2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil . relativedelta import relativedelta
from pytz import timezone
from markupsafe import escape , Markup
from werkzeug . urls import url_encode
from odoo import api , Command , fields , models , _
from odoo . osv import expression
from odoo . tools import format_amount , format_date , format_list , formatLang , groupby
from odoo . tools . float_utils import float_is_zero
from odoo . exceptions import UserError , ValidationError
class PurchaseOrder ( models . Model ) :
_name = " purchase.order "
_inherit = [ ' portal.mixin ' , ' product.catalog.mixin ' , ' mail.thread ' , ' mail.activity.mixin ' ]
_description = " Purchase Order "
_rec_names_search = [ ' name ' , ' partner_ref ' ]
_order = ' priority desc, id desc '
@api.depends ( ' order_line.price_subtotal ' , ' company_id ' )
def _amount_all ( self ) :
AccountTax = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ]
for order in self :
order_lines = order . order_line . filtered ( lambda x : not x . display_type )
base_lines = [ line . _prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation ( ) for line in order_lines ]
AccountTax . _add_tax_details_in_base_lines ( base_lines , order . company_id )
AccountTax . _round_base_lines_tax_details ( base_lines , order . company_id )
tax_totals = AccountTax . _get_tax_totals_summary (
base_lines = base_lines ,
currency = order . currency_id or order . company_id . currency_id ,
company = order . company_id ,
order . amount_untaxed = tax_totals [ ' base_amount_currency ' ]
order . amount_tax = tax_totals [ ' tax_amount_currency ' ]
order . amount_total = tax_totals [ ' total_amount_currency ' ]
order . amount_total_cc = tax_totals [ ' total_amount ' ]
@api.depends ( ' state ' , ' order_line.qty_to_invoice ' )
def _get_invoiced ( self ) :
precision = self . env [ ' decimal.precision ' ] . precision_get ( ' Product Unit of Measure ' )
for order in self :
if order . state not in ( ' purchase ' , ' done ' ) :
order . invoice_status = ' no '
if any (
not float_is_zero ( line . qty_to_invoice , precision_digits = precision )
for line in order . order_line . filtered ( lambda l : not l . display_type )
) :
order . invoice_status = ' to invoice '
elif (
all (
float_is_zero ( line . qty_to_invoice , precision_digits = precision )
for line in order . order_line . filtered ( lambda l : not l . display_type )
and order . invoice_ids
) :
order . invoice_status = ' invoiced '
else :
order . invoice_status = ' no '
@api.depends ( ' order_line.invoice_lines.move_id ' )
def _compute_invoice ( self ) :
for order in self :
invoices = order . mapped ( ' order_line.invoice_lines.move_id ' )
order . invoice_ids = invoices
order . invoice_count = len ( invoices )
name = fields . Char ( ' Order Reference ' , required = True , index = ' trigram ' , copy = False , default = ' New ' )
priority = fields . Selection (
[ ( ' 0 ' , ' Normal ' ) , ( ' 1 ' , ' Urgent ' ) ] , ' Priority ' , default = ' 0 ' , index = True )
origin = fields . Char ( ' Source Document ' , copy = False ,
help = " Reference of the document that generated this purchase order "
" request (e.g. a sales order) " )
partner_ref = fields . Char ( ' Vendor Reference ' , copy = False ,
help = " Reference of the sales order or bid sent by the vendor. "
" It ' s used to do the matching when you receive the "
" products as this reference is usually written on the "
" delivery order sent by your vendor. " )
date_order = fields . Datetime ( ' Order Deadline ' , required = True , index = True , copy = False , default = fields . Datetime . now ,
help = " Depicts the date within which the Quotation should be confirmed and converted into a purchase order. " )
date_approve = fields . Datetime ( ' Confirmation Date ' , readonly = True , index = True , copy = False )
partner_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.partner ' , string = ' Vendor ' , required = True , change_default = True , tracking = True , check_company = True , help = " You can find a vendor by its Name, TIN, Email or Internal Reference. " )
dest_address_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.partner ' , check_company = True , string = ' Dropship Address ' ,
help = " Put an address if you want to deliver directly from the vendor to the customer. "
" Otherwise, keep empty to deliver to your own company. " )
currency_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.currency ' , ' Currency ' , required = True ,
default = lambda self : self . env . company . currency_id . id )
state = fields . Selection ( [
( ' draft ' , ' RFQ ' ) ,
( ' sent ' , ' RFQ Sent ' ) ,
( ' to approve ' , ' To Approve ' ) ,
( ' purchase ' , ' Purchase Order ' ) ,
( ' done ' , ' Locked ' ) ,
( ' cancel ' , ' Cancelled ' )
] , string = ' Status ' , readonly = True , index = True , copy = False , default = ' draft ' , tracking = True )
order_line = fields . One2many ( ' purchase.order.line ' , ' order_id ' , string = ' Order Lines ' , copy = True )
notes = fields . Html ( ' Terms and Conditions ' )
partner_bill_count = fields . Integer ( related = ' partner_id.supplier_invoice_count ' )
invoice_count = fields . Integer ( compute = " _compute_invoice " , string = ' Bill Count ' , copy = False , default = 0 , store = True )
invoice_ids = fields . Many2many ( ' account.move ' , compute = " _compute_invoice " , string = ' Bills ' , copy = False , store = True )
invoice_status = fields . Selection ( [
( ' no ' , ' Nothing to Bill ' ) ,
( ' to invoice ' , ' Waiting Bills ' ) ,
( ' invoiced ' , ' Fully Billed ' ) ,
] , string = ' Billing Status ' , compute = ' _get_invoiced ' , store = True , readonly = True , copy = False , default = ' no ' )
date_planned = fields . Datetime (
string = ' Expected Arrival ' , index = True , copy = False , compute = ' _compute_date_planned ' , store = True , readonly = False ,
help = " Delivery date promised by vendor. This date is used to determine expected arrival of products. " )
date_calendar_start = fields . Datetime ( compute = ' _compute_date_calendar_start ' , readonly = True , store = True )
amount_untaxed = fields . Monetary ( string = ' Untaxed Amount ' , store = True , readonly = True , compute = ' _amount_all ' , tracking = True )
tax_totals = fields . Binary ( compute = ' _compute_tax_totals ' , exportable = False )
amount_tax = fields . Monetary ( string = ' Taxes ' , store = True , readonly = True , compute = ' _amount_all ' )
amount_total = fields . Monetary ( string = ' Total ' , store = True , readonly = True , compute = ' _amount_all ' )
amount_total_cc = fields . Monetary ( string = " Company Total " , store = True , readonly = True , compute = " _amount_all " , currency_field = " company_currency_id " )
fiscal_position_id = fields . Many2one ( ' account.fiscal.position ' , string = ' Fiscal Position ' , domain = " [ ' | ' , ( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , False), ( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , company_id)] " )
tax_country_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' res.country ' ,
compute = ' _compute_tax_country_id ' ,
# Avoid access error on fiscal position, when reading a purchase order with company != user.company_ids
compute_sudo = True ,
help = " Technical field to filter the available taxes depending on the fiscal country and fiscal position. " )
