env [ " ir.actions.actions " ] . _for_xml_id ( " mrp.action_mrp_consumption_warning " )
action [ ' context ' ] = ctx
return action
def _get_quantity_produced_issues ( self ) :
quantity_issues = [ ]
if self . env . context . get ( ' skip_backorder ' , False ) :
return quantity_issues
for order in self :
if not float_is_zero ( order . _get_quantity_to_backorder ( ) , precision_rounding = order . product_uom_id . rounding ) :
quantity_issues . append ( order )
return quantity_issues
def _action_generate_backorder_wizard ( self , quantity_issues ) :
ctx = self . env . context . copy ( )
lines = [ ]
for order in quantity_issues :
lines . append ( ( 0 , 0 , {
' mrp_production_id ' : order . id ,
' to_backorder ' : True
} ) )
ctx . update ( { ' default_mrp_production_ids ' : self . ids , ' default_mrp_production_backorder_line_ids ' : lines } )
action = self . env [ " ir.actions.actions " ] . _for_xml_id ( " mrp.action_mrp_production_backorder " )
action [ ' context ' ] = ctx
return action
def action_cancel ( self ) :
""" Cancels production order, unfinished stock moves and set procurement
orders in exception """
self . _action_cancel ( )
return True
def _action_cancel ( self ) :
documents_by_production = { }
for production in self :
documents = defaultdict ( list )
for move_raw_id in self . move_raw_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . state not in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) ) :
iterate_key = self . _get_document_iterate_key ( move_raw_id )
if iterate_key :
document = self . env [ ' stock.picking ' ] . _log_activity_get_documents ( { move_raw_id : ( move_raw_id . product_uom_qty , 0 ) } , iterate_key , ' UP ' )
for key , value in document . items ( ) :
documents [ key ] + = [ value ]
if documents :
documents_by_production [ production ] = documents
# log an activity on Parent MO if child MO is cancelled.
finish_moves = production . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda x : x . state not in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) )
if finish_moves :
production . _log_downside_manufactured_quantity ( { finish_move : ( production . product_uom_qty , 0.0 ) for finish_move in finish_moves } , cancel = True )
self . workorder_ids . filtered ( lambda x : x . state not in [ ' done ' , ' cancel ' ] ) . action_cancel ( )
finish_moves = self . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda x : x . state not in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) )
raw_moves = self . move_raw_ids . filtered ( lambda x : x . state not in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) )
( finish_moves | raw_moves ) . _action_cancel ( )
picking_ids = self . picking_ids . filtered ( lambda x : x . state not in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) )
picking_ids . action_cancel ( )
for production , documents in documents_by_production . items ( ) :
filtered_documents = { }
for ( parent , responsible ) , rendering_context in documents . items ( ) :
if not parent or parent . _name == ' stock.picking ' and parent . state == ' cancel ' or parent == production :
filtered_documents [ ( parent , responsible ) ] = rendering_context
production . _log_manufacture_exception ( filtered_documents , cancel = True )
# In case of a flexible BOM, we don't know from the state of the moves if the MO should
# remain in progress or done. Indeed, if all moves are done/cancel but the quantity produced
# is lower than expected, it might mean:
# - we have used all components but we still want to produce the quantity expected
# - we have used all components and we won't be able to produce the last units
# However, if the user clicks on 'Cancel', it is expected that the MO is either done or
# canceled. If the MO is still in progress at this point, it means that the move raws
# are either all done or a mix of done / canceled => the MO should be done.
self . filtered ( lambda p : p . state not in [ ' done ' , ' cancel ' ] and p . bom_id . consumption == ' flexible ' ) . write ( { ' state ' : ' done ' } )
return True
def _get_document_iterate_key ( self , move_raw_id ) :
return move_raw_id . move_orig_ids and ' move_orig_ids ' or False
def _cal_price ( self , consumed_moves ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return True
def _post_inventory ( self , cancel_backorder = False ) :
moves_to_do , moves_not_to_do , moves_to_cancel = set ( ) , set ( ) , set ( )
for move in self . move_raw_ids :
if move . state == ' done ' :
moves_not_to_do . add ( move . id )
elif not move . picked :
moves_to_cancel . add ( move . id )
elif move . state != ' cancel ' :
moves_to_do . add ( move . id )
self . with_context ( skip_mo_check = True ) . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . browse ( moves_to_do ) . _action_done ( cancel_backorder = cancel_backorder )
self . with_context ( skip_mo_check = True ) . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . browse ( moves_to_cancel ) . _action_cancel ( )
moves_to_do = self . move_raw_ids . filtered ( lambda x : x . state == ' done ' ) - self . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . browse ( moves_not_to_do )
# Create a dict to avoid calling filtered inside for loops.
moves_to_do_by_order = defaultdict ( lambda : self . env [ ' stock.move ' ] , [
( key , self . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . concat ( * values ) )
for key , values in tools_groupby ( moves_to_do , key = lambda m : m . raw_material_production_id . id )
] )
for order in self :
finish_moves = order . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . product_id == order . product_id and m . state not in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) )
# the finish move can already be completed by the workorder.
for move in finish_moves :
move . quantity = float_round ( order . qty_producing - order . qty_produced , precision_rounding = order . product_uom_id . rounding , rounding_method = ' HALF-UP ' )
extra_vals = order . _prepare_finished_extra_vals ( )
if extra_vals :
move . move_line_ids . write ( extra_vals )
# workorder duration need to be set to calculate the price of the product
for workorder in order . workorder_ids :
if workorder . state not in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) :
workorder . duration_expected = workorder . _get_duration_expected ( )
if workorder . duration == 0.0 :
workorder . duration = workorder . duration_expected
workorder . duration_unit = round ( workorder . duration / max ( workorder . qty_produced , 1 ) , 2 )
order . _cal_price ( moves_to_do_by_order [ order . id ] )
moves_to_finish = self . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda x : x . state not in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) )
moves_to_finish . picked = True
moves_to_finish = moves_to_finish . _action_done ( cancel_backorder = cancel_backorder )
for order in self :
consume_move_lines = moves_to_do_by_order [ order . id ] . mapped ( ' move_line_ids ' )
order . move_finished_ids . move_line_ids . consume_line_ids = [ ( 6 , 0 , consume_move_lines . ids ) ]
return True
def _get_name_backorder ( self , name , sequence ) :
if not sequence :
return name
seq_back = " - " + " 0 " * ( SIZE_BACK_ORDER_NUMERING - 1 - int ( math . log10 ( sequence ) ) ) + str ( sequence )
regex = re . compile ( r " - \ d+$ " )
if regex . search ( name ) and sequence > 1 :
return regex . sub ( seq_back , name )
return name + seq_back
def _get_backorder_mo_vals ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
if not self . procurement_group_id :
# in the rare case that the procurement group has been removed somehow, create a new one
self . procurement_group_id = self . env [ " procurement.group " ] . create ( { ' name ' : self . name } )
return {
' procurement_group_id ' : self . procurement_group_id . id ,
' move_raw_ids ' : None ,
' move_finished_ids ' : None ,
' lot_producing_id ' : False ,
' origin ' : self . origin ,
' state ' : ' draft ' if self . state == ' draft ' else ' confirmed ' ,
' date_deadline ' : self . date_deadline ,
' orderpoint_id ' : self . orderpoint_id . id ,
def _split_productions ( self , amounts = False , cancel_remaining_qty = False , set_consumed_qty = False ) :
""" Splits productions into productions smaller quantities to produce, i.e. creates
its backorders .
: param dict amounts : a dict with a production as key and a list value containing
the amounts each production split should produce including the original production ,
e . g . { mrp . production ( 1 , ) : [ 3 , 2 ] } will result in mrp . production ( 1 , ) having a product_qty = 3
and a new backorder with product_qty = 2.
