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2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * l10n_lv
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 17.2alpha1+e\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-01-19 09:02+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 09:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Plural-Forms: \n"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:ir.model,name:l10n_lv.model_account_chart_template
msgid "Account Chart Template"
msgstr "Konta plāna veidne"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_57
msgid "Adjustments - reduction of input tax deducted in previous tax periods"
msgstr "Korekcijas - iepriekšējos taksācijas periodos ieturētā priekšnodokļa samazinājums"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_67
msgid ""
"Adjustments - reduction of tax calculated in previous tax periods for "
"payment to the state budget"
msgstr "Korekcijas - iepriekšējos taksācijas periodos aprēķinātā nodokļa "
"samazinājums samaksai valsts budžetāā"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_80
msgid "Amount of tax payable to the national budget if P is less than S"
msgstr "Valsts budžetā maksājamā nodokļa summa, ja P ir mazāks par S"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_70
msgid ""
"Amount of tax to be refunded from the state budget or amount of tax "
"attributable to the next tax period, if P is greater than S"
msgstr "No valsts budžeta atmaksājamā nodokļa summa vai uz nākamo "
"taksācijas periodu attiecināmā nodokļa summa, ja P ir lielāks par S"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.column,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_column_balance
msgid "Balance"
msgstr "Bilance"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_5x
msgid "Calculated VAT"
msgstr "Aprēķinātais PVN"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.column,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_column_code
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Kods"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_65
msgid "Compensation paid to farmers"
msgstr "Samaksātās kompensācijas lauksaimniekiem"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_411
msgid ""
"Domestic transactions for which the recipient of the goods or services is "
"liable for tax"
msgstr "Iekšzemes darījumi, par kuriem preču vai pakalpojumu saņēmējs ir "
"apliekams ar nodokli"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_481
msgid "Exported goods"
msgstr "Eksportētās preces"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_62
msgid "For domestic goods and services"
msgstr "Iekšzemes precēm un pakalpojumiem"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_61
msgid "For imported goods"
msgstr "Importētajām precēm"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_48
msgid "For services provided"
msgstr "Par sniegtajiem pakalpojumiem"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_50
msgid "Goods and services received from EU countries (standard rate)"
msgstr "No ES valstīm saņemtās preces un pakalpojumi (standarta likme)"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_51
msgid "Goods received from EU Member States (VAT at 12%)"
msgstr "Preces saņemtas no ES dalībvalstīm (PVN ar 12%)"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_511
msgid "Goods received from EU Member States (VAT at 5%)"
msgstr "Preces saņemtas no ES dalībvalstīm (PVN ar 5%)"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_451
msgid ""
"Goods supplied to EU Member States as referred to in Article 42(16) of the "
msgstr "Preces, kas piegādātas ES dalībvalstīm, kā minēts likuma 42. panta 16. "
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_45
msgid ""
"Goods supplied to EU Member States, other than those referred to in Article "
"42(16) of the Law"
msgstr "Preces, kas piegādātas ES dalībvalstīm, izņemot tās, kas minētas "
"likuma 42. panta 16. punktā"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_47
msgid "New vehicles delivered to EU Member States"
msgstr "Jauni transportlīdzekļi piegādāti ES dalībvalstīm"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_46
msgid "Supplies of non-Community goods in customs warehouses and free zones"
msgstr "Ārpuskopienas preču piegādes muitas noliktavās un brīvajās zonās"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_P
msgid "Total - input tax (P)"
msgstr "Kopā — priekšnodoklis (P)"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_S
msgid "Total - tax calculated (S)"
msgstr "Kopā — aprēķinātais nodoklis (S)"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_44
msgid "Transactions carried out in free ports and SEZ"
msgstr "Darījumi, kas veikti brīvostās un SEZ"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_482
msgid "Transactions in other countries"
msgstr "Darījumi citās valstīs"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_43
msgid "Transactions subject to VAT at 0%"
msgstr "Darījumi apliekami ar 0% PVN"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_42
msgid "Transactions subject to VAT at 12%"
msgstr "Darījumi apliekami ar 12% PVN"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_421
msgid "Transactions subject to VAT at 5%"
msgstr "Darījumi apliekami ar 5% PVN"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_41
msgid "Transactions subject to VAT at standard rate"
msgstr "Darījumi, kuriem tiek piemērots PVN pēc standarta likmes"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report,name:l10n_lv.l10n_lv_vat_main_tax_report
msgid "VAT Report"
msgstr "PVN pārskats"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_56
msgid "VAT at 12% on goods received from EU countries"
msgstr "PVN ar 12% precēm, kas saņemtas no ES valstīm"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_53
msgid "VAT at 12% received on taxable transactions"
msgstr "Par ar nodokli apliekamiem darījumiem saņemts PVN 12% apmērā"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_561
msgid "VAT at 5% on goods and services received from EU countries"
msgstr "PVN 5% no ES valstīm saņemtajām precēm un pakalpojumiem"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_531
msgid "VAT at 5% received on taxable transactions"
msgstr "Par ar nodokli apliekamiem darījumiem saņemts PVN 5% apmērā"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_55
msgid "VAT at standard rate on goods and services received from EU countries"
msgstr "PVN pēc standarta likmes precēm un pakalpojumiem, kas saņemti no ES valstīm"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_52
msgid "VAT at standard rate received on taxable transactions"
msgstr "Par ar nodokli apliekamiem darījumiem saņemts PVN pēc standarta likmes"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_63
msgid ""
"VAT charged in accordance with Article 92(1)(4) of the Law (excluding line "
msgstr "PVN, kas iekasēts saskaņā ar likuma 92. panta 1. punkta 4. apakšpunktu "
"(izņemot 64. rindu)"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_64
msgid "VAT charged on goods and services received from EU countries"
msgstr "PVN iekasēts par precēm un pakalpojumiem, kas saņemti no ES valstīm"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_54
msgid "VAT for services received"
msgstr "PVN par saņemtajiem pakalpojumiem"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_60
msgid "VAT paid for goods and services purchased"
msgstr "PVN samaksāts par iegādātajām precēm un pakalpojumiem"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_66
msgid "VAT paid not deductible as input tax"
msgstr "Samaksātais PVN nav atskaitāms kā priekšnodoklis"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_49
msgid "VAT-exempt transactions"
msgstr "Ar PVN atbrīvotie darījumi"
#. module: l10n_lv
#: model:account.report.line,name:l10n_lv.vat_report_line_40
msgid "Value of activities"
msgstr "Darbību vērtība"