tax_calculation_rounding_method = fields . Selection (
related = ' company_id.tax_calculation_rounding_method ' ,
string = ' Tax calculation rounding method ' , readonly = True )
payment_term_id = fields . Many2one ( ' account.payment.term ' , ' Payment Terms ' , domain = " [ ' | ' , ( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , False), ( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , company_id)] " )
incoterm_id = fields . Many2one ( ' account.incoterms ' , ' Incoterm ' , help = " International Commercial Terms are a series of predefined commercial terms used in international transactions. " )
product_id = fields . Many2one ( ' product.product ' , related = ' order_line.product_id ' , string = ' Product ' )
user_id = fields . Many2one (
' res.users ' , string = ' Buyer ' , index = True , tracking = True ,
default = lambda self : self . env . user , check_company = True )
company_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.company ' , ' Company ' , required = True , index = True , default = lambda self : self . env . company . id )
company_currency_id = fields . Many2one ( related = " company_id.currency_id " , string = " Company Currency " )
country_code = fields . Char ( related = ' company_id.account_fiscal_country_id.code ' , string = " Country code " )
company_price_include = fields . Selection ( related = ' company_id.account_price_include ' )
currency_rate = fields . Float (
string = " Currency Rate " ,
compute = ' _compute_currency_rate ' ,
digits = 0 ,
store = True ,
precompute = True ,
mail_reminder_confirmed = fields . Boolean ( " Reminder Confirmed " , default = False , readonly = True , copy = False , help = " True if the reminder email is confirmed by the vendor. " )
mail_reception_confirmed = fields . Boolean ( " Reception Confirmed " , default = False , readonly = True , copy = False , help = " True if PO reception is confirmed by the vendor. " )
mail_reception_declined = fields . Boolean ( " Reception Declined " , readonly = True , copy = False , help = " True if PO reception is declined by the vendor. " )
receipt_reminder_email = fields . Boolean ( ' Receipt Reminder Email ' , compute = ' _compute_receipt_reminder_email ' )
reminder_date_before_receipt = fields . Integer ( ' Days Before Receipt ' , compute = ' _compute_receipt_reminder_email ' )
@api.constrains ( ' company_id ' , ' order_line ' )
def _check_order_line_company_id ( self ) :
for order in self :
invalid_companies = order . order_line . product_id . company_id . filtered (
lambda c : order . company_id not in c . _accessible_branches ( )
if invalid_companies :
bad_products = order . order_line . product_id . filtered (
lambda p : p . company_id and p . company_id in invalid_companies
raise ValidationError ( _ (
" Your quotation contains products from company %(product_company)s whereas your quotation belongs to company %(quote_company)s . \n Please change the company of your quotation or remove the products from other companies ( %(bad_products)s ). " ,
product_company = ' , ' . join ( invalid_companies . sudo ( ) . mapped ( ' display_name ' ) ) ,
quote_company = order . company_id . display_name ,
bad_products = ' , ' . join ( bad_products . mapped ( ' display_name ' ) ) ,
) )
def _compute_access_url ( self ) :
super ( PurchaseOrder , self ) . _compute_access_url ( )
for order in self :
order . access_url = ' /my/purchase/ %s ' % ( order . id )
@api.depends ( ' state ' , ' date_order ' , ' date_approve ' )
def _compute_date_calendar_start ( self ) :
for order in self :
order . date_calendar_start = order . date_approve if ( order . state in [ ' purchase ' , ' done ' ] ) else order . date_order
@api.depends ( ' currency_id ' , ' date_order ' , ' company_id ' )
def _compute_currency_rate ( self ) :
for order in self :
order . currency_rate = self . env [ ' res.currency ' ] . _get_conversion_rate (
from_currency = order . company_id . currency_id ,
to_currency = order . currency_id ,
company = order . company_id ,
date = ( order . date_order or fields . Datetime . now ( ) ) . date ( ) ,
@api.depends ( ' amount_total ' , ' currency_rate ' )
def _compute_amount_total_cc ( self ) :
for order in self :
order . amount_total_cc = order . amount_total / order . currency_rate
@api.depends ( ' order_line.date_planned ' )
def _compute_date_planned ( self ) :
""" date_planned = the earliest date_planned across all order lines. """
for order in self :
dates_list = order . order_line . filtered ( lambda x : not x . display_type and x . date_planned ) . mapped ( ' date_planned ' )
if dates_list :
order . date_planned = min ( dates_list )
else :
order . date_planned = False
@api.depends ( ' name ' , ' partner_ref ' , ' amount_total ' , ' currency_id ' )
@api.depends_context ( ' show_total_amount ' )
def _compute_display_name ( self ) :
for po in self :
name = po . name
if po . partner_ref :
name + = ' ( ' + po . partner_ref + ' ) '
if self . env . context . get ( ' show_total_amount ' ) and po . amount_total :
name + = ' : ' + formatLang ( self . env , po . amount_total , currency_obj = po . currency_id )
po . display_name = name
@api.depends ( ' company_id ' , ' partner_id ' )
def _compute_receipt_reminder_email ( self ) :
for order in self :
order . receipt_reminder_email = order . partner_id . with_company ( order . company_id ) . receipt_reminder_email
order . reminder_date_before_receipt = order . partner_id . with_company ( order . company_id ) . reminder_date_before_receipt
@api.depends_context ( ' lang ' )
@api.depends ( ' order_line.price_subtotal ' , ' currency_id ' , ' company_id ' )
def _compute_tax_totals ( self ) :
AccountTax = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ]
for order in self :
if not order . company_id :
order . tax_totals = False
order_lines = order . order_line . filtered ( lambda x : not x . display_type )
base_lines = [ line . _prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation ( ) for line in order_lines ]
AccountTax . _add_tax_details_in_base_lines ( base_lines , order . company_id )
AccountTax . _round_base_lines_tax_details ( base_lines , order . company_id )
order . tax_totals = AccountTax . _get_tax_totals_summary (
base_lines = base_lines ,
currency = order . currency_id or order . company_id . currency_id ,
company = order . company_id ,
@api.depends ( ' company_id.account_fiscal_country_id ' , ' fiscal_position_id.country_id ' , ' fiscal_position_id.foreign_vat ' )
def _compute_tax_country_id ( self ) :
for record in self :
if record . fiscal_position_id . foreign_vat :
record . tax_country_id = record . fiscal_position_id . country_id
else :
record . tax_country_id = record . company_id . account_fiscal_country_id
@api.onchange ( ' date_planned ' )
def onchange_date_planned ( self ) :
if self . date_planned :
self . order_line . filtered ( lambda line : not line . display_type ) . date_planned = self . date_planned
def write ( self , vals ) :
vals , partner_vals = self . _write_partner_values ( vals )
res = super ( ) . write ( vals )
if partner_vals :
self . partner_id . sudo ( ) . write ( partner_vals ) # Because the purchase user doesn't have write on `res.partner`
return res
def create ( self , vals_list ) :
orders = self . browse ( )
partner_vals_list = [ ]
for vals in vals_list :
company_id = vals . get ( ' company_id ' , self . default_get ( [ ' company_id ' ] ) [ ' company_id ' ] )
