2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import re
from operator import itemgetter
from odoo import api , fields , models , tools , _
from odoo . exceptions import ValidationError
from odoo . osv import expression
from odoo . tools import float_compare , format_list , groupby
from odoo . tools . image import is_image_size_above
from odoo . tools . misc import unique
class ProductProduct ( models . Model ) :
_name = " product.product "
_description = " Product Variant "
_inherits = { ' product.template ' : ' product_tmpl_id ' }
_inherit = [ ' mail.thread ' , ' mail.activity.mixin ' ]
_order = ' is_favorite desc, default_code, name, id '
_check_company_domain = models . check_company_domain_parent_of
# price_extra: catalog extra value only, sum of variant extra attributes
price_extra = fields . Float (
' Variant Price Extra ' , compute = ' _compute_product_price_extra ' ,
digits = ' Product Price ' ,
help = " This is the sum of the extra price of all attributes " )
# lst_price: catalog value + extra, context dependent (uom)
lst_price = fields . Float (
' Sales Price ' , compute = ' _compute_product_lst_price ' ,
digits = ' Product Price ' , inverse = ' _set_product_lst_price ' ,
help = " The sale price is managed from the product template. Click on the ' Configure Variants ' button to set the extra attribute prices. " )
default_code = fields . Char ( ' Internal Reference ' , index = True )
code = fields . Char ( ' Reference ' , compute = ' _compute_product_code ' )
partner_ref = fields . Char ( ' Customer Ref ' , compute = ' _compute_partner_ref ' )
active = fields . Boolean (
' Active ' , default = True ,
help = " If unchecked, it will allow you to hide the product without removing it. " )
product_tmpl_id = fields . Many2one (
' product.template ' , ' Product Template ' ,
auto_join = True , index = True , ondelete = " cascade " , required = True )
barcode = fields . Char (
' Barcode ' , copy = False , index = ' btree_not_null ' ,
help = " International Article Number used for product identification. " )
product_template_attribute_value_ids = fields . Many2many ( ' product.template.attribute.value ' , relation = ' product_variant_combination ' , string = " Attribute Values " , ondelete = ' restrict ' )
product_template_variant_value_ids = fields . Many2many ( ' product.template.attribute.value ' , relation = ' product_variant_combination ' ,
domain = [ ( ' attribute_line_id.value_count ' , ' > ' , 1 ) ] , string = " Variant Values " , ondelete = ' restrict ' )
combination_indices = fields . Char ( compute = ' _compute_combination_indices ' , store = True , index = True )
is_product_variant = fields . Boolean ( compute = ' _compute_is_product_variant ' )
standard_price = fields . Float (
' Cost ' , company_dependent = True ,
digits = ' Product Price ' ,
groups = " base.group_user " ,
help = """ Value of the product (automatically computed in AVCO).
Used to value the product when the purchase cost is not known ( e . g . inventory adjustment ) .
Used to compute margins on sale orders . """ )
volume = fields . Float ( ' Volume ' , digits = ' Volume ' )
weight = fields . Float ( ' Weight ' , digits = ' Stock Weight ' )
pricelist_item_count = fields . Integer ( " Number of price rules " , compute = " _compute_variant_item_count " )
product_document_ids = fields . One2many (
string = " Documents " ,
comodel_name = ' product.document ' ,
inverse_name = ' res_id ' ,
domain = lambda self : [ ( ' res_model ' , ' = ' , self . _name ) ] )
product_document_count = fields . Integer (
string = " Documents Count " , compute = ' _compute_product_document_count ' )
packaging_ids = fields . One2many (
' product.packaging ' , ' product_id ' , ' Product Packages ' ,
help = " Gives the different ways to package the same product. " )
additional_product_tag_ids = fields . Many2many (
string = " Variant Tags " ,
comodel_name = ' product.tag ' ,
relation = ' product_tag_product_product_rel ' ,
domain = " [( ' id ' , ' not in ' , product_tag_ids)] " ,
all_product_tag_ids = fields . Many2many ( ' product.tag ' , compute = ' _compute_all_product_tag_ids ' , search = ' _search_all_product_tag_ids ' )
# all image fields are base64 encoded and PIL-supported
# all image_variant fields are technical and should not be displayed to the user
image_variant_1920 = fields . Image ( " Variant Image " , max_width = 1920 , max_height = 1920 )
# resized fields stored (as attachment) for performance
image_variant_1024 = fields . Image ( " Variant Image 1024 " , related = " image_variant_1920 " , max_width = 1024 , max_height = 1024 , store = True )
image_variant_512 = fields . Image ( " Variant Image 512 " , related = " image_variant_1920 " , max_width = 512 , max_height = 512 , store = True )
image_variant_256 = fields . Image ( " Variant Image 256 " , related = " image_variant_1920 " , max_width = 256 , max_height = 256 , store = True )
image_variant_128 = fields . Image ( " Variant Image 128 " , related = " image_variant_1920 " , max_width = 128 , max_height = 128 , store = True )
can_image_variant_1024_be_zoomed = fields . Boolean ( " Can Variant Image 1024 be zoomed " , compute = ' _compute_can_image_variant_1024_be_zoomed ' , store = True )