: param bool cancel_remaining_qty : whether to cancel remaining quantities or generate
an additional backorder , e . g . having product_qty = 5 if mrp . production ( 1 , ) product_qty was 10.
: param bool set_consumed_qty : whether to set quantity on move lines to the reserved quantity
or the initial demand if no reservation , except for the remaining backorder .
: return : mrp . production records in order of [ orig_prod_1 , backorder_prod_1 ,
backorder_prod_2 , orig_prod_2 , backorder_prod_2 , etc . ]
def _default_amounts ( production ) :
return [ production . qty_producing , production . _get_quantity_to_backorder ( ) ]
if not amounts :
amounts = { }
has_backorder_to_ignore = defaultdict ( lambda : False )
for production in self :
mo_amounts = amounts . get ( production )
if not mo_amounts :
amounts [ production ] = _default_amounts ( production )
total_amount = sum ( mo_amounts )
diff = float_compare ( production . product_qty , total_amount , precision_rounding = production . product_uom_id . rounding )
if diff > 0 and not cancel_remaining_qty :
amounts [ production ] . append ( production . product_qty - total_amount )
has_backorder_to_ignore [ production ] = True
elif not self . env . context . get ( ' allow_more ' ) and ( diff < 0 or production . state in [ ' done ' , ' cancel ' ] ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Unable to split with more than the quantity to produce. " ) )
backorder_vals_list = [ ]
initial_qty_by_production = { }
# Create the backorders.
for production in self :
initial_qty_by_production [ production ] = production . product_qty
if production . backorder_sequence == 0 : # Activate backorder naming
production . backorder_sequence = 1
production . name = self . _get_name_backorder ( production . name , production . backorder_sequence )
( production . move_raw_ids | production . move_finished_ids ) . name = production . name
( production . move_raw_ids | production . move_finished_ids ) . origin = production . _get_origin ( )
backorder_vals = production . copy_data ( default = production . _get_backorder_mo_vals ( ) ) [ 0 ]
backorder_qtys = amounts [ production ] [ 1 : ]
production . with_context ( skip_compute_move_raw_ids = True ) . product_qty = amounts [ production ] [ 0 ]
next_seq = max ( production . procurement_group_id . mrp_production_ids . mapped ( " backorder_sequence " ) , default = 1 )
for qty_to_backorder in backorder_qtys :
next_seq + = 1
backorder_vals_list . append ( dict (
backorder_vals ,
product_qty = qty_to_backorder ,
name = production . _get_name_backorder ( production . name , next_seq ) ,
backorder_sequence = next_seq
) )
backorders = self . env [ ' mrp.production ' ] . with_context ( skip_confirm = True ) . create ( backorder_vals_list )
index = 0
production_to_backorders = { }
production_ids = OrderedSet ( )
for production in self :
number_of_backorder_created = len ( amounts . get ( production , _default_amounts ( production ) ) ) - 1
production_backorders = backorders [ index : index + number_of_backorder_created ]
production_to_backorders [ production ] = production_backorders
production_ids . update ( production . ids )
production_ids . update ( production_backorders . ids )
index + = number_of_backorder_created
# Split the `stock.move` among new backorders.
new_moves_vals = [ ]
moves = [ ]
move_to_backorder_moves = { }
for production in self :
for move in production . move_raw_ids | production . move_finished_ids :
if move . additional :
move_to_backorder_moves [ move ] = self . env [ ' stock.move ' ]
unit_factor = move . product_uom_qty / initial_qty_by_production [ production ]
initial_move_vals = move . copy_data ( move . _get_backorder_move_vals ( ) ) [ 0 ]
move . with_context ( do_not_unreserve = True , no_procurement = True ) . product_uom_qty = production . product_qty * unit_factor
for backorder in production_to_backorders [ production ] :
move_vals = dict (
initial_move_vals ,
product_uom_qty = backorder . product_qty * unit_factor
if move . raw_material_production_id :
move_vals [ ' raw_material_production_id ' ] = backorder . id
else :
move_vals [ ' production_id ' ] = backorder . id
new_moves_vals . append ( move_vals )
moves . append ( move )
backorder_moves = self . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . create ( new_moves_vals )
move_to_assign = backorder_moves
# Split `stock.move.line`s. 2 options for this:
# - do_unreserve -> action_assign
# - Split the reserved amounts manually
# The first option would be easier to maintain since it's less code
# However it could be slower (due to `stock.quant` update) and could
# create inconsistencies in mass production if a new lot higher in a
# FIFO strategy arrives between the reservation and the backorder creation
for move , backorder_move in zip ( moves , backorder_moves ) :
move_to_backorder_moves [ move ] | = backorder_move
move_lines_vals = [ ]
assigned_moves = set ( )
partially_assigned_moves = set ( )
move_lines_to_unlink = set ( )
moves_to_consume = self . env [ ' stock.move ' ]
for initial_move , backorder_moves in move_to_backorder_moves . items ( ) :
# Create `stock.move.line` for consumed but non-reserved components and for by-products
if set_consumed_qty and ( initial_move . raw_material_production_id or ( initial_move . production_id and initial_move . product_id != production . product_id ) ) :
ml_vals = initial_move . _prepare_move_line_vals ( )
backorder_move_to_ignore = backorder_moves [ - 1 ] if has_backorder_to_ignore [ initial_move . raw_material_production_id ] else self . env [ ' stock.move ' ]
for move in ( initial_move + backorder_moves - backorder_move_to_ignore ) :
if not initial_move . move_line_ids :
new_ml_vals = dict (
ml_vals ,
quantity = move . product_uom_qty ,
move_id = move . id
move_lines_vals . append ( new_ml_vals )
moves_to_consume | = move
for initial_move , backorder_moves in move_to_backorder_moves . items ( ) :
ml_by_move = [ ]
product_uom = initial_move . product_id . uom_id
if not initial_move . picked :
for move_line in initial_move . move_line_ids . sorted ( key = lambda ml : ml . _sorting_move_lines ( ) ) :
available_qty = move_line . product_uom_id . _compute_quantity ( move_line . quantity , product_uom , rounding_method = " HALF-UP " )
if float_compare ( available_qty , 0 , precision_rounding = product_uom . rounding ) < = 0 :
ml_by_move . append ( ( available_qty , move_line , move_line . copy_data ( ) [ 0 ] ) )