# Ensures default picking type and currency are taken from the right company.
self_comp = self . with_company ( company_id )
if vals . get ( ' name ' , ' New ' ) == ' New ' :
seq_date = None
if ' date_order ' in vals :
seq_date = fields . Datetime . context_timestamp ( self , fields . Datetime . to_datetime ( vals [ ' date_order ' ] ) )
vals [ ' name ' ] = self_comp . env [ ' ir.sequence ' ] . next_by_code ( ' purchase.order ' , sequence_date = seq_date ) or ' / '
vals , partner_vals = self . _write_partner_values ( vals )
partner_vals_list . append ( partner_vals )
orders | = super ( PurchaseOrder , self_comp ) . create ( vals )
for order , partner_vals in zip ( orders , partner_vals_list ) :
if partner_vals :
order . sudo ( ) . write ( partner_vals ) # Because the purchase user doesn't have write on `res.partner`
return orders
@api.ondelete ( at_uninstall = False )
def _unlink_if_cancelled ( self ) :
for order in self :
if not order . state == ' cancel ' :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' In order to delete a purchase order, you must cancel it first. ' ) )
def copy ( self , default = None ) :
ctx = dict ( self . env . context )
ctx . pop ( ' default_product_id ' , None )
self = self . with_context ( ctx )
new_pos = super ( ) . copy ( default = default )
for line in new_pos . order_line :
if line . product_id :
seller = line . product_id . _select_seller (
partner_id = line . partner_id , quantity = line . product_qty ,
date = line . order_id . date_order and line . order_id . date_order . date ( ) , uom_id = line . product_uom )
line . date_planned = line . _get_date_planned ( seller )
return new_pos
def _must_delete_date_planned ( self , field_name ) :
# To be overridden
return field_name == ' order_line '
def onchange ( self , values , field_names , fields_spec ) :
Override onchange to NOT update all date_planned on PO lines when
date_planned on PO is updated by the change of date_planned on PO lines .
result = super ( ) . onchange ( values , field_names , fields_spec )
if any ( self . _must_delete_date_planned ( field ) for field in field_names ) and ' value ' in result :
for line in result [ ' value ' ] . get ( ' order_line ' , [ ] ) :
if line [ 0 ] == Command . UPDATE and ' date_planned ' in line [ 2 ] :
del line [ 2 ] [ ' date_planned ' ]
return result
def _get_report_base_filename ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return ' Purchase Order- %s ' % ( self . name )
@api.onchange ( ' partner_id ' , ' company_id ' )
def onchange_partner_id ( self ) :
# Ensures all properties and fiscal positions
# are taken with the company of the order
# if not defined, with_company doesn't change anything.
self = self . with_company ( self . company_id )
default_currency = self . _context . get ( " default_currency_id " )
if not self . partner_id :
self . fiscal_position_id = False
self . currency_id = default_currency or self . env . company . currency_id . id
else :
self . fiscal_position_id = self . env [ ' account.fiscal.position ' ] . _get_fiscal_position ( self . partner_id )
self . payment_term_id = self . partner_id . property_supplier_payment_term_id . id
self . currency_id = default_currency or self . partner_id . property_purchase_currency_id . id or self . env . company . currency_id . id
if self . partner_id . buyer_id :
self . user_id = self . partner_id . buyer_id
return { }
@api.onchange ( ' fiscal_position_id ' , ' company_id ' )
def _compute_tax_id ( self ) :
Trigger the recompute of the taxes if the fiscal position is changed on the PO .
self . order_line . _compute_tax_id ( )
@api.onchange ( ' partner_id ' )
def onchange_partner_id_warning ( self ) :
if not self . partner_id or not self . env . user . has_group ( ' purchase.group_warning_purchase ' ) :
partner = self . partner_id
# If partner has no warning, check its company
if partner . purchase_warn == ' no-message ' and partner . parent_id :
partner = partner . parent_id
if partner . purchase_warn and partner . purchase_warn != ' no-message ' :
# Block if partner only has warning but parent company is blocked
if partner . purchase_warn != ' block ' and partner . parent_id and partner . parent_id . purchase_warn == ' block ' :
partner = partner . parent_id
title = _ ( " Warning for %s " , partner . name )
message = partner . purchase_warn_msg
warning = {
' title ' : title ,
' message ' : message
if partner . purchase_warn == ' block ' :
self . update ( { ' partner_id ' : False } )
return { ' warning ' : warning }
return { }
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
@api.returns ( ' mail.message ' , lambda value : value . id )
def message_post ( self , * * kwargs ) :
if self . env . context . get ( ' mark_rfq_as_sent ' ) :
self . filtered ( lambda o : o . state == ' draft ' ) . write ( { ' state ' : ' sent ' } )
po_ctx = { ' mail_post_autofollow ' : self . env . context . get ( ' mail_post_autofollow ' , True ) }
if self . env . context . get ( ' mark_rfq_as_sent ' ) and ' notify_author ' not in kwargs :
kwargs [ ' notify_author ' ] = self . env . user . partner_id . id in ( kwargs . get ( ' partner_ids ' ) or [ ] )
return super ( PurchaseOrder , self . with_context ( * * po_ctx ) ) . message_post ( * * kwargs )
def _notify_get_recipients_groups ( self , message , model_description , msg_vals = None ) :
""" Tweak ' view document ' button for portal customers, calling directly
routes for confirm specific to PO model . """
groups = super ( ) . _notify_get_recipients_groups (
message , model_description , msg_vals = msg_vals
if not self :
return groups
self . ensure_one ( )
try :
customer_portal_group = next ( group for group in groups if group [ 0 ] == ' portal_customer ' )
except StopIteration :
else :
access_opt = customer_portal_group [ 2 ] . setdefault ( ' button_access ' , { } )
if self . env . context . get ( ' is_reminder ' ) :
access_opt [ ' title ' ] = _ ( ' View ' )
actions = customer_portal_group [ 2 ] . setdefault ( ' actions ' , list ( ) )
actions . extend ( [
{ ' url ' : self . get_confirm_url ( confirm_type = ' reminder ' ) , ' title ' : _ ( ' Accept ' ) } ,
{ ' url ' : self . get_update_url ( ) , ' title ' : _ ( ' Update Dates ' ) } ,
] )
else :
access_opt [ ' title ' ] = _ ( ' View Quotation ' ) if self . state in ( ' draft ' , ' sent ' ) else _ ( ' View Order ' )
access_opt [ ' url ' ] = self . get_confirm_url ( )
return groups
def _notify_by_email_prepare_rendering_context ( self , message , msg_vals = False , model_description = False ,
force_email_company = False , force_email_lang = False ) :
render_context = super ( ) . _notify_by_email_prepare_rendering_context (
message , msg_vals , model_description = model_description ,
force_email_company = force_email_company , force_email_lang = force_email_lang
subtitles = [ render_context [ ' record ' ] . name ]
# don't show price on RFQ mail
if self . state in [ ' draft ' , ' sent ' ] :
subtitles . append ( _ ( ' Order \N{NO-BREAK SPACE} due \N{NO-BREAK SPACE} %(date)s ' ,
date = format_date ( self . env , self . date_order , lang_code = render_context . get ( ' lang ' ) )
) )
else :
subtitles . append ( format_amount ( self . env , self . amount_total , self . currency_id , lang_code = render_context . get ( ' lang ' ) ) )
render_context [ ' subtitles ' ] = subtitles
return render_context
def _track_subtype ( self , init_values ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
if ' state ' in init_values and self . state == ' purchase ' :
if init_values [ ' state ' ] == ' to approve ' :
return self . env . ref ( ' purchase.mt_rfq_approved ' )
return self . env . ref ( ' purchase.mt_rfq_confirmed ' )
elif ' state ' in init_values and self . state == ' to approve ' :
return self . env . ref ( ' purchase.mt_rfq_confirmed ' )
elif ' state ' in init_values and self . state == ' done ' :
return self . env . ref ( ' purchase.mt_rfq_done ' )
elif ' state ' in init_values and self . state == ' sent ' :
return self . env . ref ( ' purchase.mt_rfq_sent ' )
return super ( PurchaseOrder , self ) . _track_subtype ( init_values )
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def action_rfq_send ( self ) :
This function opens a window to compose an email , with the edi purchase template message loaded by default
self . ensure_one ( )
ir_model_data = self . env [ ' ir.model.data ' ]
try :
if self . env . context . get ( ' send_rfq ' , False ) :
template_id = ir_model_data . _xmlid_lookup ( ' purchase.email_template_edi_purchase ' ) [ 1 ]
else :
template_id = ir_model_data . _xmlid_lookup ( ' purchase.email_template_edi_purchase_done ' ) [ 1 ]
except ValueError :
template_id = False
try :
compose_form_id = ir_model_data . _xmlid_lookup ( ' mail.email_compose_message_wizard_form ' ) [ 1 ]
except ValueError :
compose_form_id = False
ctx = dict ( self . env . context or { } )
ctx . update ( {
' default_model ' : ' purchase.order ' ,
' default_res_ids ' : self . ids ,
' default_template_id ' : template_id ,
' default_composition_mode ' : ' comment ' ,
' default_email_layout_xmlid ' : " mail.mail_notification_layout_with_responsible_signature " ,
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
' email_notification_allow_footer ' : True ,
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
' force_email ' : True ,
' mark_rfq_as_sent ' : True ,
} )
