# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. # Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Axelor SARL. (http://www.axelor.com) import logging import pytz from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time from pytz import timezone, UTC from odoo.tools import date_utils from odoo import api, Command, fields, models, tools from odoo.addons.base.models.res_partner import _tz_get from odoo.addons.resource.models.resource import float_to_time, HOURS_PER_DAY from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, UserError, ValidationError from odoo.tools import float_compare, format_date from odoo.tools.float_utils import float_round from odoo.tools.misc import format_date from odoo.tools.translate import _ from odoo.osv import expression _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Used to agglomerate the attendances in order to find the hour_from and hour_to # See _compute_date_from_to DummyAttendance = namedtuple('DummyAttendance', 'hour_from, hour_to, dayofweek, day_period, week_type') def get_employee_from_context(values, context, user_employee_id): employee_ids_list = [value[2] for value in values.get('employee_ids', []) if len(value) == 3 and value[0] == Command.SET] employee_ids = employee_ids_list[-1] if employee_ids_list else [] employee_id_value = employee_ids[0] if employee_ids else False return employee_id_value or context.get('default_employee_id', context.get('employee_id', user_employee_id)) class HolidaysRequest(models.Model): """ Leave Requests Access specifications - a regular employee / user - can see all leaves; - cannot see name field of leaves belonging to other user as it may contain private information that we don't want to share to other people than HR people; - can modify only its own not validated leaves (except writing on state to bypass approval); - can discuss on its leave requests; - can reset only its own leaves; - cannot validate any leaves; - an Officer - can see all leaves; - can validate "HR" single validation leaves from people if - he is the employee manager; - he is the department manager; - he is member of the same department; - target employee has no manager and no department manager; - can validate "Manager" single validation leaves from people if - he is the employee manager; - he is the department manager; - target employee has no manager and no department manager; - can first validate "Both" double validation leaves from people like "HR" single validation, moving the leaves to validate1 state; - cannot validate its own leaves; - can reset only its own leaves; - can refuse all leaves; - a Manager - can do everything he wants On top of that multicompany rules apply based on company defined on the leave request leave type. """ _name = "hr.leave" _description = "Time Off" _order = "date_from desc" _inherit = ['mail.thread', 'mail.activity.mixin'] _mail_post_access = 'read' @api.model def default_get(self, fields_list): defaults = super(HolidaysRequest, self).default_get(fields_list) defaults = self._default_get_request_parameters(defaults) if self.env.context.get('holiday_status_name_get', True) and 'holiday_status_id' in fields_list and not defaults.get('holiday_status_id'): lt = self.env['hr.leave.type'].search(['|', ('requires_allocation', '=', 'no'), ('has_valid_allocation', '=', True)], limit=1, order='sequence') if lt: defaults['holiday_status_id'] = lt.id defaults['request_unit_custom'] = False if 'state' in fields_list and not defaults.get('state'): lt = self.env['hr.leave.type'].browse(defaults.get('holiday_status_id')) defaults['state'] = 'confirm' if lt and lt.leave_validation_type != 'no_validation' else 'draft' if 'date_from' and 'date_to' in fields_list and not ('request_date_from' and 'request_date_to' in defaults): now = fields.Datetime.now() if 'date_from' not in defaults: defaults['date_from'] = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) if 'date_to' not in defaults: defaults['date_to'] = now.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59) if (not self._context.get('leave_compute_date_from_to') and defaults['date_from'].time() == time(0, 0, 0) and defaults['date_to'].time() == time(23, 59, 59)): employee = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(defaults['employee_id']) if defaults.get('employee_id') else self.env.user.employee_id date_from = defaults['date_from'].date() date_to = defaults['date_to'].date() attendance_from, attendance_to = self._get_attendances(employee, date_from, date_to) defaults['date_from'] = self._get_start_or_end_from_attendance(attendance_from.hour_from, date_from, employee) defaults['date_to'] = self._get_start_or_end_from_attendance(attendance_to.hour_to, date_to, employee) defaults = self._default_get_request_parameters(defaults) return defaults def _default_get_request_parameters(self, values): new_values = dict(values) if values.get('date_from') and values.get('date_to'): date_from = self._adjust_date_based_on_tz(values['date_from'].date(), values['date_from'].time()) date_to = self._adjust_date_based_on_tz(values['date_to'].date(), values['date_to'].time()) new_values.update([('request_date_from', date_from), ('request_date_to', date_to)]) employee = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(values['employee_id']) if values.get('employee_id') else self.env.user.employee_id default_start_time = self._get_start_or_end_from_attendance(7, datetime.now().date(), employee).time() default_end_time = self._get_start_or_end_from_attendance(19, datetime.now().date(), employee).time() if values['date_from'].time() == default_start_time and values['date_to'].time() == default_end_time: attendance_from, attendance_to = self._get_attendances(employee, date_from, date_to) new_values['date_from'] = self._get_start_or_end_from_attendance(attendance_from.hour_from, date_from, employee) new_values['date_to'] = self._get_start_or_end_from_attendance(attendance_to.hour_to, date_to, employee) return new_values active = fields.Boolean(default=True, readonly=True) # description name = fields.Char('Description', compute='_compute_description', inverse='_inverse_description', search='_search_description', compute_sudo=False) private_name = fields.Char('Time Off Description', groups='hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user') state = fields.Selection([ ('draft', 'To Submit'), ('confirm', 'To Approve'), ('refuse', 'Refused'), ('validate1', 'Second Approval'), ('validate', 'Approved') ], string='Status', compute='_compute_state', store=True, tracking=True, copy=False, readonly=False, help="The status is set to 'To Submit', when a time off request is created." + "\nThe status is 'To Approve', when time off request is confirmed by user." + "\nThe status is 'Refused', when time off request is refused by manager." + "\nThe status is 'Approved', when time off request is approved by manager.") report_note = fields.Text('HR Comments', copy=False, groups="hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_manager") user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='User', related='employee_id.user_id', related_sudo=True, compute_sudo=True, store=True, readonly=True, index=True) manager_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', compute='_compute_from_employee_id', store=True, readonly=False) # leave type configuration holiday_status_id = fields.Many2one( "hr.leave.type", compute='_compute_from_employee_id', store=True, string="Time Off Type", required=True, readonly=False, states={'cancel': [('readonly', True)], 'refuse': [('readonly', True)], 'validate1': [('readonly', True)], 'validate': [('readonly', True)]}, domain="[('company_id', '=?', employee_company_id), '|', ('requires_allocation', '=', 'no'), ('has_valid_allocation', '=', True)]", tracking=True) holiday_allocation_id = fields.Many2one( 'hr.leave.allocation', compute='_compute_from_holiday_status_id', string="Allocation", store=True, readonly=False) color = fields.Integer("Color", related='holiday_status_id.color') validation_type = fields.Selection(string='Validation Type', related='holiday_status_id.leave_validation_type', readonly=False) # HR data employee_id = fields.Many2one( 'hr.employee', compute='_compute_from_employee_ids', store=True, string='Employee', index=True, readonly=False, ondelete="restrict", states={'cancel': [('readonly', True)], 'refuse': [('readonly', True)], 'validate1': [('readonly', True)], 'validate': [('readonly', True)]}, tracking=True, compute_sudo=False) employee_company_id = fields.Many2one(related='employee_id.company_id', readonly=True, store=True) active_employee = fields.Boolean(related='employee_id.active', string='Employee Active', readonly=True) tz_mismatch = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_tz_mismatch') tz = fields.Selection(_tz_get, compute='_compute_tz') department_id = fields.Many2one( 'hr.department', compute='_compute_department_id', store=True, string='Department', readonly=False, states={'cancel': [('readonly', True)], 'refuse': [('readonly', True)], 'validate1': [('readonly', True)], 'validate': [('readonly', True)]}) notes = fields.Text('Reasons', readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)], 'confirm': [('readonly', False)]}) # duration date_from = fields.Datetime( 'Start Date', compute='_compute_date_from_to', store=True, readonly=False, index=True, copy=False, required=True, tracking=True, states={'cancel': [('readonly', True)], 'refuse': [('readonly', True)], 'validate1': [('readonly', True)], 