2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from datetime import timedelta
from unittest . mock import patch
from freezegun import freeze_time
from odoo import fields
from odoo . exceptions import AccessError , UserError , ValidationError
from odoo . fields import Command
from odoo . tests import Form , tagged
from odoo . addons . account . tests . common import AccountTestInvoicingCommon
from odoo . addons . sale . tests . common import SaleCommon
@tagged ( ' post_install ' , ' -at_install ' )
class TestSaleOrder ( SaleCommon ) :
# Those tests do not rely on accounting common on purpose
# If you need the accounting setup, use other classes (TestSaleToInvoice probably)
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . partner1 , cls . partner2 = cls . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . create ( [
{ ' name ' : ' Partner 1 ' } ,
{ ' name ' : ' Partner 2 ' } ,
] )
def test_computes_auto_fill ( self ) :
free_product , dummy_product = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( [ {
' name ' : ' Free product ' ,
' list_price ' : 0.0 ,
} , {
' name ' : ' Dummy product ' ,
' list_price ' : 0.0 ,
} ] )
# Test pre-computes of lines with order
order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( {
' display_type ' : ' line_section ' ,
' name ' : ' Dummy section ' ,
} ) ,
Command . create ( {
' display_type ' : ' line_section ' ,
' name ' : ' Dummy section ' ,
} ) ,
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : free_product . id ,
} ) ,
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : dummy_product . id ,
} )
} )
# Test pre-computes of lines creation alone
# Ensures the creation works fine even if the computes
# are triggered after the defaults
order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner . id ,
} )
self . env [ ' sale.order.line ' ] . create ( [
' display_type ' : ' line_section ' ,
' name ' : ' Dummy section ' ,
' order_id ' : order . id ,
} , {
' display_type ' : ' line_section ' ,
' name ' : ' Dummy section ' ,
' order_id ' : order . id ,
} , {
' product_id ' : free_product . id ,
' order_id ' : order . id ,
} , {
' product_id ' : dummy_product . id ,
' order_id ' : order . id ,
] )
def test_sale_order_standard_flow ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( self . sale_order . amount_total , 725.0 , ' Sale: total amount is wrong ' )
self . sale_order . order_line . _compute_product_updatable ( )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . order_line [ 0 ] . product_updatable )
# send quotation
email_act = self . sale_order . action_quotation_send ( )
email_ctx = email_act . get ( ' context ' , { } )
self . sale_order . with_context ( * * email_ctx ) . message_post_with_source (
self . env [ ' mail.template ' ] . browse ( email_ctx . get ( ' default_template_id ' ) ) ,
subtype_xmlid = ' mail.mt_comment ' ,
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . state == ' sent ' , ' Sale: state after sending is wrong ' )
self . sale_order . order_line . _compute_product_updatable ( )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . order_line [ 0 ] . product_updatable )
# confirm quotation
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . state == ' sale ' )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . invoice_status == ' to invoice ' )
def test_sale_order_send_to_self ( self ) :
# when sender(logged in user) is also present in recipients of the mail composer,
# user should receive mail.
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . with_user ( self . sale_user ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . sale_user . partner_id . id ,
} )
email_ctx = sale_order . action_quotation_send ( ) . get ( ' context ' , { } )
