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2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from odoo import Command
from odoo.addons.stock_account.tests.test_anglo_saxon_valuation_reconciliation_common import ValuationReconciliationTestCommon
from odoo.addons.sale_stock.tests.common import TestSaleStockCommon
from odoo.exceptions import RedirectWarning, UserError
from odoo.tests import Form, tagged
@tagged('post_install', '-at_install')
class TestSaleStock(TestSaleStockCommon, ValuationReconciliationTestCommon):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.new_product = cls.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'new_product',
'type': 'consu',
'is_storable': True,
def _get_new_sale_order(self, amount=10.0, product=False):
""" Creates and returns a sale order with one default order line.
:param float amount: quantity of product for the order line (10 by default)
product = product or self.company_data['product_delivery_no']
sale_order_vals = {
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'partner_invoice_id': self.partner_a.id,
'partner_shipping_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [(0, 0, {
'name': product.name,
'product_id': product.id,
'product_uom_qty': amount,
'product_uom': product.uom_id.id,
'price_unit': product.list_price})],
'pricelist_id': self.company_data['default_pricelist'].id,
sale_order = self.env['sale.order'].create(sale_order_vals)
return sale_order
def test_00_sale_stock_invoice(self):
Test SO's changes when playing around with stock moves, quants, pack operations, pickings
and whatever other model there is in stock with "invoice on delivery" products
self.so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'partner_invoice_id': self.partner_a.id,
'partner_shipping_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {
'name': p.name,
'product_id': p.id,
'product_uom_qty': 2,
'product_uom': p.uom_id.id,
'price_unit': p.list_price,
}) for p in (
'pricelist_id': self.company_data['default_pricelist'].id,
'picking_policy': 'direct',
# confirm our standard so, check the picking
self.assertTrue(self.so.picking_ids, 'Sale Stock: no picking created for "invoice on delivery" storable products')
# invoice on order
# deliver partially, check the so's invoice_status and delivered quantities
self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'no', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "nothing to invoice" after invoicing')
pick = self.so.picking_ids
pick.move_ids.write({'quantity': 1, 'picked': True})
Form.from_action(self.env, pick.button_validate()).save().process()
self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'to invoice', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "to invoice" after partial delivery')
del_qties = [sol.qty_delivered for sol in self.so.order_line]
del_qties_truth = [1.0 if sol.product_id.type == 'consu' else 0.0 for sol in self.so.order_line]
self.assertEqual(del_qties, del_qties_truth, 'Sale Stock: delivered quantities are wrong after partial delivery')
# invoice on delivery: only storable products
inv_1 = self.so._create_invoices()
self.assertTrue(all([il.product_id.invoice_policy == 'delivery' for il in inv_1.invoice_line_ids]),
'Sale Stock: invoice should only contain "invoice on delivery" products')
# complete the delivery and check invoice_status again
self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'no',
'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "nothing to invoice" after partial delivery and invoicing')
self.assertEqual(len(self.so.picking_ids), 2, 'Sale Stock: number of pickings should be 2')
pick_2 = self.so.picking_ids.filtered('backorder_id')
pick_2.move_ids.write({'quantity': 1, 'picked': True})
self.assertTrue(pick_2.button_validate(), 'Sale Stock: second picking should be final without need for a backorder')
self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'to invoice', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "to invoice" after complete delivery')
del_qties = [sol.qty_delivered for sol in self.so.order_line]
del_qties_truth = [2.0 if sol.product_id.type == 'consu' else 0.0 for sol in self.so.order_line]
self.assertEqual(del_qties, del_qties_truth, 'Sale Stock: delivered quantities are wrong after complete delivery')
# Without timesheet, we manually set the delivered qty for the product serv_del
self.so.order_line.sorted()[1]['qty_delivered'] = 2.0
# There is a bug with `new` and `_origin`
# If you create a first new from a record, then change a value on the origin record, than create another new,
# this other new wont have the updated value of the origin record, but the one from the previous new
# Here the problem lies in the use of `new` in `move = self_ctx.new(new_vals)`,
# and the fact this method is called multiple times in the same transaction test case.
# Here, we update `qty_delivered` on the origin record, but the `new` records which are in cache with this order line
# as origin are not updated, nor the fields that depends on it.
inv_id = self.so._create_invoices()
self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'invoiced',
'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "fully invoiced" after complete delivery and invoicing')
def test_01_sale_stock_order(self):
Test SO's changes when playing around with stock moves, quants, pack operations, pickings
and whatever other model there is in stock with "invoice on order" products
# let's cheat and put all our products to "invoice on order"
product_list = (
for product in product_list:
product.invoice_policy = 'order'
self.so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'partner_invoice_id': self.partner_a.id,
'partner_shipping_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [(0, 0, {
'name': p.name,
'product_id': p.id,
'product_uom_qty': 2,
'product_uom': p.uom_id.id,
'price_unit': p.list_price,
}) for p in product_list],
'pricelist_id': self.company_data['default_pricelist'].id,
'picking_policy': 'direct',
# confirm our standard so, check the picking
self.assertTrue(self.so.picking_ids, 'Sale Stock: no picking created for "invoice on order" storable products')
# let's do an invoice for a deposit of 5%
adv_wiz = self.env['sale.advance.payment.inv'].with_context(active_ids=[self.so.id]).create({
'advance_payment_method': 'percentage',
'amount': 5.0,
act = adv_wiz.with_context(open_invoices=True).create_invoices()
inv = self.env['account.move'].browse(act['res_id'])
self.assertEqual(inv.amount_untaxed, self.so.amount_untaxed * 5.0 / 100.0, 'Sale Stock: deposit invoice is wrong')
self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'to invoice', 'Sale Stock: so should be to invoice after invoicing deposit')
# invoice on order: everything should be invoiced
self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'invoiced', 'Sale Stock: so should be fully invoiced after second invoice')
# deliver, check the delivered quantities
pick = self.so.picking_ids
pick.move_ids.write({'quantity': 2, 'picked': True})
self.assertTrue(pick.button_validate(), 'Sale Stock: complete delivery should not need a backorder')
del_qties = [sol.qty_delivered for sol in self.so.order_line]
del_qties_truth = [2.0 if sol.product_id.type == 'consu' else 0.0 for sol in self.so.order_line]
self.assertEqual(del_qties, del_qties_truth, 'Sale Stock: delivered quantities are wrong after partial delivery')
# invoice on delivery: nothing to invoice
with self.assertRaises(UserError):
def test_02_sale_stock_return(self):
Test a SO with a product invoiced on delivery. Deliver and invoice the SO, then do a return
of the picking. Check that a refund invoice is well generated.
# intial so
self.product = self.company_data['product_delivery_no']
so_vals = {
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'partner_invoice_id': self.partner_a.id,
'partner_shipping_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [(0, 0, {
'name': self.product.name,
'product_id': self.product.id,
'product_uom_qty': 5.0,
'product_uom': self.product.uom_id.id,
'price_unit': self.product.list_price})],
'pricelist_id': self.company_data['default_pricelist'].id,
self.so = self.env['sale.order'].create(so_vals)
# confirm our standard so, check the picking
self.assertTrue(self.so.picking_ids, 'Sale Stock: no picking created for "invoice on delivery" storable products')
# invoice in on delivery, nothing should be invoiced
self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'no', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "no" instead of "%s".' % self.so.invoice_status)
# deliver completely
pick = self.so.picking_ids
pick.move_ids.write({'quantity': 5, 'picked': True})
# Check quantity delivered
del_qty = sum(sol.qty_delivered for sol in self.so.order_line)
self.assertEqual(del_qty, 5.0, 'Sale Stock: delivered quantity should be 5.0 instead of %s after complete delivery' % del_qty)
# Check invoice
self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'to invoice', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "to invoice" instead of "%s" before invoicing' % self.so.invoice_status)
self.inv_1 = self.so._create_invoices()
self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'invoiced', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "invoiced" instead of "%s" after invoicing' % self.so.invoice_status)
self.assertEqual(len(self.inv_1), 1, 'Sale Stock: only one invoice instead of "%s" should be created' % len(self.inv_1))
self.assertEqual(self.inv_1.amount_untaxed, self.inv_1.amount_untaxed, 'Sale Stock: amount in SO and invoice should be the same')
# Create return picking
stock_return_picking_form = Form(self.env['stock.return.picking']
.with_context(active_ids=pick.ids, active_id=pick.sorted().ids[0],
return_wiz = stock_return_picking_form.save()
return_wiz.product_return_moves.quantity = 2.0 # Return only 2
return_wiz.product_return_moves.to_refund = True # Refund these 2
res = return_wiz.action_create_returns()
return_pick = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['res_id'])
# Validate picking
return_pick.move_ids.write({'quantity': 2, 'picked': True})
# Check invoice
self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'to invoice', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "to invoice" instead of "%s" after picking return' % self.so.invoice_status)
self.assertAlmostEqual(self.so.order_line.sorted()[0].qty_delivered, 3.0, msg='Sale Stock: delivered quantity should be 3.0 instead of "%s" after picking return' % self.so.order_line.sorted()[0].qty_delivered)
# let's do an invoice with refunds
adv_wiz = self.env['sale.advance.payment.inv'].with_context(active_ids=[self.so.id]).create({
'advance_payment_method': 'delivered',
self.inv_2 = self.so.invoice_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.state == 'draft')
self.assertAlmostEqual(self.inv_2.invoice_line_ids.sorted()[0].quantity, 2.0, msg='Sale Stock: refund quantity on the invoice should be 2.0 instead of "%s".' % self.inv_2.invoice_line_ids.sorted()[0].quantity)
self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'no', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "no" instead of "%s" after invoicing the return' % self.so.invoice_status)
def test_04_create_picking_update_saleorderline(self):
Test that updating multiple sale order lines after a successful delivery creates a single picking containing
the new move lines.
