2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo . addons . account . tests . common import AccountTestInvoicingCommon
from odoo . tests import tagged , Form
from odoo import Command , fields
from odoo . exceptions import UserError
from datetime import timedelta
from freezegun import freeze_time
import pytz
@tagged ( ' -at_install ' , ' post_install ' )
class TestPurchase ( AccountTestInvoicingCommon ) :
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . company_data_2 = cls . setup_other_company ( )
def test_date_planned ( self ) :
""" Set a date planned on 2 PO lines. Check that the PO date_planned is the earliest PO line date
planned . Change one of the dates so it is even earlier and check that the date_planned is set to
this earlier date .
po = Form ( self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] )
po . partner_id = self . partner_a
with po . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = self . product_a
po_line . product_qty = 1
po_line . price_unit = 100
with po . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = self . product_b
po_line . product_qty = 10
po_line . price_unit = 200
po = po . save ( )
# Check that the same date is planned on both PO lines.
self . assertNotEqual ( po . order_line [ 0 ] . date_planned , False )
self . assertAlmostEqual ( po . order_line [ 0 ] . date_planned , po . order_line [ 1 ] . date_planned , delta = timedelta ( seconds = 10 ) )
self . assertAlmostEqual ( po . order_line [ 0 ] . date_planned , po . date_planned , delta = timedelta ( seconds = 10 ) )
orig_date_planned = po . order_line [ 0 ] . date_planned
# Set an earlier date planned on a PO line and check that the PO expected date matches it.
new_date_planned = orig_date_planned - timedelta ( hours = 1 )
po . order_line [ 0 ] . date_planned = new_date_planned
self . assertAlmostEqual ( po . order_line [ 0 ] . date_planned , po . date_planned , delta = timedelta ( seconds = 10 ) )
# Set an even earlier date planned on the other PO line and check that the PO expected date matches it.
# Also check that the other PO line's date planned is not modified.
new_date_planned_2 = orig_date_planned - timedelta ( hours = 72 )
po_form = Form ( po )
with po_form . order_line . edit ( 1 ) as po_line :
po_line . date_planned = new_date_planned_2
po = po_form . save ( )
self . assertAlmostEqual ( po . order_line [ 1 ] . date_planned , po . date_planned , delta = timedelta ( seconds = 10 ) )
self . assertAlmostEqual ( po . order_line [ 0 ] . date_planned , new_date_planned , delta = timedelta ( seconds = 10 ) )
def test_date_planned_2 ( self ) :
Check that the date_planned of the onchange is correctly applied :
Create a PO , change its date_planned to tommorow and check that the date_planned of the lines are updated .
Create a new line ( this will update the date_planned of the PO but should not alter the other lines ) .
po = self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' order_line ' : [ Command . create ( {
' name ' : self . product_a . name ,
' product_id ' : self . product_a . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 10 ,
' product_uom ' : self . product_a . uom_id . id ,
' price_unit ' : 1 ,
} ) ] ,
} )
with Form ( po ) as po_form :
po_form . date_planned = fields . Datetime . now ( ) + timedelta ( days = 1 )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . date_planned , po . date_planned )
with Form ( po ) as po_form :
with po_form . order_line . new ( ) as new_line :
new_line . product_id = self . product_b
new_line . product_qty = 10
new_line . price_unit = 200
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line [ 1 ] . date_planned , po . date_planned )
self . assertNotEqual ( po . order_line [ 0 ] . date_planned , po . date_planned )
def test_purchase_order_sequence ( self ) :
PurchaseOrder = self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] . with_context ( tracking_disable = True )
company = self . env . user . company_id
self . env [ ' ir.sequence ' ] . search ( [
( ' code ' , ' = ' , ' purchase.order ' ) ,
] ) . write ( {
' use_date_range ' : True , ' prefix ' : ' PO/ %(range_year)s / ' ,
} )
vals = {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' company_id ' : company . id ,
' currency_id ' : company . currency_id . id ,
' date_order ' : ' 2019-01-01 ' ,
purchase_order = PurchaseOrder . create ( vals . copy ( ) )
self . assertTrue ( purchase_order . name . startswith ( ' PO/2019/ ' ) )
vals [ ' date_order ' ] = ' 2020-01-01 '
purchase_order = PurchaseOrder . create ( vals . copy ( ) )
self . assertTrue ( purchase_order . name . startswith ( ' PO/2020/ ' ) )
# In EU/BXL tz, this is actually already 01/01/2020
vals [ ' date_order ' ] = ' 2019-12-31 23:30:00 '
purchase_order = PurchaseOrder . with_context ( tz = ' Europe/Brussels ' ) . create ( vals . copy ( ) )
self . assertTrue ( purchase_order . name . startswith ( ' PO/2020/ ' ) )
def test_reminder_1 ( self ) :
""" Set to send reminder tomorrow, check if a reminder can be send to the
partner .
