2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import itertools
import socket
from datetime import datetime
from unittest . mock import DEFAULT
from unittest . mock import patch
from odoo import exceptions
from odoo . addons . mail . models . mail_message import Message
from odoo . addons . mail . models . mail_thread import MailThread
from odoo . addons . mail . tests . common import mail_new_test_user , MailCommon
from odoo . addons . test_mail . data import test_mail_data
from odoo . addons . test_mail . data . test_mail_data import MAIL_TEMPLATE , THAI_EMAIL_WINDOWS_874
from odoo . addons . test_mail . models . test_mail_models import MailTestGateway , MailTestGatewayGroups , MailTestTicket
from odoo . sql_db import Cursor
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
from odoo . tests import Form , tagged , RecordCapturer
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
from odoo . tools import mute_logger
from odoo . tools . mail import email_split_and_format , formataddr
@tagged ( ' mail_gateway ' )
class TestEmailParsing ( MailCommon ) :
def test_message_parse_and_replace_binary_octetstream ( self ) :
""" Incoming email containing a wrong Content-Type as described in RFC2046/section-3 """
received_mail = self . from_string ( test_mail_data . MAIL_MULTIPART_BINARY_OCTET_STREAM )
with self . assertLogs ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , level = " WARNING " ) as capture :
extracted_mail = self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . _message_parse_extract_payload ( received_mail , { } )
self . assertEqual ( len ( extracted_mail [ ' attachments ' ] ) , 1 )
attachment = extracted_mail [ ' attachments ' ] [ 0 ]
self . assertEqual ( attachment . fname , ' hello_world.dat ' )
self . assertEqual ( attachment . content , b ' Hello world \n ' )
self . assertEqual ( capture . output , [
( " WARNING:odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread:Message containing an unexpected "
" Content-Type ' binary/octet-stream ' , assuming ' application/octet-stream ' " ) ,
] )
def test_message_parse_body ( self ) :
# test pure plaintext
plaintext = self . format ( test_mail_data . MAIL_TEMPLATE_PLAINTEXT , email_from = ' " Sylvie Lelitre " <test.sylvie.lelitre@agrolait.com> ' )
res = self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( plaintext ) )
self . assertIn ( ' Please call me as soon as possible this afternoon! ' , res [ ' body ' ] )
# test pure html
html = self . format ( test_mail_data . MAIL_TEMPLATE_HTML , email_from = ' " Sylvie Lelitre " <test.sylvie.lelitre@agrolait.com> ' )
res = self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( html ) )
self . assertIn ( ' <p>Please call me as soon as possible this afternoon!</p> ' , res [ ' body ' ] )
self . assertNotIn ( ' <!DOCTYPE ' , res [ ' body ' ] )
# test multipart / text and html -> html has priority
multipart = self . format ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , email_from = ' " Sylvie Lelitre " <test.sylvie.lelitre@agrolait.com> ' )
res = self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( multipart ) )
self . assertIn ( ' <p>Please call me as soon as possible this afternoon!</p> ' , res [ ' body ' ] )
# test multipart / mixed
res = self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( test_mail_data . MAIL_MULTIPART_MIXED ) )
self . assertNotIn (
' Should create a multipart/mixed: from gmail, *bold*, with attachment ' , res [ ' body ' ] ,
' message_parse: text version should not be in body after parsing multipart/mixed ' )
self . assertIn (
' <div dir= " ltr " >Should create a multipart/mixed: from gmail, <b>bold</b>, with attachment.<br clear= " all " ><div><br></div> ' , res [ ' body ' ] ,
' message_parse: html version should be in body after parsing multipart/mixed ' )
res = self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( test_mail_data . MAIL_MULTIPART_MIXED_TWO ) )
self . assertNotIn ( ' First and second part ' , res [ ' body ' ] ,
' message_parse: text version should not be in body after parsing multipart/mixed ' )
self . assertIn ( ' First part ' , res [ ' body ' ] ,
' message_parse: first part of the html version should be in body after parsing multipart/mixed ' )
self . assertIn ( ' Second part ' , res [ ' body ' ] ,
' message_parse: second part of the html version should be in body after parsing multipart/mixed ' )
res = self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( test_mail_data . MAIL_SINGLE_BINARY ) )
self . assertEqual ( res [ ' body ' ] , ' ' )
self . assertEqual ( res [ ' attachments ' ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , ' thetruth.pdf ' )
res = self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( test_mail_data . MAIL_FORWARDED ) )
self . assertIn ( res [ ' recipients ' ] , [ ' lucie@petitebedaine.fr,raoul@grosbedon.fr ' , ' raoul@grosbedon.fr,lucie@petitebedaine.fr ' ] )
res = self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( test_mail_data . MAIL_MULTIPART_WEIRD_FILENAME ) )
self . assertEqual ( res [ ' attachments ' ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , ' 62_@;,][)=.(ÇÀÉ.txt ' )
def test_message_parse_attachment_pdf_nonstandard_mime ( self ) :
# This test checks if aliasing content-type (mime type) of "pdf" with "application/pdf" works correctly. (i.e. Treat "pdf" as "application/pdf")
# Baseline check. Parsing mail with "application/pdf"
mail_with_standard_mime = self . format ( test_mail_data . MAIL_PDF_MIME_TEMPLATE , pdf_mime = " application/pdf " )
res_std = self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( mail_with_standard_mime ) )
self . assertEqual ( res_std [ ' attachments ' ] [ 0 ] . content , test_mail_data . PDF_PARSED , " Attachment with Content-Type: application/pdf must parse without error " )
# Parsing the same email, but with content-type set to "pdf"
mail_with_aliased_mime = self . format ( test_mail_data . MAIL_PDF_MIME_TEMPLATE , pdf_mime = " pdf " )
res_alias = self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( mail_with_aliased_mime ) )
self . assertEqual ( res_alias [ ' attachments ' ] [ 0 ] . content , test_mail_data . PDF_PARSED , " Attachment with aliased Content-Type: pdf must parse without error " )
def test_message_parse_bugs ( self ) :
""" Various corner cases or message parsing """
# message without Final-Recipient
self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( test_mail_data . MAIL_NO_FINAL_RECIPIENT ) )
# message with empty body (including only void characters)
res = self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( test_mail_data . MAIL_NO_BODY ) )
self . assertEqual ( res [ ' body ' ] , ' \n \n ' , ' Gateway should not crash with void content ' )
def test_message_parse_eml ( self ) :
# Test that the parsing of mail with embedded emails as eml(msg) which generates empty attachments, can be processed.
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
mail = self . format ( test_mail_data . MAIL_EML_ATTACHMENT , email_from = ' " Sylvie Lelitre " <test.sylvie.lelitre@agrolait.com> ' , to = f ' generic@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
msg_id = ' <cb7eaf62-58dc-2017-148c-305d0c78892f@odoo.com> ' ,
references = ' <f3b9f8f8-28fa-2543-cab2-7aa68f679ebb@odoo.com> ' ,
subject = ' Re: test attac ' ,
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( mail ) )
def test_message_parse_eml_bounce_headers ( self ) :
# Test Text/RFC822-Headers MIME content-type
msg_id = ' <861878175823148.1577183525.736005783081055-openerp-19177-account.invoice@mycompany.example.com> '
mail = self . format (
email_from = ' MAILER-DAEMON@example.com (Mail Delivery System) ' ,
to = ' test_bounce+82240-account.invoice-19177@mycompany.example.com ' ,
# msg_id goes to the attachment's Message-Id header
msg_id = msg_id ,
res = self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( mail ) )
self . assertEqual ( res [ ' bounced_msg_ids ' ] , [ msg_id ] , " Message-Id is not extracted from Text/RFC822-Headers attachment " )
def test_message_parse_extract_bounce_rfc822_headers_qp ( self ) :
# Incoming bounce for unexisting Outlook address
# bounce back sometimes with a Content-Type `text/rfc822-headers`
# and Content-Type-Encoding `quoted-printable`
partner = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Mitchelle Admine ' ,
' email ' : ' rdesfrdgtfdrfesd@outlook.com '
} )
message = self . env [ ' mail.message ' ] . create ( {
' message_id ' : ' <368396033905967.1673346177.695352554321289-openerp-11-sale.order@eupp00> '
} )
incoming_bounce = self . format (
test_mail_data . MAIL_BOUNCE_QP_RFC822_HEADERS ,
email_from = ' MAILER-DAEMON@mailserver.odoo.com (Mail Delivery System) ' ,
email_to = ' bounce@xxx.odoo.com ' ,
delivered_to = ' bounce@xxx.odoo.com '
msg = self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( incoming_bounce ) )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' bounced_email ' ] , partner . email , " The sender email should be correctly parsed " )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' bounced_partner ' ] , partner , " A partner with this email should exist " )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' bounced_msg_ids ' ] [ 0 ] , message . message_id , " The sender message-id should correctly parsed " )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' bounced_message ' ] , message , " An existing message with this message_id should exist " )
def test_message_parse_plaintext ( self ) :
""" Incoming email in plaintext should be stored as html """
mail = self . format ( test_mail_data . MAIL_TEMPLATE_PLAINTEXT , email_from = ' " Sylvie Lelitre " <test.sylvie.lelitre@agrolait.com> ' , to = f ' generic@ { self . alias_domain } ' )
res = self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( mail ) )
self . assertIn ( ' <pre> \n Please call me as soon as possible this afternoon! \n \n -- \n Sylvie \n </pre> ' , res [ ' body ' ] )
def test_message_parse_xhtml ( self ) :
# Test that the parsing of XHTML mails does not fail
self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_parse ( self . from_string ( test_mail_data . MAIL_XHTML ) )
@tagged ( ' mail_gateway ' )
class MailGatewayCommon ( MailCommon ) :
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . mail_test_gateway_model = cls . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.gateway ' )
cls . mail_test_gateway_company_model = cls . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.gateway.company ' )
cls . email_from = ' " Sylvie Lelitre " <test.sylvie.lelitre@agrolait.com> '
cls . test_record = cls . env [ ' mail.test.gateway ' ] . with_context ( mail_create_nolog = True ) . create ( {
' name ' : ' Test ' ,
' email_from ' : ' ignasse@example.com ' ,
} )
cls . partner_1 = cls . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Valid Lelitre ' ,
' email ' : ' valid.lelitre@agrolait.com ' ,
} )
# groups@test.mycompany.com will cause the creation of new mail.test.gateway
cls . alias = cls . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_domain_id ' : cls . mail_alias_domain . id ,
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
' alias_model_id ' : cls . mail_test_gateway_model . id ,
' alias_name ' : ' groups ' ,
} )
# groups@test.mycompany2.com will cause the creation of new mail.test.gateway.company
cls . alias_c2 = cls . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_defaults ' : {
' company_id ' : cls . company_2 . id ,
} ,
' alias_domain_id ' : cls . mail_alias_domain_c2 . id ,
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
' alias_model_id ' : cls . mail_test_gateway_company_model . id ,
' alias_name ' : ' groups ' ,
} )
# Set a first message on public group to test update and hierarchy
cls . fake_email = cls . _create_gateway_message ( cls . test_record , ' 123456 ' )
def _reinject ( self , force_msg_id = False , debug_log = False ) :
""" Tool to automatically ' inject ' an outgoing mail into the gateway.
Content changes .
