# Author: Silvija Butko. Copyright: JSC Focusate. # Co-Authors: Eimantas Nėjus, Andrius Laukavičius. Copyright: JSC Focusate # See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. { 'name': "Lithuania - Accounting", 'version': '1.1', 'description': """ Chart of Accounts (COA) Template for Lithuania's Accounting. This module also includes: * List of available banks in Lithuania. * Tax groups. * Most common Lithuanian Taxes. * Fiscal positions. * Account Tags. """, 'license': 'LGPL-3', 'author': "Focusate", 'website': "http://www.focusate.eu", 'category': 'Accounting/Localizations/Account Charts', 'depends': [ 'l10n_multilang', ], 'data': [ 'data/account_account_tag_data.xml', 'data/account_chart_template_data.xml', 'data/account.account.template.csv', 'data/account_chart_template_setup_data.xml', 'data/res_bank_data.xml', 'data/account_tax_group_data.xml', 'data/account_tax_template_data.xml', 'data/account_fiscal_position_template_data.xml', # Try Loading COA for Current Company 'data/account_chart_template_load.xml', ], 'demo': [ 'demo/demo_company.xml', ], 'post_init_hook': 'load_translations', 'installable': True, }