# We need to prevent auto mail deletion, and so we copy the template and send the mail with
# added configuration in copied template. It will allow us to check whether mail is being
# sent to to author or not (in case author is present in 'Recipients' of composer).
mail_template = self . env [ ' mail.template ' ] . browse ( email_ctx . get ( ' default_template_id ' ) ) . copy ( { ' auto_delete ' : False } )
# send the mail with same user as customer
sale_order . with_context ( * * email_ctx ) . with_user ( self . sale_user ) . message_post_with_source (
mail_template ,
subtype_xmlid = ' mail.mt_comment ' ,
self . assertTrue ( sale_order . state == ' sent ' , ' Sale : state should be changed to sent ' )
mail_message = sale_order . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertEqual ( mail_message . author_id , sale_order . partner_id , ' Sale: author should be same as customer ' )
self . assertEqual ( mail_message . author_id , mail_message . partner_ids , ' Sale: author should be in composer recipients thanks to " partner_to " field set on template ' )
self . assertEqual ( mail_message . partner_ids , mail_message . sudo ( ) . mail_ids . recipient_ids , ' Sale: author should receive mail due to presence in composer recipients ' )
def test_sale_sequence ( self ) :
self . env [ ' ir.sequence ' ] . search ( [
( ' code ' , ' = ' , ' sale.order ' ) ,
] ) . write ( {
' use_date_range ' : True , ' prefix ' : ' SO/ %(range_year)s / ' ,
} )
sale_order = self . sale_order . copy ( { ' date_order ' : ' 2019-01-01 ' } )
self . assertTrue ( sale_order . name . startswith ( ' SO/2019/ ' ) )
sale_order = self . sale_order . copy ( { ' date_order ' : ' 2020-01-01 ' } )
self . assertTrue ( sale_order . name . startswith ( ' SO/2020/ ' ) )
# In EU/BXL tz, this is actually already 01/01/2020
sale_order = self . sale_order . with_context ( tz = ' Europe/Brussels ' ) . copy ( { ' date_order ' : ' 2019-12-31 23:30:00 ' } )
self . assertTrue ( sale_order . name . startswith ( ' SO/2020/ ' ) )
def test_unlink_cancel ( self ) :
""" Test deleting and cancelling sales orders depending on their state and on the user ' s rights """
# SO in state 'draft' can be deleted
so_copy = self . sale_order . copy ( )
with self . assertRaises ( AccessError ) :
so_copy . with_user ( self . sale_user ) . unlink ( )
self . assertTrue ( so_copy . unlink ( ) , ' Sale: deleting a quotation should be possible ' )
# SO in state 'cancel' can be deleted
so_copy = self . sale_order . copy ( )
so_copy . action_confirm ( )
self . assertTrue ( so_copy . state == ' sale ' , ' Sale: SO should be in state " sale " ' )
so_copy . _action_cancel ( )
self . assertTrue ( so_copy . state == ' cancel ' , ' Sale: SO should be in state " cancel " ' )
with self . assertRaises ( AccessError ) :
so_copy . with_user ( self . sale_user ) . unlink ( )
self . assertTrue ( so_copy . unlink ( ) , ' Sale: deleting a cancelled SO should be possible ' )
# SO in state 'sale' cannot be deleted
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . state == ' sale ' , ' Sale: SO should be in state " sale " ' )
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) :
self . sale_order . unlink ( )
self . sale_order . action_lock ( )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . state == ' sale ' )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . locked )
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) :
self . sale_order . unlink ( )
def test_compute_packaging_00 ( self ) :
""" Create a SO and use packaging. Check we suggested suitable packaging
according to the product_qty . Also check product_qty or product_packaging
are correctly calculated when one of them changed .
# Required for `product_packaging_qty` to be visible in the view
self . env . user . groups_id + = self . env . ref ( ' product.group_stock_packaging ' )
packaging_single , packaging_dozen = self . env [ ' product.packaging ' ] . create ( [ {
' name ' : " I ' m a packaging " ,
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
' qty ' : 1.0 ,
} , {
' name ' : " I ' m also a packaging " ,
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
' qty ' : 12.0 ,
} ] )
so = self . empty_order
so_form = Form ( so )
with so_form . order_line . new ( ) as line :
line . product_id = self . product
line . product_uom_qty = 1.0
so_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( so . order_line . product_packaging_id , packaging_single )
self . assertEqual ( so . order_line . product_packaging_qty , 1.0 )
with so_form . order_line . edit ( 0 ) as line :
line . product_packaging_qty = 2.0
so_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( so . order_line . product_uom_qty , 2.0 )
with so_form . order_line . edit ( 0 ) as line :
line . product_uom_qty = 24.0
so_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( so . order_line . product_packaging_id , packaging_dozen )
self . assertEqual ( so . order_line . product_packaging_qty , 2.0 )
with so_form . order_line . edit ( 0 ) as line :
line . product_packaging_qty = 1.0
so_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( so . order_line . product_uom_qty , 12 )
packaging_pack_of_10 = self . env [ ' product.packaging ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : " PackOf10 " ,
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
' qty ' : 10.0 ,
} )
packaging_pack_of_20 = self . env [ ' product.packaging ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : " PackOf20 " ,
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
' qty ' : 20.0 ,
} )
so2 = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner . id ,
} )
so2_form = Form ( so2 )
with so2_form . order_line . new ( ) as line :
line . product_id = self . product
line . product_uom_qty = 10
so2_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( so2 . order_line . product_packaging_id . id , packaging_pack_of_10 . id )
self . assertEqual ( so2 . order_line . product_packaging_qty , 1.0 )
with so2_form . order_line . edit ( 0 ) as line :
line . product_packaging_qty = 2
so2_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( so2 . order_line . product_uom_qty , 20 )
# we should have 2 pack of 10, as we've set the package_qty manually,
# we shouldn't recompute the packaging_id, since the package_qty is protected,
# therefor cannot be recomputed during the same transaction, which could lead
# to an incorrect line like (qty=20,pack_qty=2,pack_id=PackOf20)
self . assertEqual ( so2 . order_line . product_packaging_qty , 2 )
self . assertEqual ( so2 . order_line . product_packaging_id . id , packaging_pack_of_10 . id )
with so2_form . order_line . edit ( 0 ) as line :
line . product_packaging_id = packaging_pack_of_20
so2_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( so2 . order_line . product_uom_qty , 20 )
# we should have 1 pack of 20, as we've set the package type manually
self . assertEqual ( so2 . order_line . product_packaging_qty , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( so2 . order_line . product_packaging_id . id , packaging_pack_of_20 . id )
def test_compute_packaging_01 ( self ) :
""" Create a SO and use packaging in a multicompany environment.
