2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from hashlib import sha256
from unittest . mock import patch
import logging
import time
from psycopg2 import IntegrityError
from psycopg2 . extras import Json
import io
from odoo . exceptions import UserError
from odoo . tools import sql
from odoo . tools . translate import quote , unquote , xml_translate , html_translate , TranslationImporter , TranslationModuleReader
from odoo . tests . common import TransactionCase , BaseCase , new_test_user , tagged
_stats_logger = logging . getLogger ( ' odoo.tests.stats ' )
# a string with various unicode characters
SPECIAL_CHARACTERS = " ¥®°²Æçéðπ⁉€∇⓵▲☑♂♥✓➔『にㄅ㊀中한︸🌈🌍👌😀 "
class TranslationToolsTestCase ( BaseCase ) :
def assertItemsEqual ( self , a , b , msg = None ) :
self . assertEqual ( sorted ( a ) , sorted ( b ) , msg )
def test_quote_unquote ( self ) :
def test_string ( str ) :
quoted = quote ( str )
#print "\n1:", repr(str)
#print "2:", repr(quoted)
unquoted = unquote ( " " . join ( quoted . split ( ' " \n " ' ) ) )
#print "3:", repr(unquoted)
self . assertEqual ( str , unquoted )
test_string ( """ test \n all kinds \n \n o \r
\\\\ nope \n \n "
""" )
# The ones with 1+ backslashes directly followed by
# a newline or literal N can fail... we would need a
# state-machine parser to handle these, but this would
# be much slower so it's better to avoid them at the moment
self . assertRaises ( AssertionError , quote , """ test \n all kinds \n \n o \r
\\\\nope \n \n "
""" )
def test_translate_xml_base ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() without formatting elements. """
terms = [ ]
source = """ <form string= " Form stuff " >
< h1 > Blah blah blah < / h1 >
Put some more text here
< field name = " foo " / >
< / form > """
result = xml_translate ( terms . append , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
self . assertItemsEqual ( terms ,
[ ' Form stuff ' , ' Blah blah blah ' , ' Put some more text here ' ] )
def test_translate_xml_text ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() on plain text. """
terms = [ ]
source = " Blah blah blah "
result = xml_translate ( terms . append , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
self . assertItemsEqual ( terms , [ source ] )
def test_translate_xml_unicode ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() on plain text with unicode characters. """
terms = [ ]
source = u " Un heureux évènement "
result = xml_translate ( terms . append , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
self . assertItemsEqual ( terms , [ source ] )
def test_translate_xml_text_entity ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() on plain text with HTML escaped entities. """
terms = [ ]
source = " Blah&nbsp;blah&nbsp;blah "
result = xml_translate ( terms . append , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
self . assertItemsEqual ( terms , [ source ] )
def test_translate_xml_inline1 ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() with formatting elements. """
terms = [ ]
source = """ <form string= " Form stuff " >
< h1 > Blah < i > blah < / i > blah < / h1 >
Put some < b > more text < / b > here
< field name = " foo " / >
< / form > """
result = xml_translate ( terms . append , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
self . assertItemsEqual ( terms ,
[ ' Form stuff ' , ' Blah <i>blah</i> blah ' , ' Put some <b>more text</b> here ' ] )
def test_translate_xml_inline2 ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() with formatting elements embedding other elements. """
terms = [ ]
source = """ <form string= " Form stuff " >
< b > < h1 > Blah < i > blah < / i > blah < / h1 > < / b >
Put < em > some < b > more text < / b > < / em > here
< field name = " foo " / >
< / form > """
result = xml_translate ( terms . append , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
self . assertItemsEqual ( terms ,
[ ' Form stuff ' , ' Blah <i>blah</i> blah ' , ' Put <em>some <b>more text</b></em> here ' ] )
def test_translate_xml_inline3 ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() with formatting elements without actual text. """
terms = [ ]
source = """ <form string= " Form stuff " >
< div >
< span class = " before " / >
< h1 > Blah blah blah < / h1 >
< span class = " after " >
< i class = " hack " / >
< / span >
< / div >
< / form > """
result = xml_translate ( terms . append , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
self . assertItemsEqual ( terms ,
[ ' Form stuff ' , ' Blah blah blah ' ] )
def test_translate_xml_inline4 ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() with inline elements with translated attrs only. """
terms = [ ]
source = """ <form string= " Form stuff " >
< div >
< label for = " stuff " / >
< span class = " fa fa-globe " title = " Title stuff " / >
< / div >
< / form > """
result = xml_translate ( terms . append , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
self . assertItemsEqual ( terms ,
[ ' Form stuff ' , ' <span class= " fa fa-globe " title= " Title stuff " /> ' ] )
def test_translate_xml_inline5 ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() with inline elements with empty translated attrs only. """
terms = [ ]
source = """ <form string= " Form stuff " >
< div >
< label for = " stuff " / >
< span class = " fa fa-globe " title = " " / >
< / div >
< / form > """
result = xml_translate ( terms . append , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
self . assertItemsEqual ( terms , [ ' Form stuff ' ] )
def test_translate_xml_t ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() with t-* attributes. """
terms = [ ]
source = """ <t t-name= " stuff " >
stuff before
< span t - field = " o.name " / >
stuff after
< / t > """
result = xml_translate ( terms . append , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
self . assertItemsEqual ( terms ,
[ ' stuff before ' , ' stuff after ' ] )
def test_translate_xml_off ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() with attribute translate= " off " . """
terms = [ ]
source = """ <div>
stuff before
< div t - translation = " off " > Do not translate this < / div >
stuff after
< / div > """
result = xml_translate ( terms . append , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
self . assertItemsEqual ( terms ,
[ ' stuff before ' , ' stuff after ' ] )
def test_translate_xml_attribute ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() with <attribute> elements. """
terms = [ ]
source = """ <field name= " foo " position= " attributes " >
< attribute name = " string " > Translate this < / attribute >
< attribute name = " option " > Do not translate this < / attribute >
< / field > """
result = xml_translate ( terms . append , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
self . assertItemsEqual ( terms ,
[ ' Translate this ' ] )
def test_translate_xml_a ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() with <a> elements. """
terms = [ ]
source = """ <t t-name= " stuff " >
< ul class = " nav navbar-nav " >
< li class = " nav-item " >
< a class = " nav-link oe_menu_leaf " href = " /odoo/action-54?menu_id=42 " >
< span class = " oe_menu_text " > Blah < / span >
< / a >
< / li >
< / ul >
< / t > """
result = xml_translate ( terms . append , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
self . assertItemsEqual ( terms ,
[ ' <span class= " oe_menu_text " >Blah</span> ' ] )
def test_translate_xml_with_namespace ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() on elements with namespaces. """
terms = [ ]
# do not slit the long line below, otherwise the result will not match
source = """ <Invoice xmlns:cac= " urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2 " xmlns:cbc= " urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2 " xmlns= " urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2 " >
< cbc : UBLVersionID t - esc = " version_id " / >
< t t - foreach = " [1, 2, 3, 4] " t - as = " value " >
Oasis < cac : Test t - esc = " value " / >
< / t >
< / Invoice > """
result = xml_translate ( terms . append , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
self . assertItemsEqual ( terms , [ ' Oasis ' ] )
result = xml_translate ( lambda term : term , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
def test_translate_xml_invalid_translations ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() with invalid translations. """
source = """ <form string= " Form stuff " >
< h1 > Blah < i > blah < / i > blah < / h1 >
Put some < b > more text < / b > here
< field name = " foo " / >
< / form > """
translations = {
" Put some <b>more text</b> here " : " Mettre <b>plus de texte</i> ici " ,
expect = """ <form string= " Form stuff " >
< h1 > Blah < i > blah < / i > blah < / h1 >
Mettre < b > plus de texte ici
< / b > < field name = " foo " / >
< / form > """
result = xml_translate ( translations . get , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , expect )
def test_translate_xml_illegal_translations ( self ) :
# attributes
make_xml = ' <form string= " {} " >test</form> ' . format
attr = ' Damien Roberts " <d.roberts@example.com> '
escaped_attr = ' Damien Roberts" <d.roberts@example.com> '
# {legal: legal(not escaped attr)}
self . assertEqual (
xml_translate ( { ' X ' : attr } . get , make_xml ( ' X ' ) ) ,
make_xml ( escaped_attr ) ,
' attr should be translated and escaped ' ,
# {legal(not escaped attr): legal}
self . assertEqual (
xml_translate ( { attr : ' X ' } . get , make_xml ( escaped_attr ) ) ,
make_xml ( ' X ' ) ,
' attrs should be translated by using unescaped old terms ' ,
# {illegal(escaped attr): legal}
self . assertEqual (
xml_translate ( { escaped_attr : ' X ' } . get , make_xml ( escaped_attr ) ) ,
make_xml ( escaped_attr ) ,
' attrs cannot be translated by using escaped old terms ' ,
# text and elements
make_xml = ' <form string= " X " > {} </form> ' . format
term = ' <i class= " fa fa-circle " role= " img " aria-label= " Invalid " title= " Invalid " /> '
# {legal: legal}
valid = ' <i class= " fa fa-circle " role= " img " aria-label= " Non-valide " title= " Non-valide " />X '
self . assertEqual (
xml_translate ( { term : valid } . get , make_xml ( term ) ) ,
make_xml ( valid ) ,
' content in inline-block should be treated as one term and translated ' ,
# {legal: illegal(has no text)}
invalid = ' <i class= " fa fa-circle " role= " img " /> '
self . assertEqual (
xml_translate ( { term : invalid } . get , make_xml ( term ) ) ,
make_xml ( term ) ,
f ' translation { invalid !r} has no text and should be dropped as a translation ' ,
invalid = ' '
self . assertEqual (
xml_translate ( { term : invalid } . get , make_xml ( term ) ) ,
make_xml ( term ) ,
f ' translation { invalid !r} has no text and should be dropped as a translation ' ,
invalid = ' <i> </i> '
self . assertEqual (
xml_translate ( { term : invalid } . get , make_xml ( term ) ) ,
make_xml ( term ) ,
f ' translation { invalid !r} has no text and should be dropped as a translation ' ,
# {legal: illegal(has non-translatable elements)}
invalid = ' <div>X</div> '
self . assertEqual (
xml_translate ( { term : invalid } . get , make_xml ( term ) ) ,
make_xml ( term ) ,
f ' translation { invalid !r} has non-translatable elements(elements not in TRANSLATED_ELEMENTS) ' ,
def test_translate_html ( self ) :
""" Test html_translate(). """
