2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from ast import literal_eval
from contextlib import ExitStack
from markupsafe import Markup
from urllib . parse import urlparse
from odoo import api , fields , models , tools , SUPERUSER_ID , _
from odoo . exceptions import UserError , AccessError , RedirectWarning
from odoo . service import security
from odoo . tools . safe_eval import safe_eval , time
from odoo . tools . misc import find_in_path
from odoo . tools import check_barcode_encoding , config , is_html_empty , parse_version , split_every
from odoo . http import request , root
from odoo . tools . pdf import PdfFileWriter , PdfFileReader , PdfReadError
from odoo . osv . expression import NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS , FALSE_DOMAIN
import io
import logging
import os
import lxml . html
import tempfile
import subprocess
import re
import json
from lxml import etree
from contextlib import closing
from reportlab . graphics . barcode import createBarcodeDrawing
from reportlab . pdfbase . pdfmetrics import getFont , TypeFace
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections . abc import Iterable
from PIL import Image , ImageFile
from itertools import islice
# Allow truncated images
_logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
# A lock occurs when the user wants to print a report having multiple barcode while the server is
# started in threaded-mode. The reason is that reportlab has to build a cache of the T1 fonts
# before rendering a barcode (done in a C extension) and this part is not thread safe. We attempt
# here to init the T1 fonts cache at the start-up of Odoo so that rendering of barcode in multiple
# thread does not lock the server.
try :
available = TypeFace ( _DEFAULT_BARCODE_FONT ) . findT1File ( )
if not available :
substitution_font = ' NimbusMonoPS-Regular '
fnt = getFont ( substitution_font )
if fnt :
_DEFAULT_BARCODE_FONT = substitution_font
fnt . ascent = 629
fnt . descent = - 157
createBarcodeDrawing ( ' Code128 ' , value = ' foo ' , format = ' png ' , width = 100 , height = 100 , humanReadable = 1 , fontName = _DEFAULT_BARCODE_FONT ) . asString ( ' png ' )
except Exception :
def _get_wkhtmltopdf_bin ( ) :
return find_in_path ( ' wkhtmltopdf ' )
def _get_wkhtmltoimage_bin ( ) :
return find_in_path ( ' wkhtmltoimage ' )
def _split_table ( tree , max_rows ) :
Walks through the etree and splits tables with more than max_rows rows into
multiple tables with max_rows rows .
This function is needed because wkhtmltopdf has a exponential processing
time growth when processing tables with many rows . This function is a
workaround for this problem .
: param tree : The etree to process
: param max_rows : The maximum number of rows per table
for table in list ( tree . iter ( ' table ' ) ) :
prev = table
for rows in islice ( split_every ( max_rows , table ) , 1 , None ) :
sibling = etree . Element ( ' table ' , attrib = table . attrib )
sibling . extend ( rows )
prev . addnext ( sibling )
prev = sibling
# Check the presence of Wkhtmltopdf and return its version at Odoo start-up
wkhtmltopdf_state = ' install '
wkhtmltopdf_dpi_zoom_ratio = False
try :
process = subprocess . Popen (
[ _get_wkhtmltopdf_bin ( ) , ' --version ' ] , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , stderr = subprocess . PIPE
except ( OSError , IOError ) :
_logger . info ( ' You need Wkhtmltopdf to print a pdf version of the reports. ' )
else :
_logger . info ( ' Will use the Wkhtmltopdf binary at %s ' % _get_wkhtmltopdf_bin ( ) )
out , err = process . communicate ( )
match = re . search ( b ' ([0-9.]+) ' , out )
if match :
version = match . group ( 0 ) . decode ( ' ascii ' )
if parse_version ( version ) < parse_version ( ' 0.12.0 ' ) :
_logger . info ( ' Upgrade Wkhtmltopdf to (at least) 0.12.0 ' )
wkhtmltopdf_state = ' upgrade '
else :
wkhtmltopdf_state = ' ok '
if parse_version ( version ) > = parse_version ( ' 0.12.2 ' ) :
wkhtmltopdf_dpi_zoom_ratio = True
if config [ ' workers ' ] == 1 :
_logger . info ( ' You need to start Odoo with at least two workers to print a pdf version of the reports. ' )
wkhtmltopdf_state = ' workers '
else :
_logger . info ( ' Wkhtmltopdf seems to be broken. ' )
wkhtmltopdf_state = ' broken '
wkhtmltoimage_version = None
try :
process = subprocess . Popen (
[ _get_wkhtmltoimage_bin ( ) , ' --version ' ] , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , stderr = subprocess . PIPE
except OSError :
_logger . info ( ' You need Wkhtmltoimage to generate images from html. ' )
else :
_logger . info ( ' Will use the Wkhtmltoimage binary at %s ' , _get_wkhtmltoimage_bin ( ) )
out , err = process . communicate ( )
match = re . search ( b ' ([0-9.]+) ' , out )
if match :
wkhtmltoimage_version = parse_version ( match . group ( 0 ) . decode ( ' ascii ' ) )
if config [ ' workers ' ] == 1 :
_logger . info ( ' You need to start Odoo with at least two workers to convert images to html. ' )
else :
_logger . info ( ' Wkhtmltoimage seems to be broken. ' )
class IrActionsReport ( models . Model ) :
_name = ' ir.actions.report '
_description = ' Report Action '
_inherit = ' ir.actions.actions '
_table = ' ir_act_report_xml '
_order = ' name, id '
_allow_sudo_commands = False
type = fields . Char ( default = ' ir.actions.report ' )
binding_type = fields . Selection ( default = ' report ' )
model = fields . Char ( required = True , string = ' Model Name ' )
model_id = fields . Many2one ( ' ir.model ' , string = ' Model ' , compute = ' _compute_model_id ' , search = ' _search_model_id ' )
report_type = fields . Selection ( [
( ' qweb-html ' , ' HTML ' ) ,
( ' qweb-pdf ' , ' PDF ' ) ,
( ' qweb-text ' , ' Text ' ) ,
] , required = True , default = ' qweb-pdf ' ,
help = ' The type of the report that will be rendered, each one having its own '
' rendering method. HTML means the report will be opened directly in your '
' browser PDF means the report will be rendered using Wkhtmltopdf and '
' downloaded by the user. ' )
report_name = fields . Char ( string = ' Template Name ' , required = True )
report_file = fields . Char ( string = ' Report File ' , required = False , readonly = False , store = True ,
