# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import psycopg2 from . import models from odoo import api, SUPERUSER_ID import logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _l10n_it_edi_add_accounts(env, company): """ Create the transition accounts """ generated_accounts_ref = {} account_templates = {account_code: env.ref(f'l10n_it_edi_withholding.{account_code}') for account_code in ['1611', '2603']} try: with env.cr.savepoint(): for account_code, account_template in account_templates.items(): template_vals = [(account_template, company.chart_template_id._get_account_vals(company, account_template, account_code, {}))] generated_accounts_ref[account_template] = company.chart_template_id._create_records_with_xmlid('account.account', template_vals, company) _logger.info("Created withholding accounts for company: %s(%s).", company.name, company.id) except psycopg2.errors.UniqueViolation: generated_accounts_ref = {} _logger.error("Cash basis transition accounts already exist for company: %s(%s).", company.name, company.id) return generated_accounts_ref def _l10n_it_edi_withholding_add_taxes(env, company): """ Create the new taxes on existing company """ templates = env['account.tax.template'] generated_taxes_ref = {} try: with env.cr.savepoint(): for xml_id in ( '20awi', '20vwi', '20awc', '20vwc', '23awo', '23vwo', '4vcp', '4acp', '4vinps', '4ainps' ): templates |= env.ref(f"l10n_it_edi_withholding.{xml_id}") generated_taxes_ref = templates._generate_tax(company) _logger.info("Created withholding taxes for company: %s(%s).", company.name, company.id) # Increase the sequence number of the old taxes multiplying it by 10 and adding 21 # so that the withholding can have sequence=10 and the pension fund sequence=20 offset = 21 all_taxes = env['account.tax'].with_context(active_test=False).search([('company_id', '=', company.id)]) for tax in all_taxes.filtered(lambda x: (x.sequence <= 20 and not x.l10n_it_pension_fund_type and not x.l10n_it_withholding_type)): if not tax.l10n_it_withholding_type and not tax.l10n_it_pension_fund_type: tax.sequence += offset _logger.info("Increased sequence number of old taxes by %s for company: %s(%s).", offset, company.name, company.id) except psycopg2.errors.UniqueViolation: generated_taxes_ref = {} _logger.error("Withholding and Pension Fund taxes already exist for company: %s(%s).", company.name, company.id) return generated_taxes_ref def _l10n_it_edi_setup_accounts_on_taxes(env, company, generated_taxes_ref, generated_accounts_ref): """ Setup the accounts on the taxes, after the accounts have been created """ # Set the transition account for tax, value in generated_taxes_ref['account_dict']['account.tax'].items(): transition_account = value['cash_basis_transition_account_id'] if transition_account: tax.cash_basis_transition_account_id = generated_accounts_ref.get(transition_account) # The tax repartition lines accounts has already been generated from the template by l10n_it referenced_accounts = {} repartitions_dict = generated_taxes_ref['account_dict']['account.tax.repartition.line'] for dummy, value_dict in repartitions_dict.items(): account_template = value_dict['account_id'] template_xml_id = account_template.get_external_id()[account_template.id] xml_id = template_xml_id.split('.') referenced_accounts[template_xml_id] = env.ref(f'{xml_id[0]}.{company.id}_{xml_id[1]}') # Set the tax repartition lines accounts on the generated taxes for repartition_line, value in repartitions_dict.items(): template = value['account_id'] if template: repartition_line.account_id = referenced_accounts[template.get_external_id()[template.id]] _logger.info("Cash Basis Transition Accounts and Repartition accounts on taxes for company: %s(%s).", company.name, company.id) def _l10n_it_edi_withholding_post_init(cr, registry): """ Existing companies that have the Italian Chart of Accounts set """ env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) chart_template = env.ref('l10n_it.l10n_it_chart_template_generic') if chart_template: for company in env['res.company'].search([('chart_template_id', '=', chart_template.id)]): _logger.info("Company %s already has the Italian localization installed, updating...", company.name) generated_taxes_ref = _l10n_it_edi_withholding_add_taxes(env, company) generated_accounts_ref = {} if not generated_taxes_ref else _l10n_it_edi_add_accounts(env, company) if generated_accounts_ref: _l10n_it_edi_setup_accounts_on_taxes(env, company, generated_taxes_ref, generated_accounts_ref)