2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from unittest . mock import patch
from odoo import fields
from odoo . fields import Command
from odoo . tests import Form , tagged
from odoo . tools import float_is_zero
from odoo . addons . sale . tests . common import TestSaleCommon
@tagged ( ' -at_install ' , ' post_install ' )
class TestSaleToInvoice ( TestSaleCommon ) :
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . company_data_2 = cls . setup_other_company ( )
# Create the SO with four order lines
cls . sale_order = cls . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : cls . partner_a . id ,
' partner_invoice_id ' : cls . partner_a . id ,
' partner_shipping_id ' : cls . partner_a . id ,
' pricelist_id ' : cls . company_data [ ' default_pricelist ' ] . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : cls . company_data [ ' product_order_no ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 5 ,
' tax_id ' : False ,
} ) ,
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : cls . company_data [ ' product_service_delivery ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 4 ,
' tax_id ' : False ,
} ) ,
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : cls . company_data [ ' product_service_order ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 3 ,
' tax_id ' : False ,
} ) ,
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : cls . company_data [ ' product_delivery_no ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 2 ,
' tax_id ' : False ,
} ) ,
} )
cls . sol_prod_order ,
cls . sol_serv_deliver ,
cls . sol_serv_order ,
cls . sol_prod_deliver ,
) = cls . sale_order . order_line
# Context
cls . context = {
' active_model ' : ' sale.order ' ,
' active_ids ' : [ cls . sale_order . id ] ,
' active_id ' : cls . sale_order . id ,
' default_journal_id ' : cls . company_data [ ' default_journal_sale ' ] . id ,
def _check_order_search ( self , orders , domain , expected_result ) :
domain + = [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , orders . ids ) ]
result = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . search ( domain )
self . assertEqual ( result , expected_result , " Unexpected result on search orders " )
def test_search_invoice_ids ( self ) :
""" Test searching on computed fields invoice_ids """
# Make qty zero to have a line without invoices
self . sol_prod_order . product_uom_qty = 0
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
# Tests before creating an invoice
self . _check_order_search ( self . sale_order , [ ( ' invoice_ids ' , ' = ' , False ) ] , self . sale_order )
self . _check_order_search ( self . sale_order , [ ( ' invoice_ids ' , ' != ' , False ) ] , self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] )
# Create invoice
moves = self . sale_order . _create_invoices ( )
# Tests after creating the invoice
self . _check_order_search ( self . sale_order , [ ( ' invoice_ids ' , ' in ' , moves . ids ) ] , self . sale_order )
self . _check_order_search ( self . sale_order , [ ( ' invoice_ids ' , ' = ' , False ) ] , self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] )
self . _check_order_search ( self . sale_order , [ ( ' invoice_ids ' , ' != ' , False ) ] , self . sale_order )
def test_downpayment ( self ) :
""" Test invoice with a way of downpayment and check downpayment ' s SO line is created
and also check a total amount of invoice is equal to a respective sale order ' s total amount
# Confirm the SO
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
self . _check_order_search ( self . sale_order , [ ( ' invoice_ids ' , ' = ' , False ) ] , self . sale_order )
# Let's do an invoice for a deposit of 100
downpayment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( self . context ) . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' fixed ' ,
' fixed_amount ' : 50 ,
} )
downpayment . create_invoices ( )
downpayment2 = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( self . context ) . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' fixed ' ,
' fixed_amount ' : 50 ,
} )
downpayment2 . create_invoices ( )
self . _check_order_search ( self . sale_order , [ ( ' invoice_ids ' , ' = ' , False ) ] , self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . sale_order . invoice_ids ) , 2 , ' Invoice should be created for the SO ' )
downpayment_line = self . sale_order . order_line . filtered ( lambda l : l . is_downpayment and not l . display_type )
self . assertEqual ( len ( downpayment_line ) , 2 , ' SO line downpayment should be created on SO ' )
# Update delivered quantity of SO lines
self . sol_serv_deliver . write ( { ' qty_delivered ' : 4.0 } )
self . sol_prod_deliver . write ( { ' qty_delivered ' : 2.0 } )
# Let's do an invoice with refunds
payment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( self . context ) . create ( { } )
payment . create_invoices ( )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . sale_order . invoice_ids ) , 3 , ' Invoice should be created for the SO ' )
invoice = max ( self . sale_order . invoice_ids )
self . assertEqual ( len ( invoice . invoice_line_ids . filtered ( lambda l : not ( l . display_type == ' line_section ' and l . name == " Down Payments " ) ) ) ,
len ( self . sale_order . order_line . filtered ( lambda l : not ( l . display_type == ' line_section ' and l . name == " Down Payments " ) ) ) , ' All lines should be invoiced ' )
self . assertEqual ( len ( invoice . invoice_line_ids . filtered ( lambda l : l . display_type == ' line_section ' and l . name == " Down Payments " ) ) , 1 , ' A single section for downpayments should be present ' )
self . assertEqual ( invoice . amount_total , self . sale_order . amount_total - sum ( downpayment_line . mapped ( ' price_unit ' ) ) , ' Downpayment should be applied ' )
def test_downpayment_validation ( self ) :
""" Test invoice for downpayment and check it can be validated
# Lock the sale orders when confirmed
self . env . user . groups_id + = self . env . ref ( ' sale.group_auto_done_setting ' )
# Confirm the SO
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
self . _check_order_search ( self . sale_order , [ ( ' invoice_ids ' , ' = ' , False ) ] , self . sale_order )
# Let's do an invoice for a deposit of 10%
downpayment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( self . context ) . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' percentage ' ,
' amount ' : 10 ,
} )
downpayment . create_invoices ( )
self . _check_order_search ( self . sale_order , [ ( ' invoice_ids ' , ' = ' , False ) ] , self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] )
# Update delivered quantity of SO lines
self . sol_serv_deliver . write ( { ' qty_delivered ' : 4.0 } )
self . sol_prod_deliver . write ( { ' qty_delivered ' : 2.0 } )
# Validate invoice
self . sale_order . invoice_ids . action_post ( )
def test_downpayment_line_remains_on_SO ( self ) :
""" Test downpayment ' s SO line is created and remains unchanged even if everything is invoiced
# Create the SO with one line
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . with_context ( tracking_disable = True ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' partner_invoice_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' partner_shipping_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' pricelist_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_pricelist ' ] . id ,
' order_line ' : [ Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . company_data [ ' product_order_no ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 5 ,
' tax_id ' : False ,
} ) , ]
} )
# Confirm the SO
sale_order . action_confirm ( )
# Update delivered quantity of SO line
sale_order . order_line . write ( { ' qty_delivered ' : 5.0 } )
context = {
' active_model ' : ' sale.order ' ,
' active_ids ' : [ sale_order . id ] ,
' active_id ' : sale_order . id ,
' default_journal_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_journal_sale ' ] . id ,
# Let's do an invoice for a down payment of 50
downpayment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( context ) . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' fixed ' ,
' fixed_amount ' : 50 ,
} )
downpayment . create_invoices ( )
# Let's do the invoice for the remaining amount
payment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( context ) . create ( { } )
payment . create_invoices ( )
downpayment_line = sale_order . order_line . filtered ( lambda l : l . is_downpayment and not l . display_type )
self . assertEqual ( downpayment_line [ 0 ] . price_unit , 50 , ' The down payment unit price should not change on SO ' )
