2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
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<title > <t t-esc= "title or 'Odoo Report'" /> </title>
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<!-- Should be removed once the reports are fully converted. -->
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Some css is overridden as it doesn't work properly in the preview.
Before generating 'real' reports, a lot of processing is applied. It is therefore quite
complicated to have an almost exact replica of the pdf report.
This changes down here are hacks to make the preview look as good as possible.
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<span itemprop= "name" > Deco Addict</span>
<div itemprop= "address" itemscope= "itemscope"
<div class= "d-flex align-items-baseline" >
<span class= "w-100 o_force_ltr" itemprop= "streetAddress" > 77 Santa Barbara
Rd<br /> Pleasant Hill CA 94523<br /> United States</span>
<div class= "page" >
<t t-set= "layout_document_title" >
<span > Invoice</span>
<span > INV/2023/00003</span>
<div id= "informations" class= "row mb-4" >
<div class= "col" name= "invoice_date" >
<strong > Invoice Date</strong>
<div > 07/08/2020</div>
<div class= "col" name= "due_date" >
<strong > Due Date</strong>
<div > 08/07/2020</div>
<table class= "o_has_total_table table o_main_table table-borderless" name= "invoice_line_table" >
<thead >
<tr >
<th name= "th_description" class= "text-start" > <span > Description</span> </th>
<th name= "th_quantity" class= "text-end" > <span > Quantity</span> </th>
<th name= "th_priceunit" class= "text-end d-md-table-cell" > <span > Unit Price</span> </th>
<th name= "th_taxes" class= "text-end d-md-table-cell" > <span > Taxes</span> </th>
<th name= "th_subtotal" class= "text-end" >
<span > Amount</span>
<tbody class= "invoice_tbody" >
<tr >
<td name= "account_invoice_line_name" > <span > [FURN_8999] Three-Seat Sofa<br />
Three Seater Sofa with Lounger in Steel Grey Colour</span> </td>
<td class= "text-end" >
<span > 5.00</span>
<td class= "text-end d-md-table-cell" >
<span class= "text-nowrap" > 1,500.00</span>
<td class= "text-end d-md-table-cell" >
<span id= "line_tax_ids" > 15%</span>
<td class= "text-end o_price_total" >
<span class= "text-nowrap" > $ <span class= "oe_currency_value" > 7,500.00</span> </span>
<tr >
<td name= "account_invoice_line_name" > <span > [FURN_8220] Four Person Desk<br />
Four person modern office workstation</span> </td>
<td class= "text-end" >
<span > 5.00</span>
<td class= "text-end d-md-table-cell" >
<span class= "text-nowrap" > 2,350.00</span>
<td class= "text-end d-md-table-cell" >
<span id= "line_tax_ids" > 15%</span>
<td class= "text-end o_price_total" >
<span class= "text-nowrap" > $ <span class= "oe_currency_value" > 11,750.00</span> </span>
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<div id= "total" class= "clearfix row mt-n3" >
<div class= "ms-auto" >
<table class= "o_total_table table table-borderless" >
<tbody > <tr class= "o_subtotal" >
<td > <strong > Untaxed Amount</strong> </td>
<td class= "text-end" >
<span > $ <span class= "oe_currency_value" > 19,250.00</span> </span>
<tr class= "o_taxes" >
<td > <span class= "text-nowrap" > Tax 15%</span> </td>
<td class= "text-end o_price_total" >
<span class= "text-nowrap" > $ 2,887.50</span>
<tr class= "o_total" >
<td > <strong > Total</strong> </td>
<td class= "text-end" >
<strong class= "text-nowrap" > $ <span class= "oe_currency_value" >
22,137.50</span> </strong>
</tbody> </table>
<div id= "payment_term" class= "mt-4" >
<div class= "mb-3" >
<p name= "payment_term" >
<span > Payment terms: 30 Days</span>
<p name= "payment_communication" >
Payment Communication: <b > <span > INV/2023/00003</span> </b>
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<strong > Information block</strong>
<div > Usually contains a source address or a complementary address.</div>
<div name= "address" t-att-class= "not custom_layout_address and colclass or information_block and colclass" >
<t t-esc= "address or None" >
