2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import odoo
from odoo import api , fields , models , tools , _ , Command
from odoo . exceptions import MissingError , ValidationError , AccessError , UserError
from odoo . tools import frozendict
from odoo . tools . safe_eval import safe_eval , test_python_expr
from odoo . tools . float_utils import float_compare
from odoo . http import request
import base64
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial , reduce
import logging
from operator import getitem
import requests
import json
import re
import contextlib
from pytz import timezone
_logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
_server_action_logger = _logger . getChild ( " server_action_safe_eval " )
class LoggerProxy :
""" Proxy of the `_logger` element in order to be used in server actions.
We purposefully restrict its method as it will be executed in ` safe_eval ` .
def log ( level , message , * args , stack_info = False , exc_info = False ) :
_server_action_logger . log ( level , message , * args , stack_info = stack_info , exc_info = exc_info )
def info ( message , * args , stack_info = False , exc_info = False ) :
_server_action_logger . info ( message , * args , stack_info = stack_info , exc_info = exc_info )
def warning ( message , * args , stack_info = False , exc_info = False ) :
_server_action_logger . warning ( message , * args , stack_info = stack_info , exc_info = exc_info )
def error ( message , * args , stack_info = False , exc_info = False ) :
_server_action_logger . error ( message , * args , stack_info = stack_info , exc_info = exc_info )
def exception ( message , * args , stack_info = False , exc_info = True ) :
_server_action_logger . exception ( message , * args , stack_info = stack_info , exc_info = exc_info )
class IrActions ( models . Model ) :
_name = ' ir.actions.actions '
_description = ' Actions '
_table = ' ir_actions '
_order = ' name '
_allow_sudo_commands = False
_sql_constraints = [ ( ' path_unique ' , ' unique(path) ' , " Path to show in the URL must be unique! Please choose another one. " ) ]
name = fields . Char ( string = ' Action Name ' , required = True , translate = True )
type = fields . Char ( string = ' Action Type ' , required = True )
xml_id = fields . Char ( compute = ' _compute_xml_id ' , string = " External ID " )
path = fields . Char ( string = " Path to show in the URL " )
help = fields . Html ( string = ' Action Description ' ,
help = ' Optional help text for the users with a description of the target view, such as its usage and purpose. ' ,
translate = True )
binding_model_id = fields . Many2one ( ' ir.model ' , ondelete = ' cascade ' ,
help = " Setting a value makes this action available in the sidebar for the given model. " )
binding_type = fields . Selection ( [ ( ' action ' , ' Action ' ) ,
( ' report ' , ' Report ' ) ] ,
required = True , default = ' action ' )
binding_view_types = fields . Char ( default = ' list,form ' )
@api.constrains ( ' path ' )
def _check_path ( self ) :
for action in self :
if action . path :
if not re . fullmatch ( r ' [a-z][a-z0-9_-]* ' , action . path ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( ' The path should contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters, underscore, and dash, and it should start with a letter. ' ) )
if action . path . startswith ( " m- " ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " ' m- ' is a reserved prefix. " ) )
if action . path . startswith ( " action- " ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " ' action- ' is a reserved prefix. " ) )
if action . path == " new " :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " ' new ' is reserved, and can not be used as path. " ) )
# Tables ir_act_window, ir_act_report_xml, ir_act_url, ir_act_server and ir_act_client
# inherit from table ir_actions (see base_data.sql). The path must be unique across
# all these tables. The unique constraint is not enough because a big limitation of
# the inheritance feature is that unique indexes only apply to single tables, and
# not accross all the tables. So we need to check the uniqueness of the path manually.
# For more information, see: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/14/ddl-inherit.html#DDL-INHERIT-CAVEATS
# Note that, we leave the unique constraint in place to check the uniqueness of the path
# within the same table before checking the uniqueness across all the tables.
if ( self . env [ ' ir.actions.actions ' ] . search_count ( [ ( ' path ' , ' = ' , action . path ) ] ) > 1 ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " Path to show in the URL must be unique! Please choose another one. " ) )
def _compute_xml_id ( self ) :
res = self . get_external_id ( )
for record in self :
record . xml_id = res . get ( record . id )
def create ( self , vals_list ) :
res = super ( IrActions , self ) . create ( vals_list )
# self.get_bindings() depends on action records
self . env . registry . clear_cache ( )
return res
def write ( self , vals ) :
res = super ( IrActions , self ) . write ( vals )
# self.get_bindings() depends on action records
self . env . registry . clear_cache ( )
return res
def unlink ( self ) :
""" unlink ir.action.todo/ir.filters which are related to actions which will be deleted.
NOTE : ondelete cascade will not work on ir . actions . actions so we will need to do it manually . """
todos = self . env [ ' ir.actions.todo ' ] . search ( [ ( ' action_id ' , ' in ' , self . ids ) ] )
todos . unlink ( )
filters = self . env [ ' ir.filters ' ] . search ( [ ( ' action_id ' , ' in ' , self . ids ) ] )
filters . unlink ( )
res = super ( IrActions , self ) . unlink ( )
# self.get_bindings() depends on action records
self . env . registry . clear_cache ( )
return res
@api.ondelete ( at_uninstall = True )
def _unlink_check_home_action ( self ) :
self . env [ ' res.users ' ] . with_context ( active_test = False ) . search ( [ ( ' action_id ' , ' in ' , self . ids ) ] ) . sudo ( ) . write ( { ' action_id ' : None } )
def _get_eval_context ( self , action = None ) :
""" evaluation context to pass to safe_eval """
return {
' uid ' : self . _uid ,
' user ' : self . env . user ,
' time ' : tools . safe_eval . time ,
' datetime ' : tools . safe_eval . datetime ,
' dateutil ' : tools . safe_eval . dateutil ,
' timezone ' : timezone ,
' float_compare ' : float_compare ,
' b64encode ' : base64 . b64encode ,
' b64decode ' : base64 . b64decode ,
' Command ' : Command ,
def get_bindings ( self , model_name ) :
""" Retrieve the list of actions bound to the given model.