# In the case of a RFQ or a PO, we want the "View..." button in line with the state of the
# object. Therefore, we pass the model description in the context, in the language in which
# the template is rendered.
lang = self . env . context . get ( ' lang ' )
if { ' default_template_id ' , ' default_model ' , ' default_res_id ' } < = ctx . keys ( ) :
template = self . env [ ' mail.template ' ] . browse ( ctx [ ' default_template_id ' ] )
if template and template . lang :
lang = template . _render_lang ( [ ctx [ ' default_res_id ' ] ] ) [ ctx [ ' default_res_id ' ] ]
self = self . with_context ( lang = lang )
if self . state in [ ' draft ' , ' sent ' ] :
ctx [ ' model_description ' ] = _ ( ' Request for Quotation ' )
else :
ctx [ ' model_description ' ] = _ ( ' Purchase Order ' )
return {
' name ' : _ ( ' Compose Email ' ) ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' view_mode ' : ' form ' ,
' res_model ' : ' mail.compose.message ' ,
' views ' : [ ( compose_form_id , ' form ' ) ] ,
' view_id ' : compose_form_id ,
' target ' : ' new ' ,
' context ' : ctx ,
def print_quotation ( self ) :
self . write ( { ' state ' : " sent " } )
return self . env . ref ( ' purchase.report_purchase_quotation ' ) . report_action ( self )
def button_approve ( self , force = False ) :
self = self . filtered ( lambda order : order . _approval_allowed ( ) )
self . write ( { ' state ' : ' purchase ' , ' date_approve ' : fields . Datetime . now ( ) } )
self . filtered ( lambda p : p . company_id . po_lock == ' lock ' ) . write ( { ' state ' : ' done ' } )
return { }
def button_draft ( self ) :
self . write ( { ' state ' : ' draft ' } )
return { }
def button_confirm ( self ) :
for order in self :
if order . state not in [ ' draft ' , ' sent ' ] :
order . order_line . _validate_analytic_distribution ( )
order . _add_supplier_to_product ( )
# Deal with double validation process
if order . _approval_allowed ( ) :
order . button_approve ( )
else :
order . write ( { ' state ' : ' to approve ' } )
if order . partner_id not in order . message_partner_ids :
order . message_subscribe ( [ order . partner_id . id ] )
return True
def button_cancel ( self ) :
purchase_orders_with_invoices = self . filtered ( lambda po : any ( i . state not in ( ' cancel ' , ' draft ' ) for i in po . invoice_ids ) )
if purchase_orders_with_invoices :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Unable to cancel purchase order(s): %s . You must first cancel their related vendor bills. " , format_list ( self . env , purchase_orders_with_invoices . mapped ( ' display_name ' ) ) ) )
self . write ( { ' state ' : ' cancel ' , ' mail_reminder_confirmed ' : False } )
def button_unlock ( self ) :
self . write ( { ' state ' : ' purchase ' } )
def button_done ( self ) :
self . write ( { ' state ' : ' done ' , ' priority ' : ' 0 ' } )
def _prepare_supplier_info ( self , partner , line , price , currency ) :
# Prepare supplierinfo data when adding a product
return {
' partner_id ' : partner . id ,
' sequence ' : max ( line . product_id . seller_ids . mapped ( ' sequence ' ) ) + 1 if line . product_id . seller_ids else 1 ,
' min_qty ' : 1.0 ,
' price ' : price ,
' currency_id ' : currency . id ,
' discount ' : line . discount ,
' delay ' : 0 ,
def _add_supplier_to_product ( self ) :
# Add the partner in the supplier list of the product if the supplier is not registered for
# this product. We limit to 10 the number of suppliers for a product to avoid the mess that
# could be caused for some generic products ("Miscellaneous").
for line in self . order_line :
# Do not add a contact as a supplier
partner = self . partner_id if not self . partner_id . parent_id else self . partner_id . parent_id
already_seller = ( partner | self . partner_id ) & line . product_id . seller_ids . mapped ( ' partner_id ' )
if line . product_id and not already_seller and len ( line . product_id . seller_ids ) < = 10 :
price = line . price_unit
# Compute the price for the template's UoM, because the supplier's UoM is related to that UoM.
if line . product_id . product_tmpl_id . uom_po_id != line . product_uom :
default_uom = line . product_id . product_tmpl_id . uom_po_id
price = line . product_uom . _compute_price ( price , default_uom )
supplierinfo = self . _prepare_supplier_info ( partner , line , price , line . currency_id )
# In case the order partner is a contact address, a new supplierinfo is created on
# the parent company. In this case, we keep the product name and code.
seller = line . product_id . _select_seller (
partner_id = line . partner_id ,
quantity = line . product_qty ,
date = line . order_id . date_order and line . order_id . date_order . date ( ) ,
uom_id = line . product_uom )
if seller :
supplierinfo [ ' product_name ' ] = seller . product_name
supplierinfo [ ' product_code ' ] = seller . product_code
vals = {
' seller_ids ' : [ ( 0 , 0 , supplierinfo ) ] ,
# supplier info should be added regardless of the user access rights
line . product_id . product_tmpl_id . sudo ( ) . write ( vals )
def action_bill_matching ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return {
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' name ' : _ ( " Bill Matching " ) ,
' res_model ' : ' purchase.bill.line.match ' ,
' domain ' : [
( ' partner_id ' , ' = ' , self . partner_id . id ) ,
( ' company_id ' , ' in ' , self . env . company . ids ) ,
( ' purchase_order_id ' , ' in ' , [ self . id , False ] ) ,
] ,
' views ' : [ ( self . env . ref ( ' purchase.purchase_bill_line_match_tree ' ) . id , ' list ' ) ] ,
def _prepare_down_payment_section_values ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
context = { ' lang ' : self . partner_id . lang }
res = {
' product_qty ' : 0.0 ,
' order_id ' : self . id ,
' display_type ' : ' line_section ' ,
' is_downpayment ' : True ,
' sequence ' : ( self . order_line [ - 1 : ] . sequence or 9 ) + 1 ,
' name ' : _ ( " Down Payments " ) ,
del context
return res
def _create_downpayments ( self , line_vals ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
# create section
if not any ( line . display_type and line . is_downpayment for line in self . order_line ) :
section_line = self . order_line . create ( self . _prepare_down_payment_section_values ( ) )
else :
section_line = self . order_line . filtered ( lambda line : line . display_type and line . is_downpayment )
vals = [
* * line_val ,
' sequence ' : section_line . sequence + i ,
for i , line_val in enumerate ( line_vals , start = 1 )
downpayment_lines = self . env [ ' purchase.order.line ' ] . create ( vals )
self . order_line = [
Command . link ( line_id )
for line_id in downpayment_lines . ids
] # a simple concatenation would cause all order_line to recompute, we do not want it to happen
return downpayment_lines
def action_create_invoice ( self ) :
""" Create the invoice associated to the PO.