<div class= "bg-light border-1 rounded h-100 d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center p-4 opacity-75 text-muted text-center" >
<strong > Address block</strong>
<div > Usually contains the address of the document's recipient.</div>
<div class= "oe_structure" t-else= "" > </div>
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<div t-attf-class= "o_company_#{company.id}_layout header" >
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<ul class= "list-unstyled" name= "company_address_list" >
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<div class= "bg-light border-1 rounded h-100 d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center p-4 w-100 opacity-75 text-muted text-center" >
<strong > Company address block</strong>
<div > Contains the company address.</div>
<li t-else= "" >
<span t-field= "company.company_details" >
<div class= "bg-light border-1 rounded h-100 d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center p-4 w-100 opacity-75 text-muted text-center" >
<strong > Company details block</strong>
<div > Contains the company details.</div>
<li t-if= "not forced_vat" />
<li t-else= "" >
<t t-esc= "company.country_id.vat_label or 'Tax ID'" > Tax ID</t> :
<span t-esc= "forced_vat" > US12345671</span>
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
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t-value="'data:image/png;base64,%s' % company.layout_background_image.decode('utf-8') if company.layout_background_image and company.layout_background == 'Custom' else
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2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
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2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
t-attf-style="{{ 'background-image: url(%s);' % layout_background_url if layout_background_url else '' }}"
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
t-att-data-oe-model="o and o._name"
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<div t-if= "report_type == 'pdf' and display_name_in_footer" class= "text-muted" t-out= "o.name" > (document name)</div>
<div t-if= "report_type == 'pdf'" class= "text-muted" > Page <span class= "page" /> / <span class= "topage" /> </div>
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<div class= "col-8 text-end mb4" >
<div name= "company_address" class= "float-end mb4" >
<ul class= "list-unstyled" name= "company_address_list" >
<li t-if= "company.is_company_details_empty" > <span t-field= "company.partner_id" t-options= '{"widget": "contact", "fields": ["address", "name"], "no_marker": true}' >
<div class= "bg-light border-1 rounded h-100 d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center p-4 w-100 opacity-75 text-muted text-center" >
<strong > Company address block</strong>
<div > Contains the company address.</div>
</span> </li>
<li t-else= "" >
<span t-field= "company.company_details" >
<div class= "bg-light border-1 rounded h-100 d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center p-4 w-100 opacity-75 text-muted text-center" >
<strong > Company details block</strong>
<div > Contains the company details.</div>
<li t-if= "not forced_vat" />
<li t-else= "" >
<t t-esc= "company.country_id.vat_label or 'Tax ID'" > Tax ID</t> :
<span t-esc= "forced_vat" > US12345671</span>
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
<t t-set= "layout_background_url"
t-value="'data:image/png;base64,%s' % company.layout_background_image.decode('utf-8') if company.layout_background_image and company.layout_background == 'Custom' else
'/base/static/img/demo_logo_report.png' if company.layout_background == 'Demo logo' else ''" />
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
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2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
t-attf-style="{{ 'background-image: url(%s);' % layout_background_url if layout_background_url else '' }}"
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
t-att-data-oe-model="o and o._name"