: return : a dict mapping binding types to a list of dict describing
actions , where the latter is given by calling the method
` ` read ` ` on the action record .
result = { }
for action_type , all_actions in self . _get_bindings ( model_name ) . items ( ) :
actions = [ ]
for action in all_actions :
action = dict ( action )
groups = action . pop ( ' groups_id ' , None )
if groups and not any ( self . env . user . has_group ( ext_id ) for ext_id in groups ) :
# the user may not perform this action
res_model = action . pop ( ' res_model ' , None )
if res_model and not self . env [ ' ir.model.access ' ] . check (
res_model ,
mode = ' read ' ,
raise_exception = False
) :
# the user won't be able to read records
actions . append ( action )
if actions :
result [ action_type ] = actions
return result
@tools.ormcache ( ' model_name ' , ' self.env.lang ' )
def _get_bindings ( self , model_name ) :
cr = self . env . cr
# discard unauthorized actions, and read action definitions
result = defaultdict ( list )
self . env . flush_all ( )
cr . execute ( """
SELECT a . id , a . type , a . binding_type
FROM ir_actions a
JOIN ir_model m ON a . binding_model_id = m . id
WHERE m . model = % s
ORDER BY a . id
""" , [model_name])
for action_id , action_model , binding_type in cr . fetchall ( ) :
try :
action = self . env [ action_model ] . sudo ( ) . browse ( action_id )
fields = [ ' name ' , ' binding_view_types ' ]
for field in ( ' groups_id ' , ' res_model ' , ' sequence ' , ' domain ' ) :
if field in action . _fields :
fields . append ( field )
action = action . read ( fields ) [ 0 ]
if action . get ( ' groups_id ' ) :
# transform the list of ids into a list of xml ids
groups = self . env [ ' res.groups ' ] . browse ( action [ ' groups_id ' ] )
action [ ' groups_id ' ] = list ( groups . _ensure_xml_id ( ) . values ( ) )
if ' domain ' in action and not action . get ( ' domain ' ) :
action . pop ( ' domain ' )
result [ binding_type ] . append ( frozendict ( action ) )
except ( MissingError ) :
# sort actions by their sequence if sequence available
if result . get ( ' action ' ) :
result [ ' action ' ] = tuple ( sorted ( result [ ' action ' ] , key = lambda vals : vals . get ( ' sequence ' , 0 ) ) )
return frozendict ( result )
def _for_xml_id ( self , full_xml_id ) :
""" Returns the action content for the provided xml_id
: param xml_id : the namespace - less id of the action ( the @id
attribute from the XML file )
: return : A read ( ) view of the ir . actions . action safe for web use
record = self . env . ref ( full_xml_id )
assert isinstance ( self . env [ record . _name ] , self . env . registry [ self . _name ] )
return record . _get_action_dict ( )
def _get_action_dict ( self ) :
""" Returns the action content for the provided action record.
self . ensure_one ( )
readable_fields = self . _get_readable_fields ( )
return {
field : value
for field , value in self . sudo ( ) . read ( ) [ 0 ] . items ( )
if field in readable_fields
def _get_readable_fields ( self ) :
""" return the list of fields that are safe to read
Fetched via / web / action / load or _for_xml_id method
Only fields used by the web client should included
Accessing content useful for the server - side must
be done manually with superuser
return {
" binding_model_id " , " binding_type " , " binding_view_types " ,
" display_name " , " help " , " id " , " name " , " type " , " xml_id " ,
" path " ,
class IrActionsActWindow ( models . Model ) :
_name = ' ir.actions.act_window '
_description = ' Action Window '
_table = ' ir_act_window '
_inherit = ' ir.actions.actions '
_order = ' name '
_allow_sudo_commands = False
@api.constrains ( ' res_model ' , ' binding_model_id ' )
def _check_model ( self ) :
for action in self :
if action . res_model not in self . env :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( ' Invalid model name “ %s ” in action definition. ' , action . res_model ) )
if action . binding_model_id and action . binding_model_id . model not in self . env :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( ' Invalid model name “ %s ” in action definition. ' , action . binding_model_id . model ) )
@api.depends ( ' view_ids.view_mode ' , ' view_mode ' , ' view_id.type ' )
def _compute_views ( self ) :
""" Compute an ordered list of the specific view modes that should be
enabled when displaying the result of this action , along with the
ID of the specific view to use for each mode , if any were required .
This function hides the logic of determining the precedence between
the view_modes string , the view_ids o2m , and the view_id m2o that
can be set on the action .
for act in self :
act . views = [ ( view . view_id . id , view . view_mode ) for view in act . view_ids ]
got_modes = [ view . view_mode for view in act . view_ids ]
all_modes = act . view_mode . split ( ' , ' )
missing_modes = [ mode for mode in all_modes if mode not in got_modes ]
if missing_modes :
if act . view_id . type in missing_modes :
# reorder missing modes to put view_id first if present
missing_modes . remove ( act . view_id . type )
act . views . append ( ( act . view_id . id , act . view_id . type ) )
act . views . extend ( [ ( False , mode ) for mode in missing_modes ] )
@api.constrains ( ' view_mode ' )
def _check_view_mode ( self ) :
for rec in self :
modes = rec . view_mode . split ( ' , ' )
if len ( modes ) != len ( set ( modes ) ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( ' The modes in view_mode must not be duplicated: %s ' , modes ) )
if ' ' in modes :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( ' No spaces allowed in view_mode: “ %s ” ' , modes ) )
type = fields . Char ( default = " ir.actions.act_window " )
view_id = fields . Many2one ( ' ir.ui.view ' , string = ' View Ref. ' , ondelete = ' set null ' )
domain = fields . Char ( string = ' Domain Value ' ,
help = " Optional domain filtering of the destination data, as a Python expression " )
context = fields . Char ( string = ' Context Value ' , default = { } , required = True ,
help = " Context dictionary as Python expression, empty by default (Default: {} ) " )
res_id = fields . Integer ( string = ' Record ID ' , help = " Database ID of record to open in form view, when ``view_mode`` is set to ' form ' only " )
res_model = fields . Char ( string = ' Destination Model ' , required = True ,
help = " Model name of the object to open in the view window " )
target = fields . Selection ( [ ( ' current ' , ' Current Window ' ) , ( ' new ' , ' New Window ' ) , ( ' inline ' , ' Inline Edit ' ) , ( ' fullscreen ' , ' Full Screen ' ) , ( ' main ' , ' Main action of Current Window ' ) ] , default = " current " , string = ' Target Window ' )
view_mode = fields . Char ( required = True , default = ' list,form ' ,
help = " Comma-separated list of allowed view modes, such as ' form ' , ' list ' , ' calendar ' , etc. (Default: list,form) " )