Ensure any suggested packaging matches the SO ' s.
company2 = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . create ( [ { ' name ' : ' Company 2 ' } ] )
generic_single_pack = self . env [ ' product.packaging ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : " single pack " ,
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
' qty ' : 1.0 ,
' company_id ' : False ,
} )
company2_pack_of_10 = self . env [ ' product.packaging ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : " pack of 10 by Company 2 " ,
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
' qty ' : 10.0 ,
' company_id ' : company2 . id ,
} )
so1 = self . empty_order
so1_form = Form ( so1 )
with so1_form . order_line . new ( ) as line :
line . product_id = self . product
line . product_uom_qty = 10.0
so1_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( so1 . order_line . product_packaging_id , generic_single_pack )
self . assertEqual ( so1 . order_line . product_packaging_qty , 10.0 )
so2 = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . with_company ( company2 ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner . id ,
} )
so2_form = Form ( so2 )
with so2_form . order_line . new ( ) as line :
line . product_id = self . product
line . product_uom_qty = 10.0
so2_form . save ( )
self . assertEqual ( so2 . order_line . product_packaging_id , company2_pack_of_10 )
self . assertEqual ( so2 . order_line . product_packaging_qty , 1.0 )
def _create_sale_order ( self ) :
""" Create dummy sale order (without lines) """
return self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . with_context (
default_sale_order_template_id = False
# Do not modify test behavior even if sale_management is installed
) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner . id ,
} )
def test_invoicing_terms ( self ) :
# Enable invoicing terms
self . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ] . sudo ( ) . set_param ( ' account.use_invoice_terms ' , True )
# Plain invoice terms
self . env . company . terms_type = ' plain '
self . env . company . invoice_terms = " Coin coin "
sale_order = self . _create_sale_order ( )
self . assertEqual ( sale_order . note , " <p>Coin coin</p> " )
# Html invoice terms (/terms page)
self . env . company . terms_type = ' html '
sale_order = self . _create_sale_order ( )
self . assertTrue ( sale_order . note . startswith ( " <p>Terms & Conditions: " ) )
def test_validity_days ( self ) :
self . env . company . quotation_validity_days = 5
with freeze_time ( " 2020-05-02 " ) :
sale_order = self . _create_sale_order ( )
self . assertEqual ( sale_order . validity_date , fields . Date . today ( ) + timedelta ( days = 5 ) )
self . env . company . quotation_validity_days = 0
sale_order = self . _create_sale_order ( )
self . assertFalse (
sale_order . validity_date ,
" No validity date must be specified if the company validity duration is 0 " )
def test_so_names ( self ) :
""" Test custom context key for display_name & name_search.
Note : this key is used in sale_expense & sale_timesheet modules .
