# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. # Main contributor: Nicolas Bessi. Camptocamp SA # Financial contributors: Hasa SA, Open Net SA, # Prisme Solutions Informatique SA, Quod SA # Translation contributors: brain-tec AG, Agile Business Group { 'name': "Switzerland - Accounting", 'description': """ Swiss localization ================== This module defines a chart of account for Switzerland (Swiss PME/KMU 2015), taxes and enables the generation of ISR and QR-bill when you print an invoice or send it by mail. An ISR will be generated if you specify the information it needs : - The bank account you expect to be paid on must be set, and have a valid postal reference. - Your invoice must have been set assigned a bank account to receive its payment (this can be done manually, but a default value is automatically set if you have defined a bank account). - You must have set the postal references of your bank. - Your invoice must be in EUR or CHF (as ISRs do not accept other currencies) A QR-bill will be generated if: - The partner set on your invoice has a complete address (street, city, postal code and country) in Switzerland - The option to generate the Swiss QR-code is selected on the invoice (done by default) - A correct account number/QR IBAN is set on your bank journal - (when using a QR-IBAN): the payment reference of the invoice is a QR-reference The generation of the ISR and QR-bill is automatic if you meet the previous criteria. Here is how it works: - Printing the invoice will trigger the download of three files: the invoice, its ISR and its QR-bill - Clicking the 'Send by mail' button will attach three files to your draft mail : the invoice, the ISR and the QR-bill. """, 'version': '11.2', 'category': 'Accounting/Localizations/Account Charts', 'depends': ['account', 'l10n_multilang', 'base_iban', 'l10n_din5008'], 'data': [ 'security/ir.model.access.csv', 'data/l10n_ch_chart_data.xml', 'data/account.account.template.csv', 'data/l10n_ch_chart_post_data.xml', 'data/account_tax_group_data.xml', 'data/account_tax_report_data.xml', 'data/account_vat2011_data.xml', 'data/account_tax_template_data_2024.xml', 'data/account_fiscal_position_data.xml', 'data/account_fiscal_position_data_2024.xml', 'data/account_chart_template_data.xml', 'report/isr_report.xml', 'report/swissqr_report.xml', 'views/res_bank_view.xml', 'views/account_invoice_view.xml', 'views/account_invoice.xml', 'views/res_config_settings_views.xml', 'views/setup_wizard_views.xml', 'views/qr_invoice_wizard_view.xml' ], 'demo': [ 'demo/account_cash_rounding.xml', 'demo/demo_company.xml', 'demo/res_partner_demo.xml', ], 'post_init_hook': 'post_init', 'assets': { 'web.report_assets_common': [ 'l10n_ch/static/src/scss/**/*', ], }, 'license': 'LGPL-3', }