precision = self . env [ ' decimal.precision ' ] . precision_get ( ' Product Unit of Measure ' )
# 1) Prepare invoice vals and clean-up the section lines
invoice_vals_list = [ ]
sequence = 10
for order in self :
if order . invoice_status != ' to invoice ' :
order = order . with_company ( order . company_id )
pending_section = None
# Invoice values.
invoice_vals = order . _prepare_invoice ( )
# Invoice line values (keep only necessary sections).
for line in order . order_line :
if line . display_type == ' line_section ' :
pending_section = line
if not float_is_zero ( line . qty_to_invoice , precision_digits = precision ) :
if pending_section :
line_vals = pending_section . _prepare_account_move_line ( )
line_vals . update ( { ' sequence ' : sequence } )
invoice_vals [ ' invoice_line_ids ' ] . append ( ( 0 , 0 , line_vals ) )
sequence + = 1
pending_section = None
line_vals = line . _prepare_account_move_line ( )
line_vals . update ( { ' sequence ' : sequence } )
invoice_vals [ ' invoice_line_ids ' ] . append ( ( 0 , 0 , line_vals ) )
sequence + = 1
invoice_vals_list . append ( invoice_vals )
if not invoice_vals_list :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' There is no invoiceable line. If a product has a control policy based on received quantity, please make sure that a quantity has been received. ' ) )
# 2) group by (company_id, partner_id, currency_id) for batch creation
new_invoice_vals_list = [ ]
for grouping_keys , invoices in groupby ( invoice_vals_list , key = lambda x : ( x . get ( ' company_id ' ) , x . get ( ' partner_id ' ) , x . get ( ' currency_id ' ) ) ) :
origins = set ( )
payment_refs = set ( )
refs = set ( )
ref_invoice_vals = None
for invoice_vals in invoices :
if not ref_invoice_vals :
ref_invoice_vals = invoice_vals
else :
ref_invoice_vals [ ' invoice_line_ids ' ] + = invoice_vals [ ' invoice_line_ids ' ]
origins . add ( invoice_vals [ ' invoice_origin ' ] )
payment_refs . add ( invoice_vals [ ' payment_reference ' ] )
refs . add ( invoice_vals [ ' ref ' ] )
ref_invoice_vals . update ( {
' ref ' : ' , ' . join ( refs ) [ : 2000 ] ,
' invoice_origin ' : ' , ' . join ( origins ) ,
' payment_reference ' : len ( payment_refs ) == 1 and payment_refs . pop ( ) or False ,
} )
new_invoice_vals_list . append ( ref_invoice_vals )
invoice_vals_list = new_invoice_vals_list
# 3) Create invoices.
moves = self . env [ ' account.move ' ]
AccountMove = self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . with_context ( default_move_type = ' in_invoice ' )
for vals in invoice_vals_list :
moves | = AccountMove . with_company ( vals [ ' company_id ' ] ) . create ( vals )
# 4) Some moves might actually be refunds: convert them if the total amount is negative
# We do this after the moves have been created since we need taxes, etc. to know if the total
# is actually negative or not
moves . filtered ( lambda m : m . currency_id . round ( m . amount_total ) < 0 ) . action_switch_move_type ( )
return self . action_view_invoice ( moves )
def action_merge ( self ) :
all_origin = [ ]
all_vendor_references = [ ]
rfq_to_merge = self . filtered ( lambda r : r . state in [ ' draft ' , ' sent ' ] )
# Group RFQs by vendor
if len ( rfq_to_merge ) < 2 :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Please select at least two purchase orders with state RFQ and RFQ sent to merge. " ) )
rfqs_grouped = defaultdict ( lambda : self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] )
for rfq in rfq_to_merge :
key = self . _prepare_grouped_data ( rfq )
rfqs_grouped [ key ] + = rfq
bunches_of_rfq_to_be_merge = list ( rfqs_grouped . values ( ) )
if all ( len ( rfq_bunch ) == 1 for rfq_bunch in list ( bunches_of_rfq_to_be_merge ) ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " In selected purchase order to merge these details must be same \n Vendor, currency, destination, dropship address and agreement " ) )
bunches_of_rfq_to_be_merge = [ rfqs for rfqs in bunches_of_rfq_to_be_merge if len ( rfqs ) > 1 ]
for rfqs in bunches_of_rfq_to_be_merge :
if len ( rfqs ) < = 1 :
oldest_rfq = min ( rfqs , key = lambda r : r . date_order )
if oldest_rfq :
# Merge RFQs into the oldest purchase order
rfqs - = oldest_rfq
for rfq_line in rfqs . order_line :
existing_line = oldest_rfq . order_line . filtered ( lambda l : l . product_id == rfq_line . product_id and
l . product_uom == rfq_line . product_uom and
l . product_packaging_id == rfq_line . product_packaging_id and
l . product_packaging_qty == rfq_line . product_packaging_qty and
l . analytic_distribution == rfq_line . analytic_distribution and
l . discount == rfq_line . discount and
abs ( l . date_planned - rfq_line . date_planned ) . total_seconds ( ) < = 86400 # 24 hours in seconds
if len ( existing_line ) > 1 :
existing_line [ 0 ] . product_qty + = sum ( existing_line [ 1 : ] . mapped ( ' product_qty ' ) )
existing_line [ 1 : ] . unlink ( )
existing_line = existing_line [ 0 ]
if existing_line :
existing_line . _merge_po_line ( rfq_line )
else :
rfq_line . order_id = oldest_rfq
# Merge source documents and vendor references
all_origin = rfqs . mapped ( ' origin ' )
all_vendor_references = rfqs . mapped ( ' partner_ref ' )
oldest_rfq . origin = ' , ' . join ( filter ( None , [ oldest_rfq . origin , * all_origin ] ) )
oldest_rfq . partner_ref = ' , ' . join ( filter ( None , [ oldest_rfq . partner_ref , * all_vendor_references ] ) )
rfq_names = rfqs . mapped ( ' name ' )
merged_names = " , " . join ( rfq_names )
oldest_rfq_message = _ ( " RFQ merged with %(oldest_rfq_name)s and %(cancelled_rfq)s " , oldest_rfq_name = oldest_rfq . name , cancelled_rfq = merged_names )
for rfq in rfqs :
cancelled_rfq_message = _ ( " RFQ merged with %s " , oldest_rfq . _get_html_link ( ) )
rfq . message_post ( body = cancelled_rfq_message )
oldest_rfq . message_post ( body = oldest_rfq_message )
rfqs . filtered ( lambda r : r . state != ' cancel ' ) . button_cancel ( )
oldest_rfq . _merge_alternative_po ( rfqs )
return {
' type ' : ' ir.actions.client ' ,
' tag ' : ' display_notification ' ,
' params ' : {
' type ' : ' success ' ,
' message ' : _ ( ' purchase orders merged ' ) ,
' next ' : { ' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window_close ' } ,
def _merge_alternative_po ( self , rfqs ) :
def _prepare_grouped_data ( self , rfq ) :
return ( rfq . partner_id . id , rfq . currency_id . id , rfq . dest_address_id . id )
def _prepare_invoice ( self ) :
""" Prepare the dict of values to create the new invoice for a purchase order.