# Computed fields that are used to create a fallback to the template if
# necessary, it's recommended to display those fields to the user.
image_1920 = fields . Image ( " Image " , compute = ' _compute_image_1920 ' , inverse = ' _set_image_1920 ' )
image_1024 = fields . Image ( " Image 1024 " , compute = ' _compute_image_1024 ' )
image_512 = fields . Image ( " Image 512 " , compute = ' _compute_image_512 ' )
image_256 = fields . Image ( " Image 256 " , compute = ' _compute_image_256 ' )
image_128 = fields . Image ( " Image 128 " , compute = ' _compute_image_128 ' )
can_image_1024_be_zoomed = fields . Boolean ( " Can Image 1024 be zoomed " , compute = ' _compute_can_image_1024_be_zoomed ' )
write_date = fields . Datetime ( compute = ' _compute_write_date ' , store = True )
@api.depends ( ' image_variant_1920 ' , ' image_variant_1024 ' )
def _compute_can_image_variant_1024_be_zoomed ( self ) :
for record in self :
record . can_image_variant_1024_be_zoomed = record . image_variant_1920 and is_image_size_above ( record . image_variant_1920 , record . image_variant_1024 )
def _set_template_field ( self , template_field , variant_field ) :
for record in self :
if (
# We are trying to remove a field from the variant even though it is already
# not set on the variant, remove it from the template instead.
( not record [ template_field ] and not record [ variant_field ] )
# We are trying to add a field to the variant, but the template field is
# not set, write on the template instead.
or ( record [ template_field ] and not record . product_tmpl_id [ template_field ] )
# There is only one variant, always write on the template.
or self . search_count ( [
( ' product_tmpl_id ' , ' = ' , record . product_tmpl_id . id ) ,
( ' active ' , ' = ' , True ) ,
] ) < = 1
) :
record [ variant_field ] = False
record . product_tmpl_id [ template_field ] = record [ template_field ]
else :
record [ variant_field ] = record [ template_field ]
@api.depends ( " product_tmpl_id.write_date " )
def _compute_write_date ( self ) :
First , the purpose of this computation is to update a product ' s
write_date whenever its template ' s write_date is updated. Indeed,
when a template ' s image is modified, updating its products '
write_date will invalidate the browser ' s cache for the products '
image , which may be the same as the template ' s. This guarantees UI
consistency .
Second , the field ' write_date ' is automatically updated by the
framework when the product is modified . The recomputation of the
field supplements that behavior to keep the product ' s write_date
up - to - date with its template ' s write_date.
Third , the framework normally prevents us from updating write_date
because it is a " magic " field . However , the assignment inside the
compute method is not subject to this restriction . It therefore
works as intended : - )
for record in self :
record . write_date = max ( record . write_date or self . env . cr . now ( ) , record . product_tmpl_id . write_date )
def _compute_image_1920 ( self ) :
""" Get the image from the template if no image is set on the variant. """
for record in self :
record . image_1920 = record . image_variant_1920 or record . product_tmpl_id . image_1920
def _set_image_1920 ( self ) :
return self . _set_template_field ( ' image_1920 ' , ' image_variant_1920 ' )
def _compute_image_1024 ( self ) :
""" Get the image from the template if no image is set on the variant. """
for record in self :
record . image_1024 = record . image_variant_1024 or record . product_tmpl_id . image_1024
def _compute_image_512 ( self ) :
""" Get the image from the template if no image is set on the variant. """
for record in self :
record . image_512 = record . image_variant_512 or record . product_tmpl_id . image_512
def _compute_image_256 ( self ) :
""" Get the image from the template if no image is set on the variant. """
for record in self :
record . image_256 = record . image_variant_256 or record . product_tmpl_id . image_256
def _compute_image_128 ( self ) :
""" Get the image from the template if no image is set on the variant. """
for record in self :
record . image_128 = record . image_variant_128 or record . product_tmpl_id . image_128
def _compute_can_image_1024_be_zoomed ( self ) :
""" Get the image from the template if no image is set on the variant. """
for record in self :
record . can_image_1024_be_zoomed = record . can_image_variant_1024_be_zoomed if record . image_variant_1920 else record . product_tmpl_id . can_image_1024_be_zoomed
def _get_placeholder_filename ( self , field ) :
image_fields = [ ' image_ %s ' % size for size in [ 1920 , 1024 , 512 , 256 , 128 ] ]
if field in image_fields :
return ' product/static/img/placeholder_thumbnail.png '
return super ( ) . _get_placeholder_filename ( field )
def init ( self ) :
""" Ensure there is at most one active variant for each combination.