help = " The path to the main report file (depending on Report Type) or empty if the content is in another field " )
groups_id = fields . Many2many ( ' res.groups ' , ' res_groups_report_rel ' , ' uid ' , ' gid ' , string = ' Groups ' )
multi = fields . Boolean ( string = ' On Multiple Doc. ' , help = " If set to true, the action will not be displayed on the right toolbar of a form view. " )
paperformat_id = fields . Many2one ( ' report.paperformat ' , ' Paper Format ' )
print_report_name = fields . Char ( ' Printed Report Name ' , translate = True ,
help = " This is the filename of the report going to download. Keep empty to not change the report filename. You can use a python expression with the ' object ' and ' time ' variables. " )
attachment_use = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Reload from Attachment ' ,
help = ' If enabled, then the second time the user prints with same attachment name, it returns the previous report. ' )
attachment = fields . Char ( string = ' Save as Attachment Prefix ' ,
help = ' This is the filename of the attachment used to store the printing result. Keep empty to not save the printed reports. You can use a python expression with the object and time variables. ' )
domain = fields . Char ( string = ' Filter domain ' , help = ' If set, the action will only appear on records that matches the domain. ' )
@api.depends ( ' model ' )
def _compute_model_id ( self ) :
for action in self :
action . model_id = self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( action . model ) . id
def _search_model_id ( self , operator , value ) :
ir_model_ids = None
if isinstance ( value , str ) :
names = self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . name_search ( value , operator = operator )
ir_model_ids = [ n [ 0 ] for n in names ]
elif operator in ( ' any ' , ' not any ' ) :
ir_model_ids = self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _search ( value )
elif isinstance ( value , Iterable ) :
ir_model_ids = value
elif isinstance ( value , int ) and not isinstance ( value , bool ) :
ir_model_ids = [ value ]
if ir_model_ids :
operator = ' not in ' if operator in NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS else ' in '
ir_model = self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . browse ( ir_model_ids )
return [ ( ' model ' , operator , ir_model . mapped ( ' model ' ) ) ]
elif isinstance ( value , bool ) or value is None :
return [ ( ' model ' , operator , value ) ]
else :
def _get_readable_fields ( self ) :
return super ( ) . _get_readable_fields ( ) | {
" report_name " , " report_type " , " target " ,
# these two are not real fields of ir.actions.report but are
# expected in the route /report/<converter>/<reportname> and must
# not be removed by clean_action
" context " , " data " ,
# and this one is used by the frontend later on.
" close_on_report_download " ,
" domain " ,
def associated_view ( self ) :
""" Used in the ir.actions.report form view in order to search naively after the view(s)
used in the rendering .
self . ensure_one ( )
action_ref = self . env . ref ( ' base.action_ui_view ' )
if not action_ref or len ( self . report_name . split ( ' . ' ) ) < 2 :
return False
action_data = action_ref . read ( ) [ 0 ]
action_data [ ' domain ' ] = [ ( ' name ' , ' ilike ' , self . report_name . split ( ' . ' ) [ 1 ] ) , ( ' type ' , ' = ' , ' qweb ' ) ]
return action_data
def create_action ( self ) :
""" Create a contextual action for each report. """
for report in self :
model = self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _get ( report . model )
report . write ( { ' binding_model_id ' : model . id , ' binding_type ' : ' report ' } )
return True
def unlink_action ( self ) :
""" Remove the contextual actions created for the reports. """
self . check_access ( ' write ' )
self . filtered ( ' binding_model_id ' ) . write ( { ' binding_model_id ' : False } )
return True
# Main report methods
def retrieve_attachment ( self , record ) :
''' Retrieve an attachment for a specific record.
: param record : The record owning of the attachment .
: return : A recordset of length < = 1 or None
attachment_name = safe_eval ( self . attachment , { ' object ' : record , ' time ' : time } ) if self . attachment else ' '
if not attachment_name :
return None
return self . env [ ' ir.attachment ' ] . search ( [
( ' name ' , ' = ' , attachment_name ) ,
( ' res_model ' , ' = ' , self . model ) ,
( ' res_id ' , ' = ' , record . id )
] , limit = 1 )
def get_wkhtmltopdf_state ( self ) :
''' Get the current state of wkhtmltopdf: install, ok, upgrade, workers or broken.
* install : Starting state .
* upgrade : The binary is an older version ( < 0.12 .0 ) .
* ok : A binary was found with a recent version ( > = 0.12 .0 ) .
* workers : Not enough workers found to perform the pdf rendering process ( < 2 workers ) .
* broken : A binary was found but not responding .
: return : wkhtmltopdf_state
return wkhtmltopdf_state
def get_paperformat ( self ) :
return self . paperformat_id or self . env . company . paperformat_id
def get_paperformat_by_xmlid ( self , xml_id ) :
return self . env . ref ( xml_id ) . get_paperformat ( ) if xml_id else self . env . company . paperformat_id
def _get_layout ( self ) :
return self . env . ref ( ' web.minimal_layout ' , raise_if_not_found = False )
def _get_report_url ( self , layout = None ) :
report_url = self . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ] . sudo ( ) . get_param ( ' report.url ' )
return report_url or ( layout or self . _get_layout ( ) or self ) . get_base_url ( )
def _build_wkhtmltopdf_args (
self ,
paperformat_id ,
landscape ,
specific_paperformat_args = None ,
set_viewport_size = False ) :
''' Build arguments understandable by wkhtmltopdf bin.
: param paperformat_id : A report . paperformat record .
: param landscape : Force the report orientation to be landscape .
: param specific_paperformat_args : A dictionary containing prioritized wkhtmltopdf arguments .
: param set_viewport_size : Enable a viewport sized ' 1024x1280 ' or ' 1280x1024 ' depending of landscape arg .
