# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. # Original Copyright 2015 Eezee-It, modified and maintained by Odoo. import hmac import logging import pprint from werkzeug.exceptions import Forbidden from odoo import http from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError from odoo.http import request _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SipsController(http.Controller): _return_url = '/payment/sips/return/' _webhook_url = '/payment/sips/webhook/' @http.route( _return_url, type='http', auth='public', methods=['POST'], csrf=False, save_session=False ) def sips_return_from_checkout(self, **data): """ Process the notification data sent by SIPS after redirection from checkout. The route is flagged with `save_session=False` to prevent Odoo from assigning a new session to the user if they are redirected to this route with a POST request. Indeed, as the session cookie is created without a `SameSite` attribute, some browsers that don't implement the recommended default `SameSite=Lax` behavior will not include the cookie in the redirection request from the payment provider to Odoo. As the redirection to the '/payment/status' page will satisfy any specification of the `SameSite` attribute, the session of the user will be retrieved and with it the transaction which will be immediately post-processed. :param dict data: The notification data """ _logger.info("handling redirection from SIPS with data:\n%s", pprint.pformat(data)) # Check the integrity of the notification tx_sudo = request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo()._get_tx_from_notification_data( 'sips', data ) self._verify_notification_signature(data, tx_sudo) # Handle the notification data tx_sudo._handle_notification_data('sips', data) return request.redirect('/payment/status') @http.route(_webhook_url, type='http', auth='public', methods=['POST'], csrf=False) def sips_webhook(self, **data): """ Process the notification data sent by SIPS to the webhook. :param dict data: The notification data :return: An empty string to acknowledge the notification :rtype: str """ _logger.info("notification received from SIPS with data:\n%s", pprint.pformat(data)) try: # Check the integrity of the notification tx_sudo = request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo()._get_tx_from_notification_data( 'sips', data ) self._verify_notification_signature(data, tx_sudo) # Handle the notification data tx_sudo._handle_notification_data('sips', data) except ValidationError: _logger.exception("unable to handle the notification data; skipping to acknowledge") return '' @staticmethod def _verify_notification_signature(notification_data, tx_sudo): """ Check that the received signature matches the expected one. :param dict notification_data: The notification data :param recordset tx_sudo: The sudoed transaction referenced by the notification data, as a `payment.transaction` record :return: None :raise: :class:`werkzeug.exceptions.Forbidden` if the signatures don't match """ # Retrieve the received signature from the data received_signature = notification_data.get('Seal') if not received_signature: _logger.warning("received notification with missing signature") raise Forbidden() # Compare the received signature with the expected signature computed from the data expected_signature = tx_sudo.provider_id._sips_generate_shasign(notification_data['Data']) if not hmac.compare_digest(received_signature, expected_signature): _logger.warning("received notification with invalid signature") raise Forbidden()