
1069 lines
42 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from contextlib import closing
from collections import OrderedDict
from lxml import etree
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import hashlib
import io
import logging
import os
import re
import textwrap
import uuid
import sass as libsass
except ImportError:
# If the `sass` python library isn't found, we fallback on the
# `sassc` executable in the path.
libsass = None
from rjsmin import jsmin as rjsmin
from odoo import release, SUPERUSER_ID, _
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.tools import (func, misc, transpile_javascript,
is_odoo_module, SourceMapGenerator, profiler, OrderedSet)
from odoo.tools.json import scriptsafe as json
from odoo.tools.constants import SCRIPT_EXTENSIONS, STYLE_EXTENSIONS
from odoo.tools.misc import file_open, file_path
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ANY_UNIQUE = '_' * 7
EXTENSIONS = (".js", ".css", ".scss", ".sass", ".less", ".xml")
class CompileError(RuntimeError): pass
class AssetError(Exception):
class AssetNotFound(AssetError):
class XMLAssetError(Exception):
class AssetsBundle(object):
rx_css_import = re.compile("(@import[^;{]+;?)", re.M)
rx_preprocess_imports = re.compile(r"""(@import\s?['"]([^'"]+)['"](;?))""")
rx_css_split = re.compile(r"\/\*\! ([a-f0-9-]+) \*\/")
TRACKED_BUNDLES = ['web.assets_web']
def __init__(self, name, files, external_assets=(), env=None, css=True, js=True, debug_assets=False, rtl=False, assets_params=None):
:param name: bundle name
:param files: files to be added to the bundle
:param css: if css is True, the stylesheets files are added to the bundle
:param js: if js is True, the javascript files are added to the bundle
self.name = name
self.env = request.env if env is None else env
self.javascripts = []
self.templates = []
self.stylesheets = []
self.css_errors = []
self.files = files
self.rtl = rtl
self.assets_params = assets_params or {}
self.has_css = css
self.has_js = js
self._checksum_cache = {}
self.is_debug_assets = debug_assets
self.external_assets = [
for url in external_assets
if (css and url.rpartition('.')[2] in STYLE_EXTENSIONS) or (js and url.rpartition('.')[2] in SCRIPT_EXTENSIONS)
# asset-wide html "media" attribute
for f in files:
extension = f['url'].rpartition('.')[2]
params = {
'url': f['url'],
'filename': f['filename'],
'inline': f['content'],
'last_modified': None if self.is_debug_assets else f.get('last_modified'),
if css:
css_params = {
'rtl': self.rtl,
if extension == 'sass':
self.stylesheets.append(SassStylesheetAsset(self, **params, **css_params))
elif extension == 'scss':
self.stylesheets.append(ScssStylesheetAsset(self, **params, **css_params))
elif extension == 'less':
self.stylesheets.append(LessStylesheetAsset(self, **params, **css_params))
elif extension == 'css':
self.stylesheets.append(StylesheetAsset(self, **params, **css_params))
if js:
if extension == 'js':
self.javascripts.append(JavascriptAsset(self, **params))
elif extension == 'xml':
self.templates.append(XMLAsset(self, **params))
def get_links(self):
:returns a list of tuple. a tuple can be (url, None) or (None, inlineContent)
response = []
if self.has_css and self.stylesheets:
if self.has_js and self.javascripts:
return self.external_assets + response
def get_link(self, asset_type):
unique = self.get_version(asset_type) if not self.is_debug_assets else 'debug'
extension = asset_type if self.is_debug_assets else f'min.{asset_type}'
return self.get_asset_url(unique=unique, extension=extension)
def get_version(self, asset_type):
return self.get_checksum(asset_type)[0:7]
def get_checksum(self, asset_type):
Not really a full checksum.