'validate': [('readonly', True)]}) date_to = fields.Datetime( 'End Date', compute='_compute_date_from_to', store=True, readonly=False, copy=False, required=True, tracking=True, states={'cancel': [('readonly', True)], 'refuse': [('readonly', True)], 'validate1': [('readonly', True)], 'validate': [('readonly', True)]}) number_of_days = fields.Float( 'Duration (Days)', compute='_compute_number_of_days', store=True, readonly=False, copy=False, tracking=True, help='Number of days of the time off request. Used in the calculation. To manually correct the duration, use this field.') number_of_days_display = fields.Float( 'Duration in days', compute='_compute_number_of_days_display', readonly=True, help='Number of days of the time off request according to your working schedule. Used for interface.') number_of_hours_display = fields.Float( 'Duration in hours', compute='_compute_number_of_hours_display', readonly=True, help='Number of hours of the time off request according to your working schedule. Used for interface.') number_of_hours_text = fields.Char(compute='_compute_number_of_hours_text') duration_display = fields.Char('Requested (Days/Hours)', compute='_compute_duration_display', store=True, help="Field allowing to see the leave request duration in days or hours depending on the leave_type_request_unit") # details # details meeting_id = fields.Many2one('calendar.event', string='Meeting', copy=False) parent_id = fields.Many2one('hr.leave', string='Parent', copy=False) linked_request_ids = fields.One2many('hr.leave', 'parent_id', string='Linked Requests') holiday_type = fields.Selection([ ('employee', 'By Employee'), ('company', 'By Company'), ('department', 'By Department'), ('category', 'By Employee Tag')], string='Allocation Mode', readonly=True, required=True, default='employee', states={'draft': [('readonly', False)], 'confirm': [('readonly', False)]}, help='By Employee: Allocation/Request for individual Employee, By Employee Tag: Allocation/Request for group of employees in category') employee_ids = fields.Many2many( 'hr.employee', compute='_compute_from_holiday_type', store=True, string='Employees', readonly=False, groups="hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user", states={'cancel': [('readonly', True)], 'refuse': [('readonly', True)], 'validate1': [('readonly', True)], 'validate': [('readonly', True)]}) multi_employee = fields.Boolean( compute='_compute_from_employee_ids', store=True, compute_sudo=False, help='Holds whether this allocation concerns more than 1 employee') category_id = fields.Many2one( 'hr.employee.category', compute='_compute_from_holiday_type', store=True, string='Employee Tag', states={'draft': [('readonly', False)], 'confirm': [('readonly', False)]}, help='Category of Employee') mode_company_id = fields.Many2one( 'res.company', compute='_compute_from_holiday_type', store=True, string='Company Mode', states={'draft': [('readonly', False)], 'confirm': [('readonly', False)]}) first_approver_id = fields.Many2one( 'hr.employee', string='First Approval', readonly=True, copy=False, help='This area is automatically filled by the user who validate the time off') second_approver_id = fields.Many2one( 'hr.employee', string='Second Approval', readonly=True, copy=False, help='This area is automatically filled by the user who validate the time off with second level (If time off type need second validation)') can_reset = fields.Boolean('Can reset', compute='_compute_can_reset') can_approve = fields.Boolean('Can Approve', compute='_compute_can_approve') can_cancel = fields.Boolean('Can Cancel', compute='_compute_can_cancel') attachment_ids = fields.One2many('ir.attachment', 'res_id', string="Attachments") # To display in form view supported_attachment_ids = fields.Many2many( 'ir.attachment', string="Attach File", compute='_compute_supported_attachment_ids', inverse='_inverse_supported_attachment_ids') supported_attachment_ids_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_supported_attachment_ids') # UX fields all_employee_ids = fields.Many2many('hr.employee', compute='_compute_all_employees', compute_sudo=True) leave_type_request_unit = fields.Selection(related='holiday_status_id.request_unit', readonly=True) leave_type_support_document = fields.Boolean(related="holiday_status_id.support_document") # Interface fields used when not using hour-based computation request_date_from = fields.Date('Request Start Date') request_date_to = fields.Date('Request End Date') # Interface fields used when using hour-based computation request_hour_from = fields.Selection([ ('0', '12:00 AM'), ('0.5', '12:30 AM'), ('1', '1:00 AM'), ('1.5', '1:30 AM'), ('2', '2:00 AM'), ('2.5', '2:30 AM'), ('3', '3:00 AM'), ('3.5', '3:30 AM'), ('4', '4:00 AM'), ('4.5', '4:30 AM'), ('5', '5:00 AM'), ('5.5', '5:30 AM'), ('6', '6:00 AM'), ('6.5', '6:30 AM'), ('7', '7:00 AM'), ('7.5', '7:30 AM'), ('8', '8:00 AM'), ('8.5', '8:30 AM'), ('9', '9:00 AM'), ('9.5', '9:30 AM'), ('10', '10:00 AM'), ('10.5', '10:30 AM'), ('11', '11:00 AM'), ('11.5', '11:30 AM'), ('12', '12:00 PM'), ('12.5', '12:30 PM'), ('13', '1:00 PM'), ('13.5', '1:30 PM'), ('14', '2:00 PM'), ('14.5', '2:30 PM'), ('15', '3:00 PM'), ('15.5', '3:30 PM'), ('16', '4:00 PM'), ('16.5', '4:30 PM'), ('17', '5:00 PM'), ('17.5', '5:30 PM'), ('18', '6:00 PM'), ('18.5', '6:30 PM'), ('19', '7:00 PM'), ('19.5', '7:30 PM'), ('20', '8:00 PM'), ('20.5', '8:30 PM'), ('21', '9:00 PM'), ('21.5', '9:30 PM'), ('22', '10:00 PM'), ('22.5', '10:30 PM'), ('23', '11:00 PM'), ('23.5', '11:30 PM')], string='Hour from') request_hour_to = fields.Selection([ ('0', '12:00 AM'), ('0.5', '12:30 AM'), ('1', '1:00 AM'), ('1.5', '1:30 AM'), ('2', '2:00 AM'), ('2.5', '2:30 AM'), ('3', '3:00 AM'), ('3.5', '3:30 AM'), ('4', '4:00 AM'), ('4.5', '4:30 AM'), ('5', '5:00 AM'), ('5.5', '5:30 AM'), ('6', '6:00 AM'), ('6.5', '6:30 AM'), ('7', '7:00 AM'), ('7.5', '7:30 AM'), ('8', '8:00 AM'), ('8.5', '8:30 AM'), ('9', '9:00 AM'), ('9.5', '9:30 AM'), ('10', '10:00 AM'), ('10.5', '10:30 AM'), ('11', '11:00 AM'), ('11.5', '11:30 AM'), ('12', '12:00 PM'), ('12.5', '12:30 PM'), ('13', '1:00 PM'), ('13.5', '1:30 PM'), ('14', '2:00 PM'), ('14.5', '2:30 PM'), ('15', '3:00 PM'), ('15.5', '3:30 PM'), ('16', '4:00 PM'), ('16.5', '4:30 PM'), ('17', '5:00 PM'), ('17.5', '5:30 PM'), ('18', '6:00 PM'), ('18.5', '6:30 PM'), ('19', '7:00 PM'), ('19.5', '7:30 PM'), ('20', '8:00 PM'), ('20.5', '8:30 PM'), ('21', '9:00 PM'), ('21.5', '9:30 PM'), ('22', '10:00 PM'), ('22.5', '10:30 PM'), ('23', '11:00 PM'), ('23.5', '11:30 PM')], string='Hour to') # used only when the leave is taken in half days request_date_from_period = fields.Selection([ ('am', 'Morning'), ('pm', 'Afternoon')], string="Date Period Start", default='am') # request type request_unit_half = fields.Boolean('Half Day', compute='_compute_request_unit_half', store=True, readonly=False) request_unit_hours = fields.Boolean('Custom Hours', compute='_compute_request_unit_hours', store=True, readonly=False) # view is_hatched = fields.Boolean('Hatched', compute='_compute_is_hatched') is_striked = fields.Boolean('Striked', compute='_compute_is_hatched') has_stress_day = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_has_stress_day') _sql_constraints = [ ('type_value', "CHECK((holiday_type='employee' AND (employee_id IS NOT NULL OR multi_employee IS TRUE)) or " "(holiday_type='company' AND mode_company_id IS NOT NULL) or " "(holiday_type='category' AND category_id IS NOT NULL) or " "(holiday_type='department' AND department_id IS NOT NULL) )", "The employee, department, company or employee category of this request is missing. Please make sure that your user login is linked to an employee."), ('date_check2', "CHECK ((date_from <= date_to))", "The start date must be anterior to the end date."), ('duration_check', "CHECK ( number_of_days >= 0 )", "If you want to change the number of days you should use the 'period' mode"), ] def _auto_init(self): res = super(HolidaysRequest, self)._auto_init() tools.create_index(self._cr, 'hr_leave_date_to_date_from_index', self._table, ['date_to', 'date_from']) return res @api.depends('employee_id', 'employee_ids') def _compute_all_employees(self): for leave in self: leave.all_employee_ids = leave.employee_id | leave.employee_ids @api.constrains('holiday_status_id', 'number_of_days') def _check_allocation_duration(self): # Deprecated as part of https://github.com/odoo/odoo/pull/96545 # TODO: remove in master return @api.depends_context('uid') def _compute_description(self): self.check_access_rights('read') self.check_access_rule('read') is_officer = self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user') for leave in self: if is_officer or leave.user_id == self.env.user or leave.employee_id.leave_manager_id == self.env.user: leave.name = leave.sudo().private_name else: leave.name = '*****' def _inverse_description(self): is_officer = self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user') for leave in self: if is_officer or leave.user_id == self.env.user or leave.employee_id.leave_manager_id == self.env.user: leave.sudo().private_name = leave.name def _search_description(self, operator, value): is_officer = self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user') domain = [('private_name', operator, value)] if not is_officer: domain = expression.AND([domain, [('user_id', '=', self.env.user.id)]]) leaves = self.search(domain) return [('id', 'in', leaves.ids)] @api.depends('holiday_status_id') def _compute_state(self): for leave in self: leave.state = 'confirm' if leave.validation_type != 'no_validation' else 'draft' @api.depends('holiday_status_id.requires_allocation', 'validation_type', 'employee_id', 'date_from', 'date_to') def _compute_from_holiday_status_id(self): # Deprecated as part of https://github.com/odoo/odoo/pull/96545 # TODO: remove in master self.holiday_allocation_id = False @api.depends('request_date_from_period', 'request_hour_from', 'request_hour_to', 'request_date_from', 'request_date_to', 'request_unit_half', 'request_unit_hours', 'employee_id') def _compute_date_from_to(self): for holiday in self: if holiday.request_date_from and holiday.request_date_to and holiday.request_date_from > holiday.request_date_to: holiday.request_date_to = holiday.request_date_from if not holiday.request_date_from: holiday.date_from = False elif not holiday.request_unit_half and not holiday.request_unit_hours and not holiday.request_date_to: holiday.date_to = False else: if holiday.request_unit_half or holiday.request_unit_hours: holiday.request_date_to = holiday.request_date_from attendance_from, attendance_to = holiday._get_attendances(holiday.employee_id, holiday.request_date_from, holiday.request_date_to) compensated_request_date_from = holiday.request_date_from compensated_request_date_to = holiday.request_date_to if holiday.request_unit_half: if holiday.request_date_from_period == 'am': hour_from = attendance_from.hour_from hour_to = attendance_from.hour_to else: hour_from = attendance_to.hour_from hour_to = attendance_to.hour_to elif holiday.request_unit_hours: hour_from = holiday.request_hour_from hour_to = holiday.request_hour_to else: hour_from = attendance_from.hour_from hour_to = attendance_to.hour_to holiday.date_from = self._get_start_or_end_from_attendance(hour_from, compensated_request_date_from, holiday.employee_id or holiday) holiday.date_to = self._get_start_or_end_from_attendance(hour_to, compensated_request_date_to, holiday.employee_id or holiday) @api.depends('holiday_status_id', 'request_unit_hours') def _compute_request_unit_half(self): for holiday in self: if holiday.holiday_status_id or holiday.request_unit_hours: holiday.request_unit_half = False @api.depends('holiday_status_id', 'request_unit_half') def _compute_request_unit_hours(self): for holiday in self: if holiday.holiday_status_id or holiday.request_unit_half: holiday.request_unit_hours = False @api.depends('employee_ids') def _compute_from_employee_ids(self): for holiday in self: if len(holiday.employee_ids) == 1: holiday.employee_id = holiday.employee_ids[0]._origin else: holiday.employee_id = False holiday.multi_employee = (len(holiday.employee_ids) > 1) @api.depends('holiday_type') def _compute_from_holiday_type(self): allocation_from_domain = self.env['hr.leave.allocation'] if (self._context.get('active_model') == 'hr.leave.allocation' and self._context.get('active_id')): allocation_from_domain = allocation_from_domain.browse(self._context['active_id']) for holiday in self: if holiday.holiday_type == 'employee': if not holiday.employee_ids: if allocation_from_domain: holiday.employee_ids = allocation_from_domain.employee_id holiday.holiday_status_id = allocation_from_domain.holiday_status_id else: # This handles the case where a request is made with only the employee_id # but does not need to be recomputed on employee_id changes holiday.employee_ids = holiday.employee_id or self.env.user.employee_id holiday.mode_company_id = False holiday.category_id = False elif holiday.holiday_type == 'company': holiday.employee_ids = False if not holiday.mode_company_id: holiday.mode_company_id = self.env.company.id holiday.category_id = False elif holiday.holiday_type == 'department': holiday.employee_ids = False holiday.mode_company_id = False holiday.category_id = False elif holiday.holiday_type == 'category': holiday.employee_ids = False holiday.mode_company_id = False else: holiday.employee_ids = self.env.context.get('default_employee_id') or holiday.employee_id or self.env.user.employee_id @api.depends('employee_id', 'employee_ids') def _compute_from_employee_id(self): for holiday in self: holiday.manager_id = holiday.employee_id.parent_id.id if holiday.holiday_status_id.requires_allocation == 'no': continue if not holiday.employee_id or holiday.employee_ids: holiday.holiday_status_id = False elif holiday.employee_id.user_id != self.env.user and holiday._origin.employee_id != holiday.employee_id: if holiday.employee_id and not holiday.holiday_status_id.with_context(employee_id=holiday.employee_id.id).has_valid_allocation: holiday.holiday_status_id = False @api.depends('employee_id', 'holiday_type') def _compute_department_id(self): for holiday in self: if holiday.employee_id: holiday.department_id = holiday.employee_id.department_id elif holiday.holiday_type == 'department': if not holiday.department_id: holiday.department_id = self.env.user.employee_id.department_id else: holiday.department_id = False @api.depends('date_from', 'date_to', 'holiday_status_id') def _compute_has_stress_day(self): date_from, date_to = min(self.mapped('date_from')), max(self.mapped('date_to')) if date_from and date_to: stress_days = self.employee_id._get_stress_days( date_from.date(), date_to.date()) for leave in self: domain = [ ('start_date', '<=', leave.date_to.date()), ('end_date', '>=', leave.date_from.date()), '|', ('resource_calendar_id', '=', False), ('resource_calendar_id', '=', (leave.employee_id.resource_calendar_id or self.env.company.resource_calendar_id).id) ] if leave.holiday_status_id.company_id: domain += [('company_id', '=', leave.holiday_status_id.company_id.id)] leave.has_stress_day = leave.date_from and leave.date_to and stress_days.filtered_domain(domain) else: self.has_stress_day = False @api.depends('date_from', 'date_to', 'employee_id') def _compute_number_of_days(self): for holiday in self: if holiday.date_from and holiday.date_to: holiday.number_of_days = holiday._get_number_of_days(holiday.date_from, holiday.date_to, holiday.employee_id.id)['days'] else: holiday.number_of_days = 0 @api.depends('tz') @api.depends_context('uid') def _compute_tz_mismatch(self): for leave in self: leave.tz_mismatch = leave.tz != self.env.user.tz @api.depends('employee_id', 'holiday_type', 'department_id.company_id.resource_calendar_id.tz', 'mode_company_id.resource_calendar_id.tz') def _compute_tz(self): for leave in self: tz = False if leave.holiday_type == 'employee': tz = leave.employee_id.tz elif leave.holiday_type == 'department': tz = leave.department_id.company_id.resource_calendar_id.tz elif leave.holiday_type == 'company': tz = leave.mode_company_id.resource_calendar_id.tz leave.tz = tz or self.env.company.resource_calendar_id.tz or self.env.user.tz or 'UTC' @api.depends('number_of_days') def _compute_number_of_days_display(self): for holiday in self: holiday.number_of_days_display = holiday.number_of_days def _get_calendar(self): self.ensure_one() return self.employee_id.resource_calendar_id or self.env.company.resource_calendar_id @api.depends('number_of_days') def _compute_number_of_hours_display(self): for holiday in self: calendar = holiday._get_calendar() if holiday.date_from and holiday.date_to: # Take attendances into account, in case the leave validated # Otherwise, this will result into number_of_hours = 0 # and number_of_hours_display = 0 or (#day * calendar.hours_per_day), # which could be wrong if the employee doesn't work the same number # hours each day if holiday.state == 'validate': start_dt = holiday.date_from end_dt = holiday.date_to if not start_dt.tzinfo: start_dt = start_dt.replace(tzinfo=UTC) if not end_dt.tzinfo: end_dt = end_dt.replace(tzinfo=UTC) resource = holiday.employee_id.resource_id intervals = calendar._attendance_intervals_batch(start_dt, end_dt, resource)[resource.id] \ - calendar._leave_intervals_batch(start_dt, end_dt, None)[False] # Substract Global Leaves number_of_hours = sum((stop - start).total_seconds() / 3600 for start, stop, dummy in intervals) else: number_of_hours = holiday._get_number_of_days(holiday.date_from, holiday.date_to, holiday.employee_id.id)['hours'] holiday.number_of_hours_display = number_of_hours or (holiday.number_of_days * (calendar.hours_per_day or HOURS_PER_DAY)) else: holiday.number_of_hours_display = 0 @api.depends('number_of_hours_display', 'number_of_days_display') def _compute_duration_display(self): for leave in self: leave.duration_display = '%g %s' % ( (float_round(leave.number_of_hours_display, precision_digits=2) if leave.leave_type_request_unit == 'hour' else float_round(leave.number_of_days_display, precision_digits=2)), _('hours') if leave.leave_type_request_unit == 'hour' else _('days')) @api.depends('number_of_hours_display') def _compute_number_of_hours_text(self): # YTI Note: All this because a readonly field takes all the width on edit mode... for leave in self: leave.number_of_hours_text = '%s%g %s%s' % ( '' if leave.request_unit_half or leave.request_unit_hours else '(', float_round(leave.number_of_hours_display, precision_digits=2), _('Hours'), '' if leave.request_unit_half or leave.request_unit_hours else ')') @api.depends('state', 'employee_id', 'department_id') def _compute_can_reset(self): for holiday in self: try: holiday._check_approval_update('draft') except (AccessError, UserError): holiday.can_reset = False else: holiday.can_reset = True @api.depends('state', 'employee_id', 'department_id') def _compute_can_approve(self): for