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<span t-if= "report_type == 'pdf' and display_name_in_footer" class= "text-muted" t-out= "str(o.name) + ', '" > (document name)</span>
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<div class= "col-6" >
<img t-if= "company.logo" class= "o_company_logo_big" t-att-src= "image_data_uri(company.logo)" alt= "Logo" />
<div class= "col-5 offset-1" name= "company_address" >
<ul class= "list-unstyled" name= 'company_address_list' >
<li t-if= "company.is_company_details_empty" > <span t-field= "company.partner_id" t-options= '{"widget": "contact", "fields": ["address", "name"], "no_marker": true}' >
<div class= "bg-light border-1 rounded h-100 d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center p-4 w-100 opacity-75 text-muted text-center" >
<strong > Company address block</strong>
<div > Contains the company address.</div>
</span> </li>
<li t-else= "" >
<span t-field= "company.company_details" >
<div class= "bg-light border-1 rounded h-100 d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center p-4 w-100 opacity-75 text-muted text-center" >
<strong > Company details block</strong>
<div > Contains the company details.</div>
<li t-if= "not forced_vat" />
<li t-else= "" >
<t t-esc= "company.country_id.vat_label or 'Tax ID'" > Tax ID</t> :
<span t-esc= "forced_vat" > US12345671</span>
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
<t t-set= "layout_background_url"
t-value="'data:image/png;base64,%s' % company.layout_background_image.decode('utf-8') if company.layout_background_image and company.layout_background == 'Custom' else
'/base/static/img/demo_logo_report.png' if company.layout_background == 'Demo logo' else ''" />
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
<div t-attf-class= "article o_report_layout_bold o_table_bold o_company_#{company.id}_layout o_snail_mail {{'o_report_layout_background' if company.layout_background != 'Blank' else ''}}"
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
t-attf-style="{{ 'background-image: url(%s);' % layout_background_url if layout_background_url else '' }}"
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
t-att-data-oe-model="o and o._name"
t-att-data-oe-id="o and o.id"
t-att-data-oe-lang="o and o.env.context.get('lang')">
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<div class= "col-8" >
<span t-field= "company.report_footer" />
<div class= "col-4 text-end" >
<strong t-if= "company.report_header" t-field= "company.report_header" class= "o_company_tagline" > Company tagline</strong>
<span t-if= "report_type == 'pdf' and display_name_in_footer" class= "text-muted" t-out= "str(o.name) + ', '" > (document name)</span>
<span t-if= "report_type == 'pdf'" class= "text-muted" > Page <span class= "page" /> / <span class= "topage" /> </span>
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<div t-attf-class= "header o_company_#{company.id}_layout" >
<div class= "d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center mb-2" >
<img t-if= "company.logo" class= "o_company_logo_small" t-att-src= "image_data_uri(company.logo)" alt= "Logo" />
<div t-if= "company.report_header" t-field= "company.report_header" class= "o_company_tagline mw-50 fw-bold" > Company tagline</div>
<div class= "row" >
<div class= "col-6" name= "company_address" >
<ul class= "list-unstyled" name= "company_address_list" >
<li t-if= "company.is_company_details_empty" > <span t-field= "company.partner_id" t-options= '{"widget": "contact", "fields": ["address", "name"], "no_marker": true}' >
<div class= "bg-light border-1 rounded h-100 d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center p-4 w-100 opacity-75 text-muted text-center" >
<strong > Company address block</strong>
<div > Contains the company address.</div>
</span> </li>
<li t-else= "" >
<span t-field= "company.company_details" >
<div class= "bg-light border-1 rounded h-100 d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center p-4 w-100 opacity-75 text-muted text-center" >
<strong > Company details block</strong>
<div > Contains the company details.</div>
<li t-if= "not forced_vat" />
<li t-else= "" >