# Confirm all invoices
sale_order . invoice_ids . action_post ( )
self . assertEqual ( downpayment_line [ 0 ] . price_unit , 50 , ' The down payment unit price should not change on SO ' )
def test_downpayment_line_name ( self ) :
""" Test downpayment ' s SO line name is updated when invoice is posted. """
# Create the SO with one line
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . with_context ( tracking_disable = True ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' partner_invoice_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' partner_shipping_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' pricelist_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_pricelist ' ] . id ,
' order_line ' : [ Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . company_data [ ' product_order_no ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 5 ,
' tax_id ' : False ,
} ) , ]
} )
# Confirm the SO
sale_order . action_confirm ( )
# Update delivered quantity of SO line
sale_order . order_line . write ( { ' qty_delivered ' : 5.0 } )
context = {
' default_journal_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_journal_sale ' ] . id ,
# Let's do an invoice for a down payment of 50
self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( context ) . create ( {
' sale_order_ids ' : [ Command . set ( sale_order . ids ) ] ,
' advance_payment_method ' : ' fixed ' ,
' fixed_amount ' : 50 ,
} ) . create_invoices ( )
dp_line = sale_order . order_line . filtered (
lambda sol : sol . is_downpayment and not sol . display_type
dp_line . name = ' whatever '
# Confirm the invoice
invoice = sale_order . invoice_ids
invoice . action_post ( )
self . assertNotEqual (
dp_line . name , ' whatever ' ,
" DP lines description should be recomputed when the linked invoice is posted " ,
def test_downpayment_fixed_amount_with_zero_total_amount ( self ) :
# Create the SO with one line and amount total is zero
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . with_context ( tracking_disable = True ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' partner_invoice_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' partner_shipping_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' pricelist_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_pricelist ' ] . id ,
' order_line ' : [ Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . company_data [ ' product_order_no ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 5 ,
' price_unit ' : 0 ,
' tax_id ' : False ,
} ) , ]
} )
sale_order . action_confirm ( )
sale_order . order_line . write ( { ' qty_delivered ' : 5.0 } )
context = {
' active_model ' : ' sale.order ' ,
' active_ids ' : [ sale_order . id ] ,
' active_id ' : sale_order . id ,
' default_journal_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_journal_sale ' ] . id ,
# Let's do an invoice for a down payment of 50
downpayment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( context ) . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' fixed ' ,
' fixed_amount ' : 50 ,
} )
# Create invoice
downpayment . create_invoices ( )
self . assertEqual ( downpayment . amount , 0.0 , ' The down payment amount should be 0.0 ' )
def test_downpayment_percentage_tax_icl ( self ) :
""" Test invoice with a percentage downpayment and an included tax
Check the total amount of invoice is correct and equal to a respective sale order ' s total amount
# Confirm the SO
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
tax_downpayment = self . company_data [ ' default_tax_sale ' ] . copy ( {
' name ' : ' default price included ' ,
' price_include_override ' : ' tax_included ' ,
} )
# Let's do an invoice for a deposit of 100
payment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( self . context ) . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' percentage ' ,
' amount ' : 50 ,
} )
payment . create_invoices ( )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . sale_order . invoice_ids ) , 1 , ' Invoice should be created for the SO ' )
downpayment_line = self . sale_order . order_line . filtered ( lambda l : l . is_downpayment and not l . display_type )
self . assertEqual ( len ( downpayment_line ) , 1 , ' SO line downpayment should be created on SO ' )
self . assertEqual ( downpayment_line . price_unit , self . sale_order . amount_total / 2 , ' downpayment should have the correct amount ' )
invoice = self . sale_order . invoice_ids [ 0 ]
downpayment_aml = invoice . line_ids . filtered ( lambda l : not ( l . display_type == ' line_section ' and l . name == " Down Payments " ) ) [ 0 ]
self . assertEqual ( downpayment_aml . price_total , self . sale_order . amount_total / 2 , ' downpayment should have the correct amount ' )
self . assertEqual ( downpayment_aml . price_unit , self . sale_order . amount_total / 2 , ' downpayment should have the correct amount ' )
invoice . action_post ( )
self . assertEqual ( downpayment_line . price_unit , self . sale_order . amount_total / 2 , ' downpayment should have the correct amount ' )
def test_downpayment_invoice_and_partial_credit_note ( self ) :
""" This test check that the downpayment line amount on the sale order remains consistent """
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
# Create an invoice for a Down payment of 100
payment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( self . context ) . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' fixed ' ,
' fixed_amount ' : 100 ,
} )
payment . create_invoices ( )
# Ensure the downpayment line on the sale order is correctly set to 100
downpayment_line = self . sale_order . order_line . filtered ( lambda l : l . is_downpayment and not l . display_type )
self . assertEqual ( downpayment_line . price_unit , 100 )
# post the downpayment invoice and ensure the downpayment_line amount is still 100
downpayment_invoice = downpayment_line . order_id . order_line . invoice_lines . move_id
downpayment_invoice . action_post ( )
self . assertEqual ( downpayment_line . price_unit , 100 )
# Create a credit note for a part of the downpayment invoice and post it
move_reversal = self . env [ ' account.move.reversal ' ] . with_context (
active_model = " account.move " ,
active_ids = downpayment_invoice . ids ,
) . create ( {
' date ' : ' 2020-02-01 ' ,
' reason ' : ' no reason ' ,
' journal_id ' : downpayment_invoice . journal_id . id ,
} )
reversal_action = move_reversal . reverse_moves ( )
reverse_move = self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . browse ( reversal_action [ ' res_id ' ] )
with Form ( reverse_move ) as form_reverse :
with form_reverse . invoice_line_ids . edit ( 0 ) as line_form :
line_form . price_unit = 20.0
reverse_move . action_post ( )
self . assertEqual ( downpayment_line . price_unit , 80 ,
" The downpayment line amount should be equal to the sum of the invoice and credit note amount " )
def test_invoice_with_discount ( self ) :
""" Test invoice with a discount and check discount applied on both SO lines and an invoice lines """
# Update discount and delivered quantity on SO lines
self . sol_prod_order . write ( { ' discount ' : 20.0 } )
self . sol_serv_deliver . write ( { ' discount ' : 20.0 , ' qty_delivered ' : 4.0 } )
self . sol_serv_order . write ( { ' discount ' : - 10.0 } )
self . sol_prod_deliver . write ( { ' qty_delivered ' : 2.0 } )
for line in self . sale_order . order_line . filtered ( lambda l : l . discount ) :
product_price = line . price_unit * line . product_uom_qty
self . assertEqual ( line . discount , ( product_price - line . price_subtotal ) / product_price * 100 , ' Discount should be applied on order line ' )
# lines are in draft
for line in self . sale_order . order_line :
self . assertTrue ( float_is_zero ( line . untaxed_amount_to_invoice , precision_digits = 2 ) , " The amount to invoice should be zero, as the line is in draf state " )
self . assertTrue ( float_is_zero ( line . untaxed_amount_invoiced , precision_digits = 2 ) , " The invoiced amount should be zero, as the line is in draft state " )
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
for line in self . sale_order . order_line :
self . assertTrue ( float_is_zero ( line . untaxed_amount_invoiced , precision_digits = 2 ) , " The invoiced amount should be zero, as the line is in draft state " )
self . assertEqual (
self . sol_serv_order . untaxed_amount_to_invoice ,
297 ,
" The untaxed amount to invoice is wrong " )
self . assertEqual (
self . sol_serv_deliver . untaxed_amount_to_invoice ,
576 ,
" The untaxed amount to invoice should be qty deli * price reduce, so 4 * (180 - 36) " )