holiday in self: try: if holiday.state == 'confirm' and holiday.validation_type == 'both': holiday._check_approval_update('validate1') else: holiday._check_approval_update('validate') except (AccessError, UserError): holiday.can_approve = False else: holiday.can_approve = True @api.depends_context('uid') @api.depends('state', 'employee_id') def _compute_can_cancel(self): now = fields.Datetime.now().date() for leave in self: leave.can_cancel = leave.id and leave.employee_id.user_id == self.env.user and leave.state == 'validate' and leave.date_from and leave.date_from.date() >= now @api.depends('state') def _compute_is_hatched(self): for holiday in self: holiday.is_striked = holiday.state == 'refuse' holiday.is_hatched = holiday.state not in ['refuse', 'validate'] @api.depends('leave_type_support_document', 'attachment_ids') def _compute_supported_attachment_ids(self): for holiday in self: holiday.supported_attachment_ids = holiday.attachment_ids holiday.supported_attachment_ids_count = len(holiday.attachment_ids.ids) def _inverse_supported_attachment_ids(self): for holiday in self: holiday.attachment_ids = holiday.supported_attachment_ids @api.constrains('date_from', 'date_to', 'employee_id') def _check_date(self): if self.env.context.get('leave_skip_date_check', False): return all_employees = self.all_employee_ids all_leaves = self.search([ ('date_from', '<', max(self.mapped('date_to'))), ('date_to', '>', min(self.mapped('date_from'))), ('employee_id', 'in', all_employees.ids), ('id', 'not in', self.ids), ('state', 'not in', ['cancel', 'refuse']), ]) for holiday in self: domain = [ ('date_from', '<', holiday.date_to), ('date_to', '>', holiday.date_from), ('id', '!=', holiday.id), ('state', 'not in', ['cancel', 'refuse']), ] employee_ids = (holiday.employee_id | holiday.employee_ids).ids search_domain = domain + [('employee_id', 'in', employee_ids)] conflicting_holidays = all_leaves.filtered_domain(search_domain) if conflicting_holidays: conflicting_holidays_list = [] # Do not display the name of the employee if the conflicting holidays have an employee_id.user_id equivalent to the user id holidays_only_have_uid = bool(holiday.employee_id) holiday_states = dict(conflicting_holidays.fields_get(allfields=['state'])['state']['selection']) for conflicting_holiday in conflicting_holidays: conflicting_holiday_data = {} conflicting_holiday_data['employee_name'] = conflicting_holiday.employee_id.name conflicting_holiday_data['date_from'] = format_date(self.env, min(conflicting_holiday.mapped('date_from'))) conflicting_holiday_data['date_to'] = format_date(self.env, min(conflicting_holiday.mapped('date_to'))) conflicting_holiday_data['state'] = holiday_states[conflicting_holiday.state] if conflicting_holiday.employee_id.user_id.id != self.env.uid: holidays_only_have_uid = False if conflicting_holiday_data not in conflicting_holidays_list: conflicting_holidays_list.append(conflicting_holiday_data) if not conflicting_holidays_list: return conflicting_holidays_strings = [] if holidays_only_have_uid: for conflicting_holiday_data in conflicting_holidays_list: conflicting_holidays_string = _('From %(date_from)s To %(date_to)s - %(state)s', date_from=conflicting_holiday_data['date_from'], date_to=conflicting_holiday_data['date_to'], state=conflicting_holiday_data['state']) conflicting_holidays_strings.append(conflicting_holidays_string) raise ValidationError(_('You can not set two time off that overlap on the same day.\nExisting time off:\n%s') % ('\n'.join(conflicting_holidays_strings))) for conflicting_holiday_data in conflicting_holidays_list: conflicting_holidays_string = _('%(employee_name)s - From %(date_from)s To %(date_to)s - %(state)s', employee_name=conflicting_holiday_data['employee_name'], date_from=conflicting_holiday_data['date_from'], date_to=conflicting_holiday_data['date_to'], state=conflicting_holiday_data['state']) conflicting_holidays_strings.append(conflicting_holidays_string) conflicting_employees = set(employee_ids) - set(conflicting_holidays.employee_id.ids) # Only one employee has a conflicting holiday if len(conflicting_employees) == len(employee_ids) - 1: raise ValidationError(_('You can not set two time off that overlap on the same day for the same employee.\nExisting time off:\n%s') % ('\n'.join(conflicting_holidays_strings))) raise ValidationError(_('You can not set two time off that overlap on the same day for the same employees.\nExisting time off:\n%s') % ('\n'.join(conflicting_holidays_strings))) @api.constrains('state', 'number_of_days', 'holiday_status_id') def _check_holidays(self): for holiday in self: mapped_days = self.holiday_status_id.get_employees_days((holiday.employee_id | holiday.sudo().employee_ids).ids, holiday.date_from.date()) if holiday.holiday_type != 'employee'\ or not holiday.employee_id and not holiday.sudo().employee_ids\ or holiday.holiday_status_id.requires_allocation == 'no': continue if holiday.employee_id: leave_days = mapped_days[holiday.employee_id.id][holiday.holiday_status_id.id] if float_compare(leave_days['remaining_leaves'], 0, precision_digits=2) == -1\ or float_compare(leave_days['virtual_remaining_leaves'], 0, precision_digits=2) == -1: raise ValidationError(_('The number of remaining time off is not sufficient for this time off type.\n' 'Please also check the time off waiting for validation.')) else: unallocated_employees = [] for employee in holiday.sudo().employee_ids: leave_days = mapped_days[employee.id][holiday.holiday_status_id.id] if float_compare(leave_days['remaining_leaves'], holiday.number_of_days, precision_digits=2) == -1\ or float_compare(leave_days['virtual_remaining_leaves'], holiday.number_of_days, precision_digits=2) == -1: unallocated_employees.append(employee.name) if unallocated_employees: raise ValidationError(_('The number of remaining time off is not sufficient for this time off type.\n' 'Please also check the time off waiting for validation.') + _('\nThe employees that lack allocation days are:\n%s', (', '.join(unallocated_employees)))) @api.constrains('date_from', 'date_to', 'employee_id') def _check_date_state(self): if self.env.context.get('leave_skip_state_check'): return for holiday in self: if holiday.state in ['cancel', 'refuse', 'validate1', 'validate']: raise ValidationError(_("This modification is not allowed in the current state.")) def _get_number_of_days_batch(self, date_from, date_to, employee_ids): """ Returns a float equals to the timedelta between two dates given as string.""" employee = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(employee_ids) # We force the company in the domain as we are more than likely in a compute_sudo domain = [('time_type', '=', 'leave'), ('company_id', 'in', self.env.company.ids + self.env.context.get('allowed_company_ids', []))] result = employee._get_work_days_data_batch(date_from, date_to, domain=domain) for employee_id in result: if self.request_unit_half and result[employee_id]['hours'] > 0: result[employee_id]['days'] = 0.5 return result def _get_number_of_days(self, date_from, date_to, employee_id): """ Returns a float equals to the timedelta between two dates given as string.""" if employee_id: return self._get_number_of_days_batch(date_from, date_to, employee_id)[employee_id] today_hours = self.env.company.resource_calendar_id.get_work_hours_count( datetime.combine(date_from.date(), time.min), datetime.combine(date_from.date(), time.max), False) hours = self.env.company.resource_calendar_id.get_work_hours_count(date_from, date_to) days = hours / (today_hours or HOURS_PER_DAY) if not self.request_unit_half else 0.5 return {'days': days, 'hours': hours} def _adjust_date_based_on_tz(self, leave_date, hour): """ request_date_{from,to} are local to the user's tz but hour_{from,to} are in UTC. In some cases they are combined (assuming they are in the same tz) as a datetime. When that happens it's possible we need to adjust one of the dates. This function adjust the date, so that it can be passed to datetime(). E.g. a leave in America/Los_Angeles for one day: - request_date_from: 1st of Jan - request_date_to: 1st of Jan - hour_from: 15:00 (7:00 local) - hour_to: 03:00 (19:00 local) <-- this happens on the 2nd of Jan in UTC """ user_tz = timezone(self.env.user.tz if self.env.user.tz else 'UTC') request_date_to_utc = UTC.localize(datetime.combine(leave_date, hour)).astimezone(user_tz).replace(tzinfo=None) return request_date_to_utc.date() #################################################### # ORM Overrides methods #################################################### @api.depends('employee_id', 'holiday_status_id') def _compute_display_name(self): super()._compute_display_name() def onchange(self, values, field_name, field_onchange): # Try to force the leave_type name_get when creating new records # This is called right after pressing create and returns the name_get for # most fields in the view. if field_onchange.get('employee_id') and 'employee_id' not in self._context and values: employee_id = get_employee_from_context(values, self._context, self.env.user.employee_id.id) self = self.with_context(employee_id=employee_id) return super().onchange(values, field_name, field_onchange) def name_get(self): res = [] for leave in self: user_tz = timezone(leave.tz) date_from_utc = leave.date_from and leave.date_from.astimezone(user_tz).date() date_to_utc = leave.date_to and leave.date_to.astimezone(user_tz).date() if self.env.context.get('short_name'): if leave.leave_type_request_unit == 'hour': res.append((leave.id, _("%s : %.2f hours") % (leave.name or leave.holiday_status_id.name, leave.number_of_hours_display))) else: res.append((leave.id, _("%s : %.2f days") % (leave.name or leave.holiday_status_id.name, leave.number_of_days))) else: if leave.holiday_type == 'company': target = leave.mode_company_id.name elif leave.holiday_type == 'department': target = leave.department_id.name elif leave.holiday_type == 'category': target = leave.category_id.name elif leave.employee_id: target = leave.employee_id.name else: target = ', '.join(leave.employee_ids.mapped('name')) display_date = format_date(self.env, date_from_utc) or "" if leave.leave_type_request_unit == 'hour': if self.env.context.get('hide_employee_name') and 'employee_id' in self.env.context.get('group_by', []): res.append(( leave.id, _("%(person)s on %(leave_type)s: %(duration).2f hours on %(date)s", person=target, leave_type=leave.holiday_status_id.name, duration=leave.number_of_hours_display, date=display_date, ) )) else: res.append(( leave.id, _("%(person)s on %(leave_type)s: %(duration).2f hours on %(date)s", person=target, leave_type=leave.holiday_status_id.name, duration=leave.number_of_hours_display, date=display_date, ) )) else: if leave.number_of_days > 1 and date_from_utc and date_to_utc: display_date += ' - %s' % format_date(self.env, date_to_utc) or "" if not target or self.env.context.get('hide_employee_name') and 'employee_id' in self.env.context.get('group_by', []): res.append(( leave.id, _("%(leave_type)s: %(duration).2f days (%(start)s)", leave_type=leave.holiday_status_id.name, duration=leave.number_of_days, start=display_date, ) )) else: res.append(( leave.id, _("%(person)s on %(leave_type)s: %(duration).2f days (%(start)s)", person=target, leave_type=leave.holiday_status_id.name, duration=leave.number_of_days, start=display_date, ) )) return res def add_follower(self, employee_id): employee = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(employee_id) if employee.user_id: self.message_subscribe(partner_ids=employee.user_id.partner_id.ids) @api.constrains('holiday_allocation_id') def _check_allocation_id(self): # Deprecated as part of https://github.com/odoo/odoo/pull/96545 # TODO: remove in master return @api.constrains('holiday_allocation_id', 'date_to', 'date_from') def _check_leave_type_validity(self): # Deprecated as part of https://github.com/odoo/odoo/pull/96545 # TODO: remove in master return @api.constrains('date_from', 'date_to') def _check_stress_day(self): is_leave_user = self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user') if not is_leave_user and any(leave.has_stress_day for leave in self): raise ValidationError(_('You are not allowed to request a time off on a Stress Day.')) def _check_double_validation_rules(self, employees, state): if self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_manager'): return is_leave_user = self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user') if state == 'validate1': employees = employees.filtered(lambda employee: employee.leave_manager_id != self.env.user) if employees and not is_leave_user: raise AccessError(_('You cannot first approve a time off for %s, because you are not his time off manager', employees[0].name)) elif state == 'validate' and not is_leave_user: # Is probably handled via ir.rule raise AccessError(_('You don\'t have the rights to apply second approval on a time off request')) @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): leave_date_employees = defaultdict(list) employee_ids = [] for values in vals_list: if values.get('employee_id'): employee_ids.append(values['employee_id']) if values.get('date_from') and values.get('date_to'): date_from = fields.Datetime.to_datetime(values['date_from']) date_to = fields.Datetime.to_datetime(values['date_to']) if values['employee_id'] not in leave_date_employees[(date_from, date_to)]: leave_date_employees[(date_from, date_to)].append(values['employee_id']) employees = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(employee_ids) if self._context.get('leave_compute_date_from_to') and employees: employee_leave_date_duration = defaultdict(dict) for (date_from, date_to), employee_ids in leave_date_employees.items(): employee_leave_date_duration[(date_from, date_to)] = self._get_number_of_days_batch(date_from, date_to, employee_ids) for values in vals_list: employee_id = values.get('employee_id') if employee_id and values.get('date_from') and values.get('date_to'): employee = employees.filtered(lambda emp: emp.id == employee_id) date_from = values.get('date_from') date_to = values.get('date_to') hour_from = values.get('date_from').time() hour_to = values.get('date_to').time() hour_from = hour_from.hour + hour_from.minute / 60 hour_to = hour_to.hour + hour_to.minute / 60 values['date_from'] = self._get_start_or_end_from_attendance(hour_from, date_from.date(), employee) values['date_to'] = self._get_start_or_end_from_attendance(hour_to, date_to.date(), employee) values['request_date_from'], values['request_date_to'] = values['date_from'].date(), values['date_to'].date() values['number_of_days'] = values.get('number_of_days', employee_leave_date_duration[(date_from, date_to)][values['employee_id']]['days']) """ Override to avoid automatic logging of creation """ if not self._context.get('leave_fast_create'): leave_types = self.env['hr.leave.type'].browse([values.get('holiday_status_id') for values in vals_list if values.get('holiday_status_id')]) mapped_validation_type = {leave_type.id: leave_type.leave_validation_type for leave_type in leave_types} for values in vals_list: employee_id = values.get('employee_id', False) leave_type_id = values.get('holiday_status_id') # Handle automatic department_id if not values.get('department_id'): values.update({'department_id': employees.filtered(lambda emp: emp.id == employee_id).department_id.id}) # Handle no_validation if mapped_validation_type[leave_type_id] == 'no_validation': values.update({'state': 'confirm'}) if 'state' not in values: # To mimic the behavior of compute_state that was always triggered, as the field was readonly values['state'] = 'confirm' if mapped_validation_type[leave_type_id] != 'no_validation' else 'draft' # Handle double validation if mapped_validation_type[leave_type_id] == 'both': self._check_double_validation_rules(employee_id, values.get('state', False)) holidays = super(HolidaysRequest, self.with_context(mail_create_nosubscribe=True)).create(vals_list) for holiday in holidays: if not self._context.get('leave_fast_create'): # Everything that is done here must be done using sudo because we might # have different create and write rights # eg : holidays_user can create a leave request with validation_type = 'manager' for someone else # but they can only write on it if they are leave_manager_id holiday_sudo = holiday.sudo() holiday_sudo.add_follower(holiday.employee_id.id) if holiday.validation_type == 'manager': holiday_sudo.message_subscribe(partner_ids=holiday.employee_id.leave_manager_id.partner_id.ids) if holiday.validation_type == 'no_validation': # Automatic validation should be done in sudo, because user might not have the rights to do it by himself holiday_sudo.action_validate() holiday_sudo.message_subscribe(partner_ids=[holiday._get_responsible_for_approval().partner_id.id]) holiday_sudo.message_post(body=_("The time off has been automatically approved"), subtype_xmlid="mail.mt_comment") # Message from OdooBot (sudo) elif not self._context.get('import_file'): holiday_sudo.activity_update() return holidays def write(self, values): if 'active' in values and not self.env.context.get('from_cancel_wizard'): raise UserError(_("You can't manually archive/unarchive a time off.")) is_officer = self.env.user.has_group('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user') or self.env.is_superuser() if not is_officer and values.keys() - {'attachment_ids', 'supported_attachment_ids', 'message_main_attachment_id'}: if any(hol.date_from.date() < fields.Date.today() and hol.employee_id.leave_manager_id != self.env.user and hol.state not in ('confirm', 'draft') for hol in self): raise UserError(_('You must have manager rights to modify/validate a time off that already begun')) # Unlink existing resource.calendar.leaves for validated time off if 'state' in values and values['state'] != 'validate': validated_leaves = self.filtered(lambda l: l.state == 'validate') validated_leaves._remove_resource_leave() employee_id = values.get('employee_id', False) if not self.env.context.get('leave_fast_create'): if values.get('state'): self._check_approval_update(values['state']) if any(holiday.validation_type == 'both' for holiday in self): if values.get('employee_id'): employees = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(values.get('employee_id')) else: employees = self.mapped('employee_id') self._check_double_validation_rules(employees, values['state']) if 'date_from' in values: values['request_date_from'] = values['date_from'] if 'date_to' in values: values['request_date_to'] = values['date_to'] result = super(HolidaysRequest, self).write(values) if not self.env.context.get('leave_fast_create'): for holiday in self: if employee_id: holiday.add_follower(employee_id) return result @api.ondelete(at_uninstall=False) def _unlink_if_correct_states(self): error_message = _('You cannot delete a time off which is in %s state') state_description_values = {elem[0]: elem[1] for elem in