<t t-esc= "company.country_id.vat_label or 'Tax ID'" > Tax ID</t> :
<span t-esc= "forced_vat" > US12345671</span>
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
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t-value="'data:image/png;base64,%s' % company.layout_background_image.decode('utf-8') if company.layout_background_image and company.layout_background == 'Custom' else
'/base/static/img/demo_logo_report.png' if company.layout_background == 'Demo logo' else ''" />
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
<div t-attf-class= "article o_report_layout_standard o_table_standard o_company_#{company.id}_layout o_snail_mail {{'o_report_layout_background' if company.layout_background != 'Blank' else ''}}"
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
t-attf-style="{{ 'background-image: url(%s);' % layout_background_url if layout_background_url else '' }}"
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
t-att-data-oe-model="o and o._name"
t-att-data-oe-id="o and o.id"
t-att-data-oe-lang="o and o.env.context.get('lang')">
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<rect width= "100%" height= "100%" />
<svg class= "o_folder_angle_shape" width= "80" height= "100%" viewBox= "0 0 80 48" fill= "none" xmlns= "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" >
<path d= "M5.70364 48H0V0.00100806H73.5404L80 0C74.2028 0.665869 68.7417 3.06684 64.332 6.88852L25.3513 40.6709C19.8969 45.3979 12.9212 48 5.70364 48Z" />
<h2 t-attf-class= "{{layout_document_title and 'o_folder_title mt-2 text-nowrap' or 'w-25'}}" >
<t t-out= "layout_document_title" />
<div class= "o_folder_company_info d-flex justify-content-between" >
<div >
<img t-if= "company.logo" class= "o_company_logo_big mb-2" t-att-src= "image_data_uri(company.logo)" alt= "Logo" />
<div t-if= "company.report_header" t-field= "company.report_header" class= "o_company_tagline fw-bold" > Company tagline</div>
<div name= "company_address" class= "text-end" >
<ul class= "list-unstyled" name= "company_address_list" >
<li t-if= "company.is_company_details_empty" > <span t-field= "company.partner_id" t-options= '{"widget": "contact", "fields": ["address", "name"], "no_marker": true}' >
<div class= "d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center border-1 rounded p-4 h-100 w-100 bg-light opacity-75 text-muted text-center" >
<strong > Company address block</strong>
<div > Contains the company address.</div>
</span> </li>
<li t-else= "" >
<span t-field= "company.company_details" >
<div class= "d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center border-1 rounded p-4 h-100 w-100 bg-light opacity-75 text-muted text-center" >
<strong > Company details block</strong>
<div > Contains the company details.</div>
<li t-if= "not forced_vat" />
<li t-else= "" >
<t t-esc= "company.country_id.vat_label or 'Tax ID'" > Tax ID</t> :
<span t-esc= "forced_vat" > US12345671</span>
<!-- BODY -->
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
<t t-set= "layout_background_url"
t-value="'data:image/png;base64,%s' % company.layout_background_image.decode('utf-8') if company.layout_background_image and company.layout_background == 'Custom' else
'/base/static/img/demo_logo_report.png' if company.layout_background == 'Demo logo' else ''" />
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
<div t-attf-class= "article o_report_layout_folder o_table_striped o_company_#{company.id}_layout {{'o_report_layout_background' if company.layout_background != 'Blank' else ''}}"
t-attf-style="{{report_type != 'pdf' and 'margin-top:' + header_shape_height + 'px;'}}
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
{{ 'background-image: url(%s);' % layout_background_url if layout_background_url else '' }}"
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
t-att-data-oe-model="o and o._name"
t-att-data-oe-id="o and o.id"
t-att-data-oe-lang="o and o.env.context.get('lang')">
<div class= "pt-2" t-attf-style= "{{report_type != 'pdf' and 'margin-top:' + str(env['ir.actions.report'].get_paperformat().margin_top) + 'pt;'}}" >
<t t-set= "custom_layout_address" t-value= "true" />