: param str force_msg_id : allow to change the msg_id to simulate stupid
email providers that change message IDs ;
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . _mails ) , 1 )
mail = self . _mails [ 0 ]
extra = f ' References: { mail [ " references " ] } '
if mail [ " headers " ] . get ( " X-Odoo-Message-Id " ) :
extra + = f ' \n X-Odoo-Message-Id: { mail [ " headers " ] [ " X-Odoo-Message-Id " ] } '
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) , self . mock_mail_app ( ) :
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , mail [ ' email_from ' ] , ' , ' . join ( mail [ ' email_to ' ] ) ,
msg_id = force_msg_id or mail [ ' message_id ' ] , extra = extra ,
debug_log = debug_log ,
def _create_gateway_message ( cls , record , msg_id_prefix , * * values ) :
msg_values = {
' author_id ' : cls . partner_1 . id ,
' email_from ' : cls . partner_1 . email_formatted ,
' body ' : ' <p>Generic body</p> ' ,
' message_id ' : f ' < { msg_id_prefix } -openerp- { record . id } - { record . _name } @ { socket . gethostname ( ) } > ' ,
' message_type ' : ' email ' ,
' model ' : record . _name ,
' res_id ' : record . id ,
' subject ' : ' Generic Message ' ,
' subtype_id ' : cls . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) . id ,
msg_values . update ( * * values )
return cls . env [ ' mail.message ' ] . create ( msg_values )
@tagged ( ' mail_gateway ' )
class TestMailgateway ( MailGatewayCommon ) :
def test_assert_initial_values ( self ) :
""" Just some basics checks to ensure tests coherency """
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , 1 )
# --------------------------------------------------
# Base low-level tests
# --------------------------------------------------
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_alias_basic ( self ) :
""" Test details of created message going through mailgateway """
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Specific ' )
# Test: one group created by mailgateway administrator as user_id is not set
self . assertEqual ( len ( record ) , 1 , ' message_process: a new mail.test should have been created ' )
res = record . get_metadata ( ) [ 0 ] . get ( ' create_uid ' ) or [ None ]
self . assertEqual ( res [ 0 ] , self . env . uid )
# Test: one message that is the incoming email
self . assertEqual ( len ( record . message_ids ) , 1 )
msg = record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertEqual ( msg . subject , ' Specific ' )
self . assertIn ( ' Please call me as soon as possible this afternoon! ' , msg . body )
self . assertEqual ( msg . message_type , ' email ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . subtype_id , self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_cid ( self ) :
origin_message_parse_extract_payload = MailThread . _message_parse_extract_payload
def _message_parse_extract_payload ( this , * args , * * kwargs ) :
res = origin_message_parse_extract_payload ( this , * args , * * kwargs )
self . assertTrue ( isinstance ( res [ ' body ' ] , str ) , ' Body from extracted payload should still be a string. ' )
return res
with patch . object ( MailThread , ' _message_parse_extract_payload ' , _message_parse_extract_payload ) :
record = self . format_and_process ( test_mail_data . MAIL_MULTIPART_IMAGE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' )
message = record . message_ids [ 0 ]
for attachment in message . attachment_ids :
self . assertIn ( f ' /web/image/ { attachment . id } ' , message . body )
self . assertEqual (
set ( message . attachment_ids . mapped ( ' name ' ) ) ,
set ( [ ' rosaçée.gif ' , ' verte!µ.gif ' , ' orangée.gif ' ] ) )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_followers ( self ) :
""" Incoming email: recognized author not archived and not odoobot:
added as follower . Also test corner cases : archived . """
partner_archived = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . create ( {
' active ' : False ,
' email ' : ' archived.customer@text.example.com ' ,
' phone ' : ' 0032455112233 ' ,
' name ' : ' Archived Customer ' ,
' type ' : ' contact ' ,
} )
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , self . partner_1 ,
' message_process: recognized email -> author_id ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . email_from , self . partner_1 . email_formatted )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_follower_ids . partner_id , self . partner_1 ,
' message_process: recognized email -> added as follower ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_partner_ids , self . partner_1 ,
' message_process: recognized email -> added as follower ' )
# just an email -> no follower
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record2 = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Another Email ' )
self . assertEqual ( record2 . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( record2 . message_ids [ 0 ] . email_from , self . email_from )
self . assertEqual ( record2 . message_follower_ids . partner_id , self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] ,
' message_process: unrecognized email -> no follower ' )
self . assertEqual ( record2 . message_partner_ids , self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] ,
' message_process: unrecognized email -> no follower ' )
# archived partner -> no follower
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record3 = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , partner_archived . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Archived Partner ' )
self . assertEqual ( record3 . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( record3 . message_ids [ 0 ] . email_from , partner_archived . email_formatted )
self . assertEqual ( record3 . message_follower_ids . partner_id , self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] ,
' message_process: archived partner -> no follower ' )
self . assertEqual ( record3 . message_partner_ids , self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] ,
' message_process: archived partner -> no follower ' )
# partner_root -> never again
odoobot = self . env . ref ( ' base.partner_root ' )
odoobot . active = True
odoobot . email = ' odoobot@example.com '
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record4 = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , odoobot . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Odoobot Automatic Answer ' )
self . assertEqual ( record4 . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , odoobot )
self . assertEqual ( record4 . message_ids [ 0 ] . email_from , odoobot . email_formatted )
self . assertEqual ( record4 . message_follower_ids . partner_id , self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] ,
' message_process: odoobot -> no follower ' )
self . assertEqual ( record4 . message_partner_ids , self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] ,
' message_process: odoobot -> no follower ' )
# --------------------------------------------------
# Author recognition
# --------------------------------------------------
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_email_email_from ( self ) :
""" Incoming email: not recognized author: email_from, no author_id, no followers """
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' )
self . assertFalse ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , ' message_process: unrecognized email -> no author_id ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . email_from , self . email_from )
self . assertEqual ( len ( record . message_partner_ids ) , 0 ,
' message_process: newly create group should not have any follower ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_email_author ( self ) :
""" Incoming email: recognized author: email_from, author_id, added as follower """
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Test1 ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , self . partner_1 ,
' message_process: recognized email -> author_id ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . email_from , self . partner_1 . email_formatted )
self . assertNotSentEmail ( ) # No notification / bounce should be sent
# Email recognized if partner has a formatted email
self . partner_1 . write ( { ' email ' : f ' " Valid Lelitre " < { self . partner_1 . email } > ' } )
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Test2 ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , self . partner_1 ,
' message_process: recognized email -> author_id ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . email_from , self . partner_1 . email )
self . assertNotSentEmail ( ) # No notification / bounce should be sent
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_email_author_multiemail ( self ) :
""" Incoming email: recognized author: check multi/formatted email in field """
test_email = ' valid.lelitre@agrolait.com '
# Email not recognized if partner has a multi-email (source = formatted email)
self . partner_1 . write ( { ' email ' : f ' { test_email } , " Valid Lelitre " <another.email@test.example.com> ' } )
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , f ' " Valid Lelitre " < { test_email } > ' , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Test3 ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , self . partner_1 ,
' message_process: found author based on first found email normalized, even with multi emails ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . email_from , f ' " Valid Lelitre " < { test_email } > ' )
self . assertNotSentEmail ( ) # No notification / bounce should be sent
# Email not recognized if partner has a multi-email (source = std email)
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , test_email , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Test4 ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , self . partner_1 ,
' message_process: found author based on first found email normalized, even with multi emails ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . email_from , test_email )
self . assertNotSentEmail ( ) # No notification / bounce should be sent
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models.unlink ' , ' odoo.tests ' )
def test_message_process_email_partner_find ( self ) :
""" Finding the partner based on email, based on partner / user / follower """
self . alias . write ( { ' alias_force_thread_id ' : self . test_record . id } )
from_1 = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' Brice Denisse ' , ' email ' : ' from.test@example.com ' } )
self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , from_1 . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , from_1 )
self . test_record . message_unsubscribe ( [ from_1 . id ] )
from_2 = mail_new_test_user ( self . env , login = ' B ' , groups = ' base.group_user ' , name = ' User Denisse ' , email = ' from.test@example.com ' )
self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , from_1 . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , from_2 . partner_id )
self . test_record . message_unsubscribe ( [ from_2 . partner_id . id ] )
from_3 = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' FOllower Denisse ' , ' email ' : ' from.test@example.com ' } )
self . test_record . message_subscribe ( [ from_3 . id ] )
self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , from_1 . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , from_3 )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_email_author_exclude_alias ( self ) :
""" Do not set alias as author to avoid including aliases in discussions """
from_1 = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Brice Denisse ' ,
' email ' : f ' from.test@ { self . mail_alias_domain . name } ' ,
} )
self . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_domain_id ' : self . mail_alias_domain . id ,
' alias_name ' : ' from.test ' ,
' alias_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.gateway ' ) . id
} )
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , from_1 . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' )
self . assertFalse ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . email_from , from_1 . email_formatted )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_route_alias_owner_author_notify ( self ) :
""" Make sure users are notified when a reply is sent to an alias address.
Alias owner should impact the message creator , but not notifications . """
test_record = self . env [ ' mail.test.ticket ' ] . create ( { } )
author_partner = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Author ' ,
' email ' : f ' author-partner@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
} )
message = self . env [ ' mail.message ' ] . create ( {
' body ' : ' <p>test</p> ' ,
' email_from ' : f ' author-partner@ { self . alias_domain } ' , # email sent by author who also has an alias with their email
' message_type ' : ' email_outgoing ' ,
' model ' : test_record . _name ,
' res_id ' : test_record . id ,
} )
self . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get_id ( test_record . _name ) ,
' alias_name ' : ' author-partner ' ,
} )
test_record . message_subscribe ( ( author_partner | self . user_employee . partner_id ) . ids )
messages = test_record . message_ids
self . assertFalse ( self . user_root . active , ' notification logic relies on odoobot being archived ' )
test_users = [ self . user_employee , self . user_root ]
email_tos = [ f ' author-partner@ { self . alias_domain } ' , f ' some_non_aliased_email@ { self . alias_domain } ' ]
for email_to , test_user in itertools . product ( email_tos , test_users ) :
with self . subTest ( test_user = test_user , email_to = email_to ) :
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) , self . mock_mail_app ( ) :
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , email_to ,
subject = message . message_id , extra = f ' In-Reply-To: \r \n \t { message . message_id } \n ' ,
model = None , with_user = test_user )
new_messages = test_record . message_ids - messages
self . assertEqual ( len ( new_messages ) , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( new_messages . create_uid , self . user_root ,
' Odoobot should be creating the message ' )
# Make sure the alias owner is notified if they are a follower
self . assertNotified ( new_messages , [ {
' partner ' : self . user_employee . partner_id ,
' is_read ' : False ,
' type ' : ' inbox ' ,
} ] )
# never notify the author of the incoming message
with self . assertRaises ( Exception ) :
self . assertNotified ( new_messages , [ { ' partner ' : author_partner } ] )
messages = test_record . message_ids
# --------------------------------------------------
# Alias configuration
# --------------------------------------------------
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models.unlink ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' )
def test_message_process_alias_config_bounced_content ( self ) :
""" Custom bounced message for the alias => Received this custom message """
self . alias . write ( {
' alias_contact ' : ' partners ' ,
' alias_bounced_content ' : ' <p>What Is Dead May Never Die</p> '
} )
# Test: custom bounced content
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Should Bounce ' )
self . assertFalse ( record , ' message_process: should have bounced ' )
self . assertSentEmail ( f ' " MAILER-DAEMON " < { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } > ' , [ ' whatever-2a840@postmaster.twitter.com ' ] , body_content = ' <p>What Is Dead May Never Die</p> ' )
for empty_content in [
' <p><br></p> ' , ' <p><br> </p> ' , ' <p><br /></p > ' ,
' <p style= " margin: 4px " ></p> ' ,
' <div style= " margin: 4px " ></div> ' ,
' <p class= " oe_testing " ><br></p> ' ,
' <p><span style= " font-weight: bolder; " ><font style= " color: rgb(255, 0, 0); " class= " " ></font></span><br></p> ' ,
] :
self . alias . write ( {
' alias_contact ' : ' partners ' ,
' alias_bounced_content ' : empty_content ,
} )
# Test: with "empty" bounced content (simulate view, putting always '<p></br></p>' in html field)
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Should Bounce ' )
self . assertFalse ( record , ' message_process: should have bounced ' )
# Check if default (hardcoded) value is in the mail content
self . assertSentEmail (
f ' " MAILER-DAEMON " < { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } > ' ,
[ ' whatever-2a840@postmaster.twitter.com ' ] ,
body_content = f ' <p>Dear Sender,<br /><br />The message below could not be accepted by the address { self . alias . display_name . lower ( ) } ' ,
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' , ' odoo.models.unlink ' )
def test_message_process_alias_config_bounced_to ( self ) :
""" Check bounce message contains the bouncing alias, not a generic " to " """
self . alias . write ( { ' alias_contact ' : ' partners ' } )
bounce_message_with_alias = f ' <p>Dear Sender,<br /><br />The message below could not be accepted by the address { self . alias . display_name . lower ( ) } '
# Bounce is To
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
cc = ' other@gmail.com ' , subject = ' Should Bounce ' )
self . assertIn ( bounce_message_with_alias , self . _mails [ 0 ] . get ( ' body ' ) )
# Bounce is CC
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , ' other@gmail.com ' ,
cc = f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Should Bounce ' )
self . assertIn ( bounce_message_with_alias , self . _mails [ 0 ] . get ( ' body ' ) )
# Bounce is part of To
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' other@gmail.com, groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Should Bounce ' )
self . assertIn ( bounce_message_with_alias , self . _mails [ 0 ] . get ( ' body ' ) )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' , ' odoo.models ' , ' odoo.sql_db ' )
def test_message_process_alias_config_invalid_defaults ( self ) :
""" Sending a mail to a misconfigured alias must change its status to
invalid and notify sender and alias creator . """
test_model_track = self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.track ' )
container_custom = self . env [ ' mail.test.container ' ] . create ( { } )
alias_valid = self . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . with_user ( self . user_admin ) . create ( {
' alias_domain_id ' : self . mail_alias_domain . id ,
' alias_name ' : ' valid ' ,
' alias_model_id ' : test_model_track . id ,
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
' alias_defaults ' : f " {{ ' container_id ' : { container_custom . id } }} " ,
} )
self . assertEqual ( alias_valid . create_uid , self . user_admin )
# Test that it works when the reference to container_id in alias default is not dangling.
self . assertEqual ( alias_valid . alias_status , ' not_tested ' )
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) , patch ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_alias.Alias._alias_bounce_incoming_email ' ,
autospec = True ) as _alias_bounce_incoming_email_mock :
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' valid@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Valid ' ,
target_model = test_model_track . model )
_alias_bounce_incoming_email_mock . assert_not_called ( )
self . assertNotSentEmail ( )
self . assertEqual ( record . container_id , container_custom )
self . assertEqual ( alias_valid . alias_status , ' valid ' )