mobile_view_mode = fields . Char ( default = " kanban " , help = " First view mode in mobile and small screen environments (default= ' kanban ' ). If it can ' t be found among available view modes, the same mode as for wider screens is used) " )
usage = fields . Char ( string = ' Action Usage ' ,
help = " Used to filter menu and home actions from the user form. " )
view_ids = fields . One2many ( ' ir.actions.act_window.view ' , ' act_window_id ' , string = ' No of Views ' )
views = fields . Binary ( compute = ' _compute_views ' ,
help = " This function field computes the ordered list of views that should be enabled " \
" when displaying the result of an action, federating view mode, views and " \
" reference view. The result is returned as an ordered list of pairs (view_id,view_mode). " )
limit = fields . Integer ( default = 80 , help = ' Default limit for the list view ' )
groups_id = fields . Many2many ( ' res.groups ' , ' ir_act_window_group_rel ' ,
' act_id ' , ' gid ' , string = ' Groups ' )
search_view_id = fields . Many2one ( ' ir.ui.view ' , string = ' Search View Ref. ' )
embedded_action_ids = fields . One2many ( ' ir.embedded.actions ' , compute = " _compute_embedded_actions " )
filter = fields . Boolean ( )
def _compute_embedded_actions ( self ) :
embedded_actions = self . env [ " ir.embedded.actions " ] . search ( [ ( ' parent_action_id ' , ' in ' , self . ids ) ] ) . filtered ( lambda x : x . is_visible )
for action in self :
action . embedded_action_ids = embedded_actions . filtered ( lambda rec : rec . parent_action_id == action )
def read ( self , fields = None , load = ' _classic_read ' ) :
""" call the method get_empty_list_help of the model and set the window action help message
result = super ( IrActionsActWindow , self ) . read ( fields , load = load )
if not fields or ' help ' in fields :
for values in result :
model = values . get ( ' res_model ' )
if model in self . env :
eval_ctx = dict ( self . env . context )
try :
ctx = safe_eval ( values . get ( ' context ' , ' {} ' ) , eval_ctx )
except :
ctx = { }
values [ ' help ' ] = self . with_context ( * * ctx ) . env [ model ] . get_empty_list_help ( values . get ( ' help ' , ' ' ) )
return result
def create ( self , vals_list ) :
self . env . registry . clear_cache ( )
for vals in vals_list :
if not vals . get ( ' name ' ) and vals . get ( ' res_model ' ) :
vals [ ' name ' ] = self . env [ vals [ ' res_model ' ] ] . _description
return super ( IrActionsActWindow , self ) . create ( vals_list )
def unlink ( self ) :
self . env . registry . clear_cache ( )
return super ( IrActionsActWindow , self ) . unlink ( )
def exists ( self ) :
ids = self . _existing ( )
existing = self . filtered ( lambda rec : rec . id in ids )
return existing
@tools.ormcache ( )
def _existing ( self ) :
self . _cr . execute ( " SELECT id FROM %s " % self . _table )
return set ( row [ 0 ] for row in self . _cr . fetchall ( ) )
def _get_readable_fields ( self ) :
return super ( ) . _get_readable_fields ( ) | {
" context " , " mobile_view_mode " , " domain " , " filter " , " groups_id " , " limit " ,
" res_id " , " res_model " , " search_view_id " , " target " , " view_id " , " view_mode " , " views " , " embedded_action_ids " ,
# `flags` is not a real field of ir.actions.act_window but is used
# to give the parameters to generate the action
" flags " ,
# this is used by frontend, with the document layout wizard before send and print
" close_on_report_download " ,
def _get_action_dict ( self ) :
""" Override to return action content with detailed embedded actions data if available.
: return : A dict with updated action dictionary including embedded actions information .
result = super ( ) . _get_action_dict ( )
if embedded_action_ids := result [ " embedded_action_ids " ] :
EmbeddedActions = self . env [ " ir.embedded.actions " ]
embedded_fields = EmbeddedActions . _get_readable_fields ( )
result [ " embedded_action_ids " ] = EmbeddedActions . browse ( embedded_action_ids ) . read ( embedded_fields )
return result
( ' list ' , ' List ' ) ,
( ' form ' , ' Form ' ) ,
( ' graph ' , ' Graph ' ) ,
( ' pivot ' , ' Pivot ' ) ,
( ' calendar ' , ' Calendar ' ) ,
( ' kanban ' , ' Kanban ' ) ,
class IrActionsActWindowView ( models . Model ) :
_name = ' ir.actions.act_window.view '
_description = ' Action Window View '
_table = ' ir_act_window_view '
_rec_name = ' view_id '
_order = ' sequence,id '
_allow_sudo_commands = False
sequence = fields . Integer ( )
view_id = fields . Many2one ( ' ir.ui.view ' , string = ' View ' )
view_mode = fields . Selection ( VIEW_TYPES , string = ' View Type ' , required = True )
act_window_id = fields . Many2one ( ' ir.actions.act_window ' , string = ' Action ' , ondelete = ' cascade ' )
multi = fields . Boolean ( string = ' On Multiple Doc. ' , help = " If set to true, the action will not be displayed on the right toolbar of a form view. " )
def _auto_init ( self ) :
res = super ( IrActionsActWindowView , self ) . _auto_init ( )
tools . create_unique_index ( self . _cr , ' act_window_view_unique_mode_per_action ' ,
self . _table , [ ' act_window_id ' , ' view_mode ' ] )
return res
class IrActionsActWindowclose ( models . Model ) :
_name = ' ir.actions.act_window_close '
_description = ' Action Window Close '
_inherit = ' ir.actions.actions '
_table = ' ir_actions '
_allow_sudo_commands = False
type = fields . Char ( default = ' ir.actions.act_window_close ' )
def _get_readable_fields ( self ) :
return super ( ) . _get_readable_fields ( ) | {
# 'effect' and 'infos' are not real fields of `ir.actions.act_window_close` but they are
# used to display the rainbowman ('effect') and waited by the action_service ('infos').
" effect " , " infos "
class IrActionsActUrl ( models . Model ) :
_name = ' ir.actions.act_url '
_description = ' Action URL '
_table = ' ir_act_url '
_inherit = ' ir.actions.actions '
_order = ' name '
_allow_sudo_commands = False
type = fields . Char ( default = ' ir.actions.act_url ' )
url = fields . Text ( string = ' Action URL ' , required = True )
target = fields . Selection ( [ ( ' new ' , ' New Window ' ) , ( ' self ' , ' This Window ' ) , ( ' download ' , ' Download ' ) ] ,
string = ' Action Target ' , default = ' new ' , required = True )
def _get_readable_fields ( self ) :
return super ( ) . _get_readable_fields ( ) | {
" target " , " url " , " close " ,
" integer " : 42 ,
" float " : 42.42 ,
" monetary " : 42.42 ,
" char " : " Hello World " ,
" text " : " Hello World " ,
" html " : " <p>Hello World</p> " ,
" boolean " : True ,
" selection " : " option1 " ,
" date " : " 2020-01-01 " ,
" datetime " : " 2020-01-01 00:00:00 " ,
" binary " : " <base64_data> " ,
" many2one " : 47 ,
" many2many " : [ 42 , 47 ] ,
" one2many " : [ 42 , 47 ] ,
" reference " : " res.partner,42 " ,
None : " some_data " ,
class IrActionsServer ( models . Model ) :
""" Server actions model. Server action work on a base model and offer various
type of actions that can be executed automatically , for example using base
action rules , of manually , by adding the action in the ' More ' contextual
menu .
