import datetime import string import re import stdnum from import check_vies from stdnum.exceptions import InvalidComponent, InvalidChecksum, InvalidFormat from stdnum.util import clean from stdnum import luhn import logging from odoo import api, models, fields, tools, _ from import ustr from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _eu_country_vat = { 'GR': 'EL' } _eu_country_vat_inverse = {v: k for k, v in _eu_country_vat.items()} _ref_vat = { 'al': 'ALJ91402501L', 'ar': _('AR200-5536168-2 or 20055361682'), 'at': 'ATU12345675', 'au': '83 914 571 673', 'be': 'BE0477472701', 'bg': 'BG1234567892', 'br': _('either 11 digits for CPF or 14 digits for CNPJ'), 'cr': _('3101012009'), 'ch': _('CHE-123.456.788 TVA or CHE-123.456.788 MWST or CHE-123.456.788 IVA'), # Swiss by Yannick Vaucher @ Camptocamp 'cl': 'CL76086428-5', 'co': _('CO213123432-1 or CO213.123.432-1'), 'cy': 'CY10259033P', 'cz': 'CZ12345679', 'de': _('DE123456788 or 12/345/67890'), 'dk': 'DK12345674', 'do': _('DO1-01-85004-3 or 101850043'), 'ec': _('1792060346001 or 1792060346'), 'ee': 'EE123456780', 'es': 'ESA12345674', 'fi': 'FI12345671', 'fr': 'FR23334175221', 'gb': _('GB123456782 or XI123456782'), 'gr': 'EL123456783', 'hu': _('HU12345676 or 12345678-1-11 or 8071592153'), 'hr': 'HR01234567896', # Croatia, contributed by Milan Tribuson 'id': '1234567890123456', 'ie': 'IE1234567FA', 'il': _('XXXXXXXXX [9 digits] and it should respect the Luhn algorithm checksum'), 'in': "12AAAAA1234AAZA", 'is': 'IS062199', 'it': 'IT12345670017', 'lt': 'LT123456715', 'lu': 'LU12345613', 'lv': 'LV41234567891', 'mc': 'FR53000004605', 'mt': 'MT12345634', 'mx': _('MXGODE561231GR8 or GODE561231GR8'), 'nl': 'NL123456782B90', 'no': 'NO123456785', 'nz': _('49-098-576 or 49098576'), 'pe': _('10XXXXXXXXY or 20XXXXXXXXY or 15XXXXXXXXY or 16XXXXXXXXY or 17XXXXXXXXY'), 'ph': '123-456-789-123', 'pl': 'PL1234567883', 'pt': 'PT123456789', 'ro': 'RO1234567897', 'rs': 'RS101134702', 'ru': 'RU123456789047', 'se': 'SE123456789701', 'si': 'SI12345679', 'sk': 'SK2022749619', 'sm': 'SM24165', 'tr': _('17291716060 (NIN) or 1729171602 (VKN)'), 'uy': _("Example: '219999830019' (format: 12 digits, all numbers, valid check digit)"), 've': 'V-12345678-1, V123456781, V-12.345.678-1', 'xi': 'XI123456782', 'sa': _('310175397400003 [Fifteen digits, first and last digits should be "3"]') } _region_specific_vat_codes = { 'xi', 't', } class ResPartner(models.Model): _inherit = 'res.partner' vies_failed_message = fields.Char('Technical field display a message to the user if the VIES check fails.', store=False) def _split_vat(self, vat): ''' Splits the VAT Number to get the country code in a first place and the code itself in a second place. This has to be done because some countries' code are one character long instead of two (i.e. "T" for Japan) ''' if len(vat) > 1 and vat[1].isalpha(): vat_country, vat_number = vat[:2].lower(), vat[2:].replace(' ', '') else: vat_country, vat_number = vat[:1].lower(), vat[1:].replace(' ', '') return vat_country, vat_number @api.model def simple_vat_check(self, country_code, vat_number): ''' Check the VAT number depending of the country. ''' if not ustr(country_code).encode('utf-8').isalpha(): return False check_func_name = 'check_vat_' + country_code check_func = getattr(self, check_func_name, None) or getattr(stdnum.util.get_cc_module(country_code, 'vat'), 'is_valid', None) if not check_func: # No VAT validation available, default to check that the country code exists country_code = _eu_country_vat_inverse.get(country_code, country_code) return bool(self.env[''].search([('code', '=ilike', country_code)])) return check_func(vat_number) @api.model @tools.ormcache('vat') def _check_vies(self, vat): # Store the VIES result in the cache. In case an exception is raised during the request # (e.g. service unavailable), the