source = """ <blockquote>A <h2>B</h2> C</blockquote> """
result = html_translate ( lambda term : term , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
def test_translate_html_nbsp ( self ) :
""" Test html_translate(). """
source = """ <blockquote>A <h2>B </h2> \xa0 C</blockquote> """
result = html_translate ( lambda term : term , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , ' <blockquote>A <h2>B </h2> C</blockquote> ' )
def test_translate_html_i ( self ) :
""" Test xml_translate() and html_translate() with <i> elements. """
source = """ <p>A <i class= " fa-check " ></i> B</p> """
result = xml_translate ( lambda term : term , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , """ <p>A <i class= " fa-check " /> B</p> """ )
result = html_translate ( lambda term : term , source )
self . assertEqual ( result , source )
class TestLanguageInstall ( TransactionCase ) :
def test_language_install ( self ) :
fr = self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . with_context ( active_test = False ) . search ( [ ( ' code ' , ' = ' , ' fr_FR ' ) ] )
self . assertTrue ( fr )
wizard = self . env [ ' base.language.install ' ] . create ( { ' lang_ids ' : fr . ids } )
self . env . flush_all ( )
# running the wizard calls _load_module_terms() to load PO files
loaded = [ ]
def _load_module_terms ( self , modules , langs , overwrite = False , imported_module = False ) :
loaded . append ( ( modules , langs , overwrite ) )
with patch ( ' odoo.addons.base.models.ir_module.Module._load_module_terms ' , _load_module_terms ) :
wizard . lang_install ( )
# _load_module_terms is called once with lang='fr_FR' and overwrite=True
self . assertEqual ( len ( loaded ) , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( loaded [ 0 ] [ 1 ] , [ ' fr_FR ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( loaded [ 0 ] [ 2 ] , True )
@tagged ( ' post_install ' , ' -at_install ' )
class TestTranslationExport ( TransactionCase ) :
def test_export_translatable_resources ( self ) :
""" Read files of installed modules and export translatable terms """
with self . assertNoLogs ( ' odoo.tools.translate ' , " ERROR " ) :
TranslationModuleReader ( self . env . cr )
class TestTranslation ( TransactionCase ) :
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
cls . customers = cls . env [ ' res.partner.category ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' Customers ' } )
cls . customers_xml_id = cls . customers . export_data ( [ ' id ' ] ) . get ( ' datas ' ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
po_string = '''
#. module: __export__
#: model:res.partner.category,name:%s
msgid " Customers "
msgstr " Clients "
''' % c ls.customers_xml_id
with io . BytesIO ( bytes ( po_string , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) ) as f :
f . name = ' dummy '
translation_importer = TranslationImporter ( cls . env . cr , verbose = True )
translation_importer . load ( f , ' po ' , ' fr_FR ' )
translation_importer . save ( overwrite = True )
def test_101_translation_read ( self ) :
""" Check the record env.lang behavior """
category = self . customers
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' nl_NL ' )
category . with_context ( lang = ' nl_NL ' ) . name = ' Klanten '
self . env . ref ( ' base.lang_nl ' ) . active = False
category . invalidate_recordset ( )
self . assertEqual ( category . with_context ( lang = None ) . name , ' Customers ' )
category . invalidate_recordset ( )
self . assertEqual ( category . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . name , ' Customers ' )
category . invalidate_recordset ( )
self . assertEqual ( category . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . name , ' Clients ' )
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) :
# inactive language
category . with_context ( lang = ' nl_NL ' ) . name
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) :
# non-existing language
category . with_context ( lang = ' Dummy ' ) . name
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) :
# technical langauge starts with '_'
category . with_context ( lang = ' _en_US ' ) . name
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) :
# SQL injection language
category . with_context ( lang = " ' ' , NOW( " ) . name
# lang as en_US and None are always readable even when en_US is not activated
self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . with_context ( active_test = False ) . search ( [ ] ) . write ( { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
self . env . ref ( ' base.lang_en ' ) . active = False
category . invalidate_recordset ( )
self . assertEqual ( category . with_context ( lang = None ) . name , ' Customers ' )
category . invalidate_recordset ( )
self . assertEqual ( category . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . name , ' Customers ' )
def test_101_create_translated_record ( self ) :
category = self . customers . with_context ( { } )
self . assertEqual ( category . name , ' Customers ' , " Error in basic name " )
category_fr = category . with_context ( { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
self . assertEqual ( category_fr . name , ' Clients ' , " Translation not found " )
def test_102_duplicate_record ( self ) :
category = self . customers . with_context ( { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } ) . copy ( )
category_no = category . with_context ( { } )
self . assertEqual ( category_no . name , ' Customers ' , " Duplication should copy all translations " )
category_fr = category . with_context ( { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
self . assertEqual ( category_fr . name , ' Clients ' , " Did not found translation for initial value " )
def test_103_duplicate_record_fr ( self ) :
category = self . customers . with_context ( { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } ) . copy ( { ' name ' : ' Clients (copie) ' } )
category_no = category . with_context ( { } )
self . assertEqual ( category_no . name , ' Clients (copie) ' , " Duplication should set untranslated value " )
category_fr = category . with_context ( { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
self . assertEqual ( category_fr . name , ' Clients (copie) ' , " Did not used default value for translated value " )
def test_104_orderby_translated_field ( self ) :
""" Test search ordered by a translated field. """
# create a category with a French translation
padawans = self . env [ ' res.partner.category ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' Padawans ' } )
padawans_fr = padawans . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' )
padawans_fr . write ( { ' name ' : ' Apprentis ' } )
# search for categories, and sort them by (translated) name
categories = padawans_fr . search ( [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , [ self . customers . id , padawans . id ] ) ] , order = ' name ' )
self . assertEqual ( categories . ids , [ padawans . id , self . customers . id ] ,
" Search ordered by translated name should return Padawans (Apprentis) before Customers (Clients) " )
def test_105_duplicate_record_multi_no_en ( self ) :
self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . with_context ( active_test = False ) . search ( [ ] ) . write ( { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' nl_NL ' )
self . customers . with_context ( lang = ' nl_NL ' ) . name = ' Klanten '
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' zh_CN ' )
self . customers . with_context ( lang = ' zh_CN ' ) . name = ' 客户 '
self . env . ref ( ' base.lang_en ' ) . active = False
self . env . ref ( ' base.lang_zh_CN ' ) . active = False
category = self . customers
translations = category . _fields [ ' name ' ] . _get_stored_translations ( category )
self . assertDictEqual (
translations ,
' en_US ' : ' Customers ' ,
' fr_FR ' : ' Clients ' ,
' nl_NL ' : ' Klanten ' ,
' zh_CN ' : ' 客户 ' ,
category_copy = self . customers . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . copy ( )
translations = category_copy . _fields [ ' name ' ] . _get_stored_translations ( category_copy )
self . assertDictEqual (
translations ,
' en_US ' : ' Customers ' ,
' fr_FR ' : ' Clients ' ,
' nl_NL ' : ' Klanten ' ,
} ,
' English, French and Dutch translation should be copied, Chinese translation should be dropped '
def test_107_duplicate_record_en ( self ) :
category = self . customers . with_context ( { ' lang ' : ' en_US ' } ) . copy ( )
category_no = category . with_context ( { } )
self . assertEqual ( category_no . name , ' Customers ' , " Duplication did not set untranslated value " )
category_fr = category . with_context ( { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
self . assertEqual ( category_fr . name , ' Clients ' , " Did not found translation for initial value " )
def test_108_search_en ( self ) :
CategoryEn = self . env [ ' res.partner.category ' ] . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' )
category_equal = CategoryEn . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , ' Customers ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( category_equal . id , self . customers . id , " Search with ' = ' doesn ' t work for English " )
category_ilike = CategoryEn . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' ilike ' , ' stoMer ' ) ] )
self . assertIn ( self . customers , category_ilike , " Search with ' ilike ' doesn ' t work for English " )
category_eq_ilike = CategoryEn . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' =ilike ' , ' CustoMers ' ) ] )
self . assertIn ( self . customers , category_eq_ilike , " Search with ' =ilike ' doesn ' t work for English " )
category_in = CategoryEn . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' in ' , [ ' Customers ' ] ) ] )
self . assertIn ( self . customers , category_in , " Search with ' in ' doesn ' t work for English " )
def test_109_search_fr ( self ) :
CategoryFr = self . env [ ' res.partner.category ' ] . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' )
category_equal = CategoryFr . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , ' Clients ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( category_equal . id , self . customers . id , " Search with ' = ' doesn ' t work for non English " )
category_ilike = CategoryFr . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' ilike ' , ' lIen ' ) ] )
self . assertIn ( self . customers , category_ilike , " Search with ' ilike ' doesn ' t work for non English " )
category_eq_ilike = CategoryFr . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' =ilike ' , ' clieNts ' ) ] )
self . assertIn ( self . customers , category_eq_ilike , " Search with ' =ilike ' doesn ' t work for non English " )
category_in = CategoryFr . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' in ' , [ ' Clients ' ] ) ] )
self . assertIn ( self . customers , category_in , " Search with ' in ' doesn ' t work for non English " )
def test_110_search_es ( self ) :
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' es_ES ' )
langs = self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . get_installed ( )
self . assertEqual ( [ ( ' en_US ' , ' English (US) ' ) , ( ' fr_FR ' , ' French / Français ' ) , ( ' es_ES ' , ' Spanish / Español ' ) ] ,
langs , " Test did not start with the expected languages " )
