2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from datetime import datetime , time
from dateutil . relativedelta import relativedelta
from pytz import UTC
from odoo import api , fields , models , _
from odoo . tools import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT , get_lang
from odoo . tools . float_utils import float_compare , float_round
from odoo . exceptions import UserError
class PurchaseOrderLine ( models . Model ) :
_name = ' purchase.order.line '
_inherit = ' analytic.mixin '
_description = ' Purchase Order Line '
_order = ' order_id, sequence, id '
name = fields . Text (
string = ' Description ' , required = True , compute = ' _compute_price_unit_and_date_planned_and_name ' , store = True , readonly = False )
sequence = fields . Integer ( string = ' Sequence ' , default = 10 )
product_qty = fields . Float ( string = ' Quantity ' , digits = ' Product Unit of Measure ' , required = True ,
compute = ' _compute_product_qty ' , store = True , readonly = False )
product_uom_qty = fields . Float ( string = ' Total Quantity ' , compute = ' _compute_product_uom_qty ' , store = True )
date_planned = fields . Datetime (
string = ' Expected Arrival ' , index = True ,
compute = " _compute_price_unit_and_date_planned_and_name " , readonly = False , store = True ,
help = " Delivery date expected from vendor. This date respectively defaults to vendor pricelist lead time then today ' s date. " )
discount = fields . Float (
string = " Discount ( % ) " ,
compute = ' _compute_price_unit_and_date_planned_and_name ' ,
digits = ' Discount ' ,
store = True , readonly = False )
taxes_id = fields . Many2many ( ' account.tax ' , string = ' Taxes ' , context = { ' active_test ' : False } )
product_uom = fields . Many2one ( ' uom.uom ' , string = ' Unit of Measure ' , domain = " [( ' category_id ' , ' = ' , product_uom_category_id)] " )
product_uom_category_id = fields . Many2one ( related = ' product_id.uom_id.category_id ' )
product_id = fields . Many2one ( ' product.product ' , string = ' Product ' , domain = [ ( ' purchase_ok ' , ' = ' , True ) ] , change_default = True , index = ' btree_not_null ' , ondelete = ' restrict ' )
product_type = fields . Selection ( related = ' product_id.type ' , readonly = True )
price_unit = fields . Float (
string = ' Unit Price ' , required = True , digits = ' Product Price ' , aggregator = ' avg ' ,
compute = " _compute_price_unit_and_date_planned_and_name " , readonly = False , store = True )
price_unit_discounted = fields . Float ( ' Unit Price (Discounted) ' , compute = ' _compute_price_unit_discounted ' )
price_subtotal = fields . Monetary ( compute = ' _compute_amount ' , string = ' Subtotal ' , aggregator = None , store = True )
price_total = fields . Monetary ( compute = ' _compute_amount ' , string = ' Total ' , store = True )
price_tax = fields . Float ( compute = ' _compute_amount ' , string = ' Tax ' , store = True )
order_id = fields . Many2one ( ' purchase.order ' , string = ' Order Reference ' , index = True , required = True , ondelete = ' cascade ' )
company_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.company ' , related = ' order_id.company_id ' , string = ' Company ' , store = True , readonly = True )
state = fields . Selection ( related = ' order_id.state ' , store = True )
invoice_lines = fields . One2many ( ' account.move.line ' , ' purchase_line_id ' , string = " Bill Lines " , readonly = True , copy = False )
# Replace by invoiced Qty
qty_invoiced = fields . Float ( compute = ' _compute_qty_invoiced ' , string = " Billed Qty " , digits = ' Product Unit of Measure ' , store = True )
qty_received_method = fields . Selection ( [ ( ' manual ' , ' Manual ' ) ] , string = " Received Qty Method " , compute = ' _compute_qty_received_method ' , store = True ,