fallback on simple_vat_check is not kept in cache.'Calling VIES service to check VAT for validation: %s', vat) return check_vies(vat) def check_vat_uy(self, vat): """ Taken from python-stdnum's master branch, as the release doesn't handle RUT numbers starting with 22. origin FIXME Can be removed when python-stdnum does a new release. """ def compact(number): """Convert the number to its minimal representation.""" number = clean(number, ' -').upper().strip() if number.startswith('UY'): return number[2:] return number def calc_check_digit(number): """Calculate the check digit.""" weights = (4, 3, 2, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2) total = sum(int(n) * w for w, n in zip(weights, number)) return str(-total % 11) vat = compact(vat) if ( not vat.isdigit() or # InvalidFormat len(vat) != 12 or # InvalidLength vat[:2] < '01' or vat[:2] > '22' or # InvalidComponent vat[2:8] == '000000' or vat[8:11] != '001' or vat[-1] != calc_check_digit(vat)): # Invalid Check Digit return False return True @api.model def vies_vat_check(self, country_code, vat_number): try: # Validate against VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) # see also vies_result = self._check_vies(country_code.upper() + vat_number) return vies_result['valid'] except InvalidComponent: return False except Exception: # see # Fault code may contain INVALID_INPUT, SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, MS_UNAVAILABLE, # TIMEOUT or SERVER_BUSY. There is no way we can validate the input # with VIES if any of these arise, including the first one (it means invalid # country code or empty VAT number), so we return True and ignore the result. _logger.exception("Failed VIES VAT check.") return True @api.model def fix_eu_vat_number(self, country_id, vat): europe = self.env.ref('base.europe') country = self.env[""].browse(country_id) if not europe: europe = self.env[""].search([('name', '=', 'Europe')], limit=1) if europe and country and in europe.country_ids.ids: vat = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]', '', vat).upper() country_code = _eu_country_vat.get(country.code, country.code).upper() if vat[:2] != country_code: vat = country_code + vat return vat @api.constrains('vat', 'country_id') def check_vat(self): # The context key 'no_vat_validation' allows you to store/set a VAT number without doing validations. # This is for API pushes from external platforms where you have no control over VAT numbers. if self.env.context.get('no_vat_validation'): return for partner in self: # Skip checks when only one character is used. Some users like to put '/' or other as VAT to differentiate between # A partner for which they didn't input VAT, and the one not subject to VAT if not partner.vat or len(partner.vat) == 1: continue country = partner.commercial_partner_id.country_id if self._run_vat_test(partner.vat, country, partner.is_company) is False: partner_label = _("partner [%s]", msg = partner._build_vat_error_message(country and country.code.lower() or None, partner.vat, partner_label) raise ValidationError(msg) @api.onchange('vat', 'country_id') def _onchange_check_vies(self): """ Check the VAT number with VIES, if enabled. Return a non-blocking warning if the check fails.""" if self.env.context.get('company_id'): company = self.env[''].browse(self.env.context['company_id']) else: company = if not company.vat_check_vies: return eu_countries = self.env.ref('base.europe').country_ids for eu_partner_company in self.filtered(lambda partner: partner.country_id in eu_countries and partner.is_company): # Skip checks when only one character is used. Some users like to put '/' or other as VAT to differentiate between # A partner for which they didn't input VAT, and the one not subject to VAT if not eu_partner_company.vat or len(eu_partner_company.vat) == 1: continue country = eu_partner_company.country_id if self._run_vies_test(eu_partner_company.vat, country) is False: self.vies_failed_message = _("The VAT number %s failed the VIES VAT validation check.", eu_partner_company.vat) else: self.vies_failed_message = False @api.model def _run_vat_test(self, vat_number, default_country, partner_is_company=True): # OVERRIDE account check_result = None # First check with country code as prefix of the TIN vat_country_code, vat_number_split = self._split_vat(vat_number) if vat_country_code == 'eu' and default_country not in self.env.ref('base.europe').country_ids: # Foreign companies that trade with non-enterprises in the EU # may have a VATIN starting with "EU" instead of a country code. return True vat_has_legit_country_code = self.env[''].search([('code', '=', vat_country_code.upper())], limit=1) if not vat_has_legit_country_code: vat_has_legit_country_code = vat_country_code.lower() in _region_specific_vat_codes if vat_has_legit_country_code: check_result = self.simple_vat_check(vat_country_code, vat_number_split) if check_result: return vat_country_code # If it fails, check with default_country (if it exists) if default_country: check_result = self.simple_vat_check(default_country.code.lower(), vat_number) if check_result: return default_country.code.lower() # We allow any number if it doesn't start with a country code and the partner has no country. # This is necessary to support an ORM limitation: setting vat and country_id together on a company # triggers two distinct write on res.partner, one for each field, both triggering this constraint. # If vat is set before country_id, the constraint must not break. return check_result @api.model def _run_vies_test(self, vat_number, default_country): """ Validate a VAT number using the VIES VAT validation. """ check_result = None # First check with country code as prefix of the TIN vat_country_code, vat_number_split = self._split_vat(vat_number) vat_has_legit_country_code = self.env[''].search([('code', '=', vat_country_code.upper())]) if not vat_has_legit_country_code: vat_has_legit_country_code = vat_country_code.lower() in _region_specific_vat_codes if vat_has_legit_country_code: check_result = self.vies_vat_check(vat_country_code, vat_number_split) if check_result: return vat_country_code # If it fails, check with default_country (if it exists) if default_country: check_result = self.vies_vat_check(default_country.code.lower(), vat_number) if check_result: return default_country.code.lower() return check_result @api.model def _build_vat_error_message(self, country_code, wrong_vat, record_label): if self.env.context.get('company_id'): company = self.env[''].browse(self.env.context['company_id']) else: company = vat_label = _("VAT") if country_code and company.country_id and country_code == company.country_id.code.lower() and company.country_id.vat_label: vat_label = company.country_id.vat_label expected_format = _ref_vat.get(country_code, "'CC##' (CC=Country Code, ##=VAT Number)") # Catch use case where the record label is about the public user (name: False) if 'False' not in record_label: return '\n' + _( 'The %(vat_label)s number [%(wrong_vat)s] for %(record_label)s does not seem to be valid. \nNote: the expected format is %(expected_format)s', vat_label=vat_label, wrong_vat=wrong_vat, record_label=record_label, expected_format=expected_format, ) else: return '\n' + _( 'The %(vat_label)s number [%(wrong_vat)s] does not seem to be valid. \nNote: the expected format is %(expected_format)s', vat_label=vat_label, wrong_vat=wrong_vat, expected_format=expected_format, ) __check_vat_al_re = re.compile(r'^[JKLM][0-9]{8}[A-Z]$') def check_vat_al(self, vat): """Check Albania VAT number""" number = stdnum.util.get_cc_module('al', 'vat').compact(vat) if len(number) == 10 and self.