# set partner to send reminder in Company 2
self . partner_a . with_company ( self . company_data_2 [ ' company ' ] ) . receipt_reminder_email = True
self . partner_a . with_company ( self . company_data_2 [ ' company ' ] ) . reminder_date_before_receipt = 1
# Create the PO in Company 1
self . env . user . tz = ' Europe/Brussels '
po = Form ( self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] )
po . partner_id = self . partner_a
with po . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = self . product_a
po_line . product_qty = 1
po_line . price_unit = 100
with po . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = self . product_b
po_line . product_qty = 10
po_line . price_unit = 200
# set to send reminder today
date_planned = fields . Datetime . now ( ) . replace ( hour = 23 , minute = 0 ) + timedelta ( days = 2 )
po . date_planned = date_planned
po = po . save ( )
po . button_confirm ( )
# Check that reminder is not set in Company 1 and the mail will not be sent
self . assertEqual ( po . company_id , self . company )
self . assertFalse ( po . receipt_reminder_email )
self . assertEqual ( po . reminder_date_before_receipt , 1 , " The default value should be taken from the company " )
old_messages = po . message_ids
po . _send_reminder_mail ( )
messages_send = po . message_ids - old_messages
self . assertFalse ( messages_send )
# Set to send reminder in Company 1
self . partner_a . receipt_reminder_email = True
self . partner_a . reminder_date_before_receipt = 2
# Invalidate the cache to ensure that the computed fields are recomputed
self . env . invalidate_all ( )
self . assertTrue ( po . receipt_reminder_email )
self . assertEqual ( po . reminder_date_before_receipt , 2 )
# check date_planned is correctly set
self . assertEqual ( po . date_planned , date_planned )
po_tz = pytz . timezone ( po . user_id . tz )
localized_date_planned = po . date_planned . astimezone ( po_tz )
self . assertEqual ( localized_date_planned , po . get_localized_date_planned ( ) )
# Ensure that the function get_localized_date_planned can accept a date in string format
self . assertEqual ( localized_date_planned , po . get_localized_date_planned ( po . date_planned . strftime ( ' % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S ' ) ) )
# check vendor is a message recipient
self . assertTrue ( po . partner_id in po . message_partner_ids )
# check reminder send
old_messages = po . message_ids
po . _send_reminder_mail ( )
messages_send = po . message_ids - old_messages
self . assertTrue ( messages_send )
self . assertTrue ( po . partner_id in messages_send . mapped ( ' partner_ids ' ) )
# check confirm button + date planned localized in message
old_messages = po . message_ids
po . confirm_reminder_mail ( )
messages_send = po . message_ids - old_messages
self . assertTrue ( po . mail_reminder_confirmed )
self . assertEqual ( len ( messages_send ) , 1 )
self . assertIn ( str ( localized_date_planned . date ( ) ) , messages_send . body )
def test_reminder_2 ( self ) :
""" Set to send reminder tomorrow, check if no reminder can be send.