CategoryEs = self . env [ ' res.partner.category ' ] . with_context ( lang = ' es_ES ' )
category_equal = CategoryEs . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , ' Customers ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( category_equal . id , self . customers . id , " Search with ' = ' should use the English name if the current language translation is not available " )
category_ilike = CategoryEs . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' ilike ' , ' usTom ' ) ] )
self . assertIn ( self . customers , category_ilike , " Search with ' ilike ' should use the English name if the current language translation is not available " )
category_eq_ilike = CategoryEs . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' =ilike ' , ' CustoMers ' ) ] )
self . assertIn ( self . customers , category_eq_ilike , " Search with ' =ilike ' should use the English name if the current language translation is not available " )
category_in = CategoryEs . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' in ' , [ ' Customers ' ] ) ] )
self . assertIn ( self . customers , category_in , " Search with ' in ' should use the English name if the current language translation is not available " )
def test_111_prefetch_langs ( self ) :
category_en = self . customers . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' )
self . env . ref ( ' base.lang_nl ' ) . active = True
category_nl = category_en . with_context ( lang = ' nl_NL ' )
category_nl . name = ' Klanten '
self . assertTrue ( self . env . ref ( ' base.lang_fr ' ) . active )
category_fr = category_en . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' )
self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . with_context ( active_test = False ) . search ( [ ] ) . write ( { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
self . env . ref ( ' base.lang_en ' ) . active = False
category_fr . with_context ( prefetch_langs = True ) . name
category_nl . name
category_en . name
category_fr . invalidate_recordset ( )
with self . assertQueryCount ( 1 ) :
self . assertEqual ( category_fr . with_context ( prefetch_langs = True ) . name , ' Clients ' )
with self . assertQueryCount ( 0 ) :
self . assertEqual ( category_nl . name , ' Klanten ' )
self . assertEqual ( category_en . name , ' Customers ' )
# TODO Currently, the unique constraint doesn't work for translatable field
# def test_111_unique_en(self):
# Country = self.env['res.country']
# country_1 = Country.create({'name': 'Odoo'})
# country_1.with_context(lang='fr_FR').name = 'Odoo_Fr'
# country_1.flush_recordset()
# country_2 = Country.create({'name': 'Odoo2'})
# with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError), mute_logger('odoo.sql_db'):
# country_2.name = 'Odoo'
# country_2.flush_recordset()
# with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError), mute_logger('odoo.sql_db'):
# country_3 = Country.create({'name': 'Odoo'})
class TestTranslationWrite ( TransactionCase ) :
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . category = cls . env [ ' res.partner.category ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' Reblochon ' } )
cls . category_xml_id = cls . category . export_data ( [ ' id ' ] ) . get ( ' datas ' ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
def test_00 ( self ) :
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
langs = self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . get_installed ( )
self . assertEqual ( [ ( ' en_US ' , ' English (US) ' ) , ( ' fr_FR ' , ' French / Français ' ) ] , langs ,
" Test did not started with expected languages " )
category = self . env [ ' res.partner.category ' ] . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . create ( { ' name ' : ' English ' } )
self . assertEqual ( category . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . name , ' English ' )
self . assertEqual ( category . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . name , ' English ' )
category . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . name = ' English 2 '
self . assertEqual ( category . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . name , ' English 2 ' )
category2 = self . env [ ' res.partner.category ' ] . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . create ( { ' name ' : ' French ' } )
self . assertEqual ( category2 . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . name , ' French ' )
self . assertEqual ( category2 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . name , ' French ' )
category2 . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . name = ' English '
self . assertEqual ( category2 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . name , ' French ' )
category3 = self . env [ ' res.partner.category ' ] . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . create ( { ' name ' : ' English ' } )
self . assertEqual ( category3 . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . name , ' English ' )
self . assertEqual ( category3 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . name , ' English ' )
category3 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . name = ' French 2 '
category3 . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . name = ' English 2 '
self . assertEqual ( category3 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . name , ' French 2 ' )
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) :
# Illegal context lang starts with "_" should raise UserError
category . with_context ( lang = ' _en_US ' ) . name = ' _Customers '
def test_01_invalid_lang ( self ) :
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' nl_NL ' )
self . category . with_context ( lang = ' nl_NL ' ) . name = ' Reblochon nl_NL '
self . env . ref ( ' base.lang_nl ' ) . active = False
# [inactive_lang, non_existing_lang, technical_lang, sql_injection_lang]
langs = [ ' nl_NL ' , ' Dummy ' , ' _en_US ' , " ' ' , NOW( " ]
for lang in langs :
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) :
self . category . with_context ( lang = lang ) . name = ' new value '
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) :
self . category . with_context ( lang = lang ) . create ( { ' name ' : ' new value ' } )
def test_03_fr_single ( self ) :
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . with_context ( active_test = False ) . search ( [ ] ) . write ( { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
self . env . ref ( ' base.lang_en ' ) . active = False
langs = self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . get_installed ( )
self . assertEqual ( [ ( ' fr_FR ' , ' French / Français ' ) ] , langs , " Test did not started with expected languages " )
self . category . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . write ( { ' name ' : ' French Name ' } )
fr_name = self . category . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . read ( [ ' name ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( fr_name [ 0 ] [ ' name ' ] , " French Name " , " Reference field not updated " )
# read from the cache
self . assertEqual ( self . category . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . name , " French Name " )
# read from database
self . category . invalidate_recordset ( )
self . assertEqual ( self . category . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . name , " French Name " )
def test_04_fr_multi ( self ) :
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
langs = self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . get_installed ( )
self . assertEqual ( [ ( ' en_US ' , ' English (US) ' ) , ( ' fr_FR ' , ' French / Français ' ) ] , langs ,
" Test did not started with expected languages " )
po_string = '''
#. module: __export__
#: model:res.partner.category,name:%s
msgid " Reblochon "
msgstr " Translated Name "
''' % s elf.category_xml_id
with io . BytesIO ( bytes ( po_string , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) ) as f :
f . name = ' dummy '
translation_importer = TranslationImporter ( self . env . cr , verbose = True )
translation_importer . load ( f , ' po ' , ' fr_FR ' )
translation_importer . save ( overwrite = True )
self . category . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . write ( { ' name ' : ' French Name ' } )
self . category . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . write ( { ' name ' : ' English Name ' } )
# read from the cache first
self . assertEqual ( self . category . with_context ( lang = None ) . name , " English Name " )
self . assertEqual ( self . category . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . name , " French Name " )
self . assertEqual ( self . category . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . name , " English Name " )
# force save to database and clear the cache: force a clean state
self . category . invalidate_recordset ( )
# read from database
self . assertEqual ( self . category . with_context ( lang = None ) . name , " English Name " )
self . assertEqual ( self . category . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . name , " French Name " )
self . assertEqual ( self . category . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . name , " English Name " )
def test_04_fr_multi_no_en ( self ) :
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' es_ES ' )
self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . with_context ( active_test = False ) . search ( [ ] ) . write ( { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
self . env . ref ( ' base.lang_en ' ) . active = False
langs = self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . get_installed ( )
self . assertEqual ( [ ( ' fr_FR ' , ' French / Français ' ) , ( ' es_ES ' , ' Spanish / Español ' ) ] , langs ,
" Test did not start with the expected languages " )
self . category . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . write ( { ' name ' : ' French Name ' } )
self . category . with_context ( lang = ' es_ES ' ) . write ( { ' name ' : ' Spanish Name ' } )
self . category . with_context ( lang = None ) . write ( { ' name ' : ' None Name ' } )
# read from the cache first
self . assertEqual ( self . category . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . name , " French Name " )
self . assertEqual ( self . category . with_context ( lang = ' es_ES ' ) . name , " Spanish Name " )
self . assertEqual ( self . category . with_context ( lang = None ) . name , " None Name " )
# force save to database and clear the cache: force a clean state
self . category . invalidate_recordset ( )
# read from database
self . assertEqual ( self . category . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . name , " French Name " )
self . assertEqual ( self . category . with_context ( lang = ' es_ES ' ) . name , " Spanish Name " )
self . assertEqual ( self . category . with_context ( lang = None ) . name , " None Name " )
def test_05_remove_multi_false ( self ) :
self . _test_05_remove_multi ( False )
def _test_05_remove_multi ( self , empty_value ) :
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
langs = self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . get_installed ( )
self . assertEqual ( [ ( ' en_US ' , ' English (US) ' ) , ( ' fr_FR ' , ' French / Français ' ) ] , langs ,
" Test did not started with expected languages " )
belgium = self . env . ref ( ' base.be ' )