SaleOrder = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . with_context ( sale_show_partner_name = True )
res = SaleOrder . name_search ( name = self . sale_order . partner_id . name )
self . assertEqual ( res [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , self . sale_order . id )
self . assertNotIn ( self . sale_order . partner_id . name , self . sale_order . display_name )
self . assertIn (
self . sale_order . partner_id . name ,
self . sale_order . with_context ( sale_show_partner_name = True ) . display_name )
def test_state_changes ( self ) :
""" Test some untested state changes methods & logic. """
self . sale_order . action_quotation_sent ( )
self . assertEqual ( self . sale_order . state , ' sent ' )
self . assertIn ( self . sale_order . partner_id , self . sale_order . message_follower_ids . partner_id )
self . env . user . groups_id + = self . env . ref ( ' sale.group_auto_done_setting ' )
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
self . assertEqual ( self . sale_order . state , ' sale ' )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . locked )
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) :
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
self . sale_order . action_unlock ( )
self . assertEqual ( self . sale_order . state , ' sale ' )
def test_sol_name_search ( self ) :
# Shouldn't raise
self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . _search ( [ ( ' order_line ' , ' ilike ' , ' product ' ) ] )
name_search_data = self . env [ ' sale.order.line ' ] . name_search ( name = self . sale_order . name )
sol_ids_found = dict ( name_search_data ) . keys ( )
self . assertEqual ( list ( sol_ids_found ) , self . sale_order . order_line . ids )
def test_zero_quantity ( self ) :
If the quantity set is 0 it should remain to 0
Test that changing the uom do not change the quantity
order_line = self . sale_order . order_line [ 0 ]
order_line . product_uom_qty = 0.0
order_line . product_uom = self . uom_dozen
self . assertEqual ( order_line . product_uom_qty , 0.0 )
def test_discount_rounding ( self ) :
Check the discount is properly rounded and the price subtotal
computed with this rounded discount
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner . id ,
' order_line ' : [ ( 0 , 0 , {
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 1 ,
' price_unit ' : 192 ,
' discount ' : 74.246 ,
} ) ]
} )
self . assertEqual ( sale_order . order_line . price_subtotal , 49.44 , " Subtotal should be equal to 192 * (1 - 0.7425) " )
self . assertEqual ( sale_order . order_line . discount , 74.25 )
def test_tax_amount_rounding ( self ) :
""" Check order amounts are rounded according to settings """
tax_a = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Test tax ' ,
' type_tax_use ' : ' sale ' ,
' price_include_override ' : ' tax_excluded ' ,
' amount_type ' : ' percent ' ,
' amount ' : 15.0 ,
} )
# Test Round per Line (default)
self . env . company . tax_calculation_rounding_method = ' round_per_line '
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 1 ,
' price_unit ' : 6.7 ,
' discount ' : 0 ,
' tax_id ' : tax_a . ids ,
} ) ,
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 1 ,
' price_unit ' : 6.7 ,
' discount ' : 0 ,
' tax_id ' : tax_a . ids ,
} ) ,
] ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( sale_order . amount_total , 15.42 , " " )
# Test Round Globally
self . env . company . tax_calculation_rounding_method = ' round_globally '
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 1 ,
' price_unit ' : 6.7 ,
' discount ' : 0 ,
' tax_id ' : tax_a . ids ,
} ) ,
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 1 ,
' price_unit ' : 6.7 ,
' discount ' : 0 ,
' tax_id ' : tax_a . ids ,
} ) ,
] ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( sale_order . amount_total , 15.41 , " " )
def test_order_auto_lock_with_public_user ( self ) :
public_user = self . env . ref ( ' base.public_user ' )
self . sale_order . create_uid . groups_id + = self . env . ref ( ' sale.group_auto_done_setting ' )
self . sale_order . with_user ( public_user . id ) . sudo ( ) . action_confirm ( )
self . assertFalse ( public_user . has_group ( ' sale.group_auto_done_setting ' ) )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . locked )
def test_draft_quotation_followers ( self ) :
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner1 . id ,
} )
sale_order . partner_id = self . partner2
self . assertNotIn ( self . partner2 , sale_order . message_partner_ids )
def test_sent_quotation_followers ( self ) :
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner1 . id ,
} )
sale_order . action_quotation_sent ( )
sale_order . partner_id = self . partner2
self . assertIn ( self . partner2 , sale_order . message_partner_ids )
def test_so_discount_is_not_reset ( self ) :
""" Discounts should not be recomputed on order confirmation """
with patch (
' odoo.addons.sale.models.sale_order_line.SaleOrderLine '
' ._compute_discount '
) as patched :
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
self . sale_order . order_line . flush_recordset ( [ ' discount ' ] )
patched . assert_not_called ( )
def test_so_company_empty ( self ) :
""" Check emptying company on SO form """
company_2 = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Company 2 '
} )
self . env . companies = [ self . env . company , company_2 ]
so_form = Form ( self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] )
with self . assertRaises ( ValidationError ) :
so_form . company_id = self . env [ ' res.company ' ]
def test_so_is_not_invoiceable_if_only_discount_line_is_to_invoice ( self ) :
