# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import base64 import email import email.policy import logging import time from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import contextmanager from functools import partial from lxml import html from unittest.mock import patch from odoo.addons.base.models.ir_mail_server import IrMailServer from odoo.addons.base.tests.common import MockSmtplibCase from odoo.addons.bus.models.bus import ImBus, json_dump from odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail import MailMail from odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_message import Message from odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_notification import MailNotification from odoo.tests import common, RecordCapturer, new_test_user from odoo.tools import email_normalize, formataddr, mute_logger, pycompat from odoo.tools.translate import code_translations _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) mail_new_test_user = partial(new_test_user, context={'mail_create_nolog': True, 'mail_create_nosubscribe': True, 'mail_notrack': True, 'no_reset_password': True, 'mail_channel_nosubscribe': True}) class MockEmail(common.BaseCase, MockSmtplibCase): """ Tools, helpers and asserts for mailgateway-related tests Useful reminders Mail state: ('outgoing', 'Outgoing'), ('sent', 'Sent'), ('received', 'Received'), ('exception', 'Delivery Failed'), ('cancel', 'Cancelled') """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(MockEmail, cls).setUpClass() cls._mc_enabled = False # ------------------------------------------------------------ # GATEWAY MOCK # ------------------------------------------------------------ @contextmanager def mock_mail_gateway(self, mail_unlink_sent=False): build_email_origin = IrMailServer.build_email send_email_origin = IrMailServer.send_email mail_create_origin = MailMail.create mail_unlink_origin = MailMail.unlink self.mail_unlink_sent = mail_unlink_sent self._init_mail_mock() def _ir_mail_server_build_email(model, *args, **kwargs): self._mails.append(kwargs) self._mails_args.append(args) return build_email_origin(model, *args, **kwargs) def _mail_mail_create(model, *args, **kwargs): res = mail_create_origin(model, *args, **kwargs) self._new_mails += res.sudo() return res def _mail_mail_unlink(model, *args, **kwargs): if self.mail_unlink_sent: return mail_unlink_origin(model, *args, **kwargs) return True with self.mock_smtplib_connection(), \ patch.object(IrMailServer, 'build_email', autospec=True, wraps=IrMailServer, side_effect=_ir_mail_server_build_email) as build_email_mocked, \ patch.object(IrMailServer, 'send_email', autospec=True, wraps=IrMailServer, side_effect=send_email_origin) as send_email_mocked, \ patch.object(MailMail, 'create', autospec=True, wraps=MailMail, side_effect=_mail_mail_create), \ patch.object(MailMail, 'unlink', autospec=True, wraps=MailMail, side_effect=_mail_mail_unlink): self.build_email_mocked = build_email_mocked self.send_email_mocked = send_email_mocked yield def _init_mail_mock(self): self._mails = [] self._mails_args = [] self._new_mails = self.env['mail.mail'].sudo() @classmethod def _init_mail_gateway(cls): cls.alias_domain = 'test.com' cls.alias_catchall = 'catchall.test' cls.alias_bounce = 'bounce.test' cls.default_from = 'notifications' cls.env['ir.config_parameter'].set_param('mail.bounce.alias', cls.alias_bounce) cls.env['ir.config_parameter'].set_param('mail.catchall.domain', cls.alias_domain) cls.env['ir.config_parameter'].set_param('mail.catchall.alias', cls.alias_catchall) cls.env['ir.config_parameter'].set_param('mail.default.from', cls.default_from) cls.mailer_daemon_email = formataddr(('MAILER-DAEMON', f'{cls.alias_bounce}@{cls.alias_domain}')) @classmethod def _init_outgoing_gateway(cls): cls.env['ir.mail_server'].search([]).unlink() cls.mail_server_domain, cls.mail_server_global = cls.env['ir.mail_server'].create([ {'from_filter': 'test.com', 'name': 'Domain Based Server', 'smtp_encryption': 'none', 'smtp_host': 'smtp_host', }, {'from_filter': False, 'name': 'No FromFilter Server', 'smtp_encryption': 'none', 'smtp_host': 'smtp_host', } ]) cls.mail_servers = cls.mail_server_domain + cls.mail_server_global # ------------------------------------------------------------ # GATEWAY TOOLS # ------------------------------------------------------------ def format(self, template, to='groups@example.com, other@gmail.com', subject='Frogs', email_from='Sylvie Lelitre ', return_path='', cc='', extra='', msg_id='<1198923581.41972151344608186760.JavaMail@agrolait.com>', references='', **kwargs): if not return_path: return_path = '' return template.format( subject=subject, to=to, cc=cc, email_from=email_from, return_path=return_path, extra=extra, msg_id=msg_id, references=references, **kwargs) def format_and_process(self, template, email_from, to, subject='Frogs', cc='', return_path='', extra='', msg_id=False, model=None, target_model='mail.test.gateway', target_field='name', **kwargs): self.assertFalse(self.env[target_model].search([(target_field, '=', subject)])) if not msg_id: msg_id = "<%.7f-test@iron.sky>" % (time.time()) if kwargs.pop('debug_log', False): _logger.info( '-- Simulate routing --\n-From: %s (Return-Path %s)\n-To: %s / CC: %s\n-Message-Id: %s / Extra: %s', email_from, return_path, to, cc, msg_id, extra, ) mail = self.format(template, to=to, subject=subject, cc=cc, return_path=return_path, extra=extra, email_from=email_from, msg_id=msg_id, **kwargs) self.env['mail.thread'].message_process(model, mail) return self.env[target_model].search([(target_field, '=', subject)]) def gateway_reply_wrecord(self, template, record, use_in_reply_to=True): """ Deprecated, remove in 14.4 """ return self.gateway_mail_reply_wrecord(template, record, use_in_reply_to=use_in_reply_to) def gateway_mail_reply_last_email(self, template, force_to=False, force_rp=False, extra=False, debug_log=False): """ Tool to automatically reply to last outgoing mail. :param str force_to: simulate a forwarding (which forces the To); :param str force_rp: force return-path; """ self.assertEqual(len(self._mails), 1) mail = self._mails[0] extra = f'{extra}\n' if extra else '' extra = f'{extra}References:\r\n\t{mail["message_id"]}' with RecordCapturer(self.env['mail.message'], []) as capture_messages, \ self.mock_mail_gateway(): self.format_and_process( template, mail['email_to'][0], force_to or mail['reply_to'], extra=extra, return_path=force_rp or mail['email_to'][0], subject=f'Re: {mail["subject"]}', debug_log=debug_log, ) return capture_messages def gateway_mail_reply_wrecord(self, template, record, use_in_reply_to=True, target_model=None, target_field=None): """ Simulate a reply through the mail gateway. Usage: giving a record, find an email sent to them and use its message-ID to simulate a reply. Some noise is added in References just to test some robustness. """ mail_mail = self._find_mail_mail_wrecord(record) if use_in_reply_to: extra = 'In-Reply-To:\r\n\t%s\n' % mail_mail.message_id else: disturbing_other_msg_id = '<123456.654321@another.host.com>' extra = 'References:\r\n\t%s\n\r%s' % (mail_mail.message_id, disturbing_other_msg_id) return self.format_and_process( template, mail_mail.email_to, mail_mail.reply_to, subject='Re: %s' % mail_mail.subject, extra=extra, msg_id='<123456.