# Test with a dangling reference that must trigger bounce emails and set the alias status to invalid.
container_custom . unlink ( )
with self . assertRaises ( Exception ) , patch ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_alias.Alias._alias_bounce_incoming_email ' ,
autospec = True ) as _alias_bounce_incoming_email_mock :
self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' valid@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Invalid ' ,
target_model = test_model_track . model )
# method executed in another transaction, so we cannot test its result directly but just below
_alias_bounce_incoming_email_mock . assert_called_once ( )
# call notify_alias_invalid on the test transaction to validate its effect
alias , message , message_dict = _alias_bounce_incoming_email_mock . call_args . args
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
alias = self . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . browse ( alias . id ) # load alias in test transaction
alias . _alias_bounce_incoming_email ( message , message_dict )
self . assertEqual ( alias_valid . alias_status , ' invalid ' )
self . assertSentEmail ( f ' " MAILER-DAEMON " < { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } > ' ,
[ self . user_admin . email_formatted ] ,
subject = ' Re: Invalid ' )
# Not sent to self.email_from because a return path is present in MAIL_TEMPLATE
self . assertSentEmail ( f ' " MAILER-DAEMON " < { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } > ' ,
[ ' whatever-2a840@postmaster.twitter.com ' ] ,
subject = ' Re: Invalid ' ,
body = alias_valid . _get_alias_invalid_body ( message_dict ) )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_alias_defaults ( self ) :
""" Test alias defaults and inner values """
self . alias . write ( {
' alias_defaults ' : " { ' custom_field ' : ' defaults_custom ' } "
} )
self . assertEqual ( self . alias . alias_status , ' not_tested ' )
record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Specific '
self . assertEqual ( self . alias . alias_status , ' valid ' )
self . assertEqual ( len ( record ) , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( record . name , ' Specific ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . custom_field , ' defaults_custom ' )
self . alias . write ( { ' alias_defaults ' : ' " " ' } )
self . assertEqual ( self . alias . alias_status , ' not_tested ' , ' Updating alias_defaults must reset status ' )
record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Specific2 '
self . assertEqual ( len ( record ) , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( record . name , ' Specific2 ' )
self . assertFalse ( record . custom_field )
self . assertEqual ( self . alias . alias_status , ' valid ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_alias_everyone ( self ) :
""" Incoming email: everyone: new record + message_new """
self . alias . write ( { ' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' } )
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Specific ' )
self . assertEqual ( len ( record ) , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( len ( record . message_ids ) , 1 )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models.unlink ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' )
def test_message_process_alias_partners_bounce ( self ) :
""" Incoming email from an unknown partner on a Partners only alias -> bounce + test bounce email """
self . alias . write ( { ' alias_contact ' : ' partners ' } )
# Test: no group created, email bounced
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Should Bounce ' )
self . assertFalse ( record )
self . assertSentEmail ( f ' " MAILER-DAEMON " < { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } > ' , [ ' whatever-2a840@postmaster.twitter.com ' ] , subject = ' Re: Should Bounce ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models.unlink ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' )
def test_message_process_alias_followers_bounce ( self ) :
""" Incoming email from unknown partner / not follower partner on a Followers only alias -> bounce """
self . alias . write ( {
' alias_contact ' : ' followers ' ,
' alias_parent_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.gateway ' ) . id ,
' alias_parent_thread_id ' : self . test_record . id ,
} )
# Test: unknown on followers alias -> bounce
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Should Bounce ' )
self . assertFalse ( record , ' message_process: should have bounced ' )
self . assertSentEmail (
f ' " MAILER-DAEMON " < { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } > ' ,
[ ' whatever-2a840@postmaster.twitter.com ' ] ,
subject = ' Re: Should Bounce '
# Test: partner on followers alias -> bounce
self . _init_mail_mock ( )
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Should Bounce ' )
self . assertFalse ( record , ' message_process: should have bounced ' )
self . assertSentEmail (
f ' " MAILER-DAEMON " < { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } > ' ,
[ ' whatever-2a840@postmaster.twitter.com ' ] ,
subject = ' Re: Should Bounce '
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_alias_partner ( self ) :
""" Incoming email from a known partner on a Partners alias -> ok (+ test on alias.user_id) """
self . alias . write ( { ' alias_contact ' : ' partners ' } )
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' )
# Test: one group created by alias user
self . assertEqual ( len ( record ) , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( len ( record . message_ids ) , 1 )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_alias_followers ( self ) :
""" Incoming email from a parent document follower on a Followers only alias -> ok """
self . alias . write ( {
' alias_contact ' : ' followers ' ,
' alias_parent_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.gateway ' ) . id ,
' alias_parent_thread_id ' : self . test_record . id ,
} )
self . test_record . message_subscribe ( partner_ids = [ self . partner_1 . id ] )
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' )
# Test: one group created by Raoul (or Sylvie maybe, if we implement it)
self . assertEqual ( len ( record ) , 1 )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' , ' odoo.tests ' )
def test_message_process_alias_followers_multiemail ( self ) :
""" Incoming email from a parent document follower on a Followers only
alias depends on email_from / partner recognition , to be tested when
dealing with multi emails / formatted emails . """
self . alias . write ( {
' alias_contact ' : ' followers ' ,
' alias_parent_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.gateway ' ) . id ,
' alias_parent_thread_id ' : self . test_record . id ,
} )
self . test_record . message_subscribe ( partner_ids = [ self . partner_1 . id ] )
email_from = formataddr ( ( " Another Name " , self . partner_1 . email_normalized ) )
for partner_email , passed in [
( formataddr ( ( self . partner_1 . name , self . partner_1 . email_normalized ) ) , True ) ,
( f ' { self . partner_1 . email_normalized } , " Multi Email " <multi.email@test.example.com> ' , True ) ,
( f ' " Multi Email " <multi.email@test.example.com>, { self . partner_1 . email_normalized } ' , False ) ,
] :
with self . subTest ( partner_email = partner_email ) :
self . partner_1 . write ( { ' email ' : partner_email } )
record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = f ' Test for { partner_email } ' )
if passed :
self . assertEqual ( len ( record ) , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( record . email_from , email_from )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_partner_ids , self . partner_1 )
# multi emails not recognized (no normalized email, recognition)
else :
self . assertEqual ( len ( record ) , 0 ,
' Alias check (FIXME): multi-emails bad support for recognition ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models.unlink ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' )
def test_message_process_alias_update ( self ) :
""" Incoming email update discussion + notification email """
self . alias . write ( { ' alias_force_thread_id ' : self . test_record . id } )
self . test_record . message_subscribe ( partner_ids = [ self . partner_1 . id ] )
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
msg_id = ' <1198923581.41972151344608186799.JavaMail.diff1@agrolait.com> ' , subject = ' Re: cats ' )
# Test: no new group + new message
self . assertFalse ( record , ' message_process: alias update should not create new records ' )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , 2 )
# Test: sent emails: 1 (Sylvie copy of the incoming email)
self . assertSentEmail ( self . email_from , [ self . partner_1 ] , subject = ' Re: cats ' )
# --------------------------------------------------
# Creator recognition
# --------------------------------------------------
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_create_uid_crash ( self ) :
def _employee_crash ( records , operation ) :
""" If employee is test employee, consider they have no access on document """
if records . env . uid == self . user_employee . id and not records . env . su :
return lambda : exceptions . AccessError ( ' Hop hop hop Ernest, please step back. ' ) , records
return DEFAULT
with patch . object ( MailTestGateway , ' check_access ' , autospec = True , side_effect = _employee_crash ) :
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . user_employee . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' NoEmployeeAllowed ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . create_uid , self . user_employee )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . subject , ' NoEmployeeAllowed ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . create_uid , self . user_root , ' Message should be created by caller of message_process. ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , self . user_employee . partner_id )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_create_uid_email ( self ) :
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . user_employee . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Email Found ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . create_uid , self . user_employee )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . subject , ' Email Found ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . create_uid , self . user_root )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , self . user_employee . partner_id )
record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , f ' Another name < { self . user_employee . email } > ' ,
f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Email OtherName ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . create_uid , self . user_employee )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . subject , ' Email OtherName ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . create_uid , self . user_root )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , self . user_employee . partner_id )
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . user_employee . email_normalized , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Email SimpleEmail ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . create_uid , self . user_employee )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . subject , ' Email SimpleEmail ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . create_uid , self . user_root )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , self . user_employee . partner_id )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models.unlink ' )
def test_message_process_create_uid_email_follower ( self ) :
self . alias . write ( {
' alias_parent_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get_id ( self . test_record . _name ) ,
' alias_parent_thread_id ' : self . test_record . id ,
} )
follower_user = mail_new_test_user ( self . env , login = ' better ' , groups = ' base.group_user ' , name = ' Ernest Follower ' , email = self . user_employee . email )
self . test_record . message_subscribe ( follower_user . partner_id . ids )
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . user_employee . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' FollowerWinner ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . create_uid , follower_user )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . subject , ' FollowerWinner ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . create_uid , self . user_root )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , follower_user . partner_id )
# name order win
self . test_record . message_unsubscribe ( follower_user . partner_id . ids )
self . test_record . flush_recordset ( )
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . user_employee . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' FirstFoundWinner ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . create_uid , self . user_employee )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . subject , ' FirstFoundWinner ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . create_uid , self . user_root )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . author_id , self . user_employee . partner_id )
# --------------------------------------------------
# Alias routing management
# --------------------------------------------------
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_route_alias_no_domain ( self ) :
""" Incoming email: write to alias with no domain set: not recognized as
a valid alias even when local - part only is checked . """
self . alias . alias_domain_id = False
for incoming_ok in [ True , False ] :
with self . subTest ( incoming_ok = incoming_ok ) :
with self . assertRaises ( ValueError ) :
_new_record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Test Subject '
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_route_alias_alias_incoming_local ( self ) :
""" Incoming email: write to alias using local part only: depends on
alias accepting local only flag . """
self . alias . alias_incoming_local = True
new_record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted , ' groups@another.domain.com ' ,
subject = ' Test Subject Global '
self . assertEqual ( len ( new_record ) , 1 , ' message_process: a new mail.test.simple should have been created ' )
self . alias . alias_incoming_local = False
with self . assertRaises ( ValueError ) :
_new_record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted , ' groups@another.domain.com ' ,
subject = ' Test Subject Local '
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_route_alias_forward_bypass_reply_first ( self ) :
""" Incoming email: write to two " new thread " alias, one as a reply, one being another model -> consider as a forward """
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , 1 )
# test@.. will cause the creation of new mail.test
new_alias_2 = self . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_domain_id ' : self . mail_alias_domain . id ,
' alias_name ' : ' test ' ,
' alias_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.container ' ) . id ,
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
} )
new_rec = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted ,
f ' { new_alias_2 . display_name } , { self . alias . display_name } ' ,
subject = ' Test Subject ' ,
extra = f ' In-Reply-To: \r \n \t { self . fake_email . message_id } \n ' ,
target_model = new_alias_2 . alias_model_id . model
# Forward created a new record in mail.test
self . assertEqual ( len ( new_rec ) , 1 , ' message_process: a new mail.test should have been created ' )
self . assertEqual ( new_rec . _name , new_alias_2 . alias_model_id . model )
# No new post on test_record, no new record in mail.test.simple either
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , 1 , ' message_process: should not post on replied record as forward should bypass it ' )
