2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import itertools
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from odoo import _ , api , fields , models , tools
from odoo . exceptions import UserError , ValidationError
from odoo . osv import expression
from odoo . tools . image import is_image_size_above
_logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
PRICE_CONTEXT_KEYS = [ ' pricelist ' , ' quantity ' , ' uom ' , ' date ' ]
class ProductTemplate ( models . Model ) :
_name = " product.template "
_inherit = [ ' mail.thread ' , ' mail.activity.mixin ' , ' image.mixin ' ]
_description = " Product "
_order = " is_favorite desc, name "
_check_company_auto = True
_check_company_domain = models . check_company_domain_parent_of
def default_get ( self , fields_list ) :
res = super ( ) . default_get ( fields_list )
if ' uom_id ' in fields_list and not res . get ( ' uom_id ' ) :
res [ ' uom_id ' ] = self . _get_default_uom_id ( ) . id
return res
@tools.ormcache ( )
def _get_default_category_id ( self ) :
# Deletion forbidden (at least through unlink)
return self . env . ref ( ' product.product_category_all ' )
@tools.ormcache ( )
def _get_default_uom_id ( self ) :
# Deletion forbidden (at least through unlink)
return self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_unit ' )
def _read_group_categ_id ( self , categories , domain ) :
category_ids = self . env . context . get ( ' default_categ_id ' )
if not category_ids and self . env . context . get ( ' group_expand ' ) :
category_ids = categories . sudo ( ) . _search ( [ ] , order = categories . _order )
return categories . browse ( category_ids )
name = fields . Char ( ' Name ' , index = ' trigram ' , required = True , translate = True )
sequence = fields . Integer ( ' Sequence ' , default = 1 , help = ' Gives the sequence order when displaying a product list ' )
description = fields . Html (
' Description ' , translate = True )
description_purchase = fields . Text (
' Purchase Description ' , translate = True )
description_sale = fields . Text (
' Sales Description ' , translate = True ,
help = " A description of the Product that you want to communicate to your customers. "
" This description will be copied to every Sales Order, Delivery Order and Customer Invoice/Credit Note " )
type = fields . Selection (
string = " Product Type " ,
help = " Goods are tangible materials and merchandise you provide. \n "
" A service is a non-material product you provide. " ,
selection = [
( ' consu ' , " Goods " ) ,
( ' service ' , " Service " ) ,
( ' combo ' , " Combo " ) ,
] ,
required = True ,
default = ' consu ' ,
combo_ids = fields . Many2many (
string = " Combo Choices " , comodel_name = ' product.combo ' , check_company = True
service_tracking = fields . Selection ( selection = [
( ' no ' , ' Nothing ' ) ,
] ,
string = " Create on Order " ,
default = " no " ,
compute = " _compute_service_tracking " ,
required = True ,
store = True ,
readonly = False ,
categ_id = fields . Many2one (
' product.category ' , ' Product Category ' ,
change_default = True , default = _get_default_category_id , group_expand = ' _read_group_categ_id ' ,
required = True )
currency_id = fields . Many2one (
' res.currency ' , ' Currency ' , compute = ' _compute_currency_id ' )
cost_currency_id = fields . Many2one (
' res.currency ' , ' Cost Currency ' , compute = ' _compute_cost_currency_id ' )
# list_price: catalog price, user defined
list_price = fields . Float (
' Sales Price ' , default = 1.0 ,
digits = ' Product Price ' ,
tracking = True ,
help = " Price at which the product is sold to customers. " ,
standard_price = fields . Float (
' Cost ' , compute = ' _compute_standard_price ' ,
inverse = ' _set_standard_price ' , search = ' _search_standard_price ' ,
digits = ' Product Price ' , groups = " base.group_user " ,
help = """ Value of the product (automatically computed in AVCO).
Used to value the product when the purchase cost is not known ( e . g . inventory adjustment ) .
Used to compute margins on sale orders . """ )
volume = fields . Float (
' Volume ' , compute = ' _compute_volume ' , inverse = ' _set_volume ' , digits = ' Volume ' , store = True )
volume_uom_name = fields . Char ( string = ' Volume unit of measure label ' , compute = ' _compute_volume_uom_name ' )
weight = fields . Float (
' Weight ' , compute = ' _compute_weight ' , digits = ' Stock Weight ' ,
inverse = ' _set_weight ' , store = True )
weight_uom_name = fields . Char ( string = ' Weight unit of measure label ' , compute = ' _compute_weight_uom_name ' )
sale_ok = fields . Boolean ( ' Sales ' , default = True )
purchase_ok = fields . Boolean ( ' Purchase ' , default = True , compute = ' _compute_purchase_ok ' , store = True , readonly = False )
uom_id = fields . Many2one (
' uom.uom ' , ' Unit of Measure ' ,
default = _get_default_uom_id , required = True ,
help = " Default unit of measure used for all stock operations. " )
uom_name = fields . Char ( string = ' Unit of Measure Name ' , related = ' uom_id.name ' , readonly = True )
uom_category_id = fields . Many2one ( ' uom.category ' , string = ' UoM Category ' , related = " uom_id.category_id " )
uom_po_id = fields . Many2one (
' uom.uom ' , ' Purchase Unit ' ,
compute = ' _compute_uom_po_id ' , required = True , readonly = False , store = True , precompute = True ,
domain = " [( ' category_id ' , ' = ' , uom_category_id)] " ,
help = " Default unit of measure used for purchase orders. It must be in the same category as the default unit of measure. " )
company_id = fields . Many2one (
' res.company ' , ' Company ' , index = True )
packaging_ids = fields . One2many (
' product.packaging ' , string = " Product Packages " , compute = " _compute_packaging_ids " , inverse = " _set_packaging_ids " ,
help = " Gives the different ways to package the same product. " )
seller_ids = fields . One2many ( ' product.supplierinfo ' , ' product_tmpl_id ' , ' Vendors ' , depends_context = ( ' company ' , ) )
variant_seller_ids = fields . One2many ( ' product.supplierinfo ' , ' product_tmpl_id ' )
active = fields . Boolean ( ' Active ' , default = True , help = " If unchecked, it will allow you to hide the product without removing it. " )
color = fields . Integer ( ' Color Index ' )
is_product_variant = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Is a product variant ' , compute = ' _compute_is_product_variant ' )
attribute_line_ids = fields . One2many ( ' product.template.attribute.line ' , ' product_tmpl_id ' , ' Product Attributes ' , copy = True )
valid_product_template_attribute_line_ids = fields . Many2many ( ' product.template.attribute.line ' ,
compute = " _compute_valid_product_template_attribute_line_ids " , string = ' Valid Product Attribute Lines ' )
product_variant_ids = fields . One2many ( ' product.product ' , ' product_tmpl_id ' , ' Products ' , required = True )
# performance: product_variant_id provides prefetching on the first product variant only
product_variant_id = fields . Many2one ( ' product.product ' , ' Product ' , compute = ' _compute_product_variant_id ' )
product_variant_count = fields . Integer (
' # Product Variants ' , compute = ' _compute_product_variant_count ' )
# related to display product product information if is_product_variant
barcode = fields . Char ( ' Barcode ' , compute = ' _compute_barcode ' , inverse = ' _set_barcode ' , search = ' _search_barcode ' )
default_code = fields . Char (
' Internal Reference ' , compute = ' _compute_default_code ' ,
inverse = ' _set_default_code ' , store = True )
pricelist_item_count = fields . Integer ( " Number of price rules " , compute = " _compute_item_count " )
product_document_ids = fields . One2many (
string = " Documents " ,
comodel_name = ' product.document ' ,
inverse_name = ' res_id ' ,
domain = lambda self : [ ( ' res_model ' , ' = ' , self . _name ) ] )
product_document_count = fields . Integer (
string = " Documents Count " , compute = ' _compute_product_document_count ' )
can_image_1024_be_zoomed = fields . Boolean ( " Can Image 1024 be zoomed " , compute = ' _compute_can_image_1024_be_zoomed ' , store = True )
has_configurable_attributes = fields . Boolean ( " Is a configurable product " , compute = ' _compute_has_configurable_attributes ' , store = True )
product_tooltip = fields . Char ( compute = ' _compute_product_tooltip ' )
is_favorite = fields . Boolean ( string = " Favorite " )
product_tag_ids = fields . Many2many (
string = " Tags " , comodel_name = ' product.tag ' , relation = ' product_tag_product_template_rel '
# Properties
product_properties = fields . Properties ( ' Properties ' , definition = ' categ_id.product_properties_definition ' , copy = True )
@api.depends ( ' type ' )
def _compute_service_tracking ( self ) :
self . filtered ( lambda product : product . type != ' service ' ) . service_tracking = ' no '
def _compute_purchase_ok ( self ) :
@api.depends ( ' uom_id ' )
def _compute_uom_po_id ( self ) :
for template in self :
if not template . uom_po_id or template . uom_id . category_id != template . uom_po_id . category_id :
template . uom_po_id = template . uom_id
def _compute_item_count ( self ) :
for template in self :