%s.%d@test.example.com>' % (record._name, record.id), target_model=target_model or record._name, target_field=target_field or record._rec_name, ) def gateway_mail_reply_wemail(self, template, email_to, use_in_reply_to=True, target_model=None, target_field=None): """ Simulate a reply through the mail gateway. Usage: giving a record, find an email sent to them and use its message-ID to simulate a reply. Some noise is added in References just to test some robustness. """ sent_mail = self._find_sent_mail_wemail(email_to) if use_in_reply_to: extra = 'In-Reply-To:\r\n\t%s\n' % sent_mail['message_id'] else: disturbing_other_msg_id = '<123456.654321@another.host.com>' extra = 'References:\r\n\t%s\n\r%s' % (sent_mail['message_id'], disturbing_other_msg_id) return self.format_and_process( template, sent_mail['email_to'], sent_mail['reply_to'], subject='Re: %s' % sent_mail['subject'], extra=extra, target_model=target_model, target_field=target_field or 'name', ) def from_string(self, text): return email.message_from_string(pycompat.to_text(text), policy=email.policy.SMTP) def assertHtmlEqual(self, value, expected, message=None): tree = html.fragment_fromstring(value, parser=html.HTMLParser(encoding='utf-8'), create_parent='body') # mass mailing: add base tag we have to remove for base_node in tree.xpath('//base'): base_node.getparent().remove(base_node) # chatter: read more / read less TODO # mass mailing: add base tag we have to remove expected_node = html.fragment_fromstring(expected, create_parent='body') if message: self.assertEqual(tree, expected_node, message) else: self.assertEqual(tree, expected_node) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # GATEWAY GETTERS # ------------------------------------------------------------ def _find_sent_mail_wemail(self, email_to): """ Find a sent email with a given list of recipients. Email should match exactly the recipients. :param email-to: a list of emails that will be compared to email_to of sent emails (also a list of emails); :return email: an email which is a dictionary mapping values given to ``build_email``; """ for sent_email in self._mails: if set(sent_email['email_to']) == set([email_to]): break else: raise AssertionError('sent mail not found for email_to %s' % (email_to)) return sent_email def _filter_mail(self, status=None, mail_message=None, author=None, email_from=None): """ Filter mail generated during mock, based on common parameters :param status: state of mail.mail. If not void use it to filter mail.mail record; :param mail_message: optional check/filter on mail_message_id field aka a ``mail.message`` record; :param author: optional check/filter on author_id field aka a ``res.partner`` record; :param email_from: optional check/filter on email_from field (may differ from author, used notably in case of concurrent mailings to distinguish emails); """ filtered = self._new_mails.env['mail.mail'] for mail in self._new_mails: if status is not None and mail.state != status: continue if mail_message is not None and mail.mail_message_id != mail_message: continue if author is not None and mail.author_id != author: continue if email_from is not None and mail.email_from != email_from: continue filtered += mail return filtered def _find_mail_mail_wid(self, mail_id, status=None, mail_message=None, author=None, email_from=None): """ Find a ``mail.mail`` record based on a given ID (used notably when having mail ID in mailing traces). :return mail: a ``mail.mail`` record generated during the mock and matching given ID; """ filtered = self._filter_mail(status=status, mail_message=mail_message, author=author, email_from=email_from) for mail in filtered: if mail.id == mail_id: break else: debug_info = '\n'.join( f'From: {mail.author_id} ({mail.email_from}) - ID {mail.id} (State: {mail.state})' for mail in self._new_mails ) raise AssertionError( f'mail.mail not found for ID {mail_id} / message {mail_message} / status {status} / ' f'author {author} ({email_from})\n{debug_info}' ) return mail def _find_mail_mail_wpartners(self, recipients, status, mail_message=None, author=None, email_from=None): """ Find a mail.mail record based on various parameters, notably a list of recipients (partners). :param recipients: a ``res.partner`` recordset Check all of them are in mail recipients to find the right mail.mail record; :return mail: a ``mail.mail`` record generated during the mock and matching given parameters and filters; """ filtered = self._filter_mail(status=status, mail_message=mail_message, author=author, email_from=email_from) for mail in filtered: if all(p in mail.recipient_ids for p in recipients): break else: debug_info = '\n'.join( f'From: {mail.author_id} ({mail.email_from}) - To: {sorted(mail.recipient_ids.ids)} (State: {mail.state})' for mail in self._new_mails ) recipients_info = f'Missing: {[f"{r.name} ({r.id})" for r in recipients if r.id not in filtered.recipient_ids.ids]}' raise AssertionError( f'mail.mail not found for message {mail_message} / status {status} / recipients {sorted(recipients.ids)} ' f'/ author {author} ({email_from})\n{recipients_info}\n{debug_info}' ) return mail def _find_mail_mail_wemail(self, email_to, status, mail_message=None, author=None, email_from=None): """ Find a mail.mail record based on various parameters, notably a list of email to (string emails). :param email_to: either matching mail.email_to value, either a mail sent to a