There could be no variant for a combination if using dynamic attributes .
self . env . cr . execute ( " CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS product_product_combination_unique ON %s (product_tmpl_id, combination_indices) WHERE active is true "
% self . _table )
def _get_barcodes_by_company ( self ) :
return [
( company_id , [ p . barcode for p in products if p . barcode ] )
for company_id , products in groupby ( self , lambda p : p . company_id . id )
def _get_barcode_search_domain ( self , barcodes_within_company , company_id ) :
domain = [ ( ' barcode ' , ' in ' , barcodes_within_company ) ]
if company_id :
domain . append ( ( ' company_id ' , ' in ' , ( False , company_id ) ) )
return domain
def _check_duplicated_product_barcodes ( self , barcodes_within_company , company_id ) :
domain = self . _get_barcode_search_domain ( barcodes_within_company , company_id )
products_by_barcode = self . sudo ( ) . read_group ( domain , [ ' barcode ' , ' id:array_agg ' ] , [ ' barcode ' ] )
duplicates_as_str = " \n " . join (
_ (
" - Barcode \" %(barcode)s \" already assigned to product(s): %(product_list)s " ,
barcode = record [ ' barcode ' ] , product_list = format_list ( self . env , [ p . display_name for p in self . search ( [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , record [ ' id ' ] ) ] ) ] ) ,
for record in products_by_barcode if len ( record [ ' id ' ] ) > 1
if duplicates_as_str . strip ( ) :
duplicates_as_str + = _ (
" \n \n Note: products that you don ' t have access to will not be shown above. "
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " Barcode(s) already assigned: \n \n %s " , duplicates_as_str ) )
def _check_duplicated_packaging_barcodes ( self , barcodes_within_company , company_id ) :
packaging_domain = self . _get_barcode_search_domain ( barcodes_within_company , company_id )
if self . env [ ' product.packaging ' ] . sudo ( ) . search_count ( packaging_domain , limit = 1 ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " A packaging already uses the barcode " ) )
@api.constrains ( ' barcode ' )
def _check_barcode_uniqueness ( self ) :
""" With GS1 nomenclature, products and packagings use the same pattern. Therefore, we need
to ensure the uniqueness between products ' barcodes and packagings ' ones """
# Barcodes should only be unique within a company
for company_id , barcodes_within_company in self . _get_barcodes_by_company ( ) :
self . _check_duplicated_product_barcodes ( barcodes_within_company , company_id )
self . _check_duplicated_packaging_barcodes ( barcodes_within_company , company_id )
@api.constrains ( ' company_id ' )
def _check_company_id ( self ) :
combo_items = self . env [ ' product.combo.item ' ] . sudo ( ) . search ( [ ( ' product_id ' , ' in ' , self . ids ) ] )
combo_items . _check_company ( fnames = [ ' product_id ' ] )
def _get_invoice_policy ( self ) :
return False
@api.depends ( ' product_template_attribute_value_ids ' )
def _compute_combination_indices ( self ) :
for product in self :
product . combination_indices = product . product_template_attribute_value_ids . _ids2str ( )
def _compute_is_product_variant ( self ) :
self . is_product_variant = True
@api.onchange ( ' lst_price ' )
def _set_product_lst_price ( self ) :
for product in self :
if self . _context . get ( ' uom ' ) :
value = self . env [ ' uom.uom ' ] . browse ( self . _context [ ' uom ' ] ) . _compute_price ( product . lst_price , product . uom_id )
else :
value = product . lst_price
value - = product . price_extra
product . write ( { ' list_price ' : value } )
@api.depends ( " product_template_attribute_value_ids.price_extra " )
def _compute_product_price_extra ( self ) :
for product in self :
product . price_extra = sum ( product . product_template_attribute_value_ids . mapped ( ' price_extra ' ) )
@api.depends ( ' list_price ' , ' price_extra ' )
@api.depends_context ( ' uom ' )
def _compute_product_lst_price ( self ) :
to_uom = None
if ' uom ' in self . _context :
to_uom = self . env [ ' uom.uom ' ] . browse ( self . _context [ ' uom ' ] )
for product in self :
if to_uom :
list_price = product . uom_id . _compute_price ( product . list_price , to_uom )
else :
list_price = product . list_price
product . lst_price = list_price + product . price_extra
@api.depends_context ( ' partner_id ' )
def _compute_product_code ( self ) :
for product in self :
product . code = product . default_code
