# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import itertools import pytz from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime, date, time from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.addons.resource.models.resource import datetime_to_string, string_to_datetime, Intervals from odoo.osv import expression from odoo.exceptions import UserError class HrContract(models.Model): _inherit = 'hr.contract' _description = 'Employee Contract' date_generated_from = fields.Datetime(string='Generated From', readonly=True, required=True, default=lambda self: datetime.now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0), copy=False) date_generated_to = fields.Datetime(string='Generated To', readonly=True, required=True, default=lambda self: datetime.now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0), copy=False) last_generation_date = fields.Date(string='Last Generation Date', readonly=True) work_entry_source = fields.Selection([('calendar', 'Working Schedule')], required=True, default='calendar', help=''' Defines the source for work entries generation Working Schedule: Work entries will be generated from the working hours below. Attendances: Work entries will be generated from the employee's attendances. (requires Attendance app) Planning: Work entries will be generated from the employee's planning. (requires Planning app) ''' ) def _get_default_work_entry_type(self): return self.env.ref('hr_work_entry.work_entry_type_attendance', raise_if_not_found=False) def _get_leave_work_entry_type_dates(self, leave, date_from, date_to, employee): return self._get_leave_work_entry_type(leave) def _get_leave_work_entry_type(self, leave): return leave.work_entry_type_id # Is used to add more values, for example planning_slot_id def _get_more_vals_attendance_interval(self, interval): return [] # Is used to add more values, for example leave_id (in hr_work_entry_holidays) def _get_more_vals_leave_interval(self, interval, leaves): return [] def _get_bypassing_work_entry_type_codes(self): return [] def _get_interval_leave_work_entry_type(self, interval, leaves, bypassing_codes): # returns the work entry time related to the leave that # includes the whole interval. # Overriden in hr_work_entry_contract_holiday to select the # global time off first (eg: Public Holiday > Home Working) self.ensure_one() for leave in leaves: if interval[0] >= leave[0] and interval[1] <= leave[1] and leave[2]: interval_start = interval[0].astimezone(pytz.utc).replace(tzinfo=None) interval_stop = interval[1].astimezone(pytz.utc).replace(tzinfo=None) return self._get_leave_work_entry_type_dates(leave[2], interval_start, interval_stop, self.employee_id) return self.env.ref('hr_work_entry_contract.work_entry_type_leave') def _get_sub_leave_domain(self): return [('calendar_id', 'in', [False] + self.resource_calendar_id.ids)] def _get_leave_domain(self, start_dt, end_dt): domain = [ ('resource_id', 'in', [False] + self.employee_id.resource_id.ids), ('date_from', '<=', end_dt), ('date_to', '>=', start_dt), ('company_id', 'in', [False, self.company_id.id]), ] return expression.AND([domain, self._get_sub_leave_domain()]) def _get_resource_calendar_leaves(self, start_dt, end_dt): return self.env['resource.calendar.leaves'].search(self._get_leave_domain(start_dt, end_dt)) def _get_attendance_intervals(self, start_dt, end_dt): # {resource: intervals} employees_by_calendar = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['hr.employee']) for contract in self: employees_by_calendar[contract.resource_calendar_id] |= contract.employee_id result = dict() for calendar, employees in employees_by_calendar.items(): result.update(calendar._attendance_intervals_batch( start_dt, end_dt, resources=employees.resource_id, tz=pytz.timezone(calendar.tz) )) return result def _get_contract_work_entries_values(self, date_start, date_stop): start_dt = pytz.utc.localize(date_start) if not date_start.tzinfo else date_start end_dt = pytz.utc.localize(date_stop) if not date_stop.tzinfo else date_stop contract_vals = [] bypassing_work_entry_type_codes = self._get_bypassing_work_entry_type_codes() attendances_by_resource = self._get_attendance_intervals(start_dt, end_dt) resource_calendar_leaves = self._get_resource_calendar_leaves(start_dt, end_dt) # {resource: resource_calendar_leaves} leaves_by_resource = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['resource.calendar.leaves']) for leave in resource_calendar_leaves: leaves_by_resource[leave.resource_id.id] |= leave tz_dates = {} for contract in self: employee = contract.employee_id calendar = contract.resource_calendar_id resource = employee.resource_id tz = pytz.timezone(calendar.tz) attendances = attendances_by_resource[resource.id] # Other calendars: In case the employee has declared time off in another calendar # Example: Take a time off, then a credit time. # YTI TODO: This mimics the behavior of _leave_intervals_batch, while waiting to be cleaned # in master. resources_list = [self.env['resource.resource'], resource] result = defaultdict(lambda: []) for leave in itertools.chain(leaves_by_resource[False], leaves_by_resource[resource.id]): for resource in resources_list: # Global time off is not for this calendar, can happen with multiple calendars in self if resource and leave.calendar_id and leave.calendar_id != calendar and not leave.resource_id: continue tz = tz if tz else pytz.timezone((resource or contract).tz) if (tz, start_dt) in tz_dates: start = tz_dates[(tz, start_dt)] else: start = start_dt.astimezone(tz) tz_dates[(tz, start_dt)] = start if (tz, end_dt) in tz_dates: end = tz_dates[(tz, end_dt)] else: end = end_dt.astimezone(tz) tz_dates[(tz, end_dt)] = end dt0 = string_to_datetime(leave.date_from).astimezone(tz) dt1 = string_to_datetime(leave.date_to).astimezone(tz) result[resource.id].append((max(start, dt0), min(end, dt1), leave)) mapped_leaves = {r.id: Intervals(result[r.id]) for r in resources_list} leaves = mapped_leaves[resource.id] real_attendances = attendances - leaves if contract.has_static_work_entries() or not leaves: # Empty leaves means empty real_leaves real_leaves = attendances - real_attendances else: # In the case of attendance based contracts use regular attendances to generate leave intervals static_attendances = calendar._attendance_intervals_batch( start_dt, end_dt, resources=resource, tz=tz)[resource.id] real_leaves = static_attendances & leaves if not contract.has_static_work_entries(): # An attendance based contract might have an invalid planning, by definition it may not happen with # static work entries. # Creating overlapping slots for example might lead to a single work entry. # In that case we still create both work entries to indicate a problem (conflicting W E). split_attendances = [] for attendance in real_attendances: if attendance[2] and len(attendance[2]) > 1: split_attendances += [(attendance[0], attendance[1], a) for a in attendance[2]] else: split_attendances += [attendance] real_attendances = split_attendances # A leave period can be linked to several resource.calendar.leave split_leaves = [] for leave_interval in leaves: if leave_interval[2] and len(leave_interval[2]) > 1: split_leaves += [(leave_interval[0], leave_interval[1], l) for l in leave_interval[2]] else: split_leaves += [(leave_interval[0], leave_interval[1], leave_interval[2])] leaves = split_leaves # Attendances default_work_entry_type = contract._get_default_work_entry_type() for interval in real_attendances: work_entry_type = 'work_entry_type_id' in interval[2] and interval[2].work_entry_type_id[:1]\ or default_work_entry_type # All benefits generated here are using datetimes converted from the employee's timezone contract_vals += [dict([ ('name', "%s: %s" % (work_entry_type.name, employee.name)), ('date_start', interval[0].astimezone(pytz.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)), ('date_stop', interval[1].astimezone(pytz.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)), ('work_entry_type_id', work_entry_type.id), ('employee_id', employee.id), ('contract_id', contract.id), ('company_id', contract.company_id.id), ('state', 'draft'), ] + contract._get_more_vals_attendance_interval(interval))] for interval in real_leaves: # Could happen when a leave is configured on the interface on a day for which the # employee is not supposed to work, i.e. no attendance_ids on the calendar. # In that case, do try to generate an empty work entry, as this would raise a # sql constraint error if interval[0] == interval[1]: # if start == stop continue leave_entry_type = contract._get_interval_leave_work_entry_type(interval, leaves, bypassing_work_entry_type_codes) interval_leaves = [leave for leave in leaves if leave[2].work_entry_type_id.id == leave_entry_type.id] interval_start = interval[0].astimezone(pytz.utc).replace(tzinfo=None) interval_stop = interval[1].astimezone(pytz.utc).replace(tzinfo=None) contract_vals += [dict([ ('name', "%s%s" % (leave_entry_type.name + ": " if leave_entry_type else "", employee.name)), ('date_start', interval_start), ('date_stop', interval_stop), ('work_entry_type_id', leave_entry_type.id), ('employee_id', employee.id), ('company_id', contract.company_id.id), ('state', 'draft'), ('contract_id', contract.id), ] + contract._get_more_vals_leave_interval(interval, interval_leaves))] return contract_vals def _get_work_entries_values(self, date_start, date_stop): """ Generate a work_entries list between date_start and date_stop for one contract. :return: list of dictionnary. """ contract_vals = self._get_contract_work_entries_values(date_start, date_stop) # {contract_id: ([dates_start], [dates_stop])} mapped_contract_dates = defaultdict(lambda: ([], [])) for x in contract_vals: mapped_contract_dates[x['contract_id']][0].append(x['date_start']) mapped_contract_dates[x['contract_id']][1].append(x['date_stop']) for