single recipient whose email is email_to; :return mail: a ``mail.mail`` record generated during the mock and matching given parameters and filters; """ filtered = self._filter_mail(status=status, mail_message=mail_message, author=author, email_from=email_from) for mail in filtered: if (mail.email_to == email_to and not mail.recipient_ids) or (not mail.email_to and mail.recipient_ids.email == email_to): break else: debug_info = '\n'.join( f'From: {mail.author_id} ({mail.email_from}) - To: {mail.email_to} / {sorted(mail.recipient_ids.mapped("email"))} (State: {mail.state})' for mail in self._new_mails ) raise AssertionError( f'mail.mail not found for message {mail_message} / status {status} / email_to {email_to} / ' f'author {author} ({email_from})\n{debug_info}' ) return mail def _find_mail_mail_wrecord(self, record, status=None, mail_message=None, author=None, email_from=None): """ Find a mail.mail record based on model / res_id of a record. :return mail: a ``mail.mail`` record generated during the mock; """ filtered = self._filter_mail(status=status, mail_message=mail_message, author=author, email_from=email_from) for mail in filtered: if mail.model == record._name and mail.res_id == record.id: break else: debug_info = '\n'.join( f'From: {mail.author_id} ({mail.email_from}) - Model{mail.model} / ResId {mail.res_id} (State: {mail.state})' for mail in self._new_mails ) raise AssertionError( f'mail.mail not found for message {mail_message} / status {status} / record {record.model}, {record.id} / author {author}\n{debug_info}' ) return mail def _find_sent_email(self, email_from, emails_to, subject=None): """ Find an outgoing email based on from / to and optional subject when having a conflict. :return sent_email: an outgoing email generated during the mock; """ sent_emails = [ mail for mail in self._mails if set(mail['email_to']) == set(emails_to) and mail['email_from'] == email_from ] if len(sent_emails) > 1 and subject: # try to better filter sent_email = next((mail for mail in sent_emails if mail['subject'] == subject), False) else: sent_email = sent_emails[0] if sent_emails else False debug_info = '' if not sent_email: debug_info = '\n-'.join('From: %s-To: %s' % (mail['email_from'], mail['email_to']) for mail in self._mails) self.assertTrue( bool(sent_email), f'Expected mail from {email_from} to {emails_to} not found in {debug_info}' ) return sent_email # ------------------------------------------------------------ # GATEWAY ASSERTS # ------------------------------------------------------------ def _assertMailMail(self, mail, recipients_list, status, email_to_recipients=None, author=None, content=None, fields_values=None, email_values=None): """ Assert mail.mail record values and maybe related emails. Allow asserting their content. Records to check are the one generated when using mock (mail.mail and outgoing emails). :param mail: a ``mail.mail`` record; :param recipients_list: an ``res.partner`` recordset or a list of emails (both are supported, see ``_find_mail_mail_wpartners`` and ``_find_mail_mail_wemail``); :param status: mail.mail state used to filter mails. If ``sent`` this method also check that emails have been sent trough gateway; :param email_to_recipients: used for assertSentEmail to find email based on 'email_to' when doing the match directly based on recipients_list being partners it nos easy (e.g. multi emails, ...); :param author: see ``_find_mail_mail_wpartners``; :param content: if given, check it is contained within mail html body; :param fields_values: if given, should be a dictionary of field names / values allowing to check ``mail.mail`` additional values (subject, reply_to, ...); :param email_values: if given, should be a dictionary of keys / values allowing to check sent email additional values (if any). See ``assertSentEmail``; """ self.assertTrue(bool(mail)) if content: self.assertIn(content, mail.body_html) # specific check for message_id being in references: we don't care about # actual value, just that they are set and message_id present in references references_message_id_check = (email_values or {}).pop('references_message_id_check', False) if references_message_id_check: message_id = mail['message_id'] self.assertTrue(message_id, 'Mail: expected value set for message_id') self.assertIn(message_id, mail.references, 'Mail: expected message_id to be part of references') email_values = dict({'message_id': message_id, 'references': mail.references}, **(email_values or {})) for fname, fvalue in (fields_values or {}).items(): with self.subTest(fname=fname, fvalue=fvalue): self.assertEqual( mail[fname], fvalue, 'Mail: expected %s for %s, got %s' % (fvalue, fname, mail[fname]) ) if status == 'sent': if email_to_recipients: recipients = email_to_recipients # already formatted else: recipients = [[r] for r in recipients_list] # one partner -> list of a single email for recipient in recipients: with self.subTest(recipient=recipient): self.assertSentEmail( email_values['email_from'] if email_values and email_values.get('email_from') else author, recipient, **(email_values or {}) ) def assertMailMail(self, recipients, status, email_to_recipients=None, mail_message=None, author=None, content=None, fields_values=None, email_values=None): """ Assert mail.mail records are created and maybe sent as emails. This method takes partners as source to find mails and check their content. See '_assertMailMail' for more details. :param recipients: a ``res.partner`` recordset. See ``_find_mail_mail_wpartners``; :param mail_message: used to find the related email; See '_assertMailMail' for more details about other parameters. """ found_mail = self._find_mail_mail_wpartners( recipients, status, mail_message=mail_message, author=author, email_from=(fields_values or {}).get('email_from'), ) self.assertTrue(bool(found_mail)) self._assertMailMail( found_mail, recipients, status, email_to_recipients=email_to_recipients, author=author, content=content, fields_values=fields_values, email_values=email_values, ) return found_mail def assertMailMailWEmails(self, emails, status, email_to_recipients=None, mail_message=None, author=None, content=None, fields_values=None, email_values=None): """ Assert mail.mail records are created and maybe sent as emails. This method takes emails as source to find mails and check their content. See '_assertMailMail' for