if self . env [ ' ir.model.access ' ] . check ( ' product.supplierinfo ' , ' read ' , False ) :
for supplier_info in product . seller_ids :
if supplier_info . partner_id . id == product . _context . get ( ' partner_id ' ) :
product . code = supplier_info . product_code or product . default_code
@api.depends_context ( ' partner_id ' )
def _compute_partner_ref ( self ) :
for product in self :
for supplier_info in product . seller_ids :
if supplier_info . partner_id . id == product . _context . get ( ' partner_id ' ) :
product_name = supplier_info . product_name or product . default_code or product . name
product . partner_ref = ' %s %s ' % ( product . code and ' [ %s ] ' % product . code or ' ' , product_name )
else :
product . partner_ref = product . display_name
def _compute_variant_item_count ( self ) :
for product in self :
domain = [
( ' pricelist_id.active ' , ' = ' , True ) ,
' | ' ,
' & ' , ( ' product_tmpl_id ' , ' = ' , product . product_tmpl_id . id ) , ( ' applied_on ' , ' = ' , ' 1_product ' ) ,
' & ' , ( ' product_id ' , ' = ' , product . id ) , ( ' applied_on ' , ' = ' , ' 0_product_variant ' ) ,
( ' compute_price ' , ' = ' , ' fixed ' ) ,
product . pricelist_item_count = self . env [ ' product.pricelist.item ' ] . search_count ( domain )
def _compute_product_document_count ( self ) :
for product in self :
product . product_document_count = product . env [ ' product.document ' ] . search_count ( [
( ' res_model ' , ' = ' , ' product.product ' ) ,
( ' res_id ' , ' = ' , product . id ) ,
] )
@api.depends ( ' product_tag_ids ' , ' additional_product_tag_ids ' )
def _compute_all_product_tag_ids ( self ) :
for product in self :
product . all_product_tag_ids = (
product . product_tag_ids | product . additional_product_tag_ids
) . sorted ( ' sequence ' )
def _search_all_product_tag_ids ( self , operator , operand ) :
if operator in expression . NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS :
return [ ( ' product_tag_ids ' , operator , operand ) , ( ' additional_product_tag_ids ' , operator , operand ) ]
return [ ' | ' , ( ' product_tag_ids ' , operator , operand ) , ( ' additional_product_tag_ids ' , operator , operand ) ]
@api.onchange ( ' uom_id ' )
def _onchange_uom_id ( self ) :
if self . uom_id :
self . uom_po_id = self . uom_id . id
@api.onchange ( ' uom_po_id ' )
def _onchange_uom ( self ) :
if self . uom_id and self . uom_po_id and self . uom_id . category_id != self . uom_po_id . category_id :
self . uom_po_id = self . uom_id
@api.onchange ( ' default_code ' )
def _onchange_default_code ( self ) :
if not self . default_code :
domain = [ ( ' default_code ' , ' = ' , self . default_code ) ]
if self . id . origin :
domain . append ( ( ' id ' , ' != ' , self . id . origin ) )
if self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . search_count ( domain , limit = 1 ) :
return { ' warning ' : {
' title ' : _ ( " Note: " ) ,
' message ' : _ ( " The Reference ' %s ' already exists. " , self . default_code ) ,
} }
def create ( self , vals_list ) :
products = super ( ProductProduct , self . with_context ( create_product_product = False ) ) . create ( vals_list )
# `_get_variant_id_for_combination` depends on existing variants
self . env . registry . clear_cache ( )
return products
def write ( self , values ) :
res = super ( ProductProduct , self ) . write ( values )
if ' product_template_attribute_value_ids ' in values :
# `_get_variant_id_for_combination` depends on `product_template_attribute_value_ids`
self . env . registry . clear_cache ( )
elif ' active ' in values :
# `_get_first_possible_variant_id` depends on variants active state
self . env . registry . clear_cache ( )
return res
def unlink ( self ) :
unlink_products_ids = set ( )
unlink_templates_ids = set ( )
# Check if products still exists, in case they've been unlinked by unlinking their template
existing_products = self . exists ( )
product_ids_by_template_id = { template . id : set ( ids ) for template , ids in self . _read_group (
domain = [ ( ' product_tmpl_id ' , ' in ' , existing_products . product_tmpl_id . ids ) ] ,
groupby = [ ' product_tmpl_id ' ] ,
aggregates = [ ' id:array_agg ' ] ,
) }
for product in existing_products :
# If there is an image set on the variant and no image set on the
# template, move the image to the template.
if product . image_variant_1920 and not product . product_tmpl_id . image_1920 :