moves = list ( initial_move | backorder_moves )
move = moves and moves . pop ( 0 )
move_qty_to_reserve = move . product_qty # Product UoM
for index , ( quantity , move_line , ml_vals ) in enumerate ( ml_by_move ) :
taken_qty = min ( quantity , move_qty_to_reserve )
taken_qty_uom = product_uom . _compute_quantity ( taken_qty , move_line . product_uom_id , rounding_method = " HALF-UP " )
if float_is_zero ( taken_qty_uom , precision_rounding = move_line . product_uom_id . rounding ) :
move_line . write ( {
' quantity ' : taken_qty_uom ,
' move_id ' : move . id ,
} )
move_qty_to_reserve - = taken_qty
ml_by_move [ index ] = ( quantity - taken_qty , move_line , ml_vals )
if float_compare ( move_qty_to_reserve , 0 , precision_rounding = move . product_uom . rounding ) < = 0 :
assigned_moves . add ( move . id )
move = moves and moves . pop ( 0 )
move_qty_to_reserve = move and move . product_qty or 0
for quantity , move_line , ml_vals in ml_by_move :
while float_compare ( quantity , 0 , precision_rounding = product_uom . rounding ) > 0 and move :
# Do not create `stock.move.line` if there is no initial demand on `stock.move`
taken_qty = min ( move_qty_to_reserve , quantity )
taken_qty_uom = product_uom . _compute_quantity ( taken_qty , move_line . product_uom_id , rounding_method = " HALF-UP " )
if move == initial_move :
move_line . quantity + = taken_qty_uom
elif not float_is_zero ( taken_qty_uom , precision_rounding = move_line . product_uom_id . rounding ) :
new_ml_vals = dict (
ml_vals ,
quantity = taken_qty_uom ,
move_id = move . id
move_lines_vals . append ( new_ml_vals )
quantity - = taken_qty
move_qty_to_reserve - = taken_qty
if float_compare ( move_qty_to_reserve , 0 , precision_rounding = move . product_uom . rounding ) < = 0 :
assigned_moves . add ( move . id )
move = moves and moves . pop ( 0 )
move_qty_to_reserve = move and move . product_qty or 0
if move and move_qty_to_reserve != move . product_qty :
partially_assigned_moves . add ( move . id )
move_lines_to_unlink . update ( initial_move . move_line_ids . filtered ( lambda ml : not ml . quantity ) . ids )
# reserve new backorder moves depending on the picking type
self . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . browse ( assigned_moves ) . write ( { ' state ' : ' assigned ' } )
self . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . browse ( partially_assigned_moves ) . write ( { ' state ' : ' partially_available ' } )
self . env [ ' stock.move.line ' ] . create ( move_lines_vals )
move_to_assign = move_to_assign . filtered (
lambda move : move . state in ( ' confirmed ' , ' partially_available ' )
and ( move . _should_bypass_reservation ( )
or move . picking_type_id . reservation_method == ' at_confirm '
or ( move . reservation_date and move . reservation_date < = fields . Date . today ( ) ) ) )
move_to_assign . _action_assign ( )
# Avoid triggering a useless _recompute_state
self . env [ ' stock.move.line ' ] . browse ( move_lines_to_unlink ) . write ( { ' move_id ' : False } )
self . env [ ' stock.move.line ' ] . browse ( move_lines_to_unlink ) . unlink ( )
moves_to_consume . write ( { ' picked ' : True } )
workorders_to_cancel = self . env [ ' mrp.workorder ' ]
for production in self :
initial_qty = initial_qty_by_production [ production ]
initial_workorder_remaining_qty = [ ]
bo = production_to_backorders [ production ]
# Adapt duration
for workorder in bo . workorder_ids :
workorder . duration_expected = workorder . _get_duration_expected ( )
# Adapt quantities produced
for workorder in production . workorder_ids . sorted ( ' id ' ) :
initial_workorder_remaining_qty . append ( max ( initial_qty - workorder . qty_reported_from_previous_wo - workorder . qty_produced , 0 ) )
if workorder . production_id . id not in ( self . env . context . get ( ' mo_ids_to_backorder ' ) or [ ] ) :
workorder . qty_produced = min ( workorder . qty_produced , workorder . qty_production )
workorders_len = len ( production . workorder_ids )
for index , workorder in enumerate ( bo . workorder_ids ) :
remaining_qty = initial_workorder_remaining_qty [ index % workorders_len ]
workorder . qty_reported_from_previous_wo = max ( workorder . qty_production - remaining_qty , 0 )
if remaining_qty :
initial_workorder_remaining_qty [ index % workorders_len ] = max ( remaining_qty - workorder . qty_produced , 0 )
else :
workorders_to_cancel + = workorder
workorders_to_cancel . action_cancel ( )
backorders . _action_confirm_mo_backorders ( )
return self . env [ ' mrp.production ' ] . browse ( production_ids )
def _action_confirm_mo_backorders ( self ) :
self . workorder_ids . _action_confirm ( )
def button_mark_done ( self ) :
res = self . pre_button_mark_done ( )
if res is not True :
return res
if self . env . context . get ( ' mo_ids_to_backorder ' ) :
productions_to_backorder = self . browse ( self . env . context [ ' mo_ids_to_backorder ' ] )
productions_not_to_backorder = self - productions_to_backorder
else :
productions_not_to_backorder = self
productions_to_backorder = self . env [ ' mrp.production ' ]
productions_not_to_backorder = productions_not_to_backorder . with_context ( no_procurement = True )
self . workorder_ids . button_finish ( )
backorders = productions_to_backorder and productions_to_backorder . _split_productions ( )
backorders = backorders - productions_to_backorder
productions_not_to_backorder . _post_inventory ( cancel_backorder = True )
productions_to_backorder . _post_inventory ( cancel_backorder = True )
# if completed products make other confirmed/partially_available moves available, assign them
done_move_finished_ids = ( productions_to_backorder . move_finished_ids | productions_not_to_backorder . move_finished_ids ) . filtered ( lambda m : m . state == ' done ' )
done_move_finished_ids . _trigger_assign ( )
# Moves without quantity done are not posted => set them as done instead of canceling. In
# case the user edits the MO later on and sets some consumed quantity on those, we do not
# want the move lines to be canceled.
( productions_not_to_backorder . move_raw_ids | productions_not_to_backorder . move_finished_ids ) . filtered ( lambda x : x . state not in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) ) . write ( {
' state ' : ' done ' ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 0.0 ,
} )
for production in self :
production . write ( {
' date_finished ' : fields . Datetime . now ( ) ,
' priority ' : ' 0 ' ,
' is_locked ' : True ,
' state ' : ' done ' ,
} )