po = Form ( self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] )
po . partner_id = self . partner_a
with po . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = self . product_a
po_line . product_qty = 1
po_line . price_unit = 100
with po . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = self . product_b
po_line . product_qty = 10
po_line . price_unit = 200
# set to send reminder tomorrow
po . date_planned = fields . Datetime . now ( ) + timedelta ( days = 2 )
po = po . save ( )
self . partner_a . receipt_reminder_email = True
self . partner_a . reminder_date_before_receipt = 1
po . button_confirm ( )
# check vendor is a message recipient
self . assertTrue ( po . partner_id in po . message_partner_ids )
old_messages = po . message_ids
po . _send_reminder_mail ( )
messages_send = po . message_ids - old_messages
# check no reminder send
self . assertFalse ( messages_send )
def test_update_date_planned ( self ) :
po = Form ( self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] )
po . partner_id = self . partner_a
with po . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = self . product_a
po_line . product_qty = 1
po_line . price_unit = 100
po_line . date_planned = ' 2020-06-06 00:00:00 '
with po . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = self . product_b
po_line . product_qty = 10
po_line . price_unit = 200
po_line . date_planned = ' 2020-06-06 00:00:00 '
po = po . save ( )
po . button_confirm ( )
# update first line
po . _update_date_planned_for_lines ( [ ( po . order_line [ 0 ] , fields . Datetime . today ( ) ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line [ 0 ] . date_planned , fields . Datetime . today ( ) )
activity = self . env [ ' mail.activity ' ] . search ( [
( ' summary ' , ' = ' , ' Date Updated ' ) ,
( ' res_model_id ' , ' = ' , ' purchase.order ' ) ,
( ' res_id ' , ' = ' , po . id ) ,
] )
self . assertTrue ( activity )
self . assertIn (
' <p>partner_a modified receipt dates for the following products:</p> \n '
' <p> - product_a from 2020-06-06 to %s </p> ' % fields . Date . today ( ) ,
activity . note ,
# update second line
po . _update_date_planned_for_lines ( [ ( po . order_line [ 1 ] , fields . Datetime . today ( ) ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line [ 1 ] . date_planned , fields . Datetime . today ( ) )
self . assertIn (
' <p>partner_a modified receipt dates for the following products:</p> \n '
' <p> - product_a from 2020-06-06 to %(today)s </p> \n '
' <p> - product_b from 2020-06-06 to %(today)s </p> ' % { ' today ' : fields . Date . today ( ) } ,
activity . note ,
def test_compute_packaging_00 ( self ) :
""" Create a PO and use packaging. Check we suggested suitable packaging
according to the product_qty . Also check product_qty or product_packaging
are correctly calculated when one of them changed .
# Required for `product_packaging_qty` to be visible in the view
self . env . user . groups_id + = self . env . ref ( ' product.group_stock_packaging ' )
packaging_single = self . env [ ' product.packaging ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : " I ' m a packaging " ,
' product_id ' : self . product_a . id ,
' qty ' : 1.0 ,
} )
packaging_dozen = self . env [ ' product.packaging ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : " I ' m also a packaging " ,
' product_id ' : self . product_a . id ,
' qty ' : 12.0 ,
} )
po = self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
} )
po_form = Form ( po )
with po_form . order_line . new ( ) as line :
line . product_id = self . product_a
line . product_qty = 1.0
po_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . product_packaging_id , packaging_single )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . product_packaging_qty , 1.0 )
with po_form . order_line . edit ( 0 ) as line :
line . product_packaging_qty = 2.0
po_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . product_qty , 2.0 )
with po_form . order_line . edit ( 0 ) as line :
line . product_qty = 24.0
po_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . product_packaging_id , packaging_dozen )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . product_packaging_qty , 2.0 )
with po_form . order_line . edit ( 0 ) as line :
line . product_packaging_qty = 1.0
po_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . product_qty , 12 )
# Do the same test but without form, to check the `product_packaging_id` and `product_packaging_qty` are set
# without manual call to compute
po = self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( { ' product_id ' : self . product_a . id , ' product_qty ' : 1.0 } ) ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . product_packaging_id , packaging_single )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . product_packaging_qty , 1.0 )
po . order_line . product_packaging_qty = 2.0
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . product_qty , 2.0 )
po . order_line . product_qty = 24.0
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . product_packaging_id , packaging_dozen )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . product_packaging_qty , 2.0 )
po . order_line . product_packaging_qty = 1.0
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . product_qty , 12 )
def test_compute_packaging_01 ( self ) :
""" Create a PO and use packaging in a multicompany environment.