# Pricelist item count counts the rules applicable on current template or on its variants.
template . pricelist_item_count = template . env [ ' product.pricelist.item ' ] . search_count ( [
' & ' ,
' | ' , ( ' product_tmpl_id ' , ' = ' , template . id ) , ( ' product_id ' , ' in ' , template . product_variant_ids . ids ) ,
( ' pricelist_id.active ' , ' = ' , True ) ,
( ' compute_price ' , ' = ' , ' fixed ' ) ,
] )
def _compute_product_document_count ( self ) :
for template in self :
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
template . product_document_count = template . env [ ' product.document ' ] . search_count (
template . _get_product_document_domain ( )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
@api.depends ( ' image_1920 ' , ' image_1024 ' )
def _compute_can_image_1024_be_zoomed ( self ) :
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
for template in self . with_context ( bin_size = False ) :
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
template . can_image_1024_be_zoomed = template . image_1920 and is_image_size_above ( template . image_1920 , template . image_1024 )
@api.depends (
' attribute_line_ids ' ,
' attribute_line_ids.value_ids ' ,
' attribute_line_ids.attribute_id.create_variant ' ,
' attribute_line_ids.attribute_id.display_type ' ,
' attribute_line_ids.value_ids.is_custom ' ,
def _compute_has_configurable_attributes ( self ) :
""" A product is considered configurable if:
- It has dynamic attributes
- It has any attribute line with at least 2 attribute values configured
- It has multi - checkbox display type
- It has at least one custom attribute value
for product in self :
product . has_configurable_attributes = (
product . has_dynamic_attributes ( ) or any (
ptal . _is_configurable ( )
for ptal in product . attribute_line_ids
@api.depends ( ' product_variant_ids ' )
def _compute_product_variant_id ( self ) :
for p in self :
p . product_variant_id = p . product_variant_ids [ : 1 ] . id
@api.constrains ( ' company_id ' )
def _check_barcode_uniqueness ( self ) :
for template in self :
template . product_variant_ids . _check_barcode_uniqueness ( )
@api.depends ( ' company_id ' )
def _compute_currency_id ( self ) :
main_company = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . _get_main_company ( )
for template in self :
template . currency_id = template . company_id . sudo ( ) . currency_id . id or main_company . currency_id . id
@api.depends ( ' company_id ' )
@api.depends_context ( ' company ' )
def _compute_cost_currency_id ( self ) :
env_currency_id = self . env . company . currency_id . id
for template in self :
template . cost_currency_id = template . company_id . currency_id . id or env_currency_id
def _compute_template_field_from_variant_field ( self , fname , default = False ) :
""" Sets the value of the given field based on the template variant values
Equals to product_variant_ids [ fname ] if it ' s a single variant product.
Otherwise , sets the value specified in ` ` default ` ` .
It ' s used to compute fields like barcode, weight, volume..
: param str fname : name of the field to compute
( field name must be identical between product . product & product . template models )
: param default : default value to set when there are multiple or no variants on the template
: return : None
for template in self :
variant_count = len ( template . product_variant_ids )
if variant_count == 1 :
template [ fname ] = template . product_variant_ids [ fname ]
elif variant_count == 0 and self . env . context . get ( " active_test " , True ) :
# If the product has no active variants, retry without the active_test
template_ctx = template . with_context ( active_test = False )
template_ctx . _compute_template_field_from_variant_field ( fname , default = default )
else :
template [ fname ] = default
def _set_product_variant_field ( self , fname ) :
""" Propagate the value of the given field from the templates to their unique variant.
Only if it ' s a single variant product.
It ' s used to set fields like barcode, weight, volume..
: param str fname : name of the field whose value should be propagated to the variant .
( field name must be identical between product . product & product . template models )
for template in self :
count = len ( template . product_variant_ids )
if count == 1 :
template . product_variant_ids [ fname ] = template [ fname ]
elif count == 0 :
archived_variants = self . with_context ( active_test = False ) . product_variant_ids
if len ( archived_variants ) == 1 :
archived_variants [ fname ] = template [ fname ]
@api.depends_context ( ' company ' )
@api.depends ( ' product_variant_ids.standard_price ' )
def _compute_standard_price ( self ) :
# Depends on force_company context because standard_price is company_dependent
# on the product_product
self . _compute_template_field_from_variant_field ( ' standard_price ' )
def _set_standard_price ( self ) :
self . _set_product_variant_field ( ' standard_price ' )
def _search_standard_price ( self , operator , value ) :
return [ ( ' product_variant_ids.standard_price ' , operator , value ) ]
@api.depends ( ' product_variant_ids.volume ' )
def _compute_volume ( self ) :
self . _compute_template_field_from_variant_field ( ' volume ' )
def _set_volume ( self ) :
self . _set_product_variant_field ( ' volume ' )
@api.depends ( ' product_variant_ids.weight ' )
def _compute_weight ( self ) :
self . _compute_template_field_from_variant_field ( ' weight ' )
def _set_weight ( self ) :
self . _set_product_variant_field ( ' weight ' )
def _compute_is_product_variant ( self ) :
self . is_product_variant = False
@api.depends ( ' product_variant_ids.barcode ' )
def _compute_barcode ( self ) :
self . _compute_template_field_from_variant_field ( ' barcode ' )
def _search_barcode ( self , operator , value ) :
subquery = self . with_context ( active_test = False ) . _search ( [
( ' product_variant_ids.barcode ' , operator , value ) ,
] )
return [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , subquery ) ]
def _set_barcode ( self ) :
self . _set_product_variant_field ( ' barcode ' )
def _get_weight_uom_id_from_ir_config_parameter ( self ) :
""" Get the unit of measure to interpret the `weight` field. By default, we considerer
that weights are expressed in kilograms . Users can configure to express them in pounds
by adding an ir . config_parameter record with " product.product_weight_in_lbs " as key
and " 1 " as value .
product_weight_in_lbs_param = self . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ] . sudo ( ) . get_param ( ' product.weight_in_lbs ' )
if product_weight_in_lbs_param == ' 1 ' :
return self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_lb ' )
else :
return self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_kgm ' )
def _get_length_uom_id_from_ir_config_parameter ( self ) :
""" Get the unit of measure to interpret the `length`, ' width ' , ' height ' field.