__check_vat_al_re.match(number): return True return False __check_tin_hu_individual_re = re.compile(r'^8\d{9}$') __check_tin_hu_companies_re = re.compile(r'^\d{8}-?[1-5]-?\d{2}$') __check_tin_hu_european_re = re.compile(r'^\d{8}$') def check_vat_hu(self, vat): """ Check Hungary VAT number that can be for example 'HU12345676 or 'xxxxxxxx-y-zz' or '8xxxxxxxxy' - For xxxxxxxx-y-zz, 'x' can be any number, 'y' is a number between 1 and 5 depending on the person and the 'zz' is used for region code. - 8xxxxxxxxy, Tin number for individual, it has to start with an 8 and finish with the check digit - In case of EU format it will be the first 8 digits of the full VAT """ companies = self.__check_tin_hu_companies_re.match(vat) if companies: return True individual = self.__check_tin_hu_individual_re.match(vat) if individual: return True european = self.__check_tin_hu_european_re.match(vat) if european: return True # Check the vat number return stdnum.util.get_cc_module('hu', 'vat').is_valid(vat) __check_vat_ch_re = re.compile(r'E([0-9]{9}|-[0-9]{3}\.[0-9]{3}\.[0-9]{3})(MWST|TVA|IVA)$') def check_vat_ch(self, vat): ''' Check Switzerland VAT number. ''' # A new VAT number format in Switzerland has been introduced between 2011 and 2013 # # The old format "TVA 123456" is not valid since 2014 # Accepted format are: (spaces are ignored) # CHE#########MWST # CHE#########TVA # CHE#########IVA # CHE-###.###.### MWST # CHE-###.###.### TVA # CHE-###.###.### IVA # # /!\ The english abbreviation VAT is not valid /!\ match = self.__check_vat_ch_re.match(vat) if match: # For new TVA numbers, the last digit is a MOD11 checksum digit build with weighting pattern: 5,4,3,2,7,6,5,4 num = [s for s in if s.isdigit()] # get the digits only factor = (5, 4, 3, 2, 7, 6, 5, 4) csum = sum([int(num[i]) * factor[i] for i in range(8)]) check = (11 - (csum % 11)) % 11 return check == int(num[8]) return False def is_valid_ruc_ec(self, vat): if len(vat) in (10, 13) and vat.isdecimal(): return True return False def check_vat_ec(self, vat): vat = clean(vat, ' -.').upper().strip() return self.is_valid_ruc_ec(vat) def _ie_check_char(self, vat): vat = vat.zfill(8) extra = 0 if vat[7] not in ' W': if vat[7].isalpha(): extra = 9 * (ord(vat[7]) - 64) else: # invalid return -1 checksum = extra + sum((8-i) * int(x) for i, x in enumerate(vat[:7])) return 'WABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV'[checksum % 23] # TODO: remove in master def check_vat_ie(self, vat): return stdnum.util.get_cc_module('ie', 'vat').is_valid(vat) # Mexican VAT verification, contributed by Vauxoo # and Panos Christeas __check_vat_mx_re = re.compile(br"(?P[A-Za-z\xd1\xf1&]{3,4})" \ br"[ \-_]?" \ br"(?P[0-9]{2})(?P[01][0-9])(?P[0-3][0-9])" \ br"[ \-_]?" \ br"(?P[A-Za-z0-9&\xd1\xf1]{3})$") def check_vat_mx(self, vat): ''' Mexican VAT verification Verificar RFC México ''' # we convert to 8-bit encoding, to help the regex parse only bytes vat = ustr(vat).encode('iso8859-1') m = self.__check_vat_mx_re.match(vat) if not m: #No valid format return False try: ano = int('ano')) if ano > 30: ano = 1900 + ano else: ano = 2000 + ano, int('mes')), int('dia'))) except ValueError: return False # Valid format and valid date return True # Netherlands VAT verification __check_vat_nl_re = re.compile("(?:NL)?[0-9A-Z+*]{10}[0-9]{2}") def check_vat_nl(self, vat): """ Temporary Netherlands VAT validation to support the new format introduced in January 2020, until upstream is fixed. Algorithm detail: TODO: remove when fixed upstream """ try: from stdnum.util import clean from import checksum except ImportError: return True vat = clean(vat, ' -.').upper().strip() # Remove the prefix if vat.startswith("NL"): vat = vat[2:] if not len(vat) == 12: return False # Check the format match = self.