help = " According to product configuration, the received quantity can be automatically computed by mechanism: \n "
" - Manual: the quantity is set manually on the line \n "
" - Stock Moves: the quantity comes from confirmed pickings \n " )
qty_received = fields . Float ( " Received Qty " , compute = ' _compute_qty_received ' , inverse = ' _inverse_qty_received ' , compute_sudo = True , store = True , digits = ' Product Unit of Measure ' )
qty_received_manual = fields . Float ( " Manual Received Qty " , digits = ' Product Unit of Measure ' , copy = False )
qty_to_invoice = fields . Float ( compute = ' _compute_qty_invoiced ' , string = ' To Invoice Quantity ' , store = True , readonly = True ,
digits = ' Product Unit of Measure ' )
partner_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.partner ' , related = ' order_id.partner_id ' , string = ' Partner ' , readonly = True , store = True , index = ' btree_not_null ' )
currency_id = fields . Many2one ( related = ' order_id.currency_id ' , store = True , string = ' Currency ' , readonly = True )
date_order = fields . Datetime ( related = ' order_id.date_order ' , string = ' Order Date ' , readonly = True )
date_approve = fields . Datetime ( related = " order_id.date_approve " , string = ' Confirmation Date ' , readonly = True )
product_packaging_id = fields . Many2one ( ' product.packaging ' , string = ' Packaging ' , domain = " [( ' purchase ' , ' = ' , True), ( ' product_id ' , ' = ' , product_id)] " , check_company = True ,
compute = " _compute_product_packaging_id " , store = True , readonly = False )
product_packaging_qty = fields . Float ( ' Packaging Quantity ' , compute = " _compute_product_packaging_qty " , store = True , readonly = False )
tax_calculation_rounding_method = fields . Selection (
related = ' company_id.tax_calculation_rounding_method ' ,
string = ' Tax calculation rounding method ' , readonly = True )
display_type = fields . Selection ( [
( ' line_section ' , " Section " ) ,
( ' line_note ' , " Note " ) ] , default = False , help = " Technical field for UX purpose. " )
is_downpayment = fields . Boolean ( )
_sql_constraints = [
( ' accountable_required_fields ' ,
" CHECK(display_type IS NOT NULL OR is_downpayment OR (product_id IS NOT NULL AND product_uom IS NOT NULL AND date_planned IS NOT NULL)) " ,
" Missing required fields on accountable purchase order line. " ) ,
( ' non_accountable_null_fields ' ,
" CHECK(display_type IS NULL OR (product_id IS NULL AND price_unit = 0 AND product_uom_qty = 0 AND product_uom IS NULL AND date_planned is NULL)) " ,
" Forbidden values on non-accountable purchase order line " ) ,
product_template_attribute_value_ids = fields . Many2many ( related = ' product_id.product_template_attribute_value_ids ' , readonly = True )
product_no_variant_attribute_value_ids = fields . Many2many ( ' product.template.attribute.value ' , string = ' Product attribute values that do not create variants ' , ondelete = ' restrict ' )
@api.depends ( ' product_qty ' , ' price_unit ' , ' taxes_id ' , ' discount ' )
def _compute_amount ( self ) :
for line in self :
base_line = line . _prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation ( )
self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . _add_tax_details_in_base_line ( base_line , line . company_id )
line . price_subtotal = base_line [ ' tax_details ' ] [ ' raw_total_excluded_currency ' ]
line . price_total = base_line [ ' tax_details ' ] [ ' raw_total_included_currency ' ]
line . price_tax = line . price_total - line . price_subtotal
def _prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation ( self ) :
""" Convert the current record to a dictionary in order to use the generic taxes computation method
defined on account . tax .
