2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil . relativedelta import relativedelta
from odoo import api , fields , models , SUPERUSER_ID , _
from odoo . osv import expression
from odoo . tools import float_compare , OrderedSet
class StockRule ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = ' stock.rule '
action = fields . Selection ( selection_add = [
( ' manufacture ' , ' Manufacture ' )
] , ondelete = { ' manufacture ' : ' cascade ' } )
def _get_message_dict ( self ) :
message_dict = super ( StockRule , self ) . _get_message_dict ( )
source , destination , direct_destination , operation = self . _get_message_values ( )
manufacture_message = _ ( ' When products are needed in <b> %s </b>, <br/> a manufacturing order is created to fulfill the need. ' , destination )
if self . location_src_id :
manufacture_message + = _ ( ' <br/><br/> The components will be taken from <b> %s </b>. ' , source )
if direct_destination and not self . location_dest_from_rule :
manufacture_message + = _ ( ' <br/><br/> The manufactured products will be moved towards <b> %(destination)s </b>, <br/> as specified from <b> %(operation)s </b> destination. ' , destination = direct_destination , operation = operation )
message_dict [ ' manufacture ' ] = manufacture_message
return message_dict
def _compute_picking_type_code_domain ( self ) :
remaining = self . browse ( )
for rule in self :
if rule . action == ' manufacture ' :
rule . picking_type_code_domain = ' mrp_operation '
else :
remaining | = rule
super ( StockRule , remaining ) . _compute_picking_type_code_domain ( )
def _should_auto_confirm_procurement_mo ( self , p ) :
return ( not p . orderpoint_id and p . move_raw_ids ) or ( p . move_dest_ids . procure_method != ' make_to_order ' and not p . move_raw_ids and not p . workorder_ids )
def _run_manufacture ( self , procurements ) :
new_productions_values_by_company = defaultdict ( lambda : defaultdict ( list ) )
for procurement , rule in procurements :
if float_compare ( procurement . product_qty , 0 , precision_rounding = procurement . product_uom . rounding ) < = 0 :
# If procurement contains negative quantity, don't create a MO that would be for a negative value.
bom = rule . _get_matching_bom ( procurement . product_id , procurement . company_id , procurement . values )
mo = self . env [ ' mrp.production ' ]
if procurement . origin != ' MPS ' :
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domain = rule . _make_mo_get_domain ( procurement , bom )
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mo = self . env [ ' mrp.production ' ] . sudo ( ) . search ( domain , limit = 1 )
if not mo :
procurement_qty = procurement . product_qty
batch_size = procurement . values . get ( ' batch_size ' , procurement_qty )
if batch_size < = 0 :
batch_size = procurement_qty
vals = rule . _prepare_mo_vals ( * procurement , bom )
while float_compare ( procurement_qty , 0 , precision_rounding = procurement . product_uom . rounding ) > 0 :
current_qty = min ( procurement_qty , batch_size )
new_productions_values_by_company [ procurement . company_id . id ] [ ' values ' ] . append ( {
* * vals ,
' product_qty ' : procurement . product_uom . _compute_quantity ( current_qty , bom . product_uom_id ) if bom else current_qty ,
} )
new_productions_values_by_company [ procurement . company_id . id ] [ ' procurements ' ] . append ( procurement )
procurement_qty - = current_qty
else :
self . env [ ' change.production.qty ' ] . sudo ( ) . with_context ( skip_activity = True ) . create ( {
' mo_id ' : mo . id ,
