# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import random import re import werkzeug from odoo import tools from odoo.addons.link_tracker.tests.common import MockLinkTracker from odoo.addons.mass_mailing.tests.common import MassMailCommon from odoo.addons.sms.tests.common import SMSCase, SMSCommon class MassSMSCase(SMSCase, MockLinkTracker): # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ASSERTS # ------------------------------------------------------------ def assertSMSStatistics(self, recipients_info, mailing, records, check_sms=True): """ Deprecated, remove in 14.4 """ return self.assertSMSTraces(recipients_info, mailing, records, check_sms=check_sms) def assertSMSTraces(self, recipients_info, mailing, records, check_sms=True, sent_unlink=False, sms_links_info=None): """ Check content of traces. Traces are fetched based on a given mailing and records. Their content is compared to recipients_info structure that holds expected information. Links content may be checked, notably to assert shortening or unsubscribe links. Sms.sms records may optionally be checked. :param recipients_info: list[{ # TRACE 'partner': res.partner record (may be empty), 'number': number used for notification (may be empty, computed based on partner), 'trace_status': outgoing / sent / cancel / bounce / error / opened (sent by default), 'record: linked record, # SMS.SMS 'content': optional: if set, check content of sent SMS; 'failure_type': error code linked to sms failure (see ``error_code`` field on ``sms.sms`` model); }, { ... }]; :param mailing: a mailing.mailing record from which traces have been generated; :param records: records given to mailing that generated traces. It is used notably to find traces using their IDs; :param check_sms: if set, check sms.sms records that should be linked to traces; :param sent_unlink: it True, sent sms.sms are deleted and we check gateway output result instead of actual sms.sms records; :param sms_links_info: if given, should follow order of ``recipients_info`` and give details about links. See ``assertLinkShortenedHtml`` helper for more details about content to give; ] """ # map trace state to sms state state_mapping = { 'sent': 'sent', 'outgoing': 'outgoing', 'error': 'error', 'cancel': 'canceled', 'bounce': 'error', } traces = self.env['mailing.trace'].search([ ('mass_mailing_id', 'in', mailing.ids), ('res_id', 'in', records.ids) ]) self.assertTrue(all(s.model == records._name for s in traces)) # self.assertTrue(all(s.utm_campaign_id == mailing.campaign_id for s in traces)) self.assertEqual(set(s.res_id for s in traces), set(records.ids)) # check each trace if not sms_links_info: sms_links_info = [None] * len(recipients_info) for recipient_info, link_info, record in zip(recipients_info, sms_links_info, records): partner = recipient_info.get('partner', self.env['res.partner']) number = recipient_info.get('number') status = recipient_info.get('trace_status', 'outgoing') content = recipient_info.get('content', None) if number is None and partner: number = partner._sms_get_recipients_info()[partner.id]['sanitized'] trace = traces.filtered( lambda t: t.sms_number == number and t.trace_status == status and (t.res_id == record.id if record else True) ) self.assertTrue(len(trace) == 1, 'SMS: found %s notification for number %s, (status: %s) (1 expected)' % (len(trace), number, status)) self.assertTrue(bool(trace.sms_sms_id_int)) if check_sms: if status == 'sent': if sent_unlink: self.assertSMSIapSent([number], content=content) else: self.assertSMS(partner, number, 'sent', content=content) elif status in state_mapping: sms_state = state_mapping[status] failure_type = recipient_info['failure_type'] if status in ('error', 'cancel', 'bounce') else None self.assertSMS(partner, number, sms_state, failure_type=failure_type, content=content) else: raise NotImplementedError() if link_info: # shortened links are directly included in sms.sms record as well as # in sent sms (not like mails who are post-processed) sms_sent = self._find_sms_sent(partner, number) sms_sms = self._find_sms_sms(partner, number, state_mapping[status]) for (url, is_shortened, add_link_params) in link_info: if url == 'unsubscribe': url = '%s/sms/%d/%s' % (mailing.get_base_url(), mailing.id, trace.sms_code) link_params = {'utm_medium': 'SMS', 'utm_source': mailing.name} if add_link_params: link_params.update(**add_link_params) self.assertLinkShortenedText( sms_sms.body, (url, is_shortened), link_params=link_params, ) self.assertLinkShortenedText( sms_sent['body'], (url, is_shortened), link_params=link_params, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # GATEWAY TOOLS # ------------------------------------------------------------ def gateway_sms_click(self, mailing, record): """ Simulate a click on a sent SMS. Usage: giving a partner and/or a number, find an SMS sent to him, find shortened links in its body and call add_click to simulate a click. """ trace = mailing.mailing_trace_ids.filtered(lambda t: t.model == record._name and t.res_id == record.id) sms_sent = self._find_sms_sent(self.env['res.partner'], trace.sms_number) self.assertTrue(bool(sms_sent)) return self.gateway_sms_sent_click(sms_sent) def gateway_sms_sent_click(self, sms_sent): """ When clicking on a link in a SMS we actually don't have any easy information in body, only body. We currently click on all found shortened links. """ for url in re.findall(tools.TEXT_URL_REGEX, sms_sent['body']): if '/r/' in url: # shortened link, like 'http://localhost:8069/r/LBG/s/53' parsed_url = werkzeug.urls.url_parse(url) path_items = parsed_url.path.split('/') code, sms_sms_id = path_items[2], int(path_items[4]) trace_id = self.env['mailing.trace'].sudo().search([('sms_sms_id_int', '=', sms_sms_id)]).id self.env['link.tracker.click'].sudo().add_click( code, ip='100.200.300.%3f' % random.random(), country_code='BE', mailing_trace_id=trace_id ) class MassSMSCommon(SMSCommon, MassSMSCase, MassMailCommon): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(MassSMSCommon, cls).setUpClass()