Ensure any suggested packaging matches the PO ' s.
company1 = self . company_data [ ' company ' ]
company2 = self . company_data_2 [ ' company ' ]
generic_single_pack = self . env [ ' product.packaging ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : " single pack " ,
' product_id ' : self . product_a . id ,
' qty ' : 1.0 ,
' company_id ' : False ,
} )
company2_pack_of_10 = self . env [ ' product.packaging ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : " pack of 10 by Company 2 " ,
' product_id ' : self . product_a . id ,
' qty ' : 10.0 ,
' company_id ' : company2 . id ,
} )
po1 = self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] . with_company ( company1 ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( { ' product_id ' : self . product_a . id , ' product_qty ' : 10.0 } ) ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( po1 . order_line . product_packaging_id , generic_single_pack )
self . assertEqual ( po1 . order_line . product_packaging_qty , 10.0 )
# verify that with the right company, we can get the other packaging
po2 = self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] . with_company ( company2 ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( { ' product_id ' : self . product_a . id , ' product_qty ' : 10.0 } ) ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( po2 . order_line . product_packaging_id , company2_pack_of_10 )
self . assertEqual ( po2 . order_line . product_packaging_qty , 1.0 )
def test_with_different_uom ( self ) :
""" This test ensures that the unit price is correctly computed """
# Required for `product_uom` to be visibile in the view
self . env . user . groups_id + = self . env . ref ( ' uom.group_uom ' )
uom_units = self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_unit ' )
uom_dozens = self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_dozen ' )
uom_pairs = self . env [ ' uom.uom ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Pairs ' ,
' category_id ' : uom_units . category_id . id ,
' uom_type ' : ' bigger ' ,
' factor_inv ' : 2 ,
' rounding ' : 1 ,
} )
product_data = {
' name ' : ' SuperProduct ' ,
' type ' : ' consu ' ,
' uom_id ' : uom_units . id ,
' uom_po_id ' : uom_pairs . id ,
' standard_price ' : 100
product_01 = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( product_data )
product_02 = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( product_data )
po_form = Form ( self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] )
po_form . partner_id = self . partner_a
with po_form . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = product_01
with po_form . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = product_02
po_line . product_uom = uom_dozens
po = po_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line [ 0 ] . price_unit , 200 )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line [ 1 ] . price_unit , 1200 )
def test_on_change_quantity_description ( self ) :
When a user changes the quantity of a product in a purchase order it
should not change the description if the descritpion was changed by
the user before
self . env . user . write ( { ' company_id ' : self . company_data [ ' company ' ] . id } )
po = Form ( self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] )
po . partner_id = self . partner_a
with po . order_line . new ( ) as pol :
pol . product_id = self . product_a
pol . product_qty = 1
pol . name = " New custom description "
pol . product_qty + = 1
self . assertEqual ( pol . name , " New custom description " )
def test_purchase_multicurrency ( self ) :
Purchase order lines should keep unit price precision of products
Also the products having prices in different currencies should be
correctly handled when creating a purchase order i - e product having a price of 100 usd
and when purchasing in EUR company the correct conversion should be applied
self . env [ ' decimal.precision ' ] . search ( [
( ' name ' , ' = ' , ' Product Price ' ) ,
] ) . digits = 5
product = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' product_test ' ,
' uom_id ' : self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_unit ' ) . id ,
' lst_price ' : 10.0 ,
' standard_price ' : 0.12345 ,
} )
currency = self . env [ ' res.currency ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Dark Chocolate Coin ' ,
' symbol ' : ' 🍫 ' ,
' rounding ' : 0.001 ,
' position ' : ' after ' ,
' currency_unit_label ' : ' Dark Choco ' ,
' currency_subunit_label ' : ' Dark Cacao Powder ' ,
} )
currency_rate = self . env [ ' res.currency.rate ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' 2016-01-01 ' ,
' rate ' : 2 ,
' currency_id ' : currency . id ,
' company_id ' : self . env . company . id ,
} )
po_form = Form ( self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] )
po_form . partner_id = self . partner_a
with po_form . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = product
purchase_order_usd = po_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( purchase_order_usd . order_line . price_unit , product . standard_price , " Value shouldn ' t be rounded $ " )
self . assertEqual ( purchase_order_usd . amount_total_cc , purchase_order_usd . amount_total , " Company Total should be 0.14$ " )
po_form = Form ( self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] )