Since Odoo 8.0 a button ' Create Menu Action ' button is available on the
action form view . It creates an entry in the More menu of the base model .
This allows to create server actions and run them in mass mode easily through
the interface .
The available actions are :
- ' Execute Python Code ' : a block of python code that will be executed
- ' Create a new Record ' : create a new record with new values
- ' Write on a Record ' : update the values of a record
- ' Execute several actions ' : define an action that triggers several other
server actions
_name = ' ir.actions.server '
_description = ' Server Actions '
_table = ' ir_act_server '
_inherit = ' ir.actions.actions '
_order = ' sequence,name '
_allow_sudo_commands = False
DEFAULT_PYTHON_CODE = """ # Available variables:
# - env: environment on which the action is triggered
# - model: model of the record on which the action is triggered; is a void recordset
# - record: record on which the action is triggered; may be void
# - records: recordset of all records on which the action is triggered in multi-mode; may be void
# - time, datetime, dateutil, timezone: useful Python libraries
# - float_compare: utility function to compare floats based on specific precision
# - b64encode, b64decode: functions to encode/decode binary data
# - log: log(message, level='info'): logging function to record debug information in ir.logging table
# - _logger: _logger.info(message): logger to emit messages in server logs
# - UserError: exception class for raising user-facing warning messages
# - Command: x2many commands namespace
# To return an action, assign: action = {...}\n\n\n\n"""
def _default_update_path ( self ) :
if not self . env . context . get ( ' default_model_id ' ) :
return ' '
ir_model = self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . browse ( self . env . context [ ' default_model_id ' ] )
model = self . env [ ir_model . model ]
sensible_default_fields = [ ' partner_id ' , ' user_id ' , ' user_ids ' , ' stage_id ' , ' state ' , ' active ' ]
for field_name in sensible_default_fields :
if field_name in model . _fields and not model . _fields [ field_name ] . readonly :
return field_name
return ' '
name = fields . Char ( required = True )
type = fields . Char ( default = ' ir.actions.server ' )
usage = fields . Selection ( [
( ' ir_actions_server ' , ' Server Action ' ) ,
( ' ir_cron ' , ' Scheduled Action ' ) ] , string = ' Usage ' ,
default = ' ir_actions_server ' , required = True )
state = fields . Selection ( [
( ' object_write ' , ' Update Record ' ) ,
( ' object_create ' , ' Create Record ' ) ,
( ' code ' , ' Execute Code ' ) ,
( ' webhook ' , ' Send Webhook Notification ' ) ,
( ' multi ' , ' Execute Existing Actions ' ) ] , string = ' Type ' ,
default = ' object_write ' , required = True , copy = True ,
help = " Type of server action. The following values are available: \n "
" - ' Update a Record ' : update the values of a record \n "
" - ' Create Activity ' : create an activity (Discuss) \n "
" - ' Send Email ' : post a message, a note or send an email (Discuss) \n "
" - ' Send SMS ' : send SMS, log them on documents (SMS) "
" - ' Add/Remove Followers ' : add or remove followers to a record (Discuss) \n "
" - ' Create Record ' : create a new record with new values \n "
" - ' Execute Code ' : a block of Python code that will be executed \n "
" - ' Send Webhook Notification ' : send a POST request to an external system, also known as a Webhook \n "
" - ' Execute Existing Actions ' : define an action that triggers several other server actions \n " )
# Generic
sequence = fields . Integer ( default = 5 ,
help = " When dealing with multiple actions, the execution order is "
" based on the sequence. Low number means high priority. " )
model_id = fields . Many2one ( ' ir.model ' , string = ' Model ' , required = True , ondelete = ' cascade ' , index = True ,
help = " Model on which the server action runs. " )
available_model_ids = fields . Many2many ( ' ir.model ' , string = ' Available Models ' , compute = ' _compute_available_model_ids ' , store = False )
model_name = fields . Char ( related = ' model_id.model ' , string = ' Model Name ' , readonly = True , store = True )
# Python code
code = fields . Text ( string = ' Python Code ' , groups = ' base.group_system ' ,
help = " Write Python code that the action will execute. Some variables are "
" available for use; help about python expression is given in the help tab. " )
# Multi
child_ids = fields . Many2many ( ' ir.actions.server ' , ' rel_server_actions ' , ' server_id ' , ' action_id ' ,
string = ' Child Actions ' , help = ' Child server actions that will be executed. Note that the last return returned action value will be used as global return value. ' )
# Create
crud_model_id = fields . Many2one (
' ir.model ' , string = ' Record to Create ' ,
compute = ' _compute_crud_relations ' , readonly = False , store = True ,
help = " Specify which kind of record should be created. Set this field only to specify a different model than the base model. " )
crud_model_name = fields . Char ( related = ' crud_model_id.model ' , string = ' Target Model Name ' , readonly = True )
link_field_id = fields . Many2one (
' ir.model.fields ' , string = ' Link Field ' ,
compute = ' _compute_link_field_id ' , readonly = False , store = True ,
help = " Specify a field used to link the newly created record on the record used by the server action. " )
groups_id = fields . Many2many ( ' res.groups ' , ' ir_act_server_group_rel ' ,
' act_id ' , ' gid ' , string = ' Allowed Groups ' , help = ' Groups that can execute the server action. Leave empty to allow everybody. ' )
update_field_id = fields . Many2one ( ' ir.model.fields ' , string = ' Field to Update ' , ondelete = ' cascade ' , compute = ' _compute_crud_relations ' , store = True , readonly = False )