: return : A python dictionary .
self . ensure_one ( )
return self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . _prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation (
self ,
tax_ids = self . taxes_id ,
quantity = self . product_qty ,
partner_id = self . order_id . partner_id ,
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
currency_id = self . order_id . currency_id or self . order_id . company_id . currency_id ,
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
rate = self . order_id . currency_rate ,
def _compute_tax_id ( self ) :
for line in self :
line = line . with_company ( line . company_id )
fpos = line . order_id . fiscal_position_id or line . order_id . fiscal_position_id . _get_fiscal_position ( line . order_id . partner_id )
# filter taxes by company
taxes = line . product_id . supplier_taxes_id . _filter_taxes_by_company ( line . company_id )
line . taxes_id = fpos . map_tax ( taxes )
@api.depends ( ' discount ' , ' price_unit ' )
def _compute_price_unit_discounted ( self ) :
for line in self :
line . price_unit_discounted = line . price_unit * ( 1 - line . discount / 100 )
@api.depends ( ' invoice_lines.move_id.state ' , ' invoice_lines.quantity ' , ' qty_received ' , ' product_uom_qty ' , ' order_id.state ' )
def _compute_qty_invoiced ( self ) :
for line in self :
# compute qty_invoiced
qty = 0.0
for inv_line in line . _get_invoice_lines ( ) :
if inv_line . move_id . state not in [ ' cancel ' ] or inv_line . move_id . payment_state == ' invoicing_legacy ' :
if inv_line . move_id . move_type == ' in_invoice ' :
qty + = inv_line . product_uom_id . _compute_quantity ( inv_line . quantity , line . product_uom )
elif inv_line . move_id . move_type == ' in_refund ' :
qty - = inv_line . product_uom_id . _compute_quantity ( inv_line . quantity , line . product_uom )
line . qty_invoiced = qty
# compute qty_to_invoice
if line . order_id . state in [ ' purchase ' , ' done ' ] :
if line . product_id . purchase_method == ' purchase ' :
line . qty_to_invoice = line . product_qty - line . qty_invoiced
else :
line . qty_to_invoice = line . qty_received - line . qty_invoiced
else :
line . qty_to_invoice = 0
def _get_invoice_lines ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
if self . _context . get ( ' accrual_entry_date ' ) :
return self . invoice_lines . filtered (
lambda l : l . move_id . invoice_date and l . move_id . invoice_date < = self . _context [ ' accrual_entry_date ' ]
else :
return self . invoice_lines
@api.depends ( ' product_id ' , ' product_id.type ' )
def _compute_qty_received_method ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . product_id and line . product_id . type in [ ' consu ' , ' service ' ] :
line . qty_received_method = ' manual '
else :
line . qty_received_method = False
@api.depends ( ' qty_received_method ' , ' qty_received_manual ' )
def _compute_qty_received ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . qty_received_method == ' manual ' :
line . qty_received = line . qty_received_manual or 0.0
else :
line . qty_received = 0.0
@api.onchange ( ' qty_received ' )
def _inverse_qty_received ( self ) :
""" When writing on qty_received, if the value should be modify manually (`qty_received_method` = ' manual ' only),
then we put the value in ` qty_received_manual ` . Otherwise , ` qty_received_manual ` should be False since the
received qty is automatically compute by other mecanisms .