We compute a SHA512/256 on the rendered bundle + combined linked files last_modified date
if asset_type not in self._checksum_cache:
if asset_type == 'css':
assets = self.stylesheets
elif asset_type == 'js':
assets = self.javascripts + self.templates
raise ValueError(f'Asset type {asset_type} not known')
unique_descriptor = ','.join(asset.unique_descriptor for asset in assets)
self._checksum_cache[asset_type] = hashlib.sha512(unique_descriptor.encode()).hexdigest()[:64]
return self._checksum_cache[asset_type]
def get_asset_url(self, unique=ANY_UNIQUE, extension='%', ignore_params=False):
direction = '.rtl' if self.is_css(extension) and self.rtl else ''
bundle_name = f"{self.name}{direction}.{extension}"
return self.env['ir.asset']._get_asset_bundle_url(bundle_name, unique, self.assets_params, ignore_params)
def _unlink_attachments(self, attachments):
""" Unlinks attachments without actually calling unlink, so that the ORM cache is not cleared.
Specifically, if an attachment is generated while a view is rendered, clearing the ORM cache
could unload fields loaded with a sudo(), and expected to be readable by the view.
Such a view would be website.layout when main_object is an ir.ui.view.
to_delete = set(attach.store_fname for attach in attachments if attach.store_fname)
self.env.cr.execute(f"""DELETE FROM {attachments._table} WHERE id IN (
SELECT id FROM {attachments._table} WHERE id in %s FOR NO KEY UPDATE SKIP LOCKED
)""", [tuple(attachments.ids)])
for fpath in to_delete:
def is_css(self, extension):
return extension in ['css', 'min.css', 'css.map']
def _clean_attachments(self, extension, keep_url):
""" Takes care of deleting any outdated ir.attachment records associated to a bundle before
saving a fresh one.
When `extension` is js we need to check that we are deleting a different version (and not *any*
version) because, as one of the creates in `save_attachment` can trigger a rollback, the
call to `clean_attachments ` is made at the end of the method in order to avoid the rollback
of an ir.attachment unlink (because we cannot rollback a removal on the filestore), thus we
must exclude the current bundle.
ira = self.env['ir.attachment']
to_clean_pattern = self.get_asset_url(
domain = [
('url', '=like', to_clean_pattern),
('url', '!=', keep_url),
('public', '=', True),
attachments = ira.sudo().search(domain)
# avoid to invalidate cache if it's already empty (mainly useful for test)
if attachments:
_logger.info('Deleting attachments %s (matching %s) because it was replaced with %s', attachments.ids, to_clean_pattern, keep_url)
# clear_cache was removed
return True
def get_attachments(self, extension, ignore_version=False):
""" Return the ir.attachment records for a given bundle. This method takes care of mitigating
an issue happening when parallel transactions generate the same bundle: while the file is not
duplicated on the filestore (as it is stored according to its hash), there are multiple
ir.attachment records referencing the same version of a bundle. As we don't want to source
multiple time the same bundle in our `to_html` function, we group our ir.attachment records
by file name and only return the one with the max id for each group.
:param extension: file extension (js, min.js, css)
:param ignore_version: if ignore_version, the url contains a version => web/assets/%/name.extension
(the second '%' corresponds to the version),
else: the url contains a version equal to that of the self.get_version(type)
=> web/assets/self.get_version(type)/name.extension.
unique = ANY_UNIQUE if ignore_version else self.get_version('css' if self.is_css(extension) else 'js')
url_pattern = self.get_asset_url(
query = """
SELECT max(id)
FROM ir_attachment
WHERE create_uid = %s
AND url like %s
AND res_model = 'ir.ui.view'
AND res_id = 0
AND public = true
self.env.cr.execute(query, [SUPERUSER_ID, url_pattern])
attachment_id = [r[0] for r in self.env.cr.fetchall()]
if not attachment_id and not ignore_version:
fallback_url_pattern = self.get_asset_url(
self.env.cr.execute(query, [SUPERUSER_ID, fallback_url_pattern])
similar_attachment_ids = [r[0] for r in self.env.cr.fetchall()]
if similar_attachment_ids:
similar = self.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().browse(similar_attachment_ids)
_logger.info('Found a similar attachment for %s, copying from %s', url_pattern, similar.url)
url = url_pattern
values = {
'name': similar.name,
'mimetype': similar.mimetype,
'res_model': 'ir.ui.view',
'res_id': False,
'type': 'binary',
'public': True,
'raw': similar.raw,
'url': url,
attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'].with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).create(values)
attachment_id = attachment.id
self._clean_attachments(extension, url)
return self.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().browse(attachment_id)
def save_attachment(self, extension, content):
"""Record the given bundle in an ir.attachment and delete
all other ir.attachments referring to this bundle (with the same name and extension).
