account.payment.tree account.payment
account.supplier.payment.tree account.payment primary Vendor account.supplier.payment.tree account.payment primary Partner account.payment.kanban account.payment account.payment account.payment.form account.payment


account.payment.graph account.payment Payments account.payment tree,kanban,form,graph { 'default_payment_type': 'inbound', 'default_partner_type': 'customer', 'search_default_inbound_filter': 1, 'default_move_journal_types': ('bank', 'cash'), }

Register a payment

Payments are used to register liquidity movements. You can process those payments by your own means or by using installed facilities.

Payments account.payment tree,kanban,form,graph { 'default_payment_type': 'outbound', 'default_partner_type': 'supplier', 'search_default_outbound_filter': 1, 'default_move_journal_types': ('bank', 'cash'), }

Register a payment

Payments are used to register liquidity movements. You can process those payments by your own means or by using installed facilities.

Internal Transfers account.payment tree,kanban,form,graph {'default_payment_type': 'outbound', 'search_default_transfers_filter': 1} []

Register a payment

Payments are used to register liquidity movements. You can process those payments by your own means or by using installed facilities.

Register Payment list code if records: action = records.action_register_payment() Post Payments ir.actions.server code list records.action_post() Send receipt by email mail.compose.message form new form Send receipts by email mail.compose.message form new list