# It is prudent to reserve any quantity that has become available to the backorder
# production's move_raw_ids after the production which spawned them has been marked done.
backorders_to_assign = backorders . filtered (
lambda order :
order . picking_type_id . reservation_method == ' at_confirm '
for backorder in backorders_to_assign :
backorder . action_assign ( )
report_actions = self . _get_autoprint_done_report_actions ( )
if self . env . context . get ( ' skip_redirection ' ) :
if report_actions :
return {
' type ' : ' ir.actions.client ' ,
' tag ' : ' do_multi_print ' ,
' context ' : { } ,
' params ' : {
' reports ' : report_actions ,
return True
another_action = False
if not backorders :
if self . env . context . get ( ' from_workorder ' ) :
another_action = {
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' res_model ' : ' mrp.production ' ,
' views ' : [ [ self . env . ref ( ' mrp.mrp_production_form_view ' ) . id , ' form ' ] ] ,
' res_id ' : self . id ,
' target ' : ' main ' ,
elif self . env . user . has_group ( ' mrp.group_mrp_reception_report ' ) :
mos_to_show = self . filtered ( lambda mo : mo . picking_type_id . auto_show_reception_report )
lines = mos_to_show . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda m : m . product_id . is_storable and m . state != ' cancel ' and m . picked and not m . move_dest_ids )
if lines :
if any ( mo . show_allocation for mo in mos_to_show ) :
another_action = mos_to_show . action_view_reception_report ( )
if report_actions :
return {
' type ' : ' ir.actions.client ' ,
' tag ' : ' do_multi_print ' ,
' params ' : {
' reports ' : report_actions ,
' anotherAction ' : another_action ,
if another_action :
return another_action
return True
context = self . env . context . copy ( )
context = { k : v for k , v in context . items ( ) if not k . startswith ( ' default_ ' ) }
for k , v in context . items ( ) :
if k . startswith ( ' skip_ ' ) :
context [ k ] = False
another_action = {
' res_model ' : ' mrp.production ' ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' context ' : dict ( context , mo_ids_to_backorder = None )
if len ( backorders ) == 1 :
another_action . update ( {
' views ' : [ [ False , ' form ' ] ] ,
' view_mode ' : ' form ' ,
' res_id ' : backorders [ 0 ] . id ,
} )
else :
another_action . update ( {
' name ' : _ ( " Backorder MO " ) ,
' domain ' : [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , backorders . ids ) ] ,
' views ' : [ [ False , ' list ' ] , [ False , ' form ' ] ] ,
' view_mode ' : ' list,form ' ,
} )
if report_actions :
return {
' type ' : ' ir.actions.client ' ,
' tag ' : ' do_multi_print ' ,
' params ' : {
' reports ' : report_actions ,
' anotherAction ' : another_action ,
return another_action
def pre_button_mark_done ( self ) :
self . _button_mark_done_sanity_checks ( )
productions_auto = set ( )
for production in self :
if not float_is_zero ( production . qty_producing , precision_rounding = production . product_uom_id . rounding ) :
production . move_raw_ids . filtered (
lambda move : move . manual_consumption and not move . picked
) . picked = True
if production . _auto_production_checks ( ) :
productions_auto . add ( production . id )
else :
return production . action_mass_produce ( )
for production in self . env [ ' mrp.production ' ] . browse ( productions_auto ) :
production . _set_quantities ( )
consumption_issues = self . _get_consumption_issues ( )
if consumption_issues :
return self . _action_generate_consumption_wizard ( consumption_issues )
quantity_issues = self . _get_quantity_produced_issues ( )
if quantity_issues :
mo_ids_always = [ ] # we need to pass the mo.ids in a context, so collect them to avoid looping through the list twice
mos_ask = [ ] # we need to pass a list of mo records to the backorder wizard, so collect records
for mo in quantity_issues :
if mo . picking_type_id . create_backorder == " always " :
mo_ids_always . append ( mo . id )
elif mo . picking_type_id . create_backorder == " ask " :
mos_ask . append ( mo )
if mos_ask :
# any "never" MOs will be passed to the wizard, but not considered for being backorder-able, always backorder mos are hack forced via context
return self . with_context ( always_backorder_mo_ids = mo_ids_always ) . _action_generate_backorder_wizard ( mos_ask )
elif mo_ids_always :
# we have to pass all the MOs that the nevers/no issue MOs are also passed to be "mark done" without a backorder
res = self . with_context ( skip_backorder = True , mo_ids_to_backorder = mo_ids_always ) . button_mark_done ( )
return res if self . _should_return_records ( ) else True
return True
def _button_mark_done_sanity_checks ( self ) :
self . _check_company ( )
for order in self :
order . _check_sn_uniqueness ( )
def _auto_production_checks ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return all ( p . tracking == ' none ' for p in self . move_raw_ids . product_id | self . move_finished_ids . product_id ) \
or self . product_uom_qty == 1 or ( self . product_id . tracking != ' serial ' and self . reservation_state in ( ' assigned ' , ' confirmed ' , ' waiting ' ) )
def _should_return_records ( self ) :
# Meant to be overriden for flows that don't want to be redirected to the backend e.g. barcode
return True
def do_unreserve ( self ) :
( self . move_finished_ids | self . move_raw_ids ) . filtered ( lambda x : x . state not in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) ) . _do_unreserve ( )
def button_scrap ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return {
' name ' : _ ( ' Scrap Products ' ) ,
' view_mode ' : ' form ' ,
' res_model ' : ' stock.scrap ' ,
' views ' : [ [ self . env . ref ( ' stock.stock_scrap_form_view2 ' ) . id , ' form ' ] ] ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' context ' : { ' default_production_id ' : self . id ,
' product_ids ' : ( self . move_raw_ids . filtered ( lambda x : x . state not in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) ) | self . move_finished_ids . filtered ( lambda x : x . state == ' done ' ) ) . mapped ( ' product_id ' ) . ids ,
' default_company_id ' : self . company_id . id
} ,
' target ' : ' new ' ,
def action_see_move_scrap ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
action = self . env [ " ir.actions.actions " ] . _for_xml_id ( " stock.action_stock_scrap " )
action [ ' domain ' ] = [ ( ' production_id ' , ' = ' , self . id ) ]
action [ ' context ' ] = dict ( self . _context , default_origin = self . name )
return action
def action_view_reception_report ( self ) :
action = self . env [ " ir.actions.actions " ] . _for_xml_id ( " mrp.mrp_reception_action " )
# default_production_ids needs to be first default_ key so the "print" button correctly works
action [ ' context ' ] = dict ( { ' default_production_ids ' : self . ids } , * * self . env . context )
return action
def action_view_mrp_production_unbuilds ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
action = self . env [ " ir.actions.actions " ] . _for_xml_id ( " mrp.mrp_unbuild " )
action [ ' domain ' ] = [ ( ' mo_id ' , ' = ' , self . id ) ]
context = literal_eval ( action [ ' context ' ] )
context . update ( self . env . context )
context [ ' default_mo_id ' ] = self . id
action [ ' context ' ] = context
return action
def get_empty_list_help ( self , help_message ) :
self = self . with_context (
empty_list_help_document_name = _ ( " manufacturing order " ) ,
return super ( MrpProduction , self ) . get_empty_list_help ( help_message )
def _log_downside_manufactured_quantity ( self , moves_modification , cancel = False ) :
def _keys_in_groupby ( move ) :
""" group by picking and the responsible for the product the
move .
return ( move . picking_id , move . product_id . responsible_id )
def _render_note_exception_quantity_mo ( rendering_context ) :
values = {
' production_order ' : self ,
' order_exceptions ' : rendering_context ,
' impacted_pickings ' : False ,
' cancel ' : cancel
return self . env [ ' ir.qweb ' ] . _render ( ' mrp.exception_on_mo ' , values )
documents = self . env [ ' stock.picking ' ] . _log_activity_get_documents ( moves_modification , ' move_dest_ids ' , ' DOWN ' , _keys_in_groupby )
documents = self . env [ ' stock.picking ' ] . _less_quantities_than_expected_add_documents ( moves_modification , documents )
self . env [ ' stock.picking ' ] . _log_activity ( _render_note_exception_quantity_mo , documents )
def _log_manufacture_exception ( self , documents , cancel = False ) :
def _render_note_exception_quantity_mo ( rendering_context ) :
visited_objects = [ ]
order_exceptions = { }
for exception in rendering_context :
order_exception , visited = exception
order_exceptions . update ( order_exception )
visited_objects + = visited
visited_objects = [ sm for sm in visited_objects if sm . _name == ' stock.move ' ]
impacted_object = [ ]
if visited_objects :
visited_objects = self . env [ visited_objects [ 0 ] . _name ] . concat ( * visited_objects )
visited_objects | = visited_objects . mapped ( ' move_orig_ids ' )