: return : A list of string representing the wkhtmltopdf process command args .
if landscape is None and specific_paperformat_args and specific_paperformat_args . get ( ' data-report-landscape ' ) :
landscape = specific_paperformat_args . get ( ' data-report-landscape ' )
command_args = [ ' --disable-local-file-access ' ]
if set_viewport_size :
command_args . extend ( [ ' --viewport-size ' , landscape and ' 1024x1280 ' or ' 1280x1024 ' ] )
# Less verbose error messages
command_args . extend ( [ ' --quiet ' ] )
# Build paperformat args
if paperformat_id :
if paperformat_id . format and paperformat_id . format != ' custom ' :
command_args . extend ( [ ' --page-size ' , paperformat_id . format ] )
if paperformat_id . page_height and paperformat_id . page_width and paperformat_id . format == ' custom ' :
command_args . extend ( [ ' --page-width ' , str ( paperformat_id . page_width ) + ' mm ' ] )
command_args . extend ( [ ' --page-height ' , str ( paperformat_id . page_height ) + ' mm ' ] )
if specific_paperformat_args and specific_paperformat_args . get ( ' data-report-margin-top ' ) :
command_args . extend ( [ ' --margin-top ' , str ( specific_paperformat_args [ ' data-report-margin-top ' ] ) ] )
else :
command_args . extend ( [ ' --margin-top ' , str ( paperformat_id . margin_top ) ] )
dpi = None
if specific_paperformat_args and specific_paperformat_args . get ( ' data-report-dpi ' ) :
dpi = int ( specific_paperformat_args [ ' data-report-dpi ' ] )
elif paperformat_id . dpi :
if os . name == ' nt ' and int ( paperformat_id . dpi ) < = 95 :
_logger . info ( " Generating PDF on Windows platform require DPI >= 96. Using 96 instead. " )
dpi = 96
else :
dpi = paperformat_id . dpi
if dpi :
command_args . extend ( [ ' --dpi ' , str ( dpi ) ] )
if wkhtmltopdf_dpi_zoom_ratio :
command_args . extend ( [ ' --zoom ' , str ( 96.0 / dpi ) ] )
if specific_paperformat_args and specific_paperformat_args . get ( ' data-report-header-spacing ' ) :
command_args . extend ( [ ' --header-spacing ' , str ( specific_paperformat_args [ ' data-report-header-spacing ' ] ) ] )
elif paperformat_id . header_spacing :
command_args . extend ( [ ' --header-spacing ' , str ( paperformat_id . header_spacing ) ] )
command_args . extend ( [ ' --margin-left ' , str ( paperformat_id . margin_left ) ] )
if specific_paperformat_args and specific_paperformat_args . get ( ' data-report-margin-bottom ' ) :
command_args . extend ( [ ' --margin-bottom ' , str ( specific_paperformat_args [ ' data-report-margin-bottom ' ] ) ] )
else :
command_args . extend ( [ ' --margin-bottom ' , str ( paperformat_id . margin_bottom ) ] )
command_args . extend ( [ ' --margin-right ' , str ( paperformat_id . margin_right ) ] )
if not landscape and paperformat_id . orientation :
command_args . extend ( [ ' --orientation ' , str ( paperformat_id . orientation ) ] )
if paperformat_id . header_line :
command_args . extend ( [ ' --header-line ' ] )
if paperformat_id . disable_shrinking :
command_args . extend ( [ ' --disable-smart-shrinking ' ] )
# Add extra time to allow the page to render
delay = self . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ] . sudo ( ) . get_param ( ' report.print_delay ' , ' 1000 ' )
command_args . extend ( [ ' --javascript-delay ' , delay ] )
if landscape :
command_args . extend ( [ ' --orientation ' , ' landscape ' ] )
return command_args
def _prepare_html ( self , html , report_model = False ) :
''' Divide and recreate the header/footer html by merging all found in html.
The bodies are extracted and added to a list . Then , extract the specific_paperformat_args .
The idea is to put all headers / footers together . Then , we will use a javascript trick
( see minimal_layout template ) to set the right header / footer during the processing of wkhtmltopdf .
This allows the computation of multiple reports in a single call to wkhtmltopdf .
: param html : The html rendered by render_qweb_html .
: type : bodies : list of string representing each one a html body .
: type header : string representing the html header .
: type footer : string representing the html footer .
: type specific_paperformat_args : dictionary of prioritized paperformat values .
: return : bodies , header , footer , specific_paperformat_args
# Return empty dictionary if 'web.minimal_layout' not found.
layout = self . _get_layout ( )
if not layout :
return { }
base_url = self . _get_report_url ( layout = layout )
root = lxml . html . fromstring ( html , parser = lxml . html . HTMLParser ( encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) )
match_klass = " //div[contains(concat( ' ' , normalize-space(@class), ' ' ), ' {} ' )] "
header_node = etree . Element ( ' div ' , id = ' minimal_layout_report_headers ' )
footer_node = etree . Element ( ' div ' , id = ' minimal_layout_report_footers ' )
bodies = [ ]
res_ids = [ ]
body_parent = root . xpath ( ' //main ' ) [ 0 ]
# Retrieve headers
for node in root . xpath ( match_klass . format ( ' header ' ) ) :
body_parent = node . getparent ( )
node . getparent ( ) . remove ( node )
header_node . append ( node )
# Retrieve footers
for node in root . xpath ( match_klass . format ( ' footer ' ) ) :
body_parent = node . getparent ( )
node . getparent ( ) . remove ( node )
footer_node . append ( node )
# Retrieve bodies
for node in root . xpath ( match_klass . format ( ' article ' ) ) :
# set context language to body language
IrQweb = self . env [ ' ir.qweb ' ]
if node . get ( ' data-oe-lang ' ) :
IrQweb = IrQweb . with_context ( lang = node . get ( ' data-oe-lang ' ) )
body = IrQweb . _render ( layout . id , {
' subst ' : False ,
' body ' : Markup ( lxml . html . tostring ( node , encoding = ' unicode ' ) ) ,
' base_url ' : base_url ,
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
' report_xml_id ' : self . xml_id ,
' debug ' : self . env . context . get ( " debug " ) ,
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
} , raise_if_not_found = False )
bodies . append ( body )
if node . get ( ' data-oe-model ' ) == report_model :
res_ids . append ( int ( node . get ( ' data-oe-id ' , 0 ) ) )
else :
res_ids . append ( None )
if not bodies :
body = ' ' . join ( lxml . html . tostring ( c , encoding = ' unicode ' ) for c in body_parent . getchildren ( ) )
bodies . append ( body )