self . ensure_one ( )
move_type = self . _context . get ( ' default_move_type ' , ' in_invoice ' )
partner_invoice = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . browse ( self . partner_id . address_get ( [ ' invoice ' ] ) [ ' invoice ' ] )
partner_bank_id = self . partner_id . commercial_partner_id . bank_ids . filtered_domain ( [ ' | ' , ( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , False ) , ( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , self . company_id . id ) ] ) [ : 1 ]
invoice_vals = {
' ref ' : self . partner_ref or ' ' ,
' move_type ' : move_type ,
' narration ' : self . notes ,
' currency_id ' : self . currency_id . id ,
' partner_id ' : partner_invoice . id ,
' fiscal_position_id ' : ( self . fiscal_position_id or self . fiscal_position_id . _get_fiscal_position ( partner_invoice ) ) . id ,
' payment_reference ' : self . partner_ref or ' ' ,
' partner_bank_id ' : partner_bank_id . id ,
' invoice_origin ' : self . name ,
' invoice_payment_term_id ' : self . payment_term_id . id ,
' invoice_line_ids ' : [ ] ,
' company_id ' : self . company_id . id ,
return invoice_vals
def action_view_invoice ( self , invoices = False ) :
""" This function returns an action that display existing vendor bills of
given purchase order ids . When only one found , show the vendor bill
immediately .
if not invoices :
self . invalidate_model ( [ ' invoice_ids ' ] )
invoices = self . invoice_ids
result = self . env [ ' ir.actions.act_window ' ] . _for_xml_id ( ' account.action_move_in_invoice_type ' )
# choose the view_mode accordingly
if len ( invoices ) > 1 :
result [ ' domain ' ] = [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , invoices . ids ) ]
elif len ( invoices ) == 1 :
res = self . env . ref ( ' account.view_move_form ' , False )
form_view = [ ( res and res . id or False , ' form ' ) ]
if ' views ' in result :
result [ ' views ' ] = form_view + [ ( state , view ) for state , view in result [ ' views ' ] if view != ' form ' ]
else :
result [ ' views ' ] = form_view
result [ ' res_id ' ] = invoices . id
else :
result = { ' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window_close ' }
return result
def retrieve_dashboard ( self ) :
""" This function returns the values to populate the custom dashboard in
the purchase order views .
self . browse ( ) . check_access ( ' read ' )
result = {
' all_to_send ' : 0 ,
' all_waiting ' : 0 ,
' all_late ' : 0 ,
' my_to_send ' : 0 ,
' my_waiting ' : 0 ,
' my_late ' : 0 ,
' all_avg_order_value ' : 0 ,
' all_avg_days_to_purchase ' : 0 ,
' all_total_last_7_days ' : 0 ,
' all_sent_rfqs ' : 0 ,
' company_currency_symbol ' : self . env . company . currency_id . symbol
one_week_ago = fields . Datetime . to_string ( fields . Datetime . now ( ) - relativedelta ( days = 7 ) )
query = """ SELECT COUNT(1)
FROM mail_message m
JOIN purchase_order po ON ( po . id = m . res_id )
WHERE m . create_date > = % s
AND m . model = ' purchase.order '
AND m . message_type = ' notification '
AND m . subtype_id = % s
AND po . company_id = % s ;
self . env . cr . execute ( query , ( one_week_ago , self . env . ref ( ' purchase.mt_rfq_sent ' ) . id , self . env . company . id ) )
res = self . env . cr . fetchone ( )
result [ ' all_sent_rfqs ' ] = res [ 0 ] or 0
# easy counts
po = self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ]
result [ ' all_to_send ' ] = po . search_count ( [ ( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' draft ' ) ] )
result [ ' my_to_send ' ] = po . search_count ( [ ( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' draft ' ) , ( ' user_id ' , ' = ' , self . env . uid ) ] )
result [ ' all_waiting ' ] = po . search_count ( [ ( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' sent ' ) , ( ' date_order ' , ' >= ' , fields . Datetime . now ( ) ) ] )
result [ ' my_waiting ' ] = po . search_count ( [ ( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' sent ' ) , ( ' date_order ' , ' >= ' , fields . Datetime . now ( ) ) , ( ' user_id ' , ' = ' , self . env . uid ) ] )
result [ ' all_late ' ] = po . search_count ( [ ( ' state ' , ' in ' , [ ' draft ' , ' sent ' , ' to approve ' ] ) , ( ' date_order ' , ' < ' , fields . Datetime . now ( ) ) ] )
result [ ' my_late ' ] = po . search_count ( [ ( ' state ' , ' in ' , [ ' draft ' , ' sent ' , ' to approve ' ] ) , ( ' date_order ' , ' < ' , fields . Datetime . now ( ) ) , ( ' user_id ' , ' = ' , self . env . uid ) ] )