# vat_label is translatable and not required
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . write ( { ' vat_label ' : ' VAT ' } )
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . write ( { ' vat_label ' : ' TVA ' } )
# remove the value
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . write ( { ' vat_label ' : empty_value } )
# should recover the initial value from db
self . assertEqual (
empty_value ,
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . vat_label ,
" Value should be the empty_value "
self . assertEqual (
empty_value ,
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . vat_label ,
" Value should be the empty_value "
self . assertEqual (
empty_value ,
belgium . with_context ( lang = None ) . vat_label ,
" Value should be the empty_value "
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . write ( { ' vat_label ' : ' VAT ' } )
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . write ( { ' vat_label ' : ' TVA ' } )
# remove the value
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . write ( { ' vat_label ' : empty_value } )
self . assertEqual (
empty_value ,
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . vat_label ,
" Value should be the empty_value "
self . assertEqual (
empty_value ,
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . vat_label ,
" Value should be the empty_value "
self . assertEqual (
empty_value ,
belgium . with_context ( lang = None ) . vat_label ,
" Value should be the empty_value "
def test_write_empty_and_value ( self ) :
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' nl_NL ' )
langs = self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . get_installed ( )
self . assertEqual ( [ ( ' nl_NL ' , ' Dutch / Nederlands ' ) , ( ' en_US ' , ' English (US) ' ) , ( ' fr_FR ' , ' French / Français ' ) ] , langs ,
" Test did not started with expected languages " )
belgium = self . env . ref ( ' base.be ' )
# vat_label is translatable and not required
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . write ( { ' vat_label ' : ' VAT_US ' } )
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . write ( { ' vat_label ' : ' VAT_FR ' } )
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' nl_NL ' ) . write ( { ' vat_label ' : ' VAT_NL ' } )
belgium . invalidate_recordset ( )
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . write ( { ' vat_label ' : False } )
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . write ( { ' vat_label ' : ' TVA_FR2 ' } )
self . assertEqual ( belgium . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . vat_label , ' TVA_FR2 ' )
self . assertEqual ( belgium . with_context ( lang = ' nl_NL ' ) . vat_label , ' TVA_FR2 ' )
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . write ( { ' vat_label ' : ' TVA_FR3 ' } )
belgium . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . write ( { ' vat_label ' : ' ' } )
self . assertEqual ( belgium . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . vat_label , ' ' )
self . assertEqual ( belgium . with_context ( lang = ' nl_NL ' ) . vat_label , ' ' )
def test_create_empty_false ( self ) :
self . _test_create_empty ( False )
# feature removed
# def test_cresate_emtpy_empty_string(self):
# self._test_create_empty('')
def _test_create_empty ( self , empty_value ) :
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
langs = self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . get_installed ( )
self . assertEqual ( [ ( ' en_US ' , ' English (US) ' ) , ( ' fr_FR ' , ' French / Français ' ) ] , langs ,
" Test did not started with expected languages " )
group = self . env [ ' res.groups ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' test_group ' , ' comment ' : empty_value } )
self . assertEqual ( group . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . comment , empty_value )
self . assertEqual ( group . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . comment , empty_value )
group . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . comment = ' French comment '
self . assertEqual ( group . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . comment , ' French comment ' )
self . assertEqual ( group . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . comment , ' French comment ' )
group . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . comment = ' French comment 2 '
self . assertEqual ( group . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . comment , ' French comment 2 ' )
self . assertEqual ( group . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . comment , ' French comment ' )
def test_update_field_translations ( self ) :
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
categoryEN = self . category . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' )
categoryFR = self . category . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' )
self . category . update_field_translations ( ' name ' , { ' en_US ' : ' English Name ' , ' fr_FR ' : ' French Name ' } )
self . assertEqual ( categoryEN . name , ' English Name ' )
self . assertEqual ( categoryFR . name , ' French Name ' )
# void fr_FR translation and fallback to en_US
self . category . update_field_translations ( ' name ' , { ' fr_FR ' : False } )
self . assertEqual ( categoryEN . name , ' English Name ' )
self . assertEqual ( categoryFR . name , ' English Name ' )
categoryEN . name = ' English Name 2 '
self . assertEqual ( categoryEN . name , ' English Name 2 ' )
self . assertEqual ( categoryFR . name , ' English Name 2 ' )
# cannot void en_US
self . category . update_field_translations ( ' name ' , { ' en_US ' : ' English Name ' , ' fr_FR ' : ' French Name ' } )
self . category . update_field_translations ( ' name ' , { ' en_US ' : False } )
self . assertEqual ( categoryEN . name , ' English Name ' )
self . assertEqual ( categoryFR . name , ' French Name ' )
# empty str is a valid translation
self . category . update_field_translations ( ' name ' , { ' fr_FR ' : ' ' } )
self . assertEqual ( categoryEN . name , ' English Name ' )
self . assertEqual ( categoryFR . name , ' ' )
self . category . update_field_translations ( ' name ' , { ' en_US ' : ' ' , ' fr_FR ' : ' French Name ' } )
self . assertEqual ( categoryEN . name , ' ' )
self . assertEqual ( categoryFR . name , ' French Name ' )
# raise error when the translations are in the form for model_terms translated fields
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) :
self . category . update_field_translations ( ' name ' , { ' fr_FR ' : { ' English Name ' : ' French Name ' } } )
def test_update_field_translations_for_empty ( self ) :
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' nl_NL ' )
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
group = self . env [ ' res.groups ' ] . create ( { ' name ' : ' test_group ' , ' comment ' : False } )
groupEN = group . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' )
groupFR = group . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' )
groupNL = group . with_context ( lang = ' nl_NL ' )
self . assertEqual ( groupEN . comment , False )
groupFR . update_field_translations ( ' comment ' , { ' nl_NL ' : ' Dutch Name ' , ' fr_FR ' : ' French Name ' } )
self . assertEqual ( groupEN . comment , ' French Name ' , ' fr_FR value as the current env.lang is chosen as the default en_US value ' )
self . assertEqual ( groupFR . comment , ' French Name ' )
self . assertEqual ( groupNL . comment , ' Dutch Name ' )
group . comment = False
groupFR . update_field_translations ( ' comment ' , { ' nl_NL ' : False , ' fr_FR ' : False } )
groupFR . flush_recordset ( )
self . cr . execute ( " SELECT comment FROM res_groups WHERE id = %s " , ( group . id , ) )
( comment , ) = self . cr . fetchone ( )
self . assertEqual ( comment , None )
def test_field_selection ( self ) :
""" Test translations of field selections. """
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
field = self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . _fields [ ' state ' ]
self . assertEqual ( [ key for key , _ in field . selection ] , [ ' manual ' , ' base ' ] )
ir_field = self . env [ ' ir.model.fields ' ] . _get ( ' ir.model ' , ' state ' )
ir_field = ir_field . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' )
ir_field . selection_ids [ 0 ] . name = ' Custo '
ir_field . selection_ids [ 1 ] . name = ' Pas touche! '
fg = self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . fields_get ( [ ' state ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( fg [ ' state ' ] [ ' selection ' ] , field . selection )
fg = self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . fields_get ( [ ' state ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( fg [ ' state ' ] [ ' selection ' ] ,
[ ( ' manual ' , ' Custo ' ) , ( ' base ' , ' Pas touche! ' ) ] )
def test_load_views ( self ) :
""" Test translations of field descriptions in get_view(). """
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
# add translation for the string of field ir.model.name
ir_model_field = self . env [ ' ir.model.fields ' ] . _get ( ' ir.model ' , ' name ' )
LABEL = " Description du Modèle "
ir_model_field_xml_id = ir_model_field . export_data ( [ ' id ' ] ) . get ( ' datas ' ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
po_string = '''
#. module: __export__
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:%s
msgid " Model Description "
msgstr " %s "
''' % (ir_model_field_xml_id, LABEL)
with io . BytesIO ( bytes ( po_string , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) ) as f :
f . name = ' dummy '
translation_importer = TranslationImporter ( self . env . cr , verbose = True )
translation_importer . load ( f , ' po ' , ' fr_FR ' )
translation_importer . save ( overwrite = True )
# check that fields_get() returns the expected label
model = self . env [ ' ir.model ' ] . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' )
info = model . fields_get ( [ ' name ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( info [ ' name ' ] [ ' string ' ] , LABEL )
# check that get_views() also returns the expected label
info = model . get_views ( [ ( False , ' form ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( info [ ' models ' ] [ model . _name ] [ " fields " ] [ ' name ' ] [ ' string ' ] , LABEL )
class TestXMLTranslation ( TransactionCase ) :
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
cls . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' nl_NL ' )
def create_view ( self , archf , terms , * * kwargs ) :
view = self . env [ ' ir.ui.view ' ] . create ( {
' name ' : ' test ' ,
' model ' : ' res.partner ' ,
' arch ' : archf % terms ,
} )
view . invalidate_recordset ( )
val = { ' en_US ' : archf % terms }
for lang , trans_terms in kwargs . items ( ) :
val [ lang ] = archf % trans_terms
query = """ UPDATE ir_ui_view
SET arch_db = % s
WHERE id = % s """
self . env . cr . execute ( query , ( Json ( val ) , view . id ) )
return view
def test_copy ( self ) :
""" Create a simple view, fill in translations, and copy it. """
archf = ' <form string= " %s " ><div> %s </div><div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' Knife ' , ' Fork ' , ' Spoon ' )
terms_fr = ( ' Couteau ' , ' Fourchette ' , ' Cuiller ' )
view0 = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr )
env_en = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' en_US ' } )
env_fr = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
# check translated field
self . assertEqual ( view0 . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view0 . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
# copy without lang
view1 = view0 . with_env ( env_en ) . copy ( { } )
self . assertEqual ( view1 . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view1 . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
# copy with lang='fr_FR'
view2 = view0 . with_env ( env_fr ) . copy ( { } )
self . assertEqual ( view2 . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view2 . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
# copy with lang='fr_FR' and translate=html_translate
self . patch ( type ( self . env [ ' ir.ui.view ' ] ) . arch_db , ' translate ' , html_translate )
view3 = view0 . with_env ( env_fr ) . copy ( { } )
self . assertEqual ( view3 . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view3 . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
def test_spaces ( self ) :
""" Create translations where value has surrounding spaces. """
archf = ' <form string= " %s " ><div> %s </div><div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' Knife ' , ' Fork ' , ' Spoon ' )
terms_fr = ( ' Couteau ' , ' Fourchette ' , ' Cuiller ' )
self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr )
def test_sync ( self ) :
""" Check translations after minor change in source terms. """
archf = ' <form string= " X " > %s </form> '
terms_en = ( ' Bread and cheeze ' , )
terms_fr = ( ' Pain et fromage ' , )
terms_nl = ( ' Brood and kaas ' , )
view = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , en_US = terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr , nl_NL = terms_nl )
env_nolang = self . env ( context = { } )
env_en = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' en_US ' } )
env_fr = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
env_nl = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' nl_NL ' } )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nolang ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nl ) . arch_db , archf % terms_nl )
# modify source term in view (fixed type in 'cheeze')
terms_en = ( ' Bread and cheese ' , )
view . with_env ( env_en ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_en } )
# check whether translations have been synchronized
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nolang ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nl ) . arch_db , archf % terms_nl )
view = self . create_view ( archf , terms_fr , en_US = terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr , nl_NL = terms_nl )
# modify source term in view in another language with close term
new_terms_fr = ( ' Pains et fromage ' , )
view . with_env ( env_fr ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % new_terms_fr } )
# check whether translations have been synchronized
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % new_terms_fr )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nl ) . arch_db , archf % terms_nl )
def test_sync_xml ( self ) :
""" Check translations of ' arch ' after xml tags changes in source terms. """
archf = ' <form string= " X " > %s <div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' Bread and cheese ' , ' Fork ' )
terms_fr = ( ' Pain et fromage ' , ' Fourchette ' )
terms_nl = ( ' Brood and kaas ' , ' Vork ' )
view = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , en_US = terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr , nl_NL = terms_nl )
env_nolang = self . env ( context = { } )
env_en = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' en_US ' } )
env_fr = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
env_nl = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' nl_NL ' } )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nolang ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nl ) . arch_db , archf % terms_nl )
# modify source term in view (add css style)
terms_en = ( ' Bread <span style= " font-weight:bold " >and</span> cheese ' , ' Fork ' )
view . with_env ( env_en ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_en } )
# check whether translations have been kept
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nolang ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nl ) . arch_db , archf % terms_nl )
# modify source term in view (actual text change)
terms_en = ( ' Bread <span style= " font-weight:bold " >and</span> butter ' , ' Fork ' )
view . with_env ( env_en ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_en } )
# check whether translations have been reset
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nolang ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % ( terms_en [ 0 ] , terms_fr [ 1 ] ) )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nl ) . arch_db , archf % ( terms_en [ 0 ] , terms_nl [ 1 ] ) )
def test_sync_xml_no_en ( self ) :
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' nl_NL ' )
archf = ' <form string= " X " > %s <div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' Bread and cheese ' , ' Fork ' )
terms_fr = ( ' Pain et fromage ' , ' Fourchetta ' )
terms_nl = ( ' Brood and kaas ' , ' Vork ' )
view = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , en_US = terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr , nl_NL = terms_nl )
self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . with_context ( active_test = False ) . search ( [ ] ) . write ( { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
self . env . ref ( ' base.lang_en ' ) . active = False
env_nolang = self . env ( context = { } )
env_fr = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
env_nl = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' nl_NL ' } )
# style change and typo change
terms_fr = ( ' Pain <span style= " font-weight:bold " >et</span> fromage ' , ' Fourchette ' )
view . with_env ( env_fr ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_fr } )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nolang ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nl ) . arch_db , archf % terms_nl )
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
def test_sync_xml_attribute ( self ) :
""" check translations with attribute can be cleaned up after write """
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
archf = ' <form><i title= " %s " /></form> '
terms_en = ( ' Fork ' , )
terms_fr = ( ' Fourchetta ' , )
view = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , en_US = terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr )
terms_en = ( ' Cheese ' , )
view . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_en } )
self . assertEqual ( view . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def test_sync_text_to_xml ( self ) :
""" Check translations of ' arch ' after xml tags changes in source terms. """
archf = ' <form string= " X " > %s </form> '
terms_en = ( ' <span>Hi</span> ' , )
terms_fr = ( ' <span>Salut</span> ' , )
terms_nl = ( ' <span>Hallo</span> ' , )
view = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , en_US = terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr , nl_NL = terms_nl )
env_nolang = self . env ( context = { } )
env_en = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' en_US ' } )
env_fr = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
# modify the arch view, keep the same text content: 'Hi'
terms_en = ' Hi '
archf = ' <form string= " X " ><setting string= " %s " ><span color= " red " /></setting></form> '
view . with_env ( env_en ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_en } )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nolang ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
# check that we didn't set string="<span>Salut</span>"
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
def test_sync_xml_collision ( self ) :
""" Check translations of ' arch ' after xml tags changes in source terms
when the same term appears in different elements with different
styles .
archf = ''' <form class= " row " >
% s
< div class = " s_table_of_content_vertical_navbar " data - name = " Navbar " contenteditable = " false " >
< div class = " s_table_of_content_navbar " style = " top: 76px; " > < a href = " #table_of_content_heading_1672668075678_4 " class = " table_of_content_link " > % s < / a > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = " s_table_of_content_main " data - name = " Content " >
< section class = " pb16 " >
< h1 data - anchor = " true " class = " o_default_snippet_text " id = " table_of_content_heading_1672668075678_4 " > % s < / h1 >
< / section >
< / div >
< / form > '''
terms_en = ( ' Bread and cheese ' , ' Knive and Fork ' , ' Knive <span style= " font-weight:bold " >and</span> Fork ' )
terms_fr = ( ' Pain et fromage ' , ' Couteau et Fourchette ' , ' Couteau et Fourchette ' )
terms_nl = ( ' Brood and kaas ' , ' Mes en Vork ' , ' Mes en Vork ' )
view = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , en_US = terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr , nl_NL = terms_nl )
env_nolang = self . env ( context = { } )
env_en = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' en_US ' } )
env_fr = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
env_nl = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' nl_NL ' } )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nolang ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nl ) . arch_db , archf % terms_nl )
# modify source term in view (small change)
terms_en = ( ' Bread and cheese ' , ' Knife and Fork ' , ' Knife <span style= " font-weight:bold " >and</span> Fork ' )
view . with_env ( env_en ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_en } )
# check whether translations have been kept
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nolang ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nl ) . arch_db , archf % terms_nl )
# modify source term in view (actual text change)
terms_en = ( ' Bread and cheese ' , ' Fork and Knife ' , ' Fork <span style= " font-weight:bold " >and</span> Knife ' )
view . with_env ( env_en ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_en } )
# check whether translations have been reset
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nolang ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % ( terms_fr [ 0 ] , terms_en [ 1 ] , terms_en [ 2 ] ) )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nl ) . arch_db , archf % ( terms_nl [ 0 ] , terms_en [ 1 ] , terms_en [ 2 ] ) )
def test_sync_xml_inline_modifiers ( self ) :
""" Check translations of ' arch ' after xml tags changes in source terms
when source term had updated modifiers attributes
archf = ''' <form class= " row " >
% s
< div class = " s_table_of_content_vertical_navbar " data - name = " Navbar " contenteditable = " false " >
< div class = " s_table_of_content_navbar " style = " top: 76px; " > < a href = " #table_of_content_heading_1672668075678_4 " class = " table_of_content_link " > % s < / a > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = " s_table_of_content_main " data - name = " Content " >
< section class = " pb16 " >
< h1 data - anchor = " true " class = " o_default_snippet_text " id = " table_of_content_heading_1672668075678_4 " > % s < / h1 >
