/** @odoo-module **/ import { getPyEnv, startServer } from '@bus/../tests/helpers/mock_python_environment'; import { nextTick } from '@mail/utils/utils'; import { getAdvanceTime } from '@mail/../tests/helpers/time_control'; import { getWebClientReady } from '@mail/../tests/helpers/webclient_setup'; import { wowlServicesSymbol } from "@web/legacy/utils"; import { registerCleanup } from "@web/../tests/helpers/cleanup"; import { getFixture, makeDeferred, patchWithCleanup } from "@web/../tests/helpers/utils"; import { doAction, getActionManagerServerData } from "@web/../tests/webclient/helpers"; const { App, EventBus } = owl; const { afterNextRender } = App; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Private //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Create a fake object 'dataTransfer', linked to some files, * which is passed to drag and drop events. * * @param {Object[]} files * @returns {Object} */ function _createFakeDataTransfer(files) { return { dropEffect: 'all', effectAllowed: 'all', files, items: [], types: ['Files'], }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public: rendering timers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Returns a promise resolved at the next animation frame. * * @returns {Promise} */ function nextAnimationFrame() { return new Promise(function (resolve) { setTimeout(() => requestAnimationFrame(() => resolve())); }); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public: test lifecycle //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function getAfterEvent({ messagingBus }) { /** * Returns a promise resolved after the expected event is received. * * @param {Object} param0 * @param {string} param0.eventName event to wait * @param {function} param0.func function which, when called, is expected to * trigger the event * @param {string} [param0.message] assertion message * @param {function} [param0.predicate] predicate called with event data. * If not provided, only the event name has to match. * @param {number} [param0.timeoutDelay=5000] how long to wait at most in ms * @returns {Promise} */ return async function afterEvent({ eventName, func, message, predicate, timeoutDelay = 5000 }) { const error = new Error(message || `Timeout: the event ${eventName} was not triggered.`); // Set up the timeout to reject if the event is not triggered. let timeoutNoEvent; const timeoutProm = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { timeoutNoEvent = setTimeout(() => { console.warn(error); reject(error); }, timeoutDelay); }); // Set up the promise to resolve if the event is triggered. const eventProm = makeDeferred(); const eventHandler = ev => { if (!predicate || predicate(ev.detail)) { eventProm.resolve(); } }; messagingBus.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler); // Start the function expected to trigger the event after the // promise has been registered to not miss any potential event. const funcRes = func(); // Make them race (first to resolve/reject wins). await Promise.race([eventProm, timeoutProm]).finally(() => { // Execute clean up regardless of whether the promise is // rejected or not. clearTimeout(timeoutNoEvent); messagingBus.removeEventListener(eventName, eventHandler); }); // If the event is triggered before the end of the async function, // ensure the function finishes its job before returning. return await funcRes; }; } function getClick({ afterNextRender }) { return async function click(selector) { await afterNextRender(() => { if (typeof selector === "string") { $(selector)[0].click(); } else if (selector instanceof HTMLElement) { selector.click(); } else { // jquery selector[0].click(); } }); }; } function getMouseenter({ afterNextRender }) { return async function mouseenter(selector) { await afterNextRender(() => document.querySelector(selector).dispatchEvent(new window.MouseEvent('mouseenter')) ); }; } function getOpenDiscuss(afterEvent, webClient, { context = {}, params, ...props } = {}) { return async function openDiscuss({ waitUntilMessagesLoaded = true } = {}) { const actionOpenDiscuss = { // hardcoded actionId, required for discuss_container props validation. id: 104, context, params, tag: 'mail.action_discuss', type: 'ir.actions.client', }; if (waitUntilMessagesLoaded) { let threadId = context.active_id; if (typeof threadId === 'string') { threadId = parseInt(threadId.split('_')[1]); } return afterNextRender(() => afterEvent({ eventName: 'o-thread-view-hint-processed', func: () => doAction(webClient, actionOpenDiscuss, { props }), message: "should wait until discuss loaded its messages", predicate: ({ hint, threadViewer }) => { return ( hint.type === 'messages-loaded' && (!threadId || threadViewer.thread.id === threadId) ); }, })); } return afterNextRender(() => doAction(webClient, actionOpenDiscuss, { props })); }; } function getOpenFormView(afterEvent, openView) { return async function openFormView(action, { props, waitUntilDataLoaded = true, waitUntilMessagesLoaded = true } = {}) { action['views'] = [[false, 'form']]; const func = () => openView(action, props); const waitData = func => afterNextRender(() => afterEvent({ eventName: 'o-thread-loaded-data', func, message: "should wait until chatter loaded its data", predicate: ({ thread }) => { return ( thread.model === action.res_model && thread.id === action.res_id ); }, })); const waitMessages = func => afterNextRender(() => afterEvent({ eventName: 'o-thread-loaded-messages', func, message: "should wait until chatter loaded its messages", predicate: ({ thread }) => { return ( thread.model === action.res_model && thread.id === action.res_id ); }, })); if (waitUntilDataLoaded && waitUntilMessagesLoaded) { return waitData(() => waitMessages(func)); } if (waitUntilDataLoaded) { return waitData(func); } if (waitUntilMessagesLoaded) { return waitMessages(func); } return func(); }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public: start function helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Main function used to make a mocked environment with mocked messaging env. * * @param {Object} [param0={}] * @param {Object} [param0.serverData] The data to pass to the webClient * @param {Object} [param0.discuss={}] provide data that is passed to the discuss