self._fields['state']._description_selection(self.env)} now = fields.Datetime.now().date() if not self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user'): for hol in self: if hol.state not in ['draft', 'confirm']: raise UserError(error_message % state_description_values.get(self[:1].state)) if hol.date_from.date() < now: raise UserError(_('You cannot delete a time off which is in the past')) if hol.sudo().employee_ids and not hol.employee_id: raise UserError(_('You cannot delete a time off assigned to several employees')) else: for holiday in self.filtered(lambda holiday: holiday.state not in ['draft', 'cancel', 'confirm']): raise UserError(error_message % (state_description_values.get(holiday.state),)) def unlink(self): return super(HolidaysRequest, self.with_context(leave_skip_date_check=True)).unlink() def copy_data(self, default=None): if default and 'date_from' in default and 'date_to' in default: default['request_date_from'] = default.get('date_from') default['request_date_to'] = default.get('date_to') return super().copy_data(default) elif self.state in {"cancel", "refuse"}: # No overlap constraint in these cases return super().copy_data(default) raise UserError(_('A time off cannot be duplicated.')) def _get_mail_redirect_suggested_company(self): return self.holiday_status_id.company_id @api.model def read_group(self, domain, fields, groupby, offset=0, limit=None, orderby=False, lazy=True): if not self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user') and 'private_name' in groupby: raise UserError(_('Such grouping is not allowed.')) return super(HolidaysRequest, self).read_group(domain, fields, groupby, offset=offset, limit=limit, orderby=orderby, lazy=lazy) #################################################### # Business methods #################################################### def _prepare_resource_leave_vals_list(self): """Hook method for others to inject data """ return [{ 'name': _("%s: Time Off", leave.employee_id.name), 'date_from': leave.date_from, 'holiday_id': leave.id, 'date_to': leave.date_to, 'resource_id': leave.employee_id.resource_id.id, 'calendar_id': leave.employee_id.resource_calendar_id.id, 'time_type': leave.holiday_status_id.time_type, } for leave in self] def _create_resource_leave(self): """ This method will create entry in resource calendar time off object at the time of holidays validated :returns: created `resource.calendar.leaves` """ vals_list = self._prepare_resource_leave_vals_list() return self.env['resource.calendar.leaves'].sudo().create(vals_list) def _remove_resource_leave(self): """ This method will create entry in resource calendar time off object at the time of holidays cancel/removed """ return self.env['resource.calendar.leaves'].search([('holiday_id', 'in', self.ids)]).unlink() def _validate_leave_request(self): """ Validate time off requests (holiday_type='employee') by creating a calendar event and a resource time off. """ holidays = self.filtered(lambda request: request.holiday_type == 'employee' and request.employee_id) holidays._create_resource_leave() meeting_holidays = holidays.filtered(lambda l: l.holiday_status_id.create_calendar_meeting) meetings = self.env['calendar.event'] if meeting_holidays: meeting_values_for_user_id = meeting_holidays._prepare_holidays_meeting_values() Meeting = self.env['calendar.event'] for user_id, meeting_values in meeting_values_for_user_id.items(): meetings += Meeting.with_user(user_id or self.env.uid).with_context( allowed_company_ids=[], no_mail_to_attendees=True, calendar_no_videocall=True, active_model=self._name ).create(meeting_values) Holiday = self.env['hr.leave'] for meeting in meetings: Holiday.browse(meeting.res_id).meeting_id = meeting def _prepare_holidays_meeting_values(self): result = defaultdict(list) company_calendar = self.env.company.resource_calendar_id for holiday in self: calendar = holiday.employee_id.resource_calendar_id or company_calendar user = holiday.user_id if holiday.leave_type_request_unit == 'hour': meeting_name = _("%s on Time Off : %.2f hour(s)") % (holiday.employee_id.name or holiday.category_id.name, holiday.number_of_hours_display) else: meeting_name = _("%s on Time Off : %.2f day(s)") % (holiday.employee_id.name or holiday.category_id.name, holiday.number_of_days) meeting_values = { 'name': meeting_name, 'duration': holiday.number_of_days * (calendar.hours_per_day or HOURS_PER_DAY), 'description': holiday.notes, 'user_id': user.id, 'start': holiday.date_from, 'stop': holiday.date_to, 'allday': False, 'privacy': 'confidential', 'event_tz': user.tz, 'activity_ids': [(5, 0, 0)], 'res_id': holiday.id, } # Add the partner_id (if exist) as an attendee if user and user.partner_id: meeting_values['partner_ids'] = [ (4, user.partner_id.id)] result[user.id].append(meeting_values) return result def _prepare_employees_holiday_values(self, employees): self.ensure_one() date_from = self.date_from date_to = self.date_to # Use the start and end of the day to calculate the number of days of the leave if there is more than 1 # schedule as self.date_from and self.date_to are relative to the company's main schedule and hours worked # on a different schedule earlier or later than the company's schedule wouldn't count in the calculation of # the number of days of the leave. if not self.request_unit_hours and not self.request_unit_half and len(employees.resource_calendar_id) > 1: date_from = datetime.combine(date_from, time.min) date_to = datetime.combine(date_to, time.max) work_days_data = employees._get_work_days_data_batch(date_from, date_to) for employee in employees: if self.request_unit_hours: hour_from = self.date_from.time() hour_to = self.date_to.time() else: day_period = False if self.request_unit_half: day_period = 'morning' if self.request_date_from_period == 'am' else 'afternoon' attendance_from, attendance_to = self.with_context(day_period=day_period)._get_attendances(employee, date_from.date(), date_to.date()) hour_from = float_to_time(attendance_from.hour_from) hour_to = float_to_time(attendance_to.hour_to) work_days_data[employee.id]['date_from'] = datetime.combine(date_from, hour_from) work_days_data[employee.id]['date_to'] = datetime.combine(date_to, hour_to) return [{ 'name': self.name, 'holiday_type': 'employee', 'holiday_status_id': self.holiday_status_id.id, 'date_from': work_days_data[employee.id]['date_from'], 'date_to': work_days_data[employee.id]['date_to'], 'request_date_from': self.request_date_from, 'request_date_to': self.request_date_to, 'notes': self.notes, 'number_of_days': 0.5 if self.request_unit_half and work_days_data[employee.id]['hours'] > 0 else work_days_data[employee.id]['days'], 'parent_id': self.id, 'employee_id': employee.id, 'employee_ids': employee, 'state': 'validate', } for employee in employees if work_days_data[employee.id]['days']] def action_cancel(self): self.ensure_one() return { 'name': _('Cancel Time Off'), 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'target': 'new', 'res_model': 'hr.holidays.cancel.leave', 'view_mode': 'form', 'views': [[False, 'form']], 'context': { 'default_leave_id': self.id, } } def action_draft(self): if any(holiday.state not in ['confirm', 'refuse'] for holiday in self): raise UserError(_('Time off request state must be "Refused" or "To Approve" in order to be reset to draft.')) self.write({ 'state': 'draft', 'first_approver_id': False, 'second_approver_id': False, }) linked_requests = self.mapped('linked_request_ids') if linked_requests: linked_requests.action_draft() linked_requests.unlink() self.activity_update() return True def action_confirm(self): if self.filtered(lambda holiday: holiday.state != 'draft'): raise UserError(_('Time off request must be in Draft state ("To Submit") in order to confirm it.')) self.write({'state': 'confirm'}) holidays = self.filtered(lambda leave: leave.validation_type == 'no_validation') if holidays: # Automatic validation should be done in sudo, because user might not have the rights to do it by himself holidays.sudo().action_validate() self.activity_update() return True def action_approve(self): # if validation_type == 'both': this method is the first approval approval # if validation_type != 'both': this method calls action_validate() below if any(holiday.state != 'confirm' for holiday in self): raise UserError(_('Time off request must be confirmed ("To Approve") in order to approve it.')) current_employee = self.env.user.employee_id self.filtered(lambda hol: hol.validation_type == 'both').write({'state': 'validate1', 'first_approver_id': current_employee.id}) # Post a second message, more verbose than the tracking message for holiday in self.filtered(lambda holiday: holiday.employee_id.user_id): user_tz = timezone(holiday.tz) utc_tz = pytz.utc.localize(holiday.date_from).astimezone(user_tz) holiday.message_post( body=_( 'Your %(leave_type)s planned on %(date)s has been accepted', leave_type=holiday.holiday_status_id.display_name, date=utc_tz.replace(tzinfo=None) ), partner_ids=holiday.employee_id.user_id.partner_id.ids) self.filtered(lambda hol: not hol.validation_type == 'both').action_validate() if not self.env.context.get('leave_fast_create'): self.activity_update() return True def _get_leaves_on_public_holiday(self): return self.filtered(lambda l: l.employee_id and not l.number_of_days) def _get_employees_from_holiday_type(self): self.ensure_one() if self.holiday_type == 'employee': employees = self.employee_ids elif self.holiday_type == 'category': employees = self.category_id.employee_ids