By default , we considerer that length are expressed in millimeters . Users can configure
to express them in feet by adding an ir . config_parameter record with " product.volume_in_cubic_feet "
as key and " 1 " as value .
product_length_in_feet_param = self . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ] . sudo ( ) . get_param ( ' product.volume_in_cubic_feet ' )
if product_length_in_feet_param == ' 1 ' :
return self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_foot ' )
else :
return self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_millimeter ' )
def _get_volume_uom_id_from_ir_config_parameter ( self ) :
""" Get the unit of measure to interpret the `volume` field. By default, we consider
that volumes are expressed in cubic meters . Users can configure to express them in cubic feet
by adding an ir . config_parameter record with " product.volume_in_cubic_feet " as key
and " 1 " as value .
product_length_in_feet_param = self . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ] . sudo ( ) . get_param ( ' product.volume_in_cubic_feet ' )
if product_length_in_feet_param == ' 1 ' :
return self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_cubic_foot ' )
else :
return self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_cubic_meter ' )
def _get_weight_uom_name_from_ir_config_parameter ( self ) :
return self . _get_weight_uom_id_from_ir_config_parameter ( ) . display_name
def _get_length_uom_name_from_ir_config_parameter ( self ) :
return self . _get_length_uom_id_from_ir_config_parameter ( ) . display_name
def _get_volume_uom_name_from_ir_config_parameter ( self ) :
return self . _get_volume_uom_id_from_ir_config_parameter ( ) . display_name
@api.depends ( ' type ' )
def _compute_weight_uom_name ( self ) :
self . weight_uom_name = self . _get_weight_uom_name_from_ir_config_parameter ( )
@api.depends ( ' type ' )
def _compute_volume_uom_name ( self ) :
self . volume_uom_name = self . _get_volume_uom_name_from_ir_config_parameter ( )
@api.depends ( ' product_variant_ids.product_tmpl_id ' )
def _compute_product_variant_count ( self ) :
for template in self :
template . product_variant_count = len ( template . product_variant_ids )
@api.onchange ( ' default_code ' )
def _onchange_default_code ( self ) :
if not self . default_code :
domain = [ ( ' default_code ' , ' = ' , self . default_code ) ]
if self . id . origin :
domain . append ( ( ' id ' , ' != ' , self . id . origin ) )
if self . env [ ' product.template ' ] . search_count ( domain , limit = 1 ) :
return { ' warning ' : {
' title ' : _ ( " Note: " ) ,
' message ' : _ ( " The Internal Reference ' %s ' already exists. " , self . default_code ) ,
} }
@api.depends ( ' product_variant_ids.default_code ' )
def _compute_default_code ( self ) :
self . _compute_template_field_from_variant_field ( ' default_code ' )
def _set_default_code ( self ) :
self . _set_product_variant_field ( ' default_code ' )
@api.depends ( ' product_variant_ids ' , ' product_variant_ids.packaging_ids ' )
def _compute_packaging_ids ( self ) :
for p in self :
if len ( p . product_variant_ids ) == 1 :
p . packaging_ids = p . product_variant_ids . packaging_ids
else :
p . packaging_ids = False
def _set_packaging_ids ( self ) :
for p in self :
if len ( p . product_variant_ids ) == 1 :
p . product_variant_ids . packaging_ids = p . packaging_ids
@api.depends ( ' type ' )
def _compute_product_tooltip ( self ) :
self . product_tooltip = False
for template in self :
template . product_tooltip = template . _prepare_tooltip ( )
def _prepare_tooltip ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
tooltip = " "
if self . type == ' combo ' :
tooltip = _ (
" Combos allow to choose one product amongst a selection of choices per category. "
return tooltip
@api.constrains ( ' uom_id ' , ' uom_po_id ' )
def _check_uom ( self ) :
if any ( template . uom_id and template . uom_po_id and template . uom_id . category_id != template . uom_po_id . category_id for template in self ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( ' The default Unit of Measure and the purchase Unit of Measure must be in the same category. ' ) )
@api.onchange ( ' uom_id ' )
def _onchange_uom_id ( self ) :
if self . uom_id :
self . uom_po_id = self . uom_id . id
@api.onchange ( ' type ' )
def _onchange_type ( self ) :
if self . type == ' combo ' :
if self . attribute_line_ids :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Combo products can ' t have attributes. " ) )
combo_items = self . env [ ' product.combo.item ' ] . sudo ( ) . search ( [
( ' product_id ' , ' in ' , self . product_variant_ids . ids )
] )
if combo_items :
raise UserError ( _ (
" This product is part of a combo, so its type can ' t be changed to \" combo \" . "
) )
self . purchase_ok = False
return { }
@api.constrains ( ' type ' , ' combo_ids ' )
def _check_combo_ids_not_empty ( self ) :
for template in self :
if template . type == ' combo ' and not template . combo_ids :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " A combo product must contain at least 1 combo choice. " ) )
@api.constrains ( ' type ' , ' combo_ids ' , ' sale_ok ' )
def _check_sale_combo_ids ( self ) :
for template in self :
if (
template . type == ' combo '
and template . sale_ok
and any (
not product . sale_ok for product in template . combo_ids . combo_item_ids . product_id
) :
raise ValidationError (
_ ( " A sellable combo product can only contain sellable products. " )
def _get_related_fields_variant_template ( self ) :
""" Return a list of fields present on template and variants models and that are related """
return [ ' barcode ' , ' default_code ' , ' standard_price ' , ' volume ' , ' weight ' , ' packaging_ids ' , ' product_properties ' ]
def create ( self , vals_list ) :
''' Store the initial standard price in order to be able to retrieve the cost of a product template for a given date '''
templates = super ( ProductTemplate , self ) . create ( vals_list )
if self . _context . get ( " create_product_product " , True ) :
templates . _create_variant_ids ( )
# This is needed to set given values to first variant after creation
for template , vals in zip ( templates , vals_list ) :
related_vals = { }
for field_name in self . _get_related_fields_variant_template ( ) :
if vals . get ( field_name ) :
related_vals [ field_name ] = vals [ field_name ]
if related_vals :
template . write ( related_vals )
return templates
def write ( self , vals ) :
res = super ( ProductTemplate , self ) . write ( vals )
if self . _context . get ( " create_product_product " , True ) and ' attribute_line_ids ' in vals or ( vals . get ( ' active ' ) and len ( self . product_variant_ids ) == 0 ) :
self . _create_variant_ids ( )
if ' active ' in vals and not vals . get ( ' active ' ) :
self . with_context ( active_test = False ) . mapped ( ' product_variant_ids ' ) . write ( { ' active ' : vals . get ( ' active ' ) } )
if ' image_1920 ' in vals :
self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . invalidate_model ( [
' image_1920 ' ,
' image_1024 ' ,
' image_512 ' ,
' image_256 ' ,
' image_128 ' ,
' can_image_1024_be_zoomed ' ,
] )
return res
def copy_data ( self , default = None ) :
default = dict ( default or { } )
vals_list = super ( ) . copy_data ( default = default )
if ' name ' not in default :
for template , vals in zip ( self , vals_list ) :
vals [ ' name ' ] = _ ( " %s (copy) " , template . name )
return vals_list
def copy ( self , default = None ) :
res = super ( ) . copy ( default = default )
