VAT Report (KMD) country Balance balance 1 - Acts and transactions subject to tax at a rate of 22% l10n_ee_vat_1 balance tax_tags 1 1¹ - Acts and transactions subject to tax at a rate of 20% l10n_ee_vat_1_1 balance tax_tags 1_1 2 - Acts and transactions subject to tax at a rate of 9% l10n_ee_vat_2 balance tax_tags 2 2¹ - Acts and transactions subject to tax at a rate of 5% l10n_ee_vat_2_1 balance tax_tags 2_1 3 - Acts and transactions subject to tax at a rate of 0%, incl. l10n_ee_vat_3 balance aggregation l10n_ee_vat_3.tax_tags + l10n_ee_vat_3_1.balance + l10n_ee_vat_3_2.balance tax_tags tax_tags 3 3.1 - Intra-Community supply of goods and services provided to a taxable person or taxable person with limited liability of another Member State, total, incl. l10n_ee_vat_3_1 balance aggregation l10n_ee_vat_3_1.tax_tags + l10n_ee_vat_3_1_1.balance tax_tags tax_tags 3_1 ec_services tax_tags 3_1_S 3.1.1 - Intra-Community supply of goods l10n_ee_vat_3_1_1 balance tax_tags 3_1_1 ec_goods tax_tags 3_1_1_G ec_triangular tax_tags 3_1_1_T 3.2 - Exportation of goods, incl. l10n_ee_vat_3_2 balance aggregation l10n_ee_vat_3_2.tax_tags + l10n_ee_vat_3_2_1.balance tax_tags tax_tags 3_2 3.2.1 - Sale to passengers with return of value added tax l10n_ee_vat_3_2_1 balance tax_tags 3_2_1 4 - Total amount of value added tax l10n_ee_vat_4 balance aggregation l10n_ee_vat_1.balance * 0.22 + l10n_ee_vat_1_1.balance * 0.2 + l10n_ee_vat_2.balance * 0.09 + l10n_ee_vat_2_1.balance * 0.05 4¹ - Value added tax payable upon the import of the goods l10n_ee_vat_4_1 balance tax_tags 4_1 5 - Total amount of input VAT subject to deduction pursuant to law, incl. l10n_ee_vat_5 balance aggregation l10n_ee_vat_5.tax_tags + l10n_ee_vat_5_1.balance + l10n_ee_vat_5_2.balance + l10n_ee_vat_5_3.balance + l10n_ee_vat_5_4.balance tax_tags tax_tags 5 5.1 - VAT paid or payable on import l10n_ee_vat_5_1 balance tax_tags 5_1 5.2 - VAT paid or payable on acquisition of fixed assets l10n_ee_vat_5_2 balance tax_tags 5_2 5.3 - VAT paid or payable on acquisition of a car used for business purposes (100%), and on acquisition of goods and receipt of services for such car l10n_ee_vat_5_3 balance tax_tags 5_3 Number of cars balance external most_recent editable;rounding=0 integer 5.4 - VAT paid or payable on acquisition of a car used partially for business purposes, and on acquisition of goods and receipt of services for such car l10n_ee_vat_5_4 balance tax_tags 5_4 Number of cars balance external most_recent editable;rounding=0 integer 6 - Intra-Community acquisitions of goods and services received from a taxable person of another Member State, total, incl. l10n_ee_vat_6 balance aggregation l10n_ee_vat_6.tax_tags + l10n_ee_vat_6_1.balance tax_tags tax_tags 6 6.1 - Intra-Community acquisitions of goods l10n_ee_vat_6_1 balance tax_tags 6_1 7 - Acquisition of other goods and services subject to VAT, incl. l10n_ee_vat_7 balance aggregation l10n_ee_vat_7.tax_tags + l10n_ee_vat_7_1.balance tax_tags tax_tags 7 7.1 - Acquisition of immovables, scrap metal, precious metal and metal products subject to value added tax under the special arrangements (VAT Act §41¹) l10n_ee_vat_7_1 balance tax_tags 7_1 8 - Supply exempt from tax l10n_ee_vat_8 balance tax_tags 8 9 - Supply of immovables, scrap metal, precious metal and metal products subject to value added tax under the special arrangements (VAT Act §41¹) and taxable value of goods to be installed or assembled in another Member State l10n_ee_vat_9 balance tax_tags 9 10 - Adjustments (+) l10n_ee_vat_10 balance tax_tags 10 11 - Adjustments (-) l10n_ee_vat_11 balance tax_tags 11 12 - Value added tax payable balance aggregation l10n_ee_vat_4.balance + l10n_ee_vat_4_1.balance - l10n_ee_vat_5.balance + l10n_ee_vat_10.balance - l10n_ee_vat_11.balance if_above(EUR(0)) 13 - Overpaid value added tax balance aggregation -(l10n_ee_vat_4.balance + l10n_ee_vat_4_1.balance - l10n_ee_vat_5.balance + l10n_ee_vat_10.balance - l10n_ee_vat_11.balance) if_above(EUR(0))