impacted_object = visited_objects . filtered ( lambda m : m . state not in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) ) . mapped ( ' picking_id ' )
values = {
' production_order ' : self ,
' order_exceptions ' : order_exceptions ,
' impacted_object ' : impacted_object ,
' cancel ' : cancel
return self . env [ ' ir.qweb ' ] . _render ( ' mrp.exception_on_mo ' , values )
self . env [ ' stock.picking ' ] . _log_activity ( _render_note_exception_quantity_mo , documents )
def button_unbuild ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return {
' name ' : _ ( ' Unbuild: %s ' , self . product_id . display_name ) ,
' view_mode ' : ' form ' ,
' res_model ' : ' mrp.unbuild ' ,
' view_id ' : self . env . ref ( ' mrp.mrp_unbuild_form_view_simplified ' ) . id ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' context ' : { ' default_product_id ' : self . product_id . id ,
' default_lot_id ' : self . lot_producing_id . id ,
' default_mo_id ' : self . id ,
' default_company_id ' : self . company_id . id ,
' default_location_id ' : self . location_dest_id . id ,
' default_location_dest_id ' : self . location_src_id . id ,
' create ' : False , ' edit ' : False } ,
' target ' : ' new ' ,
def action_mass_produce ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
self . _check_company ( )
if self . state not in [ ' draft ' , ' confirmed ' , ' progress ' , ' to_close ' ] or \
self . _auto_production_checks ( ) :
action = self . env [ " ir.actions.actions " ] . _for_xml_id ( " mrp.action_mrp_batch_produce " )
action [ ' context ' ] = {
' default_production_id ' : self . id ,
return action
def action_split ( self ) :
self . _pre_action_split_merge_hook ( split = True )
if len ( self ) > 1 :
productions = [ Command . create ( { ' production_id ' : production . id } ) for production in self ]
# Wizard need a real id to have buttons enable in the view
wizard = self . env [ ' mrp.production.split.multi ' ] . create ( { ' production_ids ' : productions } )
action = self . env [ ' ir.actions.actions ' ] . _for_xml_id ( ' mrp.action_mrp_production_split_multi ' )
action [ ' res_id ' ] = wizard . id
return action
else :
action = self . env [ ' ir.actions.actions ' ] . _for_xml_id ( ' mrp.action_mrp_production_split ' )
action [ ' context ' ] = {
' default_production_id ' : self . id ,
return action
def action_merge ( self ) :
self . _pre_action_split_merge_hook ( merge = True )
products = set ( [ ( production . product_id , production . bom_id ) for production in self ] )
product_id , bom_id = products . pop ( )
users = set ( [ production . user_id for production in self ] )
if len ( users ) == 1 :
user_id = users . pop ( )
else :
user_id = self . env . user
origs = self . _prepare_merge_orig_links ( )
dests = { }
for move in self . move_finished_ids :
dests . setdefault ( move . byproduct_id . id , [ ] ) . extend ( move . move_dest_ids . ids )
production = self . env [ ' mrp.production ' ] . with_context ( default_picking_type_id = self . picking_type_id . id ) . create ( {
' product_id ' : product_id . id ,
' bom_id ' : bom_id . id ,
' picking_type_id ' : self . picking_type_id . id ,
' product_qty ' : sum ( production . product_uom_qty for production in self ) ,
' product_uom_id ' : product_id . uom_id . id ,
' user_id ' : user_id . id ,
' origin ' : " , " . join ( sorted ( [ production . name for production in self ] ) ) ,
} )
for move in production . move_raw_ids :
for field , vals in origs [ move . bom_line_id . id ] . items ( ) :
move [ field ] = vals
for move in production . move_finished_ids :
move . move_dest_ids = [ Command . set ( dests [ move . byproduct_id . id ] ) ]
self . move_dest_ids . created_production_id = production . id
self . procurement_group_id . stock_move_ids . group_id = production . procurement_group_id
if ' confirmed ' in self . mapped ( ' state ' ) :
production . move_raw_ids . _adjust_procure_method ( )
( production . move_raw_ids | production . move_finished_ids ) . write ( { ' state ' : ' confirmed ' } )
production . action_confirm ( )
self . with_context ( skip_activity = True ) . _action_cancel ( )
# set the new deadline of origin moves (stock to pre prod)
production . move_raw_ids . move_orig_ids . with_context ( date_deadline_propagate_ids = set ( production . move_raw_ids . ids ) ) . write ( { ' date_deadline ' : production . date_start } )
for p in self :
p . _message_log ( body = _ ( ' This production has been merge in %s ' , production . display_name ) )
return {
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' res_model ' : ' mrp.production ' ,
' view_mode ' : ' form ' ,
' res_id ' : production . id ,
def action_plan_with_components_availability ( self ) :
for production in self . filtered ( lambda p : p . state in ( ' draft ' , ' confirmed ' ) ) :
if production . state == ' draft ' :
production . action_confirm ( )
move_expected_date = production . move_raw_ids . filtered ( ' forecast_expected_date ' ) . mapped ( ' forecast_expected_date ' )
expected_date = max ( move_expected_date , default = False )
if expected_date and production . components_availability_state != ' unavailable ' :
production . date_start = expected_date
self . filtered ( lambda p : p . state == ' confirmed ' ) . button_plan ( )
def _has_workorders ( self ) :
return self . workorder_ids
def _link_bom ( self , bom ) :
""" Links the given BoM to the MO. Assigns BoM ' s lines, by-products and operations
to the corresponding MO ' s components, by-products and workorders.
self . ensure_one ( )
product_qty = self . product_qty
uom = self . product_uom_id
moves_to_unlink = self . env [ ' stock.move ' ]
workorders_to_unlink = self . env [ ' mrp.workorder ' ]
# For draft MO, all the work will be done by compute methods.
# For cancelled and done MO, we don't want to do anything more than assinging the BoM.
if self . state == ' draft ' and self . bom_id == bom :
# Empties `bom_id` field so when the BoM is reassigns to this field, depending computes
# will be triggered (doesn't happen if the field's value doesn't change).
self . bom_id = False
if self . state in [ ' cancel ' , ' done ' , ' draft ' ] :
if self . state == ' draft ' :
# Don't straight delete the moves/workorders to avoid to cancel the MO, those will
# be deleted once the BoM is assigned (and thus after new moves/WO were created).
moves_to_unlink = self . move_raw_ids
workorders_to_unlink = self . workorder_ids
self . bom_id = bom
moves_to_unlink . unlink ( )
workorders_to_unlink . unlink ( )
if self . state == ' draft ' :
# we reset the product_qty/uom when the bom is changed on a draft MO
# change them back to the original value
self . write ( { ' product_qty ' : product_qty , ' product_uom_id ' : uom . id } )
def operation_key_values ( record ) :
return tuple ( record [ key ] for key in ( ' company_id ' , ' name ' , ' workcenter_id ' ) )
def filter_by_attributes ( record ) :
product_attribute_ids = self . product_id . product_template_attribute_value_ids . ids
return not record . bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids or \
any ( att_val . id in product_attribute_ids for att_val in record . bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids )
ratio = self . _get_ratio_between_mo_and_bom_quantities ( bom )
_dummy , bom_lines = bom . explode ( self . product_id , bom . product_qty )
bom_lines_by_id = { ( line . id , line . product_id . id ) : line for line , _dummy in bom_lines if filter_by_attributes ( line ) }
bom_byproducts_by_id = { byproduct . id : byproduct for byproduct in bom . byproduct_ids . filtered ( filter_by_attributes ) }
operations_by_id = { operation . id : operation for operation in bom . operation_ids . filtered ( filter_by_attributes ) }
# Compares the BoM's operations to the MO's workorders.
for workorder in self . workorder_ids :
operation = operations_by_id . pop ( workorder . operation_id . id , False )
if not operation :
for operation_id in operations_by_id :
_operation = operations_by_id [ operation_id ]
if operation_key_values ( _operation ) == operation_key_values ( workorder ) :
operation = operations_by_id . pop ( operation_id )
if operation and workorder . operation_id != operation :
workorder . operation_id = operation
elif operation and workorder . operation_id == operation :
if workorder . workcenter_id != operation . workcenter_id :
workorder . workcenter_id = operation . workcenter_id
if workorder . name != operation . name :
workorder . name = operation . name
elif workorder . operation_id and workorder . operation_id not in operations_by_id :
workorders_to_unlink | = workorder
# Creates a workorder for each remaining operation.
workorders_values = [ ]
for operation in operations_by_id . values ( ) :
workorder_vals = {
' name ' : operation . name ,
' operation_id ' : operation . id ,
' product_uom_id ' : self . product_uom_id . id ,
' production_id ' : self . id ,
' state ' : ' pending ' ,
' workcenter_id ' : operation . workcenter_id . id ,
workorders_values . append ( workorder_vals )
self . workorder_ids + = self . env [ ' mrp.workorder ' ] . create ( workorders_values )