new_simple = self . env [ ' mail.test.simple ' ] . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , ' Test Subject ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( len ( new_simple ) , 0 , ' message_process: a new mail.test should not have been created ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_route_alias_forward_bypass_reply_second ( self ) :
""" Incoming email: write to two " new thread " alias, one as a reply, one being another model -> consider as a forward """
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , 1 )
# test@.. will cause the creation of new mail.test
new_alias_2 = self . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_domain_id ' : self . mail_alias_domain . id ,
' alias_name ' : ' test ' ,
' alias_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.container ' ) . id ,
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
} )
new_rec = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted ,
f ' { self . alias . display_name } , { new_alias_2 . display_name } ' ,
subject = ' Test Subject ' ,
extra = f ' In-Reply-To: \r \n \t { self . fake_email . message_id } \n ' ,
target_model = new_alias_2 . alias_model_id . model
# Forward created a new record in mail.test
self . assertEqual ( len ( new_rec ) , 1 , ' message_process: a new mail.test should have been created ' )
self . assertEqual ( new_rec . _name , new_alias_2 . alias_model_id . model )
# No new post on test_record, no new record in mail.test.simple either
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , 1 , ' message_process: should not post on replied record as forward should bypass it ' )
new_simple = self . env [ ' mail.test.simple ' ] . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , ' Test Subject ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( len ( new_simple ) , 0 , ' message_process: a new mail.test should not have been created ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_route_alias_forward_bypass_update_alias ( self ) :
""" Incoming email: write to one " update " , one " new thread " alias, one as a reply, one being another model -> consider as a forward """
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , 1 )
self . alias . write ( {
' alias_force_thread_id ' : self . test_record . id ,
} )
# test@.. will cause the creation of new mail.test
new_alias_2 = self . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_domain_id ' : self . mail_alias_domain . id ,
' alias_name ' : ' test ' ,
' alias_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.container ' ) . id ,
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
} )
new_rec = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted ,
f ' { new_alias_2 . display_name } , { self . alias . display_name } ' ,
subject = ' Test Subject ' ,
extra = f ' In-Reply-To: \r \n \t { self . fake_email . message_id } \n ' ,
target_model = new_alias_2 . alias_model_id . model
# Forward created a new record in mail.test
self . assertEqual ( len ( new_rec ) , 1 , ' message_process: a new mail.test should have been created ' )
self . assertEqual ( new_rec . _name , new_alias_2 . alias_model_id . model )
# No new post on test_record, no new record in mail.test.simple either
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , 1 , ' message_process: should not post on replied record as forward should bypass it ' )
# No new record on first alias model
new_simple = self . env [ ' mail.test.gateway ' ] . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , ' Test Subject ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( len ( new_simple ) , 0 , ' message_process: a new mail.test should not have been created ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_route_alias_multiple_new ( self ) :
""" Incoming email: write to two aliases creating records: both should be activated """
# test@.. will cause the creation of new mail.test
new_alias_2 = self . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_domain_id ' : self . mail_alias_domain . id ,
' alias_name ' : ' test ' ,
' alias_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.container ' ) . id ,
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
} )
new_rec = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted ,
f ' { self . alias . display_name } , { new_alias_2 . display_name } ' ,
subject = ' Test Subject ' ,
target_model = new_alias_2 . alias_model_id . model
# New record in both mail.test (new_alias_2) and mail.test.simple (self.alias)
self . assertEqual ( len ( new_rec ) , 1 , ' message_process: a new mail.test should have been created ' )
self . assertEqual ( new_rec . _name , new_alias_2 . alias_model_id . model )
new_simple = self . env [ ' mail.test.gateway ' ] . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , ' Test Subject ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( len ( new_simple ) , 1 , ' message_process: a new mail.test should have been created ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_route_alias_with_allowed_domains ( self ) :
""" Incoming email: check that if domains are set in the optional system
parameter ` mail . catchall . domain . allowed ` only incoming emails from these
domains will generate records . """
# test@.. will cause the creation of new mail.test.container
new_alias_2 = self . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
' alias_domain_id ' : self . mail_alias_domain_c2 . id ,
' alias_incoming_local ' : True ,
' alias_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get_id ( ' mail.test.container.mc ' ) ,
' alias_name ' : ' test ' ,
} )
test_domain = ' hello.com '
for ( alias_right_part , allowed_domain ) , container_created in zip (
# Test a valid alias domain, standard case
( self . mail_alias_domain_c2 . name , " " ) ,
# Test with 'mail.catchall.domain.allowed' not set in system parameters
# and with a domain not allowed
( ' bonjour.com ' , " " ) ,
# Test with 'mail.catchall.domain.allowed' set in system parameters
# and with a domain not allowed
( ' bonjour.com ' , test_domain ) ,
# Test with 'mail.catchall.domain.allowed' set in system parameters
# and with a domain allowed
( test_domain , test_domain ) ,
] , [ True , True , False , True ] ) :
with self . subTest ( alias_right_part = alias_right_part , allowed_domain = allowed_domain ) :
self . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ] . set_param ( ' mail.catchall.domain.allowed ' , allowed_domain )
subject = f ' Test wigh { alias_right_part } - { allowed_domain } '
email_to = f ' { self . alias . alias_name } @ { self . alias_domain } , { new_alias_2 . alias_name } @ { alias_right_part } '
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted , email_to ,
subject = subject ,
target_model = self . alias . alias_model_id . model
res_alias_1 = self . env [ ' mail.test.gateway ' ] . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , subject ) ] )
res_alias_2 = self . env [ ' mail.test.container.mc ' ] . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , subject ) ] )
self . assertTrue ( bool ( res_alias_1 ) , ' First alias should always be respected ' )
self . assertEqual ( bool ( res_alias_2 ) , container_created )
# --------------------------------------------------
# Email Management
# --------------------------------------------------
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_route_bounce ( self ) :
""" Incoming email: bounce using bounce alias: no record creation """
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
new_recs = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted ,
f ' { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Should bounce ' ,
self . assertFalse ( new_recs )
self . assertNotSentEmail ( )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_route_bounce_other_recipients ( self ) :
""" Incoming email: bounce processing: bounce should be computed even if not first recipient """
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
new_recs = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted ,
f ' { self . alias . alias_name } @ { self . alias_domain } , { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Should bounce ' ,
self . assertFalse ( new_recs )
self . assertNotSentEmail ( )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' , ' odoo.models.unlink ' )
def test_message_route_write_to_catchall ( self ) :
""" Writing directly to catchall should bounce """
# Test: no group created, email bounced
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted ,
f ' " My Super Catchall " < { self . alias_catchall } @ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Should Bounce ' )
self . assertFalse ( record )
self . assertSentEmail (
self . mailer_daemon_email ,
[ ' whatever-2a840@postmaster.twitter.com ' ] ,
subject = ' Re: Should Bounce '
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_route_write_to_catchall_other_recipients_first ( self ) :
""" Writing directly to catchall and a valid alias should take alias """
# Test: no group created, email bounced
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted ,
f ' { self . alias_catchall } @ { self . alias_domain } , { self . alias . alias_name } @ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Catchall Not Blocking '
# Test: one group created
self . assertEqual ( len ( record ) , 1 , ' message_process: a new mail.test should have been created ' )
# No bounce email
self . assertNotSentEmail ( )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_route_write_to_catchall_other_recipients_second ( self ) :
""" Writing directly to catchall and a valid alias should take alias """
# Test: no group created, email bounced
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted ,
f ' { self . alias . alias_name } @ { self . alias_domain } , { self . alias_catchall } @ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Catchall Not Blocking '
# Test: one group created
self . assertEqual ( len ( record ) , 1 , ' message_process: a new mail.test should have been created ' )
# No bounce email
self . assertNotSentEmail ( )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' , ' odoo.models.unlink ' )
def test_message_route_write_to_catchall_other_recipients_invalid ( self ) :
""" Writing to catchall and other unroutable recipients should bounce. """
# Test: no group created, email bounced
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted ,
f ' " My Super Catchall " < { self . alias_catchall } @ { self . alias_domain } >, Unroutable <unroutable@ { self . alias_domain } > ' ,
subject = ' Should Bounce ' )
self . assertFalse ( record )
self . assertSentEmail (
self . mailer_daemon_email ,
[ ' whatever-2a840@postmaster.twitter.com ' ] ,
subject = ' Re: Should Bounce '
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_bounce_alias ( self ) :
""" Writing to bounce alias is considered as a bounce even if not multipart/report bounce structure """
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 0 )
bounce_email_to = f ' { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } '
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted , bounce_email_to , subject = ' Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender ' )
self . assertFalse ( record )
# No information found in bounce email -> not possible to do anything except avoiding email
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 0 )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_bounce_from_mailer_demon ( self ) :
""" MAILER_DAEMON emails are considered as bounce """
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 0 )
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , ' MAILER-DAEMON@example.com ' , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender ' )
self . assertFalse ( record )
# No information found in bounce email -> not possible to do anything except avoiding email
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 0 )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_bounce_missing_final_recipient ( self ) :
""" The Final-Recipient header is missing, the partner must be found thanks to the original mail message. """
email = test_mail_data . MAIL_BOUNCE . replace ( ' Final-Recipient ' , ' XX ' )
email = email . replace ( ' Original-Recipient ' , ' XX ' )
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 0 )
# no notification to find, won't be able to find the correct recipient
extra = self . fake_email . message_id
record = self . format_and_process ( email , self . partner_1 . email_formatted , f ' { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender ' , extra = extra )
self . assertFalse ( record )
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 0 )
# the partner will be found in the <mail.notification> res_partner_id
extra = self . fake_email . message_id
self . env [ ' mail.notification ' ] . create ( {
" res_partner_id " : self . partner_1 . id ,
" mail_message_id " : self . fake_email . id ,
} )
record = self . format_and_process ( email , self . partner_1 . email_formatted , f ' { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender ' , extra = extra )
self . assertFalse ( record )
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 1 )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_bounce_multipart_alias ( self ) :
""" Multipart/report bounce correctly make related partner bounce """
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 0 )
bounce_email_to = f ' { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } '
record = self . format_and_process ( test_mail_data . MAIL_BOUNCE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted , bounce_email_to , subject = ' Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender ' )
self . assertFalse ( record )
# Missing in reply to message_id -> cannot find original record
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 0 )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_bounce_multipart_alias_reply ( self ) :
""" Multipart/report bounce correctly make related partner and record found in bounce email bounce """
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 0 )
notification = self . env [ ' mail.notification ' ] . create ( {
' mail_message_id ' : self . fake_email . id ,
' res_partner_id ' : self . partner_1 . id ,
} )
bounce_email_to = f ' { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } '
extra = self . fake_email . message_id
record = self . format_and_process ( test_mail_data . MAIL_BOUNCE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted , bounce_email_to , subject = ' Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender ' , extra = extra )
self . assertFalse ( record )
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 1 )
self . assertIn (
' This is the mail system at host mail2.test.ironsky. ' ,
notification . failure_reason ,
msg = ' Should store the bounce email body on the notification ' )
self . assertEqual ( notification . failure_type , ' mail_bounce ' )
self . assertEqual ( notification . notification_status , ' bounce ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_bounce_multipart_alias_whatever_from ( self ) :
""" Multipart/report bounce correctly make related record found in bounce email bounce """
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 0 )
bounce_email_to = f ' { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } '
extra = self . fake_email . message_id
record = self . format_and_process ( test_mail_data . MAIL_BOUNCE , ' Whatever <what@ever.com> ' , bounce_email_to , subject = ' Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender ' , extra = extra )
self . assertFalse ( record )
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 1 )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_bounce_multipart_whatever_to_and_from ( self ) :
""" Multipart/report bounce correctly make related record found in bounce email bounce """
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 0 )
extra = self . fake_email . message_id
record = self . format_and_process ( test_mail_data . MAIL_BOUNCE , ' Whatever <what@ever.com> ' , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender ' , extra = extra )
self . assertFalse ( record )
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 1 )