# sell two products
item1 = self.company_data['product_order_no'] # consumable
item1.type = 'consu'
item2 = self.company_data['product_delivery_no'] # storable
item2.is_storable = True # storable
self.so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {'name': item1.name, 'product_id': item1.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'product_uom': item1.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': item1.list_price}),
(0, 0, {'name': item2.name, 'product_id': item2.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'product_uom': item2.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': item2.list_price}),
# deliver them
# One of the move is for a consumable product, thus is assigned. The second one is for a
# storable product, thus is unavailable. Hitting `button_validate` will first ask to
# process all the reserved quantities and, if the user chose to process, a second wizard
# will ask to create a backorder for the unavailable product.
self.assertEqual(len(self.so.picking_ids), 1)
res_dict = self.so.picking_ids.sorted()[0].button_validate()
wizard = Form.from_action(self.env, res_dict).save()
self.assertEqual(wizard._name, 'stock.backorder.confirmation')
# Now, the original picking is done and there is a new one (the backorder).
self.assertEqual(len(self.so.picking_ids), 2)
for picking in self.so.picking_ids:
move = picking.move_ids
if picking.backorder_id:
self.assertEqual(move.product_id.id, item2.id)
self.assertEqual(move.state, 'confirmed')
self.assertEqual(picking.move_ids.product_id.id, item1.id)
self.assertEqual(move.state, 'done')
# update the two original sale order lines
'order_line': [
(1, self.so.order_line.sorted()[0].id, {'product_uom_qty': 2}),
(1, self.so.order_line.sorted()[1].id, {'product_uom_qty': 2}),
# a single picking should be created for the new delivery
self.assertEqual(len(self.so.picking_ids), 2)
backorder = self.so.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.backorder_id)
self.assertEqual(len(backorder.move_ids), 2)
for backorder_move in backorder.move_ids:
if backorder_move.product_id.id == item1.id:
self.assertEqual(backorder_move.product_qty, 1)
elif backorder_move.product_id.id == item2.id:
self.assertEqual(backorder_move.product_qty, 2)
# add a new sale order lines
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {'name': item1.name, 'product_id': item1.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'product_uom': item1.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': item1.list_price}),
self.assertEqual(sum(backorder.move_ids.filtered(lambda m: m.product_id.id == item1.id).mapped('product_qty')), 2)
def test_05_create_picking_update_saleorderline(self):
""" Same test than test_04 but only with enough products in stock so that the reservation
is successful.
# sell two products
item1 = self.company_data['product_order_no'] # consumable
item1.type = 'consu' # consumable
item2 = self.company_data['product_delivery_no'] # storable
item2.is_storable = True # storable
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(item2, self.company_data['default_warehouse'].lot_stock_id, 2)
self.so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {'name': item1.name, 'product_id': item1.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'product_uom': item1.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': item1.list_price}),
(0, 0, {'name': item2.name, 'product_id': item2.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'product_uom': item2.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': item2.list_price}),
# deliver them
self.assertEqual(len(self.so.picking_ids), 1)
self.assertEqual(self.so.picking_ids.sorted()[0].state, "done")
# update the two original sale order lines
'order_line': [
(1, self.so.order_line.sorted()[0].id, {'product_uom_qty': 2}),
(1, self.so.order_line.sorted()[1].id, {'product_uom_qty': 2}),
# a single picking should be created for the new delivery
self.assertEqual(len(self.so.picking_ids), 2)
def test_05_confirm_cancel_confirm(self):
""" Confirm a sale order, cancel it, set to quotation, change the
partner, confirm it again: the second delivery order should have
the new partner.
item1 = self.company_data['product_order_no']
partner1 = self.partner_a.id
partner2 = self.env['res.partner'].create({'name': 'Another Test Partner'})
so1 = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': partner1,
'order_line': [(0, 0, {
'name': item1.name,
'product_id': item1.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1,
'product_uom': item1.uom_id.id,
'price_unit': item1.list_price,
self.assertEqual(len(so1.picking_ids), 1)
self.assertEqual(so1.picking_ids.partner_id.id, partner1)
so1.partner_id = partner2
so1.partner_shipping_id = partner2 # set by an onchange
self.assertEqual(len(so1.picking_ids), 2)
picking2 = so1.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.state != 'cancel')
self.assertEqual(picking2.partner_id.id, partner2.id)
def test_06_uom(self):
""" Sell a dozen of products stocked in units. Check that the quantities on the sale order
lines as well as the delivered quantities are handled in dozen while the moves themselves
are handled in units. Edit the ordered quantities, check that the quantities are correctly
updated on the moves. Edit the ir.config_parameter to propagate the uom of the sale order
lines to the moves and edit a last time the ordered quantities. Deliver, check the
uom_unit = self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_unit')
uom_dozen = self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_dozen')
item1 = self.company_data['product_order_no']
self.assertEqual(item1.uom_id.id, uom_unit.id)
# sell a dozen
so1 = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [(0, 0, {
'name': item1.name,
'product_id': item1.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1,
'product_uom': uom_dozen.id,
'price_unit': item1.list_price,
# the move should be 12 units
# note: move.product_qty = computed field, always in the uom of the quant
# move.product_uom_qty = stored field representing the initial demand in move.product_uom
move1 = so1.picking_ids.move_ids[0]
self.assertEqual(move1.product_uom_qty, 12)
self.assertEqual(move1.product_uom.id, uom_unit.id)
self.assertEqual(move1.product_qty, 12)
# edit the so line, sell 2 dozen, the move should now be 24 units
'order_line': [
(1, so1.order_line.id, {'product_uom_qty': 2}),
# The above will create a second move, and then the two moves will be merged in _merge_moves`
# The picking moves are not well sorted because the new move has just been created, and this influences the resulting move,
# in which move the twos are merged.
# But, this doesn't seem really important which is the resulting move, but in this test we have to ensure
# we use the resulting move to compare the qty.
# ```
# for moves in moves_to_merge:
# # link all move lines to record 0 (the one we will keep).
# moves.mapped('move_line_ids').write({'move_id': moves[0].id})
# # merge move data
# moves[0].write(moves._merge_moves_fields())
# # update merged moves dicts
# moves_to_unlink |= moves[1:]
# ```
move1 = so1.picking_ids.move_ids[0]
self.assertEqual(move1.product_uom_qty, 24)
self.assertEqual(move1.product_uom.id, uom_unit.id)
self.assertEqual(move1.product_qty, 24)
# force the propagation of the uom, sell 3 dozen
self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().set_param('stock.propagate_uom', '1')
'order_line': [
(1, so1.order_line.id, {'product_uom_qty': 3}),
move2 = so1.picking_ids.move_ids.filtered(lambda m: m.product_uom.id == uom_dozen.id)
self.assertEqual(move2.product_uom_qty, 1)
self.assertEqual(move2.product_uom.id, uom_dozen.id)
self.assertEqual(move2.product_qty, 12)
# deliver everything
move1.write({'quantity': 24, 'picked': True})
move2.write({'quantity': 1, 'picked': True})
# check the delivered quantity
self.assertEqual(so1.order_line.qty_delivered, 3.0)
def test_07_forced_qties(self):
""" Make multiple sale order lines of the same product which isn't available in stock. On
the picking, create new move lines (through the detailed operations view). See that the move
lines are correctly dispatched through the moves.
uom_unit = self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_unit')
uom_dozen = self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_dozen')
item1 = self.company_data['product_order_no']
self.assertEqual(item1.uom_id.id, uom_unit.id)
# sell a dozen
so1 = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {
'name': item1.name,
'product_id': item1.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1,
'product_uom': uom_dozen.id,
'price_unit': item1.list_price,
(0, 0, {
'name': item1.name,
'product_id': item1.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1,
'product_uom': uom_dozen.id,
'price_unit': item1.list_price,
(0, 0, {
'name': item1.name,
'product_id': item1.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1,
'product_uom': uom_dozen.id,
'price_unit': item1.list_price,
self.assertEqual(len(so1.picking_ids.move_ids), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(so1.picking_ids.move_line_ids), 3)
so1.picking_ids.move_ids.picked = True
self.assertEqual(so1.picking_ids.state, 'done')
self.assertEqual(so1.order_line.mapped('qty_delivered'), [1, 1, 1])
def test_08_quantities(self):
"""Change the picking code of the receipts to internal. Make a SO for 10 units, go to the
picking and return 5, edit the SO line to 15 units.
The purpose of the test is to check the consistencies across the delivered quantities and the
procurement quantities.