# Since we don't copy the product template attribute values, we need to match the extra prices.
for ptal , copied_ptal in zip ( self . attribute_line_ids , res . attribute_line_ids ) :
for ptav , copied_ptav in zip ( ptal . product_template_value_ids , copied_ptal . product_template_value_ids ) :
if not ptav . price_extra :
# security check
if ptav . attribute_id == copied_ptav . attribute_id and ptav . product_attribute_value_id == copied_ptav . product_attribute_value_id :
copied_ptav . price_extra = ptav . price_extra
return res
@api.depends ( ' name ' , ' default_code ' )
def _compute_display_name ( self ) :
for template in self :
template . display_name = False if not template . name else (
' {} {} ' . format (
template . default_code and ' [ %s ] ' % template . default_code or ' ' , template . name
) )
def _search_display_name ( self , operator , value ) :
domain = super ( ) . _search_display_name ( operator , value )
if self . env . context . get ( ' search_product_product ' , bool ( value ) ) :
combine = expression . OR if operator not in expression . NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS else expression . AND
domain = combine ( [ domain , [ ( ' product_variant_ids ' , operator , value ) ] ] )
return domain
def name_search ( self , name = ' ' , args = None , operator = ' ilike ' , limit = 100 ) :
# Only use the product.product heuristics if there is a search term and the domain
# does not specify a match on `product.template` IDs.
self_obj = self
if ' search_product_product ' not in self . env . context and any ( term [ 0 ] == ' id ' for term in ( args or [ ] ) ) :
self_obj = self_obj . with_context ( search_product_product = False )
return super ( ProductTemplate , self_obj ) . name_search ( name , args , operator , limit )
def action_open_label_layout ( self ) :
action = self . env [ ' ir.actions.act_window ' ] . _for_xml_id ( ' product.action_open_label_layout ' )
action [ ' context ' ] = { ' default_product_tmpl_ids ' : self . ids }
return action
def open_pricelist_rules ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
domain = [ ' | ' ,
( ' product_tmpl_id ' , ' = ' , self . id ) ,
( ' product_id ' , ' in ' , self . product_variant_ids . ids ) ,
( ' compute_price ' , ' = ' , ' fixed ' ) ,
return {
' name ' : _ ( ' Price Rules ' ) ,
' view_mode ' : ' list,form ' ,
' views ' : [ ( self . env . ref ( ' product.product_pricelist_item_tree_view_from_product ' ) . id , ' list ' ) ] ,
' res_model ' : ' product.pricelist.item ' ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' target ' : ' current ' ,
' domain ' : domain ,
' context ' : {
' default_product_tmpl_id ' : self . id ,
' default_applied_on ' : ' 1_product ' ,
' product_without_variants ' : self . product_variant_count == 1 ,
' search_default_visible ' : True ,
} ,
def action_open_documents ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return {
' name ' : _ ( ' Documents ' ) ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' res_model ' : ' product.document ' ,
' view_mode ' : ' kanban,list,form ' ,
' context ' : {
' default_res_model ' : self . _name ,
' default_res_id ' : self . id ,
' default_company_id ' : self . company_id . id ,
} ,
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
' domain ' : self . _get_product_document_domain ( ) ,
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
' target ' : ' current ' ,
' help ' : """
< p class = " o_view_nocontent_smiling_face " >
% s
< / p >
< p >
% s
< br / >
% s
< / p >
< p >
< a class = " oe_link " href = " https://www.odoo.com/documentation/18.0/_downloads/5f0840ed187116c425fdac2ab4b592e1/pdfquotebuilderexamples.zip " >
% s
< / a >
< / p >
""" % (
_ ( " Upload files to your product " ) ,
_ ( " Use this feature to store any files you would like to share with your customers " ) ,
_ ( " (e.g: product description, ebook, legal notice, ...). " ) ,
_ ( " Download examples " )
def _get_product_price_context ( self , combination ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
res = { }
current_attributes_price_extra = [
ptav . price_extra for ptav in combination . filtered (
lambda ptav :
ptav . price_extra
and ptav . product_tmpl_id == self
if current_attributes_price_extra :
res [ ' current_attributes_price_extra ' ] = tuple ( current_attributes_price_extra )
return res
def _get_attributes_extra_price ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return sum ( self . env . context . get ( ' current_attributes_price_extra ' , [ ] ) )
def _price_compute ( self , price_type , uom = None , currency = None , company = None , date = False ) :
company = company or self . env . company
date = date or fields . Date . context_today ( self )
self = self . with_company ( company )
if price_type == ' standard_price ' :
# standard_price field can only be seen by users in base.group_user
# Thus, in order to compute the sale price from the cost for users not in this group
# We fetch the standard price as the superuser
self = self . sudo ( )
prices = dict . fromkeys ( self . ids , 0.0 )
for template in self :
price = template [ price_type ] or 0.0
price_currency = template . currency_id
if price_type == ' standard_price ' :
if not price and template . product_variant_ids :
price = template . product_variant_ids [ 0 ] . standard_price
price_currency = template . cost_currency_id
elif price_type == ' list_price ' :
price + = template . _get_attributes_extra_price ( )
if uom :
price = template . uom_id . _compute_price ( price , uom )
# Convert from current user company currency to asked one
# This is right cause a field cannot be in more than one currency
if currency :
price = price_currency . _convert ( price , currency , company , date )
prices [ template . id ] = price
return prices
def _create_variant_ids ( self ) :
if not self :
self . env . flush_all ( )
Product = self . env [ " product.product " ]
variants_to_create = [ ]
variants_to_activate = Product
variants_to_unlink = Product
for tmpl_id in self :
lines_without_no_variants = tmpl_id . valid_product_template_attribute_line_ids . _without_no_variant_attributes ( )
all_variants = tmpl_id . with_context ( active_test = False ) . product_variant_ids . sorted ( lambda p : ( p . active , - p . id ) )
current_variants_to_create = [ ]
current_variants_to_activate = Product
# adding an attribute with only one value should not recreate product
# write this attribute on every product to make sure we don't lose them
single_value_lines = lines_without_no_variants . filtered ( lambda ptal : len ( ptal . product_template_value_ids . _only_active ( ) ) == 1 )
if single_value_lines :
for variant in all_variants :
combination = variant . product_template_attribute_value_ids | single_value_lines . product_template_value_ids . _only_active ( )
# Do not add single value if the resulting combination would
# be invalid anyway.
if (
len ( combination ) == len ( lines_without_no_variants ) and
combination . attribute_line_id == lines_without_no_variants
) :
variant . product_template_attribute_value_ids = combination
# Set containing existing `product.template.attribute.value` combination
existing_variants = {
variant . product_template_attribute_value_ids : variant for variant in all_variants