< / section >
< / div >
< / form > '''
terms_en = ( ' Bread and cheese ' , ' Knive and Fork ' , ' Knive <span style= " font-weight:bold " >and</span> Fork ' )
terms_fr = ( ' Pain et fromage ' , ' Couteau et Fourchette ' , ' Couteau <span style= " font-weight:bold " >et</span> Fourchette ' )
terms_nl = ( ' Brood and kaas ' , ' Mes en Vork ' , ' Mes en Vork ' )
view = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , en_US = terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr , nl_NL = terms_nl )
env_nolang = self . env ( context = { " install_mode " : True } )
env_en = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' en_US ' , " install_mode " : True } )
env_fr = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' , " install_mode " : True } )
env_nl = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' nl_NL ' , " install_mode " : True } )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nolang ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nl ) . arch_db , archf % terms_nl )
# modify attributes in source term
terms_en = ( ' Bread and cheese ' , ' Knife and Fork ' , ' Knife <span invisible= " 1 " >and</span> Fork ' )
view . with_env ( env_en ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_en } )
terms_fr = ( ' Pain et fromage ' , ' Couteau et Fourchette ' , ' Couteau <span style= " font-weight:bold " invisible= " 1 " >et</span> Fourchette ' )
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
terms_nl = ( ' Brood and kaas ' , ' Mes en Vork ' , ' Knife <span invisible= " 1 " >and</span> Fork ' )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# check whether translations have been kept
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nolang ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nl ) . arch_db , archf % terms_nl )
# modify attributes in source term
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
terms_en = ( ' Bread and cheese ' , ' Knife and Fork ' , ' Knife <span style= " text-align: center; " readonly= " 1 " >and</span> Fork ' )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
view . with_env ( env_en ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_en } )
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
terms_fr = ( ' Pain et fromage ' , ' Couteau et Fourchette ' , ' Couteau <span style= " text-align: center; " readonly= " 1 " >et</span> Fourchette ' )
terms_nl = ( ' Brood and kaas ' , ' Mes en Vork ' , ' Knife <span style= " text-align: center; " readonly= " 1 " >and</span> Fork ' )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# check whether translations have been kept
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nolang ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nl ) . arch_db , archf % terms_nl )
def test_sync_xml_close_terms ( self ) :
""" Check translations of ' arch ' after xml tags changes in source terms. """
archf = ' <form string= " X " > %s <div> %s </div> %s </form> '
terms_en = ( ' RandomRandom1 ' , ' RandomRandom2 ' , ' RandomRandom3 ' )
terms_fr = ( ' RandomRandom1 ' , ' AléatoireAléatoire2 ' , ' AléatoireAléatoire3 ' )
view = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , en_US = terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr )
env_nolang = self . env ( context = { } )
env_en = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' en_US ' } )
env_fr = self . env ( context = { ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' } )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nolang ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
# modify source term in view
terms_en = ( ' RandomRandom1 ' , ' SomethingElse ' , ' RandomRandom3 ' )
view . with_env ( env_en ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_en } )
# check whether close terms have correct translations
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_nolang ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_en ) . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_env ( env_fr ) . arch_db , archf % ( ' RandomRandom1 ' , ' SomethingElse ' , ' AléatoireAléatoire3 ' ) )
2025-03-04 11:07:12 +07:00
def test_sync_xml_upgrade ( self ) :
# text term and xml term with the same text content, text term is removed, xml term is changed
archf = ' <form> %s <div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' Draft ' , ' <span invisible= " 1 " >Draft</span> ' )
terms_fr = ( ' Brouillon ' , ' <span invisible= " 1 " >Brouillon</span> ' )
view = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , en_US = terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr )
archf = ' <form><div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' <span invisible= " 0 " >Draft</span> ' )
terms_fr = ( ' <span invisible= " 0 " >Brouillon</span> ' )
view . with_context ( install_mode = True ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_en } )
self . assertEqual ( view . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
# change the order of the text term and the xml term and redo the previous test
archf = ' <form> %s <div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' <span invisible= " 1 " >Draft</span> ' , ' Draft ' )
terms_fr = ( ' <span invisible= " 1 " >Brouillon</span> ' , ' Brouillon ' )
view = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , en_US = terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr )
archf = ' <form><div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' <span invisible= " 0 " >Draft</span> ' )
terms_fr = ( ' <span invisible= " 0 " >Brouillon</span> ' )
view . with_context ( install_mode = True ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_en } )
self . assertEqual ( view . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
# xml terms with same text context but different structure, one is removed, another is changed
archf = ' <form> %s <div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' <i>Draft</i> ' , ' <span invisible= " 1 " >Draft</span> ' )
terms_fr = ( ' <i>Brouillon</i> ' , ' <span invisible= " 1 " >Brouillon</span> ' )
view = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , en_US = terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr )
archf = ' <form><div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' <span invisible= " 2 " >Draft</span> ' )
terms_fr = ( ' <span invisible= " 2 " >Brouillon</span> ' )
view . with_context ( install_mode = True ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_en } )
self . assertEqual ( view . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
# terms with same text context but different structure, both are removed
archf = ' <form> %s <div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' <i>Draft</i> ' , ' <span invisible= " 1 " >Draft</span> ' )
terms_fr = ( ' <i>Brouillon</i> ' , ' <span invisible= " 1 " >Brouillon</span> ' )
view = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , en_US = terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr )
archf = ' <form><div title= " %s " /> %s </form> '
terms_en = ( ' Draft ' , ' Draft ' )
terms_fr = ( ' Draft ' , ' Draft ' ) # ('Brouillon', 'Brouillon') would be better
view . with_context ( install_mode = True ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_en } )
self . assertEqual ( view . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
# text term and xml text term with the same text content, both are removed
archf = ' <form> %s <div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' Draft ' , ' <span invisible= " 1 " >Draft</span> ' )
terms_fr = ( ' Brouillon ' , ' <span invisible= " 1 " >Brouillon</span> ' )
view = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , en_US = terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr )
archf = ' <form><div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' <i>Draft</i> ' )
terms_fr = ( ' <i>Draft</i> ' ) # '<i>Brouillon</i> would be better
view . with_context ( install_mode = True ) . write ( { ' arch_db ' : archf % terms_en } )
self . assertEqual ( view . arch_db , archf % terms_en )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . arch_db , archf % terms_fr )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def test_cache_consistency ( self ) :
view = self . env [ " ir.ui.view " ] . create ( {
" name " : " test_translate_xml_cache_invalidation " ,
" model " : " res.partner " ,
" arch " : " <form><b>content</b></form> " ,
} )
view_fr = view . with_context ( { " lang " : " fr_FR " } )
self . assertIn ( " <b> " , view . arch_db )
self . assertIn ( " <b> " , view_fr . arch_db )
# write with no lang, and check consistency in other languages
view . write ( { " arch_db " : " <form><i>content</i></form> " } )
self . assertIn ( " <i> " , view . arch_db )
self . assertIn ( " <i> " , view_fr . arch_db )
def test_update_field_translations ( self ) :
archf = ' <form string= " X " > %s <div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' Bread and cheese ' , ' Fork ' )
terms_fr = ( ' Pain et fromage ' , ' Fourchette ' )
terms_nl = ( ' Brood and kaas ' , ' Vork ' )
view = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr , nl_NL = terms_nl )
# cache arch_db
view . arch_db
view . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . arch_db
view . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . arch_db
view_nl = view . with_context ( lang = ' nl_NL ' ) . arch_db
view . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , {
' en_US ' : { ' Fork ' : ' Fork2 ' } ,
' fr_FR ' : { ' Fork ' : ' Fourchette2 ' }
} )
self . assertEqual ( view . arch_db , ' <form string= " X " >Bread and cheese<div>Fork2</div></form> ' )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . arch_db , ' <form string= " X " >Bread and cheese<div>Fork2</div></form> ' )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . arch_db , ' <form string= " X " >Pain et fromage<div>Fourchette2</div></form> ' )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_context ( lang = ' nl_NL ' ) . arch_db , view_nl )
view . invalidate_recordset ( )
self . assertEqual ( view . arch_db , ' <form string= " X " >Bread and cheese<div>Fork2</div></form> ' )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . arch_db , ' <form string= " X " >Bread and cheese<div>Fork2</div></form> ' )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . arch_db , ' <form string= " X " >Pain et fromage<div>Fourchette2</div></form> ' )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_context ( lang = ' nl_NL ' ) . arch_db , view_nl )
# update translations for fallback values and en_US
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' es_ES ' )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_context ( lang = ' es_ES ' ) . arch_db , ' <form string= " X " >Bread and cheese<div>Fork2</div></form> ' )
view . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , {
' en_US ' : { ' Fork2 ' : ' Fork3 ' } ,
' es_ES ' : { ' Fork2 ' : ' Tenedor3 ' }
} )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . arch_db , ' <form string= " X " >Bread and cheese<div>Fork3</div></form> ' )
self . assertEqual ( view . with_context ( lang = ' es_ES ' ) . arch_db , ' <form string= " X " >Bread and cheese<div>Tenedor3</div></form> ' )
def test_delay_translations ( self ) :