<t t-call= "web.address_layout" />
<t t-out= "0" />
<!-- Footer -->
<div t-attf-class= "footer o_company_#{company.id}_layout {{report_type != 'pdf' and 'mt-auto'}}" >
<div class= "o_footer_content d-flex border-top pt-2" >
<div class= "flex-grow-1 me-2 text-start" t-field= "company.report_footer" />
<div class= "text-end text-muted" >
<div t-if= "report_type == 'pdf' and display_name_in_footer" t-out= "o.name" > (document name)</div>
<div t-if= "report_type == 'pdf'" > Page <span class= "page" /> / <span class= "topage" /> </div>
<template id= "external_layout_wave" >
<!-- HEADER -->
<t t-set= "header_shape_height" t-value= "'230'" />
<div t-attf-class= "header o_company_#{company.id}_layout {{report_type != 'pdf' and 'h-0'}}" >
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
<svg t-attf-class= "{{report_type == 'pdf' and 'position-fixed' or 'position-absolute'}} start-0 top-0 w-100 z-n1" preserveAspectRatio= "none" t-att-height= "header_shape_height" viewBox= "0 0 1000 240" fill= "none" xmlns= "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" >
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
<path d= "M1000 230.734C937.384 240.621 803.83 250.266 562.185 220.602C311.343 189.809 104.626 201.375 0 211.598V0.5H1000V230.734Z" t-att-fill= "company.primary_color" fill-opacity= ".1" />
<div class= "d-flex justify-content-between" >
<div >
<img t-if= "company.logo" class= "o_company_logo mb-2" t-att-src= "image_data_uri(company.logo)" alt= "Logo" />
<div t-if= "company.report_header" t-field= "company.report_header" class= "o_company_tagline fw-bold" > Company tagline</div>
<div name= "company_address" class= "text-end" >
<ul class= "list-unstyled" name= "company_address_list" >
<li t-if= "company.is_company_details_empty" > <span t-field= "company.partner_id" t-options= '{"widget": "contact", "fields": ["address", "name"], "no_marker": true}' >
<div class= "d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center border-1 rounded p-4 h-100 w-100 bg-light opacity-75 text-muted text-center" >
<strong > Company address block</strong>
<div > Contains the company address.</div>
</span> </li>
<li t-else= "" >
<span t-field= "company.company_details" >
<div class= "d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center border-1 rounded p-4 h-100 w-100 bg-light opacity-75 text-muted text-center" >
<strong > Company details block</strong>
<div > Contains the company details.</div>
<li t-if= "not forced_vat" />
<li t-else= "" >
<t t-esc= "company.country_id.vat_label or 'Tax ID'" > Tax ID</t> :
<span t-esc= "forced_vat" > US12345671</span>
<!-- BODY -->
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
<t t-set= "layout_background_url"
t-value="'data:image/png;base64,%s' % company.layout_background_image.decode('utf-8') if company.layout_background_image and company.layout_background == 'Custom' else
'/base/static/img/demo_logo_report.png' if company.layout_background == 'Demo logo' else ''" />
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
<div t-attf-class= "article o_report_layout_wave o_table_striped o_company_#{company.id}_layout {{'o_report_layout_background' if company.layout_background != 'Blank' else ''}}"
t-attf-style="{{report_type != 'pdf' and 'margin-top:' + header_shape_height + 'px;'}}
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
{{ 'background-image: url(%s);' % layout_background_url if layout_background_url else ''}}"
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
t-att-data-oe-model="o and o._name"
t-att-data-oe-id="o and o.id"
t-att-data-oe-lang="o and o.env.context.get('lang')">
<t t-set= "custom_layout_address" t-value= "true" />
<t t-call= "web.address_layout" />
<h2 t-out= "layout_document_title" />
<t t-out= "0" />
<!-- Footer -->
<div t-attf-class= "footer o_company_#{company.id}_layout {{report_type != 'pdf' and 'position-relative mt-auto mx-n5'}}" >
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
<svg t-attf-class= "{{report_type == 'pdf' and 'position-fixed start-0'}} w-100" preserveAspectRatio= "none" t-att-height= "report_type == 'pdf' and '180'" viewBox= "0 0 1000 180" fill= "none" xmlns= "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" >
