# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from . import models from . import report from . import wizard from . import controllers from odoo import SUPERUSER_ID, api def uninstall_hook(cr, registry): env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) warehouses = env["stock.warehouse"].search([]) subcontracting_routes = warehouses.mapped("subcontracting_route_id") warehouses.write({"subcontracting_route_id": False}) companies = env["res.company"].search([]) subcontracting_locations = companies.mapped("subcontracting_location_id") subcontracting_locations.active = False companies.write({"subcontracting_location_id": False}) operations_type_to_remove = (warehouses.subcontracting_resupply_type_id | warehouses.subcontracting_type_id) operations_type_to_remove.active = False # Fail unlink means that the route is used somewhere (e.g. route_id on stock.rule). In this case # we don't try to do anything. try: with env.cr.savepoint(): subcontracting_routes.unlink() operations_type_to_remove.unlink() except: pass