# Change the code of the picking type receipt
self.env['stock.picking.type'].search([('code', '=', 'incoming')]).write({'code': 'internal'})
# Sell and deliver 10 units
item1 = self.company_data['product_order_no']
uom_unit = self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_unit')
so1 = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {
'name': item1.name,
'product_id': item1.id,
'product_uom_qty': 10,
'product_uom': uom_unit.id,
'price_unit': item1.list_price,
picking = so1.picking_ids
# Return 5 units
stock_return_picking_form = Form(self.env['stock.return.picking'].with_context(
return_wiz = stock_return_picking_form.save()
for return_move in return_wiz.product_return_moves:
'quantity': 5,
'to_refund': True
res = return_wiz.action_create_returns()
return_pick = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['res_id'])
self.assertEqual(so1.order_line.qty_delivered, 5)
# Deliver 15 instead of 10.
'order_line': [
(1, so1.order_line.sorted()[0].id, {'product_uom_qty': 15}),
# A new move of 10 unit (15 - 5 units)
self.assertEqual(so1.order_line.qty_delivered, 5)
self.assertEqual(so1.picking_ids.sorted('id')[-1].move_ids.product_qty, 10)
def test_09_qty_available(self):
""" create a sale order in warehouse1, change to warehouse2 and check the
available quantities on sale order lines are well updated """
# sell two products
item1 = self.company_data['product_order_no']
item1.is_storable = True
warehouse1 = self.company_data['default_warehouse']
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(item1, warehouse1.lot_stock_id, 10)
self.env['stock.quant']._update_reserved_quantity(item1, warehouse1.lot_stock_id, 3)
warehouse2 = self.env['stock.warehouse'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'name': 'Zizizatestwarehouse',
'code': 'Test',
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(item1, warehouse2.lot_stock_id, 5)
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {'name': item1.name, 'product_id': item1.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'product_uom': item1.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': item1.list_price}),
line = so.order_line[0]
self.assertAlmostEqual(line.scheduled_date, datetime.now(), delta=timedelta(seconds=10))
self.assertEqual(line.virtual_available_at_date, 10)
self.assertEqual(line.free_qty_today, 7)
self.assertEqual(line.qty_available_today, 10)
self.assertEqual(line.warehouse_id, warehouse1)
self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_deliver, 1)
so.warehouse_id = warehouse2
# invalidate product cache to ensure qty_available is recomputed
# bc warehouse isn't in the depends_context of qty_available
self.assertEqual(line.virtual_available_at_date, 5)
self.assertEqual(line.free_qty_today, 5)
self.assertEqual(line.qty_available_today, 5)
self.assertEqual(line.warehouse_id, warehouse2)
self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_deliver, 1)
def test_10_qty_available(self):
"""create a sale order containing three times the same product. The
quantity available should be different for the 3 lines"""
item1 = self.company_data['product_order_no']
item1.is_storable = True
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(item1, self.company_data['default_warehouse'].lot_stock_id, 10)
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {'name': item1.name, 'product_id': item1.id, 'product_uom_qty': 5, 'product_uom': item1.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': item1.list_price}),
(0, 0, {'name': item1.name, 'product_id': item1.id, 'product_uom_qty': 5, 'product_uom': item1.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': item1.list_price}),
(0, 0, {'name': item1.name, 'product_id': item1.id, 'product_uom_qty': 5, 'product_uom': item1.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': item1.list_price}),
self.assertEqual(so.order_line.mapped('free_qty_today'), [10, 5, 0])
def test_11_return_with_refund(self):
""" Creates a sale order, valids it and its delivery, then creates a
return. The return must refund by default and the sale order delivered
quantity must be updated.
# Creates a sale order for 10 products.
sale_order = self._get_new_sale_order()
# Valids the sale order, then valids the delivery.
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 0)
picking = sale_order.picking_ids
picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 10, 'picked': True})
# Checks the delivery amount (must be 10).
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 10)
# Creates a return from the delivery picking.
return_picking_form = Form(self.env['stock.return.picking']
.with_context(active_ids=picking.ids, active_id=picking.id,
return_wizard = return_picking_form.save()
# Checks the field `to_refund` is checked (must be checked by default).
self.assertEqual(return_wizard.product_return_moves.to_refund, True)
self.assertEqual(return_wizard.product_return_moves.quantity, 0)
# Valids the return picking.
return_wizard.product_return_moves.quantity = 10
res = return_wizard.action_create_returns()
return_picking = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['res_id'])
return_picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 10, 'picked': True})
# Checks the delivery amount (must be 0).
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 0)
def test_12_return_without_refund(self):
""" Do the exact thing than in `test_11_return_with_refund` except we
set on False the refund and checks the sale order delivered quantity
isn't changed.
# Creates a sale order for 10 products.
sale_order = self._get_new_sale_order()
# Valids the sale order, then valids the delivery.
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 0)
picking = sale_order.picking_ids
picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 10, 'picked': True})
# Checks the delivery amount (must be 10).
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 10)
# Creates a return from the delivery picking.
return_picking_form = Form(self.env['stock.return.picking']
.with_context(active_ids=picking.ids, active_id=picking.id,
return_wizard = return_picking_form.save()
# Checks the field `to_refund` is checked, then unchecks it.
self.assertEqual(return_wizard.product_return_moves.to_refund, True)
self.assertEqual(return_wizard.product_return_moves.quantity, 0)
return_wizard.product_return_moves.to_refund = False
return_wizard.product_return_moves.quantity = 10
# Valids the return picking.
res = return_wizard.action_create_returns()
return_picking = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['res_id'])
return_picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 10, 'picked': True})
# Checks the delivery amount (must still be 10).
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 10)
def test_13_delivered_qty(self):
""" Creates a sale order, valids it and adds a new move line in the delivery for a
product with an invoicing policy on 'order', then checks a new SO line was created.
After that, creates a second sale order and does the same thing but with a product
with and invoicing policy on 'ordered'.
product_inv_on_delivered = self.company_data['product_delivery_no']
# Configure a product with invoicing policy on order.
product_inv_on_order = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'Shenaniffluffy',
'type': 'consu',
'invoice_policy': 'order',
'list_price': 55.0,
# Creates a sale order for 3 products invoiced on qty. delivered.
sale_order = self._get_new_sale_order(amount=3)
# Confirms the sale order, then increases the delivered qty., adds a new
# line and valids the delivery.
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.order_line), 1)
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 0)
picking = sale_order.picking_ids
initial_product = sale_order.order_line.product_id
picking.picking_type_id.show_operations = True # Could be false without demo data, as the lot group is disabled
picking_form = Form(picking)
with picking_form.move_ids_without_package.edit(0) as move:
move.quantity = 5
with picking_form.move_ids_without_package.new() as new_move:
new_move.product_id = product_inv_on_order
new_move.quantity = 5
picking = picking_form.save()
picking.move_ids.picked = True
# Check a new sale order line was correctly created.
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.order_line), 2)
so_line_1 = sale_order.order_line[0]
so_line_2 = sale_order.order_line[1]
self.assertEqual(so_line_1.product_id.id, product_inv_on_delivered.id)
self.assertEqual(so_line_1.product_uom_qty, 3)
self.assertEqual(so_line_1.qty_delivered, 5)
self.assertEqual(so_line_1.price_unit, 70.0)
self.assertEqual(so_line_2.product_id.id, product_inv_on_order.id)
self.assertEqual(so_line_2.product_uom_qty, 0)
self.assertEqual(so_line_2.qty_delivered, 5)
so_line_2.price_unit, 0,
"Shouldn't get the product price as the invoice policy is on qty. ordered")
# Check the picking didn't change
self.assertRecordValues(sale_order.picking_ids.move_ids, [
{'product_id': initial_product.id, 'quantity': 5},
{'product_id': product_inv_on_order.id, 'quantity': 5},
# Creates a second sale order for 3 product invoiced on qty. ordered.
sale_order = self._get_new_sale_order(product=product_inv_on_order, amount=3)
# Confirms the sale order, then increases the delivered qty., adds a new
# line and valids the delivery.
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.order_line), 1)
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 0)
picking = sale_order.picking_ids
picking_form = Form(picking)
with picking_form.move_ids_without_package.edit(0) as move:
move.quantity = 5
with picking_form.move_ids_without_package.new() as new_move:
new_move.product_id = product_inv_on_delivered
new_move.quantity = 5
picking = picking_form.save()
picking.move_ids.picked = True
# Check a new sale order line was correctly created.
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.order_line), 2)
so_line_1 = sale_order.order_line[0]
so_line_2 = sale_order.order_line[1]
self.assertEqual(so_line_1.product_id.id, product_inv_on_order.id)
self.assertEqual(so_line_1.product_uom_qty, 3)
self.assertEqual(so_line_1.qty_delivered, 5)
self.assertEqual(so_line_1.price_unit, 55.0)
self.assertEqual(so_line_2.product_id.id, product_inv_on_delivered.id)
self.assertEqual(so_line_2.product_uom_qty, 0)
self.assertEqual(so_line_2.qty_delivered, 5)
so_line_2.price_unit, 70.0,
"Should get the product price as the invoice policy is on qty. delivered")
def test_14_delivered_qty_in_multistep(self):
""" Creates a sale order with delivery in two-step. Process the pick &
ship and check we don't have extra SO line. Then, do the same but with
adding a extra move and check only one extra SO line was created.