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
<path d= "M427.731 19.757C686.904 51.3469 898.971 38.039 1000 27.6922V180H0V8.20934C66.363 -0.991089 198.347 -8.20218 427.731 19.757Z" t-att-fill= "company.secondary_color" fill-opacity= ".1" />
<div t-attf-class= "o_footer_content {{report_type != 'pdf' and 'position-absolute end-0 start-0 bottom-0 mx-5'}} pt-5 text-center" >
<div t-field= "company.report_footer" />
<span t-if= "report_type == 'pdf' and display_name_in_footer" class= "text-muted" t-out= "str(o.name) + ', '" > (document name)</span>
<span t-if= "report_type == 'pdf'" class= "text-muted" > Page <span class= "page" /> / <span class= "topage" /> </span>
<template id= "external_layout_bubble" >
<!-- HEADER -->
<div t-attf-class= "header o_company_#{company.id}_layout {{report_type == 'pdf' and 'pt-5'}}" >
<svg t-attf-class= "o_shape_bubble_1 z-n1 {{report_type == 'pdf' and 'position-fixed' or 'position-absolute'}}" width= "1100" height= "1100" xmlns= "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" >
<circle cx= "550" cy= "550" r= "550" t-att-fill= "company.primary_color" fill-opacity= ".1" />
<div class= "d-flex justify-content-between" >
<div >
<img t-if= "company.logo" class= "o_company_logo mb-2" t-att-src= "image_data_uri(company.logo)" alt= "Logo" />
<div t-if= "company.report_header" t-field= "company.report_header" class= "o_company_tagline fw-bold" > Company tagline</div>
<div name= "company_address" class= "text-end" >
<ul class= "list-unstyled" name= "company_address_list" >
<li t-if= "company.is_company_details_empty" > <span t-field= "company.partner_id" t-options= '{"widget": "contact", "fields": ["address", "name"], "no_marker": true}' >
<div class= "d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center border-1 rounded p-4 h-100 w-100 bg-light opacity-75 text-muted text-center" >
<strong > Company address block</strong>
<div > Contains the company address.</div>
</span> </li>
<li t-else= "" >
<span t-field= "company.company_details" >
<div class= "d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center border-1 rounded p-4 h-100 w-100 bg-light opacity-75 text-muted text-center" >
<strong > Company details block</strong>
<div > Contains the company details.</div>
<li t-if= "not forced_vat" />
<li t-else= "" >
<t t-esc= "company.country_id.vat_label or 'Tax ID'" > Tax ID</t> :
<span t-esc= "forced_vat" > US12345671</span>
<!-- BODY -->
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
<t t-set= "layout_background_url"
t-value="'data:image/png;base64,%s' % company.layout_background_image.decode('utf-8') if company.layout_background_image and company.layout_background == 'Custom' else
'/base/static/img/demo_logo_report.png' if company.layout_background == 'Demo logo' else ''" />
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
<div t-attf-class= "article o_report_layout_bubble o_table_boxed-rounded o_company_#{company.id}_layout {{'o_report_layout_background' if company.layout_background != 'Blank' else ''}}"
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
t-attf-style="{{ 'background-image: url(%s);' % layout_background_url if layout_background_url else '' }}"
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
t-att-data-oe-model="o and o._name"
t-att-data-oe-id="o and o.id"
t-att-data-oe-lang="o and o.env.context.get('lang')">
<div t-att-class= "not information_block and 'd-flex justify-content-between align-items-end'" >
<t t-call= "web.address_layout" >
<t t-set= "custom_layout_address" t-value= "true" />
<h2 t-attf-class= "{{not information_block and 'mb-4'}} text-end" t-out= "layout_document_title" />
<t t-out= "0" />
<!-- Footer -->
<div t-attf-class= "footer o_company_#{company.id}_layout {{report_type != 'pdf' and 'position-relative mt-auto mx-n5'}}" >
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
<svg t-attf-class= "{{report_type == 'pdf' and 'position-fixed start-0'}}" width= "500" height= "228" viewBox= "0 0 500 228" fill= "none" xmlns= "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" >
