odoo.define('sale.tour_sale_signature', function (require) { 'use strict'; var tour = require('web_tour.tour'); // This tour relies on data created on the Python test. tour.register('sale_signature', { test: true, url: '/my/quotes', }, [ { content: "open the test SO", trigger: 'a:containsExact("test SO")', }, { content: "click sign", trigger: 'a:contains("Sign")', }, { content: "check submit is enabled", trigger: '.o_portal_sign_submit:enabled', run: function () {}, }, { content: "click select style", trigger: '.o_web_sign_auto_select_style a', }, { content: "click style 4", trigger: '.o_web_sign_auto_font_selection a:eq(3)', }, { content: "click submit", trigger: '.o_portal_sign_submit:enabled', }, { content: "check it's confirmed", trigger: '#quote_content:contains("Thank You")', }, { trigger: '#quote_content', run: function () { window.location.href = window.location.origin + '/web'; }, // Avoid race condition at the end of the tour by returning to the home page. }, { trigger: 'nav', run: function() {}, } ]); });