# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class ServerActions(models.Model): """ Add mail.thread related options in server actions. """ _name = 'ir.actions.server' _description = 'Server Action' _inherit = ['ir.actions.server'] state = fields.Selection( selection_add=[('mail_post', 'Send Email'), ('followers', 'Add Followers'), ('next_activity', 'Create Next Activity'), ], ondelete={'mail_post': 'cascade', 'followers': 'cascade', 'next_activity': 'cascade', } ) # Followers partner_ids = fields.Many2many( 'res.partner', string='Add Followers', compute='_compute_partner_ids', readonly=False, store=True) # Message Post / Email template_id = fields.Many2one( 'mail.template', 'Email Template', domain="[('model_id', '=', model_id)]", compute='_compute_template_id', ondelete='set null', readonly=False, store=True, ) # Message post mail_post_autofollow = fields.Boolean( 'Subscribe Recipients', compute='_compute_mail_post_autofollow', readonly=False, store=True) mail_post_method = fields.Selection( selection=[('email', 'Email'), ('comment', 'Post as Message'), ('note', 'Post as Note')], string='Send as', compute='_compute_mail_post_method', readonly=False, store=True, help='Choose method for email sending:\nEMail: send directly emails\nPost as Message: post on document and notify followers\nPost as Note: log a note on document') # Next Activity activity_type_id = fields.Many2one( 'mail.activity.type', string='Activity', domain="['|', ('res_model', '=', False), ('res_model', '=', model_name)]", compute='_compute_activity_type_id', readonly=False, store=True, ondelete='restrict') activity_summary = fields.Char( 'Summary', compute='_compute_activity_info', readonly=False, store=True) activity_note = fields.Html( 'Note', compute='_compute_activity_info', readonly=False, store=True) activity_date_deadline_range = fields.Integer( string='Due Date In', compute='_compute_activity_info', readonly=False, store=True) activity_date_deadline_range_type = fields.Selection( [('days', 'Days'), ('weeks', 'Weeks'), ('months', 'Months')], string='Due type', default='days', compute='_compute_activity_info', readonly=False, store=True) activity_user_type = fields.Selection( [('specific', 'Specific User'), ('generic', 'Generic User From Record')], compute='_compute_activity_info', readonly=False, store=True, help="Use 'Specific User' to always assign the same user on the next activity. Use 'Generic User From Record' to specify the field name of the user to choose on the record.") activity_user_id = fields.Many2one( 'res.users', string='Responsible', compute='_compute_activity_info', readonly=False, store=True) activity_user_field_name = fields.Char( 'User field name', compute='_compute_activity_info', readonly=False, store=True) @api.depends('model_id', 'state') def _compute_template_id(self): to_reset = self.filtered( lambda act: act.state != 'mail_post' or \ (act.model_id != act.template_id.model_id) ) if to_reset: to_reset.template_id = False @api.depends('state', 'mail_post_method') def _compute_mail_post_autofollow(self): to_reset = self.filtered(lambda act: act.state != 'mail_post' or act.mail_post_method == 'email') if to_reset: to_reset.mail_post_autofollow = False other = self - to_reset if other: other.mail_post_autofollow = True @api.depends('state') def _compute_mail_post_method(self): to_reset = self.filtered(lambda act: act.state != 'mail_post') if to_reset: to_reset.mail_post_method = False other = self - to_reset if other: other.mail_post_method = 'email' @api.depends('state') def _compute_partner_ids(self): to_reset = self.filtered(lambda act: act.state != 'followers') if to_reset: to_reset.partner_ids = False @api.depends('model_id', 'state') def _compute_activity_type_id(self): to_reset = self.filtered( lambda act: act.state != 'next_activity' or \ (act.model_id.model != act.activity_type_id.res_model) ) if to_reset: to_reset.activity_type_id = False @api.depends('state') def _compute_activity_info(self): to_reset = self.filtered(lambda act: act.state != 'next_activity') if to_reset: to_reset.activity_summary = False to_reset.activity_note = False to_reset.activity_date_deadline_range = False to_reset.activity_date_deadline_range_type = False to_reset.activity_user_type = False to_reset.activity_user_id = False to_reset.activity_user_field_name = False to_default = self.filtered(lambda act: act.state == 'next_activity') for activity in to_default: if not activity.activity_date_deadline_range_type: activity.activity_date_deadline_range_type = 'days' if not activity.activity_user_type: activity.activity_user_type = 'specific' if not activity.activity_user_field_name: activity.activity_user_field_name = 'user_id' @api.constrains('activity_date_deadline_range') def _check_activity_date_deadline_range(self): if any(action.activity_date_deadline_range < 0 for action in