# Get paperformat arguments set in the root html tag. They are prioritized over
# paperformat-record arguments.
specific_paperformat_args = { }
for attribute in root . items ( ) :
if attribute [ 0 ] . startswith ( ' data-report- ' ) :
specific_paperformat_args [ attribute [ 0 ] ] = attribute [ 1 ]
header = self . env [ ' ir.qweb ' ] . _render ( layout . id , {
' subst ' : True ,
' body ' : Markup ( lxml . html . tostring ( header_node , encoding = ' unicode ' ) ) ,
' base_url ' : base_url ,
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
' report_xml_id ' : self . xml_id ,
' debug ' : self . env . context . get ( " debug " ) ,
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
} )
footer = self . env [ ' ir.qweb ' ] . _render ( layout . id , {
' subst ' : True ,
' body ' : Markup ( lxml . html . tostring ( footer_node , encoding = ' unicode ' ) ) ,
' base_url ' : base_url ,
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
' report_xml_id ' : self . xml_id ,
' debug ' : self . env . context . get ( " debug " ) ,
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
} )
return bodies , res_ids , header , footer , specific_paperformat_args
def _run_wkhtmltoimage ( self , bodies , width , height , image_format = " jpg " ) :
: bodies str : valid html documents as strings
: param width int : width in pixels
: param height int : height in pixels
: param image_format union [ ' jpg ' , ' png ' ] : format of the image
: return list [ bytes | None ] :
if ( tools . config [ ' test_enable ' ] or tools . config [ ' test_file ' ] ) and not self . env . context . get ( ' force_image_rendering ' ) :
return [ None ] * len ( bodies )
if not wkhtmltoimage_version or wkhtmltoimage_version < parse_version ( ' 0.12.0 ' ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' wkhtmltoimage 0.12.0^ is required in order to render images from html ' ) )
command_args = [
' --disable-local-file-access ' , ' --disable-javascript ' ,
' --quiet ' ,
' --width ' , str ( width ) , ' --height ' , str ( height ) ,
' --format ' , image_format ,
with ExitStack ( ) as stack :
files = [ ]
for body in bodies :
input_file = stack . enter_context ( tempfile . NamedTemporaryFile ( suffix = ' .html ' , prefix = ' report_image_html_input.tmp. ' ) )
output_file = stack . enter_context ( tempfile . NamedTemporaryFile ( suffix = f ' . { image_format } ' , prefix = ' report_image_output.tmp. ' ) )
input_file . write ( body . encode ( ) )
files . append ( ( input_file , output_file ) )
output_images = [ ]
for input_file , output_file in files :
# smaller bodies may be held in a python buffer until close, force flush
input_file . flush ( )
wkhtmltoimage = [ _get_wkhtmltoimage_bin ( ) ] + command_args + [ input_file . name , output_file . name ]
# start and block, no need for parallelism for now
completed_process = subprocess . run ( wkhtmltoimage , stdout = subprocess . DEVNULL , stderr = subprocess . PIPE , check = False )
if completed_process . returncode :
message = _ (
' Wkhtmltoimage failed (error code: %(error_code)s ). Message: %(error_message_end)s ' ,
error_code = completed_process . returncode ,
error_message_end = completed_process . stderr [ - 1000 : ] ,
_logger . warning ( message )
output_images . append ( None )
else :
output_images . append ( output_file . read ( ) )
return output_images
def _run_wkhtmltopdf (
self ,
bodies ,
report_ref = False ,
header = None ,
footer = None ,
landscape = False ,
specific_paperformat_args = None ,
set_viewport_size = False ) :
''' Execute wkhtmltopdf as a subprocess in order to convert html given in input into a pdf
document .
: param list [ str ] bodies : The html bodies of the report , one per page .
: param report_ref : report reference that is needed to get report paperformat .
: param str header : The html header of the report containing all headers .
: param str footer : The html footer of the report containing all footers .
: param landscape : Force the pdf to be rendered under a landscape format .
: param specific_paperformat_args : dict of prioritized paperformat arguments .
: param set_viewport_size : Enable a viewport sized ' 1024x1280 ' or ' 1280x1024 ' depending of landscape arg .
: return : Content of the pdf as bytes
: rtype : bytes
paperformat_id = self . _get_report ( report_ref ) . get_paperformat ( ) if report_ref else self . get_paperformat ( )
# Build the base command args for wkhtmltopdf bin
command_args = self . _build_wkhtmltopdf_args (
paperformat_id ,
landscape ,
specific_paperformat_args = specific_paperformat_args ,
set_viewport_size = set_viewport_size )
files_command_args = [ ]
temporary_files = [ ]
temp_session = None
# Passing the cookie to wkhtmltopdf in order to resolve internal links.
if request and request . db :
# Create a temporary session which will not create device logs
temp_session = root . session_store . new ( )
temp_session . update ( {
* * request . session ,
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
' debug ' : ' ' ,
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
' _trace_disable ' : True ,
} )
if temp_session . uid :
temp_session . session_token = security . compute_session_token ( temp_session , self . env )
root . session_store . save ( temp_session )
base_url = self . _get_report_url ( )
domain = urlparse ( base_url ) . hostname
cookie = f ' session_id= { temp_session . sid } ; HttpOnly; domain= { domain } ; path=/; '
cookie_jar_file_fd , cookie_jar_file_path = tempfile . mkstemp ( suffix = ' .txt ' , prefix = ' report.cookie_jar.tmp. ' )
temporary_files . append ( cookie_jar_file_path )
with closing ( os . fdopen ( cookie_jar_file_fd , ' wb ' ) ) as cookie_jar_file :
cookie_jar_file . write ( cookie . encode ( ) )
command_args . extend ( [ ' --cookie-jar ' , cookie_jar_file_path ] )
if header :
head_file_fd , head_file_path = tempfile . mkstemp ( suffix = ' .html ' , prefix = ' report.header.tmp. ' )
with closing ( os . fdopen ( head_file_fd , ' wb ' ) ) as head_file :
head_file . write ( header . encode ( ) )
temporary_files . append ( head_file_path )
files_command_args . extend ( [ ' --header-html ' , head_file_path ] )
if footer :
foot_file_fd , foot_file_path = tempfile . mkstemp ( suffix = ' .html ' , prefix = ' report.footer.tmp. ' )
with closing ( os . fdopen ( foot_file_fd , ' wb ' ) ) as foot_file :
foot_file . write ( footer . encode ( ) )
temporary_files . append ( foot_file_path )
files_command_args . extend ( [ ' --footer-html ' , foot_file_path ] )
paths = [ ]
for i , body in enumerate ( bodies ) :
prefix = ' %s %d . ' % ( ' report.body.tmp. ' , i )
body_file_fd , body_file_path = tempfile . mkstemp ( suffix = ' .html ' , prefix = prefix )
with closing ( os . fdopen ( body_file_fd , ' wb ' ) ) as body_file :