# The local part of the FROM is not "MAILER-DAEMON", and the Content type is slightly
# different. Thanks to the report type, it still should be detected as a bounce email.
email = test_mail_data . MAIL_BOUNCE . replace ( ' multipart/report; ' , ' multipart/report: ' )
email = email . replace ( ' MAILER-DAEMON@mail2.test.ironsky ' , ' email@mail2.test.ironsky ' )
self . assertIn ( ' report-type=delivery-status ' , email )
extra = self . fake_email . message_id
record = self . format_and_process ( email , ' Whatever <what@ever.com> ' , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender ' , extra = extra )
self . assertFalse ( record )
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 2 )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models.unlink ' )
def test_message_process_bounce_records_channel ( self ) :
""" Test blacklist allow to multi-bounce and auto update of discuss.channel """
other_record = self . env [ ' mail.test.gateway ' ] . create ( {
' email_from ' : f ' Another name < { self . partner_1 . email } > '
} )
yet_other_record = self . env [ ' mail.test.gateway ' ] . create ( {
' email_from ' : f ' Yet Another name < { self . partner_1 . email . upper ( ) } > '
} )
test_channel = self . env [ ' discuss.channel ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Test ' ,
' channel_partner_ids ' : [ ( 4 , self . partner_1 . id ) ] ,
' group_public_id ' : None ,
} )
self . fake_email . write ( {
' model ' : ' discuss.channel ' ,
' res_id ' : test_channel . id ,
} )
self . assertIn ( self . partner_1 , test_channel . channel_partner_ids )
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( other_record . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( yet_other_record . message_bounce , 0 )
extra = self . fake_email . message_id
for i in range ( 10 ) :
record = self . format_and_process (
test_mail_data . MAIL_BOUNCE , f ' A third name < { self . partner_1 . email } > ' ,
f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender ' ,
extra = extra )
self . assertFalse ( record )
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 10 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( other_record . message_bounce , 10 )
self . assertEqual ( yet_other_record . message_bounce , 10 )
self . assertNotIn ( self . partner_1 , test_channel . channel_partner_ids )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_bounce_records_partner ( self ) :
""" Test blacklist + bounce on ``res.partner`` model """
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 0 )
self . fake_email . write ( {
' model ' : ' res.partner ' ,
' res_id ' : self . partner_1 . id ,
} )
extra = self . fake_email . message_id
record = self . format_and_process ( test_mail_data . MAIL_BOUNCE , self . partner_1 . email_formatted , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender ' , extra = extra )
self . assertFalse ( record )
self . assertEqual ( self . partner_1 . message_bounce , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( self . test_record . message_bounce , 0 )
# --------------------------------------------------
# Thread formation
# --------------------------------------------------
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models.unlink ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' , ' odoo.tests ' )
def test_message_process_external_notification_reply ( self ) :
""" Ensure responses bot messages are discussions. """
bot_notification_message = self . _create_gateway_message (
self . test_record ,
' bot_notif_message ' ,
author_id = self . env . ref ( ' base.partner_root ' ) . id ,
message_type = ' auto_comment ' ,
is_internal = True ,
subtype_id = self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_note ' ) . id ,
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , ' ' ,
subject = ' Reply to bot notif ' ,
extra = f ' References: { bot_notification_message . message_id } '
new_msg = self . test_record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertFalse ( new_msg . is_internal , " Responses to messages sent by odoobot should always be public. " )
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . parent_id , bot_notification_message )
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . subtype_id , self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) )
# Also check the regular case
some_notification_message = self . _create_gateway_message (
self . test_record ,
' some_notif_message ' ,
message_type = ' notification ' ,
is_internal = True ,
subtype_id = self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_note ' ) . id ,
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , ' ' ,
subject = ' Reply to some notif ' ,
extra = f ' References: { some_notification_message . message_id } '
new_msg = self . test_record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertTrue ( new_msg . is_internal , " Responses to messages sent by anyone but odoobot should keep "
" the ' is_internal ' value of the parent. " )
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . parent_id , some_notification_message )
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . subtype_id , self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_note ' ) )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_in_reply_to ( self ) :
""" Incoming email using in-rely-to should go into the right destination even with a wrong destination """
init_msg_count = len ( self . test_record . message_ids )
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , ' valid.other@gmail.com ' , f ' erroneous@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Re: news ' , extra = f ' In-Reply-To: \r \n \t { self . fake_email . message_id } \n ' )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , init_msg_count + 1 )
self . assertEqual ( self . fake_email . child_ids , self . test_record . message_ids [ 0 ] )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_references ( self ) :
""" Incoming email using references should go into the right destination even with a wrong destination """
init_msg_count = len ( self . test_record . message_ids )
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' erroneous@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
extra = f ' References: <2233@a.com> \r \n \t <3edss_dsa@b.com> { self . fake_email . message_id } ' )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , init_msg_count + 1 )
self . assertEqual ( self . fake_email . child_ids , self . test_record . message_ids [ 0 ] )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models.unlink ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' , ' odoo.tests ' )
def test_message_process_references_multi_parent ( self ) :
""" Incoming email with multiple references """
reply1 = self . _create_gateway_message (
self . test_record , ' reply1 ' , parent_id = self . fake_email . id ,
reply2 = self . _create_gateway_message (
self . test_record , ' reply2 ' , parent_id = self . fake_email . id ,
subtype_id = self . env [ ' ir.model.data ' ] . _xmlid_to_res_id ( ' mail.mt_note ' ) ,
reply1_1 = self . _create_gateway_message (
self . test_record , ' reply1_1 ' , parent_id = reply1 . id ,
subtype_id = self . env [ ' ir.model.data ' ] . _xmlid_to_res_id ( ' mail.mt_note ' ) ,
reply2_1 = self . _create_gateway_message (
self . test_record , ' reply2_1 ' , parent_id = reply2 . id ,
# reply to reply1 using multiple references
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Reply to reply1 ' ,
extra = f ' References: { reply1 . message_id } { self . fake_email . message_id } '
new_msg = self . test_record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . parent_id , self . fake_email , ' Mail: flattening attach to original message ' )
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . subtype_id , self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) , ' Mail: reply to a comment should be a comment ' )
# ordering should not impact
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Reply to reply1 (order issue) ' ,
extra = f ' References: { self . fake_email . message_id } { reply1 . message_id } '
new_msg = self . test_record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . parent_id , self . fake_email , ' Mail: flattening attach to original message ' )
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . subtype_id , self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) , ' Mail: reply to a comment should be a comment ' )
# history with last one being a note
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Reply to reply1_1 ' ,
extra = f ' References: { reply1_1 . message_id } { self . fake_email . message_id } '
new_msg = self . test_record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . parent_id , self . fake_email , ' Mail: flattening attach to original message ' )
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . subtype_id , self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_note ' ) , ' Mail: reply to a note should be a note ' )
# messed up history (two child branches): gateway initial parent is newest one
# (then may change with flattening when posting on record)
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Reply to reply2_1 (with noise) ' ,
extra = f ' References: { reply1_1 . message_id } { reply2_1 . message_id } '
new_msg = self . test_record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . parent_id , self . fake_email , ' Mail: flattening attach to original message ' )
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . subtype_id , self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) , ' Mail: parent should be a comment (before flattening) ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models.unlink ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' , ' odoo.tests ' )
def test_message_process_references_multi_parent_notflat ( self ) :
""" Incoming email with multiple references with ``_mail_flat_thread``
being False ( mail . group / discuss . channel behavior like ) . """
test_record = self . env [ ' mail.test.gateway.groups ' ] . create ( {
' alias_name ' : ' test.gateway ' ,
' name ' : ' Test ' ,
' email_from ' : ' ignasse@example.com ' ,
} )
# Set a first message on public group to test update and hierarchy
first_msg = self . _create_gateway_message ( test_record , ' first_msg ' )
reply1 = self . _create_gateway_message (
test_record , ' reply1 ' , parent_id = first_msg . id ,
reply2 = self . _create_gateway_message (
test_record , ' reply2 ' , parent_id = first_msg . id ,
subtype_id = self . env [ ' ir.model.data ' ] . _xmlid_to_res_id ( ' mail.mt_note ' ) ,
reply1_1 = self . _create_gateway_message (
test_record , ' reply1_1 ' , parent_id = reply1 . id ,
subtype_id = self . env [ ' ir.model.data ' ] . _xmlid_to_res_id ( ' mail.mt_note ' ) ,
reply2_1 = self . _create_gateway_message (
test_record , ' reply2_1 ' , parent_id = reply2 . id ,
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' test.gateway@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Reply to reply1 ' ,
extra = f ' References: { reply1 . message_id } '
new_msg = test_record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . parent_id , first_msg , ' Mail: pseudo no flattening: getting up one level (reply1 parent) ' )
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . subtype_id , self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) , ' Mail: parent should be a comment ' )
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' test.gateway@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Reply to reply1_1 (with noise) ' ,
extra = f ' References: { reply1_1 . message_id } { reply1 . message_id } { reply1 . message_id } '
new_msg = test_record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . parent_id , reply1 , ' Mail: pseudo no flattening: getting up one level (reply1_1 parent) ' )
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . subtype_id , self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_note ' ) , ' Mail: reply to a note should be a note ' )
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' test.gateway@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Reply to reply2_1 (with noise) ' ,
extra = f ' References: { reply2_1 . message_id } { reply1_1 . message_id } '
new_msg = test_record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . parent_id , reply2 , ' Mail: pseudo no flattening: getting up one level (reply2_1 parent ' )
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . subtype_id , self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) , ' Mail: parent should be a comment ' )
# no references: new discussion thread started
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' test.gateway@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' New thread ' ,
extra = ' References: '
new_thread = test_record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertFalse ( new_thread . parent_id , ' Mail: pseudo no flattening: no parent means new thread ' )
self . assertEqual ( new_thread . subject , ' New thread ' )
self . assertEqual ( new_thread . subtype_id , self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) , ' Mail: parent should be a comment ' )
# mixed up references: newer message wins
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' test.gateway@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' New thread ' ,
extra = f ' References: { new_thread . message_id } { reply1_1 . message_id } '
new_msg = test_record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . parent_id , new_thread )
self . assertEqual ( new_msg . subtype_id , self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) , ' Mail: parent should be a comment ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_references_external ( self ) :
""" Incoming email being a reply to an external email processed by odoo should update thread accordingly """
new_message_id = ' <ThisIsTooMuchFake.MonsterEmail.789@agrolait.com> '
self . fake_email . write ( {
' message_id ' : new_message_id
} )
init_msg_count = len ( self . test_record . message_ids )
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' erroneous@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
extra = f ' References: <2233@a.com> \r \n \t <3edss_dsa@b.com> { self . fake_email . message_id } ' )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , init_msg_count + 1 )
self . assertEqual ( self . fake_email . child_ids , self . test_record . message_ids [ 0 ] )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_references_external_buggy_message_id ( self ) :
Incoming email being a reply to an external email processed by
odoo should update thread accordingly . Special case when the
external mail service wrongly folds the message_id on several
lines .
new_message_id = ' <ThisIsTooMuchFake.MonsterEmail.789@agrolait.com> '
buggy_message_id = new_message_id . replace ( ' MonsterEmail ' , ' Monster \r \n Email ' )
self . fake_email . write ( {
' message_id ' : new_message_id
} )
init_msg_count = len ( self . test_record . message_ids )
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' erroneous@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
extra = f ' References: <2233@a.com> \r \n \t <3edss_dsa@b.com> { buggy_message_id } ' )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , init_msg_count + 1 )
self . assertEqual ( self . fake_email . child_ids , self . test_record . message_ids [ 0 ] )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_references_forward ( self ) :
""" Incoming email using references but with alias forward should not go into references destination """
self . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_domain_id ' : self . mail_alias_domain . id ,
' alias_name ' : ' test.alias ' ,
' alias_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.container ' ) . id ,
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
} )
init_msg_count = len ( self . test_record . message_ids )
res_test = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' test.alias@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' My Dear Forward ' ,
extra = f ' References: <2233@a.com> \r \n \t <3edss_dsa@b.com> { self . fake_email . message_id } ' ,
target_model = ' mail.test.container ' )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , init_msg_count )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . fake_email . child_ids ) , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( res_test . name , ' My Dear Forward ' )
self . assertEqual ( len ( res_test . message_ids ) , 1 )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_references_forward_same_model ( self ) :
""" Incoming email using references but with alias forward on same model should be considered as a reply """
self . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_domain_id ' : self . mail_alias_domain . id ,
' alias_name ' : ' test.alias ' ,
' alias_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.gateway ' ) . id ,
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
} )
init_msg_count = len ( self . test_record . message_ids )
res_test = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' test.alias@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' My Dear Forward ' ,
extra = f ' References: <2233@a.com> \r \n \t <3edss_dsa@b.com> { self . fake_email . message_id } ' ,
target_model = ' mail.test.container ' )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , init_msg_count + 1 )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . fake_email . child_ids ) , 1 )
self . assertFalse ( res_test )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_references_forward_cc ( self ) :
""" Incoming email using references but with alias forward in CC should be considered as a repy (To > Cc) """
self . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_domain_id ' : self . mail_alias_domain . id ,
' alias_name ' : ' test.alias ' ,
' alias_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.container ' ) . id ,
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
} )
init_msg_count = len ( self . test_record . message_ids )
res_test = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from ,
f ' { self . alias_catchall } @ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
cc = f ' test.alias@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' My Dear Forward ' ,
extra = f ' References: <2233@a.com> \r \n \t <3edss_dsa@b.com> { self . fake_email . message_id } ' ,
target_model = ' mail.test.container ' )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , init_msg_count + 1 )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . fake_email . child_ids ) , 1 )
self . assertFalse ( res_test )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models.unlink ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' )
def test_message_process_reply_to_new_thread ( self ) :
""" Test replies not being considered as replies but use destination information instead (aka, mass post + specific reply to using aliases) """