:param extension: extension of the bundle to be recorded
:param content: bundle content to be recorded
:return the ir.attachment records for a given bundle.
assert extension in ('js', 'min.js', 'js.map', 'css', 'min.css', 'css.map', 'xml', 'min.xml')
ira = self.env['ir.attachment']
# Set user direction in name to store two bundles
# 1 for ltr and 1 for rtl, this will help during cleaning of assets bundle
# and allow to only clear the current direction bundle
# (this applies to css bundles only)
fname = '%s.%s' % (self.name, extension)
mimetype = (
'text/css' if extension in ['css', 'min.css'] else
'text/xml' if extension in ['xml', 'min.xml'] else
'application/json' if extension in ['js.map', 'css.map'] else
unique = self.get_version('css' if self.is_css(extension) else 'js')
url = self.get_asset_url(
values = {
'name': fname,
'mimetype': mimetype,
'res_model': 'ir.ui.view',
'res_id': False,
'type': 'binary',
'public': True,
'raw': content.encode('utf8'),
'url': url,
attachment = ira.with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).create(values)
_logger.info('Generating a new asset bundle attachment %s (id:%s)', attachment.url, attachment.id)
self._clean_attachments(extension, url)
# For end-user assets (common and backend), send a message on the bus
# to invite the user to refresh their browser
if self.env and 'bus.bus' in self.env and self.name in self.TRACKED_BUNDLES:
self.env['bus.bus']._sendone('broadcast', 'bundle_changed', {
'server_version': release.version # Needs to be dynamically imported
_logger.debug('Asset Changed: bundle: %s -- version: %s', self.name, unique)
return attachment
def js(self):
is_minified = not self.is_debug_assets
extension = 'min.js' if is_minified else 'js'
js_attachment = self.get_attachments(extension)
if not js_attachment:
template_bundle = ''
if self.templates:
templates = self.generate_xml_bundle()
template_bundle = textwrap.dedent(f"""
* Templates *
odoo.define("{self.name}.bundle.xml", ["@web/core/templates"], function(require) {{
"use strict";
const {{ checkPrimaryTemplateParents, registerTemplate, registerTemplateExtension }} = require("@web/core/templates");
/* {self.name} */
if is_minified:
content_bundle = ';\n'.join(asset.minify() for asset in self.javascripts)
content_bundle += template_bundle
js_attachment = self.save_attachment(extension, content_bundle)
js_attachment = self.js_with_sourcemap(template_bundle=template_bundle)
return js_attachment[0]
def js_with_sourcemap(self, template_bundle=None):
"""Create the ir.attachment representing the not-minified content of the bundleJS
and create/modify the ir.attachment representing the linked sourcemap.
:return ir.attachment representing the un-minified content of the bundleJS
sourcemap_attachment = self.get_attachments('js.map') \
or self.save_attachment('js.map', '')
generator = SourceMapGenerator(
[".." for i in range(0, len(self.get_asset_url().split("/")) - 2)]
) + "/",
content_bundle_list = []
content_line_count = 0
line_header = 5 # number of lines added by with_header()
for asset in self.javascripts:
if asset.is_transpiled:
# '+ 3' corresponds to the 3 lines added at the beginning of the file during transpilation.
asset.url, asset._content, content_line_count, start_offset=line_header + 3)
asset.url, asset.content, content_line_count, start_offset=line_header)
content_bundle_list.append(asset.with_header(asset.content, minimal=False))
content_line_count += len(asset.content.split("\n")) + line_header
content_bundle = ';\n'.join(content_bundle_list)
if template_bundle:
content_bundle += template_bundle
content_bundle += "\n\n//# sourceMappingURL=" + sourcemap_attachment.url
js_attachment = self.save_attachment('js', content_bundle)
generator._file = js_attachment.url
"raw": generator.get_content()
return js_attachment
def generate_xml_bundle(self):
content = []
blocks = []
blocks = self.xml()
except XMLAssetError as e:
content.append(f'throw new Error({json.dumps(str(e))});')
def get_template(element):
element.set("{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}space", "preserve")
string = etree.tostring(element, encoding='unicode')
return string.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("`", "\\`").replace("${", "\\${")
names = OrderedSet()
primary_parents = OrderedSet()
extension_parents = OrderedSet()
for block in blocks:
if block["type"] == "templates":
for (element, url, inherit_from) in block["templates"]:
if inherit_from:
name = element.get("t-name")
template = get_template(element)
content.append(f'registerTemplate("{name}", `{url}`, `{template}`);')
for inherit_from, elements in block["extensions"].items():
for (element, url) in elements:
template = get_template(element)
content.append(f'registerTemplateExtension("{inherit_from}", `{url}`, `{template}`);')
missing_names_for_primary = primary_parents - names
if missing_names_for_primary:
missing_names_for_extension = extension_parents - names
if missing_names_for_extension:
content.append(f'console.error("Missing (extension) parent templates: {", ".join(missing_names_for_extension)}");')
return '\n'.join(content)
def xml(self):
Create a list of blocks. A block can have one of the two types "templates" or "extensions".
A template with no parent or template with t-inherit-mode="primary" goes in a block of type "templates".
A template with t-inherit-mode="extension" goes in a block of type "extensions".
Used parsed attributes:
* `t-name`: template name
* `t-inherit`: inherited template name.
* 't-inherit-mode': 'primary' or 'extension'.
:return a list of blocks
parser = etree.XMLParser(ns_clean=True, recover=True, remove_comments=True)
blocks = []
block = None
for asset in self.templates:
# Load content.
content = asset.content.strip()
template = content if content.startswith('<odoo>') else f'<templates>{asset.content}</templates>'
io_content = io.BytesIO(template.encode('utf-8'))
content_templates_tree = etree.parse(io_content, parser=parser).getroot()
except etree.ParseError as e:
return asset.generate_error(f'Could not parse file: {e.msg}')
# Process every templates.
for template_tree in list(content_templates_tree):
template_name = template_tree.get("t-name")
inherit_from = template_tree.get("t-inherit")
inherit_mode = None
if inherit_from:
inherit_mode = template_tree.get('t-inherit-mode', 'primary')
if inherit_mode not in ['primary', 'extension']:
addon = asset.url.split('/')[1]
return asset.generate_error(_(
'Invalid inherit mode. Module "%(module)s" and template name "%(template_name)s"',
if inherit_mode == "extension":
if block is None or block["type"] != "extensions":
block = {"type": "extensions", "extensions": OrderedDict()}
block["extensions"].setdefault(inherit_from, [])
block["extensions"][inherit_from].append((template_tree, asset.url))
elif template_name:
if block is None or block["type"] != "templates":
block = {"type": "templates", "templates": []}
block["templates"].append((template_tree, asset.url, inherit_from))
return asset.generate_error(_("Template name is missing."))
return blocks
def css(self):
is_minified = not self.is_debug_assets
extension = 'min.css' if is_minified else 'css'
attachments = self.get_attachments(extension)
if attachments:
return attachments
css = self.preprocess_css()
if self.css_errors:
error_message = '\n'.join(self.css_errors).replace('"', r'\"').replace('\n', r'\A').replace('*', r'\*')
previous_attachment = self.get_attachments(extension, ignore_version=True)
previous_css = previous_attachment.raw.decode() if previous_attachment else ''
css_error_message_header = '\n\n/* ## CSS error message ##*/'
previous_css = previous_css.split(css_error_message_header)[0]
css = css_error_message_header.join([
previous_css, """
body::before {
font-weight: bold;
content: "A css error occured, using an old style to render this page";
position: fixed;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
z-index: 100000000000;
background-color: #C00;
color: #DDD;
css_error_message {
content: "%s";
""" % error_message
return self.save_attachment(extension, css)
matches = []
css = re.sub(self.rx_css_import, lambda matchobj: matches.append(matchobj.group(0)) and '', css)
if is_minified:
# move up all @import rules to the top
css = u'\n'.join(matches)
return self.save_attachment(extension, css)
return self.css_with_sourcemap(u'\n'.join(matches))
def css_with_sourcemap(self, content_import_rules):
"""Create the ir.attachment representing the not-minified content of the bundleCSS
and create/modify the ir.attachment representing the linked sourcemap.
