# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from unittest.mock import patch import odoo from odoo import http from odoo.addons.base.tests.common import HttpCaseWithUserPortal, HttpCaseWithUserDemo from odoo.exceptions import AccessError class TestAuthSignupFlow(HttpCaseWithUserPortal, HttpCaseWithUserDemo): def setUp(self): super(TestAuthSignupFlow, self).setUp() res_config = self.env['res.config.settings'] self.default_values = res_config.default_get(list(res_config.fields_get())) def _activate_free_signup(self): self.default_values.update({'auth_signup_uninvited': 'b2c'}) def _get_free_signup_url(self): return '/web/signup' def test_confirmation_mail_free_signup(self): """ Check if a new user is informed by email when he is registered """ # Activate free signup self._activate_free_signup() # Get csrf_token self.authenticate(None, None) csrf_token = http.Request.csrf_token(self) # Values from login form name = 'toto' payload = { 'login': 'toto@example.com', 'name': name, 'password': 'mypassword', 'confirm_password': 'mypassword', 'csrf_token': csrf_token, } # Override unlink to not delete the email if the send works. with patch.object(odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail.MailMail, 'unlink', lambda self: None): # Call the controller url_free_signup = self._get_free_signup_url() self.url_open(url_free_signup, data=payload) # Check if an email is sent to the new userw new_user = self.env['res.users'].search([('name', '=', name)]) self.assertTrue(new_user) mail = self.env['mail.message'].search([('message_type', '=', 'email'), ('model', '=', 'res.users'), ('res_id', '=', new_user.id)], limit=1) self.assertTrue(mail, "The new user must be informed of his registration") def test_compute_signup_url(self): user = self.user_demo user.groups_id -= self.env.ref('base.group_partner_manager') partner = self.partner_portal partner.signup_prepare() with self.assertRaises(AccessError): partner.with_user(user.id).signup_url