# Calculated values ('avg order value', 'avg days to purchase', and 'total last 7 days') note that 'avg order value' and
# 'total last 7 days' takes into account exchange rate and current company's currency's precision.
# This is done via SQL for scalability reasons
query = """ SELECT AVG(COALESCE(po.amount_total / NULLIF(po.currency_rate, 0), po.amount_total)),
AVG ( extract ( epoch from age ( po . date_approve , po . create_date ) / ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) : : decimal ( 16 , 2 ) ) ) ,
SUM ( CASE WHEN po . date_approve > = % s THEN COALESCE ( po . amount_total / NULLIF ( po . currency_rate , 0 ) , po . amount_total ) ELSE 0 END )
FROM purchase_order po
WHERE po . state in ( ' purchase ' , ' done ' )
AND po . company_id = % s
self . _cr . execute ( query , ( one_week_ago , self . env . company . id ) )
res = self . env . cr . fetchone ( )
result [ ' all_avg_days_to_purchase ' ] = round ( res [ 1 ] or 0 , 2 )
currency = self . env . company . currency_id
result [ ' all_avg_order_value ' ] = format_amount ( self . env , res [ 0 ] or 0 , currency )
result [ ' all_total_last_7_days ' ] = format_amount ( self . env , res [ 2 ] or 0 , currency )
return result
def _send_reminder_mail ( self , send_single = False ) :
if not self . env . user . has_group ( ' purchase.group_send_reminder ' ) :
template = self . env . ref ( ' purchase.email_template_edi_purchase_reminder ' , raise_if_not_found = False )
if template :
orders = self if send_single else self . _get_orders_to_remind ( )
for order in orders :
date = order . date_planned
if date and ( send_single or ( date - relativedelta ( days = order . reminder_date_before_receipt ) ) . date ( ) == datetime . today ( ) . date ( ) ) :
if send_single :
return order . _send_reminder_open_composer ( template . id )
else :
order . with_context ( is_reminder = True ) . message_post_with_source (
template ,
email_layout_xmlid = " mail.mail_notification_layout_with_responsible_signature " ,
subtype_xmlid = ' mail.mt_comment ' ,
def send_reminder_preview ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
if not self . env . user . has_group ( ' purchase.group_send_reminder ' ) :
template = self . env . ref ( ' purchase.email_template_edi_purchase_reminder ' , raise_if_not_found = False )
if template and self . env . user . email and self . id :
template . with_context ( is_reminder = True ) . send_mail (
self . id ,
force_send = True ,
raise_exception = False ,
email_layout_xmlid = " mail.mail_notification_layout_with_responsible_signature " ,
email_values = { ' email_to ' : self . env . user . email , ' recipient_ids ' : [ ] } ,
return { ' toast_message ' : escape ( _ ( " A sample email has been sent to %s . " , self . env . user . email ) ) }
def _send_reminder_open_composer ( self , template_id ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
try :
compose_form_id = self . env [ ' ir.model.data ' ] . _xmlid_lookup ( ' mail.email_compose_message_wizard_form ' ) [ 1 ]
except ValueError :
compose_form_id = False
ctx = dict ( self . env . context or { } )
ctx . update ( {
' default_model ' : ' purchase.order ' ,
' default_res_ids ' : self . ids ,
' default_template_id ' : template_id ,
' default_composition_mode ' : ' comment ' ,
' default_email_layout_xmlid ' : " mail.mail_notification_layout_with_responsible_signature " ,
' force_email ' : True ,
' mark_rfq_as_sent ' : True ,
} )
lang = self . env . context . get ( ' lang ' )
if { ' default_template_id ' , ' default_model ' , ' default_res_id ' } < = ctx . keys ( ) :
template = self . env [ ' mail.template ' ] . browse ( ctx [ ' default_template_id ' ] )
if template and template . lang :
lang = template . _render_lang ( [ ctx [ ' default_res_id ' ] ] ) [ ctx [ ' default_res_id ' ] ]
self = self . with_context ( lang = lang )
ctx [ ' model_description ' ] = _ ( ' Purchase Order ' )
return {
' name ' : _ ( ' Compose Email ' ) ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' view_mode ' : ' form ' ,
' res_model ' : ' mail.compose.message ' ,
' views ' : [ ( compose_form_id , ' form ' ) ] ,
' view_id ' : compose_form_id ,
' target ' : ' new ' ,
' context ' : ctx ,
def _get_orders_to_remind ( self ) :
""" When auto sending a reminder mail, only send for unconfirmed purchase
order and not all products are service . """
return self . search ( [
( ' partner_id ' , ' != ' , False ) ,
( ' state ' , ' in ' , [ ' purchase ' , ' done ' ] ) ,
( ' mail_reminder_confirmed ' , ' = ' , False )
] ) . filtered ( lambda p : p . partner_id . with_company ( p . company_id ) . receipt_reminder_email and \
p . mapped ( ' order_line.product_id.product_tmpl_id.type ' ) != [ ' service ' ] )
def _default_order_line_values ( self , child_field = False ) :
default_data = super ( ) . _default_order_line_values ( child_field )
new_default_data = self . env [ ' purchase.order.line ' ] . _get_product_catalog_lines_data ( )
return { * * default_data , * * new_default_data }
def action_add_from_catalog ( self ) :
res = super ( ) . action_add_from_catalog ( )
if res [ ' context ' ] . get ( ' product_catalog_order_model ' ) == ' purchase.order ' :
res [ ' search_view_id ' ] = [ self . env . ref ( ' purchase.product_view_search_catalog ' ) . id , ' search ' ]
return res
def _get_action_add_from_catalog_extra_context ( self ) :
return {
* * super ( ) . _get_action_add_from_catalog_extra_context ( ) ,
' display_uom ' : self . env . user . has_group ( ' uom.group_uom ' ) ,
' precision ' : self . env [ ' decimal.precision ' ] . precision_get ( ' Product Unit of Measure ' ) ,
' product_catalog_currency_id ' : self . currency_id . id ,
' product_catalog_digits ' : self . order_line . _fields [ ' price_unit ' ] . get_digits ( self . env ) ,
' search_default_seller_ids ' : self . partner_id . name ,
def _get_product_catalog_domain ( self ) :
return expression . AND ( [ super ( ) . _get_product_catalog_domain ( ) , [ ( ' purchase_ok ' , ' = ' , True ) ] ] )
def _get_product_catalog_order_data ( self , products , * * kwargs ) :
res = super ( ) . _get_product_catalog_order_data ( products , * * kwargs )
for product in products :
res [ product . id ] | = self . _get_product_price_and_data ( product )
return res
def _get_product_catalog_record_lines ( self , product_ids , child_field = False ) :
grouped_lines = defaultdict ( lambda : self . env [ ' purchase.order.line ' ] )
for line in self . order_line :
if line . display_type or line . product_id . id not in product_ids :
grouped_lines [ line . product_id ] | = line
return grouped_lines
def _get_product_price_and_data ( self , product ) :
""" Fetch the product ' s data used by the purchase ' s catalog.
: return : the product ' s price and, if applicable, the minimum quantity to
buy and the product ' s packaging data.
: rtype : dict
self . ensure_one ( )
product_infos = {
' price ' : product . standard_price ,
' uom ' : {
' display_name ' : product . uom_id . display_name ,
' id ' : product . uom_id . id ,
} ,
if product . purchase_line_warn_msg :
product_infos [ ' warning ' ] = product . purchase_line_warn_msg
if product . purchase_line_warn == " block " :
product_infos [ ' readOnly ' ] = True
if product . uom_id != product . uom_po_id :
product_infos [ ' purchase_uom ' ] = {
' display_name ' : product . uom_po_id . display_name ,
' id ' : product . uom_po_id . id ,
params = { ' order_id ' : self }
# Check if there is a price and a minimum quantity for the order's vendor.
seller = product . _select_seller (
partner_id = self . partner_id ,
quantity = None ,
date = self . date_order and self . date_order . date ( ) ,
uom_id = product . uom_id ,
ordered_by = ' min_qty ' ,
params = params
if seller :