# Determine which product variants need to be created based on the attribute
# configuration. If any attribute is set to generate variants dynamically, skip the
# process.
# Technical note: if there is no attribute, a variant is still created because
# 'not any([])' and 'set([]) not in set([])' are True.
if not tmpl_id . has_dynamic_attributes ( ) :
# Iterator containing all possible `product.template.attribute.value` combination
# The iterator is used to avoid MemoryError in case of a huge number of combination.
all_combinations = itertools . product ( * [
ptal . product_template_value_ids . _only_active ( ) for ptal in lines_without_no_variants
] )
# For each possible variant, create if it doesn't exist yet.
for combination in tmpl_id . _filter_combinations_impossible_by_config (
all_combinations , ignore_no_variant = True ,
) :
if combination in existing_variants :
current_variants_to_activate + = existing_variants [ combination ]
else :
current_variants_to_create . append ( tmpl_id . _prepare_variant_values ( combination ) )
variant_limit = self . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ] . sudo ( ) . get_param ( ' product.dynamic_variant_limit ' , 1000 )
if len ( current_variants_to_create ) > int ( variant_limit ) :
raise UserError ( _ (
' The number of variants to generate is above allowed limit. '
' You should either not generate variants for each combination or generate them on demand from the sales order. '
' To do so, open the form view of attributes and change the mode of *Create Variants*. ' ) )
variants_to_create + = current_variants_to_create
variants_to_activate + = current_variants_to_activate
elif existing_variants :
variants_combinations = [ variant . product_template_attribute_value_ids for variant in existing_variants . values ( ) ]
current_variants_to_activate + = Product . concat ( * [ existing_variants [ possible_combination ]
for possible_combination in tmpl_id . _filter_combinations_impossible_by_config ( variants_combinations , ignore_no_variant = True )
] )
variants_to_activate + = current_variants_to_activate
variants_to_unlink + = all_variants - current_variants_to_activate
if variants_to_activate :
variants_to_activate . write ( { ' active ' : True } )
if variants_to_create :
Product . create ( variants_to_create )
if variants_to_unlink :
variants_to_unlink . _unlink_or_archive ( )
# prevent change if exclusion deleted template by deleting last variant
if self . exists ( ) != self :
raise UserError ( _ ( " This configuration of product attributes, values, and exclusions would lead to no possible variant. Please archive or delete your product directly if intended. " ) )
for variant in variants_to_unlink :
combo_items_to_unlink = self . env [ ' product.combo.item ' ] . search ( [
( ' product_id ' , ' = ' , variant . id )
] )
# Unlink all combo items which reference unlinked variants.
combo_items_to_unlink . unlink ( )
# prefetched o2m have to be reloaded (because of active_test)
# (eg. product.template: product_variant_ids)
# We can't rely on existing invalidate because of the savepoint
# in _unlink_or_archive.
self . env . flush_all ( )
self . env . invalidate_all ( )
return True
def _prepare_variant_values ( self , combination ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return {
' product_tmpl_id ' : self . id ,
' product_template_attribute_value_ids ' : [ ( 6 , 0 , combination . ids ) ] ,
' active ' : self . active
def has_dynamic_attributes ( self ) :
""" Return whether this `product.template` has at least one dynamic
attribute .
: return : True if at least one dynamic attribute , False otherwise
: rtype : bool
self . ensure_one ( )
return any ( a . create_variant == ' dynamic ' for a in self . valid_product_template_attribute_line_ids . attribute_id )
@api.depends ( ' attribute_line_ids.value_ids ' )
def _compute_valid_product_template_attribute_line_ids ( self ) :
""" A product template attribute line is considered valid if it has at
least one possible value .
Those with only one value are considered valid , even though they should
not appear on the configurator itself ( unless they have an is_custom
value to input ) , indeed single value attributes can be used to filter
products among others based on that attribute / value .
for record in self :
record . valid_product_template_attribute_line_ids = record . attribute_line_ids . filtered ( lambda ptal : ptal . value_ids )
def _get_possible_variants ( self , parent_combination = None ) :
""" Return the existing variants that are possible.
For dynamic attributes , it will only return the variants that have been
created already .
If there are a lot of variants , this method might be slow . Even if there
aren ' t too many variants, for performance reasons, do not call this
method in a loop over the product templates .
Therefore this method has a very restricted reasonable use case and you
should strongly consider doing things differently if you consider using
this method .
: param parent_combination : combination from which ` self ` is an
optional or accessory product .
: type parent_combination : recordset ` product . template . attribute . value `
: return : the existing variants that are possible .
: rtype : recordset of ` product . product `
self . ensure_one ( )
return self . product_variant_ids . filtered ( lambda p : p . _is_variant_possible ( parent_combination ) )
def _get_attribute_exclusions (
self , parent_combination = None , parent_name = None , combination_ids = None
) :
""" Return the list of attribute exclusions of a product.
: param parent_combination : the combination from which
` self ` is an optional or accessory product . Indeed exclusions
rules on one product can concern another product .
: type parent_combination : recordset ` product . template . attribute . value `
: param parent_name : the name of the parent product combination .
: type parent_name : str
: param list combination : The combination of the product , as a
list of ` product . template . attribute . value ` ids .
: return : dict of exclusions
- exclusions : from this product itself
- archived_combinations : list of archived combinations
- parent_combination : ids of the given parent_combination
- parent_exclusions : from the parent_combination
- parent_product_name : the name of the parent product if any , used in the interface
to explain why some combinations are not available .
( e . g : Not available with Customizable Desk ( Legs : Steel ) )
- mapped_attribute_names : the name of every attribute values based on their id ,
used to explain in the interface why that combination is not available
( e . g : Not available with Color : Black )
self . ensure_one ( )
parent_combination = parent_combination or self . env [ ' product.template.attribute.value ' ]
archived_products = self . with_context ( active_test = False ) . product_variant_ids . filtered ( lambda l : not l . active )
active_combinations = set ( tuple ( product . product_template_attribute_value_ids . ids ) for product in self . product_variant_ids )
return {
' exclusions ' : self . _complete_inverse_exclusions (
self . _get_own_attribute_exclusions ( combination_ids = combination_ids )
) ,
' archived_combinations ' : list ( set (
tuple ( product . product_template_attribute_value_ids . ids )
for product in archived_products
if product . product_template_attribute_value_ids and all (
ptav . ptav_active or combination_ids and ptav . id in combination_ids
for ptav in product . product_template_attribute_value_ids
) - active_combinations ) ,
' parent_exclusions ' : self . _get_parent_attribute_exclusions ( parent_combination ) ,
' parent_combination ' : parent_combination . ids ,
' parent_product_name ' : parent_name ,
' mapped_attribute_names ' : self . _get_mapped_attribute_names ( parent_combination ) ,
def _complete_inverse_exclusions ( self , exclusions ) :
""" Will complete the dictionnary of exclusions with their respective inverse
e . g : Black excludes XL and L
- > XL excludes Black
- > L excludes Black """
result = dict ( exclusions )
for key , value in exclusions . items ( ) :
for exclusion in value :
if exclusion in result and key not in result [ exclusion ] :
result [ exclusion ] . append ( key )
else :
result [ exclusion ] = [ key ]
return result
def _get_own_attribute_exclusions ( self , combination_ids = None ) :
""" Get exclusions coming from the current template.