po_form . partner_id = self . partner_a
po_form . currency_id = currency
with po_form . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = product
purchase_order_coco = po_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( purchase_order_coco . order_line . price_unit , currency_rate . rate * product . standard_price , " Value shouldn ' t be rounded 🍫 " )
self . assertEqual ( purchase_order_coco . amount_total_cc , round ( purchase_order_coco . amount_total / currency_rate . rate , 2 ) , " Company Total should be 0.14$, since 1$ = 0.5🍫 " )
#check if the correct currency is set on the purchase order by comparing the expected price and actual price
company_a = self . company_data [ ' company ' ]
company_b = self . company_data_2 [ ' company ' ]
company_b . currency_id = currency
self . env [ ' res.currency.rate ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' 2023-01-01 ' ,
' rate ' : 2 ,
' currency_id ' : currency . id ,
' company_id ' : company_b . id ,
} )
product_b = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . with_company ( company_a ) . create ( {
' name ' : ' product_2 ' ,
' uom_id ' : self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_unit ' ) . id ,
' standard_price ' : 0.0 ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( product_b . cost_currency_id , company_a . currency_id , ' The cost currency should be the one set on '
' the company ' )
product_b = product_b . with_company ( company_b )
self . assertEqual ( product_b . cost_currency_id , currency , ' The cost currency should be the one set on the company, '
' as the product is now opened in another company ' )
product_b . supplier_taxes_id = False
product_b . update ( { ' standard_price ' : 10.0 } )
#create a purchase order with the product from company B
order_b = self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] . with_company ( company_b ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' order_line ' : [ ( 0 , 0 , {
' product_id ' : product_b . id ,
' product_qty ' : 1 ,
' product_uom ' : self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_unit ' ) . id ,
} ) ] ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( order_b . order_line . price_unit , 10.0 , ' The price unit should be 10.0 ' )
self . assertEqual ( order_b . amount_total_cc , order_b . amount_total , ' Company Total should be 10.0$ ' )
def test_discount_and_price_update_on_quantity_change ( self ) :
""" Purchase order line price and discount should update accordingly based on quantity
product = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Product ' ,
' standard_price ' : 12 ,
' seller_ids ' : [
Command . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' min_qty ' : 10 ,
' price ' : 10 ,
' discount ' : 10 ,
} ) ,
Command . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' min_qty ' : 20 ,
' price ' : 10 ,
' discount ' : 15 ,
} )
} )
purchase_order = self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] . with_company ( self . company_data [ ' company ' ] ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' order_line ' : [ Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : product . id ,
' product_uom ' : product . uom_po_id . id ,
} ) ] ,
} )
po_line = purchase_order . order_line
po_line . product_qty = 10
self . assertEqual ( po_line . discount , 10 , " first seller should be selected so discount should be 10 " )
self . assertEqual ( po_line . price_subtotal , 90 , " 0.1 discount applied price should be 90 " )
po_line . product_qty = 22
self . assertEqual ( po_line . discount , 15 , " second seller should be selected so discount should be 15 " )
self . assertEqual ( po_line . price_subtotal , 187 , " 0.15 discount applied price should be 187 " )
po_line . product_qty = 2
self . assertEqual ( po_line . discount , 0 , " no seller should be selected so discount should be 0 " )
self . assertEqual ( po_line . price_subtotal , 24 , " No seller " )
def test_purchase_not_creating_useless_product_vendor ( self ) :
""" This test ensures that the product vendor is not created when the
product is not set on the purchase order line .
#create a contact of type contact
contact = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Contact ' ,
' type ' : ' contact ' ,
} )
#create a contact of type Delivery Address lnked to the contact
delivery_address = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Delivery Address ' ,
' type ' : ' delivery ' ,
' parent_id ' : contact . id ,
} )
#create a product that use the delivery address as vendor
product = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Product A ' ,
' seller_ids ' : [ ( 0 , 0 , {
' partner_id ' : delivery_address . id ,
' min_qty ' : 1.0 ,
' price ' : 1.0 ,
} ) ]
} )
#create a purchase order with the delivery address as partner
po_form = Form ( self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] )
po_form . partner_id = delivery_address
with po_form . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = product
po_line . product_qty = 1.0
po = po_form . save ( )
po . button_confirm ( )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . product_id . seller_ids . mapped ( ' partner_id ' ) , delivery_address )
def test_supplier_list_in_product_with_multicompany ( self ) :
Check that a different supplier list can be added to a product for each company .