archf = ' <form string= " %s " ><div> %s </div><div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' Knife ' , ' Fork ' , ' Spoon ' )
terms_fr = ( ' Couteau ' , ' <i>Fourchette</i> ' , ' Cuiller ' )
view0 = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr )
archf2 = ' <form string= " %s " ><p> %s </p><div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en2 = ( ' new Knife ' , ' Fork ' , ' Spoon ' )
# write en_US with delay_translations
view0 . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' , delay_translations = True ) . arch_db = archf2 % terms_en2
view0 . invalidate_recordset ( )
self . assertEqual (
view0 . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . arch_db ,
archf2 % terms_en2 ,
' en_US value should be the latest one since it is updated directly '
self . assertEqual ( view0 . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' , check_translations = True ) . arch_db , archf2 % terms_en2 )
self . assertEqual (
view0 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . arch_db ,
archf % terms_fr ,
" fr_FR value should keep the same since its translations hasn ' t been confirmed "
self . assertEqual (
view0 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' , edit_translations = True ) . arch_db ,
' <form string= " '
' <span '
' class="o_delay_translation" '
' data-oe-model="ir.ui.view" '
f ' data-oe-id=" { view0 . id } " '
' data-oe-field="arch_db" '
' data-oe-translation-state="to_translate" '
f ' data-oe-translation-source-sha=" { sha256 ( terms_en2 [ 0 ] . encode ( ) ) . hexdigest ( ) } " '
' > '
f ' { terms_en2 [ 0 ] } '
' </span> " '
' > '
' <p> '
' <span '
' class= " o_delay_translation " '
' data-oe-model= " ir.ui.view " '
f ' data-oe-id= " { view0 . id } " '
' data-oe-field= " arch_db " '
' data-oe-translation-state= " translated " '
f ' data-oe-translation-source-sha= " { sha256 ( terms_en2 [ 1 ] . encode ( ) ) . hexdigest ( ) } " '
' > '
f ' { terms_fr [ 1 ] } '
' </span> '
' </p> '
' <div> '
' <span '
' class= " o_delay_translation " '
' data-oe-model= " ir.ui.view " '
f ' data-oe-id= " { view0 . id } " '
' data-oe-field= " arch_db " '
' data-oe-translation-state= " translated " '
f ' data-oe-translation-source-sha= " { sha256 ( terms_en2 [ 2 ] . encode ( ) ) . hexdigest ( ) } " '
' > '
f ' { terms_fr [ 2 ] } '
' </span> '
' </div> '
' </form> '
self . assertEqual (
view0 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' , check_translations = True ) . arch_db ,
archf2 % ( terms_en2 [ 0 ] , terms_fr [ 1 ] , terms_fr [ 2 ] )
self . assertEqual (
view0 . with_context ( lang = ' nl_NL ' ) . arch_db ,
archf2 % terms_en2 ,
" nl_NL value should fallback to en_US value "
self . assertEqual (
view0 . with_context ( lang = ' nl_NL ' , check_translations = True ) . arch_db ,
archf2 % terms_en2
# update and confirm translations
view0 . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , { ' fr_FR ' : { } } )
self . assertEqual (
view0 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . arch_db ,
archf2 % ( terms_en2 [ 0 ] , terms_fr [ 1 ] , terms_fr [ 2 ] )
self . assertEqual (
view0 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' , check_translations = True ) . arch_db ,
archf2 % ( terms_en2 [ 0 ] , terms_fr [ 1 ] , terms_fr [ 2 ] )
def test_delay_translations_no_term ( self ) :
archf = ' <form string= " %s " ><div> %s </div><div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' Knife ' , ' Fork ' , ' Spoon ' )
terms_fr = ( ' Couteau ' , ' Fourchette ' , ' Cuiller ' )
view0 = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr )
archf2 = ' <form/> '
# delay_translations only works when the written value has at least one translatable term
view0 . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' , delay_translations = True ) . arch_db = archf2
for lang in ( ' en_US ' , ' fr_FR ' , ' nl_NL ' ) :
self . assertEqual (
view0 . with_context ( lang = lang ) . arch_db ,
archf2 ,
f ' arch_db for { lang } should be { archf2 } '
self . assertEqual (
view0 . with_context ( lang = lang , check_translations = True ) . arch_db ,
archf2 ,
f ' arch_db for { lang } should be { archf2 } when check_translations '
def test_update_field_translations_source_lang ( self ) :
""" call update_field_translations with source_lang """
archf = ' <form string= " %s " ><div> %s </div><div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' Knife ' , ' Fork ' , ' Spoon ' )
view1 = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en )
# update when fr_FR is not in the jsonb
# the fr_FR source value falls back to the en_US value
view1 . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , {
' fr_FR ' : {
' Knife ' : ' Couteau ' ,
' Fork ' : ' Fourchette '
} ,
} , source_lang = ' fr_FR ' )
self . assertEqual ( view1 . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . arch_db , archf % ( ' Knife ' , ' Fork ' , ' Spoon ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( view1 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . arch_db , archf % ( ' Couteau ' , ' Fourchette ' , ' Spoon ' ) )
view1 . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , {
' en_US ' : {
' Couteau ' : ' knife ' ,
' Fourchette ' : ' fork ' ,
' Spoon ' : ' spoon '
} ,
' fr_FR ' : {
' Spoon ' : ' Cuiller '
} ,
} , source_lang = ' fr_FR ' )
self . assertEqual ( view1 . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . arch_db , archf % ( ' knife ' , ' fork ' , ' spoon ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( view1 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . arch_db , archf % ( ' Couteau ' , ' Fourchette ' , ' Cuiller ' ) )
def test_update_field_translations_empty_str ( self ) :
""" translate a value to empty will fall back it to the source """
archf = ' <form string= " %s " ><div> %s </div><div> %s </div></form> '
terms_en = ( ' Knife ' , ' Fork ' , ' Spoon ' )
terms_fr = ( ' Couteau ' , ' Fourchette ' , ' Cuiller ' )
view1 = self . create_view ( archf , terms_en , fr_FR = terms_fr )
view1 . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , {
' en_US ' : {
' Fork ' : ' fork ' ,
' Spoon ' : ' '
} ,
' fr_FR ' : {
' Knife ' : ' ' ,
' Fork ' : False
} )
self . assertEqual ( view1 . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . arch_db , archf % ( ' Knife ' , ' fork ' , ' Spoon ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( view1 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . arch_db , archf % ( ' Knife ' , ' Fork ' , ' Cuiller ' ) )
def test_update_field_translations_partially ( self ) :
# partially translate en_US
xml = ' <form><div> %s </div><div> %s </div></form> '
# xml developed in fr_FR
view1 = self . env [ ' ir.ui.view ' ] . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . create ( {
' name ' : ' view_1 ' ,
' model ' : ' res.partner ' ,
' arch ' : xml % ( ' Pomme ' , ' Poire ' ) # with typo
} ) # with typo
# jsonb column value:
# {
# "en_US": "<form><div>Pomme</div><div>Banane</div></form>",
# "fr_FR": "<form><div>Pomme</div><div>Banane</div></form>"
# }
view1_us = view1 . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' )
view1_fr = view1 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' )
view1 . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , { ' en_US ' : { ' Pomme ' : ' Apple ' } } )
self . assertEqual ( view1_us . arch_db , xml % ( ' Apple ' , ' Poire ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( view1_fr . arch_db , xml % ( ' Pomme ' , ' Poire ' ) )
view1 . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , { ' en_US ' : { ' Poire ' : ' Pear ' } } )
self . assertEqual ( view1_us . arch_db , xml % ( ' Apple ' , ' Pear ' ) ) # all en_US terms should be translated
self . assertEqual ( view1_fr . arch_db , xml % ( ' Pomme ' , ' Poire ' ) ) # fr_FR shouldn't be changed
def test_update_field_translations_typofix ( self ) :
# as a side effect of the behavior in test_update_field_translations_partially
# term update in one language won't be populated to other translated language values
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' en_GB ' )
# fix typo / update terms in en_US
xml = ' <form><div> %s </div><div> %s </div><div> %s </div></form> '
# xml developed in en_GB
view1 = self . env [ ' ir.ui.view ' ] . with_context ( lang = ' en_GB ' ) . create ( {
' name ' : ' view_1 ' ,
' model ' : ' res.partner ' ,
' arch ' : xml % ( ' Footbell ' , ' Clbus ' , ' Rakning ' ) # with typo
} )
view1 . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , { ' en_US ' : { ' Footbell ' : ' SocceR ' } } ) # still with a typo
# jsonb column value:
# {
# "en_US": "<form><div>SocceR</div><div>Clbus</div><div>Rakning</div></form>",
# "en_GB": "<form><div>Footbell</div><div>Clbus</div><div>Rakning</div></form>"
# }
view1_us = view1 . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' )
view1_gb = view1 . with_context ( lang = ' en_GB ' )
view1_fr = view1 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' )
# fix "Clbus" in en_GB
view1 . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , { ' en_GB ' : { ' Clbus ' : ' Clubs ' } } )
self . assertEqual ( view1_us . arch_db , xml % ( ' SocceR ' , ' Clbus ' , ' Rakning ' ) ) # nothing should be fixed in en_US
self . assertEqual ( view1_gb . arch_db , xml % ( ' Footbell ' , ' Clubs ' , ' Rakning ' ) ) # "Clbus" should be fixed in en_GB
self . assertEqual ( view1_fr . arch_db , xml % ( ' SocceR ' , ' Clbus ' , ' Rakning ' ) ) # fr_FR should fall back to en_US
# fix "SocceR" in en_US and "Footbell" in en_GB
view1 . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , { ' en_US ' : { ' SocceR ' : ' Soccer ' } , ' en_GB ' : { ' SocceR ' : ' Football ' } } ) # always use old_en_terms to update
self . assertEqual ( view1_us . arch_db , xml % ( ' Soccer ' , ' Clbus ' , ' Rakning ' ) ) # "SocceR" should be fixed in en_US
self . assertEqual ( view1_gb . arch_db , xml % ( ' Football ' , ' Clubs ' , ' Rakning ' ) ) # "Clbus" should be fixed in en_GB
self . assertEqual ( view1_fr . arch_db , xml % ( ' Soccer ' , ' Clbus ' , ' Rakning ' ) )
# fix "Rakning" in en_US
view1 . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , { ' en_US ' : { ' Rakning ' : ' Ranking ' } } )
self . assertEqual ( view1_us . arch_db , xml % ( ' Soccer ' , ' Clbus ' , ' Ranking ' ) ) # "Rakning" should be fixed in en_US
self . assertEqual ( view1_gb . arch_db , xml % ( ' Football ' , ' Clubs ' , ' Rakning ' ) ) # "Rakning" isn't fixed in en_GB
self . assertEqual ( view1_us . arch_db , xml % ( ' Soccer ' , ' Clbus ' , ' Ranking ' ) ) # fr_FR should fall back to en_US
class TestXMLDuplicateTranslations ( TransactionCase ) :
duplicate translations are not supported
this test is only used to describe all tricky behaviours
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
cls . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' es_ES ' )
cls . xml = ' <form><div> %s </div><div> %s </div></form> '
cls . view1 = cls . env [ ' ir.ui.view ' ] . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . create ( {
' name ' : ' view_1 ' ,
' model ' : ' res.partner ' ,
' arch ' : cls . xml % ( ' un étudiant ' , ' une étudiante ' )
} )
# jsonb column value:
# {
# "en_US": "<form><div>un étudiant</div><div>une étudiante</div></form>",
# "fr_FR": "<form><div>un étudiant</div><div>une étudiante</div></form>",
# }
cls . view1_en = cls . view1 . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' )
