# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo.fields import Command from odoo.tests import Form, tagged from odoo.addons.sale.tests.common import TestSaleCommon @tagged('post_install', '-at_install') class TestSaleRefund(TestSaleCommon): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls, chart_template_ref=None): super().setUpClass(chart_template_ref=chart_template_ref) # Create the SO with four order lines cls.sale_order = cls.env['sale.order'].with_context(tracking_disable=True).create({ 'partner_id': cls.partner_a.id, 'partner_invoice_id': cls.partner_a.id, 'partner_shipping_id': cls.partner_a.id, 'pricelist_id': cls.company_data['default_pricelist'].id, 'order_line': [ Command.create({ 'product_id': cls.company_data['product_order_no'].id, 'product_uom_qty': 5, 'tax_id': False, }), Command.create({ 'product_id': cls.company_data['product_service_delivery'].id, 'product_uom_qty': 4, 'tax_id': False, }), Command.create({ 'product_id': cls.company_data['product_service_order'].id, 'product_uom_qty': 3, 'tax_id': False, }), Command.create({ 'product_id': cls.company_data['product_delivery_no'].id, 'product_uom_qty': 2, 'tax_id': False, }), ] }) ( cls.sol_prod_order, cls.sol_serv_deliver, cls.sol_serv_order, cls.sol_prod_deliver, ) = cls.sale_order.order_line # Confirm the SO cls.sale_order.action_confirm() # Create an invoice with invoiceable lines only payment = cls.env['sale.advance.payment.inv'].with_context({ 'active_model': 'sale.order', 'active_ids': [cls.sale_order.id], 'active_id': cls.sale_order.id, 'default_journal_id': cls.company_data['default_journal_sale'].id, }).create({ 'advance_payment_method': 'delivered' }) payment.create_invoices() cls.invoice = cls.sale_order.invoice_ids[0] def test_refund_create(self): # Validate invoice self.invoice.action_post() # Check quantity to invoice on SO lines for line in self.sale_order.order_line: if line.product_id.invoice_policy == 'delivery': self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 0.0, "Quantity to invoice should be same as ordered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 0.0, "Invoiced quantity should be zero as no any invoice created for SO") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, 0.0, "The amount to invoice should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, 0.0, "The invoiced amount should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertFalse(line.invoice_lines, "The line based on delivered qty are not invoiced, so they should not be linked to invoice line") else: if line == self.sol_prod_order: self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 0.0, "The ordered sale line are totally invoiced (qty to invoice is zero)") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 5.0, "The ordered (prod) sale line are totally invoiced (qty invoiced come from the invoice lines)") else: self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 0.0, "The ordered sale line are totally invoiced (qty to invoice is zero)") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 3.0, "The ordered (serv) sale line are totally invoiced (qty invoiced = the invoice lines)") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, line.price_unit * line.qty_to_invoice, "Amount to invoice is now set as qty to invoice * unit price since no price change on invoice, for ordered products") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, line.price_unit * line.qty_invoiced, "Amount invoiced is now set as qty invoiced * unit price since no price change on invoice, for ordered products") self.assertEqual(len(line.invoice_lines), 1, "The lines 'ordered' qty are invoiced, so it should be linked to 1 invoice lines") # Make a credit note credit_note_wizard = self.env['account.move.reversal'].with_context({'active_ids': [self.invoice.id], 'active_id': self.invoice.id, 'active_model': 'account.move'}).create({ 'refund_method': 'refund', # this is the only mode for which the SO line is linked to the refund (https://github.com/odoo/odoo/commit/e680f29560ac20133c7af0c6364c6ef494662eac) 'reason': 'reason test create', 'journal_id': self.invoice.journal_id.id, }) credit_note_wizard.reverse_moves() invoice_refund = self.sale_order.invoice_ids.sorted(key=lambda inv: inv.id, reverse=False)[-1] # the first invoice, its refund, and the new invoice # Check invoice's type and number self.assertEqual(invoice_refund.move_type, 'out_refund', 'The last created invoiced should be a refund') self.assertEqual(invoice_refund.state, 'draft', 'Last Customer invoices should be in draft') self.assertEqual(self.sale_order.invoice_count, 2, "The SO should have 2 related invoices: the original, the new refund") self.assertEqual(len(self.sale_order.invoice_ids.filtered(lambda inv: inv.move_type == 'out_refund')), 1, "The SO should be linked to only one refund") self.assertEqual(len(self.sale_order.invoice_ids.filtered(lambda inv: inv.move_type == 'out_invoice')), 1, "The SO should be linked to only one customer invoices") # At this time, the invoice 1 is opend (validated) and its refund is in draft, so the amounts invoiced are not zero for # invoiced sale line. The amounts only take validated invoice/refund into account. for line in self.sale_order.order_line: if line.product_id.invoice_policy == 'delivery': self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 0.0, "Quantity to invoice should be same as ordered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 0.0, "Invoiced