# Compares the BoM's lines to the MO's components.
for move_raw in self . move_raw_ids :
bom_line = bom_lines_by_id . pop ( ( move_raw . bom_line_id . id , move_raw . product_id . id ) , False )
# If the move isn't already linked to a BoM lines, search for a compatible line.
if not bom_line :
for _bom_line in bom_lines_by_id . values ( ) :
if move_raw . product_id == _bom_line . product_id :
bom_line = bom_lines_by_id . pop ( ( _bom_line . id , move_raw . product_id . id ) )
if bom_line :
move_raw_qty = bom_line and move_raw . product_uom . _compute_quantity (
move_raw . product_uom_qty * ratio , bom_line . product_uom_id
if bom_line and (
not move_raw . bom_line_id or
move_raw . bom_line_id . bom_id != bom or
move_raw . operation_id != bom_line . operation_id or
bom_line . product_qty != move_raw_qty
) :
move_raw . bom_line_id = bom_line
move_raw . product_id = bom_line . product_id
move_raw . product_uom_qty = bom_line . product_qty / ratio
move_raw . product_uom = bom_line . product_uom_id
if move_raw . operation_id != bom_line . operation_id :
move_raw . operation_id = bom_line . operation_id
move_raw . workorder_id = self . workorder_ids . filtered ( lambda wo : wo . operation_id == move_raw . operation_id )
elif not bom_line :
moves_to_unlink | = move_raw
# Creates a raw moves for each remaining BoM's lines.
raw_moves_values = [ ]
for bom_line in bom_lines_by_id . values ( ) :
raw_move_vals = self . _get_move_raw_values (
bom_line . product_id ,
bom_line . product_qty / ratio ,
bom_line . product_uom_id ,
bom_line = bom_line
raw_moves_values . append ( raw_move_vals )
self . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . create ( raw_moves_values )
# Compares the BoM's and the MO's by-products.
for move_byproduct in self . move_byproduct_ids :
bom_byproduct = bom_byproducts_by_id . pop ( move_byproduct . byproduct_id . id , False )
if not bom_byproduct :
for _bom_byproduct in bom_byproducts_by_id . values ( ) :
if move_byproduct . product_id == _bom_byproduct . product_id :
bom_byproduct = bom_byproducts_by_id . pop ( _bom_byproduct . id )
move_byproduct_qty = bom_byproduct and move_byproduct . product_uom . _compute_quantity (
move_byproduct . product_uom_qty * ratio , bom_byproduct . product_uom_id
if bom_byproduct and (
not move_byproduct . byproduct_id or
bom_byproduct . product_id != move_byproduct . product_id or
bom_byproduct . product_qty != move_byproduct_qty
) :
move_byproduct . byproduct_id = bom_byproduct
move_byproduct . cost_share = bom_byproduct . cost_share
move_byproduct . product_uom_qty = bom_byproduct . product_qty / ratio
move_byproduct . product_uom = bom_byproduct . product_uom_id
elif not bom_byproduct :
moves_to_unlink | = move_byproduct
# For each remaining BoM's by-product, creates a move finished.
byproduct_values = [ ]
for bom_byproduct in bom_byproducts_by_id . values ( ) :
qty = bom_byproduct . product_qty / ratio
move_byproduct_vals = self . _get_move_finished_values (
bom_byproduct . product_id . id , qty , bom_byproduct . product_uom_id . id ,
bom_byproduct . operation_id . id , bom_byproduct . id , bom_byproduct . cost_share
byproduct_values . append ( move_byproduct_vals )
self . move_finished_ids + = self . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . create ( byproduct_values )
moves_to_unlink . _action_cancel ( )
moves_to_unlink . unlink ( )
workorders_to_unlink . unlink ( )
self . bom_id = bom
def _prepare_procurement_group_vals ( self , values ) :
return { ' name ' : values [ ' name ' ] }
def _get_quantity_to_backorder ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return max ( self . product_qty - self . qty_producing , 0 )
def _get_ratio_between_mo_and_bom_quantities ( self , bom ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
bom_product_uom = ( bom . product_id or bom . product_tmpl_id ) . uom_id
bom_qty = bom . product_uom_id . _compute_quantity ( bom . product_qty , bom_product_uom )
ratio = bom_qty / self . product_uom_qty
return ratio
def _check_sn_uniqueness ( self ) :
""" Alert the user if the serial number as already been consumed/produced """
if self . product_tracking == ' serial ' and self . lot_producing_id :
if self . _is_finished_sn_already_produced ( self . lot_producing_id ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' This serial number for product %s has already been produced ' , self . product_id . name ) )
for move in self . move_finished_ids :
if move . has_tracking != ' serial ' or move . product_id == self . product_id :
for move_line in move . move_line_ids :
if float_is_zero ( move_line . quantity , precision_rounding = move_line . product_uom_id . rounding ) :
if self . _is_finished_sn_already_produced ( move_line . lot_id , excluded_sml = move_line ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' The serial number %(number)s used for byproduct %(product_name)s has already been produced ' ,
number = move_line . lot_id . name , product_name = move_line . product_id . name ) )
consumed_sn_ids = [ ]
sn_error_msg = { }
for move in self . move_raw_ids :
if move . has_tracking != ' serial ' or not move . picked :
for move_line in move . move_line_ids :
if not move_line . picked or float_is_zero ( move_line . quantity , precision_rounding = move_line . product_uom_id . rounding ) or \
not move_line . lot_id :
sml_sn = move_line . lot_id
message = _ ( ' The serial number %(number)s used for component %(component)s has already been consumed ' ,
number = sml_sn . name ,
component = move_line . product_id . name )
consumed_sn_ids . append ( sml_sn . id )
sn_error_msg [ sml_sn . id ] = message
co_prod_move_lines = self . move_raw_ids . move_line_ids
duplicates = co_prod_move_lines . filtered ( lambda ml : ml . quantity and ml . lot_id == sml_sn ) - move_line
if duplicates :
raise UserError ( message )
if not consumed_sn_ids :
consumed_sml_groups = self . env [ ' stock.move.line ' ] . _read_group ( [
( ' lot_id ' , ' in ' , consumed_sn_ids ) ,
( ' quantity ' , ' = ' , 1 ) ,
( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' done ' ) ,
( ' location_dest_id.usage ' , ' = ' , ' production ' ) ,
( ' production_id ' , ' != ' , False ) ,
] , [ ' lot_id ' ] , [ ' quantity:sum ' ] )
consumed_qties = { lot . id : qty for lot , qty in consumed_sml_groups }
problematic_sn_ids = list ( consumed_qties . keys ( ) )
if not problematic_sn_ids :
cancelled_sml_groups = self . env [ ' stock.move.line ' ] . _read_group ( [ # SML that cancels the SN consumption
( ' lot_id ' , ' in ' , problematic_sn_ids ) ,
( ' quantity ' , ' = ' , 1 ) ,
( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' done ' ) ,
( ' location_id.usage ' , ' = ' , ' production ' ) ,
( ' move_id.production_id ' , ' = ' , False ) ,
] , [ ' lot_id ' ] , [ ' quantity:sum ' ] )
cancelled_qties = defaultdict ( float , { lot . id : qty for lot , qty in cancelled_sml_groups } )
for sn_id in problematic_sn_ids :
consumed_qty = consumed_qties [ sn_id ]
cancelled_qty = cancelled_qties [ sn_id ]
if consumed_qty - cancelled_qty > 0 :
raise UserError ( sn_error_msg [ sn_id ] )
def _is_finished_sn_already_produced ( self , lot , excluded_sml = None ) :
if not lot :
return False
excluded_sml = excluded_sml or self . env [ ' stock.move.line ' ]
domain = [
( ' lot_id ' , ' = ' , lot . id ) ,
( ' quantity ' , ' = ' , 1 ) ,
( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' done ' )
co_prod_move_lines = self . move_finished_ids . move_line_ids - excluded_sml
domain_unbuild = domain + [
( ' production_id ' , ' = ' , False ) ,
( ' location_dest_id.usage ' , ' = ' , ' production ' )