company_a = self . company_data [ ' company ' ]
company_b = self . company_data_2 [ ' company ' ]
product = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' product_test ' ,
} )
# create a purchase order in the company A
self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] . with_company ( company_a ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' order_line ' : [ ( 0 , 0 , {
' product_id ' : product . id ,
' product_qty ' : 1 ,
' product_uom ' : self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_unit ' ) . id ,
' price_unit ' : 1 ,
} ) ] ,
} ) . button_confirm ( )
self . assertEqual ( product . seller_ids [ 0 ] . partner_id , self . partner_a )
self . assertEqual ( product . seller_ids [ 0 ] . company_id , company_a )
# switch to the company B
self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] . with_company ( company_b ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_b . id ,
' order_line ' : [ ( 0 , 0 , {
' product_id ' : product . id ,
' product_qty ' : 1 ,
' product_uom ' : self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_unit ' ) . id ,
' price_unit ' : 2 ,
} ) ] ,
} ) . button_confirm ( )
product = product . with_company ( company_b )
self . assertEqual ( product . seller_ids [ 0 ] . partner_id , self . partner_b )
self . assertEqual ( product . seller_ids [ 0 ] . company_id , company_b )
# Switch to the company A and check that the vendor list is still the same
product = product . with_company ( company_a )
self . assertEqual ( product . seller_ids [ 0 ] . partner_id , self . partner_a )
self . assertEqual ( product . seller_ids [ 0 ] . company_id , company_a )
product . _invalidate_cache ( )
self . assertEqual ( product . seller_ids [ 0 ] . partner_id , self . partner_a )
self . assertEqual ( product . seller_ids [ 0 ] . company_id , company_a )
def test_discount_po_line_vendorpricelist ( self ) :
""" Set a discount in VendorPriceList and check if that discount comes in po line and if vendor select
a product which is not present in vendorPriceList then it should be created .
po = Form ( self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] )
po . partner_id = self . partner_a
with po . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = self . product_a
po_line . product_qty = 1
po_line . price_unit = 100
po_line . discount = 20
po = po . save ( )
po . button_confirm ( )
supplierinfo_id = self . env [ ' product.supplierinfo ' ] . search ( [
( ' partner_id ' , ' = ' , self . partner_a . id ) ,
( ' product_tmpl_id ' , ' = ' , self . product_a . product_tmpl_id . id ) ,
] , limit = 1 )
self . assertTrue ( supplierinfo_id )
self . assertEqual ( supplierinfo_id . discount , 20 )
# checking the same discount
self . env [ ' product.supplierinfo ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_b . id ,
' product_tmpl_id ' : self . product_a . product_tmpl_id . id ,
' min_qty ' : 1 ,
' price ' : 100 ,
' discount ' : 30 ,
} )
po1 = Form ( self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] )
po1 . partner_id = self . partner_b
with po1 . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = self . product_a
po_line . product_qty = 1
po1 = po1 . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( po1 . order_line [ 0 ] . price_unit , 100 )
self . assertEqual ( po1 . order_line [ 0 ] . discount , 30 )
def test_orderline_supplierinfo_description ( self ) :
supplierinfo_vals = {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' min_qty ' : 1 ,
' product_id ' : self . product_a . id ,
' product_tmpl_id ' : self . product_a . product_tmpl_id . id ,
self . env [ " product.supplierinfo " ] . create ( [
* * supplierinfo_vals ,
' price ' : 10 ,
' product_name ' : ' Name 1 ' ,
' product_code ' : ' Code 1 ' ,
} ,
* * supplierinfo_vals ,
' price ' : 20 ,
' product_name ' : ' Name 2 ' ,
' product_code ' : ' Code 2 ' ,
} ,
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' min_qty ' : 1 ,
' product_id ' : self . product_b . id ,
' product_tmpl_id ' : self . product_b . product_tmpl_id . id ,
' price ' : 5 ,
' product_name ' : ' Name 3 ' ,
' product_code ' : ' Code 3 ' ,
] )
po_form = Form ( self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] )
po_form . partner_id = self . partner_a
with po_form . order_line . new ( ) as line :
line . product_id = self . product_a
line . product_qty = 1
po = po_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . name , ' [Code 1] Name 1 ' )
with po_form . order_line . edit ( 0 ) as line :
line . product_id = self . product_b
po = po_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . name , ' [Code 3] Name 3 ' )
def test_purchase_order_line_product_taxes_on_branch ( self ) :
""" Check taxes populated on PO lines from product on branch company.
Taxes from the branch company should be taken with a fallback on parent company .