for line in self :
if line . qty_received_method == ' manual ' :
line . qty_received_manual = line . qty_received
else :
line . qty_received_manual = 0.0
def create ( self , vals_list ) :
for values in vals_list :
if values . get ( ' display_type ' , self . default_get ( [ ' display_type ' ] ) [ ' display_type ' ] ) :
values . update ( product_id = False , price_unit = 0 , product_uom_qty = 0 , product_uom = False , date_planned = False )
else :
values . update ( self . _prepare_add_missing_fields ( values ) )
lines = super ( ) . create ( vals_list )
for line in lines :
if line . product_id and line . order_id . state == ' purchase ' :
msg = _ ( " Extra line with %s " , line . product_id . display_name )
line . order_id . message_post ( body = msg )
return lines
def write ( self , values ) :
if ' display_type ' in values and self . filtered ( lambda line : line . display_type != values . get ( ' display_type ' ) ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " You cannot change the type of a purchase order line. Instead you should delete the current line and create a new line of the proper type. " ) )
if ' product_qty ' in values :
precision = self . env [ ' decimal.precision ' ] . precision_get ( ' Product Unit of Measure ' )
for line in self :
if (
line . order_id . state == " purchase "
and float_compare ( line . product_qty , values [ " product_qty " ] , precision_digits = precision ) != 0
) :
line . order_id . message_post_with_source (
' purchase.track_po_line_template ' ,
render_values = { ' line ' : line , ' product_qty ' : values [ ' product_qty ' ] } ,
subtype_xmlid = ' mail.mt_note ' ,
if ' qty_received ' in values :
for line in self :
line . _track_qty_received ( values [ ' qty_received ' ] )
return super ( PurchaseOrderLine , self ) . write ( values )
@api.ondelete ( at_uninstall = False )
def _unlink_except_purchase_or_done ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . order_id . state in [ ' purchase ' , ' done ' ] :
state_description = { state_desc [ 0 ] : state_desc [ 1 ] for state_desc in self . _fields [ ' state ' ] . _description_selection ( self . env ) }
raise UserError ( _ ( ' Cannot delete a purchase order line which is in state “ %s ”. ' , state_description . get ( line . state ) ) )
def _get_date_planned ( self , seller , po = False ) :
""" Return the datetime value to use as Schedule Date (``date_planned``) for
PO Lines that correspond to the given product . seller_ids ,
when ordered at ` date_order_str ` .
: param Model seller : used to fetch the delivery delay ( if no seller
is provided , the delay is 0 )
: param Model po : purchase . order , necessary only if the PO line is
not yet attached to a PO .
: rtype : datetime
: return : desired Schedule Date for the PO line
date_order = po . date_order if po else self . order_id . date_order
if date_order :
return date_order + relativedelta ( days = seller . delay if seller else 0 )
else :
return datetime . today ( ) + relativedelta ( days = seller . delay if seller else 0 )
@api.depends ( ' product_id ' , ' order_id.partner_id ' )
def _compute_analytic_distribution ( self ) :
for line in self :
if not line . display_type :
distribution = self . env [ ' account.analytic.distribution.model ' ] . _get_distribution ( {
" product_id " : line . product_id . id ,
" product_categ_id " : line . product_id . categ_id . id ,
" partner_id " : line . order_id . partner_id . id ,
" partner_category_id " : line . order_id . partner_id . category_id . ids ,
" company_id " : line . company_id . id ,
} )
line . analytic_distribution = distribution or line . analytic_distribution
@api.onchange ( ' product_id ' )
def onchange_product_id ( self ) :
# TODO: Remove when onchanges are replaced with computes
if not self . product_id or ( self . env . context . get ( ' origin_po_id ' ) and self . product_qty ) :
# Reset date, price and quantity since _onchange_quantity will provide default values
self . price_unit = self . product_qty = 0.0
self . _product_id_change ( )
self . _suggest_quantity ( )
def _product_id_change ( self ) :
if not self . product_id :
self . product_uom = self . product_id . uom_po_id or self . product_id . uom_id
product_lang = self . product_id . with_context (
lang = get_lang ( self . env , self . partner_id . lang ) . code ,
partner_id = None ,
company_id = self . company_id . id ,
self . name = self . _get_product_purchase_description ( product_lang )
self . _compute_tax_id ( )
@api.onchange ( ' product_id ' )
def onchange_product_id_warning ( self ) :
if not self . product_id or not self . env . user . has_group ( ' purchase.group_warning_purchase ' ) :
warning = { }
title = False
message = False
product_info = self . product_id
if product_info . purchase_line_warn != ' no-message ' :
title = _ ( " Warning for %s " , product_info . name )
message = product_info . purchase_line_warn_msg
warning [ ' title ' ] = title
warning [ ' message ' ] = message
if product_info . purchase_line_warn == ' block ' :
self . product_id = False
return { ' warning ' : warning }
return { }
@api.depends ( ' product_qty ' , ' product_uom ' , ' company_id ' , ' order_id.partner_id ' )
def _compute_price_unit_and_date_planned_and_name ( self ) :
for line in self :
if not line . product_id or line . invoice_lines or not line . company_id :
params = line . _get_select_sellers_params ( )
seller = line . product_id . _select_seller (
partner_id = line . partner_id ,
quantity = line . product_qty ,
date = line . order_id . date_order and line . order_id . date_order . date ( ) or fields . Date . context_today ( line ) ,
uom_id = line . product_uom ,
params = params )
if seller or not line . date_planned :
line . date_planned = line . _get_date_planned ( seller ) . strftime ( DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT )
# If not seller, use the standard price. It needs a proper currency conversion.
if not seller :
line . discount = 0
unavailable_seller = line . product_id . seller_ids . filtered (
lambda s : s . partner_id == line . order_id . partner_id )
if not unavailable_seller and line . price_unit and line . product_uom == line . _origin . product_uom :
# Avoid to modify the price unit if there is no price list for this partner and
# the line has already one to avoid to override unit price set manually.
po_line_uom = line . product_uom or line . product_id . uom_po_id
price_unit = line . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . _fix_tax_included_price_company (
line . product_id . uom_id . _compute_price ( line . product_id . standard_price , po_line_uom ) ,
line . product_id . supplier_taxes_id ,
line . taxes_id ,
line . company_id ,
price_unit = line . product_id . cost_currency_id . _convert (
price_unit ,
line . currency_id ,
line . company_id ,
line . date_order or fields . Date . context_today ( line ) ,
line . price_unit = float_round ( price_unit , precision_digits = max ( line . currency_id . decimal_places , self . env [ ' decimal.precision ' ] . precision_get ( ' Product Price ' ) ) )
elif seller :
price_unit = line . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . _fix_tax_included_price_company ( seller . price , line . product_id . supplier_taxes_id , line . taxes_id , line . company_id ) if seller else 0.0
price_unit = seller . currency_id . _convert ( price_unit , line . currency_id , line . company_id , line . date_order or fields . Date . context_today ( line ) , False )
price_unit = float_round ( price_unit , precision_digits = max ( line . currency_id . decimal_places , self . env [ ' decimal.precision ' ] . precision_get ( ' Product Price ' ) ) )
line . price_unit = seller . product_uom . _compute_price ( price_unit , line . product_uom )
line . discount = seller . discount or 0.0
# record product names to avoid resetting custom descriptions
default_names = [ ]
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
vendors = line . product_id . _prepare_sellers ( params = params )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
product_ctx = { ' seller_id ' : None , ' partner_id ' : None , ' lang ' : get_lang ( line . env , line . partner_id . lang ) . code }
default_names . append ( line . _get_product_purchase_description ( line . product_id . with_context ( product_ctx ) ) )
for vendor in vendors :
product_ctx = { ' seller_id ' : vendor . id , ' lang ' : get_lang ( line . env , line . partner_id . lang ) . code }
default_names . append ( line . _get_product_purchase_description ( line . product_id . with_context ( product_ctx ) ) )
if not line . name or line . name in default_names :
product_ctx = { ' seller_id ' : seller . id , ' lang ' : get_lang ( line . env , line . partner_id . lang ) . code }
line . name = line . _get_product_purchase_description ( line . product_id . with_context ( product_ctx ) )
@api.depends ( ' product_id ' , ' product_qty ' , ' product_uom ' )
def _compute_product_packaging_id ( self ) :
for line in self :
# remove packaging if not match the product
if line . product_packaging_id . product_id != line . product_id :
line . product_packaging_id = False
# suggest biggest suitable packaging matching the PO's company
if line . product_id and line . product_qty and line . product_uom :
suggested_packaging = line . product_id . packaging_ids \
. filtered ( lambda p : p . purchase and ( p . product_id . company_id < = p . company_id < = line . company_id ) ) \
. _find_suitable_product_packaging ( line . product_qty , line . product_uom )
line . product_packaging_id = suggested_packaging or line . product_packaging_id
@api.onchange ( ' product_packaging_id ' )
def _onchange_product_packaging_id ( self ) :
