from odoo import Command from odoo.http import Request from odoo.tests.common import HttpCase, tagged @tagged('-at_install', 'post_install') class TestUsersHttp(HttpCase): def test_deactivate_portal_user(self): # Create a portal user with data which should be removed on deactivation login = 'portal_user' portal_user = self.env['res.users'].create({ 'name': login, 'login': login, 'password': login, 'groups_id': [Command.set([self.env.ref('base.group_portal').id])], }) self.env['res.users.apikeys'].with_user(portal_user)._generate(None, 'Portal API Key') portal_user.invalidate_recordset() self.assertTrue(portal_user.api_key_ids) # Request the deactivation of the portal account as portal through the route meant for this purpose self.authenticate(login, login) self.url_open('/my/deactivate_account', data={ 'validation': login, 'password': login, 'csrf_token': Request.csrf_token(self) }) # Assert the user is disabled, correctly renamed, the critical data is well removed. self.assertFalse( self.assertTrue(portal_user.login.startswith('__deleted_user_'))'SELECT password FROM res_users WHERE id = %s', []) [hashed] = # Assert the password is an empty string. In `check_credentials`, an empty string as password is invalid # so you are not able to login with an empty password. self.assertTrue(self.env['res.users']._crypt_context().verify('', hashed)) self.assertFalse(portal_user.api_key_ids) # Assert the deletion of the account is added to the deletion processing queue. self.assertTrue(self.env['res.users.deletion'].search([('user_id', '=',])) # Run the cron processing the deletion queue self.env['res.users.deletion']._gc_portal_users() # Assert the account is completely deleted self.assertFalse(portal_user.exists())