action. * @param {Object} [param0.legacyServices] * @param {Object} [param0.services] * @param {function} [param0.mockRPC] * @param {boolean} [param0.hasTimeControl=false] if set, all flow of time * with `messaging.browser.setTimeout` are fully controlled by test itself. * @param {integer} [param0.loadingBaseDelayDuration=0] * @param {Deferred|Promise} [param0.messagingBeforeCreationDeferred=Promise.resolve()] * Deferred that let tests block messaging creation and simulate resolution. * Useful for testing working components when messaging is not yet created. * @param {string} [param0.waitUntilMessagingCondition='initialized'] Determines * the condition of messaging when this function is resolved. * Supported values: ['none', 'created', 'initialized']. * - 'none': the function resolves regardless of whether messaging is created. * - 'created': the function resolves when messaging is created, but * regardless of whether messaging is initialized. * - 'initialized' (default): the function resolves when messaging is * initialized. * To guarantee messaging is not created, test should pass a pending deferred * as param of `messagingBeforeCreationDeferred`. To make sure messaging is * not initialized, test should mock RPC `mail/init_messaging` and block its * resolution. * @throws {Error} in case some provided parameters are wrong, such as * `waitUntilMessagingCondition`. * @returns {Object} */ async function start(param0 = {}) { // patch _.debounce and _.throttle to be fast and synchronous. patchWithCleanup(_, { debounce: func => func, throttle: func => func, }); const { discuss = {}, hasTimeControl, waitUntilMessagingCondition = 'initialized', } = param0; const advanceTime = hasTimeControl ? getAdvanceTime() : undefined; const target = param0['target'] || getFixture(); param0['target'] = target; if (!['none', 'created', 'initialized'].includes(waitUntilMessagingCondition)) { throw Error(`Unknown parameter value ${waitUntilMessagingCondition} for 'waitUntilMessaging'.`); } const messagingBus = new EventBus(); const afterEvent = getAfterEvent({ messagingBus }); const pyEnv = await getPyEnv(); param0.serverData = param0.serverData || getActionManagerServerData(); param0.serverData.models = { ...pyEnv.getData(), ...param0.serverData.models }; param0.serverData.views = { ...pyEnv.getViews(), ...param0.serverData.views }; let webClient; await afterNextRender(async () => { webClient = await getWebClientReady({ ...param0, messagingBus }); if (waitUntilMessagingCondition === 'created') { await webClient.env.services.messaging.modelManager.messagingCreatedPromise; } if (waitUntilMessagingCondition === 'initialized') { await webClient.env.services.messaging.modelManager.messagingCreatedPromise; await webClient.env.services.messaging.modelManager.messagingInitializedPromise; } }); registerCleanup(async () => { await webClient.env.services.messaging.modelManager.messagingInitializedPromise; webClient.env.services.messaging.modelManager.destroy(); delete webClient.env.services.messaging; delete owl.Component.env.services.messaging; delete owl.Component.env[wowlServicesSymbol].messaging; delete owl.Component.env; }); const openView = async (action, options) => { action['type'] = action['type'] || 'ir.actions.act_window'; await afterNextRender(() => doAction(webClient, action, { props: options })); }; return { advanceTime, afterEvent, afterNextRender, click: getClick({ afterNextRender }), env: webClient.env, insertText, messaging: webClient.env.services.messaging.modelManager.messaging, mouseenter: getMouseenter({ afterNextRender }), openDiscuss: getOpenDiscuss(afterEvent, webClient, discuss), openView, openFormView: getOpenFormView(afterEvent, openView), pyEnv, webClient, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public: file utilities //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Drag some files over a DOM element * * @param {DOM.Element} el * @param {Object[]} file must have been create beforehand * @see testUtils.file.createFile */ function dragenterFiles(el, files) { const ev = new Event('dragenter', { bubbles: true }); Object.defineProperty(ev, 'dataTransfer', { value: _createFakeDataTransfer(files), }); el.dispatchEvent(ev); } /** * Drop some files on a DOM element * * @param {DOM.Element} el * @param {Object[]} files must have been created beforehand * @see testUtils.file.createFile */ function dropFiles(el, files) { const ev = new Event('drop', { bubbles: true }); Object.defineProperty(ev, 'dataTransfer', { value: _createFakeDataTransfer(files), }); el.dispatchEvent(ev); } /** * Paste some files on a DOM element * * @param {DOM.Element} el * @param {Object[]} files must have been created beforehand * @see testUtils.file.createFile */ function pasteFiles(el, files) { const ev = new Event('paste', { bubbles: true }); Object.defineProperty(ev, 'clipboardData', { value: _createFakeDataTransfer(files), }); el.dispatchEvent(ev); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public: input utilities //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @param {string} selector * @param {string} content */ async function insertText(selector, content) { await afterNextRender(() => { document.querySelector(selector).focus(); for (const char of content) { document.execCommand('insertText', false, char); document.querySelector(selector).dispatchEvent(new window.KeyboardEvent('keydown', { key: char })); document.querySelector(selector).dispatchEvent(new window.KeyboardEvent('keyup', { key: char })); } }); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public: DOM utilities //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Determine if a DOM element has been totally scrolled * * A 1px margin of error is given to accomodate subpixel rounding issues and * Element.scrollHeight value being either int or decimal * * @param {DOM.Element} el * @returns {boolean} */ function isScrolledToBottom(el) { return Math.abs(el.scrollHeight - el.clientHeight - el.scrollTop) <= 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Export //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ export { afterNextRender, dragenterFiles, dropFiles, insertText, isScrolledToBottom, nextAnimationFrame, nextTick, pasteFiles, start, startServer, };