# 'untaxed_amount_to_invoice' is invalid when 'sale_stock' is installed.
# self.assertEqual(self.sol_prod_deliver.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, 140, "The untaxed amount to invoice should be qty deli * price reduce, so 4 * (180 - 36)")
# Let's do an invoice with invoiceable lines
payment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( self . context ) . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' delivered '
} )
self . _check_order_search ( self . sale_order , [ ( ' invoice_ids ' , ' = ' , False ) ] , self . sale_order )
payment . create_invoices ( )
self . _check_order_search ( self . sale_order , [ ( ' invoice_ids ' , ' = ' , False ) ] , self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] )
invoice = self . sale_order . invoice_ids [ 0 ]
invoice . action_post ( )
# Check discount appeared on both SO lines and invoice lines
for line , inv_line in zip ( self . sale_order . order_line , invoice . invoice_line_ids ) :
self . assertEqual ( line . discount , inv_line . discount , ' Discount on lines of order and invoice should be same ' )
def test_invoice ( self ) :
""" Test create and invoice from the SO, and check qty invoice/to invoice, and the related amounts """
# lines are in draft
for line in self . sale_order . order_line :
self . assertTrue ( float_is_zero ( line . untaxed_amount_to_invoice , precision_digits = 2 ) , " The amount to invoice should be zero, as the line is in draf state " )
self . assertTrue ( float_is_zero ( line . untaxed_amount_invoiced , precision_digits = 2 ) , " The invoiced amount should be zero, as the line is in draft state " )
# Confirm the SO
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
# Check ordered quantity, quantity to invoice and invoiced quantity of SO lines
for line in self . sale_order . order_line :
if line . product_id . invoice_policy == ' delivery ' :
self . assertEqual ( line . qty_to_invoice , 0.0 , ' Quantity to invoice should be same as ordered quantity ' )
self . assertEqual ( line . qty_invoiced , 0.0 , ' Invoiced quantity should be zero as no any invoice created for SO ' )
self . assertEqual ( line . untaxed_amount_to_invoice , 0.0 , " The amount to invoice should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity " )
self . assertEqual ( line . untaxed_amount_invoiced , 0.0 , " The invoiced amount should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity " )
else :
self . assertEqual ( line . qty_to_invoice , line . product_uom_qty , ' Quantity to invoice should be same as ordered quantity ' )
self . assertEqual ( line . qty_invoiced , 0.0 , ' Invoiced quantity should be zero as no any invoice created for SO ' )
self . assertEqual ( line . untaxed_amount_to_invoice , line . product_uom_qty * line . price_unit , " The amount to invoice should the total of the line, as the line is confirmed " )
self . assertEqual ( line . untaxed_amount_invoiced , 0.0 , " The invoiced amount should be zero, as the line is confirmed " )
# Let's do an invoice with invoiceable lines
payment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( self . context ) . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' delivered '
} )
payment . create_invoices ( )
invoice = self . sale_order . invoice_ids [ 0 ]
# Update quantity of an invoice lines
move_form = Form ( invoice )
with move_form . invoice_line_ids . edit ( 0 ) as line_form :
line_form . quantity = 3.0
with move_form . invoice_line_ids . edit ( 1 ) as line_form :
line_form . quantity = 2.0
invoice = move_form . save ( )
# amount to invoice / invoiced should not have changed (amounts take only confirmed invoice into account)
for line in self . sale_order . order_line :
if line . product_id . invoice_policy == ' delivery ' :
self . assertEqual ( line . qty_to_invoice , 0.0 , " Quantity to invoice should be zero " )
self . assertEqual ( line . qty_invoiced , 0.0 , " Invoiced quantity should be zero as delivered lines are not delivered yet " )
self . assertEqual ( line . untaxed_amount_to_invoice , 0.0 , " The amount to invoice should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity (no confirmed invoice) " )
self . assertEqual ( line . untaxed_amount_invoiced , 0.0 , " The invoiced amount should be zero, as no invoice are validated for now " )
else :
if line == self . sol_prod_order :
self . assertEqual ( self . sol_prod_order . qty_to_invoice , 2.0 , " Changing the quantity on draft invoice update the qty to invoice on SO lines " )
self . assertEqual ( self . sol_prod_order . qty_invoiced , 3.0 , " Changing the quantity on draft invoice update the invoiced qty on SO lines " )
else :
self . assertEqual ( self . sol_serv_order . qty_to_invoice , 1.0 , " Changing the quantity on draft invoice update the qty to invoice on SO lines " )
self . assertEqual ( self . sol_serv_order . qty_invoiced , 2.0 , " Changing the quantity on draft invoice update the invoiced qty on SO lines " )
self . assertEqual ( line . untaxed_amount_to_invoice , line . product_uom_qty * line . price_unit , " The amount to invoice should the total of the line, as the line is confirmed (no confirmed invoice) " )
self . assertEqual ( line . untaxed_amount_invoiced , 0.0 , " The invoiced amount should be zero, as no invoice are validated for now " )
invoice . action_post ( )
# Check quantity to invoice on SO lines
for line in self . sale_order . order_line :
if line . product_id . invoice_policy == ' delivery ' :
self . assertEqual ( line . qty_to_invoice , 0.0 , " Quantity to invoice should be same as ordered quantity " )
self . assertEqual ( line . qty_invoiced , 0.0 , " Invoiced quantity should be zero as no any invoice created for SO " )
self . assertEqual ( line . untaxed_amount_to_invoice , 0.0 , " The amount to invoice should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity " )
self . assertEqual ( line . untaxed_amount_invoiced , 0.0 , " The invoiced amount should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity " )
else :
if line == self . sol_prod_order :
self . assertEqual ( line . qty_to_invoice , 2.0 , " The ordered sale line are totally invoiced (qty to invoice is zero) " )
self . assertEqual ( line . qty_invoiced , 3.0 , " The ordered (prod) sale line are totally invoiced (qty invoiced come from the invoice lines) " )
else :
self . assertEqual ( line . qty_to_invoice , 1.0 , " The ordered sale line are totally invoiced (qty to invoice is zero) " )
self . assertEqual ( line . qty_invoiced , 2.0 , " The ordered (serv) sale line are totally invoiced (qty invoiced = the invoice lines) " )
self . assertEqual ( line . untaxed_amount_to_invoice , line . price_unit * line . qty_to_invoice , " Amount to invoice is now set as qty to invoice * unit price since no price change on invoice, for ordered products " )
self . assertEqual ( line . untaxed_amount_invoiced , line . price_unit * line . qty_invoiced , " Amount invoiced is now set as qty invoiced * unit price since no price change on invoice, for ordered products " )
def test_multiple_sale_orders_on_same_invoice ( self ) :
""" The model allows the association of multiple SO lines linked to the same invoice line.