# HACK: wkhtmltopdf doesn't like big table at all and the
# processing time become exponential with the number
# of rows (like 1H for 250k rows).
# So we split the table into multiple tables containing
# 500 rows each. This reduce the processing time to 1min
# for 250k rows. The number 500 was taken from opw-1689673
if len ( body ) < 4 * 1024 * 1024 : # 4Mib
body_file . write ( body . encode ( ) )
else :
tree = lxml . html . fromstring ( body )
_split_table ( tree , 500 )
body_file . write ( lxml . html . tostring ( tree ) )
paths . append ( body_file_path )
temporary_files . append ( body_file_path )
pdf_report_fd , pdf_report_path = tempfile . mkstemp ( suffix = ' .pdf ' , prefix = ' report.tmp. ' )
os . close ( pdf_report_fd )
temporary_files . append ( pdf_report_path )
try :
wkhtmltopdf = [ _get_wkhtmltopdf_bin ( ) ] + command_args + files_command_args + paths + [ pdf_report_path ]
process = subprocess . Popen ( wkhtmltopdf , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , stderr = subprocess . PIPE , encoding = " utf-8 " )
_out , err = process . communicate ( )
if process . returncode not in [ 0 , 1 ] :
if process . returncode == - 11 :
message = _ (
' Wkhtmltopdf failed (error code: %(error_code)s ). Memory limit too low or maximum file number of subprocess reached. Message : %(message)s ' ,
error_code = process . returncode ,
message = err [ - 1000 : ] ,
else :
message = _ (
' Wkhtmltopdf failed (error code: %(error_code)s ). Message: %(message)s ' ,
error_code = process . returncode ,
message = err [ - 1000 : ] ,
_logger . warning ( message )
raise UserError ( message )
else :
if err :
_logger . warning ( ' wkhtmltopdf: %s ' % err )
except :
finally :
if temp_session :
root . session_store . delete ( temp_session )
with open ( pdf_report_path , ' rb ' ) as pdf_document :
pdf_content = pdf_document . read ( )
# Manual cleanup of the temporary files
for temporary_file in temporary_files :
try :
os . unlink ( temporary_file )
except ( OSError , IOError ) :
_logger . error ( ' Error when trying to remove file %s ' % temporary_file )
return pdf_content
def _get_report_from_name ( self , report_name ) :
""" Get the first record of ir.actions.report having the ``report_name`` as value for
the field report_name .
report_obj = self . env [ ' ir.actions.report ' ]
conditions = [ ( ' report_name ' , ' = ' , report_name ) ]
context = self . env [ ' res.users ' ] . context_get ( )
return report_obj . with_context ( context ) . sudo ( ) . search ( conditions , limit = 1 )
def _get_report ( self , report_ref ) :
""" Get the report (with sudo) from a reference
report_ref : can be one of
- ir . actions . report id
- ir . actions . report record
- ir . model . data reference to ir . actions . report
- ir . actions . report report_name
ReportSudo = self . env [ ' ir.actions.report ' ] . sudo ( )
if isinstance ( report_ref , int ) :
return ReportSudo . browse ( report_ref )
if isinstance ( report_ref , models . Model ) :
if report_ref . _name != self . _name :
raise ValueError ( " Expected report of type %s , got %s " % ( self . _name , report_ref . _name ) )
return report_ref . sudo ( )
report = ReportSudo . search ( [ ( ' report_name ' , ' = ' , report_ref ) ] , limit = 1 )
if report :
return report
report = self . env . ref ( report_ref )
if report :
if report . _name != " ir.actions.report " :
raise ValueError ( " Fetching report %r : type %s , expected ir.actions.report " % ( report_ref , report . _name ) )
return report . sudo ( )
raise ValueError ( " Fetching report %r : report not found " % report_ref )
def barcode ( self , barcode_type , value , * * kwargs ) :
defaults = {
' width ' : ( 600 , int ) ,
' height ' : ( 100 , int ) ,
' humanreadable ' : ( False , lambda x : bool ( int ( x ) ) ) ,
' quiet ' : ( True , lambda x : bool ( int ( x ) ) ) ,
' mask ' : ( None , lambda x : x ) ,
' barBorder ' : ( 4 , int ) ,
# The QR code can have different layouts depending on the Error Correction Level
# See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction
# Level 'L' – up to 7% damage (default)
# Level 'M' – up to 15% damage (i.e. required by l10n_ch QR bill)
# Level 'Q' – up to 25% damage
# Level 'H' – up to 30% damage
' barLevel ' : ( ' L ' , lambda x : x in ( ' L ' , ' M ' , ' Q ' , ' H ' ) and x or ' L ' ) ,
kwargs = { k : validator ( kwargs . get ( k , v ) ) for k , ( v , validator ) in defaults . items ( ) }
kwargs [ ' humanReadable ' ] = kwargs . pop ( ' humanreadable ' )
if kwargs [ ' humanReadable ' ] :
kwargs [ ' fontName ' ] = _DEFAULT_BARCODE_FONT
if barcode_type == ' UPCA ' and len ( value ) in ( 11 , 12 , 13 ) :
barcode_type = ' EAN13 '
if len ( value ) in ( 11 , 12 ) :
value = ' 0 %s ' % value
elif barcode_type == ' auto ' :
symbology_guess = { 8 : ' EAN8 ' , 13 : ' EAN13 ' }
barcode_type = symbology_guess . get ( len ( value ) , ' Code128 ' )
elif barcode_type == ' QR ' :
# for `QR` type, `quiet` is not supported. And is simply ignored.
# But we can use `barBorder` to get a similar behaviour.
if kwargs [ ' quiet ' ] :
kwargs [ ' barBorder ' ] = 0
if barcode_type in ( ' EAN8 ' , ' EAN13 ' ) and not check_barcode_encoding ( value , barcode_type ) :