quantity should be zero as no any invoice created for SO line based on delivered qty") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, 0.0, "The amount to invoice should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, 0.0, "The invoiced amount should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertFalse(line.invoice_lines, "The line based on delivered are not invoiced, so they should not be linked to invoice line") else: if line == self.sol_prod_order: self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 5.0, "As the refund is created, the invoiced quantity cancel each other (consu ordered)") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 0.0, "The qty to invoice should have decreased as the refund is created for ordered consu SO line") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, 0.0, "Amount to invoice is zero as the refund is not validated") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, line.price_unit * 5, "Amount invoiced is now set as unit price * ordered qty - refund qty) even if the ") self.assertEqual(len(line.invoice_lines), 2, "The line 'ordered consumable' is invoiced, so it should be linked to 2 invoice lines (invoice and refund)") else: self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 3.0, "As the refund is created, the invoiced quantity cancel each other (consu ordered)") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 0.0, "The qty to invoice should have decreased as the refund is created for ordered service SO line") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, 0.0, "Amount to invoice is zero as the refund is not validated") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, line.price_unit * 3, "Amount invoiced is now set as unit price * ordered qty - refund qty) even if the ") self.assertEqual(len(line.invoice_lines), 2, "The line 'ordered service' is invoiced, so it should be linked to 2 invoice lines (invoice and refund)") # Validate the refund invoice_refund.action_post() for line in self.sale_order.order_line: if line.product_id.invoice_policy == 'delivery': self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 0.0, "Quantity to invoice should be same as ordered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 0.0, "Invoiced quantity should be zero as no any invoice created for SO") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, 0.0, "The amount to invoice should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, 0.0, "The invoiced amount should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertFalse(line.invoice_lines, "The line based on delivered are not invoiced, so they should not be linked to invoice line") else: if line == self.sol_prod_order: self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 5.0, "As the refund still exists, the quantity to invoice is the ordered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 0.0, "The qty to invoice should be zero as, with the refund, the quantities cancel each other") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, line.price_unit * 5, "Amount to invoice is now set as qty to invoice * unit price since no price change on invoice, as refund is validated") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, 0.0, "Amount invoiced decreased as the refund is now confirmed") self.assertEqual(len(line.invoice_lines), 2, "The line 'ordered consumable' is invoiced, so it should be linked to 2 invoice lines (invoice and refund)") else: self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 3.0, "As the refund still exists, the quantity to invoice is the ordered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 0.0, "The qty to invoice should be zero as, with the refund, the quantities cancel each other") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, line.price_unit * 3, "Amount to invoice is now set as qty to invoice * unit price since no price change on invoice, as refund is validated") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, 0.0, "Amount invoiced decreased as the refund is now confirmed") self.assertEqual(len(line.invoice_lines), 2, "The line 'ordered service' is invoiced, so it should be linked to 2 invoice lines (invoice and refund)") def test_refund_cancel(self): """ Test invoice with a refund in 'cancel' mode, meaning a refund will be created and auto confirm to completely cancel the first customer invoice. The SO will have 2 invoice (customer + refund) in a paid state at the end. """ # Increase quantity of an invoice lines with Form(self.invoice) as invoice_form: with invoice_form.invoice_line_ids.edit(0) as line_form: line_form.quantity = 6 with invoice_form.invoice_line_ids.edit(1) as line_form: line_form.quantity = 4 # Validate invoice self.invoice.action_post() # Check quantity to invoice on SO lines for line in self.sale_order.order_line: if line.product_id.invoice_policy == 'delivery': self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 0.0, "Quantity to invoice should be same as ordered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 0.0, "Invoiced quantity should be zero as no any invoice created for SO") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, 0.0, "The amount to invoice should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, 0.0, "The invoiced amount should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertFalse(line.invoice_lines, "The line based on delivered qty are not invoiced, so they should not be linked to