update_path = fields . Char ( string = ' Field to Update Path ' , help = " Path to the field to update, e.g. ' partner_id.name ' " , default = _default_update_path )
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
update_related_model_id = fields . Many2one ( ' ir.model ' , compute = ' _compute_crud_relations ' , readonly = False , store = True )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
update_field_type = fields . Selection ( related = ' update_field_id.ttype ' , readonly = True )
update_m2m_operation = fields . Selection ( [
( ' add ' , ' Adding ' ) ,
( ' remove ' , ' Removing ' ) ,
( ' set ' , ' Setting it to ' ) ,
( ' clear ' , ' Clearing it ' )
] , string = ' Many2many Operations ' , default = ' add ' )
update_boolean_value = fields . Selection ( [ ( ' true ' , ' Yes (True) ' ) , ( ' false ' , " No (False) " ) ] , string = ' Boolean Value ' , default = ' true ' )
value = fields . Text ( help = " For Python expressions, this field may hold a Python expression "
" that can use the same values as for the code field on the server action, "
" e.g. `env.user.name` to set the current user ' s name as the value "
" or `record.id` to set the ID of the record on which the action is run. \n \n "
" For Static values, the value will be used directly without evaluation, e.g. "
" `42` or `My custom name` or the selected record. " )
evaluation_type = fields . Selection ( [
( ' value ' , ' Update ' ) ,
( ' equation ' , ' Compute ' )
] , ' Value Type ' , default = ' value ' , change_default = True )
resource_ref = fields . Reference (
string = ' Record ' , selection = ' _selection_target_model ' , inverse = ' _set_resource_ref ' )
selection_value = fields . Many2one ( ' ir.model.fields.selection ' , string = " Custom Value " , ondelete = ' cascade ' ,
domain = ' [( " field_id " , " = " , update_field_id)] ' , inverse = ' _set_selection_value ' )
value_field_to_show = fields . Selection ( [
( ' value ' , ' value ' ) ,
( ' resource_ref ' , ' reference ' ) ,
( ' update_boolean_value ' , ' update_boolean_value ' ) ,
( ' selection_value ' , ' selection_value ' ) ,
] , compute = ' _compute_value_field_to_show ' )
# Webhook
webhook_url = fields . Char ( string = ' Webhook URL ' , help = " URL to send the POST request to. " )
webhook_field_ids = fields . Many2many ( ' ir.model.fields ' , ' ir_act_server_webhook_field_rel ' , ' server_id ' , ' field_id ' ,
string = ' Webhook Fields ' ,
help = " Fields to send in the POST request. "
" The id and model of the record are always sent as ' _id ' and ' _model ' . "
" The name of the action that triggered the webhook is always sent as ' _name ' . " )
webhook_sample_payload = fields . Text ( string = ' Sample Payload ' , compute = ' _compute_webhook_sample_payload ' )
@api.constrains ( ' webhook_field_ids ' )
def _check_webhook_field_ids ( self ) :
""" Check that the selected fields don ' t have group restrictions """
restricted_fields = dict ( )
for action in self :
Model = self . env [ action . model_id . model ]
for model_field in action . webhook_field_ids :
# you might think that the ir.model.field record holds references
# to the groups, but that's not the case - we need to field object itself
field = Model . _fields [ model_field . name ]
if field . groups :
restricted_fields . setdefault ( action . name , [ ] ) . append ( model_field . field_description )
if restricted_fields :
restricted_field_per_action = " \n " . join ( [ f " { action } : { ' , ' . join ( f for f in fields ) } " for action , fields in restricted_fields . items ( ) ] )
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " Group-restricted fields cannot be included in "
" webhook payloads, as it could allow any user to "
" accidentally leak sensitive information. You will "
" have to remove the following fields from the webhook payload "
" in the following actions: \n %s " , restricted_field_per_action ) )
@api.depends ( ' state ' )
def _compute_available_model_ids ( self ) :
allowed_models = self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . search (
[ ( ' model ' , ' in ' , list ( self . env [ ' ir.model.access ' ] . _get_allowed_models ( ) ) ) ]
self . available_model_ids = allowed_models . ids
@api.depends ( ' model_id ' , ' update_path ' , ' state ' )
def _compute_crud_relations ( self ) :
""" Compute the crud_model_id and update_field_id fields.
The crud_model_id is the model on which the action will create or update
records . In the case of record creation , it is the same as the main model
of the action . For record update , it will be the model linked to the last
field in the update_path .
This is only used for object_create and object_write actions .
The update_field_id is the field at the end of the update_path that will
be updated by the action - only used for object_write actions .
for action in self :
if action . model_id and action . state in ( ' object_write ' , ' object_create ' ) :
if action . state == ' object_create ' :
action . crud_model_id = action . model_id
action . update_field_id = False
action . update_path = False
elif action . state == ' object_write ' :
if action . update_path :
# we need to traverse relations to find the target model and field
model , field , _ = action . _traverse_path ( )
action . crud_model_id = model
action . update_field_id = field
need_update_model = action . evaluation_type == ' value ' and action . update_field_id and action . update_field_id . relation
action . update_related_model_id = action . env [ " ir.model " ] . _get_id ( field . relation ) if need_update_model else False
else :
action . crud_model_id = action . model_id
action . update_field_id = False
else :
action . crud_model_id = False
action . update_field_id = False
action . update_path = False
def _traverse_path ( self , record = None ) :
""" Traverse the update_path to find the target model and field, and optionally
the target record of an action of type ' object_write ' .