:param content_import_rules: string containing all the @import rules to put at the beginning of the bundle
:return ir.attachment representing the un-minified content of the bundleCSS
sourcemap_attachment = self.get_attachments('css.map') \
or self.save_attachment('css.map', '')
debug_asset_url = self.get_asset_url(unique='debug')
generator = SourceMapGenerator(
[".." for i in range(0, len(debug_asset_url.split("/")) - 2)]
) + "/",
# adds the @import rules at the beginning of the bundle
content_bundle_list = [content_import_rules]
content_line_count = len(content_import_rules.split("\n"))
for asset in self.stylesheets:
if asset.content:
content = asset.with_header(asset.content)
if asset.url:
generator.add_source(asset.url, content, content_line_count)
# comments all @import rules that have been added at the beginning of the bundle
content = re.sub(self.rx_css_import, lambda matchobj: f"/* {matchobj.group(0)} */", content)
content_line_count += len(content.split("\n"))
content_bundle = '\n'.join(content_bundle_list) + f"\n/*# sourceMappingURL={sourcemap_attachment.url} */"
css_attachment = self.save_attachment('css', content_bundle)
generator._file = css_attachment.url
"raw": generator.get_content(),
return css_attachment
def preprocess_css(self, debug=False, old_attachments=None):
Checks if the bundle contains any sass/less content, then compiles it to css.
If user language direction is Right to Left then consider css files to call run_rtlcss,
css files are also stored in ir.attachment after processing done by rtlcss.
Returns the bundle's flat css.
if self.stylesheets:
compiled = ""
for atype in (SassStylesheetAsset, ScssStylesheetAsset, LessStylesheetAsset):
assets = [asset for asset in self.stylesheets if isinstance(asset, atype)]
if assets:
source = '\n'.join([asset.get_source() for asset in assets])
compiled += self.compile_css(assets[0].compile, source)
# We want to run rtlcss on normal css, so merge it in compiled
if self.rtl:
stylesheet_assets = [asset for asset in self.stylesheets if not isinstance(asset, (SassStylesheetAsset, ScssStylesheetAsset, LessStylesheetAsset))]
compiled += '\n'.join([asset.get_source() for asset in stylesheet_assets])
compiled = self.run_rtlcss(compiled)
if not self.css_errors and old_attachments:
old_attachments = None
fragments = self.rx_css_split.split(compiled)
at_rules = fragments.pop(0)
if at_rules:
# Sass and less moves @at-rules to the top in order to stay css 2.1 compatible
self.stylesheets.insert(0, StylesheetAsset(self, inline=at_rules))
while fragments:
asset_id = fragments.pop(0)
asset = next(asset for asset in self.stylesheets if asset.id == asset_id)
asset._content = fragments.pop(0)
return '\n'.join(asset.minify() for asset in self.stylesheets)
def compile_css(self, compiler, source):
"""Sanitizes @import rules, remove duplicates @import rules, then compile"""
imports = []
def handle_compile_error(e, source):
error = self.get_preprocessor_error(str(e), source=source)
return ''
def sanitize(matchobj):
ref = matchobj.group(2)
line = '@import "%s"%s' % (ref, matchobj.group(3))
if '.' not in ref and line not in imports and not ref.startswith(('.', '/', '~')):
return line
msg = "Local import '%s' is forbidden for security reasons. Please remove all @import {your_file} imports in your custom files. In Odoo you have to import all files in the assets, and not through the @import statement." % ref
return ''
source = re.sub(self.rx_preprocess_imports, sanitize, source)
compiled = compiler(source)
except CompileError as e:
return handle_compile_error(e, source=source)
compiled = compiled.strip()
# Post process the produced css to add required vendor prefixes here
compiled = re.sub(r'(appearance: (\w+);)', r'-webkit-appearance: \2; -moz-appearance: \2; \1', compiled)
# Most of those are only useful for wkhtmltopdf (some for old PhantomJS)
compiled = re.sub(r'(display: ((?:inline-)?)flex((?: ?!important)?);)', r'display: -webkit-\2box\3; display: -webkit-\2flex\3; \1', compiled)
compiled = re.sub(r'(justify-content: flex-(\w+)((?: ?!important)?);)', r'-webkit-box-pack: \2\3; \1', compiled)
compiled = re.sub(r'(flex-flow: (\w+ \w+);)', r'-webkit-flex-flow: \2; \1', compiled)
compiled = re.sub(r'(flex-direction: (column);)', r'-webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; -webkit-flex-direction: \2; \1', compiled)
compiled = re.sub(r'(flex-wrap: (\w+);)', r'-webkit-flex-wrap: \2; \1', compiled)
compiled = re.sub(r'(flex: ((\d)+ \d+ (?:\d+|auto));)', r'-webkit-box-flex: \3; -webkit-flex: \2; \1', compiled)
return compiled
def run_rtlcss(self, source):
rtlcss = 'rtlcss'
if os.name == 'nt':
rtlcss = misc.find_in_path('rtlcss.cmd')
except IOError:
rtlcss = 'rtlcss'
cmd = [rtlcss, '-c', file_path("base/data/rtlcss.json"), '-']
rtlcss = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, encoding='utf-8')
except Exception:
# Check the presence of rtlcss, if rtlcss not available then we should return normal less file
process = Popen(
['rtlcss', '--version'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE
except (OSError, IOError):
_logger.warning('You need https://rtlcss.com/ to convert css file to right to left compatiblity. Use: npm install -g rtlcss')
return source
msg = "Could not execute command %r" % cmd[0]
return ''
out, err = rtlcss.communicate(input=source)
if rtlcss.returncode or (source and not out):
if rtlcss.returncode:
error = self.get_rtlcss_error(err or f"Process exited with return code {rtlcss.returncode}", source=source)
error = "rtlcss: error processing payload\n"
_logger.warning("%s", error)
return ''
return out.strip()
def get_preprocessor_error(self, stderr, source=None):
"""Improve and remove sensitive information from sass/less compilator error messages"""
error = stderr.split('Load paths')[0].replace(' Use --trace for backtrace.', '')
if 'Cannot load compass' in error:
error += "Maybe you should install the compass gem using this extra argument:\n\n" \
" $ sudo gem install compass --pre\n"
error += "This error occurred while compiling the bundle '%s' containing:" % self.name
for asset in self.stylesheets:
if isinstance(asset, PreprocessedCSS):
error += '\n - %s' % (asset.url if asset.url else '<inline sass>')
return error
def get_rtlcss_error(self, stderr, source=None):
"""Improve and remove sensitive information from sass/less compilator error messages"""
error = stderr.split('Load paths')[0].replace(' Use --trace for backtrace.', '')
error = f"{error}This error occurred while compiling the bundle {self.name!r} containing:"
return error
class WebAsset(object):
_content = None
_filename = None
_ir_attach = None
_id = None
def __init__(self, bundle, inline=None, url=None, filename=None, last_modified=None):
self.bundle = bundle
self.inline = inline
self._filename = filename
self.url = url
self._last_modified = last_modified
if not inline and not url:
raise Exception("An asset should either be inlined or url linked, defined in bundle '%s'" % bundle.name)
def generate_error(self, msg):
msg = f'{msg!r} in file {self.url!r}'
_logger.error(msg) # log it in the python console in all cases.
