2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from collections import defaultdict
from odoo import api, Command, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, UserError
from odoo.tools import format_list
from odoo.tools.sql import column_exists, create_column
class SaleOrderLine(models.Model):
_inherit = "sale.order.line"
qty_delivered_method = fields.Selection(selection_add=[('milestones', 'Milestones')])
project_id = fields.Many2one(
'project.project', 'Generated Project',
index=True, copy=False, export_string_translation=False)
task_id = fields.Many2one(
'project.task', 'Generated Task',
index=True, copy=False, export_string_translation=False)
reached_milestones_ids = fields.One2many('project.milestone', 'sale_line_id', string='Reached Milestones', domain=[('is_reached', '=', True)], export_string_translation=False)
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
def _get_product_from_sol_name_domain(self, product_name):
return [
('name', 'ilike', product_name),
('type', '=', 'service'),
('company_id', 'in', [False, self.env.company.id]),
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def default_get(self, fields):
res = super().default_get(fields)
if self.env.context.get('form_view_ref') == 'sale_project.sale_order_line_view_form_editable':
default_values = dict()
# If we can't add order lines to the default order, discard it
if 'order_id' in res:
except AccessError:
del res['order_id']
if 'order_id' in fields and not res.get('order_id'):
assert (partner_id := self.env.context.get('default_partner_id'))
project_id = self.env.context.get('link_to_project')
sale_order = None
so_create_values = {
'partner_id': partner_id,
'company_id': self.env.context.get('default_company_id') or self.env.company.id,
if project_id:
project_so = self.env['project.project'].browse(project_id).sale_order_id
sale_order = project_so
except AccessError:
if not sale_order:
so_create_values['project_ids'] = [Command.link(project_id)]
if not sale_order:
sale_order = self.env['sale.order'].create(so_create_values)
default_values['order_id'] = sale_order.id
if product_name := self.env.context.get('sol_product_name') or self.env.context.get('default_name'):
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
product = self.env['product.product'].search(self._get_product_from_sol_name_domain(product_name), limit=1)
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if product:
default_values['product_id'] = product.id
# We need to remove the name from the defaults so that the
# name of the SOL is based on the full name of the product
# and not overwritten by what was typed in the field.
if "name" in res:
del res["name"]
default_values['name'] = _("New Sales Order Item")
return {**res, **default_values}
return res
def name_create(self, name):
# To get the right product when creating a SOL on the fly, we need to get
# the name that was entered in the field from the `default_get` method.
# The easiest way of doing that is to store it in the context.
if self.env.context.get('form_view_ref') == 'sale_project.sale_order_line_view_form_editable' and not self.env.context.get('action_view_sols'):
self = self.with_context(sol_product_name=name)
return super().name_create(name)
def _add_missing_default_values(self, values):
# When creating a SOL through the quick create, the name_create will be
# called with whatever was typed in the field. However, we don't want
# that value to overwrite the computed SOL name if we find a product.
defaults = super()._add_missing_default_values(values)
if self.env.context.get('form_view_ref') == 'sale_project.sale_order_line_view_form_editable' and not self.env.context.get('action_view_sols'):
if "name" in defaults and "product_id" in defaults:
del defaults["name"]
return defaults
def _compute_product_updatable(self):
for line in self:
if line.product_id.type == 'service' and line.state == 'sale':
line.product_updatable = False
def _compute_qty_delivered_method(self):
milestones_lines = self.filtered(lambda sol:
not sol.is_expense
and sol.product_id.type == 'service'
and sol.product_id.service_type == 'milestones'
milestones_lines.qty_delivered_method = 'milestones'
super(SaleOrderLine, self - milestones_lines)._compute_qty_delivered_method()
@api.depends('qty_delivered_method', 'product_uom_qty', 'reached_milestones_ids.quantity_percentage')
def _compute_qty_delivered(self):
lines_by_milestones = self.filtered(lambda sol: sol.qty_delivered_method == 'milestones')
super(SaleOrderLine, self - lines_by_milestones)._compute_qty_delivered()
if not lines_by_milestones:
project_milestone_read_group = self.env['project.milestone']._read_group(
[('sale_line_id', 'in', lines_by_milestones.ids), ('is_reached', '=', True)],
reached_milestones_per_sol = {sale_line.id: percentage_sum for sale_line, percentage_sum in project_milestone_read_group}
for line in lines_by_milestones:
sol_id = line.id or line._origin.id
line.qty_delivered = reached_milestones_per_sol.get(sol_id, 0.0) * line.product_uom_qty
@api.depends('order_id.partner_id', 'product_id', 'order_id.project_id')
def _compute_analytic_distribution(self):
for line in self:
if line.display_type or line.analytic_distribution or not line.product_id:
project = line.product_id.project_id or line.order_id.project_id
distribution = project._get_analytic_distribution()
if distribution:
line.analytic_distribution = distribution
def create(self, vals_list):
lines = super().create(vals_list)
