# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from hashlib import md5 from odoo import api, fields, models from odoo.tools.float_utils import float_split, float_repr SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES = ('ARS', 'BRL', 'CLP', 'COP', 'MXN', 'PEN', 'USD') class PaymentProvider(models.Model): _inherit = 'payment.provider' code = fields.Selection( selection_add=[('payulatam', 'PayU Latam')], ondelete={'payulatam': 'set default'}) payulatam_merchant_id = fields.Char( string="PayU Latam Merchant ID", help="The ID solely used to identify the account with PayULatam", required_if_provider='payulatam') payulatam_account_id = fields.Char( string="PayU Latam Account ID", help="The ID solely used to identify the country-dependent shop with PayULatam", required_if_provider='payulatam') payulatam_api_key = fields.Char( string="PayU Latam API Key", required_if_provider='payulatam', groups='base.group_system') @api.model def _get_compatible_providers(self, *args, currency_id=None, **kwargs): """ Override of payment to unlist PayU Latam providers for unsupported currencies. """ providers = super()._get_compatible_providers(*args, currency_id=currency_id, **kwargs) currency = self.env['res.currency'].browse(currency_id).exists() if currency and currency.name not in SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES: providers = providers.filtered(lambda p: p.code != 'payulatam') return providers def _payulatam_generate_sign(self, values, incoming=True): """ Generate the signature for incoming or outgoing communications. :param dict values: The values used to generate the signature :param bool incoming: Whether the signature must be generated for an incoming (PayU Latam to Odoo) or outgoing (Odoo to PayU Latam) communication. :return: The signature :rtype: str """ if incoming: # "Confirmation" and "Response" pages have a different way to calculate what they call the `new_value` if self.env.context.get('payulatam_is_confirmation_page'): # https://developers.payulatam.com/latam/en/docs/integrations/webcheckout-integration/confirmation-page.html#signature-validation # For confirmation page, PayU Latam round to the first digit if the second one is a zero # to generate their signature. # e.g: # 150.00 -> 150.0 # 150.26 -> 150.26 # This happens to be Python 3's default behavior when casting to `float`. new_value = "%d.%d" % float_split(float(values.get('TX_VALUE')), 2) else: # https://developers.payulatam.com/latam/en/docs/integrations/webcheckout-integration/response-page.html#signature-validation # PayU Latam use the "Round half to even" rounding method # to generate their signature. This happens to be Python 3's # default rounding method. new_value = float_repr(float(values.get('TX_VALUE')), 1) data_string = '~'.join([ self.payulatam_api_key, self.payulatam_merchant_id, values['referenceCode'], new_value, values['currency'], values.get('transactionState'), ]) else: data_string = '~'.join([ self.payulatam_api_key, self.payulatam_merchant_id, values['referenceCode'], float_repr(float(values['amount']), 2), values['currency'], ]) return md5(data_string.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()