invoice line") else: self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, line.price_unit * line.qty_to_invoice, "Amount to invoice is now set as qty to invoice * unit price since no price change on invoice, for ordered products") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, line.price_unit * line.qty_invoiced, "Amount invoiced is now set as qty invoiced * unit price since no price change on invoice, for ordered products") self.assertEqual(len(line.invoice_lines), 1, "The lines 'ordered' qty are invoiced, so it should be linked to 1 invoice lines") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, line.product_uom_qty + 1, "The quantity invoiced is +1 unit from the one of the sale line, as we modified invoice lines (%s)" % (line.name,)) self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, -1, "The quantity to invoice is negative as we invoice more than ordered") # Make a credit note credit_note_wizard = self.env['account.move.reversal'].with_context({'active_ids': self.invoice.ids, 'active_id': self.invoice.id, 'active_model': 'account.move'}).create({ 'refund_method': 'cancel', 'reason': 'reason test cancel', 'journal_id': self.invoice.journal_id.id, }) invoice_refund = self.env['account.move'].browse(credit_note_wizard.reverse_moves()['res_id']) # Check invoice's type and number self.assertEqual(invoice_refund.move_type, 'out_refund', 'The last created invoiced should be a customer invoice') self.assertEqual(invoice_refund.payment_state, 'paid', 'Last Customer creadit note should be in paid state') self.assertEqual(self.sale_order.invoice_count, 2, "The SO should have 3 related invoices: the original, the refund, and the new one") self.assertEqual(len(self.sale_order.invoice_ids.filtered(lambda inv: inv.move_type == 'out_refund')), 1, "The SO should be linked to only one refund") self.assertEqual(len(self.sale_order.invoice_ids.filtered(lambda inv: inv.move_type == 'out_invoice')), 1, "The SO should be linked to only one customer invoices") # At this time, the invoice 1 is opened (validated) and its refund validated too, so the amounts invoiced are zero for # all sale line. All invoiceable Sale lines have for line in self.sale_order.order_line: if line.product_id.invoice_policy == 'delivery': self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 0.0, "Quantity to invoice should be same as ordered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 0.0, "Invoiced quantity should be zero as no any invoice created for SO line based on delivered qty") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, 0.0, "The amount to invoice should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, 0.0, "The invoiced amount should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertFalse(line.invoice_lines, "The line based on delivered are not invoiced, so they should not be linked to invoice line") else: self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, line.product_uom_qty, "The quantity to invoice should be the ordered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 0, "The quantity invoiced is zero as the refund (paid) completely cancel the first invoice") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, line.price_unit * line.qty_to_invoice, "Amount to invoice is now set as qty to invoice * unit price since no price change on invoice, for ordered products") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, line.price_unit * line.qty_invoiced, "Amount invoiced is now set as qty invoiced * unit price since no price change on invoice, for ordered products") self.assertEqual(len(line.invoice_lines), 2, "The lines 'ordered' qty are invoiced, so it should be linked to 1 invoice lines") def test_refund_modify(self): """ Test invoice with a refund in 'modify' mode, and check customer invoices credit note is created from respective invoice """ # Decrease quantity of an invoice lines with Form(self.invoice) as invoice_form: with invoice_form.invoice_line_ids.edit(0) as line_form: line_form.quantity = 3 with invoice_form.invoice_line_ids.edit(1) as line_form: line_form.quantity = 2 # Validate invoice self.invoice.action_post() # Check quantity to invoice on SO lines for line in self.sale_order.order_line: if line.product_id.invoice_policy == 'delivery': self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 0.0, "Quantity to invoice should be same as ordered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 0.0, "Invoiced quantity should be zero as no any invoice created for SO") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, 0.0, "The amount to invoice should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, 0.0, "The invoiced amount should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertFalse(line.invoice_lines, "The line based on delivered qty are not invoiced, so they should not be linked to invoice line") else: if line == self.sol_prod_order: self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 2.0, "The ordered sale line are totally invoiced (qty to invoice is zero)") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 3.0, "The ordered (prod) sale line are totally invoiced (qty invoiced come from the invoice lines)") else: self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 1.0, "The ordered sale line are totally invoiced (qty to invoice is zero)") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 2.0, "The ordered (serv) sale line are totally invoiced (qty invoiced = the invoice