# Do not generate task/project when expense SO line, but allow
# generate task with hours=0.
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confirmed_lines = lines.filtered(lambda sol: sol.state == 'sale' and not sol.is_expense)
# We track the lines that already generated a task, so we know we won't have to post a message for them after calling the generation service
has_task_lines = confirmed_lines.filtered('task_id')
# if the SO line created a task, post a message on the order
for line in confirmed_lines - has_task_lines:
if line.task_id:
msg_body = _("Task Created (%(name)s): %(link)s", name=line.product_id.name, link=line.task_id._get_html_link())
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# Set a service SOL on the project, if any is given
if project_id := self.env.context.get('link_to_project'):
assert (service_line := next((line for line in lines if line.is_service), False))
project = self.env['project.project'].browse(project_id)
if not project.sale_line_id:
project.sale_line_id = service_line
return lines
def write(self, values):
result = super().write(values)
# changing the ordered quantity should change the allocated hours on the
# task, whatever the SO state. It will be blocked by the super in case
# of a locked sale order.
if 'product_uom_qty' in values and not self.env.context.get('no_update_allocated_hours', False):
for line in self:
if line.task_id and line.product_id.type == 'service':
allocated_hours = line._convert_qty_company_hours(line.task_id.company_id or self.env.user.company_id)
line.task_id.write({'allocated_hours': allocated_hours})
return result
def copy_data(self, default=None):
data = super().copy_data(default)
for origin, datum in zip(self, data):
if origin.analytic_distribution == origin.order_id.project_id.sudo()._get_analytic_distribution():
datum['analytic_distribution'] = False
return data
# Service : Project and task generation
def _convert_qty_company_hours(self, dest_company):
return self.product_uom_qty
def _timesheet_create_project_prepare_values(self):
"""Generate project values"""
# create the project or duplicate one
return {
'name': '%s - %s' % (self.order_id.client_order_ref, self.order_id.name) if self.order_id.client_order_ref else self.order_id.name,
'partner_id': self.order_id.partner_id.id,
'sale_line_id': self.id,
'active': True,
'company_id': self.company_id.id,
'allow_billable': True,
'user_id': self.product_id.project_template_id.user_id.id,
def _timesheet_create_project(self):
""" Generate project for the given so line, and link it.