self): raise ValidationError(_("The 'Due Date In' value can't be negative.")) @api.constrains('state', 'model_id') def _check_model_coherency(self): for action in self: if action.state in ('followers', 'next_activity') and action.model_id.transient: raise ValidationError(_("This action cannot be done on transient models.")) if action.state == 'followers' and not action.model_id.is_mail_thread: raise ValidationError(_("Add Followers can only be done on a mail thread models")) if action.state == 'next_activity' and not action.model_id.is_mail_activity: raise ValidationError(_("A next activity can only be planned on models that use activities.")) def _run_action_followers_multi(self, eval_context=None): Model = self.env[self.model_name] if self.partner_ids and hasattr(Model, 'message_subscribe'): records = Model.browse(self._context.get('active_ids', self._context.get('active_id'))) records.message_subscribe(partner_ids=self.partner_ids.ids) return False def _is_recompute(self): """When an activity is set on update of a record, update might be triggered many times by recomputes. When need to know it to skip these steps. Except if the computed field is supposed to trigger the action """ records = self.env[self.model_name].browse( self._context.get('active_ids', self._context.get('active_id'))) old_values = self._context.get('old_values') if old_values: domain_post = self._context.get('domain_post') tracked_fields = [] if domain_post: for leaf in domain_post: if isinstance(leaf, (tuple, list)): tracked_fields.append(leaf[0]) fields_to_check = [field for record, field_names in old_values.items() for field in field_names if field not in tracked_fields] if fields_to_check: field = records._fields[fields_to_check[0]] # Pick an arbitrary field; if it is marked to be recomputed, # it means we are in an extraneous write triggered by the recompute. # In this case, we should not create a new activity. if records & self.env.records_to_compute(field): return True return False def _run_action_mail_post_multi(self, eval_context=None): # TDE CLEANME: when going to new api with server action, remove action if not self.template_id or (not self._context.get('active_ids') and not self._context.get('active_id')) or self._is_recompute(): return False res_ids = self._context.get('active_ids', [self._context.get('active_id')]) # Clean context from default_type to avoid making attachment # with wrong values in subsequent operations cleaned_ctx = dict(self.env.context) cleaned_ctx.pop('default_type', None) cleaned_ctx.pop('default_parent_id', None) cleaned_ctx['mail_create_nosubscribe'] = True # do not subscribe random people to records cleaned_ctx['mail_post_autofollow'] = self.mail_post_autofollow if self.mail_post_method in ('comment', 'note'): records = self.env[self.model_name].with_context(cleaned_ctx).browse(res_ids) if self.mail_post_method == 'comment': subtype_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_comment') else: subtype_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_note') for record in records: record.message_post_with_template( self.template_id.id, composition_mode='comment', subtype_id=subtype_id, ) else: template = self.template_id.with_context(cleaned_ctx) for res_id in res_ids: template.send_mail( res_id, force_send=False, raise_exception=False ) return False def _run_action_next_activity(self, eval_context=None): if not self.activity_type_id or not self._context.get('active_id') or self._is_recompute(): return False records = self.env[self.model_name].browse(self._context.get('active_ids', self._context.get('active_id'))) vals = { 'summary': self.activity_summary or '', 'note': self.activity_note or '', 'activity_type_id': self.activity_type_id.id, } if self.activity_date_deadline_range > 0: vals['date_deadline'] = fields.Date.context_today(self) + relativedelta(**{ self.activity_date_deadline_range_type or 'days': self.activity_date_deadline_range}) for record in records: user = False if self.activity_user_type == 'specific': user = self.activity_user_id elif self.activity_user_type == 'generic' and self.activity_user_field_name in record: user = record[self.activity_user_field_name] if user: vals['user_id'] = user.id record.activity_schedule(**vals) return False @api.model def _get_eval_context(self, action=None): """ Override the method giving the evaluation context but also the context used in all subsequent calls. Add the mail_notify_force_send key set to False in the context. This way all notification emails linked to the currently executed action will be set in the queue instead of sent directly. This will avoid possible break in transactions. """ eval_context = super(ServerActions, self)._get_eval_context(action=action) ctx = dict(eval_context['env'].context) ctx['mail_notify_force_send'] = False eval_context['env'].context = ctx return eval_context