# Set the delivery in two steps.
warehouse = self.company_data['default_warehouse']
warehouse.delivery_steps = 'pick_ship'
# Configure a product with invoicing policy on order.
product_inv_on_order = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'Shenaniffluffy',
'type': 'consu',
'invoice_policy': 'order',
'list_price': 55.0,
# Create a sale order.
sale_order = self._get_new_sale_order()
# Confirms the sale order, then valids pick and delivery.
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.order_line), 1)
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 0)
pick = sale_order.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.picking_type_code == 'internal')
pick.picking_type_id.show_operations = True # Could be false without demo data, as the lot group is disabled
picking_form = Form(pick)
with picking_form.move_ids_without_package.edit(0) as move:
move.quantity = 10
pick = picking_form.save()
pick.move_ids.picked = True
delivery = sale_order.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.picking_type_code == 'outgoing')
delivery.picking_type_id.show_operations = True # Could be false without demo data, as the lot group is disabled
picking_form = Form(delivery)
with picking_form.move_ids_without_package.edit(0) as move:
move.quantity = 10
delivery = picking_form.save()
delivery.move_ids.picked = True
# Check no new sale order line was created.
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.order_line), 1)
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.product_uom_qty, 10)
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 10)
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.price_unit, 70.0)
# Creates a second sale order.
sale_order = self._get_new_sale_order()
# Confirms the sale order then add a new line for an another product in the pick/out.
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.order_line), 1)
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 0)
pick = sale_order.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.picking_type_code == 'internal')
picking_form = Form(pick)
with picking_form.move_ids_without_package.edit(0) as move:
move.quantity = 10
with picking_form.move_ids_without_package.new() as new_move:
new_move.product_id = product_inv_on_order
new_move.quantity = 10
pick = picking_form.save()
pick.move_ids.picked = True
delivery = sale_order.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.picking_type_code == 'outgoing')
picking_form = Form(delivery)
with picking_form.move_ids_without_package.edit(0) as move:
move.quantity = 10
with picking_form.move_ids_without_package.edit(1) as new_move:
new_move.quantity = 10
delivery = picking_form.save()
delivery.move_ids.picked = True
# Check a new sale order line was correctly created.
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.order_line), 2)
so_line_1 = sale_order.order_line[0]
so_line_2 = sale_order.order_line[1]
self.assertEqual(so_line_1.product_id.id, self.company_data['product_delivery_no'].id)
self.assertEqual(so_line_1.product_uom_qty, 10)
self.assertEqual(so_line_1.qty_delivered, 10)
self.assertEqual(so_line_1.price_unit, 70.0)
self.assertEqual(so_line_2.product_id.id, product_inv_on_order.id)
self.assertEqual(so_line_2.product_uom_qty, 0)
self.assertEqual(so_line_2.qty_delivered, 10)
self.assertEqual(so_line_2.price_unit, 0)
def test_08_sale_return_qty_and_cancel(self):
Test a SO with a product on delivery with a 5 quantity.
Create two invoices: one for 3 quantity and one for 2 quantity
Then cancel Sale order, it won't raise any warning, it should be cancelled.
partner = self.partner_a
product = self.company_data['product_delivery_no']
so_vals = {
'partner_id': partner.id,
'partner_invoice_id': partner.id,
'partner_shipping_id': partner.id,
'order_line': [(0, 0, {
'name': product.name,
'product_id': product.id,
'product_uom_qty': 5.0,
'product_uom': product.uom_id.id,
'price_unit': product.list_price})],
'pricelist_id': self.company_data['default_pricelist'].id,
so = self.env['sale.order'].create(so_vals)
# confirm the so
# deliver partially
pick = so.picking_ids
pick.move_ids.write({'quantity': 3, 'picked': True})
Form.from_action(self.env, pick.button_validate()).save().process()
# create invoice for 3 quantity and post it
inv_1 = so._create_invoices()
self.assertEqual(inv_1.state, 'posted', 'invoice should be in posted state')
pick_2 = so.picking_ids.filtered('backorder_id')
pick_2.move_ids.write({'quantity': 2, 'picked': True})
# create invoice for remaining 2 quantity
inv_2 = so._create_invoices()
self.assertEqual(inv_2.state, 'draft', 'invoice should be in draft state')
# check the status of invoices after cancelling the order
wizard = self.env['sale.order.cancel'].with_context({'order_id': so.id}).create({'order_id': so.id})
self.assertEqual(inv_1.state, 'posted', 'A posted invoice state should remain posted')
self.assertEqual(inv_2.state, 'cancel', 'A drafted invoice state should be cancelled')
def test_reservation_method_w_sale(self):
picking_type_out = self.company_data['default_warehouse'].out_type_id
# make sure generated picking will auto-assign
picking_type_out.reservation_method = 'at_confirm'
product = self.company_data['product_delivery_no']
product.is_storable = True
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(product, self.company_data['default_warehouse'].lot_stock_id, 20)
sale_order1 = self._get_new_sale_order(amount=10.0)
# Validate the sale order, picking should automatically assign stock
picking1 = sale_order1.picking_ids
self.assertEqual(picking1.state, 'assigned')
# make sure generated picking will does not auto-assign
picking_type_out.reservation_method = 'manual'
sale_order2 = self._get_new_sale_order(amount=10.0)
# Validate the sale order, picking should not automatically assign stock
picking2 = sale_order2.picking_ids
self.assertEqual(picking2.state, 'confirmed')
# make sure generated picking auto-assigns according to (picking) scheduled date
picking_type_out.reservation_method = 'by_date'
picking_type_out.reservation_days_before = 2
# too early for scheduled date => don't auto-assign
sale_order3 = self._get_new_sale_order(amount=10.0)
sale_order3.commitment_date = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=10)
picking3 = sale_order3.picking_ids
self.assertEqual(picking3.state, 'confirmed')
# within scheduled date + reservation days before => auto-assign
sale_order4 = self._get_new_sale_order(amount=10.0)
sale_order4.commitment_date = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1)
self.assertEqual(sale_order4.picking_ids.state, 'assigned')
def test_packaging_propagation(self):
"""Create a SO with lines using packaging, check the packaging propagate
to its move.
warehouse = self.company_data['default_warehouse']
warehouse.delivery_steps = 'pick_pack_ship'
product = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'Product with packaging',
'is_storable': True,
packOf10 = self.env['product.packaging'].create({
'name': 'PackOf10',
'product_id': product.id,
'qty': 10
packOf20 = self.env['product.packaging'].create({
'name': 'PackOf20',
'product_id': product.id,
'qty': 20
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'warehouse_id': self.warehouse_3_steps_pull.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {
'product_id': product.id,
'product_uom_qty': 10.0,
'product_uom': product.uom_id.id,
'product_packaging_id': packOf10.id,
ship = so.order_line.move_ids
pack = ship.move_orig_ids
pick = pack.move_orig_ids
self.assertEqual(pick.product_packaging_id, packOf10)
self.assertEqual(pack.product_packaging_id, packOf10)
self.assertEqual(ship.product_packaging_id, packOf10)
'product_packaging_id': packOf20.id,
'product_uom_qty': 20
self.assertEqual(so.order_line.move_ids.product_packaging_id, packOf20)
self.assertEqual(pick.product_packaging_id, packOf20)
self.assertEqual(pack.product_packaging_id, packOf20)
self.assertEqual(ship.product_packaging_id, packOf20)
so.order_line[0].write({'product_packaging_id': False})
def test_15_cancel_delivery(self):
""" Suppose the option "Lock Confirmed Sales" enabled and a product with the invoicing
policy set to "Delivered quantities". When cancelling the delivery of such a product, the
invoice status of the associated SO should be 'Nothing to Invoice'
group_auto_done = self.env.ref('sale.group_auto_done_setting')
self.env.user.groups_id = [(4, group_auto_done.id)]
product = self.product_a
product.invoice_policy = 'delivery'
partner = self.partner_a
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': partner.id,
'partner_invoice_id': partner.id,
'partner_shipping_id': partner.id,
'order_line': [(0, 0, {
'name': product.name,
'product_id': product.id,
'product_uom_qty': 2,
'product_uom': product.uom_id.id,
'price_unit': product.list_price
self.assertEqual(so.state, 'sale')
self.assertEqual(so.invoice_status, 'no')
def test_16_multi_uom(self):
yards_uom = self.env['uom.uom'].create({
'category_id': self.env.ref('uom.uom_categ_length').id,
'name': 'Yards',
'factor_inv': 0.9144,
'uom_type': 'bigger',
product = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'Test Product',
'uom_id': self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_meter').id,
'uom_po_id': yards_uom.id,
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {
'name': product.name,
'product_id': product.id,
'product_uom_qty': 4.0,
'product_uom': yards_uom.id,
'price_unit': 1.0,
picking = so.picking_ids[0]
picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 3.66, 'picked': True})
self.assertEqual(so.order_line.mapped('qty_delivered'), [4.0], 'Sale: no conversion error on delivery in different uom"')
def test_17_qty_update_propagation(self):
""" Creates a sale order, then modifies the sale order lines qty and verifies
that quantity changes are correctly propagated to the picking and delivery picking.
# Set the delivery in two steps.
warehouse = self.company_data['default_warehouse']
warehouse.delivery_steps = 'pick_ship'
# Sell a product.
product = self.company_data['product_delivery_no'] # storable
product.is_storable = True # storable
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(product, self.company_data['default_warehouse'].lot_stock_id, 50)
sale_order = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {'name': product.name, 'product_id': product.id, 'product_uom_qty': 50, 'product_uom': product.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': product.list_price}),
# Check picking created
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.picking_ids), 1, 'Only the "Pick" picking should have been created.')
customer_location = self.env.ref('stock.stock_location_customers')
move_pick = sale_order.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.location_dest_id.id != customer_location.id).move_ids
self.assertEqual(len(move_pick), 1, 'Only one move should be created for a single product.')
self.assertEqual(move_pick.product_uom_qty, 50, 'The move quantity should be the same as the quantity sold.')
# Decrease the quantity in the sale order and check the move has been updated.
sale_order.order_line.write({'product_uom_qty': 30})
self.assertEqual(move_pick.product_uom_qty, 30, 'The move quantity should have been decreased as the sale order line was.')