product . product_tmpl_id . image_1920 = product . image_variant_1920
# Check if the product is last product of this template...
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
has_other_products = product_ids_by_template_id . get ( product . product_tmpl_id . id , set ( ) ) - { product . id }
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# ... and do not delete product template if it's configured to be created "on demand"
if not has_other_products and not product . product_tmpl_id . has_dynamic_attributes ( ) :
unlink_templates_ids . add ( product . product_tmpl_id . id )
unlink_products_ids . add ( product . id )
unlink_products = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . browse ( unlink_products_ids )
res = super ( ProductProduct , unlink_products ) . unlink ( )
# delete templates after calling super, as deleting template could lead to deleting
# products due to ondelete='cascade'
unlink_templates = self . env [ ' product.template ' ] . browse ( unlink_templates_ids )
unlink_templates . unlink ( )
# `_get_variant_id_for_combination` depends on existing variants
self . env . registry . clear_cache ( )
return res
def _filter_to_unlink ( self , check_access = True ) :
return self
def _unlink_or_archive ( self , check_access = True ) :
""" Unlink or archive products.
Try in batch as much as possible because it is much faster .
Use dichotomy when an exception occurs .
# Avoid access errors in case the products is shared amongst companies
# but the underlying objects are not. If unlink fails because of an
# AccessError (e.g. while recomputing fields), the 'write' call will
# fail as well for the same reason since the field has been set to
# recompute.
if check_access :
self . check_access ( ' unlink ' )
self . check_access ( ' write ' )
self = self . sudo ( )
to_unlink = self . _filter_to_unlink ( )
to_archive = self - to_unlink
to_archive . write ( { ' active ' : False } )
self = to_unlink
try :
with self . env . cr . savepoint ( ) , tools . mute_logger ( ' odoo.sql_db ' ) :
self . unlink ( )
except Exception :
# We catch all kind of exceptions to be sure that the operation
# doesn't fail.
if len ( self ) > 1 :
self [ : len ( self ) / / 2 ] . _unlink_or_archive ( check_access = False )
self [ len ( self ) / / 2 : ] . _unlink_or_archive ( check_access = False )
else :
if self . active :
# Note: this can still fail if something is preventing
# from archiving.
# This is the case from existing stock reordering rules.
self . write ( { ' active ' : False } )
def copy ( self , default = None ) :
""" Variants are generated depending on the configuration of attributes
and values on the template , so copying them does not make sense .
For convenience the template is copied instead and its first variant is
returned .
# copy variant is disabled in https://github.com/odoo/odoo/pull/38303
# this returns the first possible combination of variant to make it
# works for now, need to be fixed to return product_variant_id if it's
# possible in the future
# Use tmp recordset in case we copy several variants from the same template
templates = [ product . product_tmpl_id for product in self ]
templates_to_copy = self . env [ ' product.template ' ] . concat ( * templates )
new_templates = templates_to_copy . copy ( default = default )
new_products = self . env [ ' product.product ' ]
for new_template in new_templates :
new_products + = new_template . product_variant_id or new_template . _create_first_product_variant ( )
return new_products
def _search ( self , domain , offset = 0 , limit = None , order = None ) :
# TDE FIXME: strange
if self . _context . get ( ' search_default_categ_id ' ) :
domain = domain . copy ( )
domain . append ( ( ( ' categ_id ' , ' child_of ' , self . _context [ ' search_default_categ_id ' ] ) ) )
return super ( ) . _search ( domain , offset , limit , order )
@api.depends ( ' name ' , ' default_code ' , ' product_tmpl_id ' )
@api.depends_context ( ' display_default_code ' , ' seller_id ' , ' company_id ' , ' partner_id ' )
def _compute_display_name ( self ) :
def get_display_name ( name , code ) :
if self . _context . get ( ' display_default_code ' , True ) and code :
return f ' [ { code } ] { name } '
return name
partner_id = self . _context . get ( ' partner_id ' )
if partner_id :
partner_ids = [ partner_id , self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . browse ( partner_id ) . commercial_partner_id . id ]
else :
partner_ids = [ ]
company_id = self . env . context . get ( ' company_id ' )
# all user don't have access to seller and partner
# check access and use superuser
self . check_access ( " read " )
product_template_ids = self . sudo ( ) . product_tmpl_id . ids
if partner_ids :
# prefetch the fields used by the `display_name`
supplier_info = self . env [ ' product.supplierinfo ' ] . sudo ( ) . search_fetch (
[ ( ' product_tmpl_id ' , ' in ' , product_template_ids ) , ( ' partner_id ' , ' in ' , partner_ids ) ] ,
[ ' product_tmpl_id ' , ' product_id ' , ' company_id ' , ' product_name ' , ' product_code ' ] ,
supplier_info_by_template = { }
for r in supplier_info :
supplier_info_by_template . setdefault ( r . product_tmpl_id , [ ] ) . append ( r )
for product in self . sudo ( ) :
variant = product . product_template_attribute_value_ids . _get_combination_name ( )
name = variant and " %s ( %s ) " % ( product . name , variant ) or product . name
sellers = self . env [ ' product.supplierinfo ' ] . sudo ( ) . browse ( self . env . context . get ( ' seller_id ' ) ) or [ ]
if not sellers and partner_ids :
product_supplier_info = supplier_info_by_template . get ( product . product_tmpl_id , [ ] )
sellers = [ x for x in product_supplier_info if x . product_id and x . product_id == product ]
if not sellers :
sellers = [ x for x in product_supplier_info if not x . product_id ]