more details. :param emails: a list of emails. See ``_find_mail_mail_wemail``; :param mail_message: used to find the related email; See '_assertMailMail' for more details about other parameters. """ found_mail = False for email_to in emails: found_mail = self._find_mail_mail_wemail( email_to, status, mail_message=mail_message, author=author, email_from=(fields_values or {}).get('email_from') ) self.assertTrue(bool(found_mail)) self._assertMailMail( found_mail, [email_to], status, email_to_recipients=email_to_recipients, author=author, content=content, fields_values=fields_values, email_values=email_values, ) return found_mail def assertMailMailWRecord(self, record, recipients, status, email_to_recipients=None, mail_message=None, author=None, content=None, fields_values=None, email_values=None): """ Assert mail.mail records are created and maybe sent as emails. This method takes a record as source to find mails and check their content using model / res_id. See '_assertMailMail' for more details. :param record: a record used to find emails sent related on it. See ``_find_mail_mail_wrecord``; :param mail_message: used to find the related email; See '_assertMailMail' for more details about other parameters. """ found_mail = self._find_mail_mail_wrecord(record, mail_message=mail_message, author=author) self.assertTrue(bool(found_mail)) self._assertMailMail( found_mail, recipients, status, email_to_recipients=email_to_recipients, author=author, content=content, fields_values=fields_values, email_values=email_values, ) return found_mail def assertMailMailWId(self, mail_id, status, email_to_recipients=None, author=None, content=None, fields_values=None): """ Assert mail.mail records are created and maybe sent as emails. Allow asserting their content. Records to check are the one generated when using mock (mail.mail and outgoing emails). This method takes partners as source of record fetch and assert. :param mail_id: a ``mail.mail`` DB ID. See ``_find_mail_mail_wid``; For other parameters, see ``_assertMailMail``. """ found_mail = self._find_mail_mail_wid(mail_id) self.assertTrue(bool(found_mail)) self._assertMailMail( found_mail, [], # generally used when recipients are Falsy status, email_to_recipients=email_to_recipients, author=author, content=content, fields_values=fields_values, ) return found_mail def assertMessageFields(self, message, fields_values): """ Just a quick helper to check a mail.message content by giving directly a dict for fields. Allows to hide a lot of assertEqual under a simple call with a dictionary of expected values. """ for fname, fvalue in fields_values.items(): with self.subTest(fname=fname, fvalue=fvalue): self.assertEqual( message[fname], fvalue, f'Message: expected {fvalue} for {fname}, got {message[fname]}', ) def assertNoMail(self, recipients, mail_message=None, author=None): """ Check no mail.mail and email was generated during gateway mock. """ try: self._find_mail_mail_wpartners(recipients, False, mail_message=mail_message, author=author) except AssertionError: pass else: raise AssertionError('mail.mail exists for message %s / recipients %s but should not exist' % (mail_message, recipients.ids)) finally: self.assertNotSentEmail(recipients) def assertNotSentEmail(self, recipients=None): """Check no email was generated during gateway mock. :param recipients: List of partner for which we will check that no email have been sent Or list of email address If None, we will check that no email at all have been sent """ if recipients is None: mails = self._mails else: all_emails = [ email_to.email if isinstance(email_to, self.env['res.partner'].__class__) else email_to for email_to in recipients ] mails = [ mail for mail in self._mails if any(email in all_emails for email in mail['email_to']) ] self.assertEqual(len(mails), 0) def assertSentEmail(self, author, recipients, **values): """ Tool method to ease the check of sent emails (going through the outgoing mail gateway, not actual records). :param author: email author, either a string (email), either a partner record; :param recipients: list of recipients, each being either a string (email), either a partner record; :param values: dictionary of additional values to check email content; """ direct_check = ['body_alternative', 'email_from', 'message_id', 'references', 'reply_to', 'subject'] content_check = ['body_alternative_content', 'body_content', 'references_content'] list_check = ['email_bcc', 'email_cc', 'email_to'] other_check = ['attachments', 'attachments_info', 'body', 'headers'] expected = {} for fname in direct_check + content_check + list_check + other_check: if fname in values: expected[fname] = values[fname] unknown = set(values.keys()) - set(direct_check + content_check + list_check + other_check) if unknown: raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported %s' % ', '.join(unknown)) if isinstance(author, self.env['res.partner'].__class__): expected['email_from'] = formataddr((author.name, email_normalize(author.email, strict=False) or author.email)) else: expected['email_from'] = author if 'email_to' in values: email_to_list = values['email_to'] else: email_to_list = [] for email_to in recipients: if isinstance(email_to, self.env['res.partner'].__class__): email_to_list.append(formataddr((email_to.name, email_normalize(email_to.email, strict=False) or email_to.email))) else: email_to_list.append(email_to) expected['email_to'] = email_to_list # fetch mail sent_mail = self._find_sent_email( expected['email_from'], expected['email_to'], values.get('subject'), ) # assert values for val in direct_check: if val in expected: self.assertEqual(expected[val], sent_mail[val], 'Value for %s: expected %s, received %s' % (val, expected[val], sent_mail[val])) if 'attachments' in expected: self.assertEqual( sorted(expected['attachments']), sorted(sent_mail['attachments']), 'Value for %s: expected %s, received %s' % ('attachments', expected['attachments'], sent_mail['attachments']) ) if 'attachments_info' in expected: attachments = sent_mail['attachments'] for attachment_info in expected['attachments_info']: attachment = next((attach for attach in attachments if attach[0] == attachment_info['name']), False) self.assertTrue( bool(attachment), f'Attachment {attachment_info["name"]} not found in attachments', ) if attachment_info.get('raw'): self.assertEqual(attachment[1], attachment_info['raw']) if