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.picking_ids), 1, 'No additionnal picking should have been created.')
# Increase the quantity in the sale order and check the move has been updated.
sale_order.order_line.write({'product_uom_qty': 40})
self.assertEqual(move_pick.product_uom_qty, 40, 'The move quantity should have been increased as the sale order line was.')
move_pick.write({'quantity': 40, 'picked': True})
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.picking_ids), 2, 'The delivery picking should have been created as well.')
move_out = sale_order.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.location_dest_id.id == customer_location.id).move_ids
self.assertEqual(move_out.product_uom_qty, 40, 'The move quantity should have been increased as the sale order line and the pick line were.')
# Increase the quantity in the sale order and check new 'Pick' has been created for the missing quantity.
sale_order.order_line.write({'product_uom_qty': 50})
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.picking_ids), 3, 'A new "Pick" picking should have been created for the missing quantity.')
move_pick_2 = sale_order.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.location_dest_id.id != customer_location.id and p.state != 'done').move_ids
self.assertEqual(move_pick_2.product_uom_qty, 10, 'The move quantity should be the missing quantity.')
def test_18_deliver_more_and_multi_uom(self):
Deliver an additional product with a UoM different than its default one
This UoM should be the same on the generated SO line
uom_m_id = self.ref("uom.product_uom_meter")
uom_km_id = self.ref("uom.product_uom_km")
'uom_id': uom_m_id,
'uom_po_id': uom_m_id,
so = self._get_new_sale_order(product=self.product_a)
picking = so.picking_ids
'picking_id': picking.id,
'location_id': picking.location_id.id,
'location_dest_id': picking.location_dest_id.id,
'name': self.product_b.name,
'product_id': self.product_b.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1,
'product_uom': uom_km_id,
'quantity': 1,
self.assertEqual(so.order_line[1].product_id, self.product_b)
self.assertEqual(so.order_line[1].qty_delivered, 1)
self.assertEqual(so.order_line[1].product_uom.id, uom_km_id)
def test_19_deliver_update_so_line_qty(self):
Creates a sale order, then validates the delivery
modifying the sale order lines qty via import and ensures
a new delivery is created.
self.product_a.is_storable = True
self.product_a, self.company_data['default_warehouse'].lot_stock_id, 10)
# Create sale order
sale_order = self._get_new_sale_order()
# Validate delivery
picking = sale_order.picking_ids
picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 10, 'picked': True})
# Update the line and check a new delivery is created
with Form(sale_order.with_context(import_file=True)) as so_form:
with so_form.order_line.edit(0) as line:
line.product_uom_qty = 777
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.picking_ids), 2)
def test_update_so_line_qty_with_package(self):
Creates a sale order, then validates the delivery
modifying the sale order lines qty to 0
move line should be deleted.
self.product_a.is_storable = True
self.product_a, self.company_data['default_warehouse'].lot_stock_id, 10,
package_id=self.env['stock.quant.package'].create({'name': 'PacMan'}))
# Create sale order
sale_order = self._get_new_sale_order(product=self.product_a)
# Update the SO line
with Form(sale_order.with_context(import_file=True)) as so_form:
with so_form.order_line.edit(0) as line:
line.product_uom_qty = 0
def test_multiple_returns(self):
# Creates a sale order for 10 products.
sale_order = self._get_new_sale_order()
# Valids the sale order, then valids the delivery.
picking = sale_order.picking_ids
picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 10, 'picked': True})
# Creates a return from the delivery picking.
return_picking_form = Form(self.env['stock.return.picking']
.with_context(active_ids=picking.ids, active_id=picking.id,
return_wizard = return_picking_form.save()
# Check that the correct quantity is set on the retrun
self.assertEqual(return_wizard.product_return_moves.quantity, 0)
return_wizard.product_return_moves.quantity = 2
# Valids the return picking.
res = return_wizard.action_create_returns()
return_picking = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['res_id'])
return_picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 2, 'picked': True})
def test_return_for_exchange_negativ(self):
"""test product added into the return wizard are excluded in case of return for exchange"""
sale_order = self._get_new_sale_order()
picking = sale_order.picking_ids
picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 10, 'picked': True})
return_picking_form = Form(self.env['stock.return.picking']
.with_context(active_id=picking.id, active_model='stock.picking'))
with return_picking_form.product_return_moves.new() as line:
line.product_id = self.new_product
line.quantity = 2
return_wizard = return_picking_form.save()
return_wizard.product_return_moves[0].quantity = 2
res = return_wizard.action_create_exchanges()
return_picking = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['res_id'])
self.assertEqual(len(return_picking.move_ids), 2)
new_product_moves = self.env['stock.move'].search([('product_id', '=', self.new_product.id)])
self.assertEqual(len(new_product_moves), 1, 'The new product should not create extra procurement')
sol = self.env['sale.order.line'].search([('product_id', '=', self.new_product.id)])
sol = self.env['sale.order.line'].search([('product_id', '=', self.new_product.id)])
self.assertEqual(sol.product_uom_qty, 0)
self.assertEqual(sol.qty_delivered, -2)
self.assertEqual(sol.order_id, sale_order)
def test_return_multisteps_receipt(self):
"""test extra product returned are added to the sale order only once in 3 steps receipt"""
warehouse = self.env['stock.warehouse'].search([('company_id', '=', self.env.company.id)], limit=1)
warehouse.reception_steps = 'three_steps'
sale_order = self._get_new_sale_order()
picking = sale_order.picking_ids
picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 10, 'picked': True})
return_picking_form = Form(self.env['stock.return.picking']
.with_context(active_id=picking.id, active_model='stock.picking'))
with return_picking_form.product_return_moves.new() as line:
line.product_id = self.new_product
line.quantity = 2
return_wizard = return_picking_form.save()
res = return_wizard.action_create_returns()
return_picking = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['res_id'])
self.assertEqual(return_picking.location_id, picking.location_dest_id)
self.assertEqual(return_picking.location_dest_id, warehouse.in_type_id.default_location_dest_id)
next_pick = return_picking.move_ids.move_dest_ids.picking_id
next_pick = next_pick.move_ids.move_dest_ids.picking_id
sol = self.env['sale.order.line'].search([('product_id', '=', self.new_product.id)])
self.assertEqual(len(sol), 1)
self.assertEqual(sol.qty_delivered, -2)
def test_return_with_mto_and_multisteps(self):
Suppose a product P and a 3-steps delivery.
Sell 5 x P, process pick & pack pickings and then decrease the qty on
the SO line:
- the ship picking should be updated
- there should be a return R1 for the pack picking
- there should be a return R2 for the pick picking
- it should be possible to reserve R1
warehouse = self.env['stock.warehouse'].search([('company_id', '=', self.env.company.id)], limit=1)
warehouse.delivery_steps = 'pick_pack_ship'
stock_location = warehouse.lot_stock_id
pack_location, out_location, custo_location = warehouse.delivery_route_id.rule_ids.picking_type_id.default_location_dest_id
product = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'SuperProduct',
'is_storable': True,
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(product, stock_location, 5)
so_form = Form(self.env['sale.order'])
so_form.partner_id = self.partner_a
with so_form.order_line.new() as line:
line.product_id = product
line.product_uom_qty = 5
so = so_form.save()
pick_picking = so.picking_ids
pick_picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 5, 'picked': True})
pack_picking = so.picking_ids - pick_picking
pack_picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 5, 'picked': True})
with Form(so) as so_form:
with so_form.order_line.edit(0) as line:
line.product_uom_qty = 3
moves = so.picking_ids.move_ids.sorted('id')
pick_sm, pack_sm, ship_sm, ret_pick_sm, ret_pack_sm = moves
self.assertRecordValues(moves, [
{'location_id': stock_location.id, 'location_dest_id': pack_location.id, 'move_orig_ids': [], 'move_dest_ids': pack_sm.ids},
{'location_id': pack_location.id, 'location_dest_id': out_location.id, 'move_orig_ids': pick_sm.ids, 'move_dest_ids': ship_sm.ids},
{'location_id': out_location.id, 'location_dest_id': custo_location.id, 'move_orig_ids': pack_sm.ids, 'move_dest_ids': []},
{'location_id': pack_location.id, 'location_dest_id': stock_location.id, 'move_orig_ids': ret_pack_sm.ids, 'move_dest_ids': []},
{'location_id': out_location.id, 'location_dest_id': pack_location.id, 'move_orig_ids': [], 'move_dest_ids': ret_pick_sm.ids},
self.assertEqual(ret_pack_sm.state, 'assigned')
self.assertEqual(ret_pack_sm.move_line_ids.quantity, 2)
def test_return_with_mto_and_multisteps_old_pull(self):
Suppose a product P and a 3-steps delivery.