contract in self: # If we generate work_entries which exceeds date_start or date_stop, we change boundaries on contract if contract_vals: #Handle empty work entries for certain contracts, could happen on an attendance based contract #NOTE: this does not handle date_stop or date_start not being present in vals dates_stop = mapped_contract_dates[contract.id][1] if dates_stop: date_stop_max = max(dates_stop) if date_stop_max > contract.date_generated_to: contract.date_generated_to = date_stop_max dates_start = mapped_contract_dates[contract.id][0] if dates_start: date_start_min = min(dates_start) if date_start_min < contract.date_generated_from: contract.date_generated_from = date_start_min return contract_vals def has_static_work_entries(self): # Static work entries as in the same are to be generated each month # Useful to differentiate attendance based contracts from regular ones self.ensure_one() return self.work_entry_source == 'calendar' def generate_work_entries(self, date_start, date_stop, force=False): # Generate work entries between 2 dates (datetime.date) # To correctly englobe the period, the start and end periods are converted # using the calendar timezone. assert not isinstance(date_start, datetime) assert not isinstance(date_stop, datetime) date_start = datetime.combine(fields.Datetime.to_datetime(date_start), datetime.min.time()) date_stop = datetime.combine(fields.Datetime.to_datetime(date_stop), datetime.max.time()) contracts_by_company_tz = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['hr.contract']) for contract in self: contracts_by_company_tz[( contract.company_id, (contract.resource_calendar_id or contract.employee_id.resource_calendar_id).tz )] += contract utc = pytz.timezone('UTC') new_work_entries = self.env['hr.work.entry'] for (company, contract_tz), contracts in contracts_by_company_tz.items(): tz = pytz.timezone(contract_tz) if contract_tz else pytz.utc date_start_tz = tz.localize(date_start).astimezone(utc).replace(tzinfo=None) date_stop_tz = tz.localize(date_stop).astimezone(utc).replace(tzinfo=None) new_work_entries += contracts.with_company(company).sudo()._generate_work_entries( date_start_tz, date_stop_tz, force=force) return new_work_entries def _generate_work_entries(self, date_start, date_stop, force=False): # Generate work entries between 2 dates (datetime.datetime) # This method considers that the dates are correctly localized # based on the target timezone assert isinstance(date_start, datetime) assert isinstance(date_stop, datetime) self = self.with_context(tracking_disable=True) canceled_contracts = self.filtered(lambda c: c.state == 'cancel') if canceled_contracts: raise UserError( _("Sorry, generating work entries from cancelled contracts is not allowed.") + '\n%s' % ( ', '.join(canceled_contracts.mapped('name')))) vals_list = [] self.write({'last_generation_date': fields.Date.today()}) intervals_to_generate = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['hr.contract']) # In case the date_generated_from == date_generated_to, move it to the date_start to # avoid trying to generate several months/years of history for old contracts for which # we've never generated the work entries. self.filtered(lambda c: c.date_generated_from == c.date_generated_to).write({ 'date_generated_from': date_start, 'date_generated_to': date_start, }) utc = pytz.timezone('UTC') for contract in self: contract_tz = (contract.resource_calendar_id or contract.employee_id.resource_calendar_id).tz tz = pytz.timezone(contract_tz) if contract_tz else pytz.utc contract_start = tz.localize(fields.Datetime.to_datetime(contract.date_start)).astimezone(utc).replace(tzinfo=None) contract_stop = datetime.combine(fields.Datetime.to_datetime(contract.date_end or datetime.max.date()), datetime.max.time()) if contract.date_end: contract_stop = tz.localize(contract_stop).astimezone(utc).replace(tzinfo=None) if date_start > contract_stop or date_stop < contract_start: continue date_start_work_entries = max(date_start, contract_start) date_stop_work_entries = min(date_stop, contract_stop) if force: intervals_to_generate[(date_start_work_entries, date_stop_work_entries)] |= contract continue # For each contract, we found each interval we must generate # In some cases we do not want to set the generated dates beforehand, since attendance based work entries # is more dynamic, we want to update the dates within the _get_work_entries_values function is_static_work_entries = contract.has_static_work_entries() last_generated_from = min(contract.date_generated_from, contract_stop) if last_generated_from > date_start_work_entries: if is_static_work_entries: contract.date_generated_from = date_start_work_entries intervals_to_generate[(date_start_work_entries, last_generated_from)] |= contract last_generated_to = max(contract.date_generated_to, contract_start) if last_generated_to < date_stop_work_entries: if is_static_work_entries: contract.date_generated_to = date_stop_work_entries intervals_to_generate[(last_generated_to, date_stop_work_entries)] |= contract for interval, contracts in intervals_to_generate.items(): date_from, date_to = interval vals_list.extend(contracts._get_work_entries_values(date_from, date_to)) if not vals_list: return self.env['hr.work.entry'] return self.env['hr.work.entry'].create(vals_list) def _remove_work_entries(self): ''' Remove all work_entries that are outside contract period (function used after writing new start or/and end date) ''' all_we_to_unlink = self.env['hr.work.entry'] for contract in self: date_start = fields.Datetime.to_datetime(contract.date_start) if contract.date_generated_from < date_start: we_to_remove = self.env['hr.work.entry'].search([('date_stop', '<=', date_start), ('contract_id', '=', contract.id)]) if we_to_remove: contract.date_generated_from = date_start all_we_to_unlink |= we_to_remove if not contract.date_end: continue date_end = datetime.combine(contract.date_end, datetime.max.time()) if contract.date_generated_to > date_end: we_to_remove = self.env['hr.work.entry'].search([('date_start', '>=', date_end), ('contract_id', '=', contract.id)]) if we_to_remove: contract.date_generated_to = date_end all_we_to_unlink |= we_to_remove all_we_to_unlink.unlink() def _cancel_work_entries(self): if not self: return domain = [('state', '!=', 'validated')] for contract in self: date_start = fields.Datetime.to_datetime(contract.date_start) contract_domain = [ ('contract_id', '=', contract.id), ('date_start', '>=', date_start), ] if contract.date_end: date_end = datetime.combine(contract.date_end, datetime.max.time()) contract_domain += [('date_stop', '<=', date_end)] domain = expression.AND([domain, contract_domain]) work_entries = self.env['hr.work.entry'].search(domain) if work_entries: work_entries.unlink() def write(self, vals): result = super(HrContract, self).write(vals) if vals.get('date_end') or vals.get('date_start'): self.sudo()._remove_work_entries() if vals.get('state') in ['draft', 'cancel']: self._cancel_work_entries() dependendant_fields = self._get_fields_that_recompute_we() if any(key in dependendant_fields for key in vals.keys()): for contract in self: date_from = max(contract.date_start, contract.date_generated_from.date()) date_to = min(contract.date_end or date.max, contract.date_generated_to.date()) if date_from != date_to and self.employee_id: contract._recompute_work_entries(date_from, date_to) return result def _recompute_work_entries(self, date_from, date_to): self.ensure_one() if self.employee_id: wizard = self.env['hr.work.entry.regeneration.wizard'].create({ 'employee_ids': [(4, self.employee_id.id)], 'date_from': date_from, 'date_to': date_to, }) wizard.with_context(work_entry_skip_validation=True).regenerate_work_entries() def _get_fields_that_recompute_we(self): # Returns the fields that should recompute the work entries return ['resource_calendar_id', 'work_entry_source'] @api.model def _cron_generate_missing_work_entries(self): # retrieve contracts for the current month today = fields.Date.today() start = datetime.combine(today + relativedelta(day=1), time.min) stop = datetime.combine(today + relativedelta(months=1, day=31), time.max) all_contracts = self.env['hr.employee']._get_all_contracts( start, stop, states=['open', 'close']) # determine contracts to do (the ones whose generated dates have open periods this month) contracts_todo = all_contracts.filtered(lambda c:\ (c.date_generated_from > start or c.date_generated_to < stop) and\ (not c.last_generation_date or c.last_generation_date < today)) if not contracts_todo: return countract_todo_count = len(contracts_todo) # Filter contracts by company, work entries generation is not supposed to be called on # contracts from differents companies, as we will retrieve the resource.calendar.leave # and we don't want to mix everything up. The other contracts will be treated when the # cron is re-triggered contracts_todo = contracts_todo.filtered(lambda c: c.company_id == contracts_todo[0].company_id) # generate a batch of work entries BATCH_SIZE = 100 # Since attendance based are more volatile for their work entries generation # it can happen that the date_generated_from and date_generated_to fields are not # pushed to start and stop # It is more interesting for batching to process statically generated work entries first # since we get benefits from having multiple contracts on the same calendar contracts_todo = contracts_todo.sorted(key=lambda c: 1 if c.has_static_work_entries() else 100) contracts_todo = contracts_todo[:BATCH_SIZE].generate_work_entries( start.date(), stop.date(), False) # if necessary, retrigger the cron to generate more work entries if countract_todo_count > BATCH_SIZE: self.env.ref('hr_work_entry_contract.ir_cron_generate_missing_work_entries')._trigger()