lines)") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, line.price_unit * line.qty_to_invoice, "Amount to invoice is now set as qty to invoice * unit price since no price change on invoice, for ordered products") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, line.price_unit * line.qty_invoiced, "Amount invoiced is now set as qty invoiced * unit price since no price change on invoice, for ordered products") self.assertEqual(len(line.invoice_lines), 1, "The lines 'ordered' qty are invoiced, so it should be linked to 1 invoice lines") # Make a credit note credit_note_wizard = self.env['account.move.reversal'].with_context({'active_ids': [self.invoice.id], 'active_id': self.invoice.id, 'active_model': 'account.move'}).create({ 'refund_method': 'modify', # this is the only mode for which the SO line is linked to the refund (https://github.com/odoo/odoo/commit/e680f29560ac20133c7af0c6364c6ef494662eac) 'reason': 'reason test modify', 'journal_id': self.invoice.journal_id.id, }) invoice_refund = self.env['account.move'].browse(credit_note_wizard.reverse_moves()['res_id']) # Check invoice's type and number self.assertEqual(invoice_refund.move_type, 'out_invoice', 'The last created invoiced should be a customer invoice') self.assertEqual(invoice_refund.state, 'draft', 'Last Customer invoices should be in draft') self.assertEqual(self.sale_order.invoice_count, 3, "The SO should have 3 related invoices: the original, the refund, and the new one") self.assertEqual(len(self.sale_order.invoice_ids.filtered(lambda inv: inv.move_type == 'out_refund')), 1, "The SO should be linked to only one refund") self.assertEqual(len(self.sale_order.invoice_ids.filtered(lambda inv: inv.move_type == 'out_invoice')), 2, "The SO should be linked to two customer invoices") # At this time, the invoice 1 and its refund are confirmed, so the amounts invoiced are zero. The third invoice # (2nd customer inv) is in draft state. for line in self.sale_order.order_line: if line.product_id.invoice_policy == 'delivery': self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 0.0, "Quantity to invoice should be same as ordered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 0.0, "Invoiced quantity should be zero as no any invoice created for SO") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, 0.0, "The amount to invoice should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, 0.0, "The invoiced amount should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertFalse(line.invoice_lines, "The line based on delivered are not invoiced, so they should not be linked to invoice line") else: if line == self.sol_prod_order: self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 2.0, "The qty to invoice does not change when confirming the new invoice (2)") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 3.0, "The ordered (prod) sale line does not change on invoice 2 confirmation") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, line.price_unit * 5, "Amount to invoice is now set as qty to invoice * unit price since no price change on invoice, for ordered products") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, 0.0, "Amount invoiced is zero as the invoice 1 and its refund are reconcilied") self.assertEqual(len(line.invoice_lines), 3, "The line 'ordered consumable' is invoiced, so it should be linked to 3 invoice lines (invoice and refund)") else: self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 1.0, "The qty to invoice does not change when confirming the new invoice (2)") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 2.0, "The ordered (serv) sale line does not change on invoice 2 confirmation") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, line.price_unit * 3, "Amount to invoice is now set as unit price * ordered qty - refund qty) even if the ") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, 0.0, "Amount invoiced is zero as the invoice 1 and its refund are reconcilied") self.assertEqual(len(line.invoice_lines), 3, "The line 'ordered service' is invoiced, so it should be linked to 3 invoice lines (invoice and refund)") # Change unit of ordered product on refund lines move_form = Form(invoice_refund) with move_form.invoice_line_ids.edit(0) as line_form: line_form.price_unit = 100 with move_form.invoice_line_ids.edit(1) as line_form: line_form.price_unit = 50 invoice_refund = move_form.save() # Validate the refund invoice_refund.action_post() for line in self.sale_order.order_line: if line.product_id.invoice_policy == 'delivery': self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 0.0, "Quantity to invoice should be same as ordered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 0.0, "Invoiced quantity should be zero as no any invoice created for SO") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, 0.0, "The amount to invoice should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, 0.0, "The invoiced amount should be zero, as the line based on delivered quantity") self.assertFalse(line.invoice_lines, "The line based on delivered are not invoiced, so they should not be linked to invoice line, even after validation") else: if line == self.sol_prod_order: self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 2.0, "The qty to invoice does not change when confirming the new invoice (3)") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 3.0, "The ordered sale line are totally invoiced (qty invoiced = ordered