:param project: record of project.project in which the task should be created
:return task: record of the created task
values = self._timesheet_create_project_prepare_values()
project_template = self.product_id.project_template_id
if project_template:
values['name'] = "%s - %s" % (values['name'], project_template.name)
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project = project_template.copy(values)
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
'sale_line_id': self.id,
'partner_id': self.order_id.partner_id.id,
# duplicating a project doesn't set the SO on sub-tasks
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
'sale_line_id': self.id,
'sale_order_id': self.order_id.id,
project_only_sol_count = self.env['sale.order.line'].search_count([
('order_id', '=', self.order_id.id),
('product_id.service_tracking', 'in', ['project_only', 'task_in_project']),
if project_only_sol_count == 1:
values['name'] = "%s - [%s] %s" % (values['name'], self.product_id.default_code, self.product_id.name) if self.product_id.default_code else "%s - %s" % (values['name'], self.product_id.name)
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project = self.env['project.project'].create(values)
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# Avoid new tasks to go to 'Undefined Stage'
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if not project.type_ids:
project.type_ids = self.env['project.task.type'].create([{
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
'name': name,
'fold': fold,
'sequence': sequence,
} for name, fold, sequence in [
(_('To Do'), False, 5),
(_('In Progress'), False, 10),
(_('Done'), False, 15),
(_('Cancelled'), True, 20),
# link project as generated by current so line
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
self.write({'project_id': project.id})
project.reinvoiced_sale_order_id = self.order_id
return project
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def _timesheet_create_project_account_vals(self, project):
return {
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
fname: project[fname].id for fname in project._get_plan_fnames() if fname != 'account_id' and project[fname]
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def _timesheet_create_task_prepare_values(self, project):
allocated_hours = 0.0
if self.product_id.service_type not in ['milestones', 'manual']:
allocated_hours = self._convert_qty_company_hours(self.company_id)
sale_line_name_parts = self.name.split('\n')
title = sale_line_name_parts[0] or self.product_id.name
description = '<br/>'.join(sale_line_name_parts[1:])
return {
'name': title if project.sale_line_id else '%s - %s' % (self.order_id.name or '', title),
'allocated_hours': allocated_hours,
'partner_id': self.order_id.partner_id.id,
'description': description,
'project_id': project.id,
'sale_line_id': self.id,
'sale_order_id': self.order_id.id,
'company_id': project.company_id.id,
'user_ids': False, # force non assigned task, as created as sudo()
def _timesheet_create_task(self, project):
""" Generate task for the given so line, and link it.
:param project: record of project.project in which the task should be created
:return task: record of the created task
values = self._timesheet_create_task_prepare_values(project)
task = self.env['project.task'].sudo().create(values)
self.task_id = task
# post message on task
task_msg = _("This task has been created from: %(order_link)s (%(product_name)s)",
return task
def _get_so_lines_task_global_project(self):
return self.filtered(lambda sol: sol.is_service and sol.product_id.service_tracking == 'task_global_project')
def _get_so_lines_new_project(self):
return self.filtered(lambda sol: sol.is_service and sol.product_id.service_tracking in ['project_only', 'task_in_project'])
def _timesheet_service_generation(self):
""" For service lines, create the task or the project. If already exists, it simply links
the existing one to the line.
Note: If the SO was confirmed, cancelled, set to draft then confirmed, avoid creating a
new project/task. This explains the searches on 'sale_line_id' on project/task. This also
implied if so line of generated task has been modified, we may regenerate it.
so_line_task_global_project = self._get_so_lines_task_global_project()
so_line_new_project = self._get_so_lines_new_project()
# search so lines from SO of current so lines having their project generated, in order to check if the current one can
# create its own project, or reuse the one of its order.
map_so_project = {}
if so_line_new_project:
order_ids = self.mapped('order_id').ids
so_lines_with_project = self.search([('order_id', 'in', order_ids), ('project_id', '!=', False), ('product_id.service_tracking', 'in', ['project_only', 'task_in_project']), ('product_id.project_template_id', '=', False)])
map_so_project = {sol.order_id.id: sol.project_id for sol in so_lines_with_project}
so_lines_with_project_templates = self.search([('order_id', 'in', order_ids), ('project_id', '!=', False), ('product_id.service_tracking', 'in', ['project_only', 'task_in_project']), ('product_id.project_template_id', '!=', False)])
map_so_project_templates = {(sol.order_id.id, sol.product_id.project_template_id.id): sol.project_id for sol in so_lines_with_project_templates}
# search the global project of current SO lines, in which create their task
map_sol_project = {}
if so_line_task_global_project:
map_sol_project = {sol.id: sol.product_id.with_company(sol.company_id).project_id for sol in so_line_task_global_project}
def _can_create_project(sol):
if not sol.project_id:
if sol.product_id.project_template_id:
return (sol.order_id.id, sol.product_id.project_template_id.id) not in map_so_project_templates
elif sol.order_id.id not in map_so_project:
return True
return False
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# we store the reference analytic account per SO
map_account_per_so = {}
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# project_only, task_in_project: create a new project, based or not on a template (1 per SO). May be create a task too.