# Filter out sellers based on the company. This is done afterwards for a better
# code readability. At this point, only a few sellers should remain, so it should
# not be a performance issue.
if company_id :
sellers = [ x for x in sellers if x . company_id . id in [ company_id , False ] ]
if sellers :
temp = [ ]
for s in sellers :
seller_variant = s . product_name and (
variant and " %s ( %s ) " % ( s . product_name , variant ) or s . product_name
) or False
temp . append ( get_display_name ( seller_variant or name , s . product_code or product . default_code ) )
# => Feature drop here, one record can only have one display_name now, instead separate with `,`
# Remove this comment
product . display_name = " , " . join ( unique ( temp ) )
else :
product . display_name = get_display_name ( name , product . default_code )
def _search_display_name ( self , operator , value ) :
is_positive = operator not in expression . NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS
combine = expression . OR if is_positive else expression . AND
domains = [
[ ( ' name ' , operator , value ) ] ,
[ ( ' default_code ' , operator , value ) ] ,
if operator in ( ' = ' , ' in ' ) or ( operator . endswith ( ' like ' ) and is_positive ) :
barcode_values = [ value ] if operator != ' in ' else value
domains . append ( [ ( ' barcode ' , ' in ' , barcode_values ) ] )
if operator == ' = ' and isinstance ( value , str ) and ( m := re . search ( r ' ( \ [(.*?) \ ]) ' , value ) ) :
domains . append ( [ ( ' default_code ' , ' = ' , m . group ( 2 ) ) ] )
if partner_id := self . env . context . get ( ' partner_id ' ) :
supplier_domain = [
( ' partner_id ' , ' = ' , partner_id ) ,
' | ' ,
( ' product_code ' , operator , value ) ,
( ' product_name ' , operator , value ) ,
domains . append ( [ ( ' product_tmpl_id.seller_ids ' , ' any ' , supplier_domain ) ] )
return combine ( domains )
def name_search ( self , name = ' ' , args = None , operator = ' ilike ' , limit = 100 ) :
if not name :
return super ( ) . name_search ( name , args , operator , limit )
# search progressively by the most specific attributes
positive_operators = [ ' = ' , ' ilike ' , ' =ilike ' , ' like ' , ' =like ' ]
is_positive = operator not in expression . NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS
products = self . browse ( )
domain = args or [ ]
if operator in positive_operators :
products = self . search_fetch ( expression . AND ( [ domain , [ ( ' default_code ' , ' = ' , name ) ] ] ) , [ ' display_name ' ] , limit = limit ) \
or self . search_fetch ( expression . AND ( [ domain , [ ( ' barcode ' , ' = ' , name ) ] ] ) , [ ' display_name ' ] , limit = limit )
if not products :
if is_positive :
# Do not merge the 2 next lines into one single search, SQL search performance would be abysmal
# on a database with thousands of matching products, due to the huge merge+unique needed for the
# OR operator (and given the fact that the 'name' lookup results come from the ir.translation table
# Performing a quick memory merge of ids in Python will give much better performance
products = self . search_fetch ( expression . AND ( [ domain , [ ( ' default_code ' , operator , name ) ] ] ) , [ ' display_name ' ] , limit = limit )
limit_rest = limit and limit - len ( products )
if limit_rest is None or limit_rest > 0 :
products | = self . search_fetch ( expression . AND ( [ domain , [ ( ' id ' , ' not in ' , products . ids ) ] , [ ( ' name ' , operator , name ) ] ] ) , [ ' display_name ' ] , limit = limit_rest )
else :
domain_neg = [
( ' name ' , operator , name ) ,
' | ' , ( ' default_code ' , operator , name ) , ( ' default_code ' , ' = ' , False ) ,
products = self . search_fetch ( expression . AND ( [ domain , domain_neg ] ) , [ ' display_name ' ] , limit = limit )
if not products and operator in positive_operators and ( m := re . search ( r ' ( \ [(.*?) \ ]) ' , name ) ) :
match_domain = [ ( ' default_code ' , ' = ' , m . group ( 2 ) ) ]
products = self . search_fetch ( expression . AND ( [ domain , match_domain ] ) , [ ' display_name ' ] , limit = limit )
if not products and ( partner_id := self . env . context . get ( ' partner_id ' ) ) :