Check that the operations behave well , if a custom module creates such a situation .
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
payment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( self . context ) . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' delivered '
} )
payment . create_invoices ( )
# create a second SO whose lines are linked to the same invoice lines
# this is a way to create a situation where sale_line_ids has multiple items
sale_order_data = self . sale_order . copy_data ( ) [ 0 ]
sale_order_data [ ' order_line ' ] = [
( 0 , 0 , line . copy_data ( {
' invoice_lines ' : [ ( 6 , 0 , line . invoice_lines . ids ) ] ,
} ) [ 0 ] )
for line in self . sale_order . order_line
self . sale_order . create ( sale_order_data )
# we should now have at least one move line linked to several order lines
invoice = self . sale_order . invoice_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertTrue ( any ( len ( move_line . sale_line_ids ) > 1
for move_line in invoice . line_ids ) )
# however these actions should not raise
invoice . action_post ( )
invoice . button_draft ( )
invoice . button_cancel ( )
def test_invoice_with_sections ( self ) :
""" Test create and invoice with sections from the SO, and check qty invoice/to invoice, and the related amounts """
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . with_context ( tracking_disable = True ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' partner_invoice_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' partner_shipping_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' pricelist_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_pricelist ' ] . id ,
} )
SaleOrderLine = self . env [ ' sale.order.line ' ] . with_context ( tracking_disable = True )
SaleOrderLine . create ( {
' name ' : ' Section ' ,
' display_type ' : ' line_section ' ,
' order_id ' : sale_order . id ,
} )
sol_prod_deliver = SaleOrderLine . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . company_data [ ' product_order_no ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 5 ,
' order_id ' : sale_order . id ,
' tax_id ' : False ,
} )
# Confirm the SO
sale_order . action_confirm ( )
sol_prod_deliver . write ( { ' qty_delivered ' : 5.0 } )
# Context
self . context = {
' active_model ' : ' sale.order ' ,
' active_ids ' : [ sale_order . id ] ,
' active_id ' : sale_order . id ,
' default_journal_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_journal_sale ' ] . id ,
# Let's do an invoice with invoiceable lines
payment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( self . context ) . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' delivered '
} )
payment . create_invoices ( )
invoice = sale_order . invoice_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertEqual ( invoice . line_ids [ 0 ] . display_type , ' line_section ' )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
def test_invoice_combo_product ( self ) :
""" Test creating an invoice for a SO with a combo product. """
product_a = self . _create_product ( name = " Horse-meat burger " )
product_b = self . _create_product ( name = " French fries " )
combo_a = self . env [ ' product.combo ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : " Burger " ,
' combo_item_ids ' : [
Command . create ( { ' product_id ' : product_a . id } ) ,
] ,
} )
combo_b = self . env [ ' product.combo ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : " Side " ,
' combo_item_ids ' : [
Command . create ( { ' product_id ' : product_b . id } ) ,
] ,
} )
product_combo = self . _create_product (
name = " Meal Menu " ,
list_price = 10.0 ,
type = ' combo ' ,
combo_ids = [
Command . link ( combo_a . id ) ,
Command . link ( combo_b . id ) ,
] ,
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . with_context ( tracking_disable = True ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' partner_invoice_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' partner_shipping_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' pricelist_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_pricelist ' ] . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( {
' name ' : ' Meal Menu ' ,
' product_id ' : product_combo . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 3 ,
' price_unit ' : 0 ,
' tax_id ' : [ ] ,
} ) ,
Command . create ( {
' name ' : ' Horse-meat burger ' ,
' product_id ' : product_a . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 3 ,
' price_unit ' : 5.0 ,
' tax_id ' : [ ] ,
} ) ,
Command . create ( {
' name ' : ' French fries ' ,
' product_id ' : product_b . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 3 ,
' price_unit ' : 5.0 ,
' tax_id ' : [ ] ,
} ) ,
} )
# Confirm the SO
sale_order . action_confirm ( )
# Context
self . context = {
' active_model ' : ' sale.order ' ,
' active_ids ' : [ sale_order . id ] ,
' active_id ' : sale_order . id ,
' default_journal_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_journal_sale ' ] . id ,
# Let's do an invoice with invoiceable lines
payment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( self . context ) . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' delivered '
} )
payment . create_invoices ( )
invoice = sale_order . invoice_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertRecordValues ( invoice . invoice_line_ids , [
' name ' : ' Meal Menu x 3 ' ,
' display_type ' : ' line_section ' ,
' product_id ' : False ,
' quantity ' : 0 ,
' price_unit ' : 0 ,
} ,
' name ' : ' Horse-meat burger ' ,
' display_type ' : ' product ' ,
' product_id ' : product_a . id ,
' quantity ' : 3 ,
' price_unit ' : 5.0
} ,
' name ' : ' French fries ' ,
' display_type ' : ' product ' ,
' product_id ' : product_b . id ,
' quantity ' : 3 ,
' price_unit ' : 5.0
} ,
] )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def test_qty_invoiced ( self ) :
""" Verify uom rounding is correctly considered during qty_invoiced compute """
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . with_context ( tracking_disable = True ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' partner_invoice_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' partner_shipping_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' pricelist_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_pricelist ' ] . id ,
} )
SaleOrderLine = self . env [ ' sale.order.line ' ] . with_context ( tracking_disable = True )
sol_prod_deliver = SaleOrderLine . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . company_data [ ' product_order_no ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 5 ,
' order_id ' : sale_order . id ,
' tax_id ' : False ,
} )
# Confirm the SO
sale_order . action_confirm ( )
sol_prod_deliver . write ( { ' qty_delivered ' : 5.0 } )
# Context
self . context = {
' active_model ' : ' sale.order ' ,
' active_ids ' : [ sale_order . id ] ,
' active_id ' : sale_order . id ,
' default_journal_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_journal_sale ' ] . id ,
# Let's do an invoice with invoiceable lines
invoicing_wizard = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( self . context ) . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' delivered '
} )
invoicing_wizard . create_invoices ( )
self . assertEqual ( sol_prod_deliver . qty_invoiced , 5.0 )