' product_qty ' : mo . product_id . uom_id . _compute_quantity ( ( mo . product_uom_qty + procurement . product_qty ) , mo . product_uom_id )
} ) . change_prod_qty ( )
for company_id in new_productions_values_by_company :
productions_vals_list = new_productions_values_by_company [ company_id ] [ ' values ' ]
# create the MO as SUPERUSER because the current user may not have the rights to do it (mto product launched by a sale for example)
productions = self . env [ ' mrp.production ' ] . with_user ( SUPERUSER_ID ) . sudo ( ) . with_company ( company_id ) . create ( productions_vals_list )
productions . filtered ( self . _should_auto_confirm_procurement_mo ) . action_confirm ( )
productions . _post_run_manufacture ( new_productions_values_by_company [ company_id ] [ ' procurements ' ] )
return True
def _run_pull ( self , procurements ) :
# Override to correctly assign the move generated from the pull
# in its production order (pbm_sam only)
for procurement , rule in procurements :
warehouse_id = rule . warehouse_id
if not warehouse_id :
warehouse_id = rule . location_dest_id . warehouse_id
manu_rule = rule . route_id . rule_ids . filtered ( lambda r : r . action == ' manufacture ' and r . warehouse_id == warehouse_id )
if warehouse_id . manufacture_steps != ' pbm_sam ' or not manu_rule :
if rule . picking_type_id == warehouse_id . sam_type_id or (
warehouse_id . sam_loc_id and warehouse_id . sam_loc_id . parent_path in rule . location_src_id . parent_path
) :
if float_compare ( procurement . product_qty , 0 , precision_rounding = procurement . product_uom . rounding ) < 0 :
procurement . values [ ' group_id ' ] = procurement . values [ ' group_id ' ] . stock_move_ids . filtered (
lambda m : m . state not in [ ' done ' , ' cancel ' ] ) . move_orig_ids . group_id [ : 1 ]
manu_type_id = manu_rule [ 0 ] . picking_type_id
if manu_type_id :
name = manu_type_id . sequence_id . next_by_id ( )
else :
name = self . env [ ' ir.sequence ' ] . next_by_code ( ' mrp.production ' ) or _ ( ' New ' )
# Create now the procurement group that will be assigned to the new MO
# This ensure that the outgoing move PostProduction -> Stock is linked to its MO
# rather than the original record (MO or SO)
group = procurement . values . get ( ' group_id ' )
if group :
procurement . values [ ' group_id ' ] = group . copy ( { ' name ' : name } )
else :
procurement . values [ ' group_id ' ] = self . env [ " procurement.group " ] . create ( { ' name ' : name } )
return super ( ) . _run_pull ( procurements )
def _get_custom_move_fields ( self ) :
fields = super ( StockRule , self ) . _get_custom_move_fields ( )
fields + = [ ' bom_line_id ' ]
return fields
def _get_matching_bom ( self , product_id , company_id , values ) :
if values . get ( ' bom_id ' , False ) :
return values [ ' bom_id ' ]
if values . get ( ' orderpoint_id ' , False ) and values [ ' orderpoint_id ' ] . bom_id :
return values [ ' orderpoint_id ' ] . bom_id
return self . env [ ' mrp.bom ' ] . _bom_find ( product_id , picking_type = self . picking_type_id , bom_type = ' normal ' , company_id = company_id . id ) [ product_id ]
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def _make_mo_get_domain ( self , procurement , bom ) :
gpo = self . group_propagation_option
group = ( gpo == ' fixed ' and self . group_id ) or \
( gpo == ' propagate ' and ' group_id ' in procurement . values and procurement . values [ ' group_id ' ] ) or False
domain = (
( ' bom_id ' , ' = ' , bom . id ) ,
( ' product_id ' , ' = ' , procurement . product_id . id ) ,
( ' state ' , ' in ' , [ ' draft ' , ' confirmed ' ] ) ,
( ' is_planned ' , ' = ' , False ) ,