attachment_info.get('type'): self.assertEqual(attachment[2], attachment_info['type']) self.assertEqual(len(expected['attachments_info']), len(attachments)) if 'body' in expected: self.assertHtmlEqual(expected['body'], sent_mail['body'], 'Value for %s: expected %s, received %s' % ('body', expected['body'], sent_mail['body'])) # beware to avoid list ordering differences (but Falsy values -> compare directly) for val in list_check: if expected.get(val): self.assertEqual(sorted(expected[val]), sorted(sent_mail[val]), 'Value for %s: expected %s, received %s' % (val, expected[val], sent_mail[val])) elif val in expected: self.assertEqual(expected[val], sent_mail[val], 'Value for %s: expected %s, received %s' % (val, expected[val], sent_mail[val])) # (partial) content check for val in content_check: if val == 'references_content' and val in expected: if not expected['references_content']: self.assertFalse(sent_mail['references']) else: for reference in expected['references_content']: self.assertIn(reference, sent_mail['references']) else: if val in expected: self.assertIn( expected[val], sent_mail[val[:-8]], 'Value for %s: %s does not contain %s' % (val, sent_mail[val[:-8]], expected[val]) ) if 'headers' in expected: for key, value in expected['headers'].items(): self.assertTrue(key in sent_mail['headers'], f'Missing key {key}') found = sent_mail['headers'][key] self.assertEqual(found, value, f'Header value for {key} invalid, found {found} instead of {value}') return sent_mail class MailCase(MockEmail): """ Tools, helpers and asserts for mail-related tests, including mail gateway mock and helpers (see ´´MockEmail´´). Useful reminders Notif type: ('inbox', 'Inbox'), ('email', 'Email') Notif status: ('ready', 'Ready to Send'), ('sent', 'Sent'), ('bounce', 'Bounced'), ('exception', 'Exception'), ('canceled', 'Canceled') Notif failure type: ("SMTP", "Connection failed (outgoing mail server problem)"), ("RECIPIENT", "Invalid email address"), ("BOUNCE", "Email address rejected by destination"), ("UNKNOWN", "Unknown error") """ _test_context = { 'mail_channel_nosubscribe': True, 'mail_create_nolog': True, 'mail_create_nosubscribe': True, 'mail_notrack': True, 'no_reset_password': True, } @classmethod def _reset_mail_context(cls, record): return record.with_context( mail_create_nolog=False, mail_create_nosubscribe=False, mail_notrack=False, ) def flush_tracking(self): """ Force the creation of tracking values. """ self.env.flush_all() self.cr.flush() # ------------------------------------------------------------ # MAIL MOCKS # ------------------------------------------------------------ @contextmanager def mock_bus(self): bus_bus_create_origin = ImBus.create self._init_mock_bus() def _bus_bus_create(model, *args, **kwargs): res = bus_bus_create_origin(model, *args, **kwargs) self._new_bus_notifs += res.sudo() return res with patch.object(ImBus, 'create', autospec=True, wraps=ImBus, side_effect=_bus_bus_create) as _bus_bus_create_mock: yield def _init_mock_bus(self): self._new_bus_notifs = self.env['bus.bus'].sudo() def _reset_bus(self): self.env['bus.bus'].sudo().search([]).unlink() @contextmanager def mock_mail_app(self): message_create_origin = Message.create notification_create_origin = MailNotification.create self._init_mock_mail() def _mail_message_create(model, *args, **kwargs): res = message_create_origin(model, *args, **kwargs) self._new_msgs += res.sudo() return res def _mail_notification_create(model, *args, **kwargs): res = notification_create_origin(model, *args, **kwargs) self._new_notifs += res.sudo() return res with patch.object(Message, 'create', autospec=True, wraps=Message, side_effect=_mail_message_create) as _mail_message_create_mock, \ patch.object(MailNotification, 'create', autospec=True, wraps=MailNotification, side_effect=_mail_notification_create) as _mail_notification_create_mock: yield def _init_mock_mail(self): self._new_msgs = self.env['mail.message'].sudo() self._new_notifs = self.env['mail.notification'].sudo() # ------------------------------------------------------------ # MAIL TOOLS # ------------------------------------------------------------ @classmethod def _add_messages(cls, record, body_content, count=1, author=None, **kwargs): """ Helper: add #count messages in record history """ author = author if author else cls.env.user.partner_id if 'email_from' not in kwargs: kwargs['email_from'] = author.email_formatted subtype_id = kwargs.get('subtype_id', cls.env.ref('mail.mt_comment').id) values = { 'model': record._name, 'res_id': record.id, 'author_id': author.id, 'subtype_id': subtype_id, } values.update(kwargs) create_vals = [dict( values, body='%s/%02d' % (body_content, counter)) for counter in range(count)] return cls.env['mail.message'].sudo().create(create_vals) @classmethod def _create_template(cls, model, template_values=None): create_values = { 'name': 'TestTemplate', 'subject': 'About {{ object.name }}', 'body_html': '


', 'model_id': cls.env['ir.model']._get(model).id, } if template_values: create_values.update(template_values) cls.email_template = cls.env['mail.template'].create(create_values) return cls.email_template def _generate_notify_recipients(self, partners, record=None): """ Tool method to generate recipients data according to structure used in notification methods. Purpose is to allow testing of internals of some notification methods, notably testing links or group-based notification details. See notably ``MailThread._notify_get_recipients()``. """ return [ {'id': partner.id, 'active': partner.active, 'is_follower': partner in record.message_partner_ids if record else False, 'groups': partner.user_ids.groups_id.ids, 'notif': partner.user_ids.notification_type or 'email', 'share': partner.partner_share, 'type': 'user' if partner.user_ids and not partner.partner_share else partner.user_ids and 'portal' or 'customer', 'ushare': all(user.share for user in partner.user_ids) if partner.user_ids else False, } for partner in partners ] # ------------------------------------------------------------ # MAIL ASSERTS WRAPPERS # ------------------------------------------------------------ @contextmanager def assertSinglePostNotifications(self, recipients_info, message_info=None, mail_unlink_sent=False): """ Shortcut to assertMsgNotifications when having a single message to