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
<path d= "M500 228H0V6.52743C26.3323 2.23278 53.3561 0 80.9008 0C256.522 0 410.969 90.7656 500 228Z" t-att-fill= "company.secondary_color" fill-opacity= ".1" />
<div t-attf-class= "o_footer_content {{report_type != 'pdf' and 'position-absolute end-0 start-0 bottom-0 mx-5'}} pt-4 text-center" >
<div class= "border-top pt-2" t-field= "company.report_footer" />
<span t-if= "report_type == 'pdf' and display_name_in_footer" class= "text-muted" t-out= "str(o.name) + ', '" > (document name)</span>
<span t-if= "report_type == 'pdf'" class= "text-muted" > Page <span class= "page" /> / <span class= "topage" /> </span>
<!-- Public api: layout to t - call from reports -->
<template id= "external_layout" >
<t t-if= "not o" t-set= "o" t-value= "doc" />
<t t-if= "not company" >
<!-- Multicompany -->
<t t-if= "company_id" >
<t t-set= "company" t-value= "company_id" />
<t t-elif= "o and 'company_id' in o and o.company_id.sudo()" >
<t t-set= "company" t-value= "o.company_id.sudo()" />
<t t-else= "else" >
<t t-set= "company" t-value= "res_company" />
<t t-if= "company.external_report_layout_id" t-call= "{{company.external_report_layout_id.sudo().key}}" > <t t-out= "0" /> </t>
<t t-else= "else" t-call= "web.external_layout_standard" > <t t-out= "0" /> </t>
<template id= "internal_layout" >
<t t-if= "not o" t-set= "o" t-value= "doc" />
<t t-if= "not company" >
<!-- Multicompany -->
<t t-if= "company_id" >
<t t-set= "company" t-value= "company_id" />
<t t-elif= "o and 'company_id' in o and o.company_id.sudo()" >
<t t-set= "company" t-value= "o.company_id.sudo()" />
<t t-else= "else" >
<t t-set= "company" t-value= "res_company" />
<div class= "header" >
<div class= "row" >
<div class= "col-3" >
<span t-esc= "context_timestamp(datetime.datetime.now()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')" />
<div class= "col-2 offset-2 text-center" >
<span t-esc= "company.name" />
<div class= "col-2 offset-3 text-end" >
<ul class= "list-inline" >
<li class= "list-inline-item" > <span class= "page" /> </li>
<li class= "list-inline-item" > /</li>
<li class= "list-inline-item" > <span class= "topage" /> </li>
<div class= "article" t-att-data-oe-model= "o and o._name" t-att-data-oe-id= "o and o.id" t-att-data-oe-lang= "o and o.env.context.get('lang')" >
<t t-out= "0" />
<template id= "basic_layout" >
<t t-call= "web.html_container" >
<t t-if= "not o" t-set= "o" t-value= "doc" />
<div class= "article" t-att-data-oe-model= "o and o._name" t-att-data-oe-id= "o and o.id" t-att-data-oe-lang= "o and o.env.context.get('lang')" >
<t t-out= "0" />
<!-- Customize the company form view by adding paperformat field as well as demo reports -->
<!-- Demo reports definition -->
<template id= "preview_internalreport" >
<t t-set= "company" t-value= "env.company" />
<t t-call= "web.html_container" >
<t t-set= "o" t-value= "res_company" />
<t t-call= "web.internal_layout" >
<div class= "page" >
<p > This is a sample of an internal report.</p>
<template id= "preview_externalreport" >
<t t-set= "company" t-value= "env.company" />
<t t-call= "web.html_container" >
<t t-set= "o" t-value= "res_company" />
<t t-call= "web.external_layout" >
<div class= "page" >
<p > This is a sample of an external report.</p>
<template id= "preview_layout_report" >
<t t-set= "company" t-value= "env.company" />
<t t-call= "web.html_container" >
<t t-set= "o" t-value= "res_company" />
<t t-call= "web.report_invoice_wizard_preview" />
<template id= "styles_company_report" >
<t t-foreach= "company_ids" t-as= "company" t-translation= "off" >
<t t-set= "forced_vat" t-value= "False" />
<t t-set= "font" t-value= "company.font or 'Lato'" />
<t t-set= "primary" t-value= "company.primary_color or '#212529'" />
<t t-set= "secondary" t-value= "company.secondary_color or '#212529'" />
<t t-set= "layout" t-value= "company.external_report_layout_id.key or 'web.external_layout_standard'" />
// Simplified color-contrast function to replicate bootstrap in report preview.