Sell 5 x P, process pick & pack pickings and then decrease the qty on
the SO line:
- the ship picking should be updated
- there should be a return R1 for the pack picking
- there should be a return R2 for the pick picking
- it should be possible to reserve R1
stock_location = self.warehouse_3_steps_pull.lot_stock_id
pack_location, out_location, custo_location = self.warehouse_3_steps_pull.delivery_route_id.rule_ids.location_dest_id
product = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'SuperProduct',
'is_storable': True,
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(product, stock_location, 5)
so_form = Form(self.env['sale.order'])
so_form.partner_id = self.partner_a
so_form.warehouse_id = self.warehouse_3_steps_pull
with so_form.order_line.new() as line:
line.product_id = product
line.product_uom_qty = 5
so = so_form.save()
_, pack_picking, pick_picking = so.picking_ids
(pick_picking + pack_picking).move_ids.write({'quantity': 5, 'picked': True})
(pick_picking + pack_picking).button_validate()
with Form(so) as so_form:
with so_form.order_line.edit(0) as line:
line.product_uom_qty = 3
moves = so.picking_ids.move_ids.sorted('id')
ship_sm, pack_sm, pick_sm, ret_pack_sm, ret_pick_sm = moves
self.assertRecordValues(moves, [
{'location_id': out_location.id, 'location_dest_id': custo_location.id, 'move_orig_ids': pack_sm.ids, 'move_dest_ids': []},
{'location_id': pack_location.id, 'location_dest_id': out_location.id, 'move_orig_ids': pick_sm.ids, 'move_dest_ids': ship_sm.ids},
{'location_id': stock_location.id, 'location_dest_id': pack_location.id, 'move_orig_ids': [], 'move_dest_ids': pack_sm.ids},
{'location_id': out_location.id, 'location_dest_id': pack_location.id, 'move_orig_ids': [], 'move_dest_ids': ret_pick_sm.ids},
{'location_id': pack_location.id, 'location_dest_id': stock_location.id, 'move_orig_ids': ret_pack_sm.ids, 'move_dest_ids': []},
self.assertEqual(ret_pack_sm.state, 'assigned')
self.assertEqual(ret_pack_sm.move_line_ids.quantity, 2)
def test_packaging_and_qty_decrease(self):
packaging = self.env['product.packaging'].create({
'name': "Super Packaging",
'product_id': self.product_a.id,
'qty': 10.0,
so_form = Form(self.env['sale.order'])
so_form.partner_id = self.partner_a
with so_form.order_line.new() as line:
line.product_id = self.product_a
line.product_uom_qty = 10
so = so_form.save()
self.assertEqual(so.order_line.product_packaging_id, packaging)
with Form(so) as so_form:
with so_form.order_line.edit(0) as line:
line.product_uom_qty = 8
self.assertEqual(so.picking_ids.move_ids.product_uom_qty, 8)
def test_backorder_and_decrease_sol_qty(self):
2 steps delivery
SO with 10 x P
Process pickings of 6 x P with backorders
Update SO: 7 x P
Backorder should be updated: 1 x P
warehouse = self.company_data['default_warehouse']
warehouse.delivery_steps = 'pick_ship'
stock_location = warehouse.lot_stock_id
out_location = warehouse.wh_output_stock_loc_id
customer_location = self.env.ref('stock.stock_location_customers')
so = self._get_new_sale_order()
pick01 = so.picking_ids
pick01.move_line_ids.write({'quantity': 6})
pick01.move_ids.picked = True
ship = so.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.picking_type_id == warehouse.out_type_id)
ship.move_ids.write({'quantity': 6, 'picked': True})
so.order_line.product_uom_qty = 7
self.assertRecordValues(so.picking_ids.move_ids.sorted('id'), [
{'location_id': stock_location.id, 'location_dest_id': out_location.id, 'product_uom_qty': 6.0, 'quantity': 6.0, 'state': 'done'},
{'location_id': stock_location.id, 'location_dest_id': out_location.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1.0, 'quantity': 1.0, 'state': 'assigned'},
{'location_id': out_location.id, 'location_dest_id': customer_location.id, 'product_uom_qty': 6.0, 'quantity': 6.0, 'state': 'done'},
def test_incoterm_in_advance_payment(self):
"""When generating a advance payment invoice from a SO, this invoice incoterm should be the same as the SO"""
incoterm = self.env['account.incoterms'].create({
'name': 'Test Incoterm',
'code': 'TEST',
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'incoterm': incoterm.id,
'order_line': [(0, 0, {
'name': self.product_a.name,
'product_id': self.product_a.id,
'product_uom_qty': 10,
'product_uom': self.product_a.uom_id.id,
'price_unit': 1,
adv_wiz = self.env['sale.advance.payment.inv'].with_context(active_ids=[so.id]).create({
'advance_payment_method': 'percentage',
'amount': 5.0,
act = adv_wiz.with_context(open_invoices=True).create_invoices()
invoice = self.env['account.move'].browse(act['res_id'])
self.assertEqual(invoice.invoice_incoterm_id.id, incoterm.id)
def test_exception_delivery_partial_multi(self):
When a backorder is cancelled for a picking in multi-picking,
the related SO should have an exception logged
#Create 2 sale orders
so_1 = self._get_new_sale_order()
picking_1 = so_1.picking_ids
picking_1.move_ids.write({'quantity': 1, 'picked': True})
so_2 = self._get_new_sale_order()
picking_2 = so_2.picking_ids
picking_2.move_ids.write({'quantity': 2, 'picked': True})
#multi-picking validation
pick = picking_1 | picking_2
wizard = Form.from_action(self.env, pick.button_validate()).save()
wizard.backorder_confirmation_line_ids[1].write({'to_backorder': False})
#Check Exception error is logged on so_2
activity = self.env['mail.activity'].search([('res_id', '=', so_2.id), ('res_model', '=', 'sale.order')])
self.assertEqual(len(activity), 1, 'When no backorder is created for a partial delivery, a warning error should be logged in its origin SO')
def test_3_steps_and_unpack(self):
When removing the package of a stock.move.line mid-flow in a 3-steps delivery with backorders, make sure that
the OUT picking does not get packages again on its stock.move.line.
- create a SO of product A for 10 units
- on PICK_1 picking: put 2 units in Done and put in a package, validate, create a backorder
- on PACK_1 picking: remove the destination package for the 2 units, validate
- on OUT picking: the stock.move.line should not have a package
- on PICK_2 picking: put 2 units in Done and put in a package, validate, create a backorder
- on OUT picking: the stock.move.line should still not have a package
- on PACK_2: validate, create a backorder
- on OUT picking: there should be 2 stock.move.lines, one with package and one without
warehouse = self.company_data.get('default_warehouse')
'group_stock_tracking_lot': True,
'group_stock_adv_location': True,
'group_stock_multi_locations': True,
warehouse.delivery_steps = 'pick_pack_ship'
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(self.test_product_delivery, warehouse.lot_stock_id, 10)
so_1 = self._get_new_sale_order(product=self.test_product_delivery)
pick_picking = so_1.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.picking_type_id == warehouse.pick_type_id)
pick_picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 2, 'picked': True})
Form.from_action(self.env, pick_picking.button_validate()).save().process()
pack_picking = so_1.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.picking_type_id == warehouse.pack_type_id)
pack_picking.move_line_ids.result_package_id = False
pack_picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 2, 'picked': True})
out_picking = so_1.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.picking_type_id == warehouse.out_type_id)
self.assertEqual(out_picking.move_line_ids.package_id.id, False)
self.assertEqual(out_picking.move_line_ids.result_package_id.id, False)
pick_picking_2 = so_1.picking_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.picking_type_id == warehouse.pick_type_id and x.state != 'done')
pick_picking_2.move_ids.write({'quantity': 2, 'picked': True})
package_2 = pick_picking_2.action_put_in_pack()
Form.from_action(self.env, pick_picking_2.button_validate()).save().process()
self.assertEqual(out_picking.move_line_ids.package_id.id, False)
self.assertEqual(out_picking.move_line_ids.result_package_id.id, False)
pack_picking_2 = so_1.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.picking_type_id == warehouse.pack_type_id and p.state != 'done')
pack_picking_2.move_ids.write({'quantity': 2, 'picked': True})
self.assertRecordValues(out_picking.move_line_ids, [{'result_package_id': False}, {'result_package_id': package_2.id}])
def test_inventory_admin_no_backorder_not_own_sale_order(self):
sale_order = self._get_new_sale_order()
pick = sale_order.picking_ids
inventory_admin_user = self.env['res.users'].create({
'name': "documents test basic user",
'login': "dtbu",
'email': "dtbu@yourcompany.com",
'groups_id': [(6, 0, [
{'quantity': 1, 'picked': True})
Form.from_action(self.env(user=inventory_admin_user), pick.button_validate())\
def test_reduce_qty_ordered_no_backorder(self):
When validating a reduced picking, declining a backorder then reducing the quantity ordered on the SO line
to match the quantity delivered, make sure that no additional picking is created.
so_1 = self._get_new_sale_order(amount=3, product=self.test_product_delivery)
self.assertEqual(so_1.order_line.product_uom_qty, 3)
self.assertEqual(len(so_1.picking_ids), 1)
delivery_picking = so_1.picking_ids
delivery_picking.move_ids.quantity = 2
Form.from_action(self.env, delivery_picking.button_validate()).save().process_cancel_backorder()
self.assertEqual(so_1.order_line.product_uom_qty, 3)
self.assertEqual(so_1.order_line.qty_delivered, 2)
so_1.write({'order_line': [(1, so_1.order_line.id, {'product_uom_qty': so_1.order_line.qty_delivered})]})
self.assertEqual(len(so_1.picking_ids), 1)
def test_decrease_sol_qty_to_zero(self):
2 steps delivery.
SO with two products.
Set the done quantity on the first picking.