__check_vat_nl_re.match(vat) if not match: return False # Match letters to integers char_to_int = {k: str(ord(k) - 55) for k in string.ascii_uppercase} char_to_int['+'] = '36' char_to_int['*'] = '37' # 2 possible checks: # - For natural persons # - For non-natural persons and combinations of natural persons (company) # Natural person => mod97 full checksum check_val_natural = '2321' for x in vat: check_val_natural += x if x.isdigit() else char_to_int[x] if int(check_val_natural) % 97 == 1: return True # Company => weighted(9->2) mod11 on bsn vat = vat[:-3] if vat.isdigit() and checksum(vat) == 0: return True return False # Norway VAT validation, contributed by Rolv Råen (adEgo) # Support for MVA suffix contributed by Bringsvor Consulting AS ( def check_vat_no(self, vat): """ Check Norway VAT number.See """ if len(vat) == 12 and vat.upper().endswith('MVA'): vat = vat[:-3] # Strictly speaking we should enforce the suffix MVA but... if len(vat) != 9: return False try: int(vat) except ValueError: return False sum = (3 * int(vat[0])) + (2 * int(vat[1])) + \ (7 * int(vat[2])) + (6 * int(vat[3])) + \ (5 * int(vat[4])) + (4 * int(vat[5])) + \ (3 * int(vat[6])) + (2 * int(vat[7])) check = 11 - (sum % 11) if check == 11: check = 0 if check == 10: # 10 is not a valid check digit for an organization number return False return check == int(vat[8]) # Peruvian VAT validation, contributed by Vauxoo def check_vat_pe(self, vat): if len(vat) != 11 or not vat.isdigit(): return False dig_check = 11 - (sum([int('5432765432'[f]) * int(vat[f]) for f in range(0, 10)]) % 11) if dig_check == 10: dig_check = 0 elif dig_check == 11: dig_check = 1 return int(vat[10]) == dig_check # Philippines TIN (+ branch code) validation __check_vat_ph_re = re.compile(r"\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{3}(-\d{3,5})?$") def check_vat_ph(self, vat): return len(vat) >= 11 and len(vat) <= 17 and self.__check_vat_ph_re.match(vat) def check_vat_ru(self, vat): ''' Check Russia VAT number. Method copied from vatnumber 1.2 lib ''' if len(vat) != 10 and len(vat) != 12: return False try: int(vat) except ValueError: return False if len(vat) == 10: check_sum = 2 * int(vat[0]) + 4 * int(vat[1]) + 10 * int(vat[2]) + \ 3 * int(vat[3]) + 5 * int(vat[4]) + 9 * int(vat[5]) + \ 4 * int(vat[6]) + 6 * int(vat[7]) + 8 * int(vat[8]) check = check_sum % 11 if check % 10 != int(vat[9]): return False else: check_sum1 = 7 * int(vat[0]) + 2 * int(vat[1]) + 4 * int(vat[2]) + \ 10 * int(vat[3]) + 3 * int(vat[4]) + 5 * int(vat[5]) + \ 9 * int(vat[6]) + 4 * int(vat[7]) + 6 * int(vat[8]) + \ 8 * int(vat[9]) check = check_sum1 % 11 if check != int(vat[10]): return False check_sum2 = 3 * int(vat[0]) + 7 * int(vat[1]) + 2 * int(vat[2]) + \ 4 * int(vat[3]) + 10 * int(vat[4]) + 3 * int(vat[5]) + \ 5 * int(vat[6]) + 9 * int(vat[7]) + 4 * int(vat[8]) + \ 6 * int(vat[9]) + 8 * int(vat[10]) check = check_sum2 % 11 if check != int(vat[11]): return False return True # VAT validation in Turkey def check_vat_tr(self, vat): return stdnum.util.get_cc_module('tr', 'tckimlik').is_valid(vat) or stdnum.util.get_cc_module('tr', 'vkn').is_valid(vat) __check_vat_sa_re = re.compile(r"^3[0-9]{13}3$") # Saudi Arabia TIN validation def check_vat_sa(self, vat): """ Check company VAT TIN according to ZATCA specifications: The VAT number should start and begin with a '3' and be 15 digits long """ return self.__check_vat_sa_re.match(vat) or False def check_vat_ua(self, vat): res = [] for partner in self: if partner.commercial_partner_id.country_id.code == 'MX': if len(vat) == 10: res.append(True) else: res.append(False) elif partner.commercial_partner_id.is_company: if len(vat) == 12: res.append(True) else: res.append(False) else: if len(vat) == 10 or len(vat) == 9: res.append(True) else: res.append(False) return all(res) def check_vat_ve(self, vat): # # # Sources last visited on 2022-12-09 # VAT format: (kind - 1 letter)(identifier number - 8-digit number)(check digit - 1 digit) vat_regex = re.compile(r""" ([vecjpg]) # group 1 - kind ( (?P-)? # optional '-' (1) [0-9]{2} (?