# still no results, partner in context: search on supplier info as last hope to find something
supplier_domain = [
( ' partner_id ' , ' = ' , partner_id ) ,
' | ' ,
( ' product_code ' , operator , name ) ,
( ' product_name ' , operator , name ) ,
match_domain = [ ( ' product_tmpl_id.seller_ids ' , ' any ' , supplier_domain ) ]
products = self . search_fetch ( expression . AND ( [ domain , match_domain ] ) , [ ' display_name ' ] , limit = limit )
return [ ( product . id , product . display_name ) for product in products . sudo ( ) ]
def view_header_get ( self , view_id , view_type ) :
if self . _context . get ( ' categ_id ' ) :
return _ (
' Products: %(category)s ' ,
category = self . env [ ' product.category ' ] . browse ( self . env . context [ ' categ_id ' ] ) . name ,
return super ( ) . view_header_get ( view_id , view_type )
def action_open_label_layout ( self ) :
action = self . env [ ' ir.actions.act_window ' ] . _for_xml_id ( ' product.action_open_label_layout ' )
action [ ' context ' ] = { ' default_product_ids ' : self . ids }
return action
def open_pricelist_rules ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
domain = [ ' | ' ,
' & ' , ( ' product_tmpl_id ' , ' = ' , self . product_tmpl_id . id ) , ( ' applied_on ' , ' = ' , ' 1_product ' ) ,
' & ' , ( ' product_id ' , ' = ' , self . id ) , ( ' applied_on ' , ' = ' , ' 0_product_variant ' ) ,
( ' compute_price ' , ' = ' , ' fixed ' ) ,
return {
' name ' : _ ( ' Price Rules ' ) ,
' view_mode ' : ' list,form ' ,
' views ' : [ ( self . env . ref ( ' product.product_pricelist_item_tree_view_from_product ' ) . id , ' list ' ) ] ,
' res_model ' : ' product.pricelist.item ' ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' target ' : ' current ' ,
' domain ' : domain ,
' context ' : {
' default_product_id ' : self . id ,
' default_applied_on ' : ' 0_product_variant ' ,
' search_default_visible ' : True ,
def open_product_template ( self ) :
""" Utility method used to add an " Open Template " button in product views """
self . ensure_one ( )
return {
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' res_model ' : ' product.template ' ,
' view_mode ' : ' form ' ,
' res_id ' : self . product_tmpl_id . id ,
' target ' : ' new '
def action_open_documents ( self ) :
res = self . product_tmpl_id . action_open_documents ( )
res [ ' context ' ] . update ( {
' default_res_model ' : self . _name ,
' default_res_id ' : self . id ,
' search_default_context_variant ' : True ,
} )
return res
def _prepare_sellers ( self , params = False ) :
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
sellers = self . seller_ids . _get_filtered_supplier ( self . env . company , self , params )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
return sellers . sorted ( lambda s : ( s . sequence , - s . min_qty , s . price , s . id ) )
def _get_filtered_sellers ( self , partner_id = False , quantity = 0.0 , date = None , uom_id = False , params = False ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
if not date :
date = fields . Date . context_today ( self )
precision = self . env [ ' decimal.precision ' ] . precision_get ( ' Product Unit of Measure ' )
sellers_filtered = self . _prepare_sellers ( params )
sellers = self . env [ ' product.supplierinfo ' ]
for seller in sellers_filtered :
# Set quantity in UoM of seller
quantity_uom_seller = quantity
if quantity_uom_seller and uom_id and uom_id != seller . product_uom :
quantity_uom_seller = uom_id . _compute_quantity ( quantity_uom_seller , seller . product_uom )
if seller . date_start and seller . date_start > date :
if seller . date_end and seller . date_end < date :
if partner_id and seller . partner_id not in [ partner_id , partner_id . parent_id ] :
if quantity is not None and float_compare ( quantity_uom_seller , seller . min_qty , precision_digits = precision ) == - 1 :
if seller . product_id and seller . product_id != self :
sellers | = seller
return sellers
def _select_seller ( self , partner_id = False , quantity = 0.0 , date = None , uom_id = False , ordered_by = ' price_discounted ' , params = False ) :