if self . product_packaging_id and self . product_qty :
newqty = self . product_packaging_id . _check_qty ( self . product_qty , self . product_uom , " UP " )
if float_compare ( newqty , self . product_qty , precision_rounding = self . product_uom . rounding ) != 0 :
return {
' warning ' : {
' title ' : _ ( ' Warning ' ) ,
' message ' : _ (
" This product is packaged by %(pack_size).2f %(pack_name)s . You should purchase %(quantity).2f %(unit)s . " ,
pack_size = self . product_packaging_id . qty ,
pack_name = self . product_id . uom_id . name ,
quantity = newqty ,
unit = self . product_uom . name
) ,
} ,
@api.depends ( ' product_packaging_id ' , ' product_uom ' , ' product_qty ' )
def _compute_product_packaging_qty ( self ) :
self . product_packaging_qty = 0
for line in self :
if not line . product_packaging_id :
line . product_packaging_qty = line . product_packaging_id . _compute_qty ( line . product_qty , line . product_uom )
@api.depends ( ' product_packaging_qty ' )
def _compute_product_qty ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . product_packaging_id :
packaging_uom = line . product_packaging_id . product_uom_id
qty_per_packaging = line . product_packaging_id . qty
product_qty = packaging_uom . _compute_quantity ( line . product_packaging_qty * qty_per_packaging , line . product_uom )
if float_compare ( product_qty , line . product_qty , precision_rounding = line . product_uom . rounding ) != 0 :
line . product_qty = product_qty
@api.depends ( ' product_uom ' , ' product_qty ' , ' product_id.uom_id ' )
def _compute_product_uom_qty ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . product_id and line . product_id . uom_id != line . product_uom :
line . product_uom_qty = line . product_uom . _compute_quantity ( line . product_qty , line . product_id . uom_id )
else :
line . product_uom_qty = line . product_qty
def _get_gross_price_unit ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
price_unit = self . price_unit
if self . discount :
price_unit = price_unit * ( 1 - self . discount / 100 )
if self . taxes_id :
qty = self . product_qty or 1
price_unit = self . taxes_id . compute_all (
price_unit ,
currency = self . order_id . currency_id ,
quantity = qty ,
rounding_method = ' round_globally ' ,
) [ ' total_void ' ]
price_unit = price_unit / qty
if self . product_uom . id != self . product_id . uom_id . id :
price_unit * = self . product_uom . factor / self . product_id . uom_id . factor
return price_unit
def action_add_from_catalog ( self ) :
order = self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] . browse ( self . env . context . get ( ' order_id ' ) )
return order . with_context ( child_field = ' order_line ' ) . action_add_from_catalog ( )
def action_purchase_history ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
action = self . env [ " ir.actions.actions " ] . _for_xml_id ( " purchase.action_purchase_history " )
action [ ' domain ' ] = [ ( ' state ' , ' in ' , [ ' purchase ' , ' done ' ] ) , ( ' product_id ' , ' = ' , self . product_id . id ) ]
action [ ' display_name ' ] = _ ( " Purchase History for %s " , self . product_id . display_name )
action [ ' context ' ] = {
' search_default_partner_id ' : self . partner_id . id
return action
def _suggest_quantity ( self ) :
Suggest a minimal quantity based on the seller
if not self . product_id :
seller_min_qty = self . product_id . seller_ids \
. filtered ( lambda r : r . partner_id == self . order_id . partner_id and ( not r . product_id or r . product_id == self . product_id ) ) \
. sorted ( key = lambda r : r . min_qty )
if seller_min_qty :
self . product_qty = seller_min_qty [ 0 ] . min_qty or 1.0
self . product_uom = seller_min_qty [ 0 ] . product_uom
else :
self . product_qty = 1.0
def _get_product_catalog_lines_data ( self , * * kwargs ) :
""" Return information about purchase order lines in `self`.