: param list combination : The combination of the product , as a
list of ` product . template . attribute . value ` ids .
Dictionnary , each product template attribute value is a key , and for each of them
the value is an array with the other ptav that they exclude ( empty if no exclusion ) .
self . ensure_one ( )
product_template_attribute_values = self . valid_product_template_attribute_line_ids . product_template_value_ids
return {
ptav . id : [
value . id
for filter_line in ptav . exclude_for . filtered (
lambda filter_line : filter_line . product_tmpl_id == self
) for value in filter_line . value_ids if value . ptav_active
for ptav in product_template_attribute_values if (
ptav . ptav_active or combination_ids and ptav . id in combination_ids
def _get_parent_attribute_exclusions ( self , parent_combination ) :
""" Get exclusions coming from the parent combination.
Dictionnary , each parent ' s ptav is a key, and for each of them the value is
an array with the other ptav that are excluded because of the parent .
self . ensure_one ( )
if not parent_combination :
return { }
result = { }
for product_attribute_value in parent_combination :
for filter_line in product_attribute_value . exclude_for . filtered (
lambda filter_line : filter_line . product_tmpl_id == self
) :
# Some exclusions don't have attribute value. This means that the template is not
# compatible with the parent combination. If such an exclusion is found, it means that all
# attribute values are excluded.
if filter_line . value_ids :
result [ product_attribute_value . id ] = filter_line . value_ids . ids
else :
result [ product_attribute_value . id ] = filter_line . product_tmpl_id . mapped ( ' attribute_line_ids.product_template_value_ids ' ) . ids
return result
def _get_mapped_attribute_names ( self , parent_combination = None ) :
""" The name of every attribute values based on their id,
used to explain in the interface why that combination is not available
( e . g : Not available with Color : Black ) .
It contains both attribute value names from this product and from
the parent combination if provided .
self . ensure_one ( )
all_product_attribute_values = self . valid_product_template_attribute_line_ids . product_template_value_ids
if parent_combination :
all_product_attribute_values | = parent_combination
return {
attribute_value . id : attribute_value . display_name
for attribute_value in all_product_attribute_values
def _filter_combinations_impossible_by_config ( self , combination_tuples , ignore_no_variant = False ) :
""" Filter combination_tuples according to the config of attributes on the template
: return : iterator over possible combinations
: rtype : generator
self . ensure_one ( )
attribute_lines = self . valid_product_template_attribute_line_ids
attribute_lines_active_values = attribute_lines . product_template_value_ids . _only_active ( )
if ignore_no_variant :
attribute_lines = attribute_lines . _without_no_variant_attributes ( )
attribute_lines_without_multi = attribute_lines . filtered (
lambda l : l . attribute_id . display_type != ' multi ' )
exclusions = self . _get_own_attribute_exclusions ( )
for combination_tuple in combination_tuples :
combination = self . env [ ' product.template.attribute.value ' ] . concat ( * combination_tuple )
combination_without_multi = combination . filtered (
lambda l : l . attribute_line_id . attribute_id . display_type != ' multi ' )
if len ( combination_without_multi ) != len ( attribute_lines_without_multi ) :
# number of attribute values passed is different than the
# configuration of attributes on the template
if attribute_lines_without_multi != combination_without_multi . attribute_line_id :
# combination has different attributes than the ones configured on the template
if not ( attribute_lines_active_values > = combination ) :
# combination has different values than the ones configured on the template
if exclusions :
# exclude if the current value is in an exclusion,
# and the value excluding it is also in the combination
combination_ids = set ( combination . ids )
combination_excluded_ids = set ( itertools . chain ( * [ exclusions . get ( ptav_id ) for ptav_id in combination . ids ] ) )
if combination_ids & combination_excluded_ids :
yield combination
def _is_combination_possible_by_config ( self , combination , ignore_no_variant = False ) :
""" Return whether the given combination is possible according to the config of attributes on the template
: param combination : the combination to check for possibility
: type combination : recordset ` product . template . attribute . value `
: param ignore_no_variant : whether no_variant attributes should be ignored
: type ignore_no_variant : bool
: return : wether the given combination is possible according to the config of attributes on the template
: rtype : bool
self . ensure_one ( )
# Returns False on StopIteration. Empty combination should return True.
return isinstance ( next ( self . _filter_combinations_impossible_by_config ( [ combination ] , ignore_no_variant ) , False ) , models . BaseModel )
def _is_combination_possible ( self , combination , parent_combination = None , ignore_no_variant = False ) :
The combination is possible if it is not excluded by any rule
coming from the current template , not excluded by any rule from the
parent_combination ( if given ) , and there should not be any archived
variant with the exact same combination .
If the template does not have any dynamic attribute , the combination
is also not possible if the matching variant has been deleted .
Moreover the attributes of the combination must excatly match the
attributes allowed on the template .
: param combination : the combination to check for possibility
: type combination : recordset ` product . template . attribute . value `
: param ignore_no_variant : whether no_variant attributes should be ignored
: type ignore_no_variant : bool
: param parent_combination : combination from which ` self ` is an
optional or accessory product .
: type parent_combination : recordset ` product . template . attribute . value `
: return : whether the combination is possible
: rtype : bool
self . ensure_one ( )
if not self . _is_combination_possible_by_config ( combination , ignore_no_variant ) :
return False
variant = self . _get_variant_for_combination ( combination )
if self . has_dynamic_attributes ( ) :
if variant and not variant . active :
# dynamic and the variant has been archived
return False
else :
if not variant or not variant . active :
# not dynamic, the variant has been archived or deleted
return False
parent_exclusions = self . _get_parent_attribute_exclusions ( parent_combination )
if parent_exclusions :
# parent_exclusion are mapped by ptav but here we don't need to know
# where the exclusion comes from so we loop directly on the dict values
for exclusions_values in parent_exclusions . values ( ) :
for exclusion in exclusions_values :
if exclusion in combination . ids :
return False
return True
def _get_variant_for_combination ( self , combination ) :
""" Get the variant matching the combination.
All of the values in combination must be present in the variant , and the
variant should not have more attributes . Ignore the attributes that are
not supposed to create variants .
: param combination : recordset of ` product . template . attribute . value `
: return : the variant if found , else empty
: rtype : recordset ` product . product `
self . ensure_one ( )
filtered_combination = combination . _without_no_variant_attributes ( )
return self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . browse ( self . _get_variant_id_for_combination ( filtered_combination ) )
def _create_product_variant ( self , combination , log_warning = False ) :
""" Create if necessary and possible and return the product variant
matching the given combination for this template .