( ' picking_type_id ' , ' = ' , self . picking_type_id . id ) ,
( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , procurement . company_id . id ) ,
( ' user_id ' , ' = ' , False ) ,
if procurement . values . get ( ' orderpoint_id ' ) :
procurement_date = datetime . combine (
fields . Date . to_date ( procurement . values [ ' date_planned ' ] ) - relativedelta ( days = int ( bom . produce_delay ) ) ,
datetime . max . time ( )
domain + = ( ' | ' ,
' & ' , ( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' draft ' ) , ( ' date_deadline ' , ' <= ' , procurement_date ) ,
' & ' , ( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' confirmed ' ) , ( ' date_start ' , ' <= ' , procurement_date ) )
if group :
domain + = ( ( ' procurement_group_id ' , ' = ' , group . id ) , )
return domain
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def _prepare_mo_vals ( self , product_id , product_qty , product_uom , location_dest_id , name , origin , company_id , values , bom ) :
date_planned = self . _get_date_planned ( bom , values )
date_deadline = values . get ( ' date_deadline ' ) or date_planned + relativedelta ( days = bom . produce_delay )
mo_values = {
' origin ' : origin ,
' product_id ' : product_id . id ,
' product_description_variants ' : values . get ( ' product_description_variants ' ) ,
' never_product_template_attribute_value_ids ' : values . get ( ' never_product_template_attribute_value_ids ' ) ,
' product_qty ' : product_uom . _compute_quantity ( product_qty , bom . product_uom_id ) if bom else product_qty ,
' product_uom_id ' : bom . product_uom_id . id if bom else product_uom . id ,
' location_src_id ' : self . picking_type_id . default_location_src_id . id ,
' location_dest_id ' : self . picking_type_id . default_location_dest_id . id or location_dest_id . id ,
' location_final_id ' : location_dest_id . id ,
' bom_id ' : bom . id ,
' date_deadline ' : date_deadline ,
' date_start ' : date_planned ,
' procurement_group_id ' : False ,
' propagate_cancel ' : self . propagate_cancel ,
' orderpoint_id ' : values . get ( ' orderpoint_id ' , False ) and values . get ( ' orderpoint_id ' ) . id ,
' picking_type_id ' : self . picking_type_id . id or values [ ' warehouse_id ' ] . manu_type_id . id ,
' company_id ' : company_id . id ,
' move_dest_ids ' : values . get ( ' move_dest_ids ' ) and [ ( 4 , x . id ) for x in values [ ' move_dest_ids ' ] ] or False ,
' user_id ' : False ,
# Use the procurement group created in _run_pull mrp override
# Preserve the origin from the original stock move, if available
if location_dest_id . warehouse_id . manufacture_steps == ' pbm_sam ' and values . get ( ' move_dest_ids ' ) and values . get ( ' group_id ' ) and values [ ' move_dest_ids ' ] [ 0 ] . origin != values [ ' group_id ' ] . name :
origin = values [ ' move_dest_ids ' ] [ 0 ] . origin
mo_values . update ( {
' name ' : values [ ' group_id ' ] . name ,
' procurement_group_id ' : values [ ' group_id ' ] . id ,
' origin ' : origin ,
} )
if self . location_dest_from_rule :
mo_values [ ' location_dest_id ' ] = self . location_dest_id . id
return mo_values
def _get_date_planned ( self , bom_id , values ) :
format_date_planned = fields . Datetime . from_string ( values [ ' date_planned ' ] )
date_planned = format_date_planned - relativedelta ( days = bom_id . produce_delay )
if date_planned == format_date_planned :
date_planned = date_planned - relativedelta ( hours = 1 )
return date_planned
def _get_lead_days ( self , product , * * values ) :
""" Add the product and company manufacture delay to the cumulative delay
and cumulative description .