return msg
def id(self):
if self._id is None: self._id = str(uuid.uuid4())
return self._id
def unique_descriptor(self):
return f'{self.url or self.inline},{self.last_modified}'
def name(self):
return '<inline asset>' if self.inline else self.url
def stat(self):
if not (self.inline or self._filename or self._ir_attach):
# Test url against ir.attachments
self._ir_attach = self.bundle.env['ir.attachment'].sudo()._get_serve_attachment(self.url)
except ValueError:
raise AssetNotFound("Could not find %s" % self.name)
def last_modified(self):
if self._last_modified is None:
except Exception: # most likely nor a file or an attachment, skip it
if self._filename and self.bundle.is_debug_assets: # usually _last_modified should be set exept in debug=assets
self._last_modified = os.path.getmtime(self._filename)
elif self._ir_attach:
self._last_modified = self._ir_attach.write_date.timestamp()
if not self._last_modified:
self._last_modified = -1
return self._last_modified
def content(self):
if self._content is None:
self._content = self.inline or self._fetch_content()
return self._content
def _fetch_content(self):
""" Fetch content from file or database"""
if self._filename:
with closing(file_open(self._filename, 'rb', filter_ext=EXTENSIONS)) as fp:
return fp.read().decode('utf-8')
return self._ir_attach.raw.decode()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise AssetError('%s is not utf-8 encoded.' % self.name)
except IOError:
raise AssetNotFound('File %s does not exist.' % self.name)
raise AssetError('Could not get content for %s.' % self.name)
def minify(self):
return self.content
def with_header(self, content=None):
if content is None:
content = self.content
return f'\n/* {self.name} */\n{content}'
class JavascriptAsset(WebAsset):
def __init__(self, bundle, **kwargs):
super().__init__(bundle, **kwargs)
self._is_transpiled = None
self._converted_content = None
def generate_error(self, msg):
msg = super().generate_error(msg)
return f'console.error({json.dumps(msg)});'
def bundle_version(self):
return self.bundle.get_version('js')
def is_transpiled(self):
if self._is_transpiled is None:
self._is_transpiled = bool(is_odoo_module(self.url, super().content))
return self._is_transpiled
def content(self):
content = super().content
if self.is_transpiled:
if not self._converted_content:
self._converted_content = transpile_javascript(self.url, content)
return self._converted_content
return content
def minify(self):
return self.with_header(rjsmin(self.content))
def _fetch_content(self):
return super()._fetch_content()
except AssetError as e:
return self.generate_error(str(e))
def with_header(self, content=None, minimal=True):
if minimal:
return super().with_header(content)
# format the header like
# /**************************
# * Filepath: <asset_url> *
# * Lines: 42 *
# **************************/
line_count = content.count('\n')
lines = [
f"Filepath: {self.url}",
f"Lines: {line_count}",
length = max(map(len, lines))
return "\n".join([
"/" + "*" * (length + 5),
*(f"* {line:<{length}} *" for line in lines),
"*" * (length + 5) + "/",
class XMLAsset(WebAsset):
def _fetch_content(self):
content = super()._fetch_content()
except AssetError as e:
return self.generate_error(str(e))
parser = etree.XMLParser(ns_clean=True, remove_comments=True, resolve_entities=False)
root = etree.fromstring(content.encode('utf-8'), parser=parser)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e:
return self.generate_error(f'Invalid XML template: {e.msg}')
if root.tag in ('templates', 'template'):
return ''.join(etree.tostring(el, encoding='unicode') for el in root)
return etree.tostring(root, encoding='unicode')
def generate_error(self, msg):
msg = super().generate_error(msg)
raise XMLAssetError(msg)
def bundle_version(self):
return self.bundle.get_version('js')
def with_header(self, content=None):
if content is None:
content = self.content
# format the header like
# <!--=========================-->
# <!-- Filepath: <asset_url> -->
# <!-- Bundle: <name> -->
# <!-- Lines: 42 -->
# <!--=========================-->
line_count = content.count('\n')