It is possible to create only if the template has dynamic attributes
and the combination itself is possible .
If we are in this case and the variant already exists but it is
archived , it is activated instead of being created again .
: param combination : the combination for which to get or create variant .
The combination must contain all necessary attributes , including
those of type no_variant . Indeed even though those attributes won ' t
be included in the variant if newly created , they are needed when
checking if the combination is possible .
: type combination : recordset of ` product . template . attribute . value `
: param log_warning : whether a warning should be logged on fail
: type log_warning : bool
: return : the product variant matching the combination or none
: rtype : recordset of ` product . product `
self . ensure_one ( )
Product = self . env [ ' product.product ' ]
product_variant = self . _get_variant_for_combination ( combination )
if product_variant :
if not product_variant . active and self . has_dynamic_attributes ( ) and self . _is_combination_possible ( combination ) :
product_variant . active = True
return product_variant
if not self . has_dynamic_attributes ( ) :
if log_warning :
_logger . warning ( ' The user # %s tried to create a variant for the non-dynamic product %s . ' % ( self . env . user . id , self . id ) )
return Product
if not self . _is_combination_possible ( combination ) :
if log_warning :
_logger . warning ( ' The user # %s tried to create an invalid variant for the product %s . ' % ( self . env . user . id , self . id ) )
return Product
return Product . sudo ( ) . create ( {
' product_tmpl_id ' : self . id ,
' product_template_attribute_value_ids ' : [ ( 6 , 0 , combination . _without_no_variant_attributes ( ) . ids ) ]
} )
def _create_first_product_variant ( self , log_warning = False ) :
""" Create if necessary and possible and return the first product
variant for this template .
: param log_warning : whether a warning should be logged on fail
: type log_warning : bool
: return : the first product variant or none
: rtype : recordset of ` product . product `
return self . _create_product_variant ( self . _get_first_possible_combination ( ) , log_warning )
@tools.ormcache ( ' self.id ' , ' frozenset(filtered_combination.ids) ' )
def _get_variant_id_for_combination ( self , filtered_combination ) :
""" See `_get_variant_for_combination`. This method returns an ID
so it can be cached .
Use sudo because the same result should be cached for all users .
self . ensure_one ( )
domain = [ ( ' product_tmpl_id ' , ' = ' , self . id ) ]
combination_indices_ids = filtered_combination . _ids2str ( )
if combination_indices_ids :
domain = expression . AND ( [ domain , [ ( ' combination_indices ' , ' = ' , combination_indices_ids ) ] ] )
else :
domain = expression . AND ( [ domain , [ ( ' combination_indices ' , ' in ' , [ ' ' , False ] ) ] ] )
return self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . sudo ( ) . with_context ( active_test = False ) . search ( domain , order = ' active DESC ' , limit = 1 ) . id
@tools.ormcache ( ' self.id ' )
def _get_first_possible_variant_id ( self ) :
""" See `_create_first_product_variant`. This method returns an ID
so it can be cached . """
self . ensure_one ( )
return self . _create_first_product_variant ( ) . id
def _get_first_possible_combination ( self , parent_combination = None , necessary_values = None ) :
""" See `_get_possible_combinations` (one iteration).
This method return the same result ( empty recordset ) if no
combination is possible at all which would be considered a negative
result , or if there are no attribute lines on the template in which
case the " empty combination " is actually a possible combination .
Therefore the result of this method when empty should be tested
with ` _is_combination_possible ` if it ' s important to know if the
resulting empty combination is actually possible or not .
return next ( self . _get_possible_combinations ( parent_combination , necessary_values ) , self . env [ ' product.template.attribute.value ' ] )
def _cartesian_product ( self , product_template_attribute_values_per_line , parent_combination ) :
Generate all possible combination for attributes values ( aka cartesian product ) .
It is equivalent to itertools . product except it skips invalid partial combinations before they are complete .
Imagine the cartesian product of ' A ' , ' CD ' and range ( 1_000_000 ) and let ' s say that ' A ' and ' C ' are incompatible.
If you use itertools . product or any normal cartesian product , you ' ll need to filter out of the final result
the 1_000_000 combinations that start with ' A ' and ' C ' . Instead , This implementation will test if ' A ' and ' C ' are
compatible before even considering range ( 1_000_000 ) , skip it and and continue with combinations that start
with ' A ' and ' D ' .
It ' s necessary for performance reason because filtering out invalid combinations from standard Cartesian product
can be extremely slow
: param product_template_attribute_values_per_line : the values we want all the possibles combinations of .
One list of values by attribute line
: return : a generator of product template attribute value
if not product_template_attribute_values_per_line :
all_exclusions = { self . env [ ' product.template.attribute.value ' ] . browse ( k ) :
self . env [ ' product.template.attribute.value ' ] . browse ( v ) for k , v in
self . _get_own_attribute_exclusions ( ) . items ( ) }
# The following dict uses product template attribute values as keys
# 0 means the value is acceptable, greater than 0 means it's rejected, it cannot be negative
# Bear in mind that several values can reject the same value and the latter can only be included in the
# considered combination if no value rejects it.
# This dictionary counts how many times each value is rejected.
# Each time a value is included in the considered combination, the values it rejects are incremented
# When a value is discarded from the considered combination, the values it rejects are decremented
current_exclusions = defaultdict ( int )
for exclusion in self . _get_parent_attribute_exclusions ( parent_combination ) :
current_exclusions [ self . env [ ' product.template.attribute.value ' ] . browse ( exclusion ) ] + = 1
partial_combination = self . env [ ' product.template.attribute.value ' ]
# The following list reflects product_template_attribute_values_per_line
# For each line, instead of a list of values, it contains the index of the selected value
# -1 means no value has been picked for the line in the current (partial) combination
value_index_per_line = [ - 1 ] * len ( product_template_attribute_values_per_line )
# determines which line line we're working on
line_index = 0
while True :
current_line_values = product_template_attribute_values_per_line [ line_index ]
current_ptav_index = value_index_per_line [ line_index ]
# For multi-checkbox attribute, the list is empty as we want to start without any selected value
if not current_line_values :
if line_index == len ( product_template_attribute_values_per_line ) - 1 :
# submit combination if we're on the last line
yield partial_combination
else :
line_index + = 1
current_ptav = current_line_values [ current_ptav_index ]
# removing exclusions from current_ptav as we're removing it from partial_combination
if current_ptav_index > = 0 :
for ptav_to_include_back in all_exclusions [ current_ptav ] :
current_exclusions [ ptav_to_include_back ] - = 1
partial_combination - = current_ptav
if current_ptav_index < len ( current_line_values ) - 1 :
# go to next value of current line
value_index_per_line [ line_index ] + = 1
current_line_values = product_template_attribute_values_per_line [ line_index ]
current_ptav_index = value_index_per_line [ line_index ]
current_ptav = current_line_values [ current_ptav_index ]
elif line_index != 0 :
# reset current line, and then go to previous line
value_index_per_line [ line_index ] = - 1
line_index - = 1
else :
# we're done if we must reset first line
# adding exclusions from current_ptav as we're incorporating it in partial_combination
for ptav_to_exclude in all_exclusions [ current_ptav ] :
current_exclusions [ ptav_to_exclude ] + = 1
partial_combination + = current_ptav
# test if included values excludes current value or if current value exclude included values
if current_exclusions [ current_ptav ] or \
any ( intersection in partial_combination for intersection in all_exclusions [ current_ptav ] ) :
if line_index == len ( product_template_attribute_values_per_line ) - 1 :
# submit combination if we're on the last line
yield partial_combination
else :
# else we go to the next line
line_index + = 1
def _get_possible_combinations ( self , parent_combination = None , necessary_values = None ) :
""" Generator returning combinations that are possible, following the
sequence of attributes and values .