# We would have to change the digits of the field to
# test a greater decimal precision.
quantity = 5.13
move_form = Form ( sale_order . invoice_ids )
with move_form . invoice_line_ids . edit ( 0 ) as line_form :
line_form . quantity = quantity
move_form . save ( )
# Default uom rounding to 0.01
qty_invoiced_field = sol_prod_deliver . _fields . get ( ' qty_invoiced ' )
sol_prod_deliver . env . add_to_compute ( qty_invoiced_field , sol_prod_deliver )
self . assertEqual ( sol_prod_deliver . qty_invoiced , quantity )
# Rounding to 0.1, should be rounded with UP (ceil) rounding_method
# Not floor or half up rounding.
sol_prod_deliver . product_uom . rounding * = 10
sol_prod_deliver . product_uom . flush_recordset ( [ ' rounding ' ] )
expected_qty = 5.2
qty_invoiced_field = sol_prod_deliver . _fields . get ( ' qty_invoiced ' )
sol_prod_deliver . env . add_to_compute ( qty_invoiced_field , sol_prod_deliver )
self . assertEqual ( sol_prod_deliver . qty_invoiced , expected_qty )
def test_multi_company_invoice ( self ) :
""" Checks that the company of the invoices generated in a multi company environment using the
' sale.advance.payment.inv ' wizard fit with the company of the SO and not with the current company .
so_company_id = self . sale_order . company_id . id
yet_another_company_id = self . company_data_2 [ ' company ' ] . id
so_for_downpayment = self . sale_order . copy ( )
self . context . update ( allowed_company_ids = [ yet_another_company_id , self . env . company . id ] , company_id = yet_another_company_id )
context_for_downpayment = self . context . copy ( )
context_for_downpayment . update ( active_ids = [ so_for_downpayment . id ] , active_id = so_for_downpayment . id )
# Make sure the invoice is not created with a journal in the context
# Because it makes the test always succeed (by using the journal company instead of the env company)
no_journal_ctxt = dict ( self . context )
no_journal_ctxt . pop ( ' default_journal_id ' , None )
no_journal_ctxt . pop ( ' journal_id ' , None )
self . sale_order . with_context ( self . context ) . action_confirm ( )
payment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( no_journal_ctxt ) . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' percentage ' ,
' amount ' : 50 ,
} )
payment . create_invoices ( )
self . assertEqual ( self . sale_order . invoice_ids [ 0 ] . company_id . id , so_company_id , " The company of the invoice should be the same as the one from the SO " )
so_for_downpayment . with_context ( context_for_downpayment ) . action_confirm ( )
downpayment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( context_for_downpayment ) . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' fixed ' ,
' fixed_amount ' : 50 ,
} )
downpayment . create_invoices ( )
self . assertEqual ( so_for_downpayment . invoice_ids [ 0 ] . company_id . id , so_company_id , " The company of the downpayment invoice should be the same as the one from the SO " )
def test_invoice_analytic_distribution_model ( self ) :
""" Tests whether, when an analytic account rule is set and the so has no analytic account,
the default analytic account is correctly computed in the invoice .
analytic_plan_default = self . env [ ' account.analytic.plan ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' default ' } )
analytic_account_default = self . env [ ' account.analytic.account ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' default ' , ' plan_id ' : analytic_plan_default . id } )
self . env [ ' account.analytic.distribution.model ' ] . create ( {
' analytic_distribution ' : { analytic_account_default . id : 100 } ,
' product_id ' : self . product_a . id ,
} )
so_form = Form ( self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] )
so_form . partner_id = self . partner_a
with so_form . order_line . new ( ) as sol :
sol . product_id = self . product_a
sol . product_uom_qty = 1
so = so_form . save ( )
so . action_confirm ( )
so . _force_lines_to_invoice_policy_order ( )
so_context = {
' active_model ' : ' sale.order ' ,
' active_ids ' : [ so . id ] ,
' active_id ' : so . id ,
' default_journal_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_journal_sale ' ] . id ,
down_payment = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( so_context ) . create ( { } )
down_payment . create_invoices ( )
aml = self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ] . search ( [ ( ' move_id ' , ' in ' , so . invoice_ids . ids ) ] ) [ 0 ]
self . assertRecordValues ( aml , [ { ' analytic_distribution ' : { str ( analytic_account_default . id ) : 100 } } ] )
def test_invoice_analytic_rule_with_account_prefix ( self ) :
Test whether , when an analytic account rule is set within the scope ( applicability ) of invoice
and with an account prefix set ,
the default analytic account is correctly set during the conversion from so to invoice
self . env . user . groups_id + = self . env . ref ( ' analytic.group_analytic_accounting ' )
analytic_plan_default = self . env [ ' account.analytic.plan ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' default ' ,
' applicability_ids ' : [ Command . create ( {
' business_domain ' : ' invoice ' ,
' applicability ' : ' optional ' ,
} ) ]
} )
analytic_account_default = self . env [ ' account.analytic.account ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' default ' , ' plan_id ' : analytic_plan_default . id } )
analytic_distribution_model = self . env [ ' account.analytic.distribution.model ' ] . create ( {
' account_prefix ' : ' 400000 ' ,
' analytic_distribution ' : { analytic_account_default . id : 100 } ,
' product_id ' : self . product_a . id ,
} )
so = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( { ' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id } )
self . env [ ' sale.order.line ' ] . create ( {
' order_id ' : so . id ,
' name ' : ' test ' ,
' product_id ' : self . product_a . id
} )
self . assertFalse ( so . order_line . analytic_distribution , " There should be no tag set. " )
so . action_confirm ( )
so . order_line . qty_delivered = 1
aml = so . _create_invoices ( ) . invoice_line_ids
self . assertRecordValues ( aml , [ { ' analytic_distribution ' : analytic_distribution_model . analytic_distribution } ] )
def test_invoice_after_product_return_price_not_default ( self ) :
so = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Sale order ' ,
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' partner_invoice_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' order_line ' : [