self . sale_order . order_line . product_id . invoice_policy = ' delivery '
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
self . assertEqual ( self . sale_order . invoice_status , ' no ' )
standard_lines = self . sale_order . order_line
self . env [ ' sale.order.discount ' ] . create ( {
' sale_order_id ' : self . sale_order . id ,
' discount_amount ' : 33 ,
' discount_type ' : ' amount ' ,
} ) . action_apply_discount ( )
# Only the discount line is invoiceable (there are lines not invoiced and not invoiceable)
discount_line = self . sale_order . order_line - standard_lines
self . assertEqual ( discount_line . invoice_status , ' to invoice ' )
self . assertEqual ( self . sale_order . invoice_status , ' no ' )
def test_so_is_invoiceable_if_only_discount_line_remains_to_invoice ( self ) :
self . sale_order . order_line . product_id . invoice_policy = ' delivery '
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
self . assertEqual ( self . sale_order . invoice_status , ' no ' )
standard_lines = self . sale_order . order_line
for sol in standard_lines :
sol . qty_delivered = sol . product_uom_qty
self . sale_order . _create_invoices ( )
self . assertEqual ( self . sale_order . invoice_status , ' invoiced ' )
self . env [ ' sale.order.discount ' ] . create ( {
' sale_order_id ' : self . sale_order . id ,
' discount_amount ' : 33 ,
' discount_type ' : ' amount ' ,
} ) . action_apply_discount ( )
# Only the discount line is invoiceable (there are no other lines remaining to invoice)
discount_line = ( self . sale_order . order_line - standard_lines )
self . assertEqual ( discount_line . invoice_status , ' to invoice ' )
self . assertEqual ( self . sale_order . invoice_status , ' to invoice ' )
def test_sale_order_line_product_taxes_on_branch ( self ) :
""" Check taxes populated on SO lines from product on branch company.
Taxes from the branch company should be taken with a fallback on parent company .
# create the following branch hierarchy:
# Parent company
# |----> Branch X
# |----> Branch XX
company = self . env . company
branch_x = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Branch X ' ,
' country_id ' : company . country_id . id ,
' parent_id ' : company . id ,
} )
branch_xx = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Branch XX ' ,
' country_id ' : company . country_id . id ,
' parent_id ' : branch_x . id ,
} )
# create taxes for the parent company and its branches
tax_groups = self . env [ ' account.tax.group ' ] . create ( [ {
' name ' : ' Tax Group ' ,
' company_id ' : company . id ,
} , {
' name ' : ' Tax Group X ' ,
' company_id ' : branch_x . id ,
} , {
' name ' : ' Tax Group XX ' ,
' company_id ' : branch_xx . id ,
} ] )
tax_a = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Tax A ' ,
' type_tax_use ' : ' sale ' ,
' amount_type ' : ' percent ' ,
' amount ' : 10 ,
' tax_group_id ' : tax_groups [ 0 ] . id ,
' company_id ' : company . id ,
} )
tax_b = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Tax B ' ,
' type_tax_use ' : ' sale ' ,
' amount_type ' : ' percent ' ,
' amount ' : 15 ,
' tax_group_id ' : tax_groups [ 0 ] . id ,
' company_id ' : company . id ,
} )
tax_x = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Tax X ' ,
' type_tax_use ' : ' sale ' ,
' amount_type ' : ' percent ' ,
' amount ' : 20 ,
' tax_group_id ' : tax_groups [ 1 ] . id ,
' company_id ' : branch_x . id ,
} )
tax_xx = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Tax XX ' ,
' type_tax_use ' : ' sale ' ,
' amount_type ' : ' percent ' ,
' amount ' : 25 ,
' tax_group_id ' : tax_groups [ 2 ] . id ,
' company_id ' : branch_xx . id ,
} )
# create several products with different taxes combination
product_all_taxes = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Product all taxes ' ,
' taxes_id ' : [ Command . set ( ( tax_a + tax_b + tax_x + tax_xx ) . ids ) ] ,
} )
product_no_xx_tax = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Product no tax from XX ' ,
' taxes_id ' : [ Command . set ( ( tax_a + tax_b + tax_x ) . ids ) ] ,
} )
product_no_branch_tax = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Product no tax from branch ' ,
' taxes_id ' : [ Command . set ( ( tax_a + tax_b ) . ids ) ] ,
} )
product_no_tax = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Product no tax ' ,
' taxes_id ' : [ ] ,
} )
# create a SO from Branch XX
so_form = Form ( self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . with_company ( branch_xx ) )
so_form . partner_id = self . partner
# add 4 SO lines with the different products:
# - Product all taxes => tax from Branch XX should be set
# - Product no tax from XX => tax from Branch X should be set
# - Product no tax from branch => 2 taxes from parent company should be set
# - Product no tax => no tax should be set
with so_form . order_line . new ( ) as line :
line . product_id = product_all_taxes
with so_form . order_line . new ( ) as line :
line . product_id = product_no_xx_tax
with so_form . order_line . new ( ) as line :
line . product_id = product_no_branch_tax
with so_form . order_line . new ( ) as line :
line . product_id = product_no_tax
so = so_form . save ( )
self . assertRecordValues ( so . order_line , [
{ ' product_id ' : product_all_taxes . id , ' tax_id ' : tax_xx . ids } ,
{ ' product_id ' : product_no_xx_tax . id , ' tax_id ' : tax_x . ids } ,
{ ' product_id ' : product_no_branch_tax . id , ' tax_id ' : ( tax_a + tax_b ) . ids } ,
{ ' product_id ' : product_no_tax . id , ' tax_id ' : [ ] } ,
] )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
def test_price_recomputation_on_readonly_unit_price ( self ) :
""" Make sure that price computation works fine when unit price is readonly.