delays , delay_description = super ( ) . _get_lead_days ( product , * * values )
bypass_delay_description = self . env . context . get ( ' bypass_delay_description ' )
manufacture_rule = self . filtered ( lambda r : r . action == ' manufacture ' )
if not manufacture_rule :
return delays , delay_description
manufacture_rule . ensure_one ( )
bom = values . get ( ' bom ' ) or self . env [ ' mrp.bom ' ] . _bom_find ( product , picking_type = manufacture_rule . picking_type_id , company_id = manufacture_rule . company_id . id ) [ product ]
manufacture_delay = bom . produce_delay
delays [ ' total_delay ' ] + = manufacture_delay
delays [ ' manufacture_delay ' ] + = manufacture_delay
if not bypass_delay_description :
delay_description . append ( ( _ ( ' Manufacturing Lead Time ' ) , _ ( ' + %d day(s) ' , manufacture_delay ) ) )
if bom . type == ' normal ' :
# pre-production rules
warehouse = self . location_dest_id . warehouse_id
for wh in warehouse :
if wh . manufacture_steps != ' mrp_one_step ' :
wh_manufacture_rules = product . _get_rules_from_location ( product . property_stock_production , route_ids = wh . pbm_route_id )
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extra_delays , extra_delay_description = ( wh_manufacture_rules - self ) . with_context ( global_visibility_days = 0 ) . _get_lead_days ( product , * * values )
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for key , value in extra_delays . items ( ) :
delays [ key ] + = value
delay_description + = extra_delay_description
# manufacturing security lead time
for comp in self . picking_type_id . company_id :
security_delay = comp . manufacturing_lead
delays [ ' total_delay ' ] + = security_delay
delays [ ' security_lead_days ' ] + = security_delay
if not bypass_delay_description :
delay_description . append ( ( _ ( ' Manufacture Security Lead Time ' ) , _ ( ' + %d day(s) ' , security_delay ) ) )
days_to_order = values . get ( ' days_to_order ' , bom . days_to_prepare_mo )
delays [ ' total_delay ' ] + = days_to_order
if not bypass_delay_description :
delay_description . append ( ( _ ( ' Days to Supply Components ' ) , _ ( ' + %d day(s) ' , days_to_order ) ) )
return delays , delay_description
def _push_prepare_move_copy_values ( self , move_to_copy , new_date ) :
new_move_vals = super ( StockRule , self ) . _push_prepare_move_copy_values ( move_to_copy , new_date )
new_move_vals [ ' production_id ' ] = False
return new_move_vals
class ProcurementGroup ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = ' procurement.group '
mrp_production_ids = fields . One2many ( ' mrp.production ' , ' procurement_group_id ' )
def run ( self , procurements , raise_user_error = True ) :
""" If ' run ' is called on a kit, this override is made in order to call
the original ' run ' method with the values of the components of that kit .
procurements_without_kit = [ ]
product_by_company = defaultdict ( OrderedSet )
for procurement in procurements :
product_by_company [ procurement . company_id ] . add ( procurement . product_id . id )
kits_by_company = {
company : self . env [ ' mrp.bom ' ] . _bom_find ( self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . browse ( product_ids ) , company_id = company . id , bom_type = ' phantom ' )
for company , product_ids in product_by_company . items ( )
for procurement in procurements :
bom_kit = kits_by_company [ procurement . company_id ] . get ( procurement . product_id )
if bom_kit :
order_qty = procurement . product_uom . _compute_quantity ( procurement . product_qty , bom_kit . product_uom_id , round = False )
qty_to_produce = ( order_qty / bom_kit . product_qty )
_dummy , bom_sub_lines = bom_kit . explode ( procurement . product_id , qty_to_produce , never_attribute_values = procurement . values . get ( " never_product_template_attribute_value_ids " ) )
for bom_line , bom_line_data in bom_sub_lines :
bom_line_uom = bom_line . product_uom_id
quant_uom = bom_line . product_id . uom_id
# recreate dict of values since each child has its own bom_line_id
values = dict ( procurement . values , bom_line_id = bom_line . id )
component_qty , procurement_uom = bom_line_uom . _adjust_uom_quantities ( bom_line_data [ ' qty ' ] , quant_uom )
procurements_without_kit . append ( self . env [ ' procurement.group ' ] . Procurement (
bom_line . product_id , component_qty , procurement_uom ,
procurement . location_id , procurement . name ,
procurement . origin , procurement . company_id , values ) )
else :
procurements_without_kit . append ( procurement )
return super ( ProcurementGroup , self ) . run ( procurements_without_kit , raise_user_error = raise_user_error )
def _get_moves_to_assign_domain ( self , company_id ) :
domain = super ( ProcurementGroup , self ) . _get_moves_to_assign_domain ( company_id )
domain = expression . AND ( [ domain , [ ( ' production_id ' , ' = ' , False ) ] ] )
return domain