( 0 , 0 , { ' name ' : self . product_a . name , ' product_id ' : self . product_a . id , ' product_uom_qty ' : 1 , ' price_unit ' : 123 } ) ,
} )
self . _check_order_search ( so , [ ( ' invoice_ids ' , ' = ' , False ) ] , so )
so . action_confirm ( )
so_context = {
' active_model ' : ' sale.order ' ,
' active_ids ' : [ so . id ] ,
' active_id ' : so . id ,
' default_journal_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_journal_sale ' ] . id ,
invoicing_wizard = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( so_context ) . create ( { } )
invoicing_wizard . create_invoices ( )
self . assertTrue ( so . invoice_ids , " The invoice was not created " )
# simulating return by changing product_uom_qty to 0
so . order_line . product_uom_qty = 0
# checking if the price_unit is the same
self . assertEqual ( so . order_line . price_unit , 123 ,
" The unit price should be the same as the one used to create the sales order line " )
def test_group_invoice ( self ) :
""" Test that invoicing multiple sales order for the same customer works. """
# Create 3 SOs for the same partner, one of which that uses another currency
eur_pricelist = self . env [ ' product.pricelist ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' EUR ' , ' currency_id ' : self . env . ref ( ' base.EUR ' ) . id } )
so1 = self . sale_order . with_context ( mail_notrack = True ) . copy ( )
so1 . pricelist_id = eur_pricelist
so2 = so1 . copy ( )
usd_pricelist = self . env [ ' product.pricelist ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' USD ' , ' currency_id ' : self . env . ref ( ' base.USD ' ) . id } )
so3 = so1 . copy ( )
so1 . pricelist_id = usd_pricelist
orders = so1 | so2 | so3
orders . action_confirm ( )
# Create the invoicing wizard and invoice all of them at once
wiz = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( active_ids = orders . ids , open_invoices = True ) . create ( { } )
res = wiz . create_invoices ( )
# Check that exactly 2 invoices are generated
self . assertEqual (
len ( res [ ' domain ' ] [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) ,
2 ,
" Invoicing 3 orders for the same partner with 2 currencies "
" should create exactly 2 invoices. " )
def test_so_note_to_invoice ( self ) :
""" Test that notes from SO are pushed into invoices """
self . sale_order . order_line = [ Command . create ( {
' name ' : ' This is a note ' ,
' display_type ' : ' line_note ' ,
' product_id ' : False ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 0 ,
' product_uom ' : False ,
' price_unit ' : 0 ,
' order_id ' : self . sale_order . id ,
' tax_id ' : False ,
} ) ]
# confirm quotation
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
# create invoice
invoice = self . sale_order . _create_invoices ( )
# check note from SO has been pushed in invoice
self . assertEqual (
len ( invoice . invoice_line_ids . filtered ( lambda line : line . display_type == ' line_note ' ) ) ,
1 ,
' Note SO line should have been pushed to the invoice ' )
def test_sale_order_standard_flow_with_invoicing ( self ) :
""" Test the sales order flow (invoicing and quantity updates)
- Invoice repeatedly while varrying delivered quantities and check that invoice are always what we expect
self . sale_order . order_line . product_uom_qty = 2.0
# TODO?: validate invoice and register payments
self . sale_order . order_line . read ( [ ' name ' , ' price_unit ' , ' product_uom_qty ' , ' price_total ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( self . sale_order . amount_total , 1240.0 , ' Sale: total amount is wrong ' )
self . sale_order . order_line . _compute_product_updatable ( )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . order_line [ 0 ] . product_updatable )
# send quotation
email_act = self . sale_order . action_quotation_send ( )
email_ctx = email_act . get ( ' context ' , { } )
self . sale_order . with_context ( * * email_ctx ) . message_post_with_source (
self . env [ ' mail.template ' ] . browse ( email_ctx . get ( ' default_template_id ' ) ) ,
subtype_xmlid = ' mail.mt_comment ' ,
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . state == ' sent ' , ' Sale: state after sending is wrong ' )
self . sale_order . order_line . _compute_product_updatable ( )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . order_line [ 0 ] . product_updatable )
# confirm quotation
self . sale_order . action_confirm ( )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . state == ' sale ' )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . invoice_status == ' to invoice ' )
# create invoice: only 'invoice on order' products are invoiced
invoice = self . sale_order . _create_invoices ( )
self . assertEqual ( len ( invoice . invoice_line_ids ) , 2 , ' Sale: invoice is missing lines ' )
self . assertEqual ( invoice . amount_total , 740.0 , ' Sale: invoice total amount is wrong ' )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . invoice_status == ' no ' , ' Sale: SO status after invoicing should be " nothing to invoice " ' )
self . assertTrue ( len ( self . sale_order . invoice_ids ) == 1 , ' Sale: invoice is missing ' )
self . sale_order . order_line . _compute_product_updatable ( )
self . assertFalse ( self . sale_order . order_line [ 0 ] . product_updatable )
# deliver lines except 'time and material' then invoice again
for line in self . sale_order . order_line :
line . qty_delivered = 2 if line . product_id . expense_policy == ' no ' else 0
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . invoice_status == ' to invoice ' , ' Sale: SO status after delivery should be " to invoice " ' )
invoice2 = self . sale_order . _create_invoices ( )
self . assertEqual ( len ( invoice2 . invoice_line_ids ) , 2 , ' Sale: second invoice is missing lines ' )
self . assertEqual ( invoice2 . amount_total , 500.0 , ' Sale: second invoice total amount is wrong ' )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . invoice_status == ' invoiced ' , ' Sale: SO status after invoicing everything should be " invoiced " ' )
self . assertTrue ( len ( self . sale_order . invoice_ids ) == 2 , ' Sale: invoice is missing ' )
# go over the sold quantity
self . sol_serv_order . write ( { ' qty_delivered ' : 10 } )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . invoice_status == ' upselling ' , ' Sale: SO status after increasing delivered qty higher than ordered qty should be " upselling " ' )
# upsell and invoice
self . sol_serv_order . write ( { ' product_uom_qty ' : 10 } )