qty)") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, 1100.0, "") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, 300.0, "") self.assertEqual(len(line.invoice_lines), 3, "The line 'ordered consumable' is invoiced, so it should be linked to 2 invoice lines (invoice and refund), even after validation") else: self.assertEqual(line.qty_to_invoice, 1.0, "The qty to invoice does not change when confirming the new invoice (3)") self.assertEqual(line.qty_invoiced, 2.0, "The ordered sale line are totally invoiced (qty invoiced = ordered qty)") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, 170.0, "") self.assertEqual(line.untaxed_amount_invoiced, 100.0, "") self.assertEqual(len(line.invoice_lines), 3, "The line 'ordered service' is invoiced, so it should be linked to 2 invoice lines (invoice and refund), even after validation") def test_refund_invoice_with_downpayment(self): sale_order_refund = self.env['sale.order'].create({ 'partner_id': self.partner_a.id, 'partner_invoice_id': self.partner_a.id, 'partner_shipping_id': self.partner_a.id, 'pricelist_id': self.company_data['default_pricelist'].id, }) sol_product = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({ 'product_id': self.company_data['product_order_no'].id, 'product_uom_qty': 5, 'order_id': sale_order_refund.id, 'tax_id': False, }) self.assertRecordValues(sol_product, [{ 'price_unit': 280.0, 'discount': 0.0, 'product_uom_qty': 5.0, 'qty_to_invoice': 0.0, 'invoice_status': 'no', }]) sale_order_refund.action_confirm() self.assertEqual(sol_product.qty_to_invoice, 5.0) self.assertEqual(sol_product.invoice_status, 'to invoice') so_context = { 'active_model': 'sale.order', 'active_ids': [sale_order_refund.id], 'active_id': sale_order_refund.id, 'default_journal_id': self.company_data['default_journal_sale'].id, } downpayment = self.env['sale.advance.payment.inv'].with_context(so_context).create({ 'advance_payment_method': 'percentage', 'amount': 50, 'deposit_account_id': self.company_data['default_account_revenue'].id }) downpayment.create_invoices() # order_line[1] is the down payment section sol_downpayment = sale_order_refund.order_line[2] dp_invoice = sale_order_refund.invoice_ids[0] dp_invoice.action_post() self.assertRecordValues(sol_downpayment, [{ 'price_unit': 700.0, 'discount': 0.0, 'invoice_status': 'to invoice', 'untaxed_amount_to_invoice': -700.0, 'untaxed_amount_invoiced': 700.0, 'product_uom_qty': 0.0, 'qty_invoiced': 1.0, 'qty_to_invoice': -1.0, }]) payment = self.env['sale.advance.payment.inv'].with_context(so_context).create({ 'deposit_account_id': self.company_data['default_account_revenue'].id }) payment.create_invoices() so_invoice = max(sale_order_refund.invoice_ids) self.assertEqual(len(so_invoice.invoice_line_ids.filtered(lambda l: not (l.display_type == 'line_section' and l.name == "Down Payments"))), len(sale_order_refund.order_line.filtered(lambda l: not (l.display_type == 'line_section' and l.name == "Down Payments"))), 'All lines should be invoiced') self.assertEqual(len(so_invoice.invoice_line_ids.filtered(lambda l: l.display_type == 'line_section' and l.name == "Down Payments")), 1, 'A single section for downpayments should be present') self.assertEqual(so_invoice.amount_total, sale_order_refund.amount_total - sol_downpayment.price_unit, 'Downpayment should be applied') so_invoice.action_post() credit_note_wizard = self.env['account.move.reversal'].with_context({'active_ids': [so_invoice.id], 'active_id': so_invoice.id, 'active_model': 'account.move'}).create({ 'refund_method': 'refund', 'reason': 'reason test refund with downpayment', 'journal_id': so_invoice.journal_id.id, }) credit_note_wizard.reverse_moves() invoice_refund = sale_order_refund.invoice_ids.sorted(key=lambda inv: inv.id, reverse=False)[-1] invoice_refund.action_post() self.assertEqual(sol_product.qty_to_invoice, 5.0, "As the refund still exists, the quantity to invoice is the ordered quantity") self.assertEqual(sol_product.qty_invoiced, 0.0, "The qty invoiced should be zero as, with the refund, the quantities cancel each other") self.assertEqual(sol_product.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, sol_product.price_unit * 5, "Amount to invoice is now set as qty to invoice * unit price since no price change on invoice, as refund is validated") self.assertEqual(sol_product.untaxed_amount_invoiced, 0.0, "Amount invoiced decreased as the refund is now confirmed") self.assertEqual(len(sol_product.invoice_lines), 2, "The product line is invoiced, so it should be linked to 2 invoice lines (invoice and refund)") self.assertEqual(sol_downpayment.qty_to_invoice, -1.0, "As the downpayment was invoiced separately, it will still have to be deducted from the total invoice (hence -1.0), after the refund.") self.assertEqual(sol_downpayment.qty_invoiced, 1.0, "The qty to invoice should be 1 as, with the refund, the products are not invoiced anymore, but the downpayment still is") self.assertEqual(sol_downpayment.untaxed_amount_to_invoice, -(sol_product.price_unit * 5)/2, "Amount to invoice decreased as the refund is now confirmed") self.assertEqual(sol_downpayment.untaxed_amount_invoiced, (sol_product.price_unit * 5)/2, "Amount invoiced is now set as half of all products' total amount to invoice, as refund is validated") self.assertEqual(len(sol_downpayment.invoice_lines), 3, "The product line is invoiced, so it should be linked to 3 invoice lines (downpayment invoice, partial invoice and refund)")