(optional_1)(?P[.])?) # optional '.' (2) only if (1) [0-9]{3} (?(optional_2)[.]) # mandatory '.' if (2) [0-9]{3} (?(optional_1)-) # mandatory '-' if (1) ) # group 2 - identifier number ([0-9]{1}) # group X - check digit """, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) matches = re.fullmatch(vat_regex, vat) if not matches: return False kind, identifier_number, *_, check_digit = matches.groups() kind = kind.lower() identifier_number = identifier_number.replace("-", "").replace(".", "") check_digit = int(check_digit) if kind == 'v': # Venezuela citizenship kind_digit = 1 elif kind == 'e': # Foreigner kind_digit = 2 elif kind == 'c' or kind == 'j': # Township/Communal Council or Legal entity kind_digit = 3 elif kind == 'p': # Passport kind_digit = 4 else: # Government ('g') kind_digit = 5 # === Checksum validation === multipliers = [3, 2, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2] checksum = kind_digit * 4 checksum += sum(map(lambda n, m: int(n) * m, identifier_number, multipliers)) checksum_digit = 11 - checksum % 11 if checksum_digit > 9: checksum_digit = 0 return check_digit == checksum_digit def check_vat_xi(self, vat): """ Temporary Nothern Ireland VAT validation following Brexit As of January 1st 2021, companies in Northern Ireland have a new VAT number starting with XI TODO: remove when stdnum is updated to 1.16 in supported distro""" check_func = getattr(stdnum.util.get_cc_module('gb', 'vat'), 'is_valid', None) if not check_func: return len(vat) == 9 return check_func(vat) def check_vat_in(self, vat): #reference from if vat and len(vat) == 15: all_gstin_re = [ r'[0-9]{2}[a-zA-Z]{5}[0-9]{4}[a-zA-Z]{1}[1-9A-Za-z]{1}[Zz1-9A-Ja-j]{1}[0-9a-zA-Z]{1}', # Normal, Composite, Casual GSTIN r'[0-9]{4}[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{5}[UO]{1}[N][A-Z0-9]{1}', #UN/ON Body GSTIN r'[0-9]{4}[a-zA-Z]{3}[0-9]{5}[N][R][0-9a-zA-Z]{1}', #NRI GSTIN r'[0-9]{2}[a-zA-Z]{4}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}[0-9]{4}[a-zA-Z]{1}[1-9A-Za-z]{1}[DK]{1}[0-9a-zA-Z]{1}', #TDS GSTIN r'[0-9]{2}[a-zA-Z]{5}[0-9]{4}[a-zA-Z]{1}[1-9A-Za-z]{1}[C]{1}[0-9a-zA-Z]{1}' #TCS GSTIN ] return any(re.compile(rx).match(vat) for rx in all_gstin_re) return False def check_vat_au(self, vat): ''' The Australian equivalent of a VAT number is an ABN number. TFN (Australia Tax file numbers) are private and not to be entered into systems or publicly displayed, so ABN numbers are the public facing number that legally must be displayed on all invoices ''' check_func = getattr(stdnum.util.get_cc_module('au', 'abn'), 'is_valid', None) if not check_func: vat = vat.replace(" ", "") return len(vat) == 11 and vat.isdigit() return check_func(vat) def check_vat_nz(self, vat): ''' The New Zealand equivalent of a VAT number is an IRD number (GST number is another name for this). IRD/GST numbers must legally must be displayed on all tax invoices. ''' check_func = stdnum.util.get_cc_module('nz', 'ird').is_valid return check_func(vat) def check_vat_t(self, vat): if self.country_id.code == 'JP': return self.simple_vat_check('jp', vat) def check_vat_br(self, vat): ''' Example of a Brazilian CNPJ number: 76.634.583/0001-74. The 13th digit is the check digit of the previous 12 digits. The check digit is calculated by multiplying the first 12 digits by weights and calculate modulo 11 of the result. The 14th digit is the check digit of the previous 13 digits. Calculated the same way. Both remainders are appended to the first 12 digits. ''' if not vat: return False def _calculate_mod_11(check, weights): result = (sum([i * j for (i, j) in zip(check, weights)])) % 11 if result <= 1: return 0 return 11 - result def _is_valid_cnpj(vat_clean): weights = [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2] vat_check = vat_clean[:12] vat_check.append(_calculate_mod_11(vat_check, weights[1:])) vat_check.append(_calculate_mod_11(vat_check, weights)) return vat_check == vat_clean def _is_valid_cpf(vat_clean): total_sum = 0 # If the CPF list contains all zeros, it's not valid if vat_clean == [0] * 11: return False # Calculate the sum for the first verification digit for i in range(1, 10): total_sum = total_sum + vat_clean[i - 1] * (11 - i) remainder = (total_sum * 10) % 11 # If the remainder is 10 or 11, set it to 0 if remainder in (10, 11): remainder = 0 # Check the first verification digit if remainder != vat_clean[9]: return False total_sum = 0 # Calculate the sum for the second verification digit for i in range(1, 11): total_sum = total_sum + vat_clean[i - 1] * (12 - i) remainder = (total_sum * 10) % 11 # If the remainder is 10 or 11, set it to 0 if remainder in (10, 11): remainder = 0 # Check the second verification digit if remainder != vat_clean[10]: return False return True vat_clean = [int(digit) for digit in re.sub("[^0-9]", "", vat)] return ( len(vat_clean) == 14 and _is_valid_cnpj(vat_clean) or len(vat_clean) == 11 and _is_valid_cpf(vat_clean) ) __check_vat_cr_re = re.compile(r'^(?:[1-9]\d{8}|\d{10}|[1-9]\d{10,11})$') def check_vat_cr(self, vat): # CÉDULA FÍSICA: 9 digits # CÉDULA JURÍDICA: 10 digits # CÉDULA DIMEX: 11 or 12 digits # CÉDULA NITE: 10 digits return self.__check_vat_cr_re.match(vat) or False def format_vat_eu(self, vat): # Foreign companies that trade with non-enterprises in the EU # may have a VATIN starting with "EU" instead of a country code. return vat def format_vat_ch(self, vat): stdnum_vat_format = getattr(stdnum.util.get_cc_module('ch', 'vat'), 'format', None) return stdnum_vat_format('CH' + vat)[2:] if stdnum_vat_format else vat def check_vat_id(self, vat): """ Temporary Indonesian VAT validation to support the new format introduced in January 2024.""" vat = clean(vat, ' -.').strip() if len(vat) not in (15, 16) or not vat[0:15].isdecimal() or not vat[-1].isdecimal(): return False if len(vat) == 15: # VAT is only digits and of the right length, check the Luhn checksum. try: luhn.validate(vat[0:9]) except (InvalidFormat, InvalidChecksum): return False return True def check_vat_de(self, vat): is_valid_vat = stdnum.util.get_cc_module("de", "vat").is_valid is_valid_stnr = stdnum.util.get_cc_module("de", "stnr").is_valid return is_valid_vat(vat) or is_valid_stnr(vat) def check_vat_il(self, vat): check_func = stdnum.util.get_cc_module('il', 'idnr').is_valid return check_func(vat) def format_vat_sm(self, vat): stdnum_vat_format = stdnum.util.get_cc_module('sm', 'vat').compact return stdnum_vat_format('SM' + vat)[2:] def _fix_vat_number(self, vat, country_id): code = self.env[''].browse(country_id).code if country_id else False vat_country, vat_number = self._split_vat(vat) if code and code.lower() != vat_country: return vat stdnum_vat_fix_func = getattr(stdnum.util.get_cc_module(vat_country, 'vat'), 'compact', None) #If any localization module need to define vat fix method for it's country then we give first priority to it. format_func_name = 'format_vat_' + vat_country format_func = getattr(self, format_func_name, None) or stdnum_vat_fix_func if format_func: vat_number = format_func(vat_number) return vat_country.upper() + vat_number @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): for values in vals_list: if values.get('vat'): country_id = values.get('country_id') values['vat'] = self._fix_vat_number(values['vat'], country_id) return super(ResPartner, self).create(vals_list) def write(self, values): if values.get('vat') and len(self.mapped('country_id')) == 1: country_id = values.get('country_id', values['vat'] = self._fix_vat_number(values['vat'], country_id) return super(ResPartner, self).write(values)