# create the following branch hierarchy:
# Parent company
# |----> Branch X
# |----> Branch XX
company = self . env . company
branch_x = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Branch X ' ,
' country_id ' : company . country_id . id ,
' parent_id ' : company . id ,
} )
branch_xx = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Branch XX ' ,
' country_id ' : company . country_id . id ,
' parent_id ' : branch_x . id ,
} )
# create taxes for the parent company and its branches
tax_groups = self . env [ ' account.tax.group ' ] . create ( [ {
' name ' : ' Tax Group ' ,
' company_id ' : company . id ,
} , {
' name ' : ' Tax Group X ' ,
' company_id ' : branch_x . id ,
} , {
' name ' : ' Tax Group XX ' ,
' company_id ' : branch_xx . id ,
} ] )
tax_a = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Tax A ' ,
' type_tax_use ' : ' purchase ' ,
' amount_type ' : ' percent ' ,
' amount ' : 10 ,
' tax_group_id ' : tax_groups [ 0 ] . id ,
' company_id ' : company . id ,
} )
tax_b = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Tax B ' ,
' type_tax_use ' : ' purchase ' ,
' amount_type ' : ' percent ' ,
' amount ' : 15 ,
' tax_group_id ' : tax_groups [ 0 ] . id ,
' company_id ' : company . id ,
} )
tax_x = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Tax X ' ,
' type_tax_use ' : ' purchase ' ,
' amount_type ' : ' percent ' ,
' amount ' : 20 ,
' tax_group_id ' : tax_groups [ 1 ] . id ,
' company_id ' : branch_x . id ,
} )
tax_xx = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Tax XX ' ,
' type_tax_use ' : ' purchase ' ,
' amount_type ' : ' percent ' ,
' amount ' : 25 ,
' tax_group_id ' : tax_groups [ 2 ] . id ,
' company_id ' : branch_xx . id ,
} )
# create several products with different taxes combination
product_all_taxes = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Product all taxes ' ,
' supplier_taxes_id ' : [ Command . set ( ( tax_a + tax_b + tax_x + tax_xx ) . ids ) ] ,
} )
product_no_xx_tax = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Product no tax from XX ' ,
' supplier_taxes_id ' : [ Command . set ( ( tax_a + tax_b + tax_x ) . ids ) ] ,
} )
product_no_branch_tax = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Product no tax from branch ' ,
' supplier_taxes_id ' : [ Command . set ( ( tax_a + tax_b ) . ids ) ] ,
} )
product_no_tax = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Product no tax ' ,
' supplier_taxes_id ' : [ ] ,
} )
# create a PO from Branch XX
po_form = Form ( self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] . with_company ( branch_xx ) )
po_form . partner_id = self . partner_a
# add 4 PO lines with the different products:
# - Product all taxes => tax from Branch XX should be set
# - Product no tax from XX => tax from Branch X should be set
# - Product no tax from branch => 2 taxes from parent company should be set
# - Product no tax => no tax should be set
with po_form . order_line . new ( ) as line :
line . product_id = product_all_taxes
with po_form . order_line . new ( ) as line :
line . product_id = product_no_xx_tax
with po_form . order_line . new ( ) as line :
line . product_id = product_no_branch_tax
with po_form . order_line . new ( ) as line :
line . product_id = product_no_tax
po = po_form . save ( )
self . assertRecordValues ( po . order_line , [
{ ' product_id ' : product_all_taxes . id , ' taxes_id ' : tax_xx . ids } ,
{ ' product_id ' : product_no_xx_tax . id , ' taxes_id ' : tax_x . ids } ,
{ ' product_id ' : product_no_branch_tax . id , ' taxes_id ' : ( tax_a + tax_b ) . ids } ,
{ ' product_id ' : product_no_tax . id , ' taxes_id ' : [ ] } ,
] )
@freeze_time ( ' 2024-07-08 ' )
def test_description_price__date_depending_on_vendor ( self ) :
Test that the description and the price are updated accordingly when the vendor is changed .