Since the client doesn ' t send readonly fields, flagging the field as readonly
will result in the ` price_unit ` being absent from the values , but not the
` technical_price_unit ` field , which would disable the price computation .
This test makes sure that the ` technical_price_unit ` is correctly discarded
if not provided in the same request as the ` price_unit `
self . pricelist . item_ids = [
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
' fixed_price ' : 22.0 ,
' min_quantity ' : 3.0 ,
} )
# Order update
product_sol = self . sale_order . order_line [ 0 ]
self . assertNotEqual ( product_sol . price_unit , 22 )
self . sale_order . write ( {
' order_line ' : [ Command . update (
product_sol . id ,
{ ' product_uom_qty ' : 4.0 , ' technical_price_unit ' : 22.0 }
) ] ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( product_sol . price_unit , 22.0 )
# Order creation
new_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 5.0 ,
' technical_price_unit ' : 22.0 ,
} ) ,
] ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( new_order . order_line . price_unit , 22.0 )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
@tagged ( ' post_install ' , ' -at_install ' )
class TestSaleOrderInvoicing ( AccountTestInvoicingCommon , SaleCommon ) :
def test_invoice_state_when_ordered_quantity_is_negative ( self ) :
""" When you invoice a SO line with a product that is invoiced on ordered quantities and has negative ordered quantity,
this test ensures that the invoicing status of the SO line is ' invoiced ' ( and not ' upselling ' ) . """
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner . id ,
' order_line ' : [ ( 0 , 0 , {
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : - 1 ,
} ) ]
} )
sale_order . action_confirm ( )
sale_order . _create_invoices ( final = True )
self . assertTrue ( sale_order . invoice_status == ' invoiced ' , ' Sale: The invoicing status of the SO should be " invoiced " ' )
@tagged ( ' post_install ' , ' -at_install ' )
class TestSalesTeam ( SaleCommon ) :
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( ) . setUpClass ( )
# set up users
cls . sale_team_2 = cls . env [ ' crm.team ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Test Sales Team (2) ' ,
} )
cls . user_in_team = cls . env [ ' res.users ' ] . create ( {
' email ' : ' team0user@example.com ' ,
' login ' : ' team0user ' ,
' name ' : ' User in Team 0 ' ,
} )
cls . sale_team . write ( { ' member_ids ' : [ 4 , cls . user_in_team . id ] } )
cls . user_not_in_team = cls . env [ ' res.users ' ] . create ( {
' email ' : ' noteamuser@example.com ' ,
' login ' : ' noteamuser ' ,
' name ' : ' User Not In Team ' ,
} )
def test_assign_sales_team_from_partner_user ( self ) :
""" Use the team from the customer ' s sales person, if it is set """
partner = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Customer of User In Team ' ,
' user_id ' : self . user_in_team . id ,
} )
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : partner . id ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( sale_order . team_id . id , self . sale_team . id , ' Should assign to team of sales person ' )
def test_assign_sales_team_when_changing_user ( self ) :
""" When we assign a sales person, change the team on the sales order to their team """
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' user_id ' : self . user_not_in_team . id ,
' partner_id ' : self . partner . id ,
' team_id ' : self . sale_team_2 . id
} )
sale_order . user_id = self . user_in_team
self . assertEqual ( sale_order . team_id . id , self . sale_team . id , ' Should assign to team of sales person ' )
def test_keep_sales_team_when_changing_user_with_no_team ( self ) :
""" When we assign a sales person that has no team, do not reset the team to default """
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner . id ,
' team_id ' : self . sale_team_2 . id
} )
sale_order . user_id = self . user_not_in_team
self . assertEqual ( sale_order . team_id . id , self . sale_team_2 . id , ' Should not reset the team to default ' )
def test_sale_order_analytic_distribution_change ( self ) :