On the SO, cancel the qty of the first product:
On the first picking, since the done quantity is already defined, it
should only set the demand to zero.
warehouse = self.env['stock.warehouse'].search([('company_id', '=', self.env.company.id)], limit=1)
warehouse.delivery_steps = 'pick_ship'
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [(0, 0, {
'name': p.name,
'product_id': p.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1,
'product_uom': p.uom_id.id,
'price_unit': p.list_price,
}) for p in (
pick_picking = so.picking_ids
pick_picking.move_ids.picked = True
so.order_line[0].product_uom_qty = 0
self.assertRecordValues(pick_picking.move_ids, [
{'product_id': self.product_a.id, 'product_uom_qty': 0, 'quantity': 1, 'state': 'assigned'},
{'product_id': self.product_b.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'quantity': 1, 'state': 'assigned'},
def test_create_so_return_with_tracked_product(self):
Creates a sale order with a tracked product, validates it and its delivery, then creates a
return validates it and finally creates a second return.
self.product_a.tracking = 'serial'
self.product_a.is_storable = True
sn1 = self.env['stock.lot'].create({
'name': 'SN0001',
'product_id': self.product_a.id,
'company_id': self.env.company.id,
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(self.product_a, self.company_data['default_warehouse'].lot_stock_id, 1, lot_id=sn1)
# Creates a sale order for 1 tracked product.
sale_order = self._get_new_sale_order(amount=1, product=self.product_a)
# validates the sale order, then validates the delivery.
picking = sale_order.picking_ids
# Checks the delivery amount (must be 1).
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 1)
# Creates a return from the delivery picking.
return_picking_form = Form(self.env['stock.return.picking']
.with_context(active_ids=picking.ids, active_id=picking.id,
return_wizard = return_picking_form.save()
self.assertEqual(return_wizard.product_return_moves.quantity, 0)
return_wizard.product_return_moves.quantity = 1
# validates the return picking.
res = return_wizard.action_create_returns()
return_picking = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['res_id'])
# Checks the delivery amount (must be 0).
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 0)
return_picking_form = Form(self.env['stock.return.picking']
.with_context(active_ids=return_picking.ids, active_id=return_picking.id,
return_wizard = return_picking_form.save()
self.assertEqual(return_wizard.product_return_moves.quantity, 0)
return_wizard.product_return_moves.quantity = 1
# validates the return picking.
res = return_wizard.action_create_returns()
return_picking_2 = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['res_id'])
def test_2_steps_pull_and_decrease_sol_qty_to_zero(self):
2 steps delivery, special rules:
- Pull
- 'Cancel next move' enabled
SO with one product
On the SO, cancel the qty of the product
On each picking, the SM should be canceled
warehouse = self.env['stock.warehouse'].search([('company_id', '=', self.env.company.id)], limit=1)
customer_location = self.env.ref('stock.stock_location_customers')
warehouse.delivery_steps = 'pick_ship'
warehouse.delivery_route_id.rule_ids = [
(5, 0, 0),
(0, 0, {
'name': 'Pull out->custo',
'action': 'pull',
'location_src_id': warehouse.wh_output_stock_loc_id.id,
'location_dest_id': customer_location.id,
'picking_type_id': warehouse.out_type_id.id,
'propagate_cancel': True,
'procure_method': 'make_to_order',
(0, 0, {
'name': 'Pull stock->out',
'action': 'pull',
'location_src_id': warehouse.lot_stock_id.id,
'location_dest_id': warehouse.wh_output_stock_loc_id.id,
'picking_type_id': warehouse.pick_type_id.id,
'propagate_cancel': True,
'procure_method': 'make_to_stock',
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [(0, 0, {
'name': self.product_a.name,
'product_id': self.product_a.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1,
'product_uom': self.product_a.uom_id.id,
'price_unit': self.product_a.list_price,
so.order_line.product_uom_qty = 0
self.assertEqual(so.picking_ids.move_ids.mapped('state'), ['cancel', 'cancel'])
def test_2_steps_fixed_procurement_propagation_with_backorder(self):
When validating a picking (partially coming from a backorder) linked to 2 destinations moves in a 2-steps delivery,
stock.move.line should be created for the 2 OUT moves.
- Warehouse with Outgoing Shipments in 2 steps and propagation of rule set to Fixed
- Create a SO with 3 Product X
- on PICK_1 picking: set 1 unit in done, validate and create a backorder
- Create a SO with 1 Product X
- on PICK_2 picking: set 3 units in done and validate
warehouse = self.company_data.get('default_warehouse')
warehouse.delivery_steps = 'pick_ship'
rule = warehouse.delivery_route_id.rule_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.procure_method == 'make_to_stock')[0]
rule.group_propagation_option = 'fixed'
fixedGroup = self.env['procurement.group'].create({})
rule.group_id = fixedGroup
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(self.test_product_delivery, warehouse.lot_stock_id, 4)
# create a SO with 3 products
so1 = self._get_new_sale_order(product=self.test_product_delivery, amount=3)
pick1 = fixedGroup.stock_move_ids.filtered(lambda m: m.origin == so1.name)[0].picking_id
# set 1 done on the PICK move
pick1.move_ids.write({'quantity': 1, 'picked': True})
# create a backorder for the 2 remaining products
Form.from_action(self.env, pick1.button_validate()).save().process()
out = pick1.move_ids.move_dest_ids.picking_id.filtered(lambda p: p.picking_type_id == warehouse.out_type_id)
self.assertEqual(out.move_line_ids.quantity, 1)
# create another SO with 1 product
so2 = self._get_new_sale_order(product=self.test_product_delivery, amount=1)
# PICK move of this SO will be added to the first PICK backorder but not merged, as they are linked to different sale_line_id.
pick2 = pick1.backorder_ids[0]
for move in pick2.move_ids:
move.write({'quantity': move.product_uom_qty, 'picked': True})
self.assertEqual(out.state, 'assigned')
self.assertEqual(out.move_ids.filtered(lambda m: m.sale_line_id == so1.order_line).quantity, 3)
self.assertEqual(out.move_ids.filtered(lambda m: m.sale_line_id == so2.order_line).quantity, 1)
def test_delivery_on_negative_delivered_qty(self):
Tests that returns created from SO lines with negative quantities update the delivered
quantities negatively so that they appear on the corresponding invoice.
product = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'Super product',
'uom_id': self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_unit').id,
'lst_price': 100.0,
'is_storable': True,
'invoice_policy': 'delivery',
sale_order = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'state': 'draft',
'order_line': [Command.create({
'product_id': product.id,
'product_uom_qty': -1,
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 0.0)
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_to_invoice, 0.0)
picking = self.env['stock.move'].browse(self.env['stock.move'].search([('sale_line_id', '=', sale_order.order_line.id)]).id).picking_id
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, -1.0)
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_to_invoice, -1.0)
def test_reduce_qty_on_partially_moved(self):
""" In a three-steps delivery, with the first step (PICK) partially done with a backorder and the PACK step pending,
ensure that reducing the SOL quantity will:
- Decrease the backorder PICK first
- Create a return PICK for the leftover quantity
- Decrease the PACK for the same leftover quantity
- Not create any OUT/IN move.
warehouse = self.company_data['default_warehouse']
warehouse.delivery_steps = 'pick_pack_ship'
product = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'To be delivered',
'is_storable': True,
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(product, warehouse.lot_stock_id, 10)
with Form(self.env['sale.order']) as so_form:
so_form.partner_id = self.partner_a
with so_form.order_line.new() as line:
line.product_id = product
line.product_uom_qty = 10
sale_order = so_form.save()
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.picking_ids), 1)
pick = sale_order.picking_ids
self.assertEqual(pick.picking_type_id, warehouse.pick_type_id)
pick.move_ids.write({'quantity': 6, 'picked': True})
# Create backorder for missing qty
pick_backorder = pick.backorder_ids
self.assertEqual(pick_backorder.move_ids.product_uom_qty, 4)
pack = sale_order.picking_ids - (pick | pick_backorder)
self.assertEqual(pack.picking_type_id, warehouse.pack_type_id)
self.assertEqual(pack.move_ids.product_uom_qty, 6)
# Reduce the intial SO demand to 5
with Form(sale_order) as so_form:
with so_form.order_line.edit(0) as line:
line.product_uom_qty = 5
sale_order = so_form.save()
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.picking_ids), 4, "PICK + PICK backorder + PACK + (new) PICK return")
self.assertEqual(pick_backorder.state, 'cancel')
self.assertEqual(pack.move_ids.product_uom_qty, 5)
self.assertEqual(pack.state, 'assigned')
pick_return = sale_order.picking_ids - (pick | pick_backorder | pack)
self.assertEqual(pick_return.picking_type_id, warehouse.pick_type_id)
self.assertEqual(pick_return.move_ids.product_uom_qty, 1)
self.assertEqual(pick_return.location_dest_id, warehouse.lot_stock_id)
self.assertEqual(pick_return.state, 'assigned')
def test_return_partial_delivery(self):
Test that the qty_delivered is correctly computed when a return of backorder delivery is validated:
- Set the delivery process to three steps.
- Update the quantity of the product to 10.
- Create a sales order to deliver 3 units.
- Validate a pick for 1 unit and create a backorder.
- Validate the pack for 1 unit.
- Validate the backorder for 2 units.
- Create and validate a return.
