# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo.tests import common from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class TestFiscalPosition(common.TransactionCase): """Tests for fiscal positions in auto apply (account.fiscal.position). If a partner has a vat number, the fiscal positions with "vat_required=True" are preferred. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestFiscalPosition, cls).setUpClass() cls.fp = cls.env['account.fiscal.position'] # reset any existing FP cls.fp.search([]).write({'auto_apply': False}) cls.res_partner = cls.env['res.partner'] cls.be = be = cls.env.ref('base.be') cls.fr = fr = cls.env.ref('base.fr') cls.mx = mx = cls.env.ref('base.mx') cls.eu = cls.env.ref('base.europe') cls.nl = cls.env.ref('base.nl') cls.us = cls.env.ref('base.us') cls.state_fr = cls.env['res.country.state'].create(dict( name="State", code="ST", country_id=fr.id)) cls.jc = cls.res_partner.create(dict( name="JCVD", vat="BE0477472701", country_id=be.id)) cls.ben = cls.res_partner.create(dict( name="BP", country_id=be.id)) cls.george = cls.res_partner.create(dict( name="George", vat="BE0477472701", country_id=fr.id)) cls.alberto = cls.res_partner.create(dict( name="Alberto", vat="BE0477472701", country_id=mx.id)) cls.be_nat = cls.fp.create(dict( name="BE-NAT", auto_apply=True, country_id=be.id, vat_required=False, sequence=10)) cls.fr_b2c = cls.fp.create(dict( name="EU-VAT-FR-B2C", auto_apply=True, country_id=fr.id, vat_required=False, sequence=40)) cls.fr_b2b = cls.fp.create(dict( name="EU-VAT-FR-B2B", auto_apply=True, country_id=fr.id, vat_required=True, sequence=50)) def test_10_fp_country(self): def assert_fp(partner, expected_pos, message): self.assertEqual( self.fp._get_fiscal_position(partner).id, expected_pos.id, message) george, jc, ben, alberto = self.george, self.jc, self.ben, self.alberto # B2B has precedence over B2C for same country even when sequence gives lower precedence self.assertGreater(self.fr_b2b.sequence, self.fr_b2c.sequence) assert_fp(george, self.fr_b2b, "FR-B2B should have precedence over FR-B2C") self.fr_b2b.auto_apply = False assert_fp(george, self.fr_b2c, "FR-B2C should match now") self.fr_b2b.auto_apply = True # Create positions matching on Country Group and on NO country at all self.eu_intra_b2b = self.fp.create(dict( name="EU-INTRA B2B", auto_apply=True, country_group_id=self.eu.id, vat_required=True, sequence=20)) self.world = self.fp.create(dict( name="WORLD-EXTRA", auto_apply=True, vat_required=False, sequence=30)) # Country match has higher precedence than group match or sequence self.assertGreater(self.fr_b2b.sequence, self.eu_intra_b2b.sequence) assert_fp(george, self.fr_b2b, "FR-B2B should have precedence over EU-INTRA B2B") # B2B has precedence regardless of country or group match self.assertGreater(self.eu_intra_b2b.sequence, self.be_nat.sequence) assert_fp(jc, self.eu_intra_b2b, "EU-INTRA B2B should match before BE-NAT") # Lower sequence = higher precedence if country/group and VAT matches self.assertFalse(ben.vat) # No VAT set assert_fp(ben, self.be_nat, "BE-NAT should match before EU-INTRA due to lower sequence") # Remove BE from EU group, now BE-NAT should be the fallback match before the wildcard WORLD self.be.write({'country_group_ids': [(3, self.eu.id)]}) self.assertTrue(jc.vat) # VAT set assert_fp(jc, self.be_nat, "BE-NAT should match as fallback even w/o VAT match") # No country = wildcard match only if nothing else matches self.assertTrue(alberto.vat) # with VAT assert_fp(alberto, self.world, "WORLD-EXTRA should match anything else (1)") alberto.vat = False # or without assert_fp(alberto, self.world, "WORLD-EXTRA should match anything else (2)") # Zip range self.fr_b2b_zip100 = self.fr_b2b.copy(dict(zip_from=0, zip_to=5000, sequence=60)) george.zip = 6000 assert_fp(george, self.fr_b2b, "FR-B2B with wrong zip range should not match") george.zip = 3000 assert_fp(george, self.fr_b2b_zip100, "FR-B2B with zip range should have precedence") # States self.fr_b2b_state = self.fr_b2b.copy(dict(state_ids=[(4, self.state_fr.id)], sequence=70)) george.state_id = self.state_fr assert_fp(george, self.fr_b2b_zip100, "FR-B2B with zip should have precedence over states") george.zip = False assert_fp(george, self.fr_b2b_state, "FR-B2B with states should have precedence") # Dedicated position has max precedence george.property_account_position_id = self.be_nat assert_fp(george, self.be_nat, "Forced position has max