Payment Terms 6 Settings res.config.settings form inline Operating Activities accounts Financing Activities accounts Investing & Extraordinary Activities accounts Immediate Payment Payment terms: Immediate Payment 15 Days Payment terms: 15 Days 21 Days Payment terms: 21 Days 30 Days Payment terms: 30 Days 45 Days Payment terms: 45 Days 2 Months Payment terms: 2 Months End of Following Month Payment terms: End of Following Month 30 days End of Month on the 10th Payment terms: 30 days End of Month on the 10th 30% Now, Balance 60 Days Payment terms: 30% Now, Balance 60 Days 2/7 Net 30 Payment terms: 30 Days, 2% Early Payment Discount under 7 days True Account reconcile sequence account.reconcile A Validated account.move Invoice validated Paid account.move Invoice paid Invoice Created account.move Invoice Created Manual manual inbound Manual manual outbound Taxes 0 Followup Trust Property normal selection Share form code action = records.action_share()