from odoo import fields, models, api, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError EXEMPTION_REASON_CODES = [ ('VATEX-SA-29', 'VATEX-SA-29 Financial services mentioned in Article 29 of the VAT Regulations.'), ('VATEX-SA-29-7', 'VATEX-SA-29-7 Life insurance services mentioned in Article 29 of the VAT.'), ('VATEX-SA-30', 'VATEX-SA-30 Real estate transactions mentioned in Article 30 of the VAT Regulations.'), ('VATEX-SA-32', 'VATEX-SA-32 Export of goods.'), ('VATEX-SA-33', 'VATEX-SA-33 Export of Services.'), ('VATEX-SA-34-1', 'VATEX-SA-34-1 The international transport of Goods.'), ('VATEX-SA-34-2', 'VATEX-SA-34-1 The international transport of Passengers.'), ('VATEX-SA-34-3', 'VATEX-SA-34-3 Services directly connected and incidental to a Supply of international passenger transport.'), ('VATEX-SA-34-4', 'VATEX-SA-34-4 Supply of a qualifying means of transport.'), ('VATEX-SA-34-5', 'VATEX-SA-34-5 Any services relating to Goods or passenger transportation, as defined in article twenty five of these Regulations.'), ('VATEX-SA-35', 'VATEX-SA-35 Medicines and medical equipment.'), ('VATEX-SA-36', 'VATEX-SA-36 Qualifying metals.'), ('VATEX-SA-EDU', 'VATEX-SA-EDU Private education to citizen.'), ('VATEX-SA-HEA', 'VATEX-SA-HEA Private healthcare to citizen.'), ('VATEX-SA-OOS', 'VATEX-SA-OOS Not subject to VAT.') ] class AccountTax(models.Model): _inherit = '' l10n_sa_is_retention = fields.Boolean("Is Retention", default=False, help="Determines whether or not a tax counts as a Withholding Tax") l10n_sa_exemption_reason_code = fields.Selection(string="Exemption Reason Code", selection=EXEMPTION_REASON_CODES, help="Tax Exemption Reason Code (ZATCA)") @api.onchange('amount') def onchange_amount(self): super().onchange_amount() self.l10n_sa_is_retention = False @api.constrains("l10n_sa_is_retention", "amount", "type_tax_use") def _l10n_sa_constrain_is_retention(self): for tax in self: if tax.amount >= 0 and tax.l10n_sa_is_retention and tax.type_tax_use == 'sale': raise UserError(_("Cannot set a tax to Retention if the amount is greater than or equal 0")) class AccountTaxTemplate(models.Model): _inherit = '' l10n_sa_is_retention = fields.Boolean("Is Retention", default=False, help="Determines whether or not a tax counts as a Withholding Tax") l10n_sa_exemption_reason_code = fields.Selection(string="Exemption Reason Code", selection=EXEMPTION_REASON_CODES, help="Tax Exemption Reason Code (ZATCA)") def _get_tax_vals(self, company, tax_template_to_tax): # OVERRIDE res = super()._get_tax_vals(company, tax_template_to_tax) res['l10n_sa_is_retention'] = self.l10n_sa_is_retention res['l10n_sa_exemption_reason_code'] = self.l10n_sa_exemption_reason_code return res