: param record : optional record to use as starting point for the path traversal
: return : a tuple ( model , field , records ) where model is the target model and field is the
target field ; if no record was provided , records is None , otherwise it is the
recordset at the end of the path starting from the provided record
self . ensure_one ( )
path = self . update_path . split ( ' . ' )
Model = self . env [ self . model_id . model ]
# sanity check: we're starting from a record that belongs to the model
if record and record . _name != Model . _name :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " I have no idea how you *did that*, but you ' re trying to use a gibberish configuration: the model of the record on which the action is triggered is not the same as the model of the action. " ) )
for field_name in path :
is_last_field = field_name == path [ - 1 ]
field = Model . _fields [ field_name ]
if field . relational and not is_last_field :
Model = self . env [ field . comodel_name ]
elif not field . relational :
# sanity check: this should be the last field in the path
if not is_last_field :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " The path to the field to update contains a non-relational field ( %s ) that is not the last field in the path. You can ' t traverse non-relational fields (even in the quantum realm). Make sure only the last field in the path is non-relational. " , field_name ) )
if isinstance ( field , fields . Json ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " I ' m sorry to say that JSON fields (such as %s ) are currently not supported. " , field_name ) )
target_records = None
if record is not None :
target_records = reduce ( getitem , path [ : - 1 ] , record )
model_id = self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( Model . _name )
field_id = self . env [ ' ir.model.fields ' ] . _get ( Model . _name , field_name )
return model_id , field_id , target_records
def _stringify_path ( self ) :
""" Returns a string representation of the update_path, with the field names
separated by the ` > ` symbol . """
self . ensure_one ( )
path = self . update_path
if not path :
return ' '
model = self . env [ self . model_id . model ]
pretty_path = [ ]
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
field = None
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
for field_name in path . split ( ' . ' ) :
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
if field and field . type == ' properties ' :
pretty_path . append ( field_name )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
field = model . _fields [ field_name ]
field_id = self . env [ ' ir.model.fields ' ] . _get ( model . _name , field_name )
if field . relational :
model = self . env [ field . comodel_name ]
pretty_path . append ( field_id . field_description )
return ' > ' . join ( pretty_path )
@api.depends ( ' state ' , ' model_id ' , ' webhook_field_ids ' , ' name ' )
def _compute_webhook_sample_payload ( self ) :
for action in self :
if action . state != ' webhook ' :
action . webhook_sample_payload = False
payload = {
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
' _id ' : 1 ,
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
' _model ' : self . model_id . model ,
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
' _action ' : f ' { action . name } (# { action . id } ) ' ,
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
if self . model_id :
sample_record = self . env [ self . model_id . model ] . with_context ( active_test = False ) . search ( [ ] , limit = 1 )
for field in action . webhook_field_ids :
if sample_record :
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
payload [ ' _id ' ] = sample_record . id
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
payload . update ( sample_record . read ( self . webhook_field_ids . mapped ( ' name ' ) , load = None ) [ 0 ] )
else :
payload [ field . name ] = WEBHOOK_SAMPLE_VALUES [ field . ttype ] if field . ttype in WEBHOOK_SAMPLE_VALUES else WEBHOOK_SAMPLE_VALUES [ None ]
action . webhook_sample_payload = json . dumps ( payload , indent = 4 , sort_keys = True , default = str )
@api.depends ( ' model_id ' )
def _compute_link_field_id ( self ) :
invalid = self . filtered ( lambda act : act . link_field_id . model_id != act . model_id )
if invalid :
invalid . link_field_id = False
@api.constrains ( ' code ' )
def _check_python_code ( self ) :
for action in self . sudo ( ) . filtered ( ' code ' ) :
msg = test_python_expr ( expr = action . code . strip ( ) , mode = " exec " )
if msg :
raise ValidationError ( msg )
@api.constrains ( ' child_ids ' )
def _check_child_recursion ( self ) :
if self . _has_cycle ( ' child_ids ' ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( ' Recursion found in child server actions ' ) )
def _get_readable_fields ( self ) :
return super ( ) . _get_readable_fields ( ) | {
" groups_id " , " model_name " ,
def _get_runner ( self ) :
multi = True
t = self . env . registry [ self . _name ]
fn = getattr ( t , f ' _run_action_ { self . state } _multi ' , None ) \
or getattr ( t , f ' run_action_ { self . state } _multi ' , None )
if not fn :
multi = False
fn = getattr ( t , f ' _run_action_ { self . state } ' , None ) \
or getattr ( t , f ' run_action_ { self . state } ' , None )
if fn and fn . __name__ . startswith ( ' run_action_ ' ) :
fn = partial ( fn , self )
return fn , multi
def _register_hook ( self ) :
super ( ) . _register_hook ( )
for cls in self . env . registry [ self . _name ] . mro ( ) :
for symbol in vars ( cls ) . keys ( ) :
if symbol . startswith ( ' run_action_ ' ) :
_logger . warning (
" RPC-public action methods are deprecated, found %r (in class %s . %s ) " ,
symbol , cls . __module__ , cls . __name__
def create_action ( self ) :
""" Create a contextual action for each server action. """
for action in self :
action . write ( { ' binding_model_id ' : action . model_id . id ,
' binding_type ' : ' action ' } )
return True
def unlink_action ( self ) :
""" Remove the contextual actions created for the server actions. """
self . check_access ( ' write ' )
self . filtered ( ' binding_model_id ' ) . write ( { ' binding_model_id ' : False } )
return True
def _run_action_code_multi ( self , eval_context ) :
safe_eval ( self . code . strip ( ) , eval_context , mode = " exec " , nocopy = True , filename = str ( self ) ) # nocopy allows to return 'action'
return eval_context . get ( ' action ' )
def _run_action_multi ( self , eval_context = None ) :
res = False
for act in self . child_ids . sorted ( ) :
res = act . run ( ) or res
return res
def _run_action_object_write ( self , eval_context = None ) :
""" Apply specified write changes to active_id. """
vals = self . _eval_value ( eval_context = eval_context )
res = { action . update_field_id . name : vals [ action . id ] for action in self }
if self . _context . get ( ' onchange_self ' ) :
record_cached = self . _context [ ' onchange_self ' ]
for field , new_value in res . items ( ) :
record_cached [ field ] = new_value
else :
starting_record = self . env [ self . model_id . model ] . browse ( self . _context . get ( ' active_id ' ) )
_ , _ , target_records = self . _traverse_path ( record = starting_record )
target_records . write ( res )
def _run_action_webhook ( self , eval_context = None ) :
""" Send a post request with a read of the selected field on active_id. """
record = self . env [ self . model_id . model ] . browse ( self . _context . get ( ' active_id ' ) )
url = self . webhook_url
if not record :
if not url :
raise UserError ( _ ( " I ' ll be happy to send a webhook for you, but you really need to give me a URL to reach out to... " ) )
vals = {
' _model ' : self . model_id . model ,
' _id ' : record . id ,
' _action ' : f ' { self . name } (# { self . id } ) ' ,
if self . webhook_field_ids :
# you might think we could use the default json serializer of the requests library
# but it will fail on many fields, e.g. datetime, date or binary
# so we use the json.dumps serializer instead with the str() function as default
vals . update ( record . read ( self . webhook_field_ids . mapped ( ' name ' ) , load = None ) [ 0 ] )
json_values = json . dumps ( vals , sort_keys = True , default = str )
_logger . info ( " Webhook call to %s " , url )
_logger . debug ( " POST JSON data for webhook call: %s " , json_values )
try :
# 'send and forget' strategy, and avoid locking the user if the webhook
# is slow or non-functional (we still allow for a 1s timeout so that
# if we get a proper error response code like 400, 404 or 500 we can log)
response = requests . post ( url , data = json_values , headers = { ' Content-Type ' : ' application/json ' } , timeout = 1 )
response . raise_for_status ( )
except requests . exceptions . ReadTimeout :
_logger . warning ( " Webhook call timed out after 1s - it may or may not have failed. "
" If this happens often, it may be a sign that the system you ' re "
" trying to reach is slow or non-functional. " )
except requests . exceptions . RequestException as e :
_logger . warning ( " Webhook call failed: %s " , e )
except Exception as e : # noqa: BLE001
raise UserError ( _ ( " Wow, your webhook call failed with a really unusual error: %s " , e ) ) from e
def _run_action_object_create ( self , eval_context = None ) :
""" Create specified model object with specified name contained in value.