See ` _is_combination_possible ` for what is a possible combination .
When encountering an impossible combination , try to change the value
of attributes by starting with the further regarding their sequences .
Ignore attributes that have no values .
: param parent_combination : combination from which ` self ` is an
optional or accessory product .
: type parent_combination : recordset ` product . template . attribute . value `
: param necessary_values : values that must be in the returned combination
: type necessary_values : recordset of ` product . template . attribute . value `
: return : the possible combinations
: rtype : generator of recordset of ` product . template . attribute . value `
self . ensure_one ( )
if not self . active :
return _ ( " The product template is archived so no combination is possible. " )
necessary_values = necessary_values or self . env [ ' product.template.attribute.value ' ]
necessary_attribute_lines = necessary_values . mapped ( ' attribute_line_id ' )
attribute_lines = self . valid_product_template_attribute_line_ids . filtered (
lambda ptal : ptal not in necessary_attribute_lines )
if not attribute_lines and self . _is_combination_possible ( necessary_values , parent_combination ) :
yield necessary_values
product_template_attribute_values_per_line = [ ]
for ptal in attribute_lines :
if ptal . attribute_id . display_type != ' multi ' :
values_to_add = ptal . product_template_value_ids . _only_active ( )
else :
values_to_add = self . env [ ' product.template.attribute.value ' ]
product_template_attribute_values_per_line . append ( values_to_add )
for partial_combination in self . _cartesian_product ( product_template_attribute_values_per_line , parent_combination ) :
combination = partial_combination + necessary_values
if self . _is_combination_possible ( combination , parent_combination ) :
yield combination
return _ ( " There are no remaining possible combination. " )
def _get_closest_possible_combination ( self , combination ) :
""" See `_get_closest_possible_combinations` (one iteration).
This method return the same result ( empty recordset ) if no
combination is possible at all which would be considered a negative
result , or if there are no attribute lines on the template in which
case the " empty combination " is actually a possible combination .
Therefore the result of this method when empty should be tested
with ` _is_combination_possible ` if it ' s important to know if the
resulting empty combination is actually possible or not .
return next ( self . _get_closest_possible_combinations ( combination ) , self . env [ ' product.template.attribute.value ' ] )
def _get_closest_possible_combinations ( self , combination ) :
""" Generator returning the possible combinations that are the closest to
the given combination .
If the given combination is incomplete , try to complete it .
If the given combination is invalid , try to remove values from it before
completing it .
: param combination : the values to include if they are possible
: type combination : recordset ` product . template . attribute . value `
: return : the possible combinations that are including as much
elements as possible from the given combination .
: rtype : generator of recordset of product . template . attribute . value
while True :
res = self . _get_possible_combinations ( necessary_values = combination )
try :
# If there is at least one result for the given combination
# we consider that combination set, and we yield all the
# possible combinations for it.
yield ( next ( res ) )
for cur in res :
yield ( cur )
return _ ( " There are no remaining closest combination. " )
except StopIteration :
# There are no results for the given combination, we try to
# progressively remove values from it.
if not combination :
return _ ( " There are no possible combination. " )
combination = combination [ : - 1 ]
def _get_placeholder_filename ( self , field ) :
image_fields = [ ' image_ %s ' % size for size in [ 1920 , 1024 , 512 , 256 , 128 ] ]
if field in image_fields :
return ' product/static/img/placeholder_thumbnail.png '
return super ( ) . _get_placeholder_filename ( field )
def get_single_product_variant ( self ) :
""" Method used by the product configurator to check if the product is configurable or not.
We need to open the product configurator if the product :
- is configurable ( see has_configurable_attributes )
- has optional products ( method is extended in sale to return optional products info )
Note : self . ensure_one ( )
self . ensure_one ( )
if self . product_variant_count == 1 and not self . has_configurable_attributes :
return {
' product_id ' : self . product_variant_id . id ,
' product_name ' : self . product_variant_id . display_name ,
return { }
def get_empty_list_help ( self , help_message ) :
self = self . with_context (
empty_list_help_document_name = _ ( " product " ) ,
return super ( ProductTemplate , self ) . get_empty_list_help ( help_message )
def get_import_templates ( self ) :
return [ {
' label ' : _ ( ' Import Template for Products ' ) ,
' template ' : ' /product/static/xls/product_template.xls '
} ]
def get_contextual_price ( self , product = None ) :
return self . _get_contextual_price ( product = product )
def _get_contextual_price ( self , product = None ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
pricelist = self . _get_contextual_pricelist ( )
quantity = self . env . context . get ( ' quantity ' , 1.0 )
uom = self . env [ ' uom.uom ' ] . browse ( self . env . context . get ( ' uom ' ) )
date = self . env . context . get ( ' date ' )
return pricelist . _get_product_price ( product or self , quantity , uom = uom , date = date )
def _get_contextual_pricelist ( self ) :
""" Get the contextual pricelist
This method is meant to be overriden in other standard modules .
return self . env [ ' product.pricelist ' ] . browse ( self . env . context . get ( ' pricelist ' ) )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
def _get_product_document_domain ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return expression . OR ( [
expression . AND ( [ [ ( ' res_model ' , ' = ' , ' product.template ' ) ] , [ ( ' res_id ' , ' = ' , self . id ) ] ] ) ,
expression . AND ( [
[ ( ' res_model ' , ' = ' , ' product.product ' ) ] ,
[ ( ' res_id ' , ' in ' , self . product_variant_ids . ids ) ] ,
] )
] )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def _demo_configure_variants ( self ) :
acoustic_bloc_screens = self . env . ref (
' product.product_template_acoustic_bloc_screens ' , raise_if_not_found = False
if acoustic_bloc_screens :
acoustic_bloc_screens . product_variant_ids [ 0 ] . default_code = ' FURN_6666 '
acoustic_bloc_screens . product_variant_ids [ 1 ] . default_code = ' FURN_6667 '
self . env [ ' ir.model.data ' ] . _update_xmlids ( [ {
' xml_id ' : ' product.product_product_25 ' ,
' record ' : acoustic_bloc_screens . product_variant_ids [ 1 ] ,
' noupdate ' : True ,
} ] )
def _get_list_price ( self , price ) :
""" Get the product sales price from a public price based on taxes defined on the product.
To be overridden in accounting module . """
self . ensure_one ( )
return price
def _service_tracking_blacklist ( self ) :
""" Service tracking field is used to distinguish some specific categories of products.
Those products shouldn ' t be displayed or used in unrelated applications.
This method returns a domain targeting all those specific products ( events , courses , . . . ) .
return [ ]