self.assertTrue(self.project_pigs.access_token,'The access token should be set since the project has been shared.')
self.assertTrue(self.task_1.access_token,'The access token should be set since the task has been shared.')
self.assertFalse(self.project_pigs.access_token,'The access token should no longer be set since now the project is private.')
self.assertFalse(all(self.project_pigs.tasks.mapped('access_token')),'The access token should no longer be set in any tasks linked to the project since now the project is private.')
self.assertFalse(self.project_pigs.access_token,'The access token should still not be set since now the project has not been shared yet.')
self.assertFalse(all(self.project_pigs.tasks.mapped('access_token')),'The access token should no longer be set in any tasks linked to the project since now the project is private.')
self.assertTrue(self.project_pigs.access_token,'The access token should now be regenerated for this project since that project has been shared to an external partner.')
self.assertTrue(self.task_1.access_token,'The access token should be set since the task has been shared.')
self.assertNotEqual(self.project_pigs.access_token,access_token,'The new access token generated for the project should not be the old one.')
self.assertNotEqual(self.task_1.access_token,task_access_token,'The new access token generated for the task should not be the old one.')
self.assertFalse(self.project_pigs.access_token,'The access token should no longer be set since now the project is only available by internal users.')
self.assertFalse(all(self.project_pigs.tasks.mapped('access_token')),'The access token should no longer be set in any tasks linked to the project since now the project is only available by internal users.')