If ` self ` is empty , this method returns only the default value ( s ) needed for the product
catalog . In this case , the quantity that equals 0.
Otherwise , it returns a quantity and a price based on the product of the POL ( s ) and whether
the product is read - only or not .
A product is considered read - only if the order is considered read - only ( see
` ` PurchaseOrder . _is_readonly ` ` for more details ) or if ` self ` contains multiple records
or if it has purchase_line_warn == " block " .
Note : This method cannot be called with multiple records that have different products linked .
: raise odoo . exceptions . ValueError : ` ` len ( self . product_id ) != 1 ` `
: rtype : dict
: return : A dict with the following structure :
' quantity ' : float ,
' price ' : float ,
' readOnly ' : bool ,
' uom ' : dict ,
' purchase_uom ' : dict ,
' packaging ' : dict ,
' warning ' : String ,
if len ( self ) == 1 :
catalog_info = self . order_id . _get_product_price_and_data ( self . product_id )
uom = {
' display_name ' : self . product_id . uom_id . display_name ,
' id ' : self . product_id . uom_id . id ,
catalog_info . update (
quantity = self . product_qty ,
price = self . price_unit * ( 1 - self . discount / 100 ) ,
readOnly = self . order_id . _is_readonly ( ) ,
uom = uom ,
if self . product_id . uom_id != self . product_uom :
catalog_info [ ' purchase_uom ' ] = {
' display_name ' : self . product_uom . display_name ,
' id ' : self . product_uom . id ,
if self . product_packaging_id :
packaging = self . product_packaging_id
catalog_info [ ' packaging ' ] = {
' id ' : packaging . id ,
' name ' : packaging . display_name ,
' qty ' : packaging . product_uom_id . _compute_quantity ( packaging . qty , self . product_uom ) ,
return catalog_info
elif self :
self . product_id . ensure_one ( )
order_line = self [ 0 ]
catalog_info = order_line . order_id . _get_product_price_and_data ( order_line . product_id )
catalog_info [ ' quantity ' ] = sum ( self . mapped (
lambda line : line . product_uom . _compute_quantity (
qty = line . product_qty ,
to_unit = line . product_id . uom_id ,
) ) )
catalog_info [ ' readOnly ' ] = True
return catalog_info
return { ' quantity ' : 0 }
def _get_product_purchase_description ( self , product_lang ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
name = product_lang . display_name
if product_lang . description_purchase :
name + = ' \n ' + product_lang . description_purchase
return name
def _prepare_account_move_line ( self , move = False ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
aml_currency = move and move . currency_id or self . currency_id
date = move and move . date or fields . Date . today ( )
res = {
' display_type ' : self . display_type or ' product ' ,
' name ' : self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ] . _get_journal_items_full_name ( self . name , self . product_id . display_name ) ,
' product_id ' : self . product_id . id ,
' product_uom_id ' : self . product_uom . id ,
' quantity ' : self . qty_to_invoice ,
' discount ' : self . discount ,
' price_unit ' : self . currency_id . _convert ( self . price_unit , aml_currency , self . company_id , date , round = False ) ,
' tax_ids ' : [ ( 6 , 0 , self . taxes_id . ids ) ] ,
' purchase_line_id ' : self . id ,
' is_downpayment ' : self . is_downpayment ,
if self . analytic_distribution and not self . display_type :
res [ ' analytic_distribution ' ] = self . analytic_distribution
return res
def _prepare_add_missing_fields ( self , values ) :
""" Deduce missing required fields from the onchange """
res = { }
onchange_fields = [ ' name ' , ' price_unit ' , ' product_qty ' , ' product_uom ' , ' taxes_id ' , ' date_planned ' ]
if values . get ( ' order_id ' ) and values . get ( ' product_id ' ) and any ( f not in values for f in onchange_fields ) :
line = self . new ( values )
line . onchange_product_id ( )
for field in onchange_fields :
if field not in values :
res [ field ] = line . _fields [ field ] . convert_to_write ( line [ field ] , line )
return res
def _prepare_purchase_order_line ( self , product_id , product_qty , product_uom , company_id , supplier , po ) :
partner = supplier . partner_id
uom_po_qty = product_uom . _compute_quantity ( product_qty , product_id . uom_po_id , rounding_method = ' HALF-UP ' )
