# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.tools.date_utils import get_month, get_fiscal_year from odoo.tools.misc import format_date import re from collections import defaultdict import json class ReSequenceWizard(models.TransientModel): _name = 'account.resequence.wizard' _description = 'Remake the sequence of Journal Entries.' sequence_number_reset = fields.Char(compute='_compute_sequence_number_reset') first_date = fields.Date(help="Date (inclusive) from which the numbers are resequenced.") end_date = fields.Date(help="Date (inclusive) to which the numbers are resequenced. If not set, all Journal Entries up to the end of the period are resequenced.") first_name = fields.Char(compute="_compute_first_name", readonly=False, store=True, required=True, string="First New Sequence") ordering = fields.Selection([('keep', 'Keep current order'), ('date', 'Reorder by accounting date')], required=True, default='keep') move_ids = fields.Many2many('account.move') new_values = fields.Text(compute='_compute_new_values') preview_moves = fields.Text(compute='_compute_preview_moves') @api.model def default_get(self, fields_list): values = super(ReSequenceWizard, self).default_get(fields_list) if 'move_ids' not in fields_list: return values active_move_ids = self.env['account.move'] if self.env.context['active_model'] == 'account.move' and 'active_ids' in self.env.context: active_move_ids = self.env['account.move'].browse(self.env.context['active_ids']) if len(active_move_ids.journal_id) > 1: raise UserError(_('You can only resequence items from the same journal')) move_types = set(active_move_ids.mapped('move_type')) if ( active_move_ids.journal_id.refund_sequence and ('in_refund' in move_types or 'out_refund' in move_types) and len(move_types) > 1 ): raise UserError(_('The sequences of this journal are different for Invoices and Refunds but you selected some of both types.')) is_payment = set(active_move_ids.mapped(lambda x: bool(x.payment_id))) if ( active_move_ids.journal_id.payment_sequence and len(is_payment) > 1 ): raise UserError(_('The sequences of this journal are different for Payments and non-Payments but you selected some of both types.')) values['move_ids'] = [(6, 0, active_move_ids.ids)] return values @api.depends('first_name') def _compute_sequence_number_reset(self): for record in self: record.sequence_number_reset = record.move_ids[0]._deduce_sequence_number_reset(record.first_name) @api.depends('move_ids') def _compute_first_name(self): self.first_name = "" for record in self: if record.move_ids: record.first_name = min(record.move_ids._origin.mapped(lambda move: move.name or "")) @api.depends('new_values', 'ordering') def _compute_preview_moves(self): """Reduce the computed new_values to a smaller set to display in the preview.""" for record in self: new_values = sorted(json.loads(record.new_values).values(), key=lambda x: x['server-date'], reverse=True) changeLines = [] in_elipsis = 0 previous_line = None for i, line in enumerate(new_values): if i < 3 or i == len(new_values) - 1 or line['new_by_name'] != line['new_by_date'] \ or (self.sequence_number_reset == 'year' and line['server-date'][0:4] != previous_line['server-date'][0:4])\ or (self.sequence_number_reset == 'year_range' and line['server-year-start-date'][0:4] != previous_line['server-year-start-date'][0:4])\ or (self.sequence_number_reset == 'month' and line['server-date'][0:7] != previous_line['server-date'][0:7]): if in_elipsis: changeLines.append({'id': 'other_' + str(line['id']), 'current_name': _('... (%s other)', in_elipsis), 'new_by_name': '...', 'new_by_date': '...', 'date': '...'}) in_elipsis = 0 changeLines.append(line) else: in_elipsis += 1 previous_line = line record.preview_moves = json.dumps({ 'ordering': record.ordering, 'changeLines': changeLines, }) @api.depends('first_name', 'move_ids', 'sequence_number_reset') def _compute_new_values(self): """Compute the proposed new values. Sets a json string on new_values representing a dictionary thats maps account.move ids to a disctionay containing the name if we execute the action, and information relative to the preview widget. """ def _get_move_key(move_id): company = move_id.company_id year_start, year_end = get_fiscal_year(move_id.date, day=company.fiscalyear_last_day, month=int(company.fiscalyear_last_month)) if self.sequence_number_reset == 'year': return move_id.date.year elif self.sequence_number_reset == 'year_range': return "%s-%s"%(year_start.year, year_end.year) elif self.sequence_number_reset == 'month': return (move_id.date.year, move_id.date.month) return 'default' self.new_values = "{}" for record in self.filtered('first_name'): moves_by_period = defaultdict(lambda: record.env['account.move']) for move in record.move_ids._origin: # Sort the moves by period depending on the sequence number reset moves_by_period[_get_move_key(move)] += move seq_format, format_values = record.move_ids[0]._get_sequence_format_param(record.first_name) sequence_number_reset = record.move_ids[0]._deduce_sequence_number_reset(record.first_name) new_values = {} for j, period_recs in enumerate(moves_by_period.values()): # compute the new values period by period year_start, year_end = period_recs[0]._get_sequence_date_range(sequence_number_reset) for move in period_recs: new_values[move.id] = { 'id': move.id, 'current_name': move.name, 'state': move.state, 'date': format_date(self.env, move.date), 'server-date': str(move.date), 'server-year-start-date': str(year_start), } new_name_list = [seq_format.format(**{ **format_values, 'month': year_start.month, 'year_end': year_end.year % (10 ** format_values['year_end_length']), 'year': year_start.year % (10 ** format_values['year_length']), 'seq': i + (format_values['seq'] if j == (len(moves_by_period)-1) else 1), }) for i in range(len(period_recs))] # For all the moves of this period, assign the name by increasing initial name for move, new_name in zip(period_recs.sorted(lambda m: (m.sequence_prefix, m.sequence_number)), new_name_list): new_values[move.id]['new_by_name'] = new_name # For all the moves of this period, assign the name by increasing date for move, new_name in zip(period_recs.sorted(lambda m: (m.date, m.name or "", m.id)), new_name_list): new_values[move.id]['new_by_date'] = new_name record.new_values = json.dumps(new_values) def resequence(self): new_values = json.loads(self.new_values) if self.move_ids.journal_id and self.move_ids.journal_id.restrict_mode_hash_table: if self.ordering == 'date': raise UserError(_('You can not reorder sequence by date when the journal is locked with a hash.')) moves_to_rename = self.env['account.move'].browse(int(k) for k in new_values.keys()) moves_to_rename.name = '/' moves_to_rename.flush_recordset(["name"]) # If the db is not forcibly updated, the temporary renaming could only happen in cache and still trigger the constraint for move_id in self.move_ids: if str(move_id.id) in new_values: if self.ordering == 'keep': move_id.name = new_values[str(move_id.id)]['new_by_name'] else: move_id.name = new_values[str(move_id.id)]['new_by_date']