# shorten company name to prevent 68 character formatting from
# triggering and making the assert missmatch.
# See _notify_get_reply_to_formatted_email method
self . user_employee . company_id . name = " Forced "
first_record = self . env [ ' mail.test.simple ' ] . with_user ( self . user_employee ) . create ( { ' name ' : ' Replies to Record ' } )
record_msg = first_record . message_post (
subject = ' Discussion ' ,
reply_to_force_new = False ,
subtype_xmlid = ' mail.mt_comment ' ,
self . assertEqual (
record_msg . reply_to ,
formataddr ( ( f ' { self . user_employee . company_id . name } { first_record . name } ' ,
f ' { self . alias_catchall } @ { self . alias_domain } ' ) )
mail_msg = first_record . message_post (
subject = ' Replies to Record ' ,
reply_to = f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
reply_to_force_new = True ,
subtype_xmlid = ' mail.mt_comment ' ,
self . assertEqual ( mail_msg . reply_to , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' )
# reply to mail but should be considered as a new mail for alias
msgID = ' <this.is.duplicate.test@iron.sky> '
res_test = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , record_msg . reply_to , cc = ' ' ,
subject = ' Re: Replies to Record ' , extra = f ' In-Reply-To: { record_msg . message_id } ' ,
msg_id = msgID , target_model = ' mail.test.simple ' )
incoming_msg = self . env [ ' mail.message ' ] . search ( [ ( ' message_id ' , ' = ' , msgID ) ] )
self . assertFalse ( res_test )
self . assertEqual ( incoming_msg . model , ' mail.test.simple ' )
self . assertEqual ( incoming_msg . parent_id , first_record . message_ids [ - 1 ] )
self . assertTrue ( incoming_msg . res_id == first_record . id )
# reply to mail but should be considered as a new mail for alias
msgID = ' <this.is.for.testing@iron.sky> '
res_test = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , mail_msg . reply_to , cc = ' ' ,
subject = ' Re: Replies to Record ' , extra = f ' In-Reply-To: { mail_msg . message_id } ' ,
msg_id = msgID , target_model = ' mail.test.gateway ' )
incoming_msg = self . env [ ' mail.message ' ] . search ( [ ( ' message_id ' , ' = ' , msgID ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( len ( res_test ) , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( res_test . name , ' Re: Replies to Record ' )
self . assertEqual ( incoming_msg . model , ' mail.test.gateway ' )
self . assertFalse ( incoming_msg . parent_id )
self . assertTrue ( incoming_msg . res_id == res_test . id )
# --------------------------------------------------
# Gateway / Record synchronization
# --------------------------------------------------
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_gateway_values_base64_image ( self ) :
""" New record with mail that contains base64 inline image. """
target_model = " mail.test.field.type "
alias = self . env [ " mail.alias " ] . create ( {
' alias_domain_id ' : self . mail_alias_domain . id ,
" alias_name " : " base64-lover " ,
" alias_model_id " : self . env [ " ir.model " ] . _get ( target_model ) . id ,
" alias_defaults " : " {} " ,
" alias_contact " : " everyone " ,
} )
record = self . format_and_process (
test_mail_data . MAIL_TEMPLATE_EXTRA_HTML , self . email_from ,
f ' { alias . alias_name } @ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' base64 image to alias ' ,
target_model = target_model ,
extra_html = ' <img src= "  " > ' ,
self . assertEqual ( record . type , " first " )
self . assertEqual ( len ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . attachment_ids ) , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . attachment_ids [ 0 ] . name , " image0 " )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . attachment_ids [ 0 ] . type , " binary " )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_gateway_values_base64_image_walias ( self ) :
""" New record with mail that contains base64 inline image + default values
coming from alias . """
target_model = " mail.test.field.type "
alias = self . env [ " mail.alias " ] . create ( {
' alias_domain_id ' : self . mail_alias_domain . id ,
" alias_name " : " base64-lover " ,
" alias_model_id " : self . env [ " ir.model " ] . _get ( target_model ) . id ,
" alias_defaults " : " { ' type ' : ' second ' } " ,
" alias_contact " : " everyone " ,
} )
record = self . format_and_process (
test_mail_data . MAIL_TEMPLATE_EXTRA_HTML , self . email_from ,
f ' { alias . alias_name } @ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' base64 image to alias ' ,
target_model = target_model ,
extra_html = ' <img src= "  " > ' ,
self . assertEqual ( record . type , " second " )
self . assertEqual ( len ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . attachment_ids ) , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . attachment_ids [ 0 ] . name , " image0 " )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids [ 0 ] . attachment_ids [ 0 ] . type , " binary " )
# --------------------------------------------------
# Thread formation: mail gateway corner cases
# --------------------------------------------------
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_extra_model_res_id ( self ) :
""" Incoming email with ref holding model / res_id but that does not match any message in the thread: must raise since OpenERP saas-3 """
self . assertRaises ( ValueError ,
self . format_and_process , MAIL_TEMPLATE ,
self . partner_1 . email_formatted , f ' noone@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' spam ' ,
extra = f ' In-Reply-To: <12321321-openerp- { self . test_record . id } - { self . test_record . _name } @ { socket . gethostname ( ) } > ' )
# when 6.1 messages are present, compat mode is available
# Odoo 10 update: compat mode has been removed and should not work anymore
self . fake_email . write ( { ' message_id ' : False } )
# Do: compat mode accepts partial-matching emails
self . assertRaises (
ValueError ,
self . format_and_process , MAIL_TEMPLATE ,
self . partner_1 . email_formatted , f ' noone@ { self . alias_domain } > ' , subject = ' spam ' ,
extra = f ' In-Reply-To: <12321321-openerp- { self . test_record . id } -mail.test.gateway@ { socket . gethostname ( ) } > ' )
# Test created messages
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids [ 0 ] . child_ids ) , 0 )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_duplicate ( self ) :
""" Duplicate emails (same message_id) are not processed """
self . alias . write ( { ' alias_force_thread_id ' : self . test_record . id , } )
# Post a base message
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Re: super cats ' , msg_id = ' <123.456.diff1@agrolait.com> ' )
self . assertFalse ( record )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , 2 )
# Do: due to some issue, same email goes back into the mailgateway
record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' , subject = ' Re: news ' ,
msg_id = ' <123.456.diff1@agrolait.com> ' , extra = ' In-Reply-To: <1198923581.41972151344608186799.JavaMail.diff1@agrolait.com> \n ' )
self . assertFalse ( record )
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . test_record . message_ids ) , 2 )
# Test: message_id is still unique
no_of_msg = self . env [ ' mail.message ' ] . search_count ( [ ( ' message_id ' , ' ilike ' , ' <123.456.diff1@agrolait.com> ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( no_of_msg , 1 ,
' message_process: message with already existing message_id should not have been duplicated ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_crash_wrong_model ( self ) :
""" Incoming email with model that does not accepts incoming emails must raise """
self . assertRaises ( ValueError ,
self . format_and_process ,
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' noone@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' spam ' , extra = ' ' , model = ' res.country ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_crash_no_data ( self ) :
""" Incoming email without model and without alias must raise """
self . assertRaises ( ValueError ,
self . format_and_process ,
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' noone@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' spam ' , extra = ' ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' , ' odoo.models ' )
def test_message_process_fallback ( self ) :
""" Incoming email with model that accepting incoming emails as fallback """
record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' noone@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Spammy ' , extra = ' ' , model = ' mail.test.gateway ' )
self . assertEqual ( len ( record ) , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( record . name , ' Spammy ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . _name , ' mail.test.gateway ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_file_encoding ( self ) :
""" Incoming email with file encoding """
file_content = ' Hello World '
for encoding in [ ' ' , ' UTF-8 ' , ' UTF-16LE ' , ' UTF-32BE ' ] :
file_content_b64 = base64 . b64encode ( file_content . encode ( encoding or ' utf-8 ' ) ) . decode ( )
record = self . format_and_process ( test_mail_data . MAIL_FILE_ENCODING ,
self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = f ' Test Charset { encoding or " Unset " } ' ,
charset = f ' ; charset= " { encoding } " ' if encoding else ' ' ,
content = file_content_b64
attachment = record . message_ids . attachment_ids
self . assertEqual ( file_content , attachment . raw . decode ( encoding or ' utf-8 ' ) )
if encoding not in [ ' ' , ' UTF-8 ' ] :
self . assertNotEqual ( file_content , attachment . raw . decode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
def test_message_hebrew_iso8859_8_i ( self ) :
# This subject was found inside an email of one of our customer.
# The charset is iso-8859-8-i which isn't natively supported by
# python, check that Odoo is still capable of decoding it.
subject = " בוקר טוב! צריך איימק ושתי מסכים "
encoded_subject = " =?iso-8859-8-i?B?4eX3+CDo5eEhIPb46eog4Onp7vcg5fn66SDu8evp7Q==?= "
# This content was made up using google translate. The charset
# is iso-8859-8 which is natively supported by python.
charset = " iso-8859-8 "
content = " שלום וברוכים הבאים למקרה המבחן הנפלא הזה "
encoded_content = base64 . b64encode ( content . encode ( charset ) ) . decode ( )
with RecordCapturer ( self . env [ ' mail.test.gateway ' ] , [ ] ) as capture :
mail = test_mail_data . MAIL_FILE_ENCODING . format (
msg_id = " <test_message_hebrew_iso8859_8_i@iron.sky> " ,
subject = encoded_subject ,
charset = f ' ; charset= " { charset } " ' ,
content = encoded_content ,
self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_process ( ' mail.test.gateway ' , mail )
capture . records . ensure_one ( )
self . assertEqual ( capture . records . name , subject )
self . assertEqual (
capture . records . message_ids . attachment_ids . raw . decode ( charset ) ,
def test_message_windows_874 ( self ) :
# Email for Thai customers who use Microsoft email service.
# The charset is windows-874 which isn't natively supported by
# python, check that Odoo is still capable of decoding it.
# windows-874 is the Microsoft equivalent of cp874.
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) , \
RecordCapturer ( self . env [ ' mail.test.gateway ' ] , [ ] ) as capture :
self . env [ ' mail.thread ' ] . message_process ( ' mail.test.gateway ' , THAI_EMAIL_WINDOWS_874 )
capture . records . ensure_one ( )
self . assertEqual ( capture . records . name , ' เรื่อง ' )
self . assertEqual ( str ( capture . records . message_ids . body ) , ' <pre>ร่างกาย</pre> \n ' )
# --------------------------------------------------
# Corner cases / Bugs during message process
# --------------------------------------------------
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_file_encoding_ascii ( self ) :
""" Incoming email containing an xml attachment with unknown characters (<28> ) but an ASCII charset should not
raise an Exception . UTF - 8 is used as a safe fallback .
record = self . format_and_process ( test_mail_data . MAIL_MULTIPART_INVALID_ENCODING , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids . attachment_ids . name , ' bis3_with_error_encoding_address.xml ' )
# NB: the xml received by email contains b"Chauss\xef\xbf\xbd\xef\xbf\xbde" with "\xef\xbf\xbd" being the
# replacement character <20> in UTF-8.
# When calling `_message_parse_extract_payload`, `part.get_content()` will be called on the attachment part of
# the email, triggering the decoding of the base64 attachment, so b"Chauss\xef\xbf\xbd\xef\xbf\xbde" is
# first retrieved. Then, `get_text_content` in `email` tries to decode this using the charset of the email
# part, i.e: `content.decode('us-ascii', errors='replace')`. So the errors are replaced using the Unicode
# replacement marker and the string "Chauss<73> <73> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> e" is used to create the attachment.
# This explains the multiple "<22> " in the attachment.
self . assertIn ( " Chauss<EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> e de Bruxelles " , record . message_ids . attachment_ids . raw . decode ( ) )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_file_omitted_charset_xml ( self ) :
""" For incoming email containing an xml attachment with omitted charset and containing an UTF8 payload we
should parse the attachment using UTF - 8.
record = self . format_and_process ( test_mail_data . MAIL_MULTIPART_OMITTED_CHARSET_XML , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids . attachment_ids . name , ' bis3.xml ' )
self . assertEqual ( " <Invoice>Chaussée de Bruxelles</Invoice> " , record . message_ids . attachment_ids . raw . decode ( ) )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_file_omitted_charset_csv ( self ) :
""" For incoming email containing a csv attachment with omitted charset and containing an UTF8 payload we
should parse the attachment using UTF - 8.
record = self . format_and_process ( test_mail_data . MAIL_MULTIPART_OMITTED_CHARSET_CSV , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids . attachment_ids . name , ' bis3.csv ' )
self . assertEqual ( " \ufeff Auftraggeber;LieferadresseStraße; " , record . message_ids . attachment_ids . raw . decode ( ) )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_process_file_omitted_charset_txt ( self ) :
""" For incoming email containing a txt attachment with omitted charset and containing an UTF8 payload we
should parse the attachment using UTF - 8.
test_string = ( " Äpfel und Birnen sind Früchte, die im Herbst geerntet werden. In der Nähe des Flusses steht ein großes, "
" altes Schloss. Über den Dächern sieht man oft Vögel fliegen. Müller und Schröder sind typische deutsche Nachnamen. "
" Die Straße, in der ich wohne, heißt „Bachstraße“ und ist sehr ruhig. Überall im Wald wachsen Bäume mit kräftigen Ästen. "
" Können wir uns über die Pläne für das nächste Wochenende unterhalten? " )
record = self . format_and_process ( test_mail_data . MAIL_MULTIPART_OMITTED_CHARSET_TXT , self . email_from , f ' groups@ { self . alias_domain } ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids . attachment_ids . name , ' bis3.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( test_string , record . message_ids . attachment_ids . raw . decode ( ) )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_route_reply_model_none ( self ) :
Test the message routing and reply functionality when the model is None .
This test case verifies the behavior of the message routing and reply process
when the ' model ' field of a mail . message is set to None . It checks that the
message is correctly processed and associated with the appropriate record .