self . product_a . seller_ids = [
Command . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' min_qty ' : 1 ,
' price ' : 5 ,
' product_code ' : ' Vendor A ' ,
' delay ' : 5 ,
} ) ,
Command . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_b . id ,
' min_qty ' : 1 ,
' price ' : 10 ,
' product_code ' : ' Vendor B ' ,
' delay ' : 6 ,
} ) ,
self . assertFalse ( False )
# Create PO and set vendor A
po_form = Form ( self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] )
po_form . partner_id = self . partner_a
with po_form . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = self . product_a
po_line . product_qty = 10
po = po_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . price_unit , 5 )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . name , ' [Vendor A] product_a ' )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . product_qty , 10 )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . date_planned , fields . Datetime . now ( ) + timedelta ( days = 5 ) )
po . partner_id = self . partner_b
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . price_unit , 10 )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . name , ' [Vendor B] product_a ' )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . product_qty , 10 )
self . assertEqual ( po . order_line . date_planned , fields . Datetime . now ( ) + timedelta ( days = 6 ) )
def test_merge_purchase_order ( self ) :
PurchaseOrder = self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ]
user_1 = self . env [ ' res.users ' ] . search ( [ ] ) [ 0 ]
user_2 = self . env [ ' res.users ' ] . search ( [ ] ) [ 1 ]
payment_term_id_1 = self . env [ ' account.payment.term ' ] . search ( [ ] ) [ 0 ]
payment_term_id_2 = self . env [ ' account.payment.term ' ] . search ( [ ] ) [ 1 ]
incoterm_id_1 = self . env [ ' account.incoterms ' ] . search ( [ ] ) [ 0 ]
incoterm_id_2 = self . env [ ' account.incoterms ' ] . search ( [ ] ) [ 1 ]
po_1 = Form ( PurchaseOrder )
po_1 . partner_id = self . partner_a
po_1 . partner_ref = " azure "
po_1 . origin = " s0003 "
po_1 . user_id = user_1
po_1 . payment_term_id = payment_term_id_1
with po_1 . order_line . new ( ) as po_line :
po_line . product_id = self . product_a
po_line . product_qty = 1
po_line . price_unit = 100
po_1 = po_1 . save ( )
po_1 . incoterm_id = incoterm_id_1
po_2 = Form ( PurchaseOrder )
po_2 . partner_id = self . partner_a
po_2 . partner_ref = " wood corner "
po_2 . origin = " s0004 "
po_2 . user_id = user_2
po_2 . payment_term_id = payment_term_id_2
with po_2 . order_line . new ( ) as po_line_1 :
po_line_1 . product_id = self . product_a
po_line_1 . product_qty = 5
po_line_1 . price_unit = 100
with po_2 . order_line . new ( ) as po_line_2 :
po_line_2 . product_id = self . product_b
po_line_2 . product_qty = 5
po_line_2 . price_unit = 500
po_2 = po_2 . save ( )
po_2 . incoterm_id = incoterm_id_2
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) as context :
PurchaseOrder . browse ( [ po_1 . id ] ) . action_merge ( )
self . assertEqual ( context . exception . args [ 0 ] , " Please select at least two purchase orders with state RFQ and RFQ sent to merge. " )
selected_purchase_orders = po_1 | po_2
selected_purchase_orders . action_merge ( )
self . assertTrue ( po_2 . state == ' cancel ' )
self . assertEqual ( po_1 . order_line [ 0 ] . product_qty , 6 )
self . assertEqual ( po_1 . partner_ref , " azure, wood corner " )
self . assertEqual ( po_1 . origin , " s0003, s0004 " )
self . assertEqual ( po_1 . user_id , user_1 )
self . assertEqual ( po_1 . payment_term_id , payment_term_id_1 )
self . assertEqual ( po_1 . incoterm_id , incoterm_id_1 )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
def test_vendor_price_by_purchase_order_company ( self ) :
Test that in case a vendor has multiple price for two company A and B ,
and the purchase_order . company_id != env . company_id
the price of chosen is the one of the company specified in the purchase order
company_a = self . env . company
company_b = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' Saucisson Inc. ' } )
self . env . company = company_a
self . product_a . write ( {
' seller_ids ' : [
Command . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a ,
' product_code ' : ' A ' ,
' company_id ' : company_a . id ,
' price ' : 10.0 ,
} ) ,
Command . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a ,
' product_code ' : ' B ' ,
' company_id ' : company_b . id ,
' price ' : 15.0 ,
} ) ,
} )
po = self . env [ ' purchase.order ' ] . with_context ( allowed_company_ids = [ company_a . id , company_b . id ] ) . with_company ( company_b ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' company_id ' : company_b . id ,
' order_line ' : [ Command . create ( {
' name ' : self . product_a . name ,
' product_id ' : self . product_a . id ,
} ) ] ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( po . amount_untaxed , 15.0 )
po . company_id = company_a . id
self . assertEqual ( po . amount_untaxed , 10.0 )