check. """ r_info = dict(message_info if message_info else {}) r_info.setdefault('content', '') r_info['notif'] = recipients_info with self.assertPostNotifications([r_info], mail_unlink_sent=mail_unlink_sent): yield @contextmanager def assertPostNotifications(self, recipients_info, mail_unlink_sent=False): """ Check content of notifications. """ try: with self.mock_mail_gateway(mail_unlink_sent=mail_unlink_sent), self.mock_bus(), self.mock_mail_app(): yield finally: done_msgs, done_notifs = self.assertMailNotifications(self._new_msgs, recipients_info) self.assertEqual(self._new_msgs, done_msgs, 'Mail: invalid message creation (%s) / expected (%s)' % (len(self._new_msgs), len(done_msgs))) self.assertEqual(self._new_notifs, done_notifs, 'Mail: invalid notification creation (%s) / expected (%s)' % (len(self._new_notifs), len(done_notifs))) @contextmanager def assertBus(self, channels, message_items=None): """ Check content of bus notifications. """ try: with self.mock_bus(): yield finally: found_bus_notifs = self.assertBusNotifications(channels, message_items=message_items) self.assertEqual(self._new_bus_notifs, found_bus_notifs) @contextmanager def assertMsgWithoutNotifications(self, mail_unlink_sent=False): try: with self.mock_mail_gateway(mail_unlink_sent=mail_unlink_sent), self.mock_bus(), self.mock_mail_app(): yield finally: self.assertTrue(self._new_msgs) self.assertFalse(bool(self._new_notifs)) self.assertFalse(bool(self._new_mails)) self.assertFalse(bool(self._mails)) @contextmanager def assertNoNotifications(self): try: with self.mock_mail_gateway(mail_unlink_sent=False), self.mock_bus(), self.mock_mail_app(): yield finally: self.assertFalse(bool(self._new_msgs)) self.assertFalse(bool(self._new_notifs)) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # MAIL MODELS ASSERTS # ------------------------------------------------------------ def assertMailNotifications(self, messages, recipients_info): """ Check bus notifications content. Mandatory and basic check is about channels being notified. Content check is optional. GENERATED INPUT :param messages: generated messages to check, coming notably from the 'self._new_msgs' filled during the mock; EXPECTED :param list recipients_info: list of data dict: [ { # message values 'content': message content that should be present in message 'body' field; 'message_type': 'message_type' value (default: 'comment'), 'subtype': xml id of message subtype (default: 'mail.mt_comment'), # notifications values 'email_values': values to check in outgoing emails, check 'assertMailMail' and 'assertSentEmail'; 'mail_mail_values': values to check in generated , check 'assertMailMail'. 'fields_values' is supported for compabitility with other asserts; 'message_values': values to check in found , check 'assertMessageFields'; 'notif': list of notified recipients: [ { 'check_send': whether outgoing stuff has to be checked; 'email': NOT SUPPORTED YET, 'failure_reason': failure_reason on mail.notification; 'failure_type': 'failure_type' on mail.notification; 'is_read': 'is_read' on mail.notification; 'partner': res.partner record (may be empty), 'status': 'notification_status' on mail.notification; 'type': 'notification_type' on mail.notification; }, { ... } ], }, {...} ] PARAMETERS :param mail_unlink_sent: mock parameter, tells if mails are unlinked and therefore we are able to check outgoing emails; """ partners = self.env['res.partner'].sudo().concat(*list(p['partner'] for i in recipients_info for p in i['notif'] if p.get('partner'))) base_domain = [('res_partner_id', 'in', partners.ids)] if messages is not None: base_domain += [('mail_message_id', 'in', messages.ids)] notifications = self.env['mail.notification'].sudo().search(base_domain) done_msgs = self.env['mail.message'].sudo() done_notifs = self.env['mail.notification'].sudo() for message_info in recipients_info: # sanity check extra_keys = set(message_info.keys()) - { 'content', 'email_values', 'fields_values', 'mail_mail_values', 'message_type', 'message_values', 'notif', 'subtype', } if extra_keys: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported values: {extra_keys}') mbody, mtype = message_info.get('content', ''), message_info.get('message_type', 'comment') msubtype = self.env.ref(message_info.get('subtype', 'mail.mt_comment')) # find message if messages: message = messages.filtered(lambda message: ( mbody in message.body and message.message_type == mtype and message.subtype_id == msubtype )) else: message = self.env['mail.message'].sudo().search([ ('body', 'ilike', mbody), ('message_type', '=', mtype), ('subtype_id', '=', msubtype.id) ], limit=1, order='id DESC') self.assertTrue(message, 'Mail: not found message (content: %s, message_type: %s, subtype: %s)' % (mbody, mtype, msubtype.name)) # check message values message_values = message_info.get('message_values', {}) if message_values: self.assertMessageFields(message, message_values) # check notifications and prepare assert data email_groups = defaultdict(list) mail_groups = {'failure': [], 'outgoing': []} self.assertEqual(len(message.notification_ids), len(message_info['notif'])) for recipient in message_info['notif']: partner, ntype, ngroup, nstatus = recipient['partner'], recipient['type'], recipient.get('group'), recipient.get('status', 'sent') nis_read, ncheck_send = recipient.get('is_read', False if recipient['type'] == 'inbox' else True), recipient.get('check_send', True) if not ngroup: ngroup = 'user' if partner and not partner.user_ids: ngroup = 'customer' elif partner and partner.partner_share: ngroup = 'portal' # find notification partner_notif = notifications.filtered( lambda n: n.mail_message_id == message and n.res_partner_id == partner and n.notification_type == ntype ) self.assertEqual(len(partner_notif), 1, f'Mail: not found notification for {partner} (type: {ntype}, message: {message.id})') self.assertEqual(partner_notif.author_id, partner_notif.mail_message_id.author_id) self.assertEqual(partner_notif.is_read, nis_read) if 'failure_reason' in recipient: self.assertEqual(partner_notif.failure_reason, recipient['failure_reason']) if 'failure_type' in recipient: self.assertEqual(partner_notif.failure_type, recipient['failure_type']) self.assertEqual(partner_notif.notification_status, nstatus) # prepare further asserts if ntype == 'email': if nstatus == 'sent': if ncheck_send: email_groups[ngroup].append(partner) # when force_send is False notably, notifications are ready and emails outgoing elif nstatus == 'ready': mail_groups['outgoing'].append(partner) if ncheck_send: email_groups[ngroup].append(partner) # canceled: currently nothing checked elif nstatus == 'exception': mail_groups['failure'].append(partner) if ncheck_send: email_groups[ngroup].append(partner) # canceled: currently nothing checked elif nstatus == 'canceled': pass else: raise NotImplementedError() done_notifs |= partner_notif done_msgs |= message # check bus notifications that should be sent (hint: message author, multiple notifications) bus_notifications = message.notification_ids._filtered_for_web_client().filtered(lambda n: n.notification_status == 'exception') if bus_notifications: self.assertMessageBusNotifications(message) # check emails that should be sent (hint: mail.mail per group, email par recipient) email_values = { 'body_content': mbody, 'references_content': [message.message_id], } if message_info.get('email_values'): email_values.update(message_info['email_values']) for recipients in email_groups.values(): partners = self.env['res.partner'].sudo().concat(*recipients) if all(p in mail_groups['failure'] for p in partners): mail_status = 'exception' elif all(p in mail_groups['outgoing'] for p in partners): mail_status = 'outgoing' else: mail_status = 'sent' if not self.mail_unlink_sent: self.assertMailMail( partners, mail_status, author=message_info.get('fields_values', {}).get('author_id', message.author_id or message.email_from), mail_message=message, email_values=email_values, fields_values=message_info.get('fields_values') or message_info.get('mail_mail_values'), ) else: for recipient in partners: self.assertSentEmail( message.author_id if message.author_id else message.email_from, [recipient], **email_values ) if not any(p for recipients in email_groups.values() for p in recipients): self.assertNoMail(partners, mail_message=message, author=message.author_id) return done_msgs, done_notifs def assertMessageBusNotifications(self, message): """Asserts that the expected notification updates have been sent on the bus for the given message.""" self.assertBusNotifications([(self.cr.dbname, 'res.partner', message.author_id.id)], [{ 'type': 'mail.message/notification_update', 'payload': { 'elements': message._message_notification_format(), }, }], check_unique=False) def assertBusNotifications(self, channels, message_items=None, check_unique=True): """ Check bus notifications content. Mandatory and basic check is about channels being notified. Content check is optional. EXPECTED :param channels: list of expected bus channels, like [ (self.cr.dbname, 'mail.channel', self.channel_1.id), (self.cr.dbname, 'res.partner', self.partner_employee_2.id) ] :param message_items: if given, list of expected message making a valid pair (channel, message) to be found in bus.bus, like [ {'type': 'mail.message/notification_update', 'elements': {self.msg.id: { 'message_id': self.msg.id, 'message_type': 'sms', 'notifications': {...}, ... }} }, {...}] """ bus_notifs = self.env['bus.bus'].sudo().search([('channel', 'in', [json_dump(channel) for channel in channels])]) if check_unique: self.assertEqual(len(bus_notifs), len(channels)) self.assertEqual(set(bus_notifs.mapped('channel')), set([json_dump(channel) for channel in channels])) notif_messages = [n.message for n in bus_notifs] for expected in message_items or []: for notification in notif_messages: if json_dump(expected) == notification: break else: raise AssertionError('No notification was found with the expected value.\nExpected:\n%s\nReturned:\n%s' % (json_dump(expected), '\n'.join([n for n in notif_messages]))) return bus_notifs def assertNotified(self, message, recipients_info, is_complete=False): """ Lightweight check for notifications (mail.notification). :param recipients_info: list notified recipients: [ {'partner': res.partner record (may be empty), 'type': notification_type to check, 'is_read': is_read to check, }, {...}] """ notifications = self._new_notifs.filtered(lambda notif: notif in message.notification_ids) if is_complete: self.assertEqual(len(notifications), len(recipients_info)) for rinfo in recipients_info: recipient_notif = next( (notif for notif in notifications if notif.res_partner_id == rinfo['partner'] ), False ) self.assertTrue(recipient_notif) self.assertEqual(recipient_notif.is_read, rinfo['is_read']) self.assertEqual(recipient_notif.notification_type, rinfo['type']) def assertTracking(self, message, data): tracking_values = message.sudo().tracking_value_ids for field_name, value_type, old_value, new_value in data: tracking = tracking_values.filtered(lambda track: track.field.name == field_name) self.assertEqual(len(tracking), 1) if value_type == 'char': self.assertEqual(tracking.old_value_char, old_value) self.assertEqual(tracking.new_value_char, new_value) elif value_type in ('boolean', 'integer'): self.assertEqual(tracking.old_value_integer, old_value) self.assertEqual(tracking.new_value_integer, new_value) elif value_type == 'many2one': self.assertEqual(tracking.old_value_integer, old_value and old_value.id or False) self.assertEqual(tracking.new_value_integer, new_value and new_value.id or False) self.assertEqual(tracking.old_value_char, old_value and old_value.display_name or '') self.assertEqual(tracking.new_value_char, new_value and new_value.display_name or '') elif value_type == 'monetary': self.assertEqual(tracking.old_value_monetary, old_value) self.assertEqual(tracking.new_value_monetary, new_value) else: self.assertEqual(1, 0) class MailCommon(common.TransactionCase, MailCase): """ Almost-void class definition setting the savepoint case + mock of mail. Used mainly for class inheritance in other applications and test modules. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(MailCommon, cls).setUpClass() # give default values for all email aliases and domain cls._init_mail_gateway() cls._init_outgoing_gateway() # ensure admin configuration cls.user_admin = cls.env.ref('base.user_admin') cls.user_admin.write({ 'country_id': cls.env.ref('base.be').id, 'email': 'test.admin@test.example.com', 'notification_type': 'inbox', }) cls.partner_admin = cls.env.ref('base.partner_admin') cls.company_admin = cls.user_admin.company_id cls.company_admin.write({'email': 'company@example.com'}) # have root available at hand, just in case cls.user_root = cls.env.ref('base.user_root') cls.partner_root = cls.user_root.partner_id cls.env['ir.config_parameter'].set_param('mail.restrict.template.rendering', False) # test standard employee cls.user_employee = mail_new_test_user( cls.env, company_id=cls.company_admin.id, country_id=cls.env.ref('base.be').id, groups='base.group_user,mail.group_mail_template_editor', login='employee', name='Ernest Employee', notification_type='inbox', signature='--\nErnest' ) cls.partner_employee = cls.user_employee.partner_id @classmethod def _create_portal_user(cls): cls.user_portal = mail_new_test_user( cls.env, login='portal_test', groups='base.group_portal', company_id=cls.company_admin.id, name='Chell Gladys', notification_type='email') cls.partner_portal = cls.user_portal.partner_id return cls.user_portal @classmethod def _create_records_for_batch(cls, model, count, additional_values=None, prefix=None): additional_values = additional_values or {} records = cls.env[model] partners = cls.env['res.partner'] country_id = cls.env.ref('base.be').id base_values = [ {'name': f'{prefix}Test_{idx}', **additional_values, } for idx in range(count) ] partner_fname = False if 'partner_id' in cls.env[model]: partner_fname = 'partner_id' elif hasattr(cls.env[model], '_mail_get_partner_fields'): partner_fnames = cls.env[model]._mail_get_partner_fields() if partner_fnames: partner_fname = partner_fnames[0] if partner_fname: partners = cls.env['res.partner'].with_context(**cls._test_context).create([{ 'name': f'Partner_{idx}', 'email': f'{prefix}test_partner_{idx}@example.com', 'country_id': country_id, 'mobile': '047500%02d%02d' % (idx, idx) } for idx in range(count)]) for values, partner in zip(base_values, partners): values[partner_fname] = partner.id records = cls.env[model].with_context(**cls._test_context).create(base_values) cls.records = cls._reset_mail_context(records) cls.partners = partners return cls.records, cls.partners @classmethod def _activate_multi_company(cls): """ Create another company, add it to admin and create an user that belongs to that new company. It allows to test flows with users from different companies. """ cls._mc_enabled = True # new company cls.company_2 = cls.env['res.company'].create({ 'currency_id': cls.env.ref('base.CAD').id, 'email': 'company_2@test.example.com', 'name': 'Company 2', }) cls.user_admin.write({'company_ids': [(4, cls.company_2.id)]}) cls.company_3 = cls.env['res.company'].create({ 'email': 'company_3@test.example.com', 'name': 'Company 3', }) cls.user_employee_c2 = mail_new_test_user( cls.env, login='employee_c2', groups='base.group_user', company_id=cls.company_2.id, company_ids=[(4, cls.company_2.id)], email='enguerrand@example.com', name='Enguerrand Employee C2', notification_type='inbox', signature='--\nEnguerrand' ) cls.partner_employee_c2 = cls.user_employee_c2.partner_id # test erp manager employee cls.user_erp_manager = mail_new_test_user( cls.env, company_id=cls.company_2.id, company_ids=[(6, 0, (cls.company_admin + cls.company_2).ids)], email='etchenne@example.com', groups='base.group_user,base.group_erp_manager,mail.group_mail_template_editor', login='erp_manager', name='Etchenne Tchagada', notification_type='inbox', signature='--\nEtchenne', ) @classmethod def _activate_multi_lang(cls, lang_code='es_ES', layout_arch_db=None, test_record=False, test_template=False): """ Summary of es_ES matching done here (a bit hardcoded to ease tests) * layout * 'English Layout for' -> Spanish Layout para * model * description: English: Lang Chatter Model (depends on test_record._name) translated: Spanish Model Description * module * _('NotificationButtonTitle') -> SpanishNotificationButtonTitle (used as link button name in layout) * _('View %s') -> SpanishView %s * template * body: English:

EnglishBody for

(depends on test_template.body) translated:

SpanishBody for

* subject: English: EnglishSubject for {{ object.name }} (depends on test_template.subject) translated: SpanishSubject for {{ object.name }} """ # activate translations cls.env['res.lang']._activate_lang(lang_code) with mute_logger("odoo.addons.base.models.ir_module", "odoo.tools.translate"): cls.env.ref('base.module_base')._update_translations([lang_code]) cls.env.ref('base.module_mail')._update_translations([lang_code]) cls.env.ref('base.module_test_mail')._update_translations([lang_code]) code_translations.get_python_translations('mail', lang_code) code_translations.get_python_translations('test_mail', lang_code) # Make sure Spanish translations have not been altered if test_record: cls.env['ir.model']._get(test_record._name).with_context(lang=lang_code).name = 'Spanish Model Description' # Translate some code strings used in mailing code_translations.python_translations[('test_mail', 'es_ES')]['NotificationButtonTitle'] = 'SpanishButtonTitle' cls.addClassCleanup(code_translations.python_translations[('test_mail', 'es_ES')].pop, 'NotificationButtonTitle') code_translations.python_translations[('mail', 'es_ES')]['View %s'] = 'SpanishView %s' cls.addClassCleanup(code_translations.python_translations[('mail', 'es_ES')].pop, 'View %s') # Prepare some translated value for template if given if test_template: test_template.with_context(lang=lang_code).subject = 'SpanishSubject for {{ object.name }}' test_template.with_context(lang=lang_code).body_html = '

SpanishBody for

' # create a custom layout for email notification if not layout_arch_db: layout_arch_db = """

English Layout for

  • : ->

Sent by

""" view = cls.env['ir.ui.view'].create({ 'arch_db': layout_arch_db, 'key': 'test_layout', 'name': 'test_layout', 'type': 'qweb', }) cls.env['ir.model.data'].create({ 'model': 'ir.ui.view', 'module': 'mail', 'name': 'test_layout', 'res_id': view.id }) view.update_field_translations('arch_db', { lang_code: { 'English Layout for': 'Spanish Layout para' } }) @staticmethod def _generate_attachments_data(count, res_model, res_id, attach_values=None, prefix=None): # attachment visibility depends on what they are attached to attach_values = attach_values or {} prefix = prefix or '' return [{ 'datas': base64.b64encode(b'AttContent_%02d' % x), 'name': f'{prefix}AttFileName_{x:02d}.txt', 'mimetype': 'text/plain', 'res_model': res_model, 'res_id': res_id, **attach_values, } for x in range(count)]