elif self.holiday_type == 'company': employees = self.env['hr.employee'].search([('company_id', '=', self.mode_company_id.id)]) else: employees = self.department_id.member_ids return employees def action_validate(self): current_employee = self.env.user.employee_id leaves = self._get_leaves_on_public_holiday() if leaves: raise ValidationError(_('The following employees are not supposed to work during that period:\n %s') % ','.join(leaves.mapped('employee_id.name'))) if any(holiday.state not in ['confirm', 'validate1'] and holiday.validation_type != 'no_validation' for holiday in self): raise UserError(_('Time off request must be confirmed in order to approve it.')) self.write({'state': 'validate'}) leaves_second_approver = self.env['hr.leave'] leaves_first_approver = self.env['hr.leave'] for leave in self: if leave.validation_type == 'both': leaves_second_approver += leave else: leaves_first_approver += leave if leave.holiday_type != 'employee' or\ (leave.holiday_type == 'employee' and len(leave.employee_ids) > 1): employees = leave._get_employees_from_holiday_type() conflicting_leaves = self.env['hr.leave'].with_context( tracking_disable=True, mail_activity_automation_skip=True, leave_fast_create=True ).search([ ('date_from', '<=', leave.date_to), ('date_to', '>', leave.date_from), ('state', 'not in', ['cancel', 'refuse']), ('holiday_type', '=', 'employee'), ('employee_id', 'in', employees.ids)]) if conflicting_leaves: # YTI: More complex use cases could be managed in master if leave.leave_type_request_unit != 'day' or any(l.leave_type_request_unit == 'hour' for l in conflicting_leaves): raise ValidationError(_('You can not have 2 time off that overlaps on the same day.')) # keep track of conflicting leaves states before refusal target_states = {l.id: l.state for l in conflicting_leaves} conflicting_leaves.action_refuse() split_leaves_vals = [] for conflicting_leave in conflicting_leaves: if conflicting_leave.leave_type_request_unit == 'half_day' and conflicting_leave.request_unit_half: continue # Leaves in days if conflicting_leave.date_from < leave.date_from: before_leave_vals = conflicting_leave.copy_data({ 'date_from': conflicting_leave.date_from.date(), 'date_to': leave.date_from.date() + timedelta(days=-1), 'state': target_states[conflicting_leave.id], })[0] before_leave = self.env['hr.leave'].new(before_leave_vals) before_leave._compute_date_from_to() # Could happen for part-time contract, that time off is not necessary # anymore. # Imagine you work on monday-wednesday-friday only. # You take a time off on friday. # We create a company time off on friday. # By looking at the last attendance before the company time off # start date to compute the date_to, you would have a date_from > date_to. # Just don't create the leave at that time. That's the reason why we use # new instead of create. As the leave is not actually created yet, the sql # constraint didn't check date_from < date_to yet. if before_leave.date_from < before_leave.date_to: split_leaves_vals.append(before_leave._convert_to_write(before_leave._cache)) if conflicting_leave.date_to > leave.date_to: after_leave_vals = conflicting_leave.copy_data({ 'date_from': leave.date_to.date() + timedelta(days=1), 'date_to': conflicting_leave.date_to.date(), 'state': target_states[conflicting_leave.id], })[0] after_leave = self.env['hr.leave'].new(after_leave_vals) after_leave._compute_date_from_to() # Could happen for part-time contract, that time off is not necessary # anymore. if after_leave.date_from < after_leave.date_to: split_leaves_vals.append(after_leave._convert_to_write(after_leave._cache)) split_leaves = self.env['hr.leave'].with_context( tracking_disable=True, mail_activity_automation_skip=True, leave_fast_create=True, leave_skip_state_check=True ).create(split_leaves_vals) split_leaves.filtered(lambda l: l.state in 'validate')._validate_leave_request() values = leave._prepare_employees_holiday_values(employees) leaves = self.env['hr.leave'].with_context( tracking_disable=True, mail_activity_automation_skip=True, leave_fast_create=True, no_calendar_sync=True, leave_skip_state_check=True, # date_from and date_to are computed based on the employee tz # If _compute_date_from_to is used instead, it will trigger _compute_number_of_days # and create a conflict on the number of days calculation between the different leaves leave_compute_date_from_to=True, ).create(values) leaves._validate_leave_request() leaves_second_approver.write({'second_approver_id': current_employee.id}) leaves_first_approver.write({'first_approver_id': current_employee.id}) employee_requests = self.filtered(lambda hol: hol.holiday_type == 'employee') employee_requests._validate_leave_request() if not self.env.context.get('leave_fast_create'): employee_requests.filtered(lambda holiday: holiday.validation_type != 'no_validation').activity_update() return True def action_refuse(self): current_employee = self.env.user.employee_id if any(holiday.state not in ['draft', 'confirm', 'validate', 'validate1'] for holiday in self): raise UserError(_('Time off request must be confirmed or validated in order to refuse it.')) validated_holidays = self.filtered(lambda hol: hol.state == 'validate1') validated_holidays.write({'state': 'refuse', 'first_approver_id': current_employee.id}) (self - validated_holidays).write({'state': 'refuse', 'second_approver_id': current_employee.id}) # Delete the meeting self.mapped('meeting_id').write({'active': False}) # If a category that created several holidays, cancel all related linked_requests = self.mapped('linked_request_ids') if linked_requests: linked_requests.action_refuse() # Post a second message, more verbose than the tracking message for holiday in self: if holiday.employee_id.user_id: holiday.message_post( body=_('Your %(leave_type)s planned on %(date)s has been refused', leave_type=holiday.holiday_status_id.display_name, date=holiday.date_from), partner_ids=holiday.employee_id.user_id.partner_id.ids) self.activity_update() return True def _action_user_cancel(self, reason): self.ensure_one() if not self.can_cancel: raise ValidationError(_('This time off cannot be canceled.')) self._force_cancel(reason, 'mail.mt_note') def _force_cancel(self, reason, msg_subtype='mail.mt_comment'): for leave in self: leave.message_post( body=_('The time off has been canceled: %s', reason), subtype_xmlid=msg_subtype ) leave_sudo = self.sudo() leave_sudo.with_context(from_cancel_wizard=True).active = False leave_sudo.meeting_id.active = False leave_sudo._remove_resource_leave() def action_documents(self): domain = [('id', 'in', self.attachment_ids.ids)] return { 'name': _("Supporting Documents"), 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'res_model': 'ir.attachment', 'context': {'create': False}, 'view_mode': 'kanban', 'domain': domain } def _check_approval_update(self, state): """ Check if target state is achievable. """ if self.env.is_superuser(): return current_employee = self.env.user.employee_id is_officer = self.env.user.has_group('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user') is_manager = self.env.user.has_group('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_manager') for holiday in self: val_type = holiday.validation_type if not is_manager and state != 'confirm': if state == 'draft': if holiday.state == 'refuse': raise UserError(_('Only a Time Off Manager can reset a refused leave.')) if holiday.date_from and holiday.date_from.date() <= fields.Date.today(): raise UserError(_('Only a Time Off Manager can reset a started leave.')) if holiday.employee_id != current_employee: raise UserError(_('Only a Time Off Manager can reset other people leaves.')) else: if val_type == 'no_validation' and current_employee == holiday.employee_id: continue # use ir.rule based first access check: department, members, ... (see security.xml) holiday.check_access_rule('write') # This handles states validate1 validate and refuse if holiday.employee_id == current_employee\ and self.env.user != holiday.employee_id.leave_manager_id\ and not is_officer: raise UserError(_('Only a Time Off Manager can approve/refuse its own requests.')) if (state == 'validate1' and val_type == 'both') and holiday.holiday_type == 'employee': if not is_officer and self.env.user != holiday.employee_id.leave_manager_id: raise UserError(_('You must be either %s\'s manager or Time off Manager to approve this leave') % (holiday.employee_id.name)) if (state == 'validate' and val_type == 'manager') and self.env.user != (holiday.employee_id | holiday.sudo().employee_ids).leave_manager_id: if holiday.employee_id: employees = holiday.employee_id else: employees = ', '.join(holiday.employee_ids.filtered(lambda e: e.leave_manager_id != self.env.user).mapped('name')) raise UserError(_('You must be %s\'s Manager to approve this leave', employees)) if not is_officer and (state == 'validate' and val_type == 'hr') and holiday.holiday_type == 'employee': raise UserError(_('You must either be a Time off Officer or Time off Manager to approve this leave')) ################################################### # Leave modification methods ################################################### def _split_leave_on_gto(self, gto): #gto = global time off self.ensure_one() leave_start = self.date_from leave_end = self.date_to - timedelta(seconds=1) gto_start = date_utils.start_of(gto['date_from'], 'day') gto_end = date_utils.end_of(gto['date_to'], 'day') leave_tz = timezone(self.employee_id.resource_id.tz) if gto_start <= leave_start\ and gto_end > leave_start\ and gto_end < leave_end: self.write({ 'date_from': leave_tz.localize(gto_end + timedelta(seconds=1))\ .astimezone(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None) }) return self.env['hr.leave'] if gto_start > leave_start\ and gto_end < leave_end: copys = { 'date_from': self.date_from, 'date_to': leave_tz.localize(gto_start - timedelta(seconds=1))\ .astimezone(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None) } self.write({ 'date_from': leave_tz.localize(gto_end + timedelta(seconds=1))\ .astimezone(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None) }) return self.copy(copys) if gto_start > leave_start\ and gto_start < leave_end\ and gto_end >= leave_end: self.write({ 'date_to': leave_tz.localize(gto_start - timedelta(seconds=1))\ .astimezone(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None) }) return self.env['hr.leave'] # If none of the cases above is detected, that means the # leave was entirely covered by the public time off. self._force_cancel( _('a public holiday that previously covered this leave has been cancelled or amended.') ) return self.env['hr.leave'] def split_leave(self, time_domain_dict): self.ensure_one() new_leaves = self.env['hr.leave'] for global_time_off in sorted( filter(lambda r: r['date_to'] > self.date_from and r['date_from'] < self.date_to, time_domain_dict), key=lambda r: r['date_from']): new_leave = self._split_leave_on_gto(global_time_off) if new_leave: new_leaves |= new_leave return new_leaves # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Activity methods # ------------------------------------------------------------ def _get_responsible_for_approval(self): self.ensure_one() responsible = self.env.user if self.holiday_type != 'employee': return responsible if self.validation_type == 'manager' or (self.validation_type == 'both' and self.state == 'confirm'): if self.employee_id.leave_manager_id: responsible = self.employee_id.leave_manager_id elif self.employee_id.parent_id.user_id: responsible = self.employee_id.parent_id.user_id elif self.validation_type == 'hr' or (self.validation_type == 'both' and self.state == 'validate1'): if self.holiday_status_id.responsible_id: responsible = self.holiday_status_id.responsible_id return responsible def activity_update(self): to_clean, to_do = self.env['hr.leave'], self.env['hr.leave'] for holiday in self: note = _( 'New %(leave_type)s Request created by %(user)s', leave_type=holiday.holiday_status_id.name, user=holiday.create_uid.name, ) if holiday.state == 'draft': to_clean |= holiday elif holiday.state == 'confirm': holiday.with_context(short_name=False).activity_schedule( 'hr_holidays.mail_act_leave_approval', note=note, user_id=holiday.sudo()._get_responsible_for_approval().id or self.env.user.id) elif holiday.state == 'validate1': holiday.activity_feedback(['hr_holidays.mail_act_leave_approval']) holiday.with_context(short_name=False).activity_schedule( 'hr_holidays.mail_act_leave_second_approval', note=note, user_id=holiday.sudo()._get_responsible_for_approval().id or self.env.user.id) elif holiday.state == 'validate': to_do |= holiday elif holiday.state == 'refuse': to_clean |= holiday if to_clean: to_clean.activity_unlink(['hr_holidays.mail_act_leave_approval', 'hr_holidays.mail_act_leave_second_approval']) if to_do: to_do.activity_feedback(['hr_holidays.mail_act_leave_approval', 'hr_holidays.mail_act_leave_second_approval']) #################################################### # Messaging methods #################################################### def _notify_change(self, message, subtype_xmlid='mail.mt_note'): for leave in self: leave.message_post(body=message, subtype_xmlid=subtype_xmlid) recipient = None if leave.user_id: recipient = leave.user_id.partner_id.id elif leave.employee_id: recipient = leave.employee_id.address_home_id.id if recipient: self.env['mail.thread'].sudo().message_notify( body=message, partner_ids=[recipient] ) def _track_subtype(self, init_values): if 'state' in init_values and self.state == 'validate': leave_notif_subtype = self.holiday_status_id.leave_notif_subtype_id return leave_notif_subtype or self.env.ref('hr_holidays.mt_leave') return super(HolidaysRequest, self)._track_subtype(init_values) def _notify_get_recipients_groups(self, msg_vals=None): """ Handle HR users and officers recipients that can validate or refuse holidays directly from email. """ groups = super(HolidaysRequest, self)._notify_get_recipients_groups(msg_vals=msg_vals) if not self: return groups local_msg_vals = dict(msg_vals or {}) self.ensure_one() hr_actions = [] if self.state == 'confirm': app_action = self._notify_get_action_link('controller', controller='/leave/validate', **local_msg_vals) hr_actions += [{'url': app_action, 'title': _('Approve')}] if self.state in ['confirm', 'validate', 'validate1']: ref_action = self._notify_get_action_link('controller', controller='/leave/refuse', **local_msg_vals) hr_actions += [{'url': ref_action, 'title': _('Refuse')}] holiday_user_group_id = self.env.ref('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user').id new_group = ( 'group_hr_holidays_user', lambda pdata: pdata['type'] == 'user' and holiday_user_group_id in pdata['groups'], {'actions': hr_actions} ) return [new_group] + groups def message_subscribe(self, partner_ids=None, subtype_ids=None): # due to record rule can not allow to add follower and mention on validated leave so subscribe through sudo if self.state in ['validate', 'validate1']: self.check_access_rights('read') self.check_access_rule('read') return super(HolidaysRequest, self.sudo()).message_subscribe(partner_ids=partner_ids, subtype_ids=subtype_ids) return super(HolidaysRequest, self).message_subscribe(partner_ids=partner_ids, subtype_ids=subtype_ids) @api.model def get_unusual_days(self, date_from, date_to=None): employee_id = self.env.context.get('employee_id', False) employee = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(employee_id) if employee_id else self.env.user.employee_id return employee.sudo(False)._get_unusual_days(date_from, date_to) def _get_start_or_end_from_attendance(self, hour, date, employee): hour = float_to_time(float(hour)) holiday_tz = timezone(employee.tz or self.env.user.tz or 'UTC') return holiday_tz.localize(datetime.combine(date, hour)).astimezone(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None) def _get_attendances(self, employee, request_date_from, request_date_to): resource_calendar_id = employee.resource_calendar_id or self.env.company.resource_calendar_id domain = [('calendar_id', '=', resource_calendar_id.id), ('display_type', '=', False)] day_period = self.env.context.get('day_period', False) if day_period: domain += [('day_period', '=', day_period)] attendances = self.env['resource.calendar.attendance'].read_group(domain, ['ids:array_agg(id)', 'hour_from:min(hour_from)', 'hour_to:max(hour_to)', 'week_type', 'dayofweek', 'day_period'], ['week_type', 'dayofweek', 'day_period'], lazy=False) # Must be sorted by dayofweek ASC and day_period DESC attendances = sorted([DummyAttendance(group['hour_from'], group['hour_to'], group['dayofweek'], group['day_period'], group['week_type']) for group in attendances], key=lambda att: (att.dayofweek, att.day_period != 'morning')) default_value = DummyAttendance(0, 0, 0, 'morning', False) if resource_calendar_id.two_weeks_calendar: # find week type of start_date start_week_type = self.env['resource.calendar.attendance'].get_week_type(request_date_from) attendance_actual_week = [att for att in attendances if att.week_type is False or int(att.week_type) == start_week_type] attendance_actual_next_week = [att for att in attendances if att.week_type is False or int(att.week_type) != start_week_type] # First, add days of actual week coming after date_from attendance_filtred = [att for att in attendance_actual_week if int(att.dayofweek) >= request_date_from.weekday()] # Second, add days of the other type of week attendance_filtred += list(attendance_actual_next_week) # Third, add days of actual week (to consider days that we have remove first because they coming before date_from) attendance_filtred += list(attendance_actual_week) end_week_type = self.env['resource.calendar.attendance'].get_week_type(request_date_to) attendance_actual_week = [att for att in attendances if att.week_type is False or int(att.week_type) == end_week_type] attendance_actual_next_week = [att for att in attendances if att.week_type is False or int(att.week_type) != end_week_type] attendance_filtred_reversed = list(reversed([att for att in attendance_actual_week if int(att.dayofweek) <= request_date_to.weekday()])) attendance_filtred_reversed += list(reversed(attendance_actual_next_week)) attendance_filtred_reversed += list(reversed(attendance_actual_week)) # find first attendance coming after first_day attendance_from = attendance_filtred[0] # find last attendance coming before last_day attendance_to = attendance_filtred_reversed[0] else: # find first attendance coming after first_day attendance_from = next((att for att in attendances if int(att.dayofweek) >= request_date_from.weekday()), attendances[0] if attendances else default_value) # find last attendance coming before last_day attendance_to = next((att for att in reversed(attendances) if int(att.dayofweek) <= request_date_to.weekday()), attendances[-1] if attendances else default_value) return (attendance_from, attendance_to)