The code invokes function ` format_and_process ` to automatically test rounting
and then makes checks on created record .
message = self . env [ ' mail.message ' ] . create ( {
' body ' : ' <p>test</p> ' ,
' email_from ' : self . email_from ,
' message_type ' : ' email_outgoing ' ,
' model ' : None ,
' res_id ' : None ,
} )
self . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_domain_id ' : self . mail_alias_domain . id ,
' alias_name ' : ' test ' ,
' alias_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.gateway ' ) . id ,
} )
record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' test@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = message . message_id , extra = f ' In-Reply-To: \r \n \t { message . message_id } \n ' ,
model = None )
self . assertTrue ( record )
self . assertEqual ( record . _name , ' mail.test.gateway ' )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids . subject , message . message_id )
self . assertFalse ( record . message_ids . parent_id )
@tagged ( ' mail_gateway ' , ' mail_loop ' )
class TestMailGatewayLoops ( MailGatewayCommon ) :
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ] . sudo ( ) . set_param ( ' mail.gateway.loop.minutes ' , 30 )
cls . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ] . sudo ( ) . set_param ( ' mail.gateway.loop.threshold ' , 5 )
cls . env [ ' mail.gateway.allowed ' ] . create ( [
{ ' email ' : ' Bob@EXAMPLE.com ' } ,
{ ' email ' : ' " Alice From Example " <alice@EXAMPLE.com> ' } ,
{ ' email ' : ' " Eve From Example " <eve@EXAMPLE.com> ' } ,
] )
cls . alias_ticket = cls . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
' alias_domain_id ' : cls . mail_alias_domain . id ,
' alias_model_id ' : cls . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get_id ( ' mail.test.ticket ' ) ,
' alias_name ' : ' test.ticket ' ,
} )
cls . alias_other = cls . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
' alias_domain_id ' : cls . mail_alias_domain . id ,
' alias_model_id ' : cls . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get_id ( ' mail.test.gateway ' ) ,
' alias_name ' : ' test.gateway ' ,
} )
# recipients
cls . customer_email = " customer@test.example.com "
cls . alias_partner , cls . other_partner = cls . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . create ( [
' email ' : f ' " Stupid Idea " < { cls . alias_other . alias_name } @ { cls . alias_other . alias_domain } > ' ,
' name ' : ' Stupid Idea ' ,
} , {
' email ' : ' " Other Customer " <other.customer@test.example.com> ' ,
' name ' : ' Other Customer ' ,
] )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
@patch.object ( Cursor , ' now ' , lambda * args , * * kwargs : datetime ( 2022 , 1 , 1 , 10 , 0 , 0 ) )
def test_routing_loop_alias_create ( self ) :
""" Test the limit on the number of record we can create by alias. """
# Send an email 2 hours ago, should not have an impact on more recent emails
with patch . object ( Cursor , ' now ' , lambda * args , * * kwargs : datetime ( 2022 , 1 , 1 , 8 , 0 , 0 ) ) :
self . format_and_process (
self . email_from ,
f ' { self . alias_ticket . alias_name } @ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Test alias loop old ' ,
target_model = self . alias_ticket . alias_model_id . model ,
for i in range ( 5 ) :
self . format_and_process (
self . email_from ,
f ' { self . alias_ticket . alias_name } @ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = f ' Test alias loop { i } ' ,
target_model = self . alias_ticket . alias_model_id . model ,
records = self . env [ ' mail.test.ticket ' ] . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' ilike ' , ' Test alias loop % ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( len ( records ) , 6 , ' Should have created 6 <mail.test.gateway> ' )
self . assertEqual ( set ( records . mapped ( ' email_from ' ) ) , { self . email_from } ,
msg = ' Should have automatically filled the email field ' )
for email_from , exp_to in [
( self . email_from , formataddr ( ( " Sylvie Lelitre " , " test.sylvie.lelitre@agrolait.com " ) ) ) ,
( self . email_from . upper ( ) , formataddr ( ( " SYLVIE LELITRE " , " test.sylvie.lelitre@agrolait.com " ) ) ) ,
] :
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
self . format_and_process (
email_from ,
f ' { self . alias_ticket . alias_name } @ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Test alias loop X ' ,
target_model = self . alias_ticket . alias_model_id . model ,
return_path = email_from ,
new_record = self . env [ ' mail.test.ticket ' ] . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , ' Test alias loop X ' ) ] )
self . assertFalse (
new_record ,
msg = ' The loop should have been detected and the record should not have been created ' )
self . assertSentEmail ( f ' " MAILER-DAEMON " < { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } > ' , [ exp_to ] )
bounce_references = self . _mails [ 0 ] [ ' references ' ]
self . assertIn ( ' -loop-detection-bounce-email@ ' , bounce_references ,
msg = ' The " bounce email " tag must be in the reference ' )
# The reply to the bounce email must be ignored
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
self . format_and_process (
' alice@example.com ' , # whitelisted from, should be taken into account
f ' { self . alias_ticket . alias_name } @ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Test alias loop X ' ,
target_model = self . alias_ticket . alias_model_id . model ,
return_path = self . email_from ,
extra = f ' References: { bounce_references } ' ,
self . assertNotSentEmail ( )
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
self . format_and_process (
' alice@example.com ' , # whitelisted from, should be taken into account
f ' { self . alias_ticket . alias_name } @ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = ' Test alias loop X ' ,
target_model = self . alias_ticket . alias_model_id . model ,
return_path = self . email_from ,
extra = f ' In-Reply-To: { bounce_references } ' ,
self . assertNotSentEmail ( )
# Email address in the whitelist should not have the restriction
for i in range ( 10 ) :
self . format_and_process (
' alice@example.com ' ,
f ' { self . alias_ticket . alias_name } @ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
subject = f ' Whitelist test alias loop { i } ' ,
target_model = self . alias_ticket . alias_model_id . model ,
records = self . env [ ' mail.test.ticket ' ] . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' ilike ' , ' Whitelist test alias loop % ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( len ( records ) , 10 , msg = ' Email whitelisted should not have the restriction ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_routing_loop_alias_mix ( self ) :
""" Test loop detection in case of multiples routes, just be sure all
routes are checked and models checked once . """
# create 2 update-records aliases and 1 new-record alias on same model
test_updates = self . env [ ' mail.test.gateway.groups ' ] . create ( [
' alias_name ' : ' test.update1 ' ,
' name ' : ' Update1 ' ,
} , {
' alias_name ' : ' test.update2 ' ,
' name ' : ' Update2 ' ,
} ,
] )
alias_gateway_group , alias_ticket_other = self . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( [
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
' alias_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get_id ( ' mail.test.gateway.groups ' ) ,
' alias_name ' : ' test.new ' ,
} , {
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
' alias_model_id ' : self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get_id ( ' mail.test.ticket ' ) ,
' alias_name ' : ' test.ticket.other ' ,
] )
_original_ticket_sc = MailTestTicket . search_count
_original_groups_sc = MailTestGatewayGroups . search_count
_original_rgr = Message . _read_group
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) , \
patch . object ( MailTestTicket , ' search_count ' , autospec = True , side_effect = _original_ticket_sc ) as mock_ticket_sc , \
patch . object ( MailTestGatewayGroups , ' search_count ' , autospec = True , side_effect = _original_groups_sc ) as mock_groups_sc , \
patch . object ( Message , ' _read_group ' , autospec = True , side_effect = _original_rgr ) as mock_msg_rgr :
self . format_and_process (
self . other_partner . email_formatted ,
f ' " Super Help " < { self . alias_ticket . alias_name } @ { self . alias_ticket . alias_domain } >, '
f ' { test_updates [ 0 ] . alias_id . display_name } , { test_updates [ 1 ] . alias_id . display_name } , '
f ' { alias_gateway_group . display_name } , { alias_ticket_other . display_name } ' ,
subject = ' Valid Inquiry ' ,
return_path = self . other_partner . email_formatted ,
target_model = ' mail.test.ticket ' ,
self . assertEqual ( mock_ticket_sc . call_count , 1 , ' Two alias creating tickets but one check anyway ' )
self . assertEqual ( mock_groups_sc . call_count , 1 , ' One alias creating groups ' )
self . assertEqual ( mock_msg_rgr . call_count , 1 , ' Only one model updating records, one call even if two aliases ' )
self . assertEqual (
len ( self . env [ ' mail.test.ticket ' ] . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , ' Valid Inquiry ' ) ] ) ) ,
2 , ' One by creating alias, as no loop was detected '
# create 'looping' history by pre-creating messages on a thread -> should block future incoming emails
self . env [ ' mail.message ' ] . create ( [
' author_id ' : self . other_partner . id ,
' model ' : test_updates [ 0 ] . _name ,
' res_id ' : test_updates [ 0 ] . id ,
} for x in range ( 4 ) # 4 + 1 posted before = 5 aka threshold
] )
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
self . format_and_process (
self . other_partner . email_formatted ,
f ' " Super Help " < { self . alias_ticket . alias_name } @ { self . alias_ticket . alias_domain } >, '
f ' { test_updates [ 0 ] . alias_id . display_name } , { test_updates [ 1 ] . alias_id . display_name } , '
f ' { alias_gateway_group . display_name } , { alias_ticket_other . display_name } ' ,
subject = ' Looping Inquiry ' ,
return_path = self . other_partner . email_formatted ,
target_model = ' mail.test.ticket ' ,
self . assertFalse (
self . env [ ' mail.test.ticket ' ] . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , ' Looping Inquiry ' ) ] ) ,
' Even if other routes are ok, one looping route is sufficient to block the incoming email '
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_routing_loop_auto_notif ( self ) :
""" Test Odoo servers talking to each other """
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process (
self . other_partner . email_formatted ,
f ' " Super Help " < { self . alias_ticket . alias_name } @ { self . alias_ticket . alias_domain } > ' ,
subject = ' Inquiry ' ,
return_path = self . other_partner . email_formatted ,
target_model = ' mail.test.ticket ' ,
self . assertTrue ( record )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_partner_ids , self . other_partner )
for incoming_count in range ( 6 ) : # threshold + 1
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record . with_user ( self . user_employee ) . message_post (
body = ' Automatic answer ' ,
message_type = ' auto_comment ' ,
subtype_xmlid = ' mail.mt_comment ' ,
capture_messages = self . gateway_mail_reply_last_email ( MAIL_TEMPLATE )
msg = capture_messages . records
self . assertTrue ( msg )
# first messages are accepted -> post a message on record
if incoming_count < 4 : # which makes 5 accepted messages
self . assertIn ( msg , record . message_ids )
# other attempts triggers only a bounce
else :
self . assertFalse ( msg . model )
self . assertFalse ( msg . res_id )
self . assertIn ( ' loop-detection-bounce-email ' , msg . mail_ids . references ,
' Should be a msg linked to a bounce email with right header ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_routing_loop_follower_alias ( self ) :
""" Use case: managing follower that are aliases. """
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
record = self . format_and_process (
f ' " Annoying Customer " < { self . customer_email } > ' ,
f ' " Super Help " < { self . alias_ticket . alias_name } @ { self . alias_ticket . alias_domain } > ' ,
cc = f ' { self . alias_partner . email_normalized } , { self . other_partner . email_normalized } ' ,
subject = ' Inquiry ' ,
return_path = self . customer_email ,
target_model = ' mail.test.ticket ' ,
self . assertEqual ( record . name , ' Inquiry ' )
self . assertFalse ( record . message_partner_ids , ' Inquiry ' )
self . assertNotSentEmail ( )
self . assertEqual ( record . message_ids . partner_ids , self . other_partner ,
' MailGateway: recipients = alias should not be linked to message ' )
# for some stupid reason, people add an alias as follower
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
_message = record . with_user ( self . user_employee ) . message_post (
body = ' Answer ' ,
partner_ids = self . alias_partner . ids ,
last_mail = self . _mails # save to reuse
self . assertSentEmail ( self . user_employee . email_formatted , [ self . alias_partner . email_formatted ] )
# simulate this email coming back to the same Odoo server -> msg_id is
# a duplicate, hence rejected
with RecordCapturer ( self . env [ ' mail.test.ticket ' ] , [ ] ) as capture_ticket , \
RecordCapturer ( self . env [ ' mail.test.gateway ' ] , [ ] ) as capture_gateway :
self . _reinject ( )
self . assertFalse ( capture_ticket . records )
self . assertFalse ( capture_gateway . records )
self . assertNotSentEmail ( )
self . assertFalse ( bool ( self . _new_msgs ) )
# simulate stupid email providers that rewrites msg_id -> thanks to
# a custom header, it is rejected as already managed by mailgateway
self . _mails = last_mail
with RecordCapturer ( self . env [ ' mail.test.ticket ' ] , [ ] ) as capture_ticket , \
RecordCapturer ( self . env [ ' mail.test.gateway ' ] , [ ] ) as capture_gateway :
self . _reinject ( force_msg_id = ' 123donotnamemailjet456 ' )
self . assertFalse ( capture_ticket . records )
self . assertFalse ( capture_gateway . records )
self . assertFalse ( bool ( self . _new_msgs ) )
self . assertNotSentEmail ( )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_routing_loop_forward_catchall ( self ) :
""" Use case: broad email forward to catchall. Example: customer sends an
email to catchall . It bounces : to = customer , return - path = bounce . Autoreply
replies to bounce : to = bounce . It is forwarded to catchall . It bounces ,
and hop we have a loop . """
customer_email = " customer@test.example.com "
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
self . format_and_process (
f ' " Annoying Customer " < { customer_email } > ' ,
f ' " No Reply " < { self . alias_catchall } @ { self . alias_domain } >, Unroutable <unroutable@ { self . alias_domain } > ' ,
subject = ' Should Bounce (initial) ' ,
return_path = customer_email ,
self . assertSentEmail (
f ' " MAILER-DAEMON " < { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } > ' ,
[ customer_email ] ,
subject = ' Re: Should Bounce (initial) ' )
original_mail = self . _mails
# auto-reply: write to bounce = no more bounce
self . gateway_mail_reply_last_email ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , force_email_to = f ' { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } ' )
self . assertNotSentEmail ( )
# auto-reply but forwarded to catchall -> should not bounce again
self . _mails = original_mail # just to revert state prior to auto reply
self . gateway_mail_reply_last_email ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , force_email_to = f ' { self . alias_catchall } @ { self . alias_domain } ' )
# TDE FIXME: this should not bounce again
# self.assertNotSentEmail()
self . assertSentEmail (
f ' " MAILER-DAEMON " < { self . alias_bounce } @ { self . alias_domain } > ' ,
[ customer_email ] ,
subject = f ' Re: Re: Re: Should Bounce (initial) ' )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
@tagged ( ' mail_gateway ' , ' mail_loop ' , ' mail_reply ' )
class TestMailGatewayReplies ( MailGatewayCommon ) :
""" Check routing of replies, using headers, references, ... """
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . user_employee . notification_type = " email "
cls . test_records , _partners = cls . _create_records_for_batch ( ' mail.test.gateway ' , 5 )
for idx , rec in enumerate ( cls . test_records ) :
rec . email_from = f ' test.gateway. { idx } @test.example.com '
def test_routing_reply_incoming_email ( self ) :
""" Test routing after receiving starting email on a thread: references
should include it as it is the " common ancestor " to discussions """
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
gateway_record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , self . alias . display_name ,
subject = ' Gateway Creation ' ,
self . assertEqual ( len ( gateway_record . message_ids ) , 1 )
gateway_record . _message_log ( body = ' Some log ' )
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
gateway_record . with_user ( self . user_employee ) . message_post (
body = ' Odoo Reply ' ,
message_type = ' comment ' ,
partner_ids = self . partner_1 . ids ,
subtype_id = self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) . id ,
reply , _log , email = gateway_record . message_ids
self . assertMailNotifications (
reply ,
[ {
' content ' : ' Odoo Reply ' ,
' email_values ' : {
' message_id ' : reply . message_id ,
' references ' : f ' { email . message_id } { reply . message_id } ' , # should contain reference to OdooExternal message
} ,
' mail_mail_values ' : {
' notified_partner_ids ' : self . partner_1 ,
' parent_id ' : email , # log serves as thread ancestor
} ,
' notif ' : [
{ ' partner ' : self . partner_1 , ' type ' : ' email ' , } ,
] ,
} ] ,
def test_routing_reply_internal_messages ( self ) :
""" Test routing notably between two Odoos when internal messages
are involved . We don ' t know which message is the ancestor one and
we should ensure some shared message IDs are present in references
to help thread formation .