precedence") def test_20_fp_one_tax_2m(self): self.env.company.country_id = self.env.ref('base.us') self.src_tax = self.env['account.tax'].create({'name': "SRC", 'amount': 0.0}) self.dst1_tax = self.env['account.tax'].create({'name': "DST1", 'amount': 0.0}) self.dst2_tax = self.env['account.tax'].create({'name': "DST2", 'amount': 0.0}) self.fp2m = self.fp.create({ 'name': "FP-TAX2TAXES", 'tax_ids': [ (0,0,{ 'tax_src_id': self.src_tax.id, 'tax_dest_id': self.dst1_tax.id }), (0,0,{ 'tax_src_id': self.src_tax.id, 'tax_dest_id': self.dst2_tax.id }) ] }) mapped_taxes = self.fp2m.map_tax(self.src_tax) self.assertEqual(mapped_taxes, self.dst1_tax | self.dst2_tax) def test_30_fp_delivery_address(self): # Make sure the billing company is from Belgium (within the EU) self.env.company.vat = 'BE0477472701' self.env.company.country_id = self.be # Reset any existing FP self.env['account.fiscal.position'].search([]).auto_apply = False # Create the fiscal positions fp_be_nat = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].create({ 'name': 'Régime National', 'auto_apply': True, 'country_id': self.be.id, 'vat_required': True, 'sequence': 10, }) fp_eu_priv = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].create({ 'name': 'EU privé', 'auto_apply': True, 'country_group_id': self.eu.id, 'vat_required': False, 'sequence': 20, }) fp_eu_intra = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].create({ 'name': 'Régime Intra-Communautaire', 'auto_apply': True, 'country_group_id': self.eu.id, 'vat_required': True, 'sequence': 30, }) fp_eu_extra = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].create({ 'name': 'Régime Extra-Communautaire', 'auto_apply': True, 'vat_required': False, 'sequence': 40, }) # Create the partners partner_be_vat = self.env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': 'BE VAT', 'vat': 'BE0477472701', 'country_id': self.be.id, }) partner_nl_vat = self.env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': 'NL VAT', 'vat': 'NL123456782B90', 'country_id': self.nl.id, }) partner_nl_no_vat = self.env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': 'NL NO VAT', 'country_id': self.nl.id, }) partner_us_no_vat = self.env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': 'US NO VAT', 'country_id': self.us.id, }) # Case : 1 # Billing (VAT/country) : BE/BE # Delivery (VAT/country) : NL/NL # Expected FP : Régime National self.assertEqual( self.env['account.fiscal.position']._get_fiscal_position(partner_be_vat, partner_nl_vat), fp_be_nat ) # Case : 2 # Billing (VAT/country) : NL/NL # Delivery (VAT/country) : BE/BE # Expected FP : Régime National self.assertEqual( self.env['account.fiscal.position']._get_fiscal_position(partner_nl_vat, partner_be_vat), fp_be_nat ) # Case : 3 # Billing (VAT/country) : BE/BE # Delivery (VAT/country) : None/NL # Expected FP : Régime National self.assertEqual( self.env['account.fiscal.position']._get_fiscal_position(partner_be_vat, partner_nl_no_vat), fp_be_nat ) # Case : 4 # Billing (VAT/country) : NL/NL # Delivery (VAT/country) : NL/NL # Expected FP : Régime Intra-Communautaire self.assertEqual( self.env['account.fiscal.position']._get_fiscal_position(partner_nl_vat, partner_nl_vat), fp_eu_intra ) # Case : 5 # Billing (VAT/country) : None/NL # Delivery (VAT/country) : None/NL # Expected FP : EU privé self.assertEqual( self.env['account.fiscal.position']._get_fiscal_position(partner_nl_no_vat, partner_nl_no_vat), fp_eu_priv ) # Case : 6 # Billing (VAT/country) : None/US # Delivery (VAT/country) : None/US # Expected FP : Régime Extra-Communautaire self.assertEqual( self.env['account.fiscal.position']._get_fiscal_position(partner_us_no_vat, partner_us_no_vat), fp_eu_extra ) def test_fiscal_position_constraint(self): """ Test fiscal position constraint by updating the record - with only zip_from value - with only zip_to value - with both zip_from and zip_to values """ fiscal_position = self.fp.create({ 'name': 'Test fiscal', 'auto_apply': True, 'country_id': self.be.id, 'vat_required': True, 'sequence': 10, }) with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): fiscal_position.write({ 'zip_from': '123', }) with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): fiscal_position.write({ 'zip_to': '456', }) fiscal_position.write({ 'zip_from': '123', 'zip_to': '456', }) self.assertRecordValues(fiscal_position, [{ 'name': 'Test fiscal', 'auto_apply': True, 'country_id': self.be.id, 'zip_from': '123', 'zip_to': '456', }])