# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. { 'name': 'Argentina - Accounting', 'icon': '/base/static/img/country_flags/ar.png', 'version': "3.6", 'description': """ Functional ---------- This module add accounting features for the Argentinean localization, which represent the minimal configuration needed for a company to operate in Argentina and under the AFIP (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos) regulations and guidelines. Follow the next configuration steps for Production: 1. Go to your company and configure your VAT number and AFIP Responsibility Type 2. Go to Accounting / Settings and set the Chart of Account that you will like to use. 3. Create your Sale journals taking into account AFIP POS info. Demo data for testing: * 3 companies were created, one for each AFIP responsibility type with the respective Chart of Account installed. Choose the company that fix you in order to make tests: * (AR) Responsable Inscripto * (AR) Exento * (AR) Monotributo * Journal sales configured to Pre printed and Expo invoices in all companies * Invoices and other documents examples already validated in “(AR) Responsable Inscripto” company * Partners example for the different responsibility types: * ADHOC (IVA Responsable Inscripto) * Servicios Globales (IVA Sujeto Exento) * Gritti (Monotributo) * Montana Sur. IVA Liberado in Zona Franca * Barcelona food (Cliente del Exterior) * Odoo (Proveedor del Exterior) Highlights: * Chart of account will not be automatically installed, each CoA Template depends on the AFIP Responsibility of the company, you will need to install the CoA for your needs. * No sales journals will be generated when installing a CoA, you will need to configure your journals manually. * The Document type will be properly pre selected when creating an invoice depending on the fiscal responsibility of the issuer and receiver of the document and the related journal. * A CBU account type has been added and also CBU Validation Technical --------- This module adds both models and fields that will be eventually used for the electronic invoice module. Here is a summary of the main features: Master Data: * Chart of Account: one for each AFIP responsibility that is related to a legal entity: * Responsable Inscripto (RI) * Exento (EX) * Monotributo (Mono) * Argentinean Taxes and Account Tax Groups (VAT taxes with the existing aliquots and other types) * AFIP Responsibility Types * Fiscal Positions (in order to map taxes) * Legal Documents Types in Argentina * Identification Types valid in Argentina. * Country AFIP codes and Country VAT codes for legal entities, natural persons and others * Currency AFIP codes * Unit of measures AFIP codes * Partners: Consumidor Final and AFIP """, 'author': 'ADHOC SA', 'category': 'Accounting/Localizations/Account Charts', 'depends': [ 'l10n_latam_invoice_document', 'l10n_latam_base', ], 'data': [ 'security/ir.model.access.csv', 'data/l10n_latam_identification_type_data.xml', 'data/l10n_ar_afip_responsibility_type_data.xml', 'data/account_chart_template_data.xml', 'data/account.group.template.csv', 'data/account.account.template.csv', 'data/account_chart_template_data2.xml', 'data/account_tax_group_data.xml', 'data/account_tax_template_data.xml', 'data/account_fiscal_template.xml', 'data/uom_uom_data.xml', 'data/l10n_latam.document.type.csv', 'data/l10n_latam.document.type.xml', 'data/res_partner_data.xml', 'data/res.currency.csv', 'data/res.country.csv', 'views/account_move_view.xml', 'views/res_partner_view.xml', 'views/res_company_view.xml', 'views/res_country_view.xml', 'views/afip_menuitem.xml', 'views/l10n_ar_afip_responsibility_type_view.xml', 'views/res_currency_view.xml', 'views/account_fiscal_position_view.xml', 'views/uom_uom_view.xml', 'views/account_journal_view.xml', 'views/l10n_latam_document_type_view.xml', 'views/report_invoice.xml', 'views/res_config_settings_view.xml', 'report/invoice_report_view.xml', 'data/account_chart_template_configure_data.xml', ], 'demo': [ # we create demo data on different companies (not main_company) to # allow different setups and also to allow multi-localization demo data 'demo/exento_demo.xml', 'demo/mono_demo.xml', 'demo/respinsc_demo.xml', 'demo/res_partner_demo.xml', 'demo/product_product_demo.xml', 'demo/account_customer_invoice_demo.xml', 'demo/account_customer_refund_demo.xml', 'demo/account_supplier_invoice_demo.xml', 'demo/account_supplier_refund_demo.xml', ], 'installable': True, 'assets': { 'web.assets_backend': [ 'l10n_ar/static/src/**/*', ], }, 'license': 'LGPL-3', }