@function preview-color-contrast($background) {
@if (lightness($background) > 50) {
@return black;
} @else {
@return white;
.o_company_<t t-esc= 'company.id' /> _layout {
font-family: <t t-esc= "font" /> ;
h2 {
color: <t t-esc= 'primary' /> ;
#informations strong {
color: <t t-esc= 'secondary' /> ;
.o_total strong {
color: <t t-esc= 'primary' /> ;
.o_company_tagline {
color: <t t-esc= 'primary' />
<t t-if= "layout == 'web.external_layout_boxed'" >
& .o_report_layout_boxed {
#total .o_total td {
background-color: <t t-esc= 'primary' /> ;
strong {
color: preview-color-contrast(<t t-esc= 'primary' /> );
<t t-elif= "layout == 'web.external_layout_bold'" >
& .o_report_layout_bold {
.o_main_table {
thead th {
border-top: 3px solid <t t-esc= 'secondary' /> ;
tbody tr:last-child td {
border-bottom: 3px solid <t t-esc= 'secondary' /> ;
<t t-elif= "layout == 'web.external_layout_folder'" >
& .o_folder_header_container {
rect, path {
fill: mix(white, <t t-esc= 'primary' /> , 92%);
& .o_report_layout_folder_footer {
border-top: 1px solid <t t-esc= 'secondary' /> ;
<t t-elif= "layout == 'web.external_layout_wave'" >
& .o_report_layout_wave {
#informations {
border-color: <t t-esc= 'secondary' /> ;
background-color: mix(white, <t t-esc= 'secondary' /> , 92%);
<t t-elif= "layout == 'web.external_layout_bubble'" >
& .o_report_layout_bubble {
#informations {
border-color: <t t-esc= 'secondary' /> ;
background-color: mix(white, <t t-esc= 'secondary' /> , 92%);
thead th, #total .o_total td {
background-color: <t t-esc= 'primary' /> ;
color: preview-color-contrast(<t t-esc= 'primary' /> );
strong {
color: preview-color-contrast(<t t-esc= 'primary' /> );
<record id= "action_report_internalpreview" model= "ir.actions.report" >
<field name= "name" > Preview Internal Report</field>
<field name= "model" > res.company</field>
<field name= "report_type" > qweb-pdf</field>
<field name= "report_name" > web.preview_internalreport</field>
<field name= "report_file" > web.preview_internalreport</field>
<field name= "binding_model_id" ref= "model_res_company" />
<field name= "binding_type" > report</field>
<record id= "action_report_externalpreview" model= "ir.actions.report" >
<field name= "name" > Preview External Report</field>
<field name= "model" > res.company</field>
<field name= "report_type" > qweb-pdf</field>
<field name= "report_name" > web.preview_externalreport</field>
<field name= "report_file" > web.preview_externalreport</field>
<field name= "binding_model_id" ref= "model_res_company" />
<field name= "binding_type" > report</field>
<record id= "action_report_layout_preview" model= "ir.actions.report" >
<field name= "name" > Report Layout Preview</field>
<field name= "model" > res.company</field>
<field name= "report_type" > qweb-pdf</field>
<field name= "report_name" > web.preview_layout_report</field>
<field name= "report_file" > web.preview_layout_report</field>
<field name= "binding_model_id" ref= "model_res_company" />
<field name= "binding_type" > report</field>