If applicable , link active_id . < self . link_field_id > to the new record .
res_id , _res_name = self . env [ self . crud_model_id . model ] . name_create ( self . value )
if self . link_field_id :
record = self . env [ self . model_id . model ] . browse ( self . _context . get ( ' active_id ' ) )
if self . link_field_id . ttype in [ ' one2many ' , ' many2many ' ] :
record . write ( { self . link_field_id . name : [ Command . link ( res_id ) ] } )
else :
record . write ( { self . link_field_id . name : res_id } )
def _get_eval_context ( self , action = None ) :
""" Prepare the context used when evaluating python code, like the
python formulas or code server actions .
: param action : the current server action
: type action : browse record
: returns : dict - - evaluation context given to ( safe_ ) safe_eval """
def log ( message , level = " info " ) :
with self . pool . cursor ( ) as cr :
cr . execute ( """
INSERT INTO ir_logging ( create_date , create_uid , type , dbname , name , level , message , path , line , func )
VALUES ( NOW ( ) at time zone ' UTC ' , % s , % s , % s , % s , % s , % s , % s , % s , % s )
""" , (self.env.uid, ' server ' , self._cr.dbname, __name__, level, message, " action " , action.id, action.name))
eval_context = super ( IrActionsServer , self ) . _get_eval_context ( action = action )
model_name = action . model_id . sudo ( ) . model
model = self . env [ model_name ]
record = None
records = None
if self . _context . get ( ' active_model ' ) == model_name and self . _context . get ( ' active_id ' ) :
record = model . browse ( self . _context [ ' active_id ' ] )
if self . _context . get ( ' active_model ' ) == model_name and self . _context . get ( ' active_ids ' ) :
records = model . browse ( self . _context [ ' active_ids ' ] )
if self . _context . get ( ' onchange_self ' ) :
record = self . _context [ ' onchange_self ' ]
eval_context . update ( {
# orm
' env ' : self . env ,
' model ' : model ,
# Exceptions
' UserError ' : odoo . exceptions . UserError ,
# record
' record ' : record ,
' records ' : records ,
# helpers
' log ' : log ,
' _logger ' : LoggerProxy ,
} )
return eval_context
def run ( self ) :
""" Runs the server action. For each server action, the
: samp : ` _run_action_ { TYPE } [ _multi ] ` method is called . This allows easy
overriding of the server actions .
The ` ` _multi ` ` suffix means the runner can operate on multiple records ,
otherwise if there are multiple records the runner will be called once
for each .
The call context should contain the following keys :
id of the current object ( single mode )
current model that should equal the action ' s model
active_ids ( optional )
ids of the current records ( mass mode ) . If ` ` active_ids ` ` and
` ` active_id ` ` are present , ` ` active_ids ` ` is given precedence .
: return : an ` ` action_id ` ` to be executed , or ` ` False ` ` is finished
correctly without return action
res = False
for action in self . sudo ( ) :
action_groups = action . groups_id
if action_groups :
if not ( action_groups & self . env . user . groups_id ) :
raise AccessError ( _ ( " You don ' t have enough access rights to run this action. " ) )
else :
model_name = action . model_id . model
try :
self . env [ model_name ] . check_access ( " write " )
except AccessError :
_logger . warning ( " Forbidden server action %r executed while the user %s does not have access to %s . " ,
action . name , self . env . user . login , model_name ,
eval_context = self . _get_eval_context ( action )
records = eval_context . get ( ' record ' ) or eval_context [ ' model ' ]
records | = eval_context . get ( ' records ' ) or eval_context [ ' model ' ]
if not action_groups and records . ids :
# check access rules on real records only; base automations of
# type 'onchange' can run server actions on new records
try :
records . check_access ( ' write ' )
except AccessError :
_logger . warning ( " Forbidden server action %r executed while the user %s does not have access to %s . " ,
action . name , self . env . user . login , records ,
runner , multi = action . _get_runner ( )
if runner and multi :
# call the multi method
run_self = action . with_context ( eval_context [ ' env ' ] . context )
res = runner ( run_self , eval_context = eval_context )
elif runner :
active_id = self . _context . get ( ' active_id ' )
if not active_id and self . _context . get ( ' onchange_self ' ) :
active_id = self . _context [ ' onchange_self ' ] . _origin . id
if not active_id : # onchange on new record
res = runner ( action , eval_context = eval_context )
active_ids = self . _context . get ( ' active_ids ' , [ active_id ] if active_id else [ ] )
for active_id in active_ids :
# run context dedicated to a particular active_id
run_self = action . with_context ( active_ids = [ active_id ] , active_id = active_id )
eval_context [ " env " ] . context = run_self . _context
res = runner ( run_self , eval_context = eval_context )
else :
_logger . warning (
" Found no way to execute server action %r of type %r , ignoring it. "
" Verify that the type is correct or add a method called "
" `_run_action_<type>` or `_run_action_<type>_multi`. " ,
action . name , action . state
return res or False
@api.depends ( ' evaluation_type ' , ' update_field_id ' )
def _compute_value_field_to_show ( self ) : # check if value_field_to_show can be removed and use ttype in xml view instead
for action in self :
if action . update_field_id . ttype in ( ' many2one ' , ' many2many ' ) :
action . value_field_to_show = ' resource_ref '
elif action . update_field_id . ttype == ' selection ' :
action . value_field_to_show = ' selection_value '
elif action . update_field_id . ttype == ' boolean ' :
action . value_field_to_show = ' update_boolean_value '
else :
action . value_field_to_show = ' value '
def _selection_target_model ( self ) :
return [ ( model . model , model . name ) for model in self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . sudo ( ) . search ( [ ] ) ]
@api.constrains ( ' update_field_id ' , ' evaluation_type ' )
def _raise_many2many_error ( self ) :
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
pass # TODO: remove in master
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
@api.onchange ( ' resource_ref ' )
def _set_resource_ref ( self ) :
for action in self . filtered ( lambda action : action . value_field_to_show == ' resource_ref ' ) :
if action . resource_ref :
action . value = str ( action . resource_ref . id )