# _select_seller is used if the supplier have different price depending
# the quantities ordered.
today = fields . Date . today ( )
seller = product_id . with_company ( company_id ) . _select_seller (
partner_id = partner ,
quantity = uom_po_qty ,
date = po . date_order and max ( po . date_order . date ( ) , today ) or today ,
uom_id = product_id . uom_po_id )
product_taxes = product_id . supplier_taxes_id . filtered ( lambda x : x . company_id in company_id . parent_ids )
taxes = po . fiscal_position_id . map_tax ( product_taxes )
price_unit = seller . price if seller else product_id . standard_price
price_unit = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . _fix_tax_included_price_company (
price_unit , product_taxes , taxes , company_id )
if price_unit and seller and po . currency_id and seller . currency_id != po . currency_id :
price_unit = seller . currency_id . _convert (
price_unit , po . currency_id , po . company_id , po . date_order or fields . Date . today ( ) )
product_lang = product_id . with_prefetch ( ) . with_context (
lang = partner . lang ,
partner_id = partner . id ,
name = product_lang . with_context ( seller_id = seller . id ) . display_name
if product_lang . description_purchase :
name + = ' \n ' + product_lang . description_purchase
date_planned = self . order_id . date_planned or self . _get_date_planned ( seller , po = po )
discount = seller . discount or 0.0
return {
' name ' : name ,
' product_qty ' : uom_po_qty ,
' product_id ' : product_id . id ,
' product_uom ' : product_id . uom_po_id . id ,
' price_unit ' : price_unit ,
' date_planned ' : date_planned ,
' taxes_id ' : [ ( 6 , 0 , taxes . ids ) ] ,
' order_id ' : po . id ,
' discount ' : discount ,
def _convert_to_middle_of_day ( self , date ) :
""" Return a datetime which is the noon of the input date(time) according
to order user ' s time zone, convert to UTC time.
return self . order_id . get_order_timezone ( ) . localize ( datetime . combine ( date , time ( 12 ) ) ) . astimezone ( UTC ) . replace ( tzinfo = None )
def _update_date_planned ( self , updated_date ) :
self . date_planned = updated_date
def _track_qty_received ( self , new_qty ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
# don't track anything when coming from the accrued expense entry wizard, as it is only computing fields at a past date to get relevant amounts
# and doesn't actually change anything to the current record
if self . env . context . get ( ' accrual_entry_date ' ) :
if new_qty != self . qty_received and self . order_id . state == ' purchase ' :
self . order_id . message_post_with_source (
' purchase.track_po_line_qty_received_template ' ,
render_values = { ' line ' : self , ' qty_received ' : new_qty } ,
subtype_xmlid = ' mail.mt_note ' ,
def _validate_analytic_distribution ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . display_type :
line . _validate_distribution (
product = line . product_id . id ,
business_domain = ' purchase_order ' ,
company_id = line . company_id . id ,
def action_open_order ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return {
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' res_model ' : ' purchase.order ' ,
' res_id ' : self . order_id . id ,
' view_mode ' : ' form ' ,
def _merge_po_line ( self , rfq_line ) :
self . product_qty + = rfq_line . product_qty
self . price_unit = min ( self . price_unit , rfq_line . price_unit )
def _get_select_sellers_params ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return {
" order_id " : self . order_id ,