cls . view1_fr = cls . view1 . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' )
cls . view1_es = cls . view1 . with_context ( lang = ' es_ES ' )
# translate 2 fr_FR terms to one en_US term
cls . view1 . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , {
' en_US ' : { ' un étudiant ' : ' a student ' , ' une étudiante ' : ' a student ' } ,
' es_ES ' : { ' un étudiant ' : ' un estudiante ' , ' une étudiante ' : ' una estudiante ' }
} )
# intuitive behaviour
def test_update_field_translations_result ( self ) :
# the field value for en_US has 2 same terms
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_en . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' a student ' , ' a student ' ) )
# the field value for fr_FR has two different terms
self . assertHTMLEqual ( self . view1_fr . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' un étudiant ' , ' une étudiante ' ) )
# the field value for es_SP has two different terms
self . assertHTMLEqual ( self . view1_es . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' un estudiante ' , ' una estudiante ' ) )
# jsonb column value:
# {
# "en_US": "<form><div>a student</div><div>a student</div></form>",
# "fr_FR": "<form><div>un étudiant</div><div>une étudiante</div></form>",
# "es_ES": "<form><div>un estudiante</div><div>una estudiante</div></form>"
# }
# tricky behaviour
def test_update_field_translations_again ( self ) :
# confirm translation for es_SP
self . view1 . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , { ' es_ES ' : { } } )
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_en . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' a student ' , ' a student ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_fr . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' un étudiant ' , ' une étudiante ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_es . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' un estudiante ' , ' una estudiante ' ) )
# capitalize the en_US
self . view1 . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , { ' en_US ' : { ' a student ' : ' A STUDENT ' } } )
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_en . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' A STUDENT ' , ' A STUDENT ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_fr . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' un étudiant ' , ' une étudiante ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_es . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' un estudiante ' , ' una estudiante ' ) )
# capitalize 'un étudiant' in fr_FR only
self . view1 . update_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' , { ' fr_FR ' : { ' A STUDENT ' : ' UNE ÉTUDIANTE ' } } )
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_en . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' A STUDENT ' , ' A STUDENT ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_fr . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' UNE ÉTUDIANTE ' , ' UNE ÉTUDIANTE ' ) ) # 'un étudiant' is dropped
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_es . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' un estudiante ' , ' una estudiante ' ) )
# tricky behaviour
def test_get_field_translations ( self ) :
""" open the translation dialog from the form view
the field value and the translation dialog / translation mapping are
not consistent
# there is only one term for fr_FR in the translation dialog
# {'lang': 'fr_FR', 'src': 'a student', 'value': 'un étudiant'} is missing
# because the fr_FR term 'une étudiante' appears after the 'un étudiant' and overwrites the translation mapping
# same for the es_SP
self . assertItemsEqual ( self . view1 . get_field_translations ( ' arch_db ' ) [ 0 ] , [
{ ' lang ' : ' en_US ' , ' source ' : ' a student ' , ' value ' : ' ' } ,
{ ' lang ' : ' fr_FR ' , ' source ' : ' a student ' , ' value ' : ' une étudiante ' } ,
{ ' lang ' : ' es_ES ' , ' source ' : ' a student ' , ' value ' : ' una estudiante ' }
] )
# tricky behaviour
def test_write ( self ) :
""" add one more div without changing any term
translations are lost when 2 other language terms are translated to the
same term in the current language value
# write in fr_FR
new_xml1 = ' <form><div> %s </div><div> %s </div><div/></form> '
self . view1_fr . arch = new_xml1 % ( ' un étudiant ' , ' une étudiante ' )
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_en . arch_db , new_xml1 % ( ' a student ' , ' a student ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_fr . arch_db , new_xml1 % ( ' un étudiant ' , ' une étudiante ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_es . arch_db , new_xml1 % ( ' un estudiante ' , ' una estudiante ' ) )
# write in en_US
new_xml2 = ' <form><div> %s </div><div> %s </div><div/><div/></form> '
self . view1_en . arch = new_xml2 % ( ' a student ' , ' a student ' )
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_en . arch_db , new_xml2 % ( ' a student ' , ' a student ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_fr . arch_db , new_xml2 % ( ' une étudiante ' , ' une étudiante ' ) ) # 'un étudiant' is dropped
self . assertEqual ( self . view1_es . arch_db , new_xml2 % ( ' una estudiante ' , ' una estudiante ' ) ) # 'un estudiante' is dropped
# tricky behaviour
def test_copy ( self ) :
""" copy record
translations are lost when 2 other language terms are translated to the
same term in the current language value
# copy translated field means
# 1. create with the current language value
# 2. use the translation mapping from current_lang_terms to other_lang_terms to update_field_translations
# copy the record in fr_FR
view1_fr_copy = self . view1_fr . copy ( { ' name ' : ' view1_fr_copy ' } )
# view1_en_copy.update_field_translations('arch_db', {
# 'en_US': {'un étudiant': 'a student', 'une étudiante': 'a student'},
# 'es_ES': {'un étudiant': 'un estudiante', 'une étudiante': 'una estudiante'},
# })
# is called when copy
self . assertEqual ( view1_fr_copy . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' ) . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' a student ' , ' a student ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( view1_fr_copy . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' un étudiant ' , ' une étudiante ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( view1_fr_copy . with_context ( lang = ' es_ES ' ) . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' un estudiante ' , ' una estudiante ' ) )
# copy the record in en_US
view1_en_copy = self . view1_en . copy ( { ' name ' : ' view1_us_copy ' } )
# view1_en_copy.update_field_translations('arch_db', {
# 'fr_FR': {'a student': 'une étudiante'},
# 'es_ES': {'a student': ''una estudiante'},
# })
# is called when copy
self . assertEqual ( view1_en_copy . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' a student ' , ' a student ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( view1_en_copy . with_context ( lang = ' fr_FR ' ) . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' une étudiante ' , ' une étudiante ' ) ) # 'un étudiant' is dropped
self . assertEqual ( view1_en_copy . with_context ( lang = ' es_ES ' ) . arch_db , self . xml % ( ' una estudiante ' , ' una estudiante ' ) ) # 'un estudiante' is dropped
class TestHTMLTranslation ( TransactionCase ) :
def test_write_non_existing ( self ) :
html = '''
< h1 > My First Heading < / h1 >
< p > My first paragraph . < / p >
company = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . browse ( 9999 )
company . report_footer = html
self . assertHTMLEqual ( company . report_footer , html )
# flushing on non-existing records does not break for scalar fields; the
# same behavior is expected for translated fields
company . flush_recordset ( )
def test_delay_translations_no_term ( self ) :
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' fr_FR ' )
self . env [ ' res.lang ' ] . _activate_lang ( ' nl_NL ' )
Company = self . env [ ' res.company ' ]
company0 = Company . create ( { ' name ' : ' company_1 ' , ' report_footer ' : ' <h1>Knife</h1> ' } )
company0 . update_field_translations ( ' report_footer ' , { ' fr_FR ' : { ' Knife ' : ' Couteau ' } } )
for html in ( ' <h1></h1> ' , ' ' , False ) :
# delay_translations only works when the written value has at least one translatable term
company0 . with_context ( lang = ' en_US ' , delay_translations = True ) . report_footer = html
for lang in ( ' en_US ' , ' fr_FR ' , ' nl_NL ' ) :
self . assertEqual (
company0 . with_context ( lang = lang ) . report_footer ,
html ,
f ' report_footer for { lang } should be { html } '
self . assertEqual (
company0 . with_context ( lang = lang , check_translations = True ) . report_footer ,
html ,
f ' report_footer for { lang } should be { html } when check_translations '
@tagged ( ' post_install ' , ' -at_install ' )
class TestLanguageInstallPerformance ( TransactionCase ) :
def test_language_install ( self ) :
""" Install a language on a complete database. """
fr_BE = self . env . ref ( ' base.lang_fr_BE ' )
self . assertFalse ( fr_BE . active )
t0 = time . time ( )
fr_BE . toggle_active ( )
t1 = time . time ( )
_stats_logger . info ( " installed language fr_BE in %.3f s " , t1 - t0 )
class TestTranslationTrigramIndexPatterns ( BaseCase ) :
def test_value_conversion ( self ) :
cases = [
# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
( ' abc ' , ' %a bc % ' , ' simple text is not escaped correctly ' ) ,
( ' a " bc ' , r ' %a \\ " bc % ' , ' " is not escaped correctly ' ) ,
( r ' a \ bc ' , r ' %a \\ \\ bc % ' , r ' \ is not escaped correctly ' ) ,
( ' a \n bc ' , r ' %a \\ nbc % ' , r ' \ n is not escaped correctly ' ) ,
( ' a_bc ' , r ' %a \ _bc % ' , ' _ is not escaped correctly ' ) ,
( ' a % bc ' , r ' %a \ % bc % ' , ' % i s not escaped correctly ' ) ,
( ' a_ ' , ' % ' , ' values with less than 3 characters should be dropped ' ) ,
( sc , f ' % { sc } % ' , ' special characters should not be escaped ' ) ,
for value , expected , message in cases :
self . assertEqual ( sql . value_to_translated_trigram_pattern ( value ) , expected , message )
def test_pattern_conversion ( self ) :
cases = [
# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
( ' abc ' , ' %a bc % ' , ' simple pattern is not escaped correctly ' ) ,
( ' a " bc ' , r ' %a \\ " bc % ' , ' " is not escaped correctly ' ) ,
( r ' a \\ bc ' , r ' %a \\ \\ bc % ' , r ' \ is not escaped correctly ' ) ,
( ' a \n bc ' , r ' %a \\ nbc % ' , r ' \ n is not escaped correctly ' ) ,
( r ' a \ _bc ' , r ' %a \ _bc % ' , r " \ _ shouldn ' t be escaped " ) ,
( r ' a \ % bc ' , r ' %a \ % bc % ' , r " \ % s houldn ' t be escaped " ) ,
( ' abc_def ' , ' %a bc %d ef % ' , ' wildcard character _ should be changed to % ' ) ,
( ' abc %d ef ' , ' %a bc %d ef % ' , " wildcard character % s houldn ' t be escaped " ) ,
( r ' a \ bc ' , ' %a bc % ' , r ' redundant \ for pattern should be removed ' ) ,
( ' abc_de ' , ' %a bc % ' , ' sub patterns less than 3 characters should be dropped ' ) ,
( ' ab ' , ' % ' , ' patterns without trigram should be simplified ' ) ,
( sc , f ' % { sc } % ' , ' special characters should not be escaped ' ) ,
for original_pattern , escaped_pattern , message in cases :
self . assertEqual ( sql . pattern_to_translated_trigram_pattern ( original_pattern ) , escaped_pattern , message )