# If the barcode does not respect the encoding specifications, convert its type into Code128.
# Otherwise, the report-lab method may return a barcode different from its value. For instance,
# if the barcode type is EAN-8 and the value 11111111, the report-lab method will take the first
# seven digits and will compute the check digit, which gives: 11111115 -> the barcode does not
# match the expected value.
barcode_type = ' Code128 '
try :
barcode = createBarcodeDrawing ( barcode_type , value = value , format = ' png ' , * * kwargs )
# If a mask is asked and it is available, call its function to
# post-process the generated QR-code image
if kwargs [ ' mask ' ] :
available_masks = self . get_available_barcode_masks ( )
mask_to_apply = available_masks . get ( kwargs [ ' mask ' ] )
if mask_to_apply :
mask_to_apply ( kwargs [ ' width ' ] , kwargs [ ' height ' ] , barcode )
return barcode . asString ( ' png ' )
except ( ValueError , AttributeError ) :
if barcode_type == ' Code128 ' :
raise ValueError ( " Cannot convert into barcode. " )
elif barcode_type == ' QR ' :
raise ValueError ( " Cannot convert into QR code. " )
else :
return self . barcode ( ' Code128 ' , value , * * kwargs )
def get_available_barcode_masks ( self ) :
""" Hook for extension.
This function returns the available QR - code masks , in the form of a
list of ( code , mask_function ) elements , where code is a string identifying
the mask uniquely , and mask_function is a function returning a reportlab
Drawing object with the result of the mask , and taking as parameters :
- width of the QR - code , in pixels
- height of the QR - code , in pixels
- reportlab Drawing object containing the barcode to apply the mask on
return { }
def _render_template ( self , template , values = None ) :
""" Allow to render a QWeb template python-side. This function returns the ' ir.ui.view '
render but embellish it with some variables / methods used in reports .
: param values : additional methods / variables used in the rendering
: returns : html representation of the template
: rtype : bytes
if values is None :
values = { }
# Browse the user instead of using the sudo self.env.user
user = self . env [ ' res.users ' ] . browse ( self . env . uid )
view_obj = self . env [ ' ir.ui.view ' ] . with_context ( inherit_branding = False )
values . update (
time = time ,
context_timestamp = lambda t : fields . Datetime . context_timestamp ( self . with_context ( tz = user . tz ) , t ) ,
user = user ,
res_company = self . env . company ,
web_base_url = self . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ] . sudo ( ) . get_param ( ' web.base.url ' , default = ' ' ) ,
return view_obj . _render_template ( template , values ) . encode ( )
def _handle_merge_pdfs_error ( self , error = None , error_stream = None ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Odoo is unable to merge the generated PDFs. " ) )
def _merge_pdfs ( self , streams , handle_error = _handle_merge_pdfs_error ) :
writer = PdfFileWriter ( )
for stream in streams :
try :
reader = PdfFileReader ( stream )
writer . appendPagesFromReader ( reader )
except ( PdfReadError , TypeError , NotImplementedError , ValueError ) as e :
handle_error ( error = e , error_stream = stream )
result_stream = io . BytesIO ( )
streams . append ( result_stream )
writer . write ( result_stream )
return result_stream
def _render_qweb_pdf_prepare_streams ( self , report_ref , data , res_ids = None ) :
if not data :
data = { }
data . setdefault ( ' report_type ' , ' pdf ' )
# access the report details with sudo() but evaluation context as current user
report_sudo = self . _get_report ( report_ref )
has_duplicated_ids = res_ids and len ( res_ids ) != len ( set ( res_ids ) )
collected_streams = OrderedDict ( )
# Fetch the existing attachments from the database for later use.
# Reload the stream from the attachment in case of 'attachment_use'.
if res_ids :
records = self . env [ report_sudo . model ] . browse ( res_ids )
for record in records :
res_id = record . id
if res_id in collected_streams :
stream = None
attachment = None
if not has_duplicated_ids and report_sudo . attachment and not self . _context . get ( " report_pdf_no_attachment " ) :
attachment = report_sudo . retrieve_attachment ( record )
# Extract the stream from the attachment.
if attachment and report_sudo . attachment_use :
stream = io . BytesIO ( attachment . raw )
# Ensure the stream can be saved in Image.
if attachment . mimetype . startswith ( ' image ' ) :
img = Image . open ( stream )
new_stream = io . BytesIO ( )
img . convert ( " RGB " ) . save ( new_stream , format = " pdf " )
stream . close ( )
stream = new_stream
collected_streams [ res_id ] = {
' stream ' : stream ,
' attachment ' : attachment ,
# Call 'wkhtmltopdf' to generate the missing streams.
res_ids_wo_stream = [ res_id for res_id , stream_data in collected_streams . items ( ) if not stream_data [ ' stream ' ] ]
all_res_ids_wo_stream = res_ids if has_duplicated_ids else res_ids_wo_stream
is_whtmltopdf_needed = not res_ids or res_ids_wo_stream
if is_whtmltopdf_needed :
if self . get_wkhtmltopdf_state ( ) == ' install ' :
# wkhtmltopdf is not installed
# the call should be catched before (cf /report/check_wkhtmltopdf) but
# if get_pdf is called manually (email template), the check could be
# bypassed
raise UserError ( _ ( " Unable to find Wkhtmltopdf on this system. The PDF can not be created. " ) )
