from .common import AccountTestInvoicingCommon from odoo.tests.common import Form, tagged, new_test_user from odoo import Command @tagged("post_install", "-at_install") class AccountProductCase(AccountTestInvoicingCommon): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls, chart_template_ref=None): super().setUpClass(chart_template_ref) cls.internal_user = new_test_user( cls.env, login="internal_user", groups="base.group_user" ) def test_internal_user_can_read_product_with_tax_and_tags(self): """Internal users need read access to products, no matter their taxes.""" # Add a tag to product_a's default tax self.company_data["company"].country_id = self.env.ref("") tax_line_tag = self.env["account.account.tag"].create( { "name": "Tax tag", "applicability": "taxes", "country_id": self.company_data["company"], } ) repartition_lines = ( self.product_a.taxes_id.invoice_repartition_line_ids | self.product_a.taxes_id.refund_repartition_line_ids ).filtered_domain([("repartition_type", "=", "tax")]) repartition_lines.write({"tag_ids": []}) # Check that internal user can read product_a with Form( self.product_a.with_user(self.internal_user).with_context(lang="en_US") ) as form_a: # The tax string itself is not very important here; we just check # it has a value and we can read it, so there were no access errors self.assertTrue(form_a.tax_string)