Action Odoo1 Odoo2
RFQ - like creation log
Odoo2 replies creation log
reply reply
- some internal work - user_notification
Odoo1 replies reply_2 reply_2 ( incoming email )
- some internal work - log
Odoo2 replies reply_3 reply_3 ( outgoing email )
Purpose : have references from Odoo2 containing message IDs to try to
correclty route thread .
gateway_record = self . env [ ' mail.test.gateway ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' Created through Form ' ,
} )
gateway_record . message_subscribe ( partner_ids = self . partner_admin . ids )
self . assertEqual ( gateway_record . message_partner_ids , self . partner_admin )
gateway_record . message_post (
author_id = self . env . ref ( ' base.partner_root ' ) . id ,
body = ' OdooExternal Inquiry ' ,
email_from = self . partner_1 . email_normalized ,
message_type = ' comment ' ,
subtype_id = self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) . id ,
self . assertEqual ( gateway_record . message_partner_ids , self . partner_admin )
log , odooext_msg = gateway_record . message_ids [ 1 ] , gateway_record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertEqual ( odooext_msg . parent_id , log , ' Log serves as thread ancestor ' )
# Odoo2 reply
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
gateway_record . with_user ( self . user_employee ) . message_post (
body = ' Odoo Reply ' ,
message_type = ' comment ' ,
partner_ids = self . partner_1 . ids ,
subtype_id = self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) . id ,
self . assertEqual ( gateway_record . message_partner_ids , self . partner_admin + self . partner_employee )
reply = gateway_record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertMailNotifications (
reply ,
[ {
' content ' : ' Odoo Reply ' ,
' email_values ' : {
' message_id ' : reply . message_id ,
' references ' : f ' { odooext_msg . message_id } { reply . message_id } ' , # should contain reference to OdooExternal message
} ,
' mail_mail_values ' : {
' notified_partner_ids ' : self . partner_1 + self . partner_admin ,
' parent_id ' : log , # log serves as thread ancestor
} ,
' notif ' : [
{ ' partner ' : self . partner_1 , ' type ' : ' email ' , } ,
{ ' partner ' : self . partner_admin , ' type ' : ' inbox ' , } ,
] ,
} ] ,
_user_notif = gateway_record . message_notify (
body = ' User Notification ' ,
partner_ids = self . partner_employee . ids ,
subtype_id = self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) . id ,
# coming from Odoo1: their reply as an incoming email
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , reply . reply_to ,
subject = ' Gateway Creation ' ,
extra = f ' References: { reply . message_id } <msg1@odoo1> ' ,
debug_log = True ,
reply_2 = gateway_record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertMailNotifications (
reply_2 ,
[ {
' content ' : ' Please call me ' ,
' email_values ' : {
' email_from ' : self . email_from ,
' message_id ' : reply_2 . message_id ,
' references ' : f ' { odooext_msg . message_id } { reply . message_id } { reply_2 . message_id } ' , # should contain reference to OdooExternal message
} ,
' mail_mail_values ' : {
' author_id ' : self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] ,
' notified_partner_ids ' : self . partner_employee + self . partner_admin ,
' parent_id ' : log , # log serves as thread ancestor
} ,
' message_type ' : ' email ' ,
' notif ' : [
{ ' partner ' : self . partner_employee , ' type ' : ' email ' , } ,
{ ' partner ' : self . partner_admin , ' type ' : ' inbox ' , } ,
] ,
} ] ,
_other_log = gateway_record . _message_log (
body = ' Internal log ' ,
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( ) :
gateway_record . with_user ( self . user_employee ) . message_post (
body = ' Odoo Reply 2 ' ,
message_type = ' comment ' ,
partner_ids = self . partner_1 . ids ,
subtype_id = self . env . ref ( ' mail.mt_comment ' ) . id ,
self . assertEqual ( gateway_record . message_partner_ids , self . partner_admin + self . partner_employee )
reply_3 = gateway_record . message_ids [ 0 ]
self . assertMailNotifications (
reply_3 ,
[ {
' content ' : ' Odoo Reply 2 ' ,
' email_values ' : {
' message_id ' : reply_3 . message_id ,
' references ' : f ' { odooext_msg . message_id } { reply . message_id } { reply_2 . message_id } { reply_3 . message_id } ' , # should contain reference to OdooExternal message
} ,
' mail_mail_values ' : {
' notified_partner_ids ' : self . partner_1 + self . partner_admin ,
' parent_id ' : log , # log serves as thread ancestor
} ,
' notif ' : [
{ ' partner ' : self . partner_1 , ' type ' : ' email ' , } ,
{ ' partner ' : self . partner_admin , ' type ' : ' inbox ' , } ,
] ,
} ] ,
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail ' , ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_routing_reply_mailing_references ( self ) :
""" Test mass mailing emails when providers rewrite messageID: references
should allow to find the original message . """
# send mailing on records using composer, in both reply and force new modes
for reply_to_mode , auto_delete_keep_log in [
( ' new ' , True ) ,
( ' update ' , True ) ,
( ' new ' , False ) , # reference is lost, but reply alias should be ok
( ' update ' , False ) , # reference is lost, hence considered as a reply to catchall, is going to crash (FIXME ?)
] :
with self . subTest ( reply_to_mode = reply_to_mode , auto_delete_keep_log = auto_delete_keep_log ) :
composer_form = Form ( self . env [ ' mail.compose.message ' ] . with_context ( {
' active_ids ' : self . test_records . ids ,
' default_auto_delete ' : True ,
' default_auto_delete_keep_log ' : auto_delete_keep_log ,
' default_composition_mode ' : ' mass_mail ' ,
' default_email_from ' : self . user_employee . email_formatted ,
' default_model ' : self . test_records . _name ,
' default_subject ' : ' Coucou Hibou ' ,
} ) )
composer_form . body = f ' <p>Hello <t t-out= " object.name " /></p> '
composer_form . reply_to_mode = reply_to_mode
if reply_to_mode == ' new ' :
composer_form . reply_to = self . alias . display_name
composer = composer_form . save ( )
with self . mock_mail_gateway ( mail_unlink_sent = True ) :
mails , _msg = composer . _action_send_mail ( )
self . assertFalse ( mails . exists ( ) )
# check reply using references
# TDE TODO: update tooling
outgoing_message_ids = [ outgoing [ ' message_id ' ] for outgoing in self . _mails ]
self . assertEqual ( len ( set ( outgoing_message_ids ) ) , len ( self . test_records ) ,
' All message IDs should be different ' )
for record in self . test_records :
outgoing = self . _find_sent_email ( self . user_employee . email_formatted , [ record . email_from ] )
# for some reason, provider rewrites message_id, then customer replies
outgoing [ ' message_id ' ] = f ' <ILikeToRewriteMessageIDFor { record . id } - { record . _name } @zboing> '
extra = f ' In-Reply-To: { outgoing [ " message_id " ] } \n References: { outgoing [ " message_id " ] } { outgoing [ " references " ] } \n '
with RecordCapturer ( self . env [ ' mail.message ' ] , [ ] ) as capture_messages :
gateway_record = self . format_and_process (
MAIL_TEMPLATE , outgoing [ ' email_to ' ] [ 0 ] , outgoing [ ' reply_to ' ] ,
extra = extra ,
subject = f ' Re: { outgoing [ " subject " ] } - from { outgoing [ " email_to " ] [ 0 ] } ( { reply_to_mode } { auto_delete_keep_log } ) ' ,
debug_log = False ,
new_message = capture_messages . records
# as outgoing mail is unlinked with its mail.message -> cannot find parent -> bounce
if reply_to_mode == ' update ' and not auto_delete_keep_log :
self . assertFalse ( new_message )
self . assertFalse ( gateway_record )
self . assertTrue ( new_message )
if reply_to_mode == ' update ' :
self . assertFalse ( gateway_record , ' No record created based on subject, as it replies to the thread ' )
self . assertMessageFields ( new_message , {
' email_from ' : record . email_from ,
' model ' : record . _name ,
' res_id ' : record . id ,
} )
else :
self . assertNotEqual ( gateway_record , record )
self . assertMessageFields ( new_message , {
' email_from ' : record . email_from ,
' model ' : gateway_record . _name ,
' res_id ' : gateway_record . id ,
} )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
@tagged ( ' mail_gateway ' , ' mail_thread ' )
class TestMailThreadCC ( MailCommon ) :
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( TestMailThreadCC , cls ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . email_from = ' Sylvie Lelitre <test.sylvie.lelitre@agrolait.com> '
cls . alias = cls . env [ ' mail.alias ' ] . create ( {
' alias_contact ' : ' everyone ' ,
' alias_domain_id ' : cls . mail_alias_domain . id ,
' alias_model_id ' : cls . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( ' mail.test.cc ' ) . id ,
' alias_name ' : ' cc_record ' ,
} )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_cc_new ( self ) :
record = self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' cc_record@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
cc = ' cc1@example.com, cc2@example.com ' , target_model = ' mail.test.cc ' )
cc = email_split_and_format ( record . email_cc )
self . assertEqual ( sorted ( cc ) , [ ' cc1@example.com ' , ' cc2@example.com ' ] )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_cc_update_with_old ( self ) :
record = self . env [ ' mail.test.cc ' ] . create ( { ' email_cc ' : ' cc1 <cc1@example.com>, cc2@example.com ' } )
self . alias . write ( { ' alias_force_thread_id ' : record . id } )
self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' cc_record@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
cc = ' cc2 <cc2@example.com>, cc3@example.com ' , target_model = ' mail.test.cc ' )
cc = email_split_and_format ( record . email_cc )
self . assertEqual ( sorted ( cc ) , [ ' " cc1 " <cc1@example.com> ' , ' cc2@example.com ' , ' cc3@example.com ' ] , ' new cc should have been added on record (unique) ' )
@mute_logger ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread ' )
def test_message_cc_update_no_old ( self ) :
record = self . env [ ' mail.test.cc ' ] . create ( { } )
self . alias . write ( { ' alias_force_thread_id ' : record . id } )
self . format_and_process ( MAIL_TEMPLATE , self . email_from , f ' cc_record@ { self . alias_domain } ' ,
cc = ' cc2 <cc2@example.com>, cc3@example.com ' , target_model = ' mail.test.cc ' )
cc = email_split_and_format ( record . email_cc )
self . assertEqual ( sorted ( cc ) , [ ' " cc2 " <cc2@example.com> ' , ' cc3@example.com ' ] , ' new cc should have been added on record (unique) ' )