# Disable the debug mode in the PDF rendering in order to not split the assets bundle
# into separated files to load. This is done because of an issue in wkhtmltopdf
# failing to load the CSS/Javascript resources in time.
# Without this, the header/footer of the reports randomly disappear
# because the resources files are not loaded in time.
# https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf/issues/2083
additional_context = { ' debug ' : False }
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
data . setdefault ( " debug " , False )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
html = self . with_context ( * * additional_context ) . _render_qweb_html ( report_ref , all_res_ids_wo_stream , data = data ) [ 0 ]
bodies , html_ids , header , footer , specific_paperformat_args = report_sudo . with_context ( * * additional_context ) . _prepare_html ( html , report_model = report_sudo . model )
if not has_duplicated_ids and report_sudo . attachment and set ( res_ids_wo_stream ) != set ( html_ids ) :
raise UserError ( _ (
" Report template “ %s ” has an issue, please contact your administrator. \n \n "
" Cannot separate file to save as attachment because the report ' s template does not contain the "
" attributes ' data-oe-model ' and ' data-oe-id ' as part of the div with ' article ' classname. " ,
report_sudo . name ,
) )
pdf_content = self . _run_wkhtmltopdf (
bodies ,
report_ref = report_ref ,
header = header ,
footer = footer ,
landscape = self . _context . get ( ' landscape ' ) ,
specific_paperformat_args = specific_paperformat_args ,
set_viewport_size = self . _context . get ( ' set_viewport_size ' ) ,
pdf_content_stream = io . BytesIO ( pdf_content )
# Printing a PDF report without any records. The content could be returned directly.
if has_duplicated_ids or not res_ids :
return {
False : {
' stream ' : pdf_content_stream ,
' attachment ' : None ,
# Split the pdf for each record using the PDF outlines.
# Only one record: append the whole PDF.
if len ( res_ids_wo_stream ) == 1 :
collected_streams [ res_ids_wo_stream [ 0 ] ] [ ' stream ' ] = pdf_content_stream
return collected_streams
# In case of multiple docs, we need to split the pdf according the records.
# In the simplest case of 1 res_id == 1 page, we use the PDFReader to print the
# pages one by one.
html_ids_wo_none = [ x for x in html_ids if x ]
reader = PdfFileReader ( pdf_content_stream )
if reader . numPages == len ( res_ids_wo_stream ) :
for i in range ( reader . numPages ) :
attachment_writer = PdfFileWriter ( )
attachment_writer . addPage ( reader . getPage ( i ) )
stream = io . BytesIO ( )
attachment_writer . write ( stream )
collected_streams [ res_ids_wo_stream [ i ] ] [ ' stream ' ] = stream
return collected_streams
# In cases where the number of res_ids != the number of pages,
# we split the pdf based on top outlines computed by wkhtmltopdf.
# An outline is a <h?> html tag found on the document. To retrieve this table,
# we look on the pdf structure using pypdf to compute the outlines_pages from
# the top level heading in /Outlines.
if len ( res_ids_wo_stream ) > 1 and set ( res_ids_wo_stream ) == set ( html_ids_wo_none ) :
root = reader . trailer [ ' /Root ' ]
has_valid_outlines = ' /Outlines ' in root and ' /First ' in root [ ' /Outlines ' ]
if not has_valid_outlines :
return { False : {
' report_action ' : self ,
' stream ' : pdf_content_stream ,
' attachment ' : None ,
} }
outlines_pages = [ ]
node = root [ ' /Outlines ' ] [ ' /First ' ]
while True :
outlines_pages . append ( root [ ' /Dests ' ] [ node [ ' /Dest ' ] ] [ 0 ] )
if ' /Next ' not in node :
node = node [ ' /Next ' ]
outlines_pages = sorted ( set ( outlines_pages ) )
# The number of outlines must be equal to the number of records to be able to split the document.
has_same_number_of_outlines = len ( outlines_pages ) == len ( res_ids_wo_stream )
# There should be a top-level heading on first page
has_top_level_heading = outlines_pages [ 0 ] == 0
if has_same_number_of_outlines and has_top_level_heading :
# Split the PDF according to outlines.
for i , num in enumerate ( outlines_pages ) :
to = outlines_pages [ i + 1 ] if i + 1 < len ( outlines_pages ) else reader . numPages
attachment_writer = PdfFileWriter ( )
for j in range ( num , to ) :
attachment_writer . addPage ( reader . getPage ( j ) )
stream = io . BytesIO ( )
attachment_writer . write ( stream )
collected_streams [ res_ids_wo_stream [ i ] ] [ ' stream ' ] = stream
return collected_streams
collected_streams [ False ] = { ' stream ' : pdf_content_stream , ' attachment ' : None }
return collected_streams
def _prepare_pdf_report_attachment_vals_list ( self , report , streams ) :
""" Hook to prepare attachment values needed for attachments creation
during the pdf report generation .
: param report : The report ( with sudo ) from a reference report_ref .
: param streams : Dict of streams for each report containing the pdf content and existing attachments .
: return : attachment values list needed for attachments creation .
attachment_vals_list = [ ]
for res_id , stream_data in streams . items ( ) :
# An attachment already exists.
if stream_data [ ' attachment ' ] :
# if res_id is false
# we are unable to fetch the record, it won't be saved as we can't split the documents unambiguously
if not res_id or not stream_data [ ' stream ' ] :
_logger . warning (
" These documents were not saved as an attachment because the template of %s doesn ' t "
" have any headers seperating different instances of it. If you want it saved, "
" please print the documents separately " , report . report_name )
record = self . env [ report . model ] . browse ( res_id )
attachment_name = safe_eval ( report . attachment , { ' object ' : record , ' time ' : time } )
# Unable to compute a name for the attachment.
if not attachment_name :
attachment_vals_list . append ( {
' name ' : attachment_name ,
' raw ' : stream_data [ ' stream ' ] . getvalue ( ) ,
' res_model ' : report . model ,
' res_id ' : record . id ,
' type ' : ' binary ' ,
} )
return attachment_vals_list
def _pre_render_qweb_pdf ( self , report_ref , res_ids = None , data = None ) :
if not data :
data = { }
if isinstance ( res_ids , int ) :
res_ids = [ res_ids ]
data . setdefault ( ' report_type ' , ' pdf ' )
# In case of test environment without enough workers to perform calls to wkhtmltopdf,
# fallback to render_html.
if ( tools . config [ ' test_enable ' ] or tools . config [ ' test_file ' ] ) and not self . env . context . get ( ' force_report_rendering ' ) :
return self . _render_qweb_html ( report_ref , res_ids , data = data )
self = self . with_context ( webp_as_jpg = True )
return self . _render_qweb_pdf_prepare_streams ( report_ref , data , res_ids = res_ids ) , ' pdf '
def _render_qweb_pdf ( self , report_ref , res_ids = None , data = None ) :
if not data :
data = { }
if isinstance ( res_ids , int ) :
res_ids = [ res_ids ]
data . setdefault ( ' report_type ' , ' pdf ' )
collected_streams , report_type = self . _pre_render_qweb_pdf ( report_ref , res_ids = res_ids , data = data )
if report_type != ' pdf ' :
return collected_streams , report_type
has_duplicated_ids = res_ids and len ( res_ids ) != len ( set ( res_ids ) )
# access the report details with sudo() but keep evaluation context as current user
report_sudo = self . _get_report ( report_ref )