# Always sort by discounted price but another field can take the primacy through the `ordered_by` param.
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
sort_key = ( ' price_discounted ' , ' sequence ' , ' id ' )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
if ordered_by != ' price_discounted ' :
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
sort_key = ( ordered_by , ' price_discounted ' , ' sequence ' , ' id ' )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
def sort_function ( record ) :
vals = {
' price_discounted ' : record . currency_id . _convert ( record . price_discounted , record . env . company . currency_id , record . env . company , date or fields . Date . context_today ( self ) )
return [ vals . get ( key , record [ key ] ) for key in sort_key ]
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
sellers = self . _get_filtered_sellers ( partner_id = partner_id , quantity = quantity , date = date , uom_id = uom_id , params = params )
res = self . env [ ' product.supplierinfo ' ]
for seller in sellers :
if not res or res . partner_id == seller . partner_id :
res | = seller
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
return res and res . sorted ( sort_function ) [ : 1 ]
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def _get_product_price_context ( self , combination ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
res = { }
no_variant_attributes_price_extra = self . _get_no_variant_attributes_price_extra ( combination )
if no_variant_attributes_price_extra :
res [ ' no_variant_attributes_price_extra ' ] = no_variant_attributes_price_extra
return res
def _get_no_variant_attributes_price_extra ( self , combination ) :
# It is possible that a no_variant attribute is still in a variant if
# the type of the attribute has been changed after creation.
return sum (
ptav . price_extra for ptav in combination . filtered (
lambda ptav :
ptav . price_extra
and ptav . product_tmpl_id == self . product_tmpl_id
and ptav not in self . product_template_attribute_value_ids
def _get_attributes_extra_price ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return self . price_extra + self . env . context . get ( ' no_variant_attributes_price_extra ' , 0 )
def _price_compute ( self , price_type , uom = None , currency = None , company = None , date = False ) :
company = company or self . env . company
date = date or fields . Date . context_today ( self )
self = self . with_company ( company )
if price_type == ' standard_price ' :
# standard_price field can only be seen by users in base.group_user
# Thus, in order to compute the sale price from the cost for users not in this group
# We fetch the standard price as the superuser
self = self . sudo ( )
prices = dict . fromkeys ( self . ids , 0.0 )
for product in self :
price = product [ price_type ] or 0.0
price_currency = product . currency_id
if price_type == ' standard_price ' :
price_currency = product . cost_currency_id
elif price_type == ' list_price ' :
price + = product . _get_attributes_extra_price ( )
if uom :
price = product . uom_id . _compute_price ( price , uom )
# Convert from current user company currency to asked one
# This is right cause a field cannot be in more than one currency
if currency :
price = price_currency . _convert ( price , currency , company , date )
prices [ product . id ] = price
return prices
def get_empty_list_help ( self , help_message ) :
self = self . with_context (
empty_list_help_document_name = _ ( " product " ) ,
return super ( ProductProduct , self ) . get_empty_list_help ( help_message )
def get_product_multiline_description_sale ( self ) :
""" Compute a multiline description of this product, in the context of sales
( do not use for purchases or other display reasons that don ' t intend to use " description_sale " ).
It will often be used as the default description of a sale order line referencing this product .
name = self . display_name
if self . description_sale :
name + = ' \n ' + self . description_sale
return name
def _is_variant_possible ( self , parent_combination = None ) :
""" Return whether the variant is possible based on its own combination,
and optionally a parent combination .
See ` _is_combination_possible ` for more information .
: param parent_combination : combination from which ` self ` is an
optional or accessory product .
: type parent_combination : recordset ` product . template . attribute . value `
: return : ẁhether the variant is possible based on its own combination
: rtype : bool
self . ensure_one ( )
return self . product_tmpl_id . _is_combination_possible ( self . product_template_attribute_value_ids , parent_combination = parent_combination , ignore_no_variant = True )
def toggle_active ( self ) :
""" Archiving related product.template if there is not any more active product.product
( and vice versa , unarchiving the related product template if there is now an active product . product ) """
result = super ( ) . toggle_active ( )
# We deactivate product templates which are active with no active variants.
tmpl_to_deactivate = self . filtered ( lambda product : ( product . product_tmpl_id . active
and not product . product_tmpl_id . product_variant_ids ) ) . mapped ( ' product_tmpl_id ' )
# We activate product templates which are inactive with active variants.
tmpl_to_activate = self . filtered ( lambda product : ( not product . product_tmpl_id . active
and product . product_tmpl_id . product_variant_ids ) ) . mapped ( ' product_tmpl_id ' )
( tmpl_to_deactivate + tmpl_to_activate ) . toggle_active ( )
return result
def get_contextual_price ( self ) :
return self . _get_contextual_price ( )
def _get_contextual_price ( self ) :
# FIXME VFE this won't consider ptavs extra prices, since we rely on the template price
self . ensure_one ( )
return self . product_tmpl_id . _get_contextual_price ( self )
def _get_contextual_discount ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
pricelist = self . product_tmpl_id . _get_contextual_pricelist ( )
if not pricelist :
# No pricelist = no discount
return 0.0
lst_price = self . currency_id . _convert (
self . lst_price ,
pricelist . currency_id ,
self . env . company ,
fields . Datetime . now ( ) ,
round = False
if lst_price :
return ( lst_price - self . _get_contextual_price ( ) ) / lst_price
return 0.0