# Check presence of same sn in previous productions
duplicates = self . env [ ' stock.move.line ' ] . search_count ( domain + [
( ' location_id.usage ' , ' = ' , ' production ' ) ,
( ' move_id.unbuild_id ' , ' = ' , False )
] )
if duplicates :
# Maybe some move lines have been compensated by unbuild
duplicates_unbuild = self . env [ ' stock.move.line ' ] . search_count ( domain_unbuild + [
( ' move_id.unbuild_id ' , ' != ' , False )
] )
removed = self . env [ ' stock.move.line ' ] . search_count ( [
( ' lot_id ' , ' = ' , lot . id ) ,
( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' done ' ) ,
( ' location_id.scrap_location ' , ' = ' , False ) ,
( ' location_dest_id.scrap_location ' , ' = ' , True ) ,
] )
unremoved = self . env [ ' stock.move.line ' ] . search_count ( [
( ' lot_id ' , ' = ' , lot . id ) ,
( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' done ' ) ,
( ' location_id.scrap_location ' , ' = ' , True ) ,
( ' location_dest_id.scrap_location ' , ' = ' , False ) ,
] )
# Either removed or unbuild
if not ( ( duplicates_unbuild or removed ) and duplicates - duplicates_unbuild - removed + unremoved == 0 ) :
return True
# Check presence of same sn in current production
duplicates = co_prod_move_lines . filtered ( lambda ml : ml . quantity and ml . lot_id == lot )
return bool ( duplicates )
def _pre_action_split_merge_hook ( self , merge = False , split = False ) :
if not merge and not split :
return True
ope_str = merge and _ ( ' merged ' ) or _ ( ' split ' )
if any ( production . state not in ( ' draft ' , ' confirmed ' ) for production in self ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Only manufacturing orders in either a draft or confirmed state can be %s . " , ope_str ) )
if any ( not production . bom_id for production in self ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Only manufacturing orders with a Bill of Materials can be %s . " , ope_str ) )
if split :
return True
if len ( self ) < 2 :
raise UserError ( _ ( " You need at least two production orders to merge them. " ) )
products = set ( [ ( production . product_id , production . bom_id ) for production in self ] )
if len ( products ) > 1 :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' You can only merge manufacturing orders of identical products with same BoM. ' ) )
additional_raw_ids = self . mapped ( " move_raw_ids " ) . filtered ( lambda move : not move . bom_line_id )
additional_byproduct_ids = self . mapped ( ' move_byproduct_ids ' ) . filtered ( lambda move : not move . byproduct_id )
if additional_raw_ids or additional_byproduct_ids :
raise UserError ( _ ( " You can only merge manufacturing orders with no additional components or by-products. " ) )
if len ( set ( self . mapped ( ' state ' ) ) ) > 1 :
raise UserError ( _ ( " You can only merge manufacturing with the same state. " ) )
if len ( set ( self . mapped ( ' picking_type_id ' ) ) ) > 1 :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' You can only merge manufacturing with the same operation type ' ) )
# TODO explode and check no quantity has been edited
return True
def _prepare_merge_orig_links ( self ) :
origs = defaultdict ( dict )
for move in self . move_raw_ids :
if not move . move_orig_ids :
origs [ move . bom_line_id . id ] . setdefault ( ' move_orig_ids ' , set ( ) ) . update ( move . move_orig_ids . ids )
for vals in origs . values ( ) :
if not vals . get ( ' move_orig_ids ' ) :
vals [ ' move_orig_ids ' ] = [ Command . set ( vals [ ' move_orig_ids ' ] ) ]
return origs
def _set_quantities ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
missing_lot_id_products = " "
if self . product_tracking in ( ' lot ' , ' serial ' ) and not self . lot_producing_id :
self . action_generate_serial ( )
if self . product_tracking == ' serial ' and float_compare ( self . qty_producing , 1 , precision_rounding = self . product_uom_id . rounding ) == 1 :
self . qty_producing = 1
else :
self . qty_producing = self . product_qty - self . qty_produced
self . _set_qty_producing ( )
for move in self . move_raw_ids :
if move . state in ( ' done ' , ' cancel ' ) or not move . product_uom_qty :
rounding = move . product_uom . rounding
if move . manual_consumption :
if move . has_tracking in ( ' serial ' , ' lot ' ) and ( not move . picked or any ( not line . lot_id for line in move . move_line_ids if line . quantity and line . picked ) ) :
missing_lot_id_products + = " \n - %s " % move . product_id . display_name
if missing_lot_id_products :
error_msg = _ (
" You need to supply Lot/Serial Number for products and ' consume ' them: %(missing_products)s " ,
missing_products = missing_lot_id_products ,
raise UserError ( error_msg )
def _get_autoprint_done_report_actions ( self ) :
""" Reports to auto-print when MO is marked as done
report_actions = [ ]
productions_to_print = self . filtered ( lambda p : p . picking_type_id . auto_print_done_production_order )
if productions_to_print :
action = self . env . ref ( " mrp.action_report_production_order " ) . report_action ( productions_to_print . ids , config = False )
clean_action ( action , self . env )
report_actions . append ( action )
productions_to_print = self . filtered ( lambda p : p . picking_type_id . auto_print_done_mrp_product_labels )
productions_by_print_formats = productions_to_print . grouped ( lambda p : p . picking_type_id . mrp_product_label_to_print )
for print_format in productions_to_print . picking_type_id . mapped ( ' mrp_product_label_to_print ' ) :
labels_to_print = productions_by_print_formats . get ( print_format )
if print_format == ' pdf ' :
action = self . env . ref ( " mrp.action_report_finished_product " ) . report_action ( labels_to_print . ids , config = False )
clean_action ( action , self . env )
report_actions . append ( action )
elif print_format == ' zpl ' :
action = self . env . ref ( " mrp.label_manufacture_template " ) . report_action ( labels_to_print . ids , config = False )
clean_action ( action , self . env )
report_actions . append ( action )
if self . env . user . has_group ( ' mrp.group_mrp_reception_report ' ) :
reception_reports_to_print = self . filtered (
lambda p : p . picking_type_id . auto_print_mrp_reception_report
and p . picking_type_id . code == ' mrp_operation '
and p . move_finished_ids . move_dest_ids
if reception_reports_to_print :
action = self . env . ref ( ' stock.stock_reception_report_action ' ) . report_action ( reception_reports_to_print , config = False )
action [ ' context ' ] = dict ( { ' default_production_ids ' : reception_reports_to_print . ids } , * * self . env . context )
clean_action ( action , self . env )
report_actions . append ( action )
reception_labels_to_print = self . filtered ( lambda p : p . picking_type_id . auto_print_mrp_reception_report_labels and p . picking_type_id . code == ' mrp_operation ' )
if reception_labels_to_print :
moves_to_print = reception_labels_to_print . move_finished_ids . move_dest_ids
if moves_to_print :
# needs to be string to support python + js calls to report
quantities = ' , ' . join ( str ( qty ) for qty in moves_to_print . mapped ( lambda m : math . ceil ( m . product_uom_qty ) ) )
data = {
' docids ' : moves_to_print . ids ,
' quantity ' : quantities ,
action = self . env . ref ( ' stock.label_picking ' ) . report_action ( moves_to_print , data = data , config = False )
clean_action ( action , self . env )
report_actions . append ( action )
if self . env . user . has_group ( ' stock.group_production_lot ' ) :
productions_to_print = self . filtered ( lambda p : p . picking_type_id . auto_print_done_mrp_lot and p . move_finished_ids . move_line_ids . lot_id )