lines = [
f"Filepath: {self.url}",
f"Lines: {line_count}",
length = max(map(len, lines))
return "\n".join([
"<!-- " + "=" * length + " -->",
*(f"<!-- {line:<{length}} -->" for line in lines),
"<!-- " + "=" * length + " -->",
class StylesheetAsset(WebAsset):
rx_import = re.compile(r"""@import\s+('|")(?!'|"|/|https?://)""", re.U)
rx_url = re.compile(r"""(?<!")url\s*\(\s*('|"|)(?!'|"|/|https?://|data:|#{str)""", re.U)
rx_sourceMap = re.compile(r'(/\*# sourceMappingURL=.*)', re.U)
rx_charset = re.compile(r'(@charset "[^"]+";)', re.U)
def __init__(self, *args, rtl=False, **kw):
self.rtl = rtl
super().__init__(*args, **kw)
def bundle_version(self):
return self.bundle.get_version('css')
def unique_descriptor(self):
direction = (self.rtl and 'rtl') or 'ltr'
return f'{self.url or self.inline},{self.last_modified},{direction}'
def _fetch_content(self):
content = super()._fetch_content()
web_dir = os.path.dirname(self.url)
if self.rx_import:
content = self.rx_import.sub(
r"""@import \1%s/""" % (web_dir,),
if self.rx_url:
content = self.rx_url.sub(
r"url(\1%s/" % (web_dir,),
if self.rx_charset:
# remove charset declarations, we only support utf-8
content = self.rx_charset.sub('', content)
return content
except AssetError as e:
return ''
def get_source(self):
content = self.inline or self._fetch_content()
return "/*! %s */\n%s" % (self.id, content)
def minify(self):
# remove existing sourcemaps, make no sense after re-mini
content = self.rx_sourceMap.sub('', self.content)
# comments
content = re.sub(r'/\*.*?\*/', '', content, flags=re.S)
# space
content = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', content)
content = re.sub(r' *([{}]) *', r'\1', content)
return self.with_header(content)
class PreprocessedCSS(StylesheetAsset):
rx_import = None
def get_command(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def compile(self, source):
command = self.get_command()
compiler = Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE,
stderr=PIPE, encoding='utf-8')
except Exception:
raise CompileError("Could not execute command %r" % command[0])
out, err = compiler.communicate(input=source)
if compiler.returncode:
cmd_output = out + err
if not cmd_output:
cmd_output = u"Process exited with return code %d\n" % compiler.returncode
raise CompileError(cmd_output)
return out
class SassStylesheetAsset(PreprocessedCSS):
rx_indent = re.compile(r'^( +|\t+)', re.M)
indent = None
reindent = ' '
def minify(self):
return self.with_header()
def get_source(self):
content = textwrap.dedent(self.inline or self._fetch_content())
def fix_indent(m):
# Indentation normalization
ind = m.group()
if self.indent is None:
self.indent = ind
if self.indent == self.reindent:
# Don't reindent the file if identation is the final one (reindent)
raise StopIteration()
return ind.replace(self.indent, self.reindent)
content = self.rx_indent.sub(fix_indent, content)
except StopIteration:
return "/*! %s */\n%s" % (self.id, content)
def get_command(self):
sass = misc.find_in_path('sass')
except IOError:
sass = 'sass'
return [sass, '--stdin', '-t', 'compressed', '--unix-newlines', '--compass',
'-r', 'bootstrap-sass']
class ScssStylesheetAsset(PreprocessedCSS):
def bootstrap_path(self):
return file_path('web/static/lib/bootstrap/scss')
precision = 8
output_style = 'expanded'
def compile(self, source):
if libsass is None:
return super().compile(source)
return libsass.compile(
except libsass.CompileError as e:
raise CompileError(e.args[0])
def get_command(self):
sassc = misc.find_in_path('sassc')
except IOError:
sassc = 'sassc'
return [sassc, '--stdin', '--precision', str(self.precision), '--load-path', self.bootstrap_path, '-t', self.output_style]
class LessStylesheetAsset(PreprocessedCSS):
def get_command(self):
if os.name == 'nt':
lessc = misc.find_in_path('lessc.cmd')
lessc = misc.find_in_path('lessc')
except IOError:
lessc = 'lessc'
return [lessc, '-', '--no-js', '--no-color']