@api.onchange ( ' selection_value ' )
def _set_selection_value ( self ) :
for action in self . filtered ( lambda action : action . value_field_to_show == ' selection_value ' ) :
if action . selection_value :
action . value = action . selection_value . value
def _eval_value ( self , eval_context = None ) :
result = { }
for action in self :
expr = action . value
if action . evaluation_type == ' equation ' :
expr = safe_eval ( action . value , eval_context )
elif action . update_field_id . ttype == ' many2many ' :
operation = action . update_m2m_operation
if operation == ' add ' :
expr = [ Command . link ( int ( action . value ) ) ]
elif operation == ' remove ' :
expr = [ Command . unlink ( int ( action . value ) ) ]
elif operation == ' set ' :
expr = [ Command . set ( [ int ( action . value ) ] ) ]
elif operation == ' clear ' :
expr = [ Command . clear ( ) ]
elif action . update_field_id . ttype == ' boolean ' :
expr = action . update_boolean_value == ' true '
elif action . update_field_id . ttype in [ ' many2one ' , ' integer ' ] :
try :
expr = int ( action . value )
if expr == 0 and action . update_field_id . ttype == ' many2one ' :
expr = False
except Exception :
elif action . update_field_id . ttype == ' float ' :
with contextlib . suppress ( Exception ) :
expr = float ( action . value )
result [ action . id ] = expr
return result
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
def copy_data ( self , default = None ) :
default = default or { }
vals_list = super ( ) . copy_data ( default = default )
if not default . get ( ' name ' ) :
for vals in vals_list :
vals [ ' name ' ] = _ ( ' %s (copy) ' , vals . get ( ' name ' , ' ' ) )
return vals_list
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
class IrActionsTodo ( models . Model ) :
Configuration Wizards
_name = ' ir.actions.todo '
_description = " Configuration Wizards "
_rec_name = ' action_id '
_order = " sequence, id "
_allow_sudo_commands = False
action_id = fields . Many2one ( ' ir.actions.actions ' , string = ' Action ' , required = True , index = True )
sequence = fields . Integer ( default = 10 )
state = fields . Selection ( [ ( ' open ' , ' To Do ' ) , ( ' done ' , ' Done ' ) ] , string = ' Status ' , default = ' open ' , required = True )
name = fields . Char ( )
def create ( self , vals_list ) :
todos = super ( IrActionsTodo , self ) . create ( vals_list )
for todo in todos :
if todo . state == " open " :
self . ensure_one_open_todo ( )
return todos
def write ( self , vals ) :
res = super ( IrActionsTodo , self ) . write ( vals )
if vals . get ( ' state ' , ' ' ) == ' open ' :
self . ensure_one_open_todo ( )
return res
def ensure_one_open_todo ( self ) :
open_todo = self . search ( [ ( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' open ' ) ] , order = ' sequence asc, id desc ' , offset = 1 )
if open_todo :
open_todo . write ( { ' state ' : ' done ' } )
def unlink ( self ) :
if self :
try :
todo_open_menu = self . env . ref ( ' base.open_menu ' )
# don't remove base.open_menu todo but set its original action
if todo_open_menu in self :
todo_open_menu . action_id = self . env . ref ( ' base.action_client_base_menu ' ) . id
self - = todo_open_menu
except ValueError :
return super ( IrActionsTodo , self ) . unlink ( )
def action_launch ( self ) :
""" Launch Action of Wizard """
self . ensure_one ( )
self . write ( { ' state ' : ' done ' } )
# Load action
action_type = self . action_id . type
action = self . env [ action_type ] . browse ( self . action_id . id )
result = action . read ( ) [ 0 ]
if action_type != ' ir.actions.act_window ' :
return result
result . setdefault ( ' context ' , ' {} ' )
# Open a specific record when res_id is provided in the context
ctx = safe_eval ( result [ ' context ' ] , { ' user ' : self . env . user } )
if ctx . get ( ' res_id ' ) :
result [ ' res_id ' ] = ctx . pop ( ' res_id ' )
# disable log for automatic wizards
ctx [ ' disable_log ' ] = True
result [ ' context ' ] = ctx
return result
def action_open ( self ) :
""" Sets configuration wizard in TODO state """
return self . write ( { ' state ' : ' open ' } )
class IrActionsActClient ( models . Model ) :
_name = ' ir.actions.client '
_description = ' Client Action '
_inherit = ' ir.actions.actions '
_table = ' ir_act_client '
_order = ' name '
_allow_sudo_commands = False
type = fields . Char ( default = ' ir.actions.client ' )
tag = fields . Char ( string = ' Client action tag ' , required = True ,
help = " An arbitrary string, interpreted by the client "
" according to its own needs and wishes. There "
" is no central tag repository across clients. " )
target = fields . Selection ( [ ( ' current ' , ' Current Window ' ) , ( ' new ' , ' New Window ' ) , ( ' fullscreen ' , ' Full Screen ' ) , ( ' main ' , ' Main action of Current Window ' ) ] , default = " current " , string = ' Target Window ' )
res_model = fields . Char ( string = ' Destination Model ' , help = " Optional model, mostly used for needactions. " )
context = fields . Char ( string = ' Context Value ' , default = " {} " , required = True , help = " Context dictionary as Python expression, empty by default (Default: {} ) " )
params = fields . Binary ( compute = ' _compute_params ' , inverse = ' _inverse_params ' , string = ' Supplementary arguments ' ,
help = " Arguments sent to the client along with "
" the view tag " )
params_store = fields . Binary ( string = ' Params storage ' , readonly = True , attachment = False )
@api.depends ( ' params_store ' )
def _compute_params ( self ) :
self_bin = self . with_context ( bin_size = False , bin_size_params_store = False )
for record , record_bin in zip ( self , self_bin ) :
record . params = record_bin . params_store and safe_eval ( record_bin . params_store , { ' uid ' : self . _uid } )
def _inverse_params ( self ) :
for record in self :
params = record . params
record . params_store = repr ( params ) if isinstance ( params , dict ) else params
def _get_default_form_view ( self ) :
doc = super ( IrActionsActClient , self ) . _get_default_form_view ( )
params = doc . find ( " .//field[@name= ' params ' ] " )
params . getparent ( ) . remove ( params )
params_store = doc . find ( " .//field[@name= ' params_store ' ] " )
params_store . getparent ( ) . remove ( params_store )
return doc
def _get_readable_fields ( self ) :
return super ( ) . _get_readable_fields ( ) | {
" context " , " params " , " res_model " , " tag " , " target " ,