# Generate the ir.attachment if needed.
if not has_duplicated_ids and report_sudo . attachment and not self . _context . get ( " report_pdf_no_attachment " ) :
attachment_vals_list = self . _prepare_pdf_report_attachment_vals_list ( report_sudo , collected_streams )
if attachment_vals_list :
attachment_names = ' , ' . join ( x [ ' name ' ] for x in attachment_vals_list )
try :
self . env [ ' ir.attachment ' ] . create ( attachment_vals_list )
except AccessError :
_logger . info ( " Cannot save PDF report %r attachments for user %r " , attachment_names , self . env . user . display_name )
else :
_logger . info ( " The PDF documents %r are now saved in the database " , attachment_names )
def custom_handle_merge_pdfs_error ( error , error_stream ) :
error_record_ids . append ( stream_to_ids [ error_stream ] )
stream_to_ids = { v [ ' stream ' ] : k for k , v in collected_streams . items ( ) if v [ ' stream ' ] }
# Merge all streams together for a single record.
streams_to_merge = list ( stream_to_ids . keys ( ) )
error_record_ids = [ ]
if len ( streams_to_merge ) == 1 :
pdf_content = streams_to_merge [ 0 ] . getvalue ( )
else :
with self . _merge_pdfs ( streams_to_merge , custom_handle_merge_pdfs_error ) as pdf_merged_stream :
pdf_content = pdf_merged_stream . getvalue ( )
if error_record_ids :
action = {
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' name ' : _ ( ' Problematic record(s) ' ) ,
' res_model ' : report_sudo . model ,
' domain ' : [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , error_record_ids ) ] ,
' views ' : [ ( False , ' list ' ) , ( False , ' form ' ) ] ,
num_errors = len ( error_record_ids )
if num_errors == 1 :
action . update ( {
' views ' : [ ( False , ' form ' ) ] ,
' res_id ' : error_record_ids [ 0 ] ,
} )
raise RedirectWarning (
message = _ ( ' Odoo is unable to merge the generated PDFs because of %(num_errors)s corrupted file(s) ' , num_errors = num_errors ) ,
action = action ,
button_text = _ ( ' View Problematic Record(s) ' ) ,
for stream in streams_to_merge :
stream . close ( )
if res_ids :
_logger . info ( " The PDF report has been generated for model: %s , records %s . " , report_sudo . model , str ( res_ids ) )
return pdf_content , ' pdf '
def _render_qweb_text ( self , report_ref , docids , data = None ) :
if not data :
data = { }
data . setdefault ( ' report_type ' , ' text ' )
report = self . _get_report ( report_ref )
data = self . _get_rendering_context ( report , docids , data )
return self . _render_template ( report . report_name , data ) , ' text '
def _render_qweb_html ( self , report_ref , docids , data = None ) :
if not data :
data = { }
data . setdefault ( ' report_type ' , ' html ' )
report = self . _get_report ( report_ref )
data = self . _get_rendering_context ( report , docids , data )
return self . _render_template ( report . report_name , data ) , ' html '
def _get_rendering_context_model ( self , report ) :
report_model_name = ' report. %s ' % report . report_name
return self . env . get ( report_model_name )
def _get_rendering_context ( self , report , docids , data ) :
# If the report is using a custom model to render its html, we must use it.
# Otherwise, fallback on the generic html rendering.
report_model = self . _get_rendering_context_model ( report )
data = data and dict ( data ) or { }
if report_model is not None :
data . update ( report_model . _get_report_values ( docids , data = data ) )
else :
docs = self . env [ report . model ] . browse ( docids )
data . update ( {
' doc_ids ' : docids ,
' doc_model ' : report . model ,
' docs ' : docs ,
} )
data [ ' is_html_empty ' ] = is_html_empty
return data
def _render ( self , report_ref , res_ids , data = None ) :
report = self . _get_report ( report_ref )
report_type = report . report_type . lower ( ) . replace ( ' - ' , ' _ ' )
render_func = getattr ( self , ' _render_ ' + report_type , None )
if not render_func :
return None
return render_func ( report_ref , res_ids , data = data )
def report_action ( self , docids , data = None , config = True ) :
""" Return an action of type ir.actions.report.
: param docids : id / ids / browse record of the records to print ( if not used , pass an empty list )
: param data :
: param bool config :
: rtype : bytes
context = self . env . context
if docids :
if isinstance ( docids , models . Model ) :
active_ids = docids . ids
elif isinstance ( docids , int ) :
active_ids = [ docids ]
elif isinstance ( docids , list ) :
active_ids = docids
context = dict ( self . env . context , active_ids = active_ids )
report_action = {
' context ' : context ,
' data ' : data ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.report ' ,
' report_name ' : self . report_name ,
' report_type ' : self . report_type ,
' report_file ' : self . report_file ,
' name ' : self . name ,
discard_logo_check = self . env . context . get ( ' discard_logo_check ' )
if self . env . is_admin ( ) and not self . env . company . external_report_layout_id and config and not discard_logo_check :
return self . _action_configure_external_report_layout ( report_action )
return report_action
def _action_configure_external_report_layout ( self , report_action , xml_id = " web.action_base_document_layout_configurator " ) :
action = self . env [ " ir.actions.actions " ] . _for_xml_id ( xml_id )
py_ctx = json . loads ( action . get ( ' context ' , { } ) )
report_action [ ' close_on_report_download ' ] = True
py_ctx [ ' report_action ' ] = report_action
action [ ' context ' ] = py_ctx
return action
def get_valid_action_reports ( self , model , record_ids ) :
""" Return the list of ids of actions for which the domain is
satisfied by at least one record in record_ids .
: param model : the model of the records to validate
: param record_ids : list of ids of records to validate
records = self . env [ model ] . browse ( record_ids )
actions_with_domain = self . filtered ( ' domain ' )
valid_action_report_ids = ( self - actions_with_domain ) . ids # actions without domain are always valid
for action in actions_with_domain :
if records . filtered_domain ( literal_eval ( action . domain ) ) :
valid_action_report_ids . append ( action . id )
return valid_action_report_ids