Check that the qty_delivered is 0.
warehouse = self.company_data['default_warehouse']
warehouse.delivery_steps = 'pick_pack_ship'
product = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'To be delivered',
'is_storable': True,
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(product, warehouse.lot_stock_id, 10)
with Form(self.env['sale.order']) as so_form:
so_form.partner_id = self.partner_a
with so_form.order_line.new() as line:
line.product_id = product
line.product_uom_qty = 3
sale_order = so_form.save()
self.assertEqual(len(sale_order.picking_ids), 1)
pick = sale_order.picking_ids
self.assertEqual(pick.picking_type_id, warehouse.pick_type_id)
pick.move_ids.write({'quantity': 1, 'picked': True})
# Create backorder for missing qty
pick_backorder = pick.backorder_ids
self.assertEqual(pick_backorder.move_ids.product_uom_qty, 2)
# validate the pack for one unit
pack_1 = sale_order.picking_ids - pick
pack_1.move_ids.write({'quantity': 1, 'picked': True})
# validate the pick_backorder and then create the return
pick_backorder.move_ids.write({'quantity': 2, 'picked': True})
self.assertEqual(pick_backorder.state, 'done')
# Create return picking
stock_return_picking_form = Form(self.env['stock.return.picking']
.with_context(active_ids=pick_backorder.ids, active_id=pick_backorder.sorted().ids[0],
return_wiz = stock_return_picking_form.save()
return_wiz.product_return_moves.quantity = 2.0
return_wiz.product_return_moves.to_refund = True
res = return_wiz.action_create_returns()
return_pick = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['res_id'])
# Validate the return
return_pick.move_ids.write({'quantity': 2, 'picked': True})
# check the qty delivered in the SOL
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 0)
def test_sol_reserved_qty_wizard_3_steps_delivery(self):
Check that the reserved qty wizard related to a sol is computed from
the pick move in 2+ step deliveries.
admin = self.env.ref('base.user_admin')
warehouse = self.env.ref('stock.warehouse0').with_user(admin)
warehouse.delivery_steps = 'pick_pack_ship'
product = self.product_a
product.is_storable = True
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(product, warehouse.lot_stock_id, 10.0)
sale_order = self.env['sale.order'].with_user(admin).create({
'company_id': warehouse.company_id.id,
'warehouse_id': warehouse.id,
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [
'product_id': product.id,
'product_uom_qty': 7.0,
pick = sale_order.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.location_id == warehouse.lot_stock_id)
self.assertEqual(pick.move_line_ids.quantity, 7.0)
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_available_today, 7.0)
pick.move_ids.quantity = 7.0
pick.move_ids.picked = True
pack = sale_order.picking_ids - pick
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_available_today, 7.0)
pack.move_ids.quantity = 2.0
pack.move_ids.picked = True
Form.from_action(self.env(user=admin), pack.button_validate()).save().process()
backorder = pack.backorder_ids
ship = sale_order.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.location_dest_id == self.env.ref('stock.stock_location_customers'))
self.assertEqual(sum(backorder.move_line_ids.mapped('quantity')), 5.0)
self.assertEqual(sum(ship.move_line_ids.mapped('quantity')), 2.0)
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_available_today, 7.0)
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 0.0)
backorder.move_ids.quantity = 5.0
backorder.move_ids.picked = True
self.assertEqual(sum(ship.move_line_ids.mapped('quantity')), 7.0)
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_available_today, 7.0)
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 0.0)
ship.move_ids.quantity = 7.0
ship.move_ids.picked = True
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_available_today, 0.0)
self.assertEqual(sale_order.order_line.qty_delivered, 7.0)
def test_delivery_status(self):
Tests the delivery status of a sales order.
If nothing was done: pending
If some pickings were completed but nothing was actually delivery to the customer yet: started
If not everything was delivered: partial
If everything was delivered: full
warehouse = self.env['stock.warehouse'].search([('company_id', '=', self.env.company.id)], limit=1)
warehouse.delivery_steps = 'pick_ship'
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.env['res.partner'].create({'name': 'My Partner'}).id,
'order_line': [
'name': 'sol_p1',
'product_id': self.env['product.product'].create({'name': 'p1'}).id,
'product_uom_qty': 10,
'product_uom': self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_unit').id,
self.assertEqual(so.delivery_status, 'pending')
pick01 = so.picking_ids
pick01.move_ids.write({'quantity': 10, 'picked': True})
self.assertEqual(so.delivery_status, 'started')
ship01 = so.picking_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.picking_type_id == warehouse.out_type_id)
ship01.move_ids.write({'quantity': 3, 'picked': True})
Form.from_action(self.env, ship01.button_validate()).save().process()
self.assertEqual(so.delivery_status, 'partial')
ship02 = ship01.backorder_ids[0]
ship02.move_ids.write({'quantity': 7, 'picked': True})
self.assertEqual(so.delivery_status, 'full')
def test_so_delivery_ignores_shipping_policy_from_picking_type(self):
picking_type_out = self.company_data['default_warehouse'].out_type_id
picking_type_out.move_type = "direct"
so = self._get_new_sale_order()
# Ignore picking_type_out, use the value from SO
so.picking_policy = "one"
self.assertEqual(so.procurement_group_id.move_type, "one")
self.assertEqual(so.picking_ids[0].picking_type_id, picking_type_out)
self.assertEqual(so.picking_ids[0].move_type, "one")
def test_double_return_on_so(self):
Check that the return of a return of a delivery linked to an SO
is seen as an outgoing move for the related procurements.
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [
'name': 'sol_p1',
'product_id': self.env['product.product'].create({'name': 'p1'}).id,
'product_uom_qty': 5,
'product_uom': self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_unit').id,
delivery = so.picking_ids
self.assertEqual(so.order_line.qty_delivered, 5.0)
# create and validate a return
return_form = Form(self.env['stock.return.picking']
return_wiz = return_form.save()
return_wiz.product_return_moves.write({'quantity': 5.0})
res = return_wiz.action_create_returns()
do_return = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['res_id'])
self.assertEqual(so.order_line.qty_delivered, 0.0)
# create and validate the return of the return
return_form = Form(self.env['stock.return.picking']
return_wiz = return_form.save()
return_wiz.product_return_moves.write({'quantity': 5.0})
res = return_wiz.action_create_returns()
do_return_return = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['res_id'])
self.assertEqual(so.order_line.qty_delivered, 5.0)
with Form(so) as so_form:
with so_form.order_line.edit(0) as line_form:
line_form.product_uom_qty = 8.0
delivery_2 = so.picking_ids - delivery - do_return - do_return_return
self.assertEqual(delivery_2.move_ids.product_uom_qty, 3.0)
self.assertEqual(so.order_line.qty_delivered, 5.0)
def test_warehouse_redirect_warnings(self):
Check that the correct warnings are raised when you try to confirm
a SO for a storable product without warehouse.
new_company = self.env['res.company'].create({'name': 'Company 2'})
# Warhouses are created for new companies in test mode but not IRL
warehouse = self.env['stock.warehouse'].search([('company_id', '=', new_company.id)], limit=1)
warehouse.active = False
storable_product = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'Lovely Product',
'is_storable': True,
so = self.env['sale.order'].with_company(new_company).create({
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'order_line': [
'name': storable_product.name,
'product_id': storable_product.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1,
'product_uom': storable_product.uom_id.id,
# Since you dont have any warehouse for your company you should raise a RedirectWarning
error_message = "Please create a warehouse for company Company 2."
with self.assertRaisesRegex(RedirectWarning, error_message), self.env.cr.savepoint():
warehouse.active = True
# Since you have a warehouse which is not linked to the SO you should raise a UserError
error_message = "You must set a warehouse on your sale order to proceed."
with self.assertRaisesRegex(UserError, error_message), self.env.cr.savepoint():
# check the flow with 2 available warehouses for that company
self.env['stock.warehouse'].create({'name': 'Warehouse 2', 'code': 'WH2', 'company_id': new_company.id})
# Since you have a warehouse which is not linked to the SO you should raise a UserError
error_message = "You must set a warehouse on your sale order to proceed."
with self.assertRaisesRegex(UserError, error_message), self.env.cr.savepoint():
def test_package_with_moves_to_different_location_dest(self):
Create a two-step delivery with two products, and package both products together.
Ensure that the destination location is different for the two moves in the second
picking. check that the first picking can be validated.
# Set-up multi-step routes
self.env.user.groups_id += self.env.ref('stock.group_stock_multi_locations')
self.env.user.groups_id += self.env.ref('stock.group_adv_location')
warehouse = self.company_data['default_warehouse']
# Create two child locations.
parent_location = self.partner_a.property_stock_customer
child_location_1 = self.env['stock.location'].create({
'name': 'child_1',
'location_id': parent_location.id,
child_location_2 = self.env['stock.location'].create({
'name': 'child_2',
'location_id': parent_location.id,
# Enable 2-steps delivery
with Form(warehouse) as w:
w.delivery_steps = 'pick_ship'
delivery_route = warehouse.delivery_route_id
'location_dest_id': delivery_route.rule_ids[1].location_src_id.id,
delivery_route.rule_ids[1].write({'action': 'pull'})
so = self._get_new_sale_order(product=self.product_a)
'product_id': self.product_b.id,
'order_id': so.id,
self.assertEqual(len(so.order_line), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(so.picking_ids), 2)
so.picking_ids[1].move_ids[0].location_dest_id = child_location_1
so.picking_ids[1].move_ids[1].location_dest_id = child_location_2
# Pack the moves of the first picking together.
package = so.picking_ids[0].action_put_in_pack()
# a new package is made and done quantities should be in same package
self.assertEqual(so.picking_ids[0].state, 'done')
self.assertEqual(so.picking_ids[1].move_ids.move_line_ids[0].location_dest_id, child_location_1)
self.assertEqual(so.picking_ids[1].move_ids.move_line_ids[1].location_dest_id, child_location_2)