productions_by_print_formats = productions_to_print . grouped ( lambda p : p . picking_type_id . done_mrp_lot_label_to_print )
for print_format in productions_to_print . picking_type_id . mapped ( ' done_mrp_lot_label_to_print ' ) :
lots_to_print = productions_by_print_formats . get ( print_format )
lots_to_print = lots_to_print . move_finished_ids . move_line_ids . mapped ( ' lot_id ' )
if print_format == ' pdf ' :
action = self . env . ref ( " stock.action_report_lot_label " ) . report_action ( lots_to_print . ids , config = False )
clean_action ( action , self . env )
report_actions . append ( action )
elif print_format == ' zpl ' :
action = self . env . ref ( " stock.label_lot_template " ) . report_action ( lots_to_print . ids , config = False )
clean_action ( action , self . env )
report_actions . append ( action )
return report_actions
def _autoprint_generated_lot ( self , lot_id ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
if self . picking_type_id . generated_mrp_lot_label_to_print == ' pdf ' :
action = self . env . ref ( " stock.action_report_lot_label " ) . report_action ( lot_id . id , config = False )
clean_action ( action , self . env )
return action
elif self . picking_type_id . generated_mrp_lot_label_to_print == ' zpl ' :
action = self . env . ref ( " stock.label_lot_template " ) . report_action ( lot_id . id , config = False )
clean_action ( action , self . env )
return action
def _prepare_finished_extra_vals ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
if self . lot_producing_id :
return { ' lot_id ' : self . lot_producing_id . id }
return { }
def action_open_label_layout ( self ) :
view = self . env . ref ( ' stock.product_label_layout_form_picking ' )
return {
' name ' : _ ( ' Choose Labels Layout ' ) ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' res_model ' : ' product.label.layout ' ,
' views ' : [ ( view . id , ' form ' ) ] ,
' target ' : ' new ' ,
' context ' : {
' default_product_ids ' : self . move_finished_ids . product_id . ids ,
' default_move_ids ' : self . move_finished_ids . ids ,
' default_move_quantity ' : ' move ' } ,
def action_open_label_type ( self ) :
move_line_ids = self . move_finished_ids . mapped ( ' move_line_ids ' )
if self . env . user . has_group ( ' stock.group_production_lot ' ) and move_line_ids . lot_id :
view = self . env . ref ( ' stock.picking_label_type_form ' )
return {
' name ' : _ ( ' Choose Type of Labels To Print ' ) ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' res_model ' : ' picking.label.type ' ,
' views ' : [ ( view . id , ' form ' ) ] ,
' target ' : ' new ' ,
' context ' : { ' default_production_ids ' : self . ids } ,
return self . action_open_label_layout ( )
def action_start ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
if self . state == " confirmed " :
self . state = " progress "
def _track_subtype ( self , init_values ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
if ' state ' in init_values and self . state == ' confirmed ' :
return self . env . ref ( ' mrp.mrp_mo_in_confirmed ' )
elif ' state ' in init_values and self . state == ' progress ' :
return self . env . ref ( ' mrp.mrp_mo_in_progress ' )
elif ' state ' in init_values and self . state == ' to_close ' :
return self . env . ref ( ' mrp.mrp_mo_in_to_close ' )
elif ' state ' in init_values and self . state == ' done ' :
return self . env . ref ( ' mrp.mrp_mo_in_done ' )
elif ' state ' in init_values and self . state == ' cancel ' :
return self . env . ref ( ' mrp.mrp_mo_in_cancelled ' )
return super ( ) . _track_subtype ( init_values )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _default_order_line_values ( self , child_field = False ) :
default_data = super ( ) . _default_order_line_values ( child_field )
new_default_data = self . env [ ' stock.move ' ] . _get_product_catalog_lines_data ( parent_record = self )
return { * * default_data , * * new_default_data }
def _get_product_catalog_order_data ( self , products , * * kwargs ) :
product_catalog = super ( ) . _get_product_catalog_order_data ( products , * * kwargs )
for product in products :
product_catalog [ product . id ] | = self . _get_product_price_and_data ( product )
return product_catalog
def _get_product_price_and_data ( self , product ) :
return { ' price ' : product . standard_price }
def _get_product_catalog_record_lines ( self , product_ids , child_field = False , * * kwargs ) :
if not child_field :
return { }
lines = self [ child_field ] . filtered ( lambda line : line . product_id . id in product_ids )
return lines . grouped ( lambda line : line . product_id )
def _update_order_line_info ( self , product_id , quantity , child_field = False , * * kwargs ) :
if not child_field :
return 0
entity = self [ child_field ] . filtered ( lambda line : line . product_id . id == product_id )
if entity :
if quantity != 0 :
self . _update_catalog_line_quantity ( entity , quantity , * * kwargs )
else :
entity . unlink ( )
elif quantity > 0 :
new_line_vals = self . _get_new_catalog_line_values ( product_id , quantity , * * kwargs )
command = Command . create ( new_line_vals )
self . write ( { child_field : [ command ] } )
new_line = self [ child_field ] . filtered ( lambda mv : mv . product_id . id == product_id ) [ - 1 : ]
self . _update_catalog_line_quantity ( new_line , quantity , * * kwargs )
return self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . browse ( product_id ) . standard_price
def _get_product_catalog_domain ( self ) :
return expression . AND ( [ super ( ) . _get_product_catalog_domain ( ) , [ ( ' id ' , ' != ' , self . product_id . id ) ] ] )
def _update_catalog_line_quantity ( self , line , quantity , * * kwargs ) :
line . product_uom_qty = quantity
def _get_new_catalog_line_values ( self , product_id , quantity , * * kwargs ) :
return {
' product_id ' : product_id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : quantity ,
def _post_run_manufacture ( self , post_production_values ) :
note_subtype_id = self . env [ ' ir.model.data ' ] . _xmlid_to_res_id ( ' mail.mt_note ' )
for production in self :
orderpoint = production . orderpoint_id
origin_production = production . move_dest_ids . raw_material_production_id
if orderpoint and orderpoint . create_uid . id == SUPERUSER_ID and orderpoint . trigger == ' manual ' :
production . message_post (
body = _ ( ' This production order has been created from Replenishment Report. ' ) ,
message_type = ' comment ' ,
subtype_id = note_subtype_id
elif orderpoint :
production . message_post_with_source (
' mail.message_origin_link ' ,
render_values = { ' self ' : production , ' origin ' : orderpoint } ,
subtype_id = note_subtype_id ,
elif origin_production :
production . message_post_with_source (
' mail.message_origin_link ' ,
render_values = { ' self ' : production , ' origin ' : origin_production } ,
subtype_id = note_subtype_id ,
return True
def _resequence_workorders ( self ) :
""" Re-sequence the workorders of a given production """
self . ensure_one ( )
# reorganize the workorders to put the kit operations first
phantom_workorders = self . workorder_ids . filtered ( lambda wo : wo . operation_id . bom_id . type == ' phantom ' )
for index_wo , wo in enumerate ( phantom_workorders ) :
wo . sequence = index_wo
offset = len ( phantom_workorders )
non_phantom_workorders = self . workorder_ids - phantom_workorders
for index_wo , wo in enumerate ( non_phantom_workorders ) :
wo . sequence = index_wo + offset
return True
def _track_get_fields ( self ) :
res = super ( ) . _track_get_fields ( )
if res :
res = OrderedSet ( topological_sort ( self . fields_get ( res , ( ' depends ' ) ) ) )
return res