self . env . user . groups_id + = self . env . ref ( ' analytic.group_analytic_accounting ' )
analytic_plan = self . env [ ' account.analytic.plan ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' Plan Test ' } )
analytic_account_super = self . env [ ' account.analytic.account ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' Super Account ' , ' plan_id ' : analytic_plan . id } )
analytic_account_great = self . env [ ' account.analytic.account ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' Great Account ' , ' plan_id ' : analytic_plan . id } )
super_product = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' Super Product ' } )
great_product = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' Great Product ' } )
product_no_account = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' Product No Account ' } )
self . env [ ' account.analytic.distribution.model ' ] . create ( [
' analytic_distribution ' : { analytic_account_super . id : 100 } ,
' product_id ' : super_product . id ,
} ,
' analytic_distribution ' : { analytic_account_great . id : 100 } ,
' product_id ' : great_product . id ,
} ,
] )
partner = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' Test Partner ' } )
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : partner . id ,
} )
sol = self . env [ ' sale.order.line ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : super_product . name ,
' product_id ' : super_product . id ,
' order_id ' : sale_order . id ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( sol . analytic_distribution , { str ( analytic_account_super . id ) : 100 } , " The analytic distribution should be set to Super Account " )
sol . write ( { ' product_id ' : great_product . id } )
self . assertEqual ( sol . analytic_distribution , { str ( analytic_account_great . id ) : 100 } , " The analytic distribution should be set to Great Account " )
so_no_analytic_account = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : partner . id ,
} )
sol_no_analytic_account = self . env [ ' sale.order.line ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : super_product . name ,
' product_id ' : super_product . id ,
' order_id ' : so_no_analytic_account . id ,
' analytic_distribution ' : False ,
} )
so_no_analytic_account . action_confirm ( )
self . assertFalse ( sol_no_analytic_account . analytic_distribution , " The compute should not overwrite what the user has set. " )
sale_order . action_confirm ( )
sol_on_confirmed_order = self . env [ ' sale.order.line ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : super_product . name ,
' product_id ' : super_product . id ,
' order_id ' : sale_order . id ,
} )
self . assertEqual (
sol_on_confirmed_order . analytic_distribution ,
{ str ( analytic_account_super . id ) : 100 } ,
" The analytic distribution should be set to Super Account, even for confirmed orders "
def test_cannot_assign_tax_of_mismatch_company ( self ) :
""" Test that sol cannot have assigned tax belonging to a different company from that of the sale order. """
company_a = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' A ' } )
company_b = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' B ' } )
tax_group_a = self . env [ ' account.tax.group ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' A ' , ' company_id ' : company_a . id } )
tax_group_b = self . env [ ' account.tax.group ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' B ' , ' company_id ' : company_b . id } )
country = self . env [ ' res.country ' ] . search ( [ ] , limit = 1 )
tax_a = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' A ' ,
' amount ' : 10 ,
' company_id ' : company_a . id ,
' tax_group_id ' : tax_group_a . id ,
' country_id ' : country . id ,
} )
tax_b = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' B ' ,
' amount ' : 10 ,
' company_id ' : company_b . id ,
' tax_group_id ' : tax_group_b . id ,
' country_id ' : country . id ,
} )
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner . id ,
' company_id ' : company_a . id
} )
product = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' Product ' } )
# In sudo to simulate an user that have access to both companies.
sol = self . env [ ' sale.order.line ' ] . sudo ( ) . create ( {
' name ' : product . name ,
' product_id ' : product . id ,
' order_id ' : sale_order . id ,
' tax_id ' : tax_a ,
} )
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) :
sol . tax_id = tax_b
def test_assign_tax_multi_company ( self ) :
root_company = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' B0 company ' } )
root_company . write ( { ' child_ids ' : [
Command . create ( { ' name ' : ' B1 company ' } ) ,
Command . create ( { ' name ' : ' B2 company ' } ) ,
] } )
country = self . env [ ' res.country ' ] . search ( [ ] , limit = 1 )
basic_tax_group = self . env [ ' account.tax.group ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' basic group ' , ' country_id ' : country . id } )
tax_b0 = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' B0 tax ' ,
' company_id ' : root_company . id ,
' amount ' : 10 ,
' tax_group_id ' : basic_tax_group . id ,
' country_id ' : country . id ,
} )
tax_b1 = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' B1 tax ' ,
' company_id ' : root_company . child_ids [ 0 ] . id ,
' amount ' : 11 ,
' tax_group_id ' : basic_tax_group . id ,
' country_id ' : country . id ,
} )
tax_b2 = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' B2 tax ' ,
' company_id ' : root_company . child_ids [ 1 ] . id ,
' amount ' : 20 ,
' tax_group_id ' : basic_tax_group . id ,
' country_id ' : country . id ,
} )
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( { ' partner_id ' : self . partner . id , ' company_id ' : root_company . child_ids [ 0 ] . id } )
product = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' Product ' } )
# In sudo to simulate an user that have access to both companies.
sol_b1 = self . env [ ' sale.order.line ' ] . sudo ( ) . create ( {
' name ' : product . name ,
' product_id ' : product . id ,
' order_id ' : sale_order . id ,
' tax_id ' : tax_b1 ,
} )
# should not raise anything
sol_b1 . tax_id = tax_b0
sol_b1 . tax_id = tax_b1
# should raise (b2 is not on the same branch lineage as b1)
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) :
sol_b1 . tax_id = tax_b2
def test_downpayment_amount_constraints ( self ) :
""" Down payment amounts should be in the interval ]0, 1]. """
self . sale_order . require_payment = True
with self . assertRaises ( ValidationError ) :
self . sale_order . prepayment_percent = - 1
with self . assertRaises ( ValidationError ) :
self . sale_order . prepayment_percent = 1.01
def test_qty_delivered_on_creation ( self ) :
""" Checks that the qty delivered of sol is automatically set to 0.0 when an so is created """
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
} ) ] ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( self . env [ ' sale.order.line ' ] . search ( [ ' & ' , ( ' order_id ' , ' = ' , sale_order . id ) , ( ' qty_delivered ' , ' = ' , 0.0 ) ] ) , sale_order . order_line )
def test_action_recompute_taxes ( self ) :
This test verifies the taxes recomputation action that can be triggered
after updating the fiscal position on a sale order document .
special_tax = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : " special_tax_10 " ,
' amount_type ' : ' percent ' ,
' amount ' : 25.0 ,
' include_base_amount ' : True ,
' price_include_override ' : ' tax_included ' ,
} )
mapped_tax_a = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : " tax_a " ,
' amount_type ' : ' percent ' ,
' amount ' : 12.5 ,
' include_base_amount ' : True ,
' price_include_override ' : ' tax_included ' ,
} )
mapped_tax_b = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : " tax_b " ,
' amount_type ' : ' percent ' ,
' amount ' : 5.0 ,
' include_base_amount ' : True ,
' price_include_override ' : ' tax_included ' ,
} )
sales_tax = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : " VAT 20 % " ,
' amount_type ' : ' percent ' ,
' amount ' : 20.0 ,
' price_include_override ' : ' tax_included ' ,
} )
mapping_a = self . env [ ' account.fiscal.position ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Special Tax Reduction ' ,
' tax_ids ' : [ Command . create ( { ' tax_src_id ' : special_tax . id , ' tax_dest_id ' : mapped_tax_a . id } ) ] ,
} )
mapping_b = self . env [ ' account.fiscal.position ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Special Tax Reduction ' ,
' tax_ids ' : [ Command . create ( { ' tax_src_id ' : special_tax . id , ' tax_dest_id ' : mapped_tax_b . id } ) ] ,
} )
# taxes and standard price need to be set on the product, as they will be
# recomputed when changing the fiscal position.
self . product . write ( {
' lst_price ' : 300 ,
' taxes_id ' : [ Command . set ( ( special_tax + sales_tax ) . ids ) ] ,
} )
order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . product . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 1.0 ,
} ) ,
] ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( order . amount_total , 300 )
self . assertEqual ( order . amount_tax , 100 )
order . fiscal_position_id = mapping_a
order . _recompute_prices ( )
order . action_update_taxes ( )
self . assertEqual ( order . amount_total , 270 )
self . assertEqual ( order . amount_tax , 70 )
order . fiscal_position_id = mapping_b
order . _recompute_prices ( )
order . action_update_taxes ( )
self . assertEqual ( order . amount_total , 252 )
self . assertEqual ( order . amount_tax , 52 )