# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import models, fields, api, _ from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError class PriceRule(models.Model): _name = "delivery.price.rule" _description = "Delivery Price Rules" _order = 'sequence, list_price, id' @api.depends('variable', 'operator', 'max_value', 'list_base_price', 'list_price', 'variable_factor') def _compute_name(self): for rule in self: name = 'if %s %s %.02f then' % (rule.variable, rule.operator, rule.max_value) if rule.list_base_price and not rule.list_price: name = '%s fixed price %.02f' % (name, rule.list_base_price) elif rule.list_price and not rule.list_base_price: name = '%s %.02f times %s' % (name, rule.list_price, rule.variable_factor) else: name = '%s fixed price %.02f plus %.02f times %s' % (name, rule.list_base_price, rule.list_price, rule.variable_factor) rule.name = name name = fields.Char(compute='_compute_name') sequence = fields.Integer(required=True, default=10) carrier_id = fields.Many2one('delivery.carrier', 'Carrier', required=True, ondelete='cascade') variable = fields.Selection([('weight', 'Weight'), ('volume', 'Volume'), ('wv', 'Weight * Volume'), ('price', 'Price'), ('quantity', 'Quantity')], required=True, default='weight') operator = fields.Selection([('==', '='), ('<=', '<='), ('<', '<'), ('>=', '>='), ('>', '>')], required=True, default='<=') max_value = fields.Float('Maximum Value', required=True) list_base_price = fields.Float(string='Sale Base Price', digits='Product Price', required=True, default=0.0) list_price = fields.Float('Sale Price', digits='Product Price', required=True, default=0.0) variable_factor = fields.Selection([('weight', 'Weight'), ('volume', 'Volume'), ('wv', 'Weight * Volume'), ('price', 'Price'), ('quantity', 'Quantity')], 'Variable Factor', required=True, default='weight') class ProviderGrid(models.Model): _inherit = 'delivery.carrier' delivery_type = fields.Selection(selection_add=[ ('base_on_rule', 'Based on Rules'), ], ondelete={'base_on_rule': lambda recs: recs.write({ 'delivery_type': 'fixed', 'fixed_price': 0, })}) price_rule_ids = fields.One2many('delivery.price.rule', 'carrier_id', 'Pricing Rules', copy=True) def base_on_rule_rate_shipment(self, order): carrier = self._match_address(order.partner_shipping_id) if not carrier: return {'success': False, 'price': 0.0, 'error_message': _('Error: this delivery method is not available for this address.'), 'warning_message': False} try: price_unit = self._get_price_available(order) except UserError as e: return {'success': False, 'price': 0.0, 'error_message': e.args[0], 'warning_message': False} price_unit = self._compute_currency(order, price_unit, 'company_to_pricelist') return {'success': True, 'price': price_unit, 'error_message': False, 'warning_message': False} def _get_conversion_currencies(self, order, conversion): company_currency = (self.company_id or self.env['res.company']._get_main_company()).currency_id pricelist_currency = order.currency_id if conversion == 'company_to_pricelist': return company_currency, pricelist_currency elif conversion == 'pricelist_to_company': return pricelist_currency, company_currency def _compute_currency(self, order, price, conversion): from_currency, to_currency = self._get_conversion_currencies(order, conversion) if from_currency.id == to_currency.id: return price return from_currency._convert(price, to_currency, order.company_id, order.date_order or fields.Date.today()) def _get_price_available(self, order): self.ensure_one() self = self.sudo() order = order.sudo() total = weight = volume = quantity = wv = 0 total_delivery = 0.0 for line in order.order_line: if line.state == 'cancel': continue if line.is_delivery: total_delivery += line.price_total if not line.product_id or line.is_delivery: continue if line.product_id.type == "service": continue qty = line.product_uom._compute_quantity(line.product_uom_qty, line.product_id.uom_id) weight += (line.product_id.weight or 0.0) * qty volume += (line.product_id.volume or 0.0) * qty wv += (line.product_id.weight or 0.0) * (line.product_id.volume or 0.0) * qty quantity += qty total = (order.amount_total or 0.0) - total_delivery total = self._compute_currency(order, total, 'pricelist_to_company') return self.with_context(wv=wv)._get_price_from_picking(total, weight, volume, quantity) def _get_price_dict(self, total, weight, volume, quantity): '''Hook allowing to retrieve dict to be used in _get_price_from_picking() function. Hook to be overridden when we need to add some field to product and use it in variable factor from price rules. ''' return { 'price': total, 'volume': volume, 'weight': weight, 'wv': self.env.context.get('wv') or volume * weight, 'quantity': quantity } def _get_price_from_picking(self, total, weight, volume, quantity): price = 0.0 criteria_found = False price_dict = self._get_price_dict(total, weight, volume, quantity) if self.free_over and total >= self.amount: return 0 for line in self.price_rule_ids: test = safe_eval(line.variable + line.operator + str(line.max_value), price_dict) if test: price = line.list_base_price + line.list_price * price_dict[line.variable_factor] criteria_found = True break if not criteria_found: raise UserError(_("No price rule matching this order; delivery cost cannot be computed.")) return price def base_on_rule_send_shipping(self, pickings): res = [] for p in pickings: carrier = self._match_address(p.partner_id) if not carrier: raise ValidationError(_('There is no matching delivery rule.')) res = res + [{'exact_price': p.carrier_id._get_price_available(p.sale_id) if p.sale_id else 0.0, # TODO cleanme 'tracking_number': False}] return res def base_on_rule_get_tracking_link(self, picking): return False def base_on_rule_cancel_shipment(self, pickings): raise NotImplementedError()