# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import odoo.tests from odoo.osv import expression @odoo.tests.tagged('post_install', '-at_install', 'assets_bundle') class BusWebTests(odoo.tests.HttpCase): def test_bundle_sends_bus(self): """ Tests two things: - Messages are posted to the bus when assets change i.e. their hash has been recomputed and differ from the attachment's - The interface deals with those bus messages by displaying one notification """ db_name = self.env.registry.db_name bundle_xml_ids = ('web.assets_common', 'web.assets_backend') domain = [] for bundle in bundle_xml_ids: domain = expression.OR([ domain, [('name', 'ilike', bundle + '%')] ]) # start from a clean slate self.env['ir.attachment'].search(domain).unlink() self.env.registry._clear_cache() sendones = [] def patched_sendone(self, channel, notificationType, message): """ Control API and number of messages posted to the bus linked to bundle_changed events """ if notificationType == 'bundle_changed': sendones.append((channel, message)) self.patch(type(self.env['bus.bus']), '_sendone', patched_sendone) self.authenticate('admin', 'admin') self.url_open('/web') # One sendone for each asset bundle and for each CSS / JS self.assertEqual( len(sendones), 4, 'Received %s' % '\n'.join('%s - %s' % (tmp[0], tmp[1]) for tmp in sendones) ) for (channel, message) in sendones: self.assertEqual(channel, 'broadcast') self.assertEqual(len(message), 1) self.assertTrue(isinstance(message.get('server_version'), str))