product_infos . update (
price = seller . price_discounted ,
min_qty = seller . min_qty ,
# Check if the product uses some packaging.
packaging = self . env [ ' product.packaging ' ] . search (
[ ( ' product_id ' , ' = ' , product . id ) , ( ' purchase ' , ' = ' , True ) ] , limit = 1
if packaging :
qty = packaging . product_uom_id . _compute_quantity ( packaging . qty , product . uom_po_id )
product_infos . update (
packaging = {
' id ' : packaging . id ,
' name ' : packaging . display_name ,
' qty ' : qty ,
return product_infos
def get_confirm_url ( self , confirm_type = None ) :
""" Create url for confirm reminder or purchase reception email for sending
in mail . """
if confirm_type in [ ' reminder ' , ' reception ' , ' decline ' ] :
param = url_encode ( {
' confirm ' : confirm_type ,
' confirmed_date ' : self . date_planned and self . date_planned . date ( ) ,
} )
return self . get_portal_url ( query_string = ' & %s ' % param )
return self . get_portal_url ( )
def get_update_url ( self ) :
""" Create portal url for user to update the scheduled date on purchase
order lines . """
update_param = url_encode ( { ' update ' : ' True ' } )
return self . get_portal_url ( query_string = ' & %s ' % update_param )
def confirm_reminder_mail ( self , confirmed_date = False ) :
for order in self :
if order . state in [ ' purchase ' , ' done ' ] and not order . mail_reminder_confirmed :
order . mail_reminder_confirmed = True
date_planned = order . get_localized_date_planned ( confirmed_date ) . date ( )
order . message_post ( body = _ ( " %(vendor)s confirmed the receipt will take place on %(date)s . " , vendor = order . partner_id . name , date = date_planned ) )
def _approval_allowed ( self ) :
""" Returns whether the order qualifies to be approved by the current user """
self . ensure_one ( )
return (
self . company_id . po_double_validation == ' one_step '
or ( self . company_id . po_double_validation == ' two_step '
and self . amount_total < self . env . company . currency_id . _convert (
self . company_id . po_double_validation_amount , self . currency_id , self . company_id ,
self . date_order or fields . Date . today ( ) ) )
or self . env . user . has_group ( ' purchase.group_purchase_manager ' ) )
def _confirm_reception_mail ( self ) :
for order in self :
if order . state in [ ' purchase ' , ' done ' ] and not order . mail_reception_confirmed :
order . mail_reception_confirmed = True
order . message_post ( body = _ ( " The order receipt has been acknowledged by %s . " , order . partner_id . name ) )
elif order . state == ' sent ' and not order . mail_reception_confirmed :
order . mail_reception_confirmed = True
order . message_post ( body = _ ( " The RFQ has been acknowledged by %s . " , order . partner_id . name ) )
def _decline_reception_mail ( self ) :
for order in self :
if order . state in [ ' purchase ' , ' done ' ] and not order . mail_reception_declined :
order . mail_reception_declined = True
order . activity_schedule (
' mail.mail_activity_data_todo ' ,
note = _ ( ' The vendor asked to decline this confirmed RfQ, if you agree on that, cancel this PO ' ) )
order . message_post ( body = _ ( " The order receipt has been declined by %s . " , order . partner_id . name ) )
elif order . state == ' sent ' and not order . mail_reception_declined :
order . mail_reception_declined = True
order . message_post ( body = _ ( " The RFQ has been declined by %s . " , order . partner_id . name ) )
def get_localized_date_planned ( self , date_planned = False ) :
""" Returns the localized date planned in the timezone of the order ' s user or the
company ' s partner or UTC if none of them are set. " " "
self . ensure_one ( )
date_planned = date_planned or self . date_planned
if not date_planned :
return False
if isinstance ( date_planned , str ) :
date_planned = fields . Datetime . from_string ( date_planned )
tz = self . get_order_timezone ( )
return date_planned . astimezone ( tz )
def get_order_timezone ( self ) :
""" Returns the timezone of the order ' s user or the company ' s partner
or UTC if none of them are set . """
self . ensure_one ( )
return timezone ( self . user_id . tz or self . company_id . partner_id . tz or ' UTC ' )
def _update_date_planned_for_lines ( self , updated_dates ) :
# create or update the activity
activity = self . env [ ' mail.activity ' ] . search ( [
( ' summary ' , ' = ' , _ ( ' Date Updated ' ) ) ,
( ' res_model_id ' , ' = ' , ' purchase.order ' ) ,
( ' res_id ' , ' = ' , self . id ) ,
( ' user_id ' , ' = ' , self . user_id . id ) ] , limit = 1 )
if activity :
self . _update_update_date_activity ( updated_dates , activity )
else :
self . _create_update_date_activity ( updated_dates )
# update the date on PO line
for line , date in updated_dates :
line . _update_date_planned ( date )
def _update_order_line_info ( self , product_id , quantity , * * kwargs ) :
""" Update purchase order line information for a given product or create
a new one if none exists yet .
: param int product_id : The product , as a ` product . product ` id .
: return : The unit price of the product , based on the pricelist of the
purchase order and the quantity selected .
: rtype : float
self . ensure_one ( )
product_packaging_qty = kwargs . get ( ' product_packaging_qty ' , False )
product_packaging_id = kwargs . get ( ' product_packaging_id ' , False )
pol = self . order_line . filtered ( lambda line : line . product_id . id == product_id )
if pol :
if product_packaging_qty :
pol . product_packaging_id = product_packaging_id
pol . product_packaging_qty = product_packaging_qty
elif quantity != 0 :
pol . product_qty = quantity
elif self . state in [ ' draft ' , ' sent ' ] :
price_unit = self . _get_product_price_and_data ( pol . product_id ) [ ' price ' ]
pol . unlink ( )
return price_unit
else :
pol . product_qty = 0
elif quantity > 0 :
pol = self . env [ ' purchase.order.line ' ] . create ( {
' order_id ' : self . id ,
' product_id ' : product_id ,
' product_qty ' : quantity ,
' sequence ' : ( ( self . order_line and self . order_line [ - 1 ] . sequence + 1 ) or 10 ) , # put it at the end of the order
} )
seller = pol . product_id . _select_seller (
partner_id = pol . partner_id ,
quantity = pol . product_qty ,
date = pol . order_id . date_order and pol . order_id . date_order . date ( ) or fields . Date . context_today ( pol ) ,
uom_id = pol . product_uom )
if seller :
# Fix the PO line's price on the seller's one.
pol . price_unit = seller . price_discounted
return pol . price_unit_discounted
def _create_update_date_activity ( self , updated_dates ) :
note = Markup ( ' <p> %s </p> \n ' ) % _ ( ' %s modified receipt dates for the following products: ' , self . partner_id . name )
for line , date in updated_dates :
note + = Markup ( ' <p> - %s </p> \n ' ) % _ (
' %(product)s from %(original_receipt_date)s to %(new_receipt_date)s ' ,
product = line . product_id . display_name ,
original_receipt_date = line . date_planned . date ( ) ,
new_receipt_date = date . date ( )
activity = self . activity_schedule (
' mail.mail_activity_data_warning ' ,
summary = _ ( " Date Updated " ) ,
user_id = self . user_id . id
# add the note after we post the activity because the note can be soon
# changed when updating the date of the next PO line. So instead of
# sending a mail with incomplete note, we send one with no note.
activity . note = note
return activity
def _update_update_date_activity ( self , updated_dates , activity ) :
for line , date in updated_dates :
activity . note + = Markup ( ' <p> - %s </p> \n ' ) % _ (
' %(product)s from %(original_receipt_date)s to %(new_receipt_date)s ' ,
product = line . product_id . display_name ,
original_receipt_date = line . date_planned . date ( ) ,
new_receipt_date = date . date ( )
def _write_partner_values ( self , vals ) :
partner_values = { }
if ' receipt_reminder_email ' in vals :
partner_values [ ' receipt_reminder_email ' ] = vals . pop ( ' receipt_reminder_email ' )
if ' reminder_date_before_receipt ' in vals :
partner_values [ ' reminder_date_before_receipt ' ] = vals . pop ( ' reminder_date_before_receipt ' )
return vals , partner_values
def _is_readonly ( self ) :
""" Return whether the purchase order is read-only or not based on the state.
A purchase order is considered read - only if its state is ' cancel ' .
: return : Whether the purchase order is read - only or not .
: rtype : bool
self . ensure_one ( )
return self . state == ' cancel '
def _get_edi_builders ( self ) :
return [ ]