# if 'task_in_project' and project_id configured on SO, use that one instead
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for so_line in so_line_new_project.sorted(lambda sol: (sol.sequence, sol.id)):
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
project = False
if so_line.product_id.service_tracking in ['project_only', 'task_in_project']:
project = so_line.project_id
if not project and _can_create_project(so_line):
project = so_line._timesheet_create_project()
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# If the SO generates projects on confirmation and the project's SO is not set, set it to the project's SOL with the lowest (sequence, id)
if not so_line.order_id.project_id:
so_line.order_id.project_id = project
# If no reference analytic account exists, set the account of the generated project to the account of the project's SO or create a new one
account = map_account_per_so.get(so_line.order_id.id)
if not account:
account = so_line.order_id.project_account_id or self.env['account.analytic.account'].create(so_line.order_id._prepare_analytic_account_data())
map_account_per_so[so_line.order_id.id] = account
project.account_id = account
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
if so_line.product_id.project_template_id:
map_so_project_templates[(so_line.order_id.id, so_line.product_id.project_template_id.id)] = project
map_so_project[so_line.order_id.id] = project
elif not project:
# Attach subsequent SO lines to the created project
so_line.project_id = (
map_so_project_templates.get((so_line.order_id.id, so_line.product_id.project_template_id.id))
or map_so_project.get(so_line.order_id.id)
if so_line.product_id.service_tracking == 'task_in_project':
if not project:
if so_line.product_id.project_template_id:
project = map_so_project_templates[(so_line.order_id.id, so_line.product_id.project_template_id.id)]
project = map_so_project[so_line.order_id.id]
if not so_line.task_id:
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# task_global_project: if not set, set the project's SO by looking at global projects
for so_line in so_line_task_global_project.sorted(lambda sol: (sol.sequence, sol.id)):
if not so_line.order_id.project_id:
so_line.order_id.project_id = map_sol_project.get(so_line.id)
# task_global_project: create task in global projects
for so_line in so_line_task_global_project:
if not so_line.task_id:
project = map_sol_project.get(so_line.id) or so_line.order_id.project_id
if project and so_line.product_uom_qty > 0:
raise UserError(_(
"A project must be defined on the quotation %(order)s or on the form of products creating a task on order.\n"
"The following product need a project in which to put its task: %(product_name)s",
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def _handle_milestones(self, project):
if self.product_id.service_policy != 'delivered_milestones':
if (milestones := project.milestone_ids.filtered(lambda milestone: not milestone.sale_line_id)):
'sale_line_id': self.id,
'product_uom_qty': self.product_uom_qty / len(milestones),
milestone = self.env['project.milestone'].create({
'name': self.name,
'project_id': self.project_id.id or self.order_id.project_id.id,
'sale_line_id': self.id,
'quantity_percentage': 1,
if self.product_id.service_tracking == 'task_in_project':
self.task_id.milestone_id = milestone.id
def _prepare_invoice_line(self, **optional_values):
If the sale order line isn't linked to a sale order which already have a default analytic account,
this method allows to retrieve the analytic account which is linked to project or task directly linked
to this sale order line, or the analytic account of the project which uses this sale order line, if it exists.
values = super(SaleOrderLine, self)._prepare_invoice_line(**optional_values)
if not values.get('analytic_distribution'):
if self.task_id.project_id.account_id:
values['analytic_distribution'] = {self.task_id.project_id.account_id.id: 100}
elif self.project_id.account_id:
values['analytic_distribution'] = {self.project_id.account_id.id: 100}
elif self.is_service and not self.is_expense:
[accounts] = self.env['project.project']._read_group([
('account_id', '!=', False),
('sale_line_id', '=', self.id),
('tasks.sale_line_id', '=', self.id),
], aggregates=['account_id:recordset'])[0]
if len(accounts) == 1:
values['analytic_distribution'] = {accounts.id: 100}
return values
def _get_action_per_item(self):
""" Get action per Sales Order Item
:returns: Dict containing id of SOL as key and the action as value
return {}
def _prepare_procurement_values(self, group_id=False):
values = super()._prepare_procurement_values(group_id=group_id)
if self.project_id:
values['project_id'] = self.order_id.project_id.id
return values