# There is a bug with `new` and `_origin`
# If you create a first new from a record, then change a value on the origin record, than create another new,
# this other new wont have the updated value of the origin record, but the one from the previous new
# Here the problem lies in the use of `new` in `move = self_ctx.new(new_vals)`,
# and the fact this method is called multiple times in the same transaction test case.
# Here, we update `qty_delivered` on the origin record, but the `new` records which are in cache with this order line
# as origin are not updated, nor the fields that depends on it.
self . env . flush_all ( )
self . env . invalidate_all ( )
invoice3 = self . sale_order . _create_invoices ( )
self . assertEqual ( len ( invoice3 . invoice_line_ids ) , 1 , ' Sale: third invoice is missing lines ' )
self . assertEqual ( invoice3 . amount_total , 720.0 , ' Sale: second invoice total amount is wrong ' )
self . assertTrue ( self . sale_order . invoice_status == ' invoiced ' , ' Sale: SO status after invoicing everything (including the upsel) should be " invoiced " ' )
def test_so_create_multicompany ( self ) :
""" Check that only taxes of the right company are applied on the lines. """
# Preparing test Data
product_shared = self . env [ ' product.template ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' shared product ' ,
' invoice_policy ' : ' order ' ,
' taxes_id ' : [ ( 6 , False , ( self . company_data [ ' default_tax_sale ' ] + self . company_data_2 [ ' default_tax_sale ' ] ) . ids ) ] ,
' property_account_income_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_account_revenue ' ] . id ,
} )
so_1 = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . with_user ( self . company_data [ ' default_user_salesman ' ] ) . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' A partner ' } ) . id ,
' company_id ' : self . company_data [ ' company ' ] . id ,
} )
so_1 . write ( {
' order_line ' : [ Command . create ( { ' product_id ' : product_shared . product_variant_id . id } ) ] ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( so_1 . order_line . product_uom_qty , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( so_1 . order_line . tax_id , self . company_data [ ' default_tax_sale ' ] ,
' Only taxes from the right company are put by default ' )
so_1 . action_confirm ( )
# i'm not interested in groups/acls, but in the multi-company flow only
# the sudo is there for that and does not impact the invoice that gets created
# the goal here is to invoice in company 1 (because the order is in company 1) while being
# 'mainly' in company 2 (through the context), the invoice should be in company 1
inv = so_1 . sudo ( ) . with_context (
allowed_company_ids = ( self . company_data [ ' company ' ] + self . company_data_2 [ ' company ' ] ) . ids
) . _create_invoices ( )
self . assertEqual (
inv . company_id ,
self . company_data [ ' company ' ] ,
' invoices should be created in the company of the SO, not the main company of the context ' )
def test_partial_invoicing_interaction_with_invoicing_switch_threshold ( self ) :
""" Let ' s say you partially invoice a SO, let ' s call the resuling invoice ' A ' . Now if you change the
' Invoicing Switch Threshold ' such that the invoice date of ' A ' is before the new threshold ,
the SO should still take invoice ' A ' into account .
if not self . env [ ' ir.module.module ' ] . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , ' account_accountant ' ) , ( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' installed ' ) ] ) :
self . skipTest ( " This test requires the installation of the account_account module " )
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . company_data [ ' product_delivery_no ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 20 ,
' price_unit ' : 30 ,
} ) ,
] ,
} )
line = sale_order . order_line [ 0 ]
sale_order . action_confirm ( )
line . qty_delivered = 10
invoice = sale_order . _create_invoices ( )
invoice . action_post ( )
self . assertEqual ( line . qty_invoiced , 10 )
self . env [ ' res.config.settings ' ] . create ( {
' invoicing_switch_threshold ' : fields . Date . add ( invoice . invoice_date , days = 30 ) ,
} ) . execute ( )
invoice . invalidate_model ( fnames = [ ' payment_state ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( line . qty_invoiced , 10 )
line . qty_delivered = 15
self . assertEqual ( line . qty_invoiced , 10 )
self . assertEqual ( line . untaxed_amount_invoiced , 300 )
self . assertEqual ( sale_order . amount_to_invoice , 150 )
def test_salesperson_in_invoice_followers ( self ) :
Test if the salesperson is in the followers list of invoice created from SO
self . env = self . env ( context = { } )
# create a salesperson
salesperson = self . env [ ' res.users ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Salesperson ' ,
' login ' : ' salesperson ' ,
' email ' : ' test@test.com ' ,
' groups_id ' : [ ( 6 , 0 , [ self . env . ref ( ' sales_team.group_sale_salesman ' ) . id ] ) ]
} )
# create a SO and generate invoice from it
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' user_id ' : salesperson . id ,
' order_line ' : [ ( 0 , 0 , {
' product_id ' : self . company_data [ ' product_order_no ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 1 ,
} ) ]
} )
sale_order . action_confirm ( )
invoice = sale_order . _create_invoices ( final = True )
# check if the salesperson is in the followers list of invoice created from SO
self . assertIn ( salesperson . partner_id , invoice . message_partner_ids , ' Salesperson not in the followers list of '
' invoice created from SO ' )
def test_amount_to_invoice_multiple_so ( self ) :
""" Testing creating two SOs with the same customer and invoicing them together. We have to ensure
that the amount to invoice is correct for each SO .
sale_order_1 = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . company_data [ ' product_delivery_no ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 10 ,
} ) ,
] ,
} )
sale_order_2 = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . company_data [ ' product_delivery_no ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 20 ,
} ) ,
] ,
} )
sale_order_1 . action_confirm ( )
sale_order_2 . action_confirm ( )
sale_order_1 . order_line . qty_delivered = 10
sale_order_2 . order_line . qty_delivered = 20
self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' delivered ' ,
' sale_order_ids ' : [ Command . set ( ( sale_order_1 + sale_order_2 ) . ids ) ] ,
} ) . create_invoices ( )
sale_order_1 . invoice_ids . action_post ( )
self . assertEqual ( sale_order_1 . amount_to_invoice , 0.0 )
self . assertEqual ( sale_order_2 . amount_to_invoice , 0.0 )
def test_amount_to_invoice_one_line_multiple_so ( self ) :
""" Testing creating two SOs linked to the same invoice line. Drawback: the substracted
amount to the amount_total will take both sale order into account .
sale_order_1 = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . company_data [ ' product_delivery_no ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 10 ,
} ) ,
] ,
} )
sale_order_2 = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . company_data [ ' product_delivery_no ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 20 ,
} ) ,
] ,
} )
sale_order_1 . action_confirm ( )
sale_order_2 . action_confirm ( )
sale_order_1 . order_line . qty_delivered = 10
sale_order_2 . order_line . qty_delivered = 20
self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' delivered ' ,
' sale_order_ids ' : [ Command . set ( ( sale_order_2 ) . ids ) ] ,
} ) . create_invoices ( )
sale_order_1 . invoice_ids = sale_order_2 . invoice_ids
sale_order_1 . invoice_ids . line_ids . sale_line_ids + = sale_order_1 . order_line
sale_order_1 . invoice_ids . action_post ( )
self . assertEqual ( sale_order_1 . amount_to_invoice , - 700.0 )
self . assertEqual ( sale_order_2 . amount_to_invoice , 0.0 )
def test_amount_to_invoice_price_unit_change ( self ) :
We check that the ' amount_to_invoice ' relies only on the posted invoice quantity ,
and is not affected by price changes that occurred during invoice creation .
so = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' partner_invoice_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' partner_shipping_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' pricelist_id ' : self . company_data [ ' default_pricelist ' ] . id ,
} )
sol_prod_deliver = self . env [ ' sale.order.line ' ] . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . company_data [ ' product_order_no ' ] . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 5 ,
' order_id ' : so . id ,
' tax_id ' : False ,
} )
so . action_confirm ( )
sol_prod_deliver . write ( { ' qty_delivered ' : 5.0 } )
invoice_vals = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . create ( {
' advance_payment_method ' : ' delivered ' ,
' sale_order_ids ' : [ Command . set ( so . ids ) ] ,
} ) . create_invoices ( )
# Invoice is created in draft, which should impact 'qty_invoiced', but not 'amount_to_invoice'.
self . assertEqual ( sol_prod_deliver . qty_invoiced , 5.0 )
self . assertEqual ( sol_prod_deliver . amount_to_invoice , sol_prod_deliver . price_total )
self . assertEqual ( sol_prod_deliver . amount_invoiced , 0.0 )
# Then we change the 'price_unit' on the invoice (keeping the quantity untouched).
invoice = self . env [ invoice_vals [ ' res_model ' ] ] . browse ( invoice_vals [ ' res_id ' ] )
invoice . invoice_line_ids . price_unit / = 2
invoice . action_post ( )
# In the end, the 'amount_to_invoice' should be 0.0, since all quantities have been invoiced,
# even if the price was changed manually on the invoice.
self . assertEqual ( sol_prod_deliver . qty_invoiced , 5.0 )
self . assertEqual ( sol_prod_deliver . amount_to_invoice , 0.0 )
self . assertEqual ( sol_prod_deliver . amount_invoiced , sol_prod_deliver . price_total / 2 )
def test_invoice_line_name_has_product_name ( self ) :
""" Testing that when invoicing a sales order, the invoice line name ALWAYS contains the product name. """
so = self . sale_order
# Use only invoicable on order products
so . order_line [ 1 ] . product_id = so . order_line [ 0 ] . product_id
so . order_line [ 3 ] . product_id = so . order_line [ 2 ] . product_id
# Adapt the SOL names to test the different cases
so . order_line [ 0 ] . name = " just a description "
so . order_line [ 1 ] . name = so . order_line [ 1 ] . product_id . display_name
so . order_line [ 2 ] . name = f " { so . order_line [ 2 ] . product_id . display_name } with more description "
so . order_line [ 3 ] . name = " product "
# Invoice the sale order
so . action_confirm ( )
inv = self . sale_order . _create_invoices ( )
# Check the invoice line names
self . assertEqual ( inv . invoice_line_ids [ 0 ] . name , f " { so . order_line [ 0 ] . product_id . display_name } { so . order_line [ 0 ] . name } " , " When the description doesn ' t contain the product name, it should be added to the invoice line name " )
self . assertEqual ( inv . invoice_line_ids [ 1 ] . name , f " { so . order_line [ 1 ] . name } " , " When the description is the product name, the invoice line name should only be the description " )
self . assertEqual ( inv . invoice_line_ids [ 2 ] . name , f " { so . order_line [ 2 ] . name } " , " When description contains the product name, the invoice line name should only be the description " )
self . assertEqual ( inv . invoice_line_ids [ 3 ] . name , f " { so . order_line [ 3 ] . product_id . display_name } { so . order_line [ 3 ] . name } " , " When the product name contains the description, the invoice line name should contain the product name and the description " )
def test_credit_note_automatic_matching ( self ) :
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
' order_line ' : [
Command . create ( {
' product_id ' : self . company_data [ ' product_service_delivery ' ] . id ,
} ) ,
] ,
} )
sale_order . action_confirm ( )
sale_order . order_line . qty_delivered = 1
invoice = sale_order . _create_invoices ( )
invoice . action_post ( )
sale_order . order_line . qty_delivered = 0
with patch . object ( self . env . registry [ ' account.move ' ] , ' _refunds_origin_required ' , lambda move : True ) :
wizard_context = {
' active_model ' : ' sale.order ' ,
' active_id ' : sale_order . id ,
credit_note = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( wizard_context ) . create ( { } ) . _create_invoices ( sale_order )
credit_note . action_post ( )
self . assertEqual ( credit_note . reversed_entry_id . id , invoice . id )
def test_credit_note_no_automatic_matching ( self ) :
product = self . company_data [ ' product_service_delivery ' ]
sale_order = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . create ( {
' partner_id ' : self . partner_a . id ,
} )
sale_line1 = self . env [ ' sale.order.line ' ] . create ( {
' product_id ' : product . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 1 ,
' price_unit ' : 200.0 ,
' order_id ' : sale_order . id ,
} )
sale_line2 = self . env [ ' sale.order.line ' ] . create ( {
' product_id ' : product . id ,
' product_uom_qty ' : 1 ,
' price_unit ' : 100.0 ,
' order_id ' : sale_order . id ,
} )
sale_order . action_confirm ( )
sale_line1 . qty_delivered = 1
invoice = sale_order . _create_invoices ( )
invoice . action_post ( )
sale_line2 . qty_delivered = 1
sale_line1 . qty_delivered = 0
with patch . object ( self . env . registry [ ' account.move ' ] , ' _refunds_origin_required ' , lambda move : True ) :
wizard_context = {
' active_model ' : ' sale.order ' ,
' active_id ' : sale_order . id ,
credit_note = self . env [ ' sale.advance.payment.inv ' ] . with_context ( wizard_context ) . create ( { } ) . _create_invoices ( sale_order )
credit_note . action_post ( )
# The invoice contains one invoice line
self . assertEqual ( len ( invoice . invoice_line_ids ) , 1 )
# the credit note contains 2
self . assertEqual ( len ( credit_note . invoice_line